Dragon of the Spring (Naruto) (Lung!Sakura)

Maybe, but having the berserk rage as an option while working up to that level would probably help.
Maybe, but having the berserk rage as an option while working up to that level would probably help.
It probably helps increase the perceived threat level and therefore ramp up the transformation faster; taking damage seems to be the primary thing that his shard uses to determine threat level, so it is plausible that it works out threat level by measuring Lung's physical and mental reactions, if it measures increases in adrenaline and other factors to determine threat level then being angry enough would artificially raise the threat level.

Plus of course, from a 'conflict drive' point of view the host being in a raging fury is beneficial, so I could also see the shard deliberately 'rewarding' anger by responding to rage with moar power. Of course, a raging person is going to throw themselves face-first at the target of their anger, thus getting into conflict and taking damage, which raises the threat level. So improvements from rage could just as easily be a placebo, impossible to say canonically.
In fact IIRC in the story it's at least implied that at the higher levels of his transformation the mental enhancements are so significant that even if he wanted to be in a berserk rage he wouldn't actually be capable of doing so, as his enhanced brain can just think rationally over the top of the angry. I think there are even a few times in-story where he is shown expressing more complex thoughts and emotions than 'rargh kill smash' while transformed, with said times being appropriately treated with whoever he is fighting at the time having an 'oh shit' moment.

That is quite the inversion from the usual way fights go in fiction. Normally you start with a reasonably calm and collected enemy that might go into a berserker rage at some point in the fight. Wether that makes them more or less dangerous depends on the fighters I guess.

With Lung you start with a very angry, regenerating, escalating pyromaniac. If you can't put him down fast enough and manage to survive long enough you could end up facing a rational 30 foot tall unkillable sun dragon.

Yeah, when you see him in Worm canon he does not seem to warrant as much terror as he causes, what with the way Taylor takes him down. If you put together all the tidbits about him we learn in canon though, you can understand why he was mainly avoided.

He is stupidly dangerous
Sakura might regret trading tsunade super strength and healing or the diamond seal for this if she knew what she was giving up and does. Shinobi fights can be too quick to ramp up and Tsunade's strength is almost assuredely superior to Lung's, and the healing from the diamond seal ditto for the self healing.

Now if they combine, you're cooking with (mountain range destroying) punches.
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Still, it quickly became clear that unless she chose to fight in the nude, her bloodline ability would quickly rack up the bills on replacement clothing. Not to mention the embarrassment of being naked in public when she eventually came down from cutting loose. That meant carrying multiple changes of clothing at all times. Which was a definite inconvenience for any shinobi, and finally prompted Kakashi to teach her something genuinely useful.
Wouldn't the Akimichi have clothes that can handle sudden extreme changes in size? I'm pretty sure they don't end up naked, and they can turn really big.
Wouldn't the Akimichi have clothes that can handle sudden extreme changes in size? I'm pretty sure they don't end up naked, and they can turn really big.
They would indeed, though their clothes probably aren't fireproof as well.

However, fireproof clothes are definitely a thing that should exist, given that fire is literally one of the five basic chakra natures. So combining the Akimichi 'resizable' clothes with fireproof fabric of some kind would probably not be especially difficult, though it might require a dedicated ninja seamstress to put the clothes together using chakra techniques in the weaving, etc.

Expensive? Probably. Impossible? Doubtful.
They would indeed, though their clothes probably aren't fireproof as well.

However, fireproof clothes are definitely a thing that should exist, given that fire is literally one of the five basic chakra natures. So combining the Akimichi 'resizable' clothes with fireproof fabric of some kind would probably not be especially difficult, though it might require a dedicated ninja seamstress to put the clothes together using chakra techniques in the weaving, etc.

Expensive? Probably. Impossible? Doubtful.
I was about to say that there's an argument for waiting until she won't outgrow such expensive clothes or needs them for dangerous missions, until I remembered we were explicitly talking about clothes that can change size :V
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Well, this might be interesting.
A kunoichi capable of going one-on-one with a rampaging bijuu, and win. Even without sealing the bijuu in question.

You know, is it wrong of me to feel sorry for Shukaku at the invasion of the chuunin exams. Because he is going to be one big glass sculpture.
Well, this might be interesting.
A kunoichi capable of going one-on-one with a rampaging bijuu, and win. Even without sealing the bijuu in question.

You know, is it wrong of me to feel sorry for Shukaku at the invasion of the chuunin exams. Because he is going to be one big glass sculpture.
Maybe; remember that Shukaku doesn't just have sand, he also has 'curses' (lets him perform Sealing Techniques) and magnetism.

