Dragonball Z: Tournament of the Drunks

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Chapter 1: The Tournament Aproaches
Chapter 2: The Tournament Begins
Chapter 3...
Chapter 1: The Tournament Approaches​



"Oh, Whis. Why are you waking me up so early? I still have a year left on my nap." groaned the purple cat man known as Beerus, Hakaishin for the 7th universe of the 12.

"My apologies, Lord Beerus, however something urgent has come up."

"I don't care, Whis." said the grumpy god, drawing out the word 'care' quite deliberately.

"Lord Vino is-"

Beerus shot up, immediately awake. Lord Vino was the Hakaishin of the 1st universe, and the leader, for lack of a better term, of their group.

He was also, to put it simply, the strongest being in all of everything, which had rather a lot to do with being their leader.

"Lord Vino wants to talk to me?" he practically squeeked.

"It's more of a general talk, sir. He's called a tele-conference of the Hakaishin. He's done this before, mind you. We have some equipment for it in the basement."

"Right, right." Beerus said, calmly down. At least this meant Lord Vino wasn't angry with him. That was a truly scary prospect. "Set it up. I need to get myself presentable."


"I can't believe that damn cat and his babysitter are keeping us waiting." Groused a rather burly man. His skin was a shade of yellow that did not blind the eyes, and his copious amounts of hair was the rusty color of dried blood. He stood 8 feet tall, though he was currently sitting. For clothing, he wore nothing but boots, gloves, and a wrestling uniform. He was Kavod, Hakaishin for the Fourth Universe.

"Calm down, I'm sure Lord Vino will deliver them an appropriate punishment." replied a woman with bubblegum pink hair and vibrant red skin. She stood shorter than Vodka, but was still on the taller side. She was much slimmer, but as a Hakaishin, nowhere near weak. She was Mary, Hakaishin for the 5th universe, and Kavod's prized pupil.

"Don't talk like you know anything" sniped the other woman in the meeting. She was bald, and posessed Lime green skin. "You're the newest Hakaishin, I'm the 4th oldest." Her name was Aile, Hakaishin of the 8th universe.

"Whatever, wrinkly." Replied Mary

"Why you little-"

"Show some decorum, lades." An old voice said wearily. It belong to a powder blue skinned, wrinkly, hunchback of a man. His name was Cide, and he was the Hakaishin for the 3rd universe. Incidently, he was the Third strongest of the Gods of Destruction. Mary and Aile clamped up, knowing that unlike his superiors, Cid was not friendly in the slightest.

Fortunately, a distraction soon presented itself. Two flickering forms appeared in the starry void their holograms all floated in. Beerus, a number 7 floating below him, and Whis, a number 2 in similar position.

"Good. Now that we're all here, I can make my announcement." spoke Vino. He was the shortest of them all, a head shorter than Aile. His skin was the color of Green Tea and his hair was eggshell white.

"In one year's time, the Tournament of Gods will commence. You have until then to select a team of 5 combatants to compete on your behalf."

Whis had a fond smile on his face at this news, whilst Cid's smirk was savage.

"I now take my leave. If you have any further matters to discuss between you, you may do so now.

As their leader made his exit the Hakaishin of the 12th universe, a short, lavender skinned man with an appearance not unlike a Mole's, muttered "How peculiar. I've never heard of such a tournament."

"It's only held every 1,000,000,000 years." Whis answered "It's no surprise you've never heard of it, Lord Bur. Only myself and Lord Cid, and of course Lord Vino, have ever competed."

"What's the point of this, anyway?" Said the impetuous Logger, Hakaishin of the 9th universe. He was Aile's Younger brother, with long caramel hair that reached the ground.

"In the past, it was used to determine the ranks of Hakaishin." Cid explained. "It was little more than a tournament between Hakaishin. The winner's universe was considered the best. But as the original Hakaishin died off, the tournament changed. First, they increased the weight between each tournament. 15,000 years, to 1,000,000, to 500,000,000. After Lord Vino won thrice in a row, he overhauled it. Made the weight 1,000,000,000 years, and changed the rules so that instead of the Hakaishin fighting directly, they used teams. The Hakaishin with the winning team gets to challenge a higher ranked Hakaishin for their rank."

"Sounds pointless if you ask me." Said Quila , Hakaishin of the 11th universe. He had green scaley skin, with orange bone protrusions on his head that resembled a Mohawk and goatee. Over all, he gave off the air of a thug. "Then again, pointless fights are the best kind. Just you, the other guy, and your fists."

Brandy, Hakaishin of the 10th universe, stayed silent as was his custom. His body was rotund, but his face highly expressive. It was clear that he was excited for the upcoming events, though he was disdainful of Quila's brutishness. The Hakaishin of the 6th universe, a Monkey like creature known as Gin, screeched in anticipation.

His screech was annoying enough that the rest of the Hakaishin soon departed.


"So, Lord Beerus. We need to recruit you a team of representatives." Whis said casually once the conference had concluded.

"Yes, we do. The question is, who is strong enough to represent me?" Beerus replied. They were standing outside, looking up at the sky.

"Well I imagine most of the other gods will be sending their adepts. You could do so as well."

"Adepts?" Beerus questioned.

"Yes, people being trained to take over your position when you die. They're essentially your students."

"I didn't know I had any." he yawned.

Whis looked thoughtful for a moment, then smacked his head. "Right, I never told told you about them because you were sleeping. How thoughtless of me."

"Regardless, I can't send people who's merit i haven't tested personally. They're going to be representing me, after all."

"I see your point Lord Beerus. How will you test them?"

Beerus grinned to himself "Well, they need to prove they can handle themselves in a tournament, do they not? I can't think of any better solution that putting them through a tournament of my own."

"Oh, what a marvelous idea!"

"Indeed. We'll make preparations immediately. Scour the timelines for participants, make sure to invite that Goku fellow I fought 2 years ago."

"At once Lord Beerus."

"Before you go, I have a question. Discounting my own team, who do you our biggest threats will be?"

"Hmm, a good question milord. Lord Cid was the winner of the previous Tournament, though he failed his rank challenge. Lord Kavod's adepts are highly skilled, the fact that one of them has become a Hakaishin speaks volumes. However, i'd say the biggest threat will be Lord Bur's team"

"Really? He's the weakest of the Hakaishin." Beerus replied. He was not shocked, but he was surprised.

