Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Adventurer

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Daenerys Targaryen achieved her dream of winning the Iron Throne, only to be killed by a dagger to the heart by Jon Snow. However, her story did not end there. Instead of the afterlife, Daenerys awoke to find herself in the land of Skyrim in Tamriel.

Knowledge of Skyrim is NOT required. The world will be explained as the story unfolds.

Special thanks to my betas: Grigori on SpaceBattles and Rattatatouille on Sufficient Velocity.

The previous books of the Dovah Queen Series:
  1. Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Rising - It's a long fall from queen to tavern wench. Will Daenerys rise again?
  2. Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Champion - Acclaimed the Dragonborn, Champion of Skyrim, Daenerys is expected to solve all Skyrim's problems from bandits to dragons.
The story of Daenerys Targaryen in Tamriel continues in Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Adventurer.

Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Adventurer

Daenerys Targaryen achieved her dream of winning the Iron Throne, only to be killed by a dagger to the heart by Jon Snow. However, her story did not end there. Instead of the afterlife, Daenerys awoke to find herself in the land of Skyrim in Tamriel.

Knowledge of Skyrim is NOT required. The world will be explained as the story unfolds.

Special thanks to my betas: Grigori on SpaceBattles and Rattatatouille on Sufficient Velocity.

The previous books of the Dovah Queen Series:
  1. Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Rising - It's a long fall from queen to tavern wench. Will Daenerys rise again?
  2. Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Champion - Acclaimed the Dragonborn, Champion of Skyrim, Daenerys is expected to solve all Skyrim's problems from bandits to dragons.
The story of Daenerys Targaryen in Tamriel continues in Dovah Queen, Dragonborn Adventurer.
Morndas, the 15th of Last Seed, Year 202 of the 4th Era​

Sofija had never liked council meetings, but she understood that they were important. Daenerys had explained why. People followed orders better when they got to say their piece. Plus, sometimes they came up with good ideas. Leaders didn't know everything. Most of the important stuff, even battles, got decided in council meetings. At least Daenerys had run her meetings like the captain of a ship. Everyone said their piece, Daenerys decided, and they got shit done.

Saerlund's council meetings were skeever shit. He let everyone talk and talk and talk. He would sometimes nod wisely, or step in and ask a question, but mostly he just listened. She knew what he was doing. Daenerys did that in a small way. That had been one of her lessons. The point was to let people talk it out. However, Daenerys had little tolerance for boasting and bragging at her councils. That's what taverns were for. Sofija was bored and had things to do. Everyone knew all this already, or almost all of it. This wasn't getting shit done. This was a bunch of men waving their dicks about how important they were.

The current dick-waver was the newly minted Lord Honrich. Saerlund had handed out a lot of estates. Lord Honrich, formerly Addvild Lake-Heart, had been an overseer for the Snow-Shods. He seemed like a decent enough fellow. He was getting things done. But, put him at the council table, give him a few drinks, and he rambled on and on about his people sleeping in fields so they would have enough food to last the winter. Building homes had to wait. Repairs on the fortress of Falder's Tooth had to wait. His people were suffering.

When Honrich finally sat down, the new Lord Treva had to explain why his people were suffering more from the same problems, and the fortress of Treva's Watch would take even longer to repair. At least when Vignar Grey-Mane, or Lord Ivarstead as he was called now, had his turn, he didn't bitch or moan. He said his piece, said it quick, and sat down. She felt like applauding.

Really, she got it. She'd been there with the Dragonguard and had taken Treva's Watch while Harrald Law-Giver and the Riften Guard took Falder's Tooth. These new estates were a big deal for the Rift. The deal that Saerlund; his steward, Anuriel; and Camilla Valerius had worked out was a big deal. They were putting the out-of-work and desperate of Riften to work, letting them earn their own land instead of being thralls. Not that Saerlund was giving away land for free. The new tenants were indentured. It took twenty years of service to buy a plot for a single family. Or, ten peacetime years in the Riften Guard. Or, five years in the Riften Guard if they went to war. Or, three years in the Dragonguard. Family members could serve instead, so sons and daughters were signing up to serve while their parents worked the land. The people of the Rift loved Saerlund for it.

The deal had cost them Vignar Grey-Mane. Saerlund had wanted a noble from the Dragonguard to be made Lord Ivarstead. There really hadn't been anyone else, but it was worth it. She wasn't clever with numbers, but she understood when Camilla Valerius spelled it out. The biggest expense the Dragonguard had was daily pay. The deal cut salaries to almost nothing. They still had to buy food, weapons, armor, and such, but the Dragonguard suddenly had money to spare. They spent a good deal of their treasury. They brought on more troops. They were more than a hundred strong now. They bought better gear. They bought a horse for every scout. Most importantly, they built ballistae. They had ten of them now. Three based on the new plans from the Dawnguard. Without the Dragonborn, without Tongues, and with Faralda their only battlemage, those ballistae were their best hope for killing a dragon.

She would have traded it all to have Daenerys back.

Six weeks and no sign of Daenerys or Barbas. The first week they had all but taken Riften apart searching for her. After that week, Saerlund clearly believed Daenerys was dead, even with Nura Snow-Shod proclaiming that she believed that the Dragonborn was still alive. He didn't say it, but it was in the way he asked about her. Sofija hadn't given up. She would never give up. Even if her only proof was the word of Karliah.

Most people would not regard a daedra worshiper and former thief now turned spy as a reliable source, but Sofija had reason to believe her. Sofija didn't know exactly what happened the night that Daenerys met with Karliah, but she knew the result. Karliah and Galdrus had both started acting like Daenerys held their leash. She had seen the tattoo that had suddenly appeared on the back of Daenerys' hand: a golden cage with two black birds. Even she could read between those lines. Karliah was convinced that Daenerys was alive somewhere. She had dispatched Nightingales to infiltrate Windhelm, Whiterun, Solitude, and the Thalmor Embassy. They hadn't received word back yet. It was simply too soon. However, Karliah had joined the Dragonguard under an alias as a scout. That said a lot. Even if the Nightingale refused direct orders and claimed that she reported to the Dragonborn alone.

However, Karliah wouldn't say that Daenerys was well. Just that she was alive.

"Good," said Saerlund after letting the windbags all have their turn. Saerlund looked tired and older now. He was also sweating from all the layers of finery he was wearing. "Now, I have important news to share. The rider we dispatched to Whiterun has returned. Jarl Balgruuf sends his regards and has agreed to an alliance in principle between Whiterun and the Rift. We have agreed that the worship of Talos will be allowed within our territories and that the Thalmor are not allowed to intimidate, arrest, or execute any of our citizens for the 'crime' of worshiping Talos. They are also banned from the cities of Whiterun and Riften. We also agreed not to take up arms against the Empire at this time."

There were lots of cheers and cries of agreement around the table.

When the cheering died down, Jarl Law-Giver continued. "We have yet to hear back from our messenger to Windhelm, but it is unlikely that the Stormcloaks or the Imperials will seek to move against us."

Sofija only half-listened as Saerlund explained things she already knew to his council.

Ulfric Stormcloak was unlikely to do anything. As long as Whiterun and the Rift were neutral he wouldn't have to worry about Imperials marching at him from the south. He would only have to defend from the sea and from the west. Even with the Stormcloak alliance reduced to only three holds, that was a strategic advantage he wouldn't throw away to attack the Rift. Only an idiot fought a war on two fronts if they didn't have to. Ulfric wasn't an idiot.

