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A Vegeta Quest

-Inspired by A Cooler Broly Saga-
-Thanks to @Bob's Beard -

I. In which the Prince of all Saiyans needs a babysitter


A corvid.
Council Candidate
A Vegeta Quest

-Inspired by A Cooler Broly Saga-
-Thanks to @Bob's Beard -

Your name is Vegeta. Your father was Vegeta of the Royal House Vegeta, King of the Planet Vegeta.

You are the elite of the elite, the Prince of the planet Vegeta, among the noblest and most powerful beings in the universe. Your birthright is the planet Vegeta, and the Saiyan race.

Or rather, it was.

Your world is gone. Your people are gone. The universe's greatest warrior race--extinguished in the space of moments. Only you and a handful of others remain, the last survivors of a species that once threatened billions.

But you are still their prince. You are the last of elite, the finest of the best, the greatest of the mighty.

You are the last of the Saiyans, but make no mistake: you will not be the least. Worlds will tremble before you. Galaxies will burn. Everything and anything that lives will acknowledge the power of a trueborn Saiyan elite.

That, after all, is your Birthright.


Age 739

You are seven years old, your father is dead, your home is so much interstellar dust, and your species is teetering on the brink of extinction.

As Mondays go, it has been spectacularly bad.

Not to fear, however. You are not alone in the wide, scary universe. The other (and as far as you know, only other) survivor is another Saiyan, a proud warrior who has sworn to safeguard you.

It's not as if you need protection, of course, but still.

[] Nappa: A loyal servant of the royal House of Vegeta, Nappa has been one of the premier warriors of the Saiyan race since long before your birth. He was accompanying you on a mission to exterminate a stubbornly resilient species when Lord Freeza contacted you with the tragic news of planet Vegeta's destruction. While not exactly a mental giant, he's powerful and loyal enough to be of use to you for the foreseeable future.

[] Bardock: A low-class warrior with an infuriatingly high power level, Bardock was (however grudgingly your father admitted it) one of the finest Saiyan warriors planet Vegeta had ever produced. Perhaps that is why he sent you along with Bardock and his team to exterminate the Kanassan race. When you all received news of planet Vegeta's destruction, he and his team have become your last remaining subjects in the universe. Exceptionally strong and disturbingly clever for a mongrel lowbreed, his loyalty seems to be without question.

[] King Vegeta: Your father, the King of all Saiyans, and the mightiest and greatest of all your race. As you and he were off-world training when the accident occured, you are the sole survivors of your race. He has sworn his loyalty to the galactic tyrant Freeza, but seeks some way to restore the Saiyan race, and perhaps even escape from under Freeza's heel. He has sworn to raise you to be even greater than him, and assume your destiny as the Prince of all Saiyans.

[] Paragus: A low-class warrior with little strength, you do not recall how you ended up in his care, and you even have the disturbing feeling that he might have kidnapped you. It matters little, as you, Paragus, and his son are the last of the Saiyans. But his son challenges all you have ever known of the universe. His son, a mewling babe, is the equal of your father, who was the strongest Saiyan in the universe. This will not stand. You will--somehow--meet and exceed his strength. You are the elite of the elite, and you are equal to none.

Before their destruction, the Saiyans were the servants of the great conqueror, Freeza, the self-proclaimed Emperor of the northern universe. Ostensibly, you and your guardian are his servants, but there is another--his brother Cooler, the equally self-proclaimed master of the southern universe. Between them and their father, the legendary galactic conqueror King Cold, their organization, the PTO, controls much of the universe. While the Saiyans were vassals of Freeza, Cooler has long expressed an interest in them, and he is perhaps the only being in existence capable of defying his brother's will.

You elect to enter the service of...

[] Freeza: The murder of billions, the enslaver of countless more, the most arrogant, prideful, powerful, and dreaded creature in existence. Wholly without mercy or conscience, he has violently expanded his arm of the PTO, the so-called Freeza Corps, across the universe. Everything that exists is merely another plaything for the Emperor, the Saiyan race included. To serve him is to live life under the whim of a capricious tyrant, to be another ant under the heel of the universe's greatest monster.

[] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.
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Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyans

Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans
Age 8
Power Level: 24,000
Techniques Known:

Royal Barrage
: A technique developed by Vegeta under Tora's training, it amounts to little more than hurling a stream of mismatched, variably powerful balls of energy at an enemy with suprising speed.