"That's half the reason why he's the biggest threat. He's underestimated because of his weakness, but that same weakness forces him to develope deviousness that the rest of us Hakaishin lack."

"And what is the other half of your reasoning?"

"For all his weakness, he's an excellent tutor. I'd wager that all of his adepts are stronger than he is. His talents as a teacher are not to be ignored."


The preparations took 6 months, and sending out the invitations took a further month. Fighters had been called from numerous different timelines, yet oddly enough the majority hailed from the planet Earth.

The day had finally arrived, the tournement was about to start.


Author's Note: Here's the 1st chapter, compiled and edited. I changed 'God Of Destruction' to "Hakaishin" as it is less unwieldy.

The Full list of Hakaishin is here.

12. Bur
11. Quila
10. Brandy
9. Logger
8. Aile
7. Beerus
6. Gin
5. Mary
4. Kavod
3. Cid
2. Whis
1. Vino
Chapter 3: Vegeta's Pride​
Orb Arena 1:

All around, fighters and warriors sortied, staying just long enough to land a hit or two before retreating or being interrupted by a new foe. Yet a midst the chaos, some fighters remained still. It was an indication of their caliber. Though leaping into battle was not by any indication a sign of weakness, the warrior's with true power understood a fundamental truth. That with patience, a worthy opponent would gravitate to them.

One warrior of such caliber was the hero of time, Trunks. He'd traveled through time, defeated the evil Frieza and his father, trained with his father Vegeta, and defeated the androids plaguing his own time. Since then he'd continued to train, helped rebuild his home and become a Time Patrol Officer. This Trunks waited patiently for an opponent, and was rewarded with an opponent. One with a familiar face.

"You know, I've heard a lot of stories about you." Trunks, who had grown up with his father and his friend Goten. His hair flashed to blond, and he grinned. "Always wanted to see how I measured up."

His other self grinned, his own hair flashing Platinum blond, and the battle was joined. The time traveller raised his arm and blocked a blow from Trunks, who did a backflip that brought both his feet into the other Trunks' chin. The future warrior was sent flying into the air, incidently knocking out a pair of Cui's and a Guldo. He quickly stabilized himself, and then veered right, dodging and energy beam that wound up vaporizing a Cell Jr. The blond warrior rushed into the air with a strong uppercut, but he platinum blond foe dodged it and landed a kick to his back that sent him plummeting to the ground. He then descended himself.

As he landed, an Android 19 tried to interupt, only to receive a fist through his head. Off to the side, he heard a Ginyu begin to shout "Change Now!" and quickly threw his sword into the man's mouth before he could finish.

"Good idea!" the blond Trunks said, before drawing his own sword. The platinum blond Trunks telekinetically retrieved his own blade, blocking a downward slash from his opponent. The blond Trunks launched a flurry of blows that the platinum blond blocked with expert precision. The boy from the future had been trained by an expert if rusty swordsman, whilst his opponent was talented but not trained with the blade. When he saw an opening, he parried the other's blade away and thrust out a hand, enveloping Trunks in burning ki.
Elsewhere in the arena, Vegeta faced Vegeta

"I can't believe I could be so pathetic!" taunted Prince Vegeta, who was from a universe where their homeworld was not destroyed.

Vegeta, who was from the universe where Lord Beerus had visited Earth during his wife's birthday, looked at himself with disinterest. "Go away. I'm waiting for opponents who are worth by time."

Prince Vegeta's race broke out into a rage "You insolent wretch!" he shouted, then thrust his arms forward firing a ki blast at his counterpart, who nonchalantly batted it away. Prince Vegeta gaped, then growled before rushing forward at Vegeta. Vegeta dodged the prince's first blow with ease, and every blow thereafter. It was clear to anyone with a clear head that he was completely out of the prince's league. Nevertheless, the prince refused to concede

"I refuse! I refuse to lose to some no good blood traitor!" Prince Vegeta shouted in the midst of a fury of punches.

Vegeta suddenly caught his hand by the wrist, stopping him cold. He quirked an eyebrow and asked "And what is the supposed to mean?"

"Don't play dumb! I saw you before you entered the arena. You kissed to filthy human! I refuse to let anyone with my face show that kind of weakness!"

Now Vegeta was mad. He released Prince Vegeta's wrist and flared his energy, sending the prince skidding back.

"I won't let anyone insult my wife! Whereas you base your strength on pride as feeble as bone, i have realised true strength! True strength comes from the drive to protect those you care about! Tell me you lowly prince, have you staggered the God of Destruction?! I have, for the sake of those I love!"

With that, there was a golden flash, and Prince Vegeta could only stare in awe as his counterpart became the legend, the myth, became a Super Sayian.

'Is that what he meant those years ago? Is that the secret of Bardock's ascension?' Prince Vegeta thought, before Vegeta suddenly disappeared. He reappeared directly in front of the prince, his fist cocked back. Unable to help himself, the prince closed his eyes in fear as Vegeta struck. But he did not feel the impact of a fist upon his head. After a moment, he opened his eyes. Vegeta had halted his fist a mere inch from Prince Vegeta's forehead. Then, with a smirk, Vegeta flicked Prince Vegeta, knock him out cold.

Then he turned to face his real opponent.

"Hello Father. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Trunks, the warrior of the future, greeted.


Orb Arena 2:

There was no mechanism in place for sorting through the various worlds and ensuring that the preliminaries were held evenly. Thus, whilst some of the arenas still raged with numerous fighters, others were already winding down. This was one such arena. Only two combatants remained here.

One of them was an android with a remarkably similar appearance to 17, though admittedly a bit younger. He was known as Nimu.

The other was more odd. It's appearance was undeniably robotic. It was covered head to toe in blue metallic armor, which was generally boxy in appearance. It's abdominals and upper chest had the appearance of vents, and it's head was a rectangular box with two glowing eyes. It was known only as The Earthknight.

Nimu rushed towards the Earthknight with great speed. He'd noticed early on that the armored enemy was slow, sluggish. It relied on it's incredibly fire power to overcome it's opponents. Nimu knew that, if he utilized his own speed, then he could dodge the Earthknight's attacks and pound it to scrap.

The Earthknight ascended into the air, attempting to get a better bead on the approaching Android. Nimu smirked, veered left to avoid a blast, and rushed to a point directly below the Earthknight. He shot in the air, knowing that the Earthknight was too slow to reorient itself.

