[X] Plan The Trio and Debt
-[X] [Companions]
--[X] [Companion] Nosta: raroh hawks are particularly intelligent and social species of hawks common — and prized — on your homeworld. Their mixed red and white feathering hides them against the quartz-iron rich walls of the canyons where they hunt, too have they learned to hunt in the cities dug into the canyon floors. You discovered Nosta as a chick, one of her wings weak and shrunken and nursed her back to health. In time her wing grew to full size but she never left you. (-3 Tokens) [FREE]
--[X] [Companion] Natya Dannika Llitov: your fellow apprentice and your only close friend in the world (or at least the only one you half-way respect) Natya is in many ways your reflection just as obsessed as you with metals and tinkering, but with a bent towards the magical. Why she chose to follow you on your journey you're not entirely sure, but you're glad to have her nonetheless. (-4 Tokens)
--[X] [Companion] Opal Glittering Skyline, Nine Wings Broken: Opal-Nine is an aged khar, his mottled brown and green carapace scratched from years and years of hard living on the edge of civilization. Long ago he was a soldier in the Republic of Kharmun-thar. You met him drinking himself to death in a rundown little joint on Zerzura and struck up a conversation, apparently he liked you well enough to forego the alcohol induced funeral and hitch his 'fading fortunes to you.' He's seen a lot and done more. (-5 Tokens)
-[X] [Purchases]
--[X] [Purchase] Samshi SurvivalistTM Weapon: Knives, spears, swords, axes, hammers, any weapon you could imagine, Samshi makes. Their Survivalist line — consisting of rugged, weatherproofed, simple designs — is sold practically everywhere and will serve against most wildlife. Most even have dual function capabilities as utility tools.
--[X] [Purchase] Sled: Simple wood and metal sled. Provide transport for supplies, artifacts, and/or injured companions. Not self-propelled, range dependent on the user's own strength and stamina.
--[X] [Purchase] PalmDiv, All-Purpose Scanner: Azrhan-Dam House Works is a small-time producer of custom scanning and divination devices for pest-control, law enforcement, and adventurers of all kinds. One of their first models, the PalmDiv lacks in much of the modern deep penetration capabilities of competitor designs but makes up for it in affordability.
--[X] [Purchase] Single-Family Pre-Fab Module: Contain adjustable sleeping space for up to 8 individuals, one double occupancy/multi-species restroom, climate controlled storage, combination cooking/dining space, attachment points for full on environmental control suite, and a Quick SealTM airlock for rapid entrance and egress. Exterior facing module pieces are made of high-strength composites rated to withstand Class 0 extreme weather conditions.
-[X] [Rival] Red Iron Works of Vapim, Asset Protection: Some of your more… energetic projects had unfortunate collateral impacts. Nothing ruinous. And no one lost more than a finger, or two. Still they put you, nominally, in the debt of Red Iron Works of Vapim; a local megacorp of your homeworld Golac, a debt that you had, technically, skipped out on. But with you gone to the Disk they'll probably just write you off as a lost asset and collect a fat insurance check. Right? They wouldn't send someone after you, would they?
-[X] [EXTRA] Major Discipline: Life-Shaping