The magnetism could be a problem for Sakura if she develops the same metallic scales that Lung does and those scales are ferromagnetic.
Maybe; remember that Shukaku doesn't just have sand, he also has 'curses' (lets him perform Sealing Techniques) and magnetism.

The magnetism could be a problem for Sakura if she develops the same metallic scales that Lung does and those scales are ferromagnetic.
When metal gets hot enough it ceases to be magnetic. Even magnets stop working if they get hot enough. I don't see a problem...
When metal gets hot enough it ceases to be magnetic. Even magnets stop working if they get hot enough. I don't see a problem...
You are correct that heating a material past its Curie point causes it to lose any permanent magnetic properties, but that only causes the material to lose its own magnetic field, it does not prevent the material from reacting to other magnetic fields: Molten iron for example is still paramagnetic, meaning it is attracted to magnets though possesses no magnetic field of its own.

Yes, paramagnetism is much weaker than ferromagnetism, but just heating the metal doesn't render it immune to magnetic shenanigans, merely resistant.

e: The other thing to keep in mind is that though Chakra replicates many natural phenomena, it doesn't always behave exactly the same way as those things. The most obvious example of this in canon is Rasa, Gaara's dad, who uses Magnet Release to control gold dust, despite gold not being a ferromagnetic material and possessing only a very slight diamagnetism. In order to control and manipulate gold with Magnet Release, it must be doing something more than just propagating a magnetic field, because the strength of magnetic field required to move gold around like that with just its diamagnetism would attract literally every bit of ferromagnetic material in the surrounding area, which visibly does not happen: Rasa's gold dust doesn't attract thrown kunai and shuriken, even if they actually hit the gold dust directly, nothing.
Magnet Release is also the combination of Wind and Earth, which makes no sense in normal physics and thus further implies that Chakra doesn't necessarily work exactly how the normal equivalent would.
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You are correct that heating a material past its Curie point causes it to lose any permanent magnetic properties, but that only causes the material to lose its own magnetic field, it does not prevent the material from reacting to other magnetic fields: Molten iron for example is still paramagnetic, meaning it is attracted to magnets though possesses no magnetic field of its own.

Yes, paramagnetism is much weaker than ferromagnetism, but just heating the metal doesn't render it immune to magnetic shenanigans, merely resistant.

e: The other thing to keep in mind is that though Chakra replicates many natural phenomena, it doesn't always behave exactly the same way as those things. The most obvious example of this in canon is Rasa, Gaara's dad, who uses Magnet Release to control gold dust, despite gold not being a ferromagnetic material and possessing only a very slight diamagnetism. In order to control and manipulate gold with Magnet Release, it must be doing something more than just propagating a magnetic field, because the strength of magnetic field required to move gold around like that with just its diamagnetism would attract literally every bit of ferromagnetic material in the surrounding area, which visibly does not happen: Rasa's gold dust doesn't attract thrown kunai and shuriken, even if they actually hit the gold dust directly, nothing.
Magnet Release is also the combination of Wind and Earth, which makes no sense in normal physics and thus further implies that Chakra doesn't necessarily work exactly how the normal equivalent would.

Yes, Chakra makes pretty much as much sense as Parahuman abilities.
They might call it Magnet Release, Sand Release, or Whatever-release, a far more accurate name would be Worm's Whatever-kinesis. Because that is pretty much exactly what it does.
Yes, Chakra makes pretty much as much sense as Parahuman abilities.
They might call it Magnet Release, Sand Release, or Whatever-release, a far more accurate name would be Worm's Whatever-kinesis. Because that is pretty much exactly what it does.
All superpowers are magic, dressing them up with 'science' or 'explanations' or whatever is just a smoke-screen; at the end of the day anything less than absolutely Hard Science Fiction is magical in nature. Calling it psychic powers or trans-dimensional crystalline space whale shenanigans or whatever is just a painted facade; changing the words used to describe the magic does not in fact change the magic.

There's nothing wrong with this; fiction is fictional, that's the whole point.

But if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, calling it a metaphysical dinosaur does not in fact change the reality that it is a duck.
All superpowers are magic, dressing them up with 'science' or 'explanations' or whatever is just a smoke-screen; at the end of the day anything less than absolutely Hard Science Fiction is magical in nature. Calling it psychic powers or trans-dimensional crystalline space whale shenanigans or whatever is just a painted facade; changing the words used to describe the magic does not in fact change the magic.

There's nothing wrong with this; fiction is fictional, that's the whole point.

But if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, calling it a metaphysical dinosaur does not in fact change the reality that it is a duck.