Then, when he was just a yard from the metal knight, the Earthknight changed position swiftly. "Gotcha." It said in a heavily modulated voice, as it blasted Nimu in the chest, sending him straight through the arena itself.

Arena 2 winner: Earthknight.
Orb Arena 1:

"Son, it's good to see you. Have you improved?" Vegeta asked Trunks, as greeting

"Yes, i have father. And I'm ready to show you."

Vegeta smiled, and took a fighting stance. "Trunks, you learned the secret of power long before I did. So show me the strength you've gained!"

Trunks began to power up, energy rolling off him tumultuously. Finally, with a scream he ascended, transforming from a Super Sayian to the next level, becoming a Super Sayian 2. With a smirk, he disappeared, reappearing in front of his father with a mighty uppercut. Vegeta was on guard, and dodged the attack, but it had just been a feint. In the same instant, Trunks jabbed his other hand forward, striking Vegeta in the chest with a fireball of ki. Vegeta flared his ki, dissipating the fire and disrupting Trunk's movements.

Vegeta raised his hand and wordlessly fired a Big Bang Attack. Trunks drew his sword and cut the blast in half, the two halves continuing onward and killing a pair of Friezas. Doing so left Trunks open for a powerful uppercut. The blow caused his grip on his sword to slacken, and as the blade fell to the floor, Vegeta continued with a barrage of jabs to the chest. Trunks broke the combo with a backflip, trying to land a double kick on Vegeta's chin, but his father managed to avoid it with a backstep.

Trunks took advantage and delivered a left hook to Vegeta's head, segueing into an elbow strike to his side and then into a spin kick to the stomach that left Vegeta doubled over. Finally, Trunks held out both palms and fired a point blank wave of burning ki.

Vegeta was steadfast, and refused to be moved by the inundation of fire. When the blast ended, Trunks immediately jumped back to avoid any potential surprise attacks. When his father stood, all the clothing on his upper body destroyed, Trunks smiled and called out. "I knew you were strong father, but I honestly didn't expect that you'd make me bring out my secret weapon so soon in the tournament."

Trunks began to power up, the lightning in his aura growing even more intense. He extended two of his fingers on his right hand, and collected lightning at the tip. Vegeta formed two Big Bang Attacks, but instead of firing them, he combined them into a ball bigger than he was.

"Shocking Attack!" Trunks called out, thrusting his fingers forward and loosing the lightning bolt.

"Final Bang!" Vegeta called as he shot his oversized ki ball. The two attacks met and, briefly, were equal. But slowly, Trunks attack began to push Vegeta's back. Trunks walked forward, further pushing the Final Ban backwards. Vegeta struggled, but soon the Final Bang was right at his palm.

With a Roar, Vegeta became a Super Sayian 2 himself, and flooded the final bang with more power. The Ki ball surged forward and over came Trunks, who could only cross his arms as a meager defense.

When the attack disapated,Trunks slumped forward, unable to stand. But before he hit the ground, his father caught him.

Orb Arena 1 Winner: Vegeta
Chapter 4: Vegito's world

Orb Arena 7

Only two opponents were left standing on this floating battlefield. One was the stoic Namekian warrior, Piccolo. The other was a familiar yet unfamiliar face. He was, unmistakably, an 11 year old Son Gohan. Yet, he was no mere Super Saiyan. Nor was he a Super Saiyan 2. Without a doubt, he was a Super Saiyan 3.

The boy, who's mane was longer than he was tall, was in the midst of a passionate flurry of blows, which the stoic Namekian dodged with a cool ease. He brought a knee up into the boys chin. The Boy was sent flying into the air, but quickly stopped himself.

"Masenko!" he shouted, firing the trademark attack. Piccolo countered with a Masenko of his own. The attacks collided, causing a huge explosion. Gohan, using the explosion as cover, appeared behind Piccolo with Instant Transmission. With a smirk, he fired a Kamehameha, and scored a direct hit...on Piccolo's afterimage. A massive energy wave surged up from the ground, consuming him. When the light cleared, Piccolo pulled himself up from the ground, and looked at the unconscious boy.

Orb Arena 7 Winner: Piccolo

Orb Arena 12

With a smug grin, Vegito ducked and weaved through every attack his two opponent's sent his way. He sent Gohan flying with a light kick to the stomach, and did the same with Trunks.

To someone from the universe where Goku had done battle with Beerus, Gohan looked much the same as he had during the conflict with Majin Buu's super form, save that his kame gi was purple rather than the standard orange. Trunks, on the other had, was considerably different. His hair was a light blue rather than the familiar lavender, though his chest was covered head in lavender fur. He was what was known in another universe as a Super Saiyan 4.

"You two need to face facts, you're out of your league. Give up." Vegito said to them, his voice his own, not simply Goku's and Vegeta's.

"We'll never give up. Not until we get our father's back!" Trunks shouted.

Vegito lost his grin, and flared his ki, becoming a Super Saiyan. "Face the facts! I am neither Goku nor Vegeta. I am my own man!"

Gohan's hands flew to his forehead and a blinding light flashed. Trunks threw his hand forward, firing off a powder blue Final Shine.

Gohan appeared behind Vegito with Instant Transmission, and launched his own attack, a Super Dodonpa.

As the two attacks approached him, he did a perfect split, simultaneously kicking both attacks out of existence. As both of the Saiyans gaped, Vegeta appeared next to Gohan and chopped him in the back of the neck, knocking him out. An instant later, he was behind Trunks. He lazily ducked under a chop, and knocked him out just as easily. As he fell, the Super Saiyan 4 reverted to his real body, that of a 7 year old boy.

Orb Arena 12 winner: Vegito.

Vegito reverted back to his base form, as he felt 4 people float up behind him. Turning, he scowled at the 4.

Piccolo. Broly. Cell. Frieza. "What do you losers want. In case you haven't noticed, I just secured my spot in the finals."

"As have we." Piccolo stated tersely.

"We're gonna give you one last chance. Let your self be defused. Return Son Goku and Vegeta to life." Frieza commanded.

"Not a chance. I won't just stand by and get killed just so you can have them back."

"That is your decision." Broly replied. "But we will not stand by whilst they are trapped within you."

