Five thousand kilometers thick (not counting the vast, atmosphere breaking glaciers) at the edge and spanning more than a billion from edge to edge the Disk dominates your vision. This far in you can't even see anything beyond it in the lower half of your vision, just an endless plane of green and blue fading towards sun-scorched tan ahead of you and to glittering white behind you. All else is the star strewn black field of space and the burning beacon of Mu ahead.
Well, and the pearlescent form of Zerzura growing in your viewports.
Zerzura, the White City. Zerzura, crown jewel of Mu. Zerzura of innumerable empty halls, lonely manses, and lifeless promenades.
A planet which
is a city.
No one knows how deep it truly goes. If there is some rocky, planetary core beneath all the layers of labyrinthine construction. Those who go too deep never return and those who do not go quite so deep, but skirt the edges, say that
things have taken up residence. Others say that Mu's ancient owners still lurk, warding off intruders from their final, greatest work.
Whatever the truth, Zerzura is the first and (usually) last stop for anyone coming to or leaving Mu and the Disk. It has been the capital of empires and the tomb of emperors. Billions call it home. Living in its towering crystalline spires, trading in its vast squares and avenues, playing in the gardens tended by inscrutable servitors.
It is to here that you bought passage. There are star ports on the Disk itself of course, thousands of them, but if you had landed there you wouldn't have been able to browse the markets of Zerzura. Everything that comes to or leaves Mu passes through Zerzura at some point.
A dozen stations orbit the planet, connected directly down to the planet by gargantuan elevators. Ten around the equator and one each at the poles. At any point there are thirty-seven thousand ships docked between them; ranging from tiny single pilot skiffs, to titanic cargo haulers nearly ready to collapse under their own weight. Your own humble carriage is some ancient dveugr built mammoth serving as a passenger liner.
Once it might have been an impressive craft; edges carved to neat, imposing lines and surfaces brandishing stark reliefs of warriors and monsters from legend and myth. But when you saw it — for all of five minutes granted — while boarding, it was a timeworn and pockmarked shape dimly resembling five moth-eaten mountains tied together by wild sprays of gantries, swaying tubes, and crumbling bridges, all sat on a squashed, shallow pyramid and set on its side.
And the less said about its interiors the better. You would curse its name, but if it ever had one it is long consigned to history, lost even to its crew.
While aboard you spent your time...
[] [Journey] helping maintain some of the ventilation and life-support systems of the ship in exchange for a pitiful wage. +3000 Credits.
[] [Journey] making friends amongst your fellow passengers. +1 Companion.
[] [Journey] making enemies amongst your fellow passengers. +1 Rival. +6000 Credits.
[] [Journey] studying an ancient tome you stumbled across right before leaving for Mu, you think it might hold some clues to a potential site. Guarantee a good site.
[] [Journey] Write-in: Have an idea? Write it in. Subject to approval.
Now, as the rays of Mu dip down behind Zerzura and you watch the glittering constellations of lights down on the surface dance through several complex arrangements you wait to begin your journey with baited breath.
Who were you before?
[] [Background] Nobody: You were no one in particular. An unremarkable talent who passed beneath everyone's notice, you scraped and scrounged and saved and stole to pay for your passage to the Disk. Good news is, no one is going to come looking for you. Bad news is,
no one is going to come looking for you.
Gain: +7000 Credits.
[] [Background] Greenhorn: Early on in your life you found your path in life, it would have been hard to make it anywhere if someone older and more experienced hadn't seen something in you and decided to take you under their wing. You earned most of your knowledge at their feet, through practice. And even made some friends and connections too.
Gain: +15 Tokens +1 Companion.
[] [Background] Coward: When you were a child your parents laid out the path of your life for you in no uncertain terms. They knew what they wanted you to become, and when, and there was previously little you could do to change even a single second of it. Fortunately they didn't count on your having megalomaniacal dreams of running away to the edge of the galaxy to risk life and limb chasing faint rumors of ultimate power. Unfortunately doing so may have made certain… uh, acquaintances of yours, unhappy.
Gain: +14000 Credits. +1 Companion. +1 Rival.
[] [Background] Prodigy: Everyone always said you were going places. You don't think
this was the sort of place they meant when they said it, but no one would deny you're going to make use of your talents. Unfortunately in your drive to reach this point you may have made some enemies, and one or two may have chosen to follow you in order to have their revenge.
Gain: +1 Rival. Choose Additional Major Discipline.
[] [Background] Write-in: Have an idea? Write it in. Subject to approval.
And why did you come?
[] [Ambition] You'll prove them all wrong! You have a theory about something that you aim to prove in the most visceral way possible.
[] [Ambition] You want it all! Gold, jewels, swords, guns, ships, exotic creatures. Anything and everything you can imagine, and plenty of stuff you can't.
[] [Ambition] You just want to see it burn! The world is so tiresome and irritating, but once you've put it all in shambles and rebuilt it in your image it won't be.
[] [Ambition] You want to uncover secrets! Power and wealth are only good insofar as they fuel your search for greater knowledge, which is the true power that moves the world. Not that you care about moving the world, but it's nice to know you can.
[] [Ambition] You won't be stopped by anyone's silly 'rules!' You have dabbled in techniques and practices that are forbidden by the civilized rules, but you don't plan on letting those sorts of things hold you back.
[] [Ambition] Write-in: Have an idea? Write it in. Subject to approval.
Not a plan vote.