The Empire was also unlikely to do anything. They hadn't pressed the war yet, and they weren't likely to start attacking with the Stormcloak Rebellion losing strength. They were more likely to apply political pressure to Jarl Skald. If the war became active, the Pale would be the first hold to be invaded. Dawnstar, the largest city in the Pale was also on the coast, which made it vulnerable to attack by the sea. However, no one in Riften really knew what was going on in the rest of Skyrim.

Listening to the debate, Sofija was struck by how much Daenerys' plan to use ravens would change things in Skyrim. Not that it would happen any time soon. The roosts in Winterhold and Windhelm should have fully grown ravens by now. The ravens in Whiterun were probably too young still. If the girl had even been able to get them to nest this late in the year. However, the birds weren't magic. The could only fly home. They had to be transported to another city before they could carry messages. However, in a few years ravens would make a huge difference in warfare. Not to mention politics. If they'd had ravens in place, they could have sent warning everywhere about Maven Black-Briar.

While she had drifted off thinking about ravens, the blowhards kept blowing smoke. Sofija was unsurprised that all of them agreed with Jarl Law-Giver. Several made the same point that Winterhold was barely a hold any longer. Since the collapse, it was really a large town. Winterhold was only counted as a hold for historical reasons.

Sofija wasn't sure she agreed. While Winterhold was the smallest hold numerically, under Jarl Kraldar they might be the most active hold in the entire rebellion. She knew that Jarl Kraldar was steadily building ships and recruiting pirates as privateers. So far this had gone unnoticed because there had always been pirates in the Sea of Ghosts, but sooner or later the merchants would notice they were losing more ships. They would complain to the Empire and Solitude. Since it had been Daenerys that had encouraged Kraldar on that path, Sofija kept her mouth shut about it.

She also wasn't convinced that Riften's defection to neutrality hurt the Stormcloaks. Riften had never done much to support the rebellion. A few volunteers from the Rift had enlisted in the Stormcloaks, but the Rift hadn't sent a single soldier. A neutral Rift still protected Ulfric's southern border, so it didn't change much militarily. Politically, it probably did, but the Stormcloak Rebellion was far from over.

Saerlund turned to her. "Sofija Ēlī Vokēdrie, Jarl Balgruuf also sent a message. Neither Maven Black-Briar nor Lady Targaryen have been seen in Whiterun. If Maven shows her face, he will have her arrested. If Lady Targaryen visits Whiterun, he will help her return to the Dragonguard as fast as possible."

Sofija nodded again. This discussion wasn't for her benefit. It was for everyone else. She had been informed about it before the meeting started. She stood up to address everyone. "That comes as no surprise. Maven was not likely to flee to a hold friendly to the Dragonguard."

Saerlund nodded. "True. I believe it is your turn now. What news from the Dragonguard? Most importantly, has there been any word of Lady Targaryen?"

"Nothing new, but we know she is alive." She said it firmly. She couldn't show any doubt. Even if her only real proof was the word of Karliah. She gave Nura Snow-Shod a nudge with her foot.

"Sometimes," said Nura. "You don't need visible proof. She was sent by Talos, and our time of need has not passed. I believe she was not stolen. The gods have taken her to where she needs to be to do what must be done."

The jarl sighed. "Yes, of course. We must all have faith in the gods. You're still planning on taking the Dragonguard to Morthal?"

"Yes, I am," agreed Sofija. She didn't say why. Saerlund already knew why. The rest of the council didn't need to know.

Morthal was the closest settlement to the Nord barrow of Ustengrav. According to Esbern they would find the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller in Ustengrav. Sofija wasn't sure she believed him. She did believe that Esbern had once been a Blade, and he was obviously a learned man. However, Esbern was old and half-senile. In the mornings he was brilliant. He rattled off obscure facts with confidence. However, by late afternoon he often couldn't remember his own name. Some days were better than others, but crossing half of Skyrim on his word seemed like a bad plan. The problem was she didn't have another plan. Daenerys had told her to acquire either battlemages or Tongues if she ever had to take over the Dragonguard. She had no way to acquire any battlemages, so that meant finding the horn.

Saerlund nodded. "I know that you hoped to find Lady Targaryen, and I appreciate the help of the Dragonguard in clearing out Treva's Watch, but it has been more than a month with no sign of her. You asked for time for her to return. You've used that time well. You have built up the Dragonguard, made ballistae, acquired weapons and armor. I have given the Dragonguard all you have asked and more. How long will you wait for her? When will the Dragonguard march north?"

She wanted to rage at Saerlund even though she'd known the question was coming. What Saerlund was really asking was when they were going to march out and try to kill a dragon without the help of the Dragonborn. It might seem a reasonable request. The Dragonguard existed to kill dragons, and Saerlund had helped. The deal that allowed them to pay the Dragonguard in land was a good deal, but the Dragonguard was expected to do their share. They had to kill the dragon on the northern road from the Rift.

Saerlund didn't have a fucking clue what he was asking. He'd never fought a dragon. He'd only heard the stories. Sure, they had more men. They had ten ballistae and three of them were built on the plans they'd gotten from the Dawnguard. They had crossbows with oblivion-damned poison to dip the bolts in. Poison that Ingun Black-Briar had promised would hurt even a dragon. Of course, Ingun been bound and staring at the chopping block when she made that promise, but other alchemists said it might work. So, they had hope, but no Dragonborn.

Men had killed dragons before even without a Dragonborn or a Tongue, but Sofija had been there. She'd fought two dragons. People called her Dragonslayer because she'd been crazy enough to jump on the back of one – after Val had broken its wing. However, that was nothing. The reason it had all worked was because Daenerys Targaryen had used herself as bait. Sure, Daenerys was immune to fire, but she wasn't immune to being smacked around by explosions. Sofija had seen Daenerys fight two dragons. She'd just stood there in the open and dared the dragons to come and get her. It was the bravest thing she'd ever see anyone do ever, and when they knocked her down, Daenerys fucking got back up and dared them to do it again.

But it worked. It drove the dragons crazy. According to Daenerys dragons were smart, but they were also prideful and territorial. Mostly, they weren't too impressed with people, but issuing a challenge like that got their attention. Which was necessary, because a dragon could just stay up in the sky flying around so fast that it took a lot of luck to hit them while frying everything that lived. Daenerys with her challenge brought them down to hover and land.

More people, crossbows, poison, ballistae, all of that would only work if she stood as bait like Daenerys did. She would have to stand in the open and yell out the only three words of Dovahzul that she knew: Daar, Staad, Dii, which meant 'this place mine'. Then hope and pray to the gods that between the enchantments placed on her armor by the jarl's magician and the potions of fire resistance she survived to do it again.

"Ēlī Vokēdrie?" asked Saerlund.

"Yeah, I heard you." Fuck him. He didn't know what those words meant. To him they were just foreign words. They meant First Faithful, because for once in her life she had done something right, she'd seen that Daenerys Targaryen wasn't just a Tongue who could Shout a few words. She was the Dragonborn sent by the gods to save Skyrim. Sofija had been the first and that meant something. She'd get up and stand in the open and dare a dragon to kick her ass, but she wasn't doing it for Saerlund. She was doing it because Daenerys had put her in charge. If she died living up to that promise, it was a good way to die. "We'll leave for Morthal in three days. That will give you enough time to throw us a big going away party."

"Good. I will indeed be throwing a party for the Dragonguard, and I would like to have a parade when you march out. I've heard you did one for Jarl Balgruuf when you left Whiterun."