Piccolo, Frieza, and Broly flew off. Cell made to leave as well, but before he did so, he turned to Vegito, smiled...and flipped him off.
Chapter 5: Stop, Goku Time
Orb Arena 3

Up in the air, two figures clashed. One of them was a shirtless male in cargo pants, who's chest was covered in red fur. He was none other than Son Goku, one from another world.

The other was a woman in a blue gi, her hair long and platinum blond, her muscles toned. She was Son Diao. Diao-chan to her friends. In another world, she would have been a male named Son Goku.

Down on the 'ground', the god Son Goku watched their battle. He was one of the few on that arena that could even see them moving at such speeds.

"He's right over here." Goten said from behind him. Goku cocked his head back to look, and saw his son, who'd clearly been in a fight. There were three people with him. One was another Goten, one with platinum blond hair. Judging from the state of his clothes, he was the one his Goten had fought, and he'd definitely won. The other two, he didn't recognise. One was a a powder blue skinned man wearing the robes of Earth's guardian. The other was an aged man with grey hair and a mustache, wearing Saiyan armor.

"Hey dad, i found some people who wanted to meet you." His Goten said. "This is another me, Garlic Jr., and Bardock."

"Nice to meetcha. I'm Goku." Goku said cheerfully.

"I know, I knew you in my timeline." Garlic replied


"There's been certain, complications recently. I'll tell you about it later. I'm fairly certain you'll be the winner in this arena."

"What makes you say that?" Goku asked.

It was Bardock who answered, point up to the fighting Saiyans. "You're completely calm despite the power those two are tossing around. And you're not having a bit of trouble keeping up with their movements."

"I guess you've got a point there." he said, rubbing the back of his head. "Anyway, what did you guys wanna talk about."

"I just wanted to see how strong you were" the blond Goten said cheerfully. Then he leapt at Goku, aiming a spin kick at his head.

Goku blocked it with a single finger. Goten grinned, and backflipped away, before rushing straight back into the fray. "Scissors, Rock, paper! Janken Punch." He shouted, starting his father's classic combo. Goku parried the eye poke, and blocked the punch and palm strike. Goten disappeared with Instant Transmission and reappeared ten feet away, a Kamehameha charged in his palms. With a shout, he launched his attack. It struck home, and did absolutely nothing.

"Told you he was really strong." the black haired Goten bragged.

"Yeah, you were totally right." the blond Goten panted.

"That was fun." Goku said "You clearly take your training seriously."

Goten rubbed the back of his head. "Not as seriously as i should have. I was kinda born lucky."

"What do you mean?" the other Goten said.

"I've been a Super Sayian since the moment i was born. Don't have an off button on it." The blond Goten replied. Bardock gaped it shock, whilst Goku looked intrigued.

"That explains your hair. My Goten never had that kind of patience." Goku commented. Then he turned to Bardock and questioned "So what did you want? Did you wanna fight me too?"

"No, no. I know i don't really stand a chance. I wanted to talk to you because-"

Son Dian and the Super Saiyan 4 Son Goku clashed with dueling yellow and red Kamehamehas, punctuating Bardock's next words. "-I'm your father."

Goku's eyes widened slightly, and he said the first thing that came to mind. "Neat."

Orb Arena 9

Cell ducked under a punch from Bojack and retaliated with a kick. Bojack jumped back to avoid it, firing off a pair of ki blasts to buy himself some distance. Cell evaded the blasts, and jumped into pursuit.

Then Broly landed on him, smashing Cell into the ground. Broly grinned sadistically, then turned his eye to Bojack, who responded with a large ki blast. Broly flew straight through it and aimed a Clothesline at Bojack, who ducked under it and jabbed Broly directly in his old stab wound. Broly winced, then doubled over as a Kamehameha struck him in the back. Bojack turned to see who fired it, just in time to see Cell spin in and kick him in the face.

Broly growled, and stood up, before pivoting to punch Cell in the face. Cell side stepped and fired to quick Dodon rays, one striking Bojack in the chest and the other hitting Broly in the eye.

Broly roared, and rushed Cell, cutting him in half with a double chop. Cell grabbed broly by the wrists and swung himself so that his regenerating legs uppercutted Broly.

Broly hit the ground but quickly got to his feet, right as Cell landed.

Then the heard a shout


A man dressed in a ridiculous outfit flew in from the side, his foot outstretched. "KICK!!!" he finished, as his foot impacted Broly's face. Broly hit the ground, unconscious.

Bojack rushed towards him, trying to land a right hook. The man evaded it, and hooked his arm around Bojack's, then tossed him over his shoulder and into the ground, where he was knocked out immediately.

"Interesting, who might you be?" Cell chuckled

"Tremble evil doer!" The man shouted hammily "I am the terror that flaps in the Breeze! I am the burnt rice that ruins your meal! I am, the GREAT SAIYAMAN!"

"Well then, let's see how greatness stands up to perfection!" Cell boasted as he powered up, his Aura taking on lightning.

Cell rushed forward, beginning with a simple punch. Saiyaman evaded it with a quick jump, landing on Cell's arm and then jumping off his face back to the ground. Cell growled and tried a Roundhouse kick.

Saiyaman dodged.


A ki blast.


"That's a negative."

A dual chop.


"No again"

"HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS!" Shouted Cell as he fired a large ki wave.

"Dodging, my sensei really drilled it into me." Saiyaman said casually, suddenly leaning on Cell's shoulder.

Cell looked livid. He grabbed Saiyaman by the shirt, and tossed him away. He yelled in rage, his muscles bulking up.


Cell began charging a very familiar attack.

Saiyaman smirked, and waited.

"FINAL FLASH" Cell shouted, firing off the blast.

Saiyaman began to walk forward right as the blast consumed him.

When it disapated, he was right in front of cell

"My turn" he bragged, before cupping his hands at his side.

"That's Impossible!" Cell shouted


The Blue beam consumed Cell, and he was no more.

Orb Arena 9 Winner: The Great Saiyaman!

Orb Arena 3

"Neat? Is that all you have to say!?" The two Goten shouted.

"Sorry, but i never really thought of myself as a Saiyan, so I don't really know what to think. Though, you do seem a lot nicer than i would have thought."

Bardock chuckled "That's your mother's influence, really. I used to be just as bad as you probably thought, but she brings out the best in me."

"Really? Is our grandma here?" Goten, the blond one, asked.

