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My nephew has said to me what I should write down my dreams
Death to Kyubey New
A\N. This is a scary dream I had after watching one and a half episode of Madoka Magica, after which i can not make myself watch the rest or anything linked to it.

It was an ordinary summer morning. I was on my way to work, dozing in the train carriage. It looks like we've reached the next stop, because the noise has stopped. Dust motes danced in the warm sunlight. Strangely, I couldn't feel the movement of people around me through my slumber. Did I suddenly oversleep my stop and end up at the depot? Again.

With a great effort of will, I opened my eyes and looked around anxiously. At first, I didn't understand what exactly I was seeing. It took me a moment to realize that the specks of dust were not moving. I was just suddenly mesmerized by their golden beauty. The fact that the front of the wagon looked like a special effect from the Matrix - like an explosion frozen in time, huge razor-sharp metal sheets twisted like the petals of a blooming giant flower - did not deserve my attention at all.

" will become a magical girl and you will be able to save them all!" – someone's cheerful voice continued to convince the eight-year-old girl sitting on the bench to my left in the carriage. I remembered how she and her mom sat next to me before I dozed off.

"Really? Really, really?" she asked.

I continued to watch the shimmering gold dust with fascination. At the very edge of my field of vision, to the left of me, I could barely see a strange, moving white spot.

"All you need to do is to sign a contract with me," the white spot continued convincing the girl.

A vague doubt arose in my heart and quickly blossomed into a real horror. I knew what was going on right now. I saw it in a dream. In one of those dreams that show me the future, but forgot about. Until now. I was not someone like Dresden, I was not a real wizard, no one took me as an Apprentice, but the Power, inherited from many generations of my ancestors, bubbled in my blood. And here, now, in this magically distorted place, I could do a lot more than usual.

This Power allowed me to turn my head slightly and look at the little white creature. I felt the blood of the millions crying out for revenge from the shadow, spreading from his paws. They shouted to me in disembodied voices about the true nature of this creature. About the Price that is taken for the fulfillment of the Wishes. The vengeful voices of millions of dead magical girls told me what Kyubey is really doing, what his Operators want, why and how exactly they do it.

My horror continued to grow far beyond what I thought I could feel.

The girl started talking at the same time as me.

"I agree," she said.

"I remembered everything," I said.

I said the next words at the same time as Kyubey. I didn't listen to what he said. I was just screaming internally. But I whispered out loud: "God help me!" because in this situation I could only hope for His help.

White light flooded everything around, time slowed down even more and in the light of the poor girl's annihilating body, I saw a flickering black dot of microportal.

Kyubey rushed towards it, and my left hand shot forward, trying to grab his tail. I do not know what motivated me. It seemed to me that he stopped, at least he turned his head and looked at me. But I couldn't say that I had managed to catch him. Everything was melting into white light. Only the silhouette of Kyubey, his black eyes and the indescribability of a rapidly expanding portal, shining with impossible colors of magic, remained visible. I was quickly losing the feeling of my body and couldn't feel anything below my neck.

Kyubey raised his paw and was about to do something, I don't know what, but he didn't have time, because from the other side of the portal something ... someone began to watch us. I felt his Gaze. I remember the gleam of his golden armor, I remember the rustle and soft feathers of his six wings, I remember the light of his face. I felt countless hands lifting the three of us and placing us on idea of the floor, in the middle of an immense White Hot Room.

Despair and insane hope blossomed inside my soul, I turned to what was left of the poor girl's body – just a few white sparks. Her soul was visible as a vague silhouette around them. The unfortunate girl does not know that she sold her Soul, her body and all the magical potential not only of herself, but also of all her descendants! All so that Kyubey could gain access to the "Control Panel of the Universe" and cancel Entropy for the race of his Operators for another century or two. Her body will be burned in the process. And replaced with an artificial infertile clone, created by the Operators. Her soul will be torn out of her body and placed in a phylactery. Her magic will be spent fighting Entropy and she will receive the pitiful remnants from the process of annihilation of her own body. The energy costs of fulfilling her Wish and teleporting an artificial body through space and time are negligible for the Operators compared, to their fight against entropy.

I thought about how terrible and unfair it was. That Humanity should not lose kind little girls so that an alien civilization of Kyubey Operators could prolong its existence at such a bloody cost, and I wanted to shout this to an Angel. But he's already read my mind. I felt the soothing touch of His palm. I still could not wholly perceive it completely.

I felt that at the same time, Kyubey was telepathically telling to the angel what he was in the right. About their right to the girl's magic, that they had signed a contract. We were both assured in our righteousness.

Kyubey got the access. He did something that I couldn't see, couldn't perceive, couldn't wrap around with my mind, but I realized that he had postponed entropy for his Civilization for another couple of centuries.

"Can't I do anything about it?", I asked the Angel mentally, "Can't all of this be solved?!" I couldn't express my feelings, my righteous anger, my impotent fury, I couldn't put them into words.

The angel looked at me. And in the next moment, I saw the world around me as if through his Eyes. I raised my six wings. I raised my angelic sword and looked at Kyubey, I saw his true nature and opened a portal through space and time to his City. Sparkling with crystals, metal and magic. I hovered above it and did not feel any strong emotions from it's inhabitants. My Legion hovered behind me. I condemned this City and found no reason to let them live after all they had done. I have unleashed my wrath, the Orbital strikes of the Heavenly Cleansing Flame and the Legion of Angels on this City.

An indefinite time later, in the burning ruins, I has found the Last Operator, who placed his spirit, his phylactery, in the body of another Kyubey clone and whispered in his long ear, raising my fiery sword: "The Cycle must end."

I opened my eyes. The train has reached the next stop, mine will be in two more. The girl who was sitting next to me, was enthusiastically telling her mother something, following her to the exit of the carriage. Everything was fine, there were no strange distortions, or a smell of magic in the air. Everything that happened was just a strange crazy dream, clearly because I didn't sleep enough last night and watched too much anime instead. I folded my six wings more carefully so as not to touch people around me and got more comfortable in my seat.
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