Sofija shrugged. "That's fine. We'll have a fucking parade. You know what. I'm done here." She stepped away from the table. "I need to gather my council and put things in motion."

Saerlund frowned. "Dragonslayer, if you need more time." He wasn't being rude about it. A little stuck up and proper, but he seemed genuinely concerned.

She was aware that all the fancy pompous nobles were watching her. Even Vignar was watching. She didn't care. "No, we don't need more time." Time was running out. They would likely have to winter in Morthal as it was. They needed Daenerys, but they would have to go on without her. "We'll leave in three days."

Sofija turned and walked away. Daenerys wouldn't have stormed off like a child, but Daenerys wasn't here. Sofija would stand up and face a dragon, but she was done putting up with skeever shit council meetings.
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Christ, six weeks will make for an epic bender. Looking forward to the aftermath, hah.
More like 5, given the last chapter (the epilogue is an unspecified amount of time later) of Dragonborn Champion was the 3rd of Sun's Height (July) and this starts with the 8th of Last Seed (August), which is 36 days later.
And I'd guess most of that time was spent on either cleaning up after the bender or traveling, given that this fic has significantly extended travel times.
We're also 9 days away from the anniversary of Helgen's destruction (17th of Last Seed). It's not important, but I do think it's neat that Skyrim has a canonical start date.

edit: This is the first time an author has edited their story to make me wrong. :V
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given that this fic has significantly extended travel times.
We're also 9 days away from the anniversary of Helgen's destruction (17th of Last Seed). It's not important, but I do think it's neat that Skyrim has a canonical start date.

Well, more like in-game Skyrim is smaller than the lore suggests, due to engine and game development constraints.

Also, fun fact, given that Last Seed corresponds to August in our calendar, Skyrim's start date is a sneaky nod to the start date in Bethesda's previous project.

You see, 200 years after the Great War, on August 17, 2277, the Lone Wanderer left Vault 101. Similarly, 201 years after the Oblivion Crisis, on a similar date, the Last Dragonborn escapes execution as Alduin attacks Helgen. :p
Six weeks, Sanguine has been partying with Dany and Barbas for weeks, hahaha holy shit, did he take her on a tour round Oblivion to visit all the other Princes and get shitfaced with them too?

Man, Sanguine must really like Dany; he only parties with the Last Dragonborn for a few days at most. Dany isn't just going to end up passed out in the Temple of Dibella and married to a Hagraven at this rate: She's going to end up passed out in the middle of Artaeum, having somehow married Talos and gotten herself declared Empress of Tamirel, with Jyggalag put in charge of the Elder Council.
(No-one but Sanguine understands how any of this happened, and ever since he got back he's been laughing too hard to explain even if he wanted to.)
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I hope Dany's head is still intact after that six week bender. Sam does tell one hell of a party.

So proud of Sofija though, she's struggling and very keenly aware of what they're up against and she straightened her back and just did it. It might not be perfect but what the Dragonguard currently have is momentum and if an organization as young as them stumble at this point, it might be what they're remembered for.
Really loving the protrayal of Sofija, she is not ready to assume command but has been thrust into the position and it shows.

Hopefully Dany had some oppurtunity to unwind from the bender. And that it is not still ongoing at this moment.
More like 5, given the last chapter (the epilogue is an unspecified amount of time later) of Dragonborn Champion was the 3rd of Sun's Height (July) and this starts with the 8th of Last Seed (August), which is 36 days later.
And I'd guess most of that time was spent on either cleaning up after the bender or traveling, given that this fic has significantly extended travel times.
We're also 9 days away from the anniversary of Helgen's destruction (17th of Last Seed). It's not important, but I do think it's neat that Skyrim has a canonical start date.

Well, someone is paying attention to my dates and not just taking them for flavor. That's appreciated. I'm trying to run an accurate monthly calendar and even track it in a spreadsheet. I think it helps make my story feel more like a real world by having travel times and seasons. I see too many stories that totally neglect seasons.

(Aside - Pet peeve, Worm stories that start at the locker trigger, but neglect that January in the northeastern US is cold.)

Anyway, the dates are supposed to be accurate, so thank you for spotting an error that I missed. I was going back and forth between five weeks and six. I had five weeks on the date, but overlooked the 'Six weeks' in the text. Oops. Fixed now. I moved the date to the 15th so the calendar date matches with the text comment of "six weeks".
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Tirdas, the 5th of Sun's Height, Year 202 of the 4th Era​

Daenerys didn't want to wake up, but the evil sun wouldn't let her sleep. The light beat down upon her closed eyes like a blacksmith forging a sword. Her head pounded from the harsh glare. The pain was as intense as setting the wolf free, but it went on and on. Her body didn't want to roll over and her arms felt wooden as she tried to block the glare. Her mouth tasted like she'd ate something that had been rotting for three days. She couldn't even go back to sleep because she also needed to find a chamberpot soon. She grabbed for her amulet. "Make it stop! Talos, please!" Gathering her will felt like being hit by a Shock spell, but the flow of healing brought her blessed relief. She kept it going until the throbbing pain went away.

"Ah, feeling better now are we, luv?" asked someone.

Daenerys sat up and glanced about. The first thing she noticed was the girl. She was an uncommonly pretty girl. She still had some of the roundness of face that came with youth, but already had a woman's figure. Her clothing was designed to flaunt her assets. She wore a deceptively simple white gown gathered just below her breasts by a golden cord. A matching golden chain encircled her neck. An amulet shaped like a flower dangled from the necklace drawing the eye to the plunging neckline of the gown and revealing a generous amount of cleavage. By her accent, brown hair, and general appearance the girl was a Breton. The clothes and jewelry said wealth, possibly even noble. The girl had a pleasant smile upon her face and seemed distinctly amused.

The second thing she noticed was the room. The walls, floor, and ceiling were of grey stone. The blocks were of unusually large size and carved in patterns that she had seen once before in the Dwemer ruin where she'd fought the Dwarven Centurion. She had no idea where she was or how she had arrived at this place. It was certainly not Riften because it didn't reek of shit.

The third thing she became aware of was that she naked from the waist up. No, she was completely naked. A soft and comfortable sheet had fallen into her lap when she sat up. It didn't bother her that another woman could see her breasts, but it did bother her that she was naked while the other woman was clothed. Was she being kept naked on purpose? Why?

Even as she took in the room and its occupant, she also tried to remember where she was and how she had ended up in this bed. However, what she mostly remembered was having wild passionate sex. As her Dothraki handmaidens would have said, she had been ridden hard. The memories were erotic, not painful. She had been a willing participant. She remembered hard firm muscles, but not a face. Her thoughts kept jumping to Khal Drogo and Jon Snow, but her lover hadn't been either of them. Regardless of her memories of being an equal participant, she still felt defiled and ashamed. She wanted to bathe, she was sweaty and felt dirty inside and out.

Other memories danced around but they were a mixed up and confused mess. There had been a pig involved at some point. Not in her bed. Some silly prank involving a pig. However, she also remembered talking monkeys, so her memories weren't that reliable. Although she had certainly had sex with someone. Her last truly clear memory was having a drink with Sam in the Forgotten Hole in Riften.

Daenerys forced her attention to the girl in the white dress. "Thank you for taking care of me while I was indisposed. You seem to have me at a disadvantage. Who are you? And, where am I?" The chamber pot could wait for just a little longer.

