Vote tally - Dragon Ball: After the End

Adhoc vote count started by Aranfan on Mar 31, 2017 at 4:35 PM, finished with 10425 posts and 18 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Dragon Ball: After the End
Post #1
Post #10425


  • [X] Flee the field with Cabba and Maya in tow. Know when to fold in a fight.
    [X] Plan Not Again v2
    [X] Plan Not Again v2
    -[X] Communicate with Cabba and Dad about this plan
    --[X] Cabba will power up to 800,000 while screaming "Power Growth x 10!!!"
    --[X] Cabba will subdue the alien using raw telekinesis to hold him in place
    ---[X] If Cabba does not feel secure in his ability to do so, he may instead knock the alien out quickly in whatever manner he chooses
    --[X] Once the alien is unconscious or removed from the field, Cabba will drop his power level to no more than 20,000 and play up the exhaustion and strain he feels.
    --[X] Once Dad arrives, defer to his directions
    ---[X] Recommend (using telepathy) he KO the scout (if this hasn't already happened) and get him to the Training Hall's cells before quickly returning.
    ---[X] Suggest we all clear the area quickly (Dad and us using IT to get Maya and Cabba out if needed).
    -[X] Call Maya back to us while Cabba powers up, pulling her away from the alien if needed.
    -[X] If at any point it looks like inaction on our point will leave Maya in danger, power up to full and hold EVERYONE with Telekinesis.
    --[X] Dad can explain it to Maya as a 'Seer' thing or a limit break or whatever if he wants.
    [X] Grab Maya before she gets herself killed and get her to the location she's cleared to know about which will most cloud her ki senses of the battle. Since the scout appears reluctant to kill, especially children, tell him we're pulling her out and disengaging if his cooperation would let us get her clear with less of a display. Use solar flare, IT, and/or whatever power levels are necessary. Order Cabba to track the scout, but avoid engaging until Berra shows up. He's cleared to match the alien's power level if that's what it takes, but try to keep it as far down as he can without endangering himself. Tell Maya to stay put, then return to Cabba. Telepathic multimedia sitrep dump to Berra and request ETA if he's already committed, then player prompt for how to reengage.
    [X] Plan: You WILL have peace. One way...or another.
    -[X] Interpose yourself between the two, bellow "Enough" and send out a shockwave to knock them both back.
    --[X] Engage Diplomacy mode: Ask the scout why he's here and go from there in an attempt to talk him down and bring him to the bargaining table.
    ---[X] But if that fails....power up that sheer most extend that the Masque allows and break the scout. Break him so that you don't have to kill him. Start with his limbs and work your way to his spine. Dust his bones and tear his muscles. Any injury can fixed, given enough time and resources, but you cannot allow this to deteriorate any further.
    [X] 2.0x Get up and fight. Maya can't win this on her own. She needs your help.
    -[X] 2.5x At your Masqued maximum.
    [X] Not. We wrote in something not involving fighting for the other vote.
    -[X] Interpose yourself between the two, bellow "Enough" and send out a shockwave to knock them both back.
    --[X] Engage Diplomacy mode: Ask the scout why he's here and go from there in an attempt to talk him down and bring him to the bargining table.
    [X] Plan Not Again
    -[X] Communicate with Cabba and Dad
    --[X] Cabba will power up to 800,000 while screaming "Kaio-Ken x 10"
    --[X] Cabba will subdue the alien using raw telekinesis to hold him in place
    ---[X] If Cabba does not feel secure in his ability to do so, he may instead knock the alien out quickly in whatever manner he chooses
    --[X] Once the alien is unconscious or removed from the field, Cabba will drop his power level to no more than 20,000 and play up the exhaustion and strain he feels.
    --[X] Once Dad arrives, defer to his directions
    ---[X] Recommend he KO the scout (if this hasn't already happened) and get him to the Training Hall's cells before quickly returning.
    ---[X] Suggest we all clear the area quickly (Dad and us using IT to get Maya and Cabba out if needed).
    -[X] Call Maya back to us while Cabba powers up, pulling her away from the alien if needed.
    -[X] If at any point it looks like inaction on our point will leave Maya in danger, power up to full and hold EVERYONE with Telekinesis.
    --[X] Dad can explain it to Maya as a 'Seer' thing or a limit break or whatever if he wants.
    [X] Plan Not Again Version: Negative J ElctricBoogaloo
    -[X] Communicate with Cabba and Dad
    --[X] Cabba will power up to 200,000 while screaming "This hand of mine glows with an awesome power!", while gathering power in Cabba's hand
    --[X] Cabba will power up to 400,000 while screaming "Its burning grip tells me to defeat you!", forming it into a finger energy saber.
    --[X] Cabba will power up to 600,000 while screaming "TAKE THIS!", starting to swing the thing around like a crazy person.
    --[X] Cabba will power up to 700,000 while screaming "MY LOVE, MY ANGER, AND ALL OF MY SORROW!", pointing it at the Alien.
    --[X] Cabba will power up to 800,000 while screaming "SHINING FINGER!", will start attacking the alien.
    --[X] Cabba will subdue the alien using raw AWSOMENSS to hold him in place
    ---[X] If Cabba does not feel secure in his ability to do so, he may instead knock the alien out quickly in whatever manner he chooses
    --[X] Once the alien is unconscious or removed from the field, Cabba will drop his power level to no more than 20,000 and play up the exhaustion and strain he feels.
    --[X] Once Dad arrives, defer to his directions
    ---[X] Recommend (using telepathy) he KO the scout (if this hasn't already happened) and get him to the Training Hall's cells before quickly returning.
    ---[X] Suggest we all clear the area quickly (Dad and us using IT to get Maya and Cabba out if needed).
    -[X] Call Maya back to us while Cabba powers up, pulling her away from the alien if needed.
    -[X] If at any point it looks like inaction on our point will leave Maya in danger, power up to full and hold EVERYONE with Telekinesis.
    --[X] Dad can explain it to Maya as a 'Seer' thing or a limit break or whatever if he wants.