dragonkid11's Corner of Story and Setting Construction


A random creator
Hello guys, so as someone who has always been having rich imagination and ideas but still not tell nearly anyone about it due to sheer laziness and paranoia, I decided to finally break that barrier and write in stuff here. Maybe that will get my brain juice running even more, I dunno.

The following ideas I'm going to talk about are going to be my original ideas coming in two different parts, Create-Verse setting and Solo-Verse setting.
-Create-Verse is a massive multi-dimensional setting in which several of my ideas will be connected together in one big massive crossover setting. All these settings will exist and be written on their own unhindered by others settings until one convergence point exists between all of them that will occur way past the setting origin storylines.
-Solo-Verse on the other hand stands for story that exists in its own setting and no more, these are mostly completely random ideas that just pop in my mind and I couldn't figure out where to put in Create-Verse, they might change their status as part of Create-Verse one day but I don't know that either.

As Create-Verse has multiple settings exist in one similar multiverse, there's a couple terminology of technology and entity I would like to mention that will remain constant throughout the multiverse to avoid confusion.
-Relativity Reactor
The Relativity Reactor is a device that could create matter and energy out of 'Nothing'. It is often shaped like a circular ring-shaped device with a hollow center to allow for ripple of space to exist upon receiving specific electromagnetic frequency for the materialization of matter and energy. The ring structure acts as a stabilizer as well as initiator of the wormhole, allow it to exist past a fraction of a second. More often than not, Relativity Reactor is created by initial massive injection of energy (megaton nuclear detonation at minimum) at a very tiny point right at the center of the ring stabilizer. This is also why more often than not the Relativity Reactor is made to withstand heavy punishment such as close range nuclear detonation or worse due to its high energy production process.
-Exotic Elements
Exotic Elements is essentially alternative elemental series based upon different rules or even base components. Elements as we know are made out of proton and neutrons, which is then made out of elementary particles called Quack. The idea is that these Exotic Elements are outright different because of different Quack interaction which forms different base components which the elements of this alternative series are built upon. The Exotic Elements serve as the basis of supermaterial or metamaterial upon which many technologies of the Create-Verse setting is built upon. Essentially, the exotic elements allow the magic of the setting to happen. While mostly not naturally occurring in the universe for obvious reason, the Relativity Reactor can be used to create Exotic Elements very easily, causing a huge surge of technology in many setting of this multiverse
Basically, the precursor of just about everything that have occured in the setting. Despite several races worshiped them as a divine force and created by them, nobody was sure how the Creator looked like or even what their original species name is called as every single artifacts linked to them called them the Creator. Although the Creators are no longer in the multiverse, their influence and effect of their actions are affecting just about everything in the setting from background to what is happening right now.

Now with that done, here's current list of ideas I have. (More details in the link when I actually write them)
-Project Elemental
Unknown to humanity, there has been a secret war between two races of advanced alien races since thousands of years ago. The Elemental, a robot race on Mar that can disguise as human, wants to protect humanity on Earth until they grow as a society to reach the star themselves to an ancient prophecy, and the Pathwalker, a psychic race on Moon that resembles human and yet so different, wants to take human's place on Earth and fulfill the prophecy themselves. With both sides having reviving technology, nobody on both sides are at risk of true death. Any traces of battle simply vanished as human close to each battle are put in stasis in pocket dimension and any damage to the surrounding were repaired quickly no matter how bad. With the war dragged on nonstop for thousands of years, even the youngsters of both races are beginning to wonder if both sides fought for reasons that has been long forgotten, or just for boredom and entertainment.
-Project ESDF
With war among the star advanced to the point that any non-augmented organic interaction past the planning board is pointless, even infantry warfare, alien corporate wanted to hire human as a military force to potentially proof that a soldier could still matter in a war full of drones and AI.
-Project Queen
Originally part of a Scout regiment in a new alien world, a legionnaire soldier of the B'siotak Legion found himself stuck in another world after his regiment was annihilated by a completely unknown enemy. Determined to find out who the enemy is and a new way to go home, the soldier went on a journey through this new alien fantasy world.

After all, they already ruled Earth, it couldn't be that hard to try again on another world, right?
-Project World War
20 years since the war with the alien has ended, who seek to harvest the elements out of the ground and off human body. The walkers, which has once proved successful in dealing with the alien warfare doctrine, were now getting obsolete in the face of human warfare. Now it's year 1939, and the aliens are back. Will the walkers be able to prove themselves to be viable once more as the light of humanity in the darkness of war?
-Project MAD
It's the 26th century and humanity is bored. Post-scarcity has solved many problems, poverty, hunger, sickness, homelessness, but never boredom. As such, with near unlimited resource, humanity pushed entertainment to the max as safe gladiatorial fight with giant robots weighed in the tens of thousands of tons known as MAD could be viewed on the web all over the human colonies and core system. One man thrived to go even further beyond as he tried to put the very first MAD in history back together as his AI partner in this world full of adventure.

So, that's what I wrote here so far, I hope some of you here that have read this are somewhat interested in them.