"Hit the drink a little hard did'ja?" asked the girl with a smug grin. "I'm Senna. Senna the Acolyte. As for where you are, you're currently a guest at the temple of Dibella. Well, I use the word guest loosely. Dibella is the goddess of sex as well as love, art, and beauty, but that doesn't mean the priestesses are happy about you being sprawled naked on the altar when we arrived this morning. Not to mention 'ja swimming in the cleansing pool and ransacking the temple. They'll be wanting a word wit'ja. Even if you are the Dragonborn."

"Dibella?" That explained the flower amulet, and the gold necklace, but not where she was… Unless… Every major city in Skyrim had a patron deity. The patron god or goddess had the largest temple in each city. There would be smaller shrines to the other gods and goddess, sometimes small temples, but only one main temple. In Whiterun it was Kynareth. In Windhelm it was Talos. In Riften, Mara. Dwemer stonework, and Colette Marence the Mistress of Restoration at the College of Winterhold had been driven out of the temple in… "You mean in Markarth?"

Senna giggled in pure child-like glee. "Of course. Where else did'ja think you were?"

Markarth was in the far west corner of Skyrim. It was more than a month away from Riften and much of the journey through Forsworn territory. "What day is it?"

"Tirdas," replied the girl before bursting into another giggle. "The fifth of Sun's Height in case you forgot that as well. You really drank yourself stupid, didn't 'ja?"

Tirdas the fifth? She'd lost an entire day. It had been the night of the third, but there was no way she could have crossed from the far east side of Skyrim to the far west in a single day. Well, there was one way. Teleportation – forbidden and dangerous magic that had once been common. The rules of magic had changed after Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of Domination and Slavery had tried and failed to merge Tamriel with his own domain of Coldharbor in an event known as the Planemeld. Only very powerful mages could teleport now, and few dared. Mages had also learned that teleportation wasn't quite as instantaneous or safe as they had believed. Teleportation involved taking a short-cut through Oblivion, the realm of the daedra. During that time the teleporting mage was vulnerable to the daedra that inhabited Oblivion. Teleportation risked death, allowing unbound daedra into Tamriel, or even worse, becoming possessed by a daedra. That's why Teleportation was now forbidden even to the mages strong enough to manage it.

"So… did'ja forget your own name as well, Lady Daenerys Targaryen? Or should I call you the Dragonborn?"

"I know who I am, Senna the Acolyte. You may call me Lady Targaryen." She was less concerned about what Senna called her than the fact that her story and appearance were well enough known in Markarth that she had been easily recognized. Although it shouldn't be a surprise. Markarth was about a month's distance from Whiterun. There had been more than enough time for the story of her defeat of Mir-Mul-Nir to reach Markarth. She needed time to think. "Is there a privy? And I would also like some clothes if you don't mind."

"That's why I'm here, luv. The priestesses wanted to give you time to recover before asking for answers. Over there, behind that screen."

Daenerys walked behind the screen. She felt the girl's eyes on her, but she ignored her. She had expected just a chamber pot and was pleased to find a small vanity. There was even a vase of water and scented oils, so she could clean up as well. It wasn't a tub, but even being able to scrub herself clean was appreciated. Hanging on a hook was a simple linen dress much like what she had worn when she worked at the Sleeping Giant Inn as a tavern wench but without the leather corset. It was sleeveless with thick straps and a plunging neckline. She didn't like the color, as it was the plain yellow-brown of undyed linen, but she didn't have another choice.

From the other side of the screen, Senna started singing The Dragonborn Comes. While Daenerys wasn't fond of that song, she had to admit that Senna had a lovely singing voice. Although she only seemed to know the verses that were in Tamrielic.

She took her time with her ablutions trying to give herself time to think. Not that it helped much. How was she going to get back to the Dragonguard? She had tried to prepare Sofija to lead the Dragonguard, but Sofija was not ready to be in charge yet. Would the Dragonguard follow Sofija? Or fracture and fall apart? Even if she left this moment it would take weeks to reach Riften. Could she ask for aid from the jarl of Markarth? She couldn't even remember his name. She knew Markarth was an Imperial aligned city. Would they honor the neutrality of the Dragonguard? Hopefully, they didn't know she had been proclaimed Ysmir, Dragon of the North, yet. However, she couldn't be certain. The Greybeards had Shouted their proclamation from the Throat of the World, and it had been heard all the way in Riften. That meant it might have been heard in Whiterun as well, and some Nord nobles knew Dovahzul. Even so, word probably hadn't gotten all the way to Markarth yet.

Her thoughts were derailed by the discovery that she was wearing more than her amulet of Talos. She had a ring on the fourth finger of her left hand. The ring was a thick band of gold set with a large ruby. She hadn't even noticed that she'd been wearing it and she had no idea where it came from. It was also enchanted, but she couldn't get any details beyond that it was a strong protective enchantment. At least that meant it probably hadn't done her any harm. She had to use a little of the scented oil to get it off her finger. Then she realized the dress provided for her had no pockets, so she had no place to put the ring. Rather than put it back on, she unhooked her necklace and put the ring on the same chain with her amulet of Talos. She might need to do something about hiding her amulet later, but the priestesses had already seen her wearing it. They knew who she was. They could see it again.

As she brushed out her hair, she realized there was another possible explanation for how she had managed to get from Riften to Markarth. The Breton who had offered her a drink had been named Sam. He had been drunk, and he had led her on a night of drunken debauchery that she couldn't remember. The Daedric Prince of Debauchery was named Sanguine. Had she slept with a Daedric Prince? Was the ring a gift from him? However, Sam had promised her answers and a staff. He'd also offered to introduce her to someone. She hoped that was the case and she hadn't slept with a daedra. All things considered, another Daedric Prince meddling in her life seemed far more likely than Sam being an extremely powerful mage crazy enough to risk teleporting her to Markarth. Not that it was an explanation she could share.

Despite taking her time, she had found more questions than answers. Putting her brush down, she went out to face the girl that might answer some of them.

Senna smiled at her. "You cleaned up nicely, luv. Would you like a bite to eat before we're off to the priestesses?" Senna gestured at a plate with a silver cover dish over it.

"Yes, please," agreed Daenerys. "I would also appreciate some help braiding my hair."

"Do 'ja think every Breton girl knows how to do fancy braids?" She laughed. "I'm just funning with 'ja, 'cause I do. Although I'm more used to having my hair braided than doing the braiding. Hmm, how about a waterfall braid? A circle around the crown of your head, and then letting your locks spill through?"

Daenerys thought she knew what the girl meant. It wasn't exactly her preference, but a change could be good. "I'll give it a try."

"Very well, your Ladyship. Let's just swap places then. I'll braid 'ja after you eat."

Daenerys sat down at the seat Senna vacated. She lifted the lid to find a simple cold breakfast of oats and cream with plain water to drink. It was a common enough breakfast among Nords, although those who could afford it would drink ale or mead with their breakfast. Daenerys was glad for their absence. The last thing she wanted was more drink. There was also a small pot with a dab of honey for her oats. That was a luxury most Nords couldn't afford. Daenerys noted it as a sign that even if some of the wild sex that she couldn't really remember had taken place on the altar of Dibella, the priestesses were still treating her with respect.

"So," asked Senna. "Why did'ja take off your wedding ring? I didn't even know 'ja was married."

Daenerys had been in the process of taking a sip of water, and almost coughed on it. She kept her composure and swallowed it down. Wedding ring? "This ring?" She tapped the ring now hanging on the necklace with her amulet of Talos. "It's not a wedding ring. Just enchanted for protection."