"Yeah, but she's not competing. She running a food cart with my version of Kakarot"

"Really? What kinda food are the serving?" Goku asked, his mouth beginning to water.

"The best kind. Where I come from you're a pretty crap fighter, but you are the best chef in the universe." Bardock explained.

They all looked shocked "Seriously, Goku's weak?" Garlic asked.

"Yeah, that's just, hard to comprehend." The black haired Goten said.

Bardock took a look up at the clash between Son Diao and Son Goku, and commented "Yeah, I get the feeling my world is the exception, not the rule."

"Dad, who do you think is gonna win?" Goten asked his father.

"Hmm, it's a tough question. The girl me has mastered Super Sayian 3 at a level beyond what i did. But the furry me's form gives him just as much power as a fully mastered Super Sayian 3. Maybe even a bit more, though not enough to make much difference. The girl me is much more skilled, that's for sure. But...I think it'll be the Furry me that wins. It's hard to see, but his body is adapting to her attacks, instinctively defending. So her moves are getting less effective."

"That's a pretty good theory. " An oddly accented voice said from behind the group. They turned, but who ever had spoken had lept above their heads, between Diao and Goku's battle. He did a split, and kicked both in the face, sending them flying away. Then he landed, and faced
Goku. He had pink skin, scars on his cheeks, and a head of curly black hair. Above his mouth was a pair of small, worm like tendrils which acted as a Mustache. He was dressed in a style resembling Beerus', and he had a wooden Guitar strapped to his back. He grabbed it, and began to play a short riff as he introduced himself.

"Greetings, Son Goku. I'm one of Beerus' adepts. The name is Jack, Jack Daniels! I'm challenging you, here and now!"
Chapter 6: Goku vs. Jack, the Prelims end!

Beerus watched the prelimaries with a smile. Already, he'd seen several competitors who would make good fighters for his team. And the one he had the most confidence in, Son Goku, was on the same arena as one of his adepts. Truly it would be a fine battle.

Then, a stench entered his nose, making him gag. He couldn't recognize this stench, but he knew he immediately that he hated it.

"Lord Beerus, we have guests!" Whis called out. Beerus turned, and saw Whis floating there with Bur and...and....

A dog.

"Who is that?" Beerus practically growled.

The dog, a Golden Retriever dressed in a green kilt, red sash, and blue beret, gave a wave. "Sup lord Beerus, the name Ace. I defeated the Hakaishin Brandy in battle and became the new Hakaishin of his universe."

"And, seeing as he is new, I decided to introduce him to the other Hakaishin. When i heard you were holding a tournament, I thought it a marvelous idea to bring him over to watch." Bur explained.

"Oh, and I'm sure it doesn't hurt that it'll give you a chance to spy on my fighters, does it?"

"Oh, you wound me, Lord Beerus. Do you truly think so little of me?" Bur replied.

"Yes." Beerus said, bluntly.

Orb Arena 3

"You guys hang back, I don't want you getting caught up in this." Goku told the others. They nodded, and flew off

"Good luck dad!" Goten called out as he flew away.

Goku turned back to Jack, and flared his aura, becoming a Super Saiyan.

"Okay, let's do this." He said with a smile. Jack gave his own smile, and began strumming his guitar.

"Come at me!" he called.

Goku leapt into action, jumping at Jack and throwing a straight punch. Jack flipped his guitar around, and used it as a shield, stopping Goku's punch cold. With his left hand, he swung the guitar around, knocking Goku off balance, and let go of the instrument. Without missing a beat, he telekinetically summoned it to his other hand.

"El Kabong!" he shouted, swinging the Guitar underhanded by the neck, uppercutting Goku into the air. Goku stopped himself forty feet up, and rubbed his chin.

"That's a pretty tough guitar you got there! What's it made of?"

"Mahogany." Jack answered, beginning to play once more. "But that's not the secret of it's strength. To truly use an instrument or a weapon, you must become one with it, make it an extension of yourself. Using my Ki, i can take that concept to a whole new level. My guitar is as tough as me!"

Goku cupped his hands to his palms, and charged up a Kamehameha.

"Atom Ant." Jack said as he created a pea sized dot of energy on the tip of his index finger, and flicked it into the charging blast.

There was a massive explosion, which consumed Goku, but the warrior dropped out of it like a rock and landed on the arena. Without wasting a breath, he charged Jack, only to dash through an after image. Jack appeared behind him and swung his guitar at Goku, but he too was an after image. Goku appeared behind Jack, and delivered a double chop to his neck. Yet again, Jack's after image dissipated. Jack appeared behind Goku once more, his guitar ready to come down on Goku, but ready to create another after image when Goku appeared behind him.

Goku mule kicked him in the chest, knocking him out of breath. Capitalizing on this opening, he swung around an jabbed Jack in the face, before going up and striking him on the head with a double hand blow. Jack managed to partially recover, and jabbed his Guitar into Goku's stomach, putting some distance between the two.

Goku began charging his Ki into his fist, and Jack did the same to guitar. They charged each other.

"Dragon Fist!" Goku shouted, as his aura took the shape of a golden dragon.

"Super El Kabong!" Jack shouted, swing his Guitar around to meet Goku's fist. There was a terrible creaking sound, as Jack's guitar shattered, and Goku's fist impacted his cheek.

Orb arena 3 winner: Son Goku
Chapter 7: The Matchups are Revealed!

"That was an awesome match dad!" Goten said, exuberantly congratulating his father. Bardock and Garlic were with him, but the other Goten had left.

"Thanks son, That guy was tough." Goku said. "Though it looks like I was the last to finish."

"That's true." Beerus said, as he flew down to the group "But it was still quite exhilarating. That said, you should vacate the area. Once everyone is clear Whis will be converting the orbs into a more suitable arena for the rest of the tournament."
With that, he grabbed Jack, and flew off.

Goku, Goten, Garlic, and Bardock took flight as well. Goku turned to Bardock "You gotta introduce me to me. I wanna try his cooking!" he said with a grin.

Garlic cleared his throat "Before you eat, I mentioned earlier that I needed to speak with you?"

"Oh yeah, I remember now! Go ahead, I'm all ears."

"On my world, we ran into a spot of trouble with a guy called Majin Buu. I'm sure you've heard of him?"

"Yeah, we ran into him a while back. He's good now though."

