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This is the reboot of Dragon Ball: A Tale of Mystical Proportions!

Summary: In the age 736...


Chaotically Inclined
Anything non-rude.
This is the reboot of Dragon Ball: A Tale of Mystical Proportions!

Summary: In the age 736, two Saiyans were born, and both were sent to Earth mere moments apart. We all know of Son Goku, or Kakarot being sent to Earth by his father Bardock. The other, was to keep her safe from the worst threat most of the galaxy had faced, Frieza.

Also in the year 736, a young infant by the name of Chi-Chi was born still. Her father, the Ox-King, would soon be making his way through a river where he would find the remains of the Attack Ball the second Saiyan had arrived in. Inside, he found a sleeping baby girl. And ever since, he had raised her as his own.

This story shall explore this alternate timeline to Dragon Ball's History, starting back to when Yamcha, Puar, Goku, Oolong, and Bulma were meant to meet young Chi-Chi. Instead, a new story shall take place.

Let it commence.

Prologue: The End Of Planet Vegeta, and the Last Hope for the Saiyans

Footsteps rang out from down the hallway as the woman took a long, deep breath as she closed the door behind her. She knew he was coming for her, for what she was about to do. She didn't care, she had to protect the child from that. . . That monster who overthrew their race.

She glanced once more down upon the young child, whose black hair seven tall spikes, much like her own. The woman then closed the Attack Ball, and pressed the launch button. The course was set for a planet that wasn't too threatening, and if the child was to feel the need, should be easily conquered.

The footsteps drew nearer as she glanced towards the shut door. The white walls of the room she was in wouldn't bear that color much longer, for she knew what would happen to her due to this betrayal. She smiled softly to herself for one last time, she had already disabled the remote functionality on the Attack Ball. She had erased all evidence of the course. He daughter would be safe, thanks to her efforts.

She then collapsed onto her knees, glancing once more to the door as he stood there outside of it. His tall, spiky hair had a hint of brown to it. His eyes looked upon her, and a tinge of sorrow, regret, and remorse found it's way into the man's heart as he entered the room.

The red and blue cape wafting behind the tall Saiyan as he made his way towards her. His blue necklace swung around his neck with each step. The red emblem over his heart resembled the shape of a cross. His armor was white, with the shoulders being red, with stripes through them. The sound of his blue boots resounded throughout the chamber as he approached the female Saiyan, collapsed in a pool of her own blood.

As much as he was angry at her for what she had done, seeing her in such a pitiful state. . . She was a warrior who was now giving more than the ultimate sacrifice for their child. And he understood full well why. His anger had subdued by the time he reached her, as she leaned upon the control panel to the jettisoned Attack Ball. Her black hair spiky, and her soft eyes black as were his.

She bore a soft smile on her face as he kneeled next to her, his white gloved hand caressing her cheek as he looked into the eyes of his dying wife.

"I. . I had to. . I wouldn't allow her to be taken like. . Like her brother," She stammered out.

The impact of her having only recently giving birth, and tearing her way through medical personnel as well as trained warriors had now taken it's toll. The combination of the protective heart of a mother, and adrenaline could only carry even a Saiyan so far. And by the looks of it, it had just ran out.

He placed his hand on her shoulder, a soft smile upon the bearded King's face, "
I'm proud of you."

She looked into her King's eyes once more, before she let out her final breath. Her eyes glossed over, and her head rolled over, against the control panel.

The King stood once more, as he heard commotion coming from where he had come from. He knew his explanation as he turned around.

The man standing at the doorway had a rather intimidating presence despite his short stature. Two piercing black horns shot their way from the white flesh of the being. A violet, reflective crystal like orb sat in the creature's head. His piercing red eyes glared spitefully at the King before him. He took a step forward, glancing behind the King to gaze upon the dead woman. He also took note of the absent Attack Ball.

Once again, you prove to be the disappointment I thought you to be. The King of Monkeys, no more than a failure before his overlord," He enticed the King, and then continued, "Oh, there is no need to explain your failings. I know full well how you diverted my men from their course. I am quite aware that had it not been for your interference, she would be dead and that child would not have escaped. I must admit, that I'm not surprised."

It's over Frieza! I will no longer stand around as you bring death upon my people by sending us on suicide mission after suicide mission! And even if you do not fall by my hands, then you will be killed the might of the entire Saiyan Race!" The King yelled out, rushing forth and launching a kick at Frieza.