"I know a wedding ring when I see one. Nords don't often wear one. They're happy just exchanging troths. It was an Imperial custom first, although we Bretons exchange rings as well. A big golden ring with a large stone on that finger of your left hand? That's a wedding ring. Trust me, Mara has only a dinky shrine in Markarth, not even a single priestess, so we do most of the weddings. I've seen plenty of them. It's even in even in the vows. 'With this ring, I thee wed."

Daenerys couldn't even remember the face of the man with whom she'd been intimate. If it had been a man and not a daedra. However, if she had said vows, she had said them in a drunken stupor. A drunken promise wasn't binding. Even Nords made their vows and oaths when sober. They got drunk afterward. "Thank you for informing me. The customs of my homeland are different. The groom removes the cloak of the bride's family and drapes the cloak of his house over her shoulders. We don't exchange rings. I'll be certain not to wear a ring on that finger again."

"Well, luv, don't be surprised if one of the priestesses doesn't bring it up. We all saw the ring on your finger, and we certainly saw the evidence of how much you two enjoyed each other."

"So how much trouble am I in with the priestesses?" asked Daenerys glad to change the subject.

Senna shrugged. "Now that's a good question. What 'ja did, if done with permission and at the right time of the month, would even be a Dibellan rite. However, 'ja didn't have permission. Violating the inner sanctum? You're double lucky. If 'ja been a man, they probably would have killed you. Dragonborn or no. If 'ja were just a common woman, they wouldn't have killed 'ja, but 'ja would have been in for a long period of service to the temple. Since you're a lady and the Dragonborn…" She shrugged. "Maybe 'ja can buy them off with enough septims?"

Daenerys kept a smile on her face and nodded her agreement. "I'm sure we can work out something." She waved a hand dismissively. She had to appear confident, even though her offense was obviously serious. However, she was distracted by the comment Senna had made about the right time of the month. She wasn't infertile any longer. That had her frantically trying to remember Masser's phase and when her fluxes had ended. It had been just before arriving in Riften. Only three days ago, but it seemed far longer. That meant… she probably wasn't pregnant. Although she wouldn't know for certain for another three weeks. She would have to obtain a bottle of Dibella's tears from an alchemist just to be safe. She would not be carrying the child of a man she couldn't even remember. If her lover had even been a man and a daedra. She was certainly not carrying the child of a daedra.

"Oh, don't 'ja worry. I'm sure something will be worked out for 'ja. Rank does have its privileges." Her tone was a little too sweet, like adding honey to tea to hide the bitterness.

Daenerys pushed away her tray. "I'm done, why don't you tell me about Markarth while you braid my hair?"

Senna shrugged. "Very well, your Ladyship." She took up position behind Daenerys and started dividing her hair for braiding. "Although, shouldn't 'ja have found out about Markarth before coming here?"

"Humor me," said Daenerys. "I want your perspective."

"Sure, your Ladyship." She started gently pulling at Daenerys' hair working it into braids. "Well, there's not much I can tell 'ja about the politics. Just what everyone knows. Jarl Igmund has declared for the Empire and he has Thalmor advisors in the city. They're free to arrest anyone they catch worshiping Talos, so 'ja might want to hide that amulet of yours. The Silver-Bloods are the richest clan and they might actually support 'ja. They're always grumbling about the Thalmor, but I'm sure 'ja already knew all that."

Actually, she didn't. Markarth had been so far away she hadn't worried about it that much, just that it was aligned with the Empire.

"The priestesses could tell 'ja more. Some of them meddle in politics. However, I can tell 'ja that if you're a Breton in Markarth 'ja keep your head down." Her tone again had that artificial lightness to it.

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Because Bretons are the descendants of Nords and mer who became civilized, learned proper magic, fought for the Empire, and worship the Aedra. While Reachmen are descendants of Nords and mer who remained savage, live in caves and tribes, learned dark magic, constantly rebelled against the Empire, and worship the Daedra. We are completely different people. I am nothing like them, but we look the same." She rolled her eyes. "If 'ja overlook their unkempt hair, tattoos, ritual scars, and ill-fitting stinking hides. Even when the differences are obvious, too many Nords treat us the same. Did'ja know about the 'Markarth Incident'?"

"Yes," agreed Daenerys. That much she had heard about. However, she hadn't realized how closely Bretons and Reachmen were related. "During the Great War the Reachmen captured Markarth. They ruled for about two years. Ulfric Stormcloak took back Markarth using the power of the Voice and with a lot of troops. He was promised that Talos worship would be allowed, but that didn't happen and Ulfric was arrested. The Reachmen that Ulfric didn't kill fled to the caves and the hills. They call themselves the Forsworn now." And to the best of her knowledge, the Forsworn were running unchecked through the Reaches and now controlled a large portion of western Skyrim.

"True, but you're leaving out important parts. At least important parts if you're a Breton. 'Ja see, when the Reachmen conquered Markarth, they let the Nords live and work in the city. The Reachmen were the rulers, but they were merciful. When Ulfric liberated the city, he put almost every Reachmen to the sword. The few he let live, he sent to work in the mines."

Daenerys felt the tugs on her hair grow a bit rougher as Senna continued braiding and talking.

"What your little story leaves out is a lot of Bretons got killed as well. Any Breton that couldn't produce an important Nord to vouch for them was assumed to be a Reachman. Which basically meant only the richest Breton's lived. My da's a candle-maker. He was lucky. Being a Breton in Markarth means always dressing your best, always talking proper. Yes, I say did'ja and such. I know it's not proper Imperial, but it's solidly Breton. It's how I was raised. You would think as an acolyte of Dibella that I'd be safe, but I don't leave the temple much anymore. When I do, I always wear my acolyte dress. I never make animal sounds: barks, growls, or cries. I don't wear facepaint, even though many Nords do. I don't think things are so bad that someone would attack a priestess, but I've heard of Bretons being lynched in the city. With the recent murders I've been staying in the temple, but I worry about my family constantly."

"What recent murders?" asked Daenerys.

"Did'ja not hear about the murders? It's about the only thing anyone can talk about. Although, I suppose they'll talk about 'ja now as well. Lots of people have been turning up dead lately. Merchants, workers, even a few nobs. Sometimes the killers have been caught. Sometimes they get away. When they have been caught, they've been Forsworn pretending to be Bretons. My family has lived in Markarth for three generations. Three! But, they stay home and lock their doors at night now. Not that many people are out at night with them enforcing the vagrancy law."

And that also sounded important. "Vagrancy law?"

"Yeah, vagrancy is against the law here in Markarth. Get caught sleeping on the streets and you could be sent to Cidhna Mines. Used to be the guards had better things to do than roust out beggars. Now with the murders, they're taking it seriously. If you're out after night, say even walking home from a tavern, the guard will stop you. If you're a Nord just walking home, they'll make sure you get home. If 'ja don't have a home, 'ja go straight to the silver mines for six months. They say it's to root out the Forsworn." She shrugged.

All cities had beggars living in the streets. She'd lived on the streets herself as a child. For that matter she had no money. With the Thalmor in Markarth supported by the jarl she couldn't use her fame as the Dragonborn. Hopefully, she could work something out that didn't end up with her getting tossed out on the streets. If worse came to worse, she could sell her new ring, but she felt oddly reluctant to part with it. "Six months of hard labor for being poor? That sounds rather extreme."

"That's Markarth. We're built on blood and silver." She stepped back. "Your hair's done. What do 'ja think?"

Daenerys took the mirror she was offered. Tight braids around the top, but her blond hair fell free down the sides. Different, but attractive. "That's lovely, thank you, Senna."

