[X] Try heading straight for the last place you remember the other lights being, or near enough between them, and start from there. Takara seems to want to use the map rather than just sell it - but you might just waste time getting yourself even more lost in the process.
[X] Try to track Takara magically. Sure you don't have any formal training in the arcane arts, but you don't need them. You're a dragon, power flows through your veins as thickly as blood. You can surely fashion some runestones to follow.
[x] Admit defeat. Go home, or at least to Söfnun, and wait for it all to end. Maybe scrounge up the courage to return before someone comes looking for you. [x0.33]
[X] Get to an Adventurer's Guild and put the word out for information on Takara - as much as you can for a shapeshifter. Describe their preferred form, the commonalities, the tells you noticed. Wait until you hear something solid and race off to confront them yourself. [x0.5]
-[X] Imply she's angered you enough to provoke something the city has never seen: a terrifying vengeful draconic rampage.