The small alien simply sidestepped, a slight grin on his face as the King missed his attack dramatically. The King then threw a punch towards Frieza, only for Frieza to dodge once again. Frieza decided he had enough of this little game, and slammed his fist into the King's chest, shattering his armor and causing him to collapse onto his hands and knees.

You see King Vegeta, if you were ever worth that title in my presence, your men stand no chance against me. Outnumbered or not, they will all fall before me. Just like you have," The cold hearted ruler told them beaten King as he walked towards the door.

The alien ruler raised one finger, pointing it at the King's chest.

Long live the King."


Frieza stared out from his ship upon the red planet. His eyes narrowed as he caught glimpse of a Lone Saiyan flying at them from the planet.

Zarbon, Dodoria. . send out my men to take care of that fly."

The tall green one behind Frieza nodded, and then pressed a button on the side of his scouter, and informed the troops to go take care of the Lone Saiyan. Soon enough, several troops began to fly out of the ship towards him.

The Lone Saiyan's armor was battered, torn, shredded and almost destroyed. There were green hints to leg pieces, and the remaining piece which went over his right shoulder. He wore a red bandana around his head, and his expression was filled with rage. He was intent of putting up one final fight, and that he did as he tore his way through Frieza's forces. The fight was enough to impress Frieza, however pitiful it was. He himself left the confines of his ship as the Long Saiyan approached, holding an energy ball in his hand, glaring angrily at Frieza.

You traitor! We did nothing to you! And yet you come here, hellbent on destroying us! How dare you!" He shouted with every fiber of his being, steadily increasing the size of the blue energy ball he held.

This might not be enough for Gine to get Kakarot off the planet. . . It just has to be enough to at least stall him. I must!

"Oh how amusing, one monkey thinks he can stand up to me? Not even your King was capable of doing that," Frieza smiled with gleeful delight as he informed this overly brave Saiyan of his King's demise.

SHUT UP!" The Lone Saiyan let out a loud roar of anger and rage, sending forth the ball of energy.

The ball of energy was roughly twice the size of Frieza, and the Space Lord had no trouble dodging the attack. However, he was caught by surprise when the Saiyan managed to strike Frieza across the face with a single punch, and then land a follow up blow upon him with a kick.

Now enraged, Frieza grabbed onto the Saiyan with his tail, wrapping it around his throat in a vise grip.

The Lone Saiyan's eyes were not attached to his attacker, but instead paid attention to the single Attack Ball which had now launched from the planet, in the opposite direction. He grinned, he had succeeded in his mission. He fired an energy blast point blank into Frieza's armor, blowing a hole in it, and allowing himself time to be free.

Frieza let out a loud yell of rage, raising his hands above his head and creating a vibrantly golden, smouldering orb of pure energy. It grew to an immense size, and the Space Lord threw it towards the Saiyan Warrior, who had little chance to escape.

Bardock, the last brave Saiyan to stand up to Frieza, and one of few opponents to land a hit upon him, found it impossible to escape the path of the orb. Swept up in it's energy, and as he began to dissipate into what he could only assume would be the nothingness of his soon to be afterlife, pondered to himself.

Gine and Kakarot. . . Raditz too, I did this for your survival. My wife. . . My children. . . Though you may not remember my sacrifice. . . Live on, as proud Saiyan warriors. . . Avenge our home world. . . .

Bardock's eyes closed as he grinned, fading fast. His mind drew him somewhere he had not seen before, and an unfamiliar woman stood there. At her side, was his own splitting image. However, this one was much younger, missing his scar and much paler than he. The two stood across from none other than Frieza. He could only assume the one with his same hair to be Kakarot, as his child bore the same hair he had.

He did not recognize the woman, though she stood tall and in front of the adult Kakarot. Her facial features were set forth upon Frieza in a death glare. The look alone could kill a weakling.

There was hope. Maybe a chance out there to end the tyranny. Bardock perished before he saw the end of the vision, and along with him Planet Vegeta, home of the Saiyan Race, as well as most of the Saiyans.
Interesting - the ripples start much earlier.

Wonder if there's any chance the Saiyajin currently on missions find out the truth?
Interesting - the ripples start much earlier.

Wonder if there's any chance the Saiyajin currently on missions find out the truth?

To my knowledge, the only Saiyans meant to be on mission would be Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz as they didn't return when Frieza called them back. Frieza covers it up by saying it was an asteroid.