Bardock (Sheet coming soon)
Fasha (Sheet coming soon)
Shugesh (Sheet coming soon)
Tora (Sheet coming soon)
Borgos (Sheet coming soon)

Yambada, Last of the Katashans (PL 52,000) (Opinion: Reviled)




Cooler, Emperor of the Southern Universe (Overlord) (Opinion: Slightly Indifferent)
Salza, Leader of the Armored Squadron (Direct superior) (Opinion: Disliked)


The Prince of All Saiyans: You are the son of King Vegeta, the most powerful Saiyan to ever live. Your birthright is the Saiyan race. You are the elite of the elite, and you will triumph over all. (Can return instantly from near-death once a battle, and your Zenkai is more effective)

An Inkling of Humility: Your time with Bardock's crew has affected you in ways you never thought possible. You are still the greatest of all, of course, but perhaps, just perhaps, the very best of the mongrel low-class can hope to attain a smidgen of your glory? (++Relations with Low-class Saiyans, +Training with Low-Class Saiyans)
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[X] King Vegeta: Your father, the King of all Saiyans, and the mightiest and greatest of all your race. As you and he were off-world training when the accident occured, you are the sole survivors of your race. He has sworn his loyalty to the galactic tyrant Freeza, but seeks some way to restore the Saiyan race, and perhaps even escape from under Freeza's heel. He has sworn to raise you to be even greater than him, and assume your destiny as the Prince of all Saiyans.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.
[x] Nappa: A loyal servant of the royal House of Vegeta, Nappa has been one of the premier warriors of the Saiyan race since long before your birth. He was accompanying you on a mission to exterminate a stubbornly resilient species when Lord Freeza contacted you with the tragic news of planet Vegeta's destruction. While not exactly a mental giant, he's powerful and loyal enough to be of use to you for the foreseeable future.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.
[X] Bardock: A low-class warrior with an infuriatingly high power level, Bardock was (however grudgingly your father admitted it) one of the finest Saiyan warriors planet Vegeta had ever produced. Perhaps that is why he sent you along with Bardock and his team to exterminate the Kanassan race. When you all received news of planet Vegeta's destruction, he and his team have become your last remaining subjects in the universe. Exceptionally strong and disturbingly clever for a mongrel lowbreed, his loyalty seems to be without question.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.
[X] King Vegeta: Your father, the King of all Saiyans, and the mightiest and greatest of all your race. As you and he were off-world training when the accident occured, you are the sole survivors of your race. He has sworn his loyalty to the galactic tyrant Freeza, but seeks some way to restore the Saiyan race, and perhaps even escape from under Freeza's heel. He has sworn to raise you to be even greater than him, and assume your destiny as the Prince of all Saiyans.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.
[X] King Vegeta: Your father, the King of all Saiyans, and the mightiest and greatest of all your race. As you and he were off-world training when the accident occured, you are the sole survivors of your race. He has sworn his loyalty to the galactic tyrant Freeza, but seeks some way to restore the Saiyan race, and perhaps even escape from under Freeza's heel. He has sworn to raise you to be even greater than him, and assume your destiny as the Prince of all Saiyans.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.

I'm just worried we'll get separated from dad if this option wins since he apparently serves Freeza.
[x] Bardock: A low-class warrior with an infuriatingly high power level, Bardock was (however grudgingly your father admitted it) one of the finest Saiyan warriors planet Vegeta had ever produced. Perhaps that is why he sent you along with Bardock and his team to exterminate the Kanassan race. When you all received news of planet Vegeta's destruction, he and his team have become your last remaining subjects in the universe. Exceptionally strong and disturbingly clever for a mongrel lowbreed, his loyalty seems to be without question.
[x] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.

Pls no timetravel movie.
[X] Bardock: A low-class warrior with an infuriatingly high power level, Bardock was (however grudgingly your father admitted it) one of the finest Saiyan warriors planet Vegeta had ever produced. Perhaps that is why he sent you along with Bardock and his team to exterminate the Kanassan race. When you all received news of planet Vegeta's destruction, he and his team have become your last remaining subjects in the universe. Exceptionally strong and disturbingly clever for a mongrel lowbreed, his loyalty seems to be without question.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.

Telamon So, is this Bardock the one from Dragon Ball Minus or from the Episode of Bardock? And if it's from Dragon Ball Minus, does he have Gine with him?
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[X] Bardock: A low-class warrior with an infuriatingly high power level, Bardock was (however grudgingly your father admitted it) one of the finest Saiyan warriors planet Vegeta had ever produced. Perhaps that is why he sent you along with Bardock and his team to exterminate the Kanassan race. When you all received news of planet Vegeta's destruction, he and his team have become your last remaining subjects in the universe. Exceptionally strong and disturbingly clever for a mongrel lowbreed, his loyalty seems to be without question.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.

