[x] RUN! A war zone is not the place for a squishy human!
-[x] ...actually, this presents an opportunity. Power up and carry Jaron. You have the perfect excuse, and him knowing about ki could only make breaking the Seal easier. And it would piss off his Mom, too.
--[x] ...Power up moderately, enough to stop bomb shrapnel and bullets, but no higher than necessary for that purpose. Run fast, but not ridiculously beyond the human maximum.
--[x] ...Take Jaron to your own home, not his, if there was any question of that.
[x] RUN! A war zone is not the place for a squishy human!
-[x] ...actually, this presents an opportunity. Power up and carry Jaron. You have the perfect excuse, and him knowing about ki could only make breaking the Seal easier. And it would piss off his Mom, too.
-[x] at the same time make a duplicate and go out and see if you can't help save some lives. With Ki Sense, Telekinesis and speed, you should be able to so secretly without issue.
[x] RUN! A war zone is not the place for a squishy human!
-[x] At human pace. Don't raise any tricky questions. If you get caught and have to fight, then that's all there is to it, but let's not make things harder on ourselves and show Jaron things he's not supposed to see.
--[x] but power up enough to stop bomb shrapnel and bullets, but no higher than necessary for that purpose.
[x] RUN! A war zone is not the place for a squishy human!
-[X] At a human pace unless Jaron is in a clear and immediate danger. Then you'll deal with the aftermath as it comes. You'll have your Ki at 120,000 at all times anyway, just in case.
--[X] Take Jaron home with you.
-[X] Check with Dad if you're allowed to help others, either openly through mundane methods, or secretly with Ki if you can do so without anyone knowing or noticing.
--[X] If you're allowed, create a clone or two where Jaron can't notice them and send them off to help people.
-[X] Also check with Dad to see what you should do if the soldiers start rounding up or massacring people.
-[X] Finally, Maya. How should they handle her, especially if she forgoes secrecy?
-[X] If a Scout attacks openly during the confusion, raise your PL to 500,000 and get the fuck out of there while alerting Dad.
[x] RUN! A war zone is not the place for a squishy human!
-[X] Use Solar Flare to dazzle everyone in the area. It's a bit of a detection risk, but necessary for this to be convincing to Jaron.
-[X] Grab Jaron and use Instant Transmission to teleport to a remote, secluded place on the outskirts of the city, away from any paratroop landing zones.
--[X] If it's possible to raise power level at all while masking Kakara's ki signature, do so to provide some extra protection in case of a surprise attack.
--[X] Claim Jaron had another 'attack,' attributing any confusion or lack of perceived elapsed time to confused memories.
-[X] Contact Berra, mention that the bomb landed awfully close to you and might have been aimed at you and Jaron personally. Maybe there are rogue saiyans involved in all this.
--[X] Request instructions.
[x] RUN! A war zone is not the place for a squishy human!
-[x] Knock Jaron out and/or use Solar Flare to dazzle everyone in the area and/or flashblind Jaron as needed to cover the exit.
-[x] Grab Jaron and use Instant Transmission to teleport well away from other people.
--[X] If it's possible to raise power level at all while masking Kakara's ki signature, do so to provide some extra protection in case of a surprise attack.
--[x] If necessary, Claim Jaron hit his head during the explosion and/or fall and/or had another 'attack,' attributing any confusion or lack of perceived elapsed time to confused memories.
-[x] Contact Berra, mention that the very first bomb detected landed awfully close to you and would have likely killed both you and Jaron if not for a lucky and not-at-all certain last-second detection and dive into a ditch. You were not where your routine would have predicted you to be. Mention your location at the time and list the (lack of) potential military targets nearby. It might have been aimed at you and Jaron personally. Maybe there are rogue saiyans involved in all this.
--[X] Request instructions.
[X] Try to talk with Jaron. He looks like he could use some company. And why hasn't he mentioned how fast and strong you were? He couldn't have failed to notice...
-[X] Contact Maya with telepathy. Check to see sure if she's ok and ask how the rest of our friends are.
-[x] so I'm surprised that your not surprised or impressed by my show of athletics out there *pose slightly * what gives.
-[X] ask if he'd like to be strong like you
-[X] Ask what it was like in his old town see how far back Jaron "remembers"
-[X] try to swap slightly edited childhood stories.
[x] Board Game Night!
-[x] Make sure everyone feels included and has fun.
-[x] But excuse yourself to the restroom and Multiform first
--[x] The duplicate who is not staying home will talk with Dad via telepathy and help according to his directions.
---[x] The duplicate talking to Dad is explicitly permitted to tell him that we have learned the multi-form technique.