I have heard that there were canonically three Saiyans sent to Earth, including Goku though we didn't know who the other two are. A friend told me that was stated in Super but I have no confirmation as I myself haven't watched that far. If you can tell me that's true or not, then I'd be very happy.
A friend told me that was stated in Super but I have no confirmation as I myself haven't watched that far. If you can tell me that's true or not, then I'd be very happy.
No, couldn't say that I know; Super turned my off in under a minute.

Frankly, not much following Son Goku's growing up is that great to me, but that's simply because I like the more humorous earlier storylines much better.
No, couldn't say that I know; Super turned my off in under a minute.

Frankly, not much following Son Goku's growing up is that great to me, but that's simply because I like the more humorous earlier storylines much better.

Well, I hope you stick with this for awhile. I intend on taking this all the way through Dragon Ball and probably at least into the Frieza saga, maybe even to Cell. I'm not sure about Buu. . . I don't really care for the idea of him but I mean. . . Food?

I do have plans for the in between, and even some surplus stuff otherwise. At least six years passes in the entirety of Dragon Ball, if not seven or eight. That's a lot to cover between the first chapter until then.
Chapter 1: Meiko, and Goku, off to see Master Roshi!
Chapter 1: Meiko, and Goku, off to see Master Roshi!

There was a calm quiet throughout the forest. The subtle breeze gently caused a stir upon the leaves and the grass. The peace was suddenly disturbed as a child swung forth from a tree, landing gracefully upon her feet.

She sat there for but a moment, black eyes glancing forward. The breeze gently brushing her black, spiky hair. Her shirt was a black, sleeveless gi. Beneath that, she wore a white t shirt. She wore the matching uniform white pants. Upon her back was a sword, of the jian style. Attached to her belt was a brown sack containing various capsules for her quest. And from her back was a tail, swishing to and fro.

She stood up straight, continuing forward as she stretched her arms out. A soft yawn escaped her lips as she walked forth. The young girl had been sent by her Papa to seek out his old martial arts teacher, Master Roshi. This task was given to her due to the fact that the mountain that his castle was built upon had been eternally set aflame. She was to ask him for the Bansho Fan, a mystical fan capable of putting out nearly any and all flames.

The young girl knew that she was meant to reach the ocean, where she'd toss one of her capsules to create a boat. She'd find Roshi eventually. Her steps were soft as she glanced around herself.

Behind her, there came a loud crash. The ground shook beneath her as she turned around. Before her stood a large dinosaur. Hunger in it's eyes at it looked at what it conceived to be it's prey. She turned before it moved again and began to sprint as fast as she could, running towards a tree. The dinosaur had started it's chase, intent upon eating the young girl.

She reached the tree, leaping upwards into it can catching one of the branches and launching herself upwards more. The dinosaur reached the tree, slamming headfirst into it in an attempt to shake the child out of the tree. She held fast, clinging in desperation so that she'd not wind up as dinner. Beneath her, the dinosaur roared. She climbed onto the branch, glancing down at the dinosaur.

Her tail reached up to the hilt of the sword, drawing it from its sheath. She leapt from the tree, onto the dinosaur's back. The dinosaur roared out, as she ran down it's back. The beast tried to turn around before it yelled out in agony as the girl leaped off the creature, it's tall falling to the ground after she had sliced through it.

Her tail raised the sword over her head as she entered a combat ready stance, her eyes narrowed at the beast. It took one glance at her, and then took off in the opposite direction. It stumbled with each step as it's sense of balance was now gone.

She smiled to herself, and glanced towards the tail of the beast that now lay upon the ground. She walked over towards it, and sliced through it. She held the slice up as her sword was sheathed. It looked rather delectable. She walked over to a fallen log, reaching into her sack as she did so. She pulled out a capsule. She clicked the button at the top, and tossed it into the air.

Upon landing, it burst into a cloud of dust and smoke. Soon enough, the dust and smoke cleared to reveal a stove. The girl smiled to herself, her Papa knew full well how much enjoyed herself some good well cooked food. She pressed a button on the stove and it breathed to life as she placed the slice of the tail on it.

She whistled to herself as she walked towards a tree, and leaned upon it. The food would be done soon enough. She closed her eyes, wrapping her tail around her waist. There came the sound of movement from the tree above her, and she opened to her eyes to witness a young man fall to the ground in front of her.