"I'm an acolyte of Dibella, beauty is what we do. So, are you ready to face the priestesses?"

Not really, but stalling would only make her look weak and afraid. "Yes, I'm ready."

When Senna led her outside the chamber in which she had awoken, she discovered that the Dibellans were not trusting fools. Two temple guards stood right outside her door. They were dressed in full armor made from dwemer metal. While dwemer metal wasn't as hard as steel, it was tougher than mere iron. Dwemer metal made for beautiful armor. It was a color midway between gold and copper, and like gold it neither rusted nor tarnished. The Dibellan guard armor was carved and decorated. Daenerys was amused by the sculpted muscles on the chest and belly as well as the oversized codpieces. She supposed since these men served the Temple of Dibella, they might have been chosen for their looks and the size of their cocks instead of skill at arms. They did wear open-faced helms and their faces were certainly attractive.

As she followed Senna the guards fell in behind her. Daenerys took in as much of the temple as she could. Like her room the stone in the hallways revealed signs of their dwemer origins. However, the origins of the temple were covered up by artwork on display. Statuary, tapestries, and paintings lined the walls. Clearly the temple was both rich and powerful to be able to flaunt this much wealth. Not that golden necklaces and amulets for acolytes and dwemer metal for their guards came cheaply.

However, she had more important things to worry about than admiring the wealth on display. This meeting was important. She was in a weaker position now than she had ever been since she was a novice at the College of Winterhold. She had no followers and no allies with her. She could still Shout or release the werewolf, but she couldn't overcome an entire city. She needed allies so she could return to the Dragonguard. Since Jarl Igmund had Thalmor advisors, she didn't have many options. Maybe these Silver-Bloods who supported the Stormcloaks, but her first and best option was convincing the Temple of Dibella to aid her. However, she was going into this audience at a severe disadvantage. She had desecrated their temple, and she could offer no excuse. I was drunk off my ass was an acceptable excuse for most things in Nord society, but it would still get you fined, thrown in jail, and required to pay for damages. Not to mention they'd want to how, when, and why she'd come to Markarth in the first place.

They arrived at a door that was elaborately carved and painted. The two guards took up positions on either side of the door and turned to face her. While their armor was pretty, they still looked imposing.

Senna gave her a smile. "Well now, here we are. Wait here will I go in and announce 'ja."

"Very well," agreed Daenerys. It wasn't like she had a choice.

Senna opened the door just enough to slip through.

Daenerys didn't see much, but she still caught a glimpse of sunlight and sky, so the door led outdoors. Judging by the artwork on the painted door it led to a garden. She took a moment to look over the painting. It depicted a pastoral orgy. Youthful men and women were depicted copulating in a variety of positions. Mixed among the debauchery were multiple women engaged in artful endeavors. Some were singing, some were playing instruments, and others were weaving or sculpting. The entire scene had been beautifully rendered, but Daenerys found it bewildering. Dibella was a strange goddess. In the Faith of the Seven the Mother had sexual overtones, but in the context of family. The Maiden did represent beauty, but the arts belonged to the Smith. There were gods for everything in Essos, but none quite captured the duality that men expected of women in one deity: beauty and grace mixed with wanton lust. This painting better expressed Dibella than anything she'd heard. Dibella was maiden and lust wrapped up in one goddess.

The doors opened and Senna emerged. "The priestesses will see 'ja now."
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Well no real amount of difference from canon, just sewn together more organically. I suppose this starts with the Sybil quest rather than just tidying up which is a slight change.
Not sure that the racism against Bretons is an upcoming plot point or just Harper showing off her world building skills. ;)
I was wondering why she hadn't mentioned being in Riften yesterday, but I suppose she's saving that for the meeting. Desecrating temples on drunken benders isn't a great first impression, but there ought to be at least some sympathy for her having been messed with by a Daedric Prince. Her having been in Riften just yesterday is pretty strong evidence of that - they might not believe her, though the Dragonguard not being here lends some credence to it.

Also I don't know if her having the ring instead of a Hagraven is a gender-specific thing in the game, or a notable difference here.
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Also I don't know if her having the ring instead of a Hagraven is a gender-specific thing in the game, or a notable difference here.
It's apparently because most Skyrim players are male (though a lot of them play female Dragonborn, like I do sometimes), so the Dragonborn marrying a Hagraven is basically a joke at the expense of the player.
It's apparently because most Skyrim players are male (though a lot of them play female Dragonborn, like I do sometimes), so the Dragonborn marrying a Hagraven is basically a joke at the expense of the player.
The entire quest is a joke at the expense of the player; that's what Sanguine does, he fucks with people at their expense.

How they handle being fucked with by a literally godlike entity beyond anyone's ability to stop dictates whether Sanguine laughs with them and gives them a boon before sending them on their way, or whether he does something... less enjoyable...
One missed opportunity in-game is that the Dragonborn doesn't have any choice in terms of reacting to getting subjected to Tamriel's re-enactment of The Hangover series, so no getting really pissed off at Sanguine then getting beaten down by daedra. I think.
I hated everything in Markarth when playing the game, too much politics, not enough sense. Too much runaround without a proper payout. Too much Thalmor sticking their nose in everything.

Poor Daenerys, I think after this she'll be watching her drink a lot more closer though I don't think it can stop dear old Sam from messing with her.
The Pig

The Pig

Morndas, the 4th of Sun's Height, Year 202 of the 4th Era

The Palace of the Kings in Windhelm​

"I want to know how the pig got in my bedchamber! Who was on guard duty?! We have guards posted for a reason! Were they all sleeping?! What if it had been a Thalmor assassin?! I want names and I want them now!"
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Hehehe, good ole Sanguine, getting dragons drunk and then betting them that they totally can't sneak a pig into Ulfric's bed while he's asleep without anyone noticing.
Quality update. I assume we're going to see a lot of these across the story in between plot moving updates.

Probably not. I knew that I wanted to swap the goat from the original game for a pig and drop it in Ulfric's bedroom. Unfortunately, Daenerys is in Markarth which is a long way from Windhelm. It will probably come up in story eventually, but it would be several chapters at least and weeks later. By then it just wouldn't be funny. So I decided to post this as a sidestory.

If someone else wants to try to post reactions to various events by major NPCs (keeping the travel distances in mind), I'll read them. If I think they're good and in character, I'll even mark them as sidestory / soft-canon. However, I have no plan to do more of these. I reserve the right to change my mind if the mood strikes.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Tirdas, the 5th of Sun's Height, Year 202 of the 4th Era

Senna led her out to a rooftop garden. The view was spectacular. She knew Markarth was a mountain city and had expected a mountaintop view. Instead she discovered that Markarth lay in a narrow valley surrounded by cliffs. From this rooftop she could see the whole city laid out before her. Four different waterfalls cascaded down from the mountains. The falls fed into two rivers split by a central promontory island of rock. Buildings were carved into the solid rock along the central island and both cliff faces. The entire city was practically a fortress. The view was so spectacular because the temple of Dibella occupied one of two peaks on the central island. If she hadn't already known the temple was rich and powerful from the artwork displayed, just the location would have said as much.

The view didn't end with the city. The garden wasn't quite as amazing as the view, but it was still impressive. A low stone wall covered in honeysuckle vines surrounded the rooftop. The honeysuckle was in full bloom and the sweet scent of the yellow flowers and white flowers filled the air. The rooftop was covered in a grassy lawn split up by many waist-high hedges. If the hedges were taller, it would have been a maze. Since they were low enough to see over, they merely served to divide the lawn into small partially secluded areas. Daenerys noticed that each of the semi-private areas had at least one low chaise lounge and a statue of Dibella. It seemed clear to Daenerys that this garden had been built to host orgies. This place didn't match what she had previously observed about Nord customs. Nords had a relaxed attitude toward sex before marriage, but when they did couple, they did it in private, or so she had thought. However, the low hedges only gave the illusion of privacy. Anyone standing could easily see over the hedges. For that matter some of the homes carved into the cliff walls could see into this garden. While the distance would be too much for them to make out faces clearly, people could easily watch.

The Dibelian garden was surprising, but her attention was drawn to a woman standing at the center of the garden. She was clearly a Redguard, dark of skin and darker of hair, but Daenerys was more interested in the braiding. Her hair was divided into many small braids, and then those braids were gathered up like a ponytail to fall down around her shoulders. She had also worked silver beads into the braids which really stood out against her dark hair and skin. While Daenerys had other more important things to worry about, she couldn't help but wonder who did the priestess's hair. She was wearing a blue dress trimmed in silver with a plunging neckline that showed a lot of cleavage as well as a golden amulet of Dibella. Oddly, she wore a riding crop attached on a belt the way a warrior would wear a sword.

"Is that the high priestess?" asked Daenerys. While she was an impressive woman, Daenerys was a bit surprised that a Redguard would be the high priestess of a temple in Skyrim. She also seemed too young. She looked to be in her thirties at most.

"No," replied Senna softly. "That's Anwen, Mistress of Discipline."

Mistress of Discipline? Now that was an odd title. Was she responsible for overseeing all the acolytes? Or was she responsible for punishing transgressions within the Temple of Dibella? The riding crop reminded her unpleasantly of the masters of Slaver's Bay.

"The mother is seated," added Senna quietly.

As they drew closer to the center, Daenerys spotted the mother. She looked more grandmotherly than matronly. She was a Nord woman with blonde hair turning to silver. She reclined back upon one of the low chaise lounges, one arm along the back, her legs resting on the cushions one crossed over the other. Her dress was of the same shade of blue as the other priestess, but hers was trimmed in gold. The neckline on her dress was higher, and she wore her amulet on top of her dress. Despite being sprawled upon her side, there was nothing lazy about her appearance. As Daenerys studied her, the priestess studied her back in return.

Senna bowed deeply to the two women. "As you asked, I have brought Lady Targaryen to you."

"Thank you, Senna," replied Anwen, the Mistress of Discipline. She had a firm voice and spoke like one who was used to being obeyed. "Please, take your place."

"Yes, Mistress." Senna bowed again and moved to take up position at the foot of the chaise lounge. She turned so she stood beside the the Redguard and faced Daenerys.

For a moment there was silence as they regarded each other. Daenerys wondered if the selection of priestess was intentional. She was reminded of the Faith of the Seven in Westeros. The female aspects were Maiden, Mother, and Crone. That corresponded quite well with the three women who faced her. Senna as the Maiden, Anwen the stern Mother, and the reclining high priestess as the Crone. Coincidence? Or symbolism? She was also aware that the two guards that had escorted her hadn't gone away. She had deliberately avoided looking back at them, but she knew that two armed and armored men stood behind her back.

Anwen broke the silence. "Now, Lady Targaryen. Explain why you desecrated our temple."

"I wish I knew." She met Anwen's gaze. The woman was strong and forceful, but after facing down dragons and Daedric Princes, no mere priestess was that intimidating. "I don't remember much from last night."

"Told 'ja," said Senna with a giggle. "I think we've all been there a time or four."

"Speak for yourself," said Anwen. "Well then, Lady Targaryen, what do you remember?"

"I recall almost nothing, and what little I do recall is drunken nonsense. I distinctly remember talking monkeys wearing clothes." And the pig. Something about the pig had seemed hysterically funny at the time.

The Mistress of Discipline frowned. "What about your lover? Who was he? Where did he escape to?"

"I don't know. I already said that I don't remember." Thinking about him was embarrassing. She did not just jump into bed with any man, but this time she had. She sighed. "I can't see a face. I just have an impression of his presence. He was strong, powerful…" Dangerous. She remembered the feel of his mouth on her body. "… clean-shaven. But I cannot see his face…" She shook her head. She hadn't been raped. She had been willing. She distinctly remembered being on top and setting the pace somewhere in there. Despite feeling ashamed at herself, she was glad they hadn't caught him.

"Is it a habit of yours to sleep with men you don't know?" demanded Anwen.

"Is it a habit of yours?" countered Daenerys. She was ashamed enough already. She didn't need hypocritical judgments from a priestess of Dibella. She waved at the garden. "It's pretty obvious what takes place in this garden."

"Watch your tongue," snapped back the Redguard woman as her hand drifted to her riding crop. "You are here to answer for your crimes."

Daenerys considered threatening the woman back. She had tried being civil, but she was getting tired of being blamed for something she didn't remember. Nord customs called for making amends for accidents and crimes while drunk, but there was a tolerant and amused attitude toward the crimes themselves. Perhaps Redguards did not feel the same? She was half tempted to show Anwen just what a Tongue could do. However, she still had two armed men behind her, and all of these priestesses probably had some talent for magic. She could Shout one of them off the rooftop, but she wouldn't live long afterward. Besides, she liked Senna. More importantly this was all a posturing game. "You want me to answer for my crimes? Very well. I do not remember what I did, but I apologize. I also own my mistakes. Even though I was drunk, I will make amends." Daenerys looked away from the Mistress of Discipline and locked gazes with the high priestess. "What would you have me do?"

The reclining priestess nodded her head as if she approved. "We will get to that in a little bit. However, you can start by cooperating more. Even if you don't remember your lover, you can tell us what you are doing in Markarth. I sent some girls to the market to catch up on the latest gossip. The last we heard the Dragonborn left Whiterun on a pilgrimage to see the Greybeards. It's a long way from the Throat of the World to Markarth."

"I'm not entirely certain. I took the Dragonguard south to the Throat of the World and met with the Greybeards. They acknowledged me as the Dragonborn and proclaimed me as Ysmir, Dragon of the North." A dangerous title, but one that would soon be known in Markarth if it wasn't already. "Then we went to Riften. The last I recall, I was in Riften, two days ago. I don't know how I got here."

"That's it?" scoffed Anwen. "You don't know?"

Daenerys kept her eyes focused on the high priestess, but she did answer the question. "That's right. I'll answer your questions, but I don't know how I came hundreds of leagues in one day. Can you explain it?"

"Mother, Anwen, I believe her blackout was genuine," said Senna. "I was with her when she awoke. She had no clue where she was. Perhaps a better question would be what is the last thing she does remember."

Daenerys was a bit surprised Senna spoke up at this meeting. Senna was just an acolyte, wasn't she? Regardless, Daenerys appreciated her speaking up. She gave Senna a nod and a polite smile. "The last that I remember was attending a celebration in Riften. We had killed another dragon and helped overthrow the Thieves' Guild. We also helped discover a plot against the jarl of Riften. The entire city was celebrating. The last that I remembered was drinking ale with a man named Sam. After that I don't remember anything clearly until I woke up here in Markarth."

"Nothing clearly," asked Anwen sharply. "But you do remember some things?"

Daenerys gave a long sigh of frustration. "Are we going to keep going in circles? I've already shared everything I know."

"Very well," said the high priestess with a nod of her head. "You have guesses, don't you?"

"No good guesses. I suppose it's possible that I ran into a mage who was both powerful and crazy enough to cast teleport, but that doesn't seem likely."

The high priestess shook her head. "Highly unlikely. The Psijic Order may be interested in you because you are the Dragonborn, and perhaps the Thalmor, but they wouldn't have gotten you drunk. No, there is one likely answer from the clues. Drunkness. Debauchery. Your last memory a revel. I think there is a far more likely candidate."

"Sanguine," said Arwen suspiciously. "So, you were consorting with a Daedric Prince?"

"I don't think so?" Could her mystery man be Sanguine? She didn't think so. She had a vague impression of a man laughing his ass off while she made a fool of herself. That seemed like Sanguine, but her lover had been someone else. "I don't know? I can't explain it, but I'm not a Daedra worshiper. I follow Talos." She placed her hand on her amulet for emphasis.

"She did invoke Talos," agreed Senna. "Even before she was sober. The first thing she did was grab her amulet and call upon his name for healing."

"Like Talos is any better," said Anwen. "There are Thalmor agents here in Markarth. Our jarl counts them among his trusted advisors. Just by sheltering her we risk drawing the wrath of the Thalmor and doing untold damage to our reputation in Markarth."

"Do you think Dibella cares about the Thalmor?" asked Senna. "Lady Targaryen is right. We're going in circles. Why are we debating this? She's the one."

"Senna!" Anwen said her name like the crack of a whip. "Silence."

The high priestess pushed herself to her feet. "Anwen, let her be. Senna is impulsive and young, but she is not wrong. Daenerys Targaryen is the one." The woman walked forward. "So, you said that your own your mistakes. You offered to make amends. We have a task for you. Dibella has chosen a new Sybil. Through the Protocol, we have seen her. She dwells to the north, in the small village of Karthwasten. Her family is strong in stone. They will be masons or miners. She is also endangered. A shadow we cannot see looms over her. You will travel to Karthwasten, retrieve our young Sybil, and bring her home to us. Only then will your transgression be forgiven."

When Daenerys had arrived in Whiterun after defeating Mir-Mul-Nir, she had been bombarded with requests for help: recover a missing sword, help me get a mammoth tusk, and others. Nord stories, songs, and legends were full of heroic quests. For the most part, Daenerys had ignored the requests, but this was not something she could turn down. She had promised to make amends. The Temple of Dibella was obviously wealthy and powerful. She did not want them as an enemy.

However, that didn't mean she didn't have questions. "Why me? You have temple guards and are wealthy enough to hire mercenaries if you need extra muscle, but you're asking me instead."

There was a long pause before the High Priestess spoke. "Dibella wills it. We don't hear her voice like a Sybil does, but the previous Sybil left us some guidance. Dibella wants you."

Daenerys felt like laughing. It wasn't funny. She did not want Dibella as an enemy. The gods of Tamriel were much more involved than the gods of Planetos. However, it meant all of this had been for show. They were always going to ask her to fetch this Sybil for them. "Very well, I will find your Sybil and return her safely to you."

"Thank you," said the high priestess. "May Dibella guide your path."

"Goddess watch over you," added Anwen.

"Wait!" interrupted Daenerys before Senna could join in, and they blessed her out the door. "I said that I'll go, but all I have is this dress and a pair of sandals. I'm not walking from here to Karthwasten without weapons and armor. Preferably with a horse and a companion or two." The wilderness of eastern Skyrim had been dangerous enough. In the Reach they didn't just have bandits. The Forsworn were running wild across the countryside.

The high priestess shook her head. "No, it would not be atonement if we outfitted you with weapons and armor. The task is yours, Lady Targaryen."

Daenerys was reminded of Tyrion Lannister. Everyone had told her how bright Tyrion was, but for a highly intelligent man, his plans had failed again and again. Priestesses were supposed to be wise, but this was folly. "So, that's all part of the trial? Not even a helmet so I can hide my hair? Do you think I'll make it out of the city before I'm recognized and the Thalmor arrest me? What will happen to your Sybil then?"

"Perhaps," suggested Senna. "We could offer some proper Dibellan help. I'm sure the goddess wouldn't mind if we helped by dying your hair. Perhaps in a simple bun and some makeup to look more matronly. Your eyes are distinctive, but not easily noticed from a distance, and I have an idea for them as well. No one would look too closely at someone leaving the city."

"You know that I will have to return to Markarth with the Sybil? Provided that I don't get killed wandering around the countryside without weapons or armor."

"Lady Targaryen, your complaining is unseemly. It would not be a trial if it were easy. I will allow Senna's suggestion. She can help disguise yourself, so you are not so recognizable. The rest is up to you."

Daenerys dipped her head in acknowledgment. "Very well, I accept." Not like she had any choice. Besides, she had accepted her destiny as Dragonborn, and she believed in Talos. The gods were more real in Tamriel and having Dibella as an enemy was not a good idea.


Daenerys followed Senna back to the room where she had awakened that morning. Not surprisingly the temple guards followed behind them. She waited until they were alone to question what happened. She did not like being set up. "You seemed rather forward for a mere acolyte, smarting off to the high priestess."

Senna shrugged. "I am just an acolyte and below the others in many ways, but we are not a rigid hierarchy. I was here waiting on you because I wanted to be. I want to help 'ja, because that is what Dibella wants. So, do'ja want my help?"

Daenerys frowned in frustration. Dibella seemed rather arbitrary about this trial. No weapons, no armor, not really much of anything. However, she had agreed to atone, and she certainly wasn't going to turn down the little help she'd been offered. "Yes, I want your help."

"Good. Now, let's talk about your hair."

Senna offered Daenerys a variety of choices in hair dye. She recommended that brown or red would look more Breton. Some dyes would wash out in days. Others were permanent and had to be grown out. The best dyes used alchemy. After listening to the choices, Daenerys decided on a potion for brunette hair. Brown being the most common color of hair, she would stand out the least. The potion had to be applied directly to her hair. The color would hold true for a week but would fade quickly after that returning her hair to its natural blonde. As far as Daenerys was concerned that was better than a dye that would leave her hair stained. Senna left briefly, returned with a potion, and then helped her apply it. Senna had her lay back in a chair with towels to cover her and let her hair fall behind her.

"I heard 'ja studied magic at the College of Winterhold. Is that true?" asked Senna as she massaged the potion into her hair.

Daenerys found the scalp massage she was receiving to be relaxing, even if she was a little conflicted about dying her hair. At least it was only for a week. "That's true. I did."

"Did 'ja study any Alchemy? Because this is a simple potion. Even I can manage it. Just pine bark and common brown moth wings."

"No, the Master of Alchemy position at the College of Winterhold is currently vacant." According to Faralda it was because Archmage Savos Aren considered Alchemy to be a trade and not a true magical art. Although the fact that he wasn't very good at Alchemy might have contributed. "I know it works different from spells, but not how."

Senna continued working the potion into her hair, moving down her long tresses. "That's true. 'Ja don't have to be able to touch your own magicka to make a potion. There is magic in everything. Just mixing them can make a potion. Of course, the best alchemists add their own, picking and choosing which properties to enhance. What makes Alchemy different, is you have to know the properties of things. Brown is a very easy property. Just about anyone could make this potion."

Daenerys filed that information for later use. "So, just grind up brown moth wings and pine bark into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle while focusing upon the brownness of it, then mix with clean water?" That was about all her knowledge of Alchemy covered. Supposedly just about anyone could follow basic Alchemy recipes.

"