"Well, in our world our Goku and Vegeta needed to make the ultimate sacrafice play to defeat him."

"They died?" Goten asked

"Worse. They used a pair of magical earings known as the Potara to fuse into a guy called Vegito. He defeated Buu, but he refuses to be defused so we can get Goku and Vegeta back. Vegito is too powerful for the Dragonballs to work on him against his will, but if he's knocked out in battle, i think we could do it if we make the wish before he regains conciousness. Will you help us, should you be matched against him in the tournament?"

"I'll do my best to win, I always do." Goku stated.

Once everyone, including the unconscious, were safely away from the arenas, Whis raised his hands, and they shifted, changing into a liquid and pulling together at the center of the arena. Then the stone shifted into metal and reshaped into an odd, Twenty foot tower. The spires of the tower began to glow, and a bubble of distorted reality appeared, then grew until it could be seen from every corner of the arena. Whis made another movement with his hands, and a building manifested at the top of the bubble.

Satisfied with his work, Whis spoke, his voice echoing to the far corners of the arena "Attention, with the combatants for the next round of competition please enter the building at the top of the Space Bubble, and then proceed to Lord Beerus private box in the basement. "


When Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta reached Beerus' box , they found that Cell, Frieza, Vegito, Broly, and Piccolo were already there, Vegito standing away from the others. Beerus was sitting in a throne in the back, with Slightly less ornate seats for Whis, and two people they didn't recognise, Bur and Ace.

Shortly after they entered, a grey skinned man with White hair and a red outfit appeared, but sat down without a word. Then was the man in the metal suit, Earthknight, who walked over to Whis and handed him a bottle of wine

"Oh! How lovely. Thank you good sir, I'm sure this will be divine." Whis said in thanks, to which Earthknight bowed then went to find a place to stand.

Next were two people dressed in similar attire to Beerus, obviously his two adepts. Otherwise, they couldn't be more different. One was teal skinned, with beefy muscles and a thick, lantern jaw. He had a battleball players build, and stood a head taller than Goku. The other only came up to Goku's knee, and his body was overall more flabby.

After them came another short contestent.

"Krillin!?" Goku said incredulously. "What are you doing here."

It was indeed Krillin, who looked much the same as he did during Majin Buu's rampage, save that his shirt was green rather than red, and his pants yellow. However, this was obviously not the Krillin Goku new, as he simply stared at Goku severely, and went over to stand at a corner.

Next came another Son Gohan, this one dressed in a purple outfit that showed off his admirable physique, topped off with a fabulous scarf and a pair of sunglasses. He took a look at Square jawed Adept, Krillin, and the Grey man. "Jeez, I got here in the nick of time, there's only one corner left to lean against and brood. You guys are soooooo selfish."

After him came a large, draconic man. Everybody turned to look at him the moment he entered. They could feel the evilness radiating off of him. And embeded in his chest, they could see the seven dragonballs, cracked and distorted.

"Is that everyone?" Beerus asked.

"I count 15. There are supposed to be 16." Ace replied

"I was asking Whis!" Beerus snapped.

"Well, Lord Ace is right Lord Beerus. According to the list, we're missing a contestant named Mark. He may have gotten lost, or perhaps he's being held up in the restrooms."

"Regardless, I do not want to wait. We'll just put him in the 16th spot. He should hope he's here by then."

"Very well Lord Beerus. In that can, let's make the match ups, shall we?"

A curtain above Beerus' throne parted, revealing a Bracket similar to the ones used by the monks at the World Martial Arts Tournament. Whis snapped his fingers, and the name Mark appeared in the 16 position.

Then he materialized a box at his side "We'll do this simply. I'll call your names, and you draw slips of paper. Each slip of paper will have a number, which will be your position on the Bracket, okay?"

Everyone nodded, and he called the first name "First we have...Broly!"

The tall Saiyan drew, then calmly spoke "I've got number 4"

"Next is...Bud!"

The Shorter adept stepped up, and drew a number.

"Looks like you get the 9th spot!" said Whis "Next up is Cell!"

The 'Perfect' android stepped up, and drew a number "I'm 5th."

"Excellent! Next up is our other adept, Coors!"

The man stepped up, and drew his number.

"10! Oh, how marvelous, we have our first match up already, and it's between Beerus' adepts. Splendid."

Meanwhile, Bud was thinking one word. Repeatedly 'Shit!'

"Next draw is...Earthknight."

"13." he said in his distorted voice as he showed Whis his slip.

"Excellent, now it's Frieza's turn."

The formerly genocidal tyrant went up and Drew the number 12.

Meanwhile, Goku leaned over to Vegeta and whisper "I almost didn't recognise him."

Frieza did indeed look different to how Goku had previously seen him. His face, hads, and feet were now clearly purple, and his white body was now two toned.

"Next up is...Doctor Gohan!"

The scarfed Gohan strutted up and drew number 8

"It's your turn now Goku." Whis announced.

"Aw man! I drew number 15! I have to wait until the end!"

"I'm sorry Goku, but those are the breaks. Next up we have... THE GREAT SAIYAMAN!" Whis shouted, being sure to capture the exclamation written on the card.

"Looks like it'll be my good looks of Justice against Mr. Scarf over there, because I drew the 7!"

"Excellent, another matchup. Next to draw is...Krillin."

"Hmm, well this brings me back." Krillin said as he drew "But it's fitting. I'm Number 1."

"Very good. Next is Mira!"

The grey skinned man silently drew, and held up number 6.

"Looks like Cell will be doing battle with Mira! But next up we have Omega Shenron."

"I'm number 2. I guess that means i'm going to be in the first match then."

"Quite right. Now it's Piccolo's turn"

The Namekian drew "I'm 11. So I guess we'll be doing battle, Frieza."

"The next to draw is Vegito!"

The Sayian drew, smirked, and glared at Broly "Looks like i'm number 3. "

"Which makes me Number 14" Vegeta grunted "Great, I have a long wait. On the bright said, in the second round, I get a rematch."

"Well then, which all the matches accounted for, Let's begin!" Beerus announced.

The upper half of the wall accross from Beerus began to open up, revealing...The Earth!

"These matches shall take place in a pocket universe, containing Earth and it's solar system. Feel free to wreck up the place, it'll all be fixed between matches."