She raised an eyebrow as she eyed this fellow over. He had long black hair, unkempt and untame. He wore a green tunic, with hints of orange here and there. It bore an unfamiliar symbol across the front. He sat up, and made eye contact with her. He placed his hand behind his head as he began to talk.

A-are you Meiko?"

The girl tilted her head in confusion, she had never seen this man before and yet he knew her name? That was strange. Could he be a friend of her Papa's or something?

How do you know my name? Are you a friend of my Papa?" The girl asked him as he stood up.

He looked her up and down, seeing the tail wrapped closely around her. He gulped, remembering the other kid he had seen and how tough he was in a fight. And this was the Ox-King's little girl! He couldn't believe he had let himself fall to see that she would best that dinosaur. And she did, with ease, too!

I, um. . . The truth is my darling, I'm in love with you," The man stammered out, turning around to hide the red upon his face to cover his lie. He heard a giggling from the girl as she started to laugh at him.

No you're not! You're lying! Ahahaha! You're just upset because I made you fall out of your tree!" Meiko just kept laughing at him as his face grew even more red and his eyes widened.

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. . .

"So..Who are you really, anyways? I've never met you before, and you know my name. So that means you know my Papa," Meiko asked him again, this time no longer leaning on the tree.

The man didn't even answer, instead, he took off like his life depended on it, yelling out behind him a name, "
Puar! Come on!"

She raised her eyebrow in confusion as she watched the man run away, before glancing up to see a blue cat like creature following him through the air. What most intriguing people.

Her trail of thought was cut off as the smell of the tail wafted its way to her. She blinked, and then made her way over to the stove. It was done. That stove sure cooked fast! She drew her sword, stabbing it into the steak as she turned the stove back into a capsule. With the capsule in her bag and food in hand, she began on her way to Master Roshi's again.

After a short while, she had finished eating the steak. It was just as good as she thought it would be. She'd have to find the rest of that tail on her way back. But for now she had to focus on how make her way to Master Roshi's, which her Papa had told her was on an island. She wasn't even anywhere near the water yet. She then heard a strange noise coming from high above her.

Looking up, she saw a young boy flying towards her on a tan cloud. The duo stopped in front of her. The boy had black spiky hair too, though the lengths of his hair were much longer than hers. He wore a blue sleeveless gi, and on his back she could see either a staff or a sword sheathed there.

Are you Meiko?" The boy asked her.

She tilted her head at the boy. That made two people who knew her name that she hadn't met.

Yes I am. That's strange, you're the second boy to know my name before I've met. Do you know my Papa?"

He sent me here to help you find Master Roshi," The boy answered her, "Climb onboard!"

She raised an eyebrow, glancing at the cloud and then she shrugged her shoulders. She then noticed something else about the boy before she jumped onto the cloud.

You have a tail too! Like me!" She exclaimed, unwrapping her tail from around her waist.

She waggled it around behind herself for a moment, watching as the boy did the same. She smiled gleefully as she jumped onto the cloud, and it held her up just like the boy.

What was your name?"

I'm Goku! Ahaha!"

The two smiled as they waved their tails back and forth before Goku glanced to the cloud, "
Alright Nimbus, to Master Roshi's!"

Meiko found herself caught off guard when the cloud started forward, and she almost fell off. Had it not been for the fact that she sat down, she surely would have. She smiled with glee as the cloud flew forward.

I've never flew before, this is amazing!"

I know! Isn't it great!"

Yeah, it sure it! But I have to ask, how did you meet my Papa?"

Oh, we followed Bulma's Dragon Radar to Fire Mountain. The radar said that there was a Dragon Ball there. I met the Ox-King there and we got into a fight before I told him about my Grandpa Gohan. Then he asked me to go help you find Master Roshi and get the Bansho Fan!"

What's a Dragon Ball?"

Goku reached into his bag that he had and pulled out a shining orange ball. Inside there were four, slightly red colored stars. Meiko stared at it in wonder.

There are seven in all, we have five of them so far. When you collect all seven, you can make a wish! For anything you want," Goku informed her.

That would be a lot of food."

Papa was right, maybe she
did think with her stomach.

The Nimbus cloud then flew in a loop as the pair laughed with glee. Soon enough, they crossed over the desert where Goku along with his friends Bulma and Oolong crossed paths with Yamcha, the Desert Bandit who had been spying on young Meiko. His intentions were to swipe the Dragon Balls from Goku and friends.

