[X] Try to negotiate a complete cease-fire. It'll mean making promises backed by your position of authority, and definitely will take some of your people scrambling to get Meerak to a radio to vouch for your sincerity and trustworthiness, but if you convince enough of the scouts that a fight isn't necessary right now, you may be able to pressure the leader into admitting that a surrender is his only choice. But you're not even sure if it's possible...
[X] Try to negotiate a complete cease-fire. It'll mean making promises backed by your position of authority, and definitely will take some of your people scrambling to get Meerak to a radio to vouch for your sincerity and trustworthiness, but if you convince enough of the scouts that a fight isn't necessary right now, you may be able to pressure the leader into admitting that a surrender is his only choice. But you're not even sure if it's possible...
-[X] If their leader accuses you of buying time for more forces or notices the forces your father has positioned, admit that of course they came when your school was attacked, but they have agreed to hold back so as not to interfere with the first real diplomatic contact you've had other than with Meerak.