With that, Krillin and Omega Shenron flew into the arena. Goku, both Gohans, Ace, Earthknight, Bur, and Bud crowded the edge of the room, trying to get a better view.


On the pocket earth, Krillin made a beeline for the Kami's lookout , and Omega obliged him

"Your choice of arena is interesting. Where better fight a demon than the domain of God?" Omega smirked, he voice oozing smug.

Krillin shrugged. "If you want to read that much into it."

"Oh, you're no fun. Very well, shall we begin our game?"

"Nah. See, i'm not the kind of guy who plays around with you evil types." Krillin said. Then, he transformed.

His body was awash with orange ki that tinted his hair orange, and his eyes became pitch white. The tips of his ki was like flame

In Beerus box, Goku's eyes widened "No way! That ki! It's God Ki!"
Chapter 8: Burning Passion
Krillin's aura flared, rising like flames into the shape of a gigantic bird. Krillin raised his hands and crossed his arms. "Zhuhong Xia Huo"

He brought his arms, uncrossing them, and the ki phoenix lunged forth as he shouted "Southern Suzaku!"

The immense flaming fowl consumed Omega Shenron, who could offer no defense. The flames burned into him, purifying him, and evening only a set of Dragonballs that rolled off the edge of the look out.

Winner: Krillin

Lord Beerus' Private Box

"How the hell did he get God Ki" Vegeta yelled, at Whis in particular.

"That's a very good question. I have no idea." Whis replied.

"However he did it, he's pretty impressive. Easily a 7." Ace chimed in.

"7?" Goku questioned.

"Hakaishin have a fairly simple method of ranking power." Beerus explained "To put it succinctly, a 1 is the bare minimum necesary to be a Hakaishin, like him."

Beerus gestured to Bur, who sputtered indignantly

"Goku, when you fought me as a Super Saiyan God, you would have ranked as a 6. When i'm not holding back, I'm a 10. Whis clocks in at 15."

"Interesting. Tell me, how much is a one in terms of PTO units?" Frieza questioned.

"I couldn't care less about that. Whis, retrieve the victor so that we may move on to the next round"

Tournament Stands

"Man that guy must of been pretty weak, to be defeated by Krillin of all people." Bulma commented. She was sitting in a large group. All of the people from her universe that had been eliminated, plus her future son and his friends.

"That is incorrect." Android 16 said bluntly "My scanners indicated that his power was at a degree almost incalculable."

"I felt a lot of power in him too." Trunks, the mature one, added.

"Me too!" said the person sitting in front of them. It was the female Goku, Son Diao. "I don't think i could have beat that guy even as a Super Saiyan 3! But I didn't sense anything from that guy version of Marolin. Not a drop of ki."

Throughout this all, Tien thought to himself 'That technique...could he have mastered it's power fully?'

"Look, the next match is starting!"

Earth Wasteland

Broly and Vegito stood across from each other in the midst of a barren wasteland. Vegito smirked at him. "You really think you can give me a hard time? It's a big claim, since I'm me."

Broly said nothing, instead shifting into his Super Saiyan form. Then, his muscles began to grow. But not the the proportions he was legendary for. Rather, the size of those muscles was the same as...

"Seriously, that form?" Vegito guffawed "The same form Vegeta used against Cell's second form? What could that do to m-"

Broly elbowed Vegito in the face, stunning him. He followed up with a knee to the gut, then he grabbed to fused warrior by the sides, and summoned a circule Green shield, parallel to the ground, behind him. With a heave, he suplexed Vegito head first into the shield.

Lord Beerus' Private Box

The ostentatius Son Gohan snapped his fingers "A-ha! I've worked out Broly's secret!"

There was a small pause, then Saiyaman spoke up "And? What is it?"

Gohan harrumphed, then said with a chuckle "You can't expect me to just tell you, can you? If i did that, I couldn't mock you for guessing wrong!"

Tournament Stands
Elsewhere in the stands, Garlic sat with his group, Bardock and Prince Vegeta sitting nearby.

"So if what you say is true, the one in blue is me? Fused with Bardock's welp?" the prince asked.

"Correct." Garlic replied "His power was unamatched last I checked, though my compatriots in the finals believe they can defeat him. Broly, for one, has increased his power by leaps and bounds. Though not merely by training. There's magic involved here."

Earth Wasteland

Broly let go of Vegito, then grabbed him by the ankles as he snapped back onto his feat. Then he brought his arms forward, slamming Vegito into the ground in front of him. Next, he pivoted on his heels and swung Vegito around 360 degrees, before releasing him, sending him straight through three plateaus. As he soared through the air, he instantly transformed into a Super Saiyan, then did a mid air flip to land on his feet.

Broly came in fast, attempting a clothesline, but Vegito evaded it Limbo-style, before snapping a Kick to Broly's shoulder. Broly retorted with a side kick to Vegito's chest, sending the saiyan flying, but as he went, Vegito fired a ki bullet into Broly's face.

Vegito slammed into a newly created energy shield, then Broly created a second one in front of him, which moved forward to crush him between the two, like a trash compactor. After a few moments, Vegito used Instant Transmission to get out of the two shields, and reappeared forty feet in the air, ki daggers in between his fingers. Like an expert knife thrower, he send them flying at Broly, who created a twenty foot diameter bubble shield around himself. The ki daggers exploded harmlessly into the shield, but Vegito was unconcerned. In less than a moment, appeared inside the bubble with Instant Transmission, and punched Broly straight in the gut. Broly doubled over briefly, leaving him vulnrable to an uppercut. After that, Vegito followed up with a quick double jab to the face.

Broly suddenly screamed, blowing himself back with a kiai. He collided with the shield wall, and passed through it as if it were air. Then the bubble began to shrink. Vegito smirked, and raised his fingers to his forehead. But to his shock, he couldn't Instand Transmit!

"I knew your Instant Transmission would make you a tricky opponent. So I developed a technique to make my Shield's inner walls inpenetrable to that move." Broly boasted.

When the bubble was so small that Vegito had to brace his arms and legs against it to prevent further shrinkage, Broly floated towards the battle and placed his hand on it. Then, the bubble suddenly glowed with green ki. It was as if every inch of the bubble's inner side was firing a ki beam, bomdarding Vegito from every possible angle. Finally, the blasts subsided, and Vegito was still there, panting but in one piece. The his outfit from left shoulder to left pectoral was tattered, and several areas of his body were bloody.