Well now, this is interesting.

Bardock to work on tempering that pride, Cooler because Cooler is better in every way except maybe potential if Telamon takes from the Super/Revival of F stuff.
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[X] Bardock: A low-class warrior with an infuriatingly high power level, Bardock was (however grudgingly your father admitted it) one of the finest Saiyan warriors planet Vegeta had ever produced. Perhaps that is why he sent you along with Bardock and his team to exterminate the Kanassan race. When you all received news of planet Vegeta's destruction, he and his team have become your last remaining subjects in the universe. Exceptionally strong and disturbingly clever for a mongrel lowbreed, his loyalty seems to be without question.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.
[X]Telamon So, is this Bardock the one from Dragon Ball Minus or from the Episode of Bardock? And if it's from Dragon Ball Minus, does he have Gine with him?

I'll be using traits, characters, and ideas from across all of the franchise, along with select ideas (read: a lot) from Abridged.

So, in other words, wait and see. :V
I'll be using traits, characters, and ideas from across all of the franchise, along with select ideas (read: a lot) from Abridged.

So, in other words, wait and see. :V
Ideas? I, well honestly all I know about abridged is how it makes characters crazy and ridiculous, which is decidedly unappealing, so I hope that's not it?
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[X] King Vegeta: Your father, the King of all Saiyans, and the mightiest and greatest of all your race. As you and he were off-world training when the accident occured, you are the sole survivors of your race. He has sworn his loyalty to the galactic tyrant Freeza, but seeks some way to restore the Saiyan race, and perhaps even escape from under Freeza's heel. He has sworn to raise you to be even greater than him, and assume your destiny as the Prince of all Saiyans.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.

One of the best things of Vegeta's personality is his pride.
[X] King Vegeta: Your father, the King of all Saiyans, and the mightiest and greatest of all your race. As you and he were off-world training when the accident occured, you are the sole survivors of your race. He has sworn his loyalty to the galactic tyrant Freeza, but seeks some way to restore the Saiyan race, and perhaps even escape from under Freeza's heel. He has sworn to raise you to be even greater than him, and assume your destiny as the Prince of all Saiyans.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.

One of the best things of Vegeta's personality is his pride.
Vegeta's pride literally causes every near defeat and disaster in the manga and most in the anime/movies.
Ideas? I, well honestly all I know about abridged is how it makes characters crazy and ridiculous, which is decidedly unappealing, so I hope that's not it?
Well, their personalities are pretty changed, exagerated and flanderized, but some tend to end up more fleshed out because of it.
As long as Telamon picks and chooses the best stuff from both I'm cool with it.

Vegeta's pride literally causes every near defeat and disaster in the manga and most in the anime/movies.
Have you ever read Angel Densetsu?
One of the characters is an easily deluded idiot and the author considers him the second protagonist since his idiocy drives the plot forward.
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[X] Bardock: A low-class warrior with an infuriatingly high power level, Bardock was (however grudgingly your father admitted it) one of the finest Saiyan warriors planet Vegeta had ever produced. Perhaps that is why he sent you along with Bardock and his team to exterminate the Kanassan race. When you all received news of planet Vegeta's destruction, he and his team have become your last remaining subjects in the universe. Exceptionally strong and disturbingly clever for a mongrel lowbreed, his loyalty seems to be without question.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.
[x] Paragus: A low-class warrior with little strength, you do not recall how you ended up in his care, and you even have the disturbing feeling that he might have kidnapped you. It matters little, as you, Paragus, and his son are the last of the Saiyans. But his son challenges all you have ever known of the universe. His son, a mewling babe, is the equal of your father, who was the strongest Saiyan in the universe. This will not stand. You will--somehow--meet and exceed his strength. You are the elite of the elite, and you are equal to none.

Having Brolly as an ally sounds fun.

[X] Cooler: Levelheaded, coldly calculating, and impassionately driven, Cooler is the dark mirror of his brother. Where Freeza destroys, Cooler learns. Where Freeza rages, Cooler waits. Where Freeza assumes and mocks, Cooler learns and judges. His Cooler Corps are something his brother's army can never be--truly loyal. Where Freeza merely slaughters, Cooler truly rules. To serve him is to be another well-oiled cog in a machine working tirelessly towards absolute domination of all that lives.