Clarke's Law: Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguisable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke, Author
Heterodyne's Law: Sufficiently analysed magic is indistinguisable from SCIENCE - Agatha Heterodyne, Girl Genius
Conclusion: If you don't understand it, you call it magic...
Clarke's Law: Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguisable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke, Author
Heterodyne's Law: Sufficiently analysed magic is indistinguisable from SCIENCE - Agatha Heterodyne, Girl Genius
Conclusion: If you don't understand it, you call it magic...
Yup, that's literally the definition of magic; something that works but you don't understand how it works.

Throughout human history, 'magic' has been the response of every person who either wanted to explain something they did not understand, or didn't want to explain something they did understand. 'Magic' is a code-word for 'I don't know\I'm not going to tell you how it works'; if you can figure out how it works, it's not magic anymore, it's physics.
Yup, that's literally the definition of magic; something that works but you don't understand how it works.

Throughout human history, 'magic' has been the response of every person who either wanted to explain something they did not understand, or didn't want to explain something they did understand. 'Magic' is a code-word for 'I don't know\I'm not going to tell you how it works'; if you can figure out how it works, it's not magic anymore, it's physics.
If you dive deep enough in the theory, physics is more or less a synonym for magic.
If you ask 'why' or 'how' often enough, you end up in a situation where the answer ends up 'Just, because' or 'I dunno, we just called it like that'

For example:
Why do things fall down? - Because of Gravity
What is Gravity? How does that work?
Gravity is a 4 dimensional falling towards a lower 4 dimensional height. And it falls because objects want to have a minimum of energy, that's called Enthalpy. Something that is high has a high potential energy, and by falling it spends that potential energy as kinetic energy, and ends up with a lower amount of potential energy.
Why is that?
Magic / Physics.

Someone who actually studied this might get a few steps deeper, but in the end they will get to the same point where they just give it a name.
I think that that point is currently named 'Quantum physics'
If you dive deep enough in the theory, physics is more or less a synonym for magic.
If you ask 'why' or 'how' often enough, you end up in a situation where the answer ends up 'Just, because' or 'I dunno, we just called it like that'

For example:
Why do things fall down? - Because of Gravity
What is Gravity? How does that work?
Gravity is a 4 dimensional falling towards a lower 4 dimensional height. And it falls because objects want to have a minimum of energy, that's called Enthalpy. Something that is high has a high potential energy, and by falling it spends that potential energy as kinetic energy, and ends up with a lower amount of potential energy.
Why is that?
Magic / Physics.

Someone who actually studied this might get a few steps deeper, but in the end they will get to the same point where they just give it a name.
I think that that point is currently named 'Quantum physics'
The difference is that with physics, the answer is 'I don't know yet', whereas with magic the answer is just flat out 'I don't know'.

A Unified Field Theory would explain all aspects of physics, for example. And we know that it must exist because otherwise we wouldn't exist, we don't know what it is, but we can work towards figuring it out because we know it is there, somewhere.

Magic though? :jackiechan:
The difference is that with physics, the answer is 'I don't know yet', whereas with magic the answer is just flat out 'I don't know'.

A Unified Field Theory would explain all aspects of physics, for example. And we know that it must exist because otherwise we wouldn't exist, we don't know what it is, but we can work towards figuring it out because we know it is there, somewhere.

Magic though? :jackiechan:

And how much of magic is just physics or science before the laws were commonly known?

How many figured out a thrown weapon that returned to their hand before it was fully discovered the trick was in its exact shape? (answer: All of Australia with their boomerangs)
How many witches could heal horrible things using what is now known as homeopathy and herbalism?
How many travelers timetraveled a day just because they went in the right direction?
How many times will NASA notice their clocks are not the same compared to the internal clocks of their own deep space probes?

How much 'magic' will we be able to do, as soon as we figure out a Unified Field Theory?
In reality? All of it.

But we're not talking about reality; we're talking about fiction, and that is fundamentally different because it isn't real.

That one depends on whether you're talking about science-fiction, fantasy of science-fantasy?

Besides, all stories are true, they just aren't all true in the same story.
Just our kind of bad luck we live in one of the boring ones. (as far as we know)
That one depends on whether you're talking about science-fiction, fantasy of science-fantasy?

Besides, all stories are true, they just aren't all true in the same story.
Just our kind of bad luck we live in one of the boring ones. (as far as we know)

Have looked outside lately? (If haven't, don't were in some dystopian prolouge level madness these days)
I would consider the extinction of the human race by likely nuclear war and climate change naked evil quite exciting myself too, for more medium terms effects of the oligarchy.