Broly flew back immediately, then crossed his hands. Cracks appeared along the shield, which then imploded. Energy shards raked his body from multiple angles, cutting him both thinly and deeply in multiple areas. The only area spared was his throat.

Vegito grimaced, and held out his palm. With a yell, he fired a Big Bang Attack. Broly countered with his Omega Blast. The two ki blasts battled for dominance, Vegito supplementing his with a thin yellow beam and Broly with a volley of ki blasts. Broly's furious pace eventually overcame Vegito's stamina, sending the combined blasts into him. When the dust cleared, Vegito was panting with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his clothing further damaged. Despite himself, he began to chuckle.

"I get it now!" he yelled "I've figured out your trick!"

"Oh really?" Broly shot back "What's my game then?"

"It's simple, you're-" Vegito's explantion was interupted when Broly rocketed forward and slammed his knee into Vegito's face, sending him into the ground.

Lord Beerus' Private Box

Goku whistled "Wow, i think that one knocked a tooth loose."

"I just wish he'd have let Vegito finish" Saiyaman complained "I wanted to hear the explanation."

"Oh stop acting like a moron." Gohan declared "You of all people should be able to figure out his trick!"

Saiyaman pointed to himself "Me? Why me?"

Gohan chuckled arrogantly "Think about it. What does Broly have and what do you have?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Saiyaman asked "I never met the guy!"

"Wait, seriously?" Gohan asked "You never fought him?"

"Nope, we've never seen that guy before." Goku confirmed.

"As I recall-" Whis began "In your timeline, Broly was killed in combat with a recently unsealed space pirate by name of Boback."

"I think you mean Bojack." Frieza interjected "You encountered him in our universe as well, though I think it was after you fought Broly. I wasn't actually there."

"He's right. Broly handed you, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, and Piccolo's your asses, so you had to get me to come help you." Cell spoke up

"And then you let your guard down and got taken out." Piccolo said.

"I was getting to that" Cell retorted "Anyway, we were pretty evenly matched in terms of pure power. I could regenerate and was obviously more skilled, but Broly is crafty, and he possessed a special form of Super Saiyan that made him a mountain of muscle, and gave him unending stamina."

"Sounds impressive." Goku admited "At least, for back then."

"Wait, did you say he had unending stamina?" Saiyaman asked

"And the penny drops!" Gohan laughed.

But before Saiyaman could give air his realization, the viewing screen lit up like the sun. As everyone turned towards it, it panned out to show an explosion the size of a continent.

Earth Wasteland

As the dust cleared from the massive blast, Broly let his shield drop. It had held up to the blast, though only barely. Vegito looked at him furiously, his missing tooth visible in his snarl.

Broly acted immediately, rushing Vegito with a baseball slide dropkick, but Vegito ascended into the air and began to rain ki bullets down on him. Broly blocked with a 2D shield, and Vegito began to yell down "You think strength gained from a cheap trick is enough to be me!? It's not! You didn't earn that power like a true warrior! It's just a trick of magic! You went to that old-"


"-Kai, and used the Kai's ritual to increase his own strength." Saiyaman explained "That way, when he activated his legendary form, it was altered to be less of a physical change, but-"


"-the forms special properties remained." Garlic surmised "Meaning all the new power the Old Kai's ritual gave him was now coupled with unlimited stamina, letting him operate at max power non-stop. That's how he's been able to keep up with Vegito."


The moment the rain of Ki bullets stopped, Broly rocketed upwards. He tried an uppercut, but Vegito evaded it, and punched Broly in the chest. Broly grabbed Vegito with his left arm and DDT'd him into the ground below. Vegito arched his body and escaped the hold by slamming his heel into Broly's nose, drawing blood.

Then, using bukujutsu, he flipped himself upright, simultaneously tossing Broly into the air. He fired a ki blast at Broly, who blocked it with a shield yet again, before dropping like a meteor with a knee drop. Vegito dodged with ease, but Broly immediately transitioned into a clothesline, which Vegito ducked. The fusion struck Broly in the side with his elbow, and Broly in turn dropped his Elbow into the top of Vegito's head. Vegito grabbed Broly by the heel and through him to the side. Broly quickly reoriented himself, but Vegito instantly closed the distance and grabbed his hair. With a manic laugh, he slammed his fist into Broly's face repeatedly.

A Shield formed behind Vegito and slammed into his back, distracting him long enough to grab Vegito by the head and slam him face first into a newly formed Shield. Vegito lashed out, kicking Broly in the throat the blasting him with a Big Bang Attack.

Broly slammed into the ground a mile away, then quickly stood. Vegito lew towards him, but then suddenly looked behind him. A shadow covered Broly, and he turned as well. A tsunami, a mile high at the least, was baring down on them!

'Vegito flattened this continent, and in the process created an immense wave!' Broly thought. 'No matter, I can use this to my advantage'

Whilst Vegito stared at the tsunami, Broly rushed in and slammed his knee into his chest, knocking the breath straight from his lungs and propelling him into the upper atmosphere. Broly followed his ascent, and grabbed him by the neck. Between the thin air and Broly's vicegrip on his neck, Vegito was unable to draw a breath. With a roar, Broly choke slammed Vegito from orbit, into the newly created ocean below.

Lord Beerus' Private Box

"Wait, what's he doing now?" Goku asked as he watched Broly rise from the ocean, a bubble shield filled with water a short distance away from him.

Saiyaman peered closer, and gasped. "Vegito's in the bubble! Broly's drowning him!"

"No!" Piccolo interjected "He's not going to kill him, he's just doing it until Vegito loses consciousness! "

Suddenly, they all sensed Vegito's power spike. The bubble shattered, the water fell away, and Super Saiyan 2 Vegito took a long deep breath.


After filling his lungs with sweet air, Vegito fixed a glare on his foe, and pointed on him. Broly surrounded himself in a bubble shield to ward of the attack, but it was for naught. Vegito formed an energy sword, and extended it straight through the shield, through Broly's lower left side, and out the other side of the shield.

Broly gasped in pain. Vegito disipated the blade, and Broly clutched at the wound. After a few moment of ragged breath, his golden hair vanished.

He coughed up some blood, and then growled to himself. "Dammit." he panted "I- i'm beat. I concede."

Winner: Vegito