[X][CHIBI] He can be out in front of saiyans, and reveal himself only to humans you personally approve. Garenhulders are easy to convince about new things being old, but you don't want to have to en masse, and if the scouts pick up a TV broadcast where the insolent lizard showed his face, and broadcast it to the wrong person...
[X][CHIBI] He is to be refused all contact with people save on your sufferance. You're not going to refuse to give him any contact -- assuming solitary confinement even works on him like it does on saiyans or humans -- but you're going to personally vet each and every conversation he has.
[X][CHIBI] He is to be refused all contact with people save on your sufferance. You're not going to refuse to give him any contact -- assuming solitary confinement even works on him like it does on saiyans or humans -- but you're going to personally vet each and every conversation he has.
-[X] We'd be more lenient, but we recently had some trouble with saiyans trying to execute prisoners against orders because they wanted to. Until we're sure there aren't any more people like those utter butts, he'll have reduced freedom.
[X][CHIBI] He can be out in front of humans. Garenhulders are scared of innovation and the unknown, but for whatever reason they're really easily convinced that new things are in fact old things of which they have simply been previously unaware. You can easily come up with an excuse which they will buy.