The Cloud and it's trusty riders eventually made their way over a mountain range, and over a vast forest. The entire time young Meiko laughed and smiled. Once they arrived at the ocean, the cloud came to a slow.

I've never been to the ocean before, it's ginormous! Are you sure we can find Master Roshi?"

Uh. . . Maybe we should stop and ask for directions, huh?"

Meiko giggled, as the Nimbus cloud made it's way down to the ocean where Goku made out a dolphin swimming along the surface. The cloud came to rest next to the dolphin, which poked it's head out towards the youths.

Excuse me, but do you know where we can find Master Roshi?"

"Master Roshi? Yeah, you just keep going in that direction and you can't miss his little island." The dolphin pointed in a direction, and then the Nimbus cloud started off that way.

Meiko kept her eyes peeled for an island to spring forth from the ocean waters, unaware that it didn't quite work like that. She'd never been to an island before. To be fair, she hadn't much been away from her Papa for this long before, either. She was a long way from home, that much was sure. However, the young girl's mind wasn't focused upon thoughts such as that.

As a matter of fact, she had started wondering about how she and Goku both had a tail when her Papa did not. Maybe only the strongest of children were allowed a tail? Her mind couldn't quite wrap itself around it. . . Though she knew that the answer was in her mind somewhere. . Lost and forgotten to when she was an infant, perhaps?

Her train of thought interrupted itself when she laid eyes upon an island.

Look Goku! An island! It's gotta be where Master Roshi lives!"

I think you're right."

On the island sat an off-pink house, bearing the word '
Kame' across the front of it. It had a red roof, with a small front porch before the front door. The window to the left of the door was open. Nearby on the tiny island, stood an old man with a turtle shell on his back.

The old man was relatively feeble looking, wearing an orange shirt with various letters littered across it. He wore a pair of sunglasses, and his head bore no hair. He had a pure white beard which went down across his neck. He was looking out across the ocean waves as the Flying Nimbus brought its two passengers down towards the island.

Upon the island was also a large, brown turtle whom Goku had helped previously.

Hey Master Roshi!" Goku greeted the man with glee, hopping off of the Nimbus as soon as it came to a rest, "How are ya'?"

The man looked up, and smiled at the boy, "
Goku! I had a feeling I'd see you again. And I'm doing pretty great for an old coot! I had a feeling I'd see you again Goku."

Meiko then hopped off of the Nimbus, alongside Goku. The old Master took a look upon her, before he questioned Goku about her.

Say, Goku, what happened to your friend here? Last time I saw her she was taller, prettier, and well, bigger!" Master Roshi gestured to his chest as he said the final statement.

Oh, that was Bulma but this is Meiko. She's the Ox-King's Daughter," Goku informed the Master.

I do recall him telling me once about finding a little girl with a tail, didn't think I'd meet her on my island. What are you kids here for anyway?" The Old Master asked of the two children before him.

Papa told me you had the Bansho Fan! So we came here to ask you to let us borrow it cause Papa's mountain is on fire so we can't get back into our castle," Meiko answered the question, gazing intently at Roshi.

Hm. . The Bansho Fan, huh? It's a magical fan, wave it once and a strong breeze appears, wave it twice and it starts to rain, wave it a third time and it rains a lot," The old hermit took a few steps to the right, stroking his beard. "I don't know if you kids can handle the fan, it's very dangerous."

What!? But we have to get it Master! We need to put out the fire and get the Dragon Ball!" Goku pleaded with him.

The Bansho Fan could put out that fire. And, since one good turn deserves another. Goku, come here with me for a moment, would you?" Roshi beckoned only Goku to follow him.

The pair, as well as Turtle, walked around behind the house leaving young Meiko outfront to gaze out at the ocean in awe and wonder. That was a lot of water for her young mind to take in.

I'm going to help you with the Bansho Fan, but I'm going to need you to help me with something. You know that other girl you were with?"

Goku gazed at Roshi in wonder, and then answered his question with a question of his own,"
You mean Bulma?"

But Master, you know dating's against your code!" Master Roshi's old Turtle reminded him.

It's not a date. . It's a walk."

The Turtle stated his disappointment, "
Oh, helpless."

Who asked you, you goodie goodie!? Besides, can't a fragile old man near the end of his life have a little fun before he goes?"

But Master, you drank from the Fountain of Youth, so you know full well you're nowhere near your end!" The Turtle reminded him, once again, of one of his many deeds.

Why you rotten little traitor!"

A walk's no big deal, I'm sure Bulma won't mind," Goku answered.

Now, don't say anything to Meiko, I don't want her dad to know."

Right, it's a secret!"

Goku walked back around the house to Meiko, and informed her that Roshi was going to give them the Bansho Fan. As he was doing that, Roshi himself proceeded into his house and began to search for the fan. He flipped tables over, looked under chairs and in cabinets. He looked everywhere before he finally gave in.

Turtle! What did I do with the fan?" Master Roshi questioned Turtle.

You were using it as a place mat the last time I saw it."

That was the Bansho Fan!? I threw it away because I spilled some juice on it, and it got all sticky."

Meiko titled her head at that. No Bansho Fan. No way to put out the fire.

This means no Dragon Ball. . ."

Now hold on just a minute, this just means I'll have to go to Fire Mountain to put out those flames myself," Roshi reassured the two.

You can really do that!?" Meiko bounced up in excitement.

Of course, there's nothing Master Roshi can't do!"

A few moments later, Master Roshi came out wearing a plain orange button up and blue pants instead of shorts.

Why'd you change your clothes?" Goku pondered.

You never know what the day might bring."

But you can't ride the Flying Nimbus," Goku stated.

Don't worry about that, I'll find myself another ride. Come to me, Baby Gamera!"

There came the sound of spinning, as a flying shell made it's way to island, jetting flames from itself. It landed on the island and a turtle head sprung forth. The creature, Gamera, had tusks.

"At your service."

I need to take an express spin to Fire Mountain."


Master Roshi smiled, then glanced back to Turtle, "
Behave yourself!"

Turtle glanced down, not finding Roshi's little joke funny.

Roshi then whispered to Goku, "
Don't forget we'll have our little talk with Bulma as soon as we get there."

Okay, I promise. We'll go ahead and meet you there, okay?" Goku hopped onto the Flying Nimbus along with Meiko.

Goku and Meiko then started their way off towards Fire Mountain, both laughing with glee as they flew. Soon enough, Meiko's Papa will be able to go to his castle once more. And, young Meiko would be able to ask this Bulma lady if she could help them find the last Dragon Ball after they get the one from her Papa's Castle!
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Interesting relaunch, though I question why you felt the need to switch to third person.

It's a magical fan, wave it once and a strong breeze appears, wave it twice and it starts to rain, wave it a third time and it rains for a third time,"
That seems somehow... warped, I guess.

Also, Muten Roshi and Son Goku's, and Meiko and the Turtle's speech colors are fairly similar.
Interesting relaunch, though I question why you felt the need to switch to third person.

That seems somehow... warped, I guess.

Also, Muten Roshi and Son Goku's, and Meiko and the Turtle's speech colors are fairly similar.

Fixed that, thanks for pointing it out!

I swapped to third person because it fits Dragon Ball better, what with there going to be fighting and stuff and a lot going on around Meiko that she herself wouldn't be paying attention to at this point. If I stayed in first person there'd be details in the story that would be left out and I don't wanna do that, honestly.

Plus, I just didn't feel my writing skills were being properly put to the test in first person from the point of view of an 11 year old girl. One of my major flaws is lack of description and that's something that I'm trying to work on desperately.

And if I was as descriptive as I'd like to be it'd make Meiko seem a lot smarter than she should be using words that wouldn't make sense to be in her vocabulary.

Turtle's color is similar to Goku's, I'll mess with it next time he comes through.

Hope that cleared some stuff up for you!
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Plus, I just didn't feel my writing skills were being properly put to the test in first person from the point of view of an 11 year old girl. One of my major flaws is lack of description and that's something that I'm trying to work on desperately.

And if I was as descriptive as I'd like to be it'd make Meiko seem a lot smarter than she should be using words that wouldn't make sense to be in her vocabulary.
As I'm currently trying to write a story entirely in first person, I can tell you that it's a lot more difficult to leave out description. After all, a protagonist storyteller tends to leave vital information out; and especially in present tense narration, you stumble upon many things that just have to come out of left field lest it feel unrealistic.

On second thought, stick with third person, it saves your sanity. :confused:
My apologies, it would seem my motivation has taken a leave of absence without my permission. No promises on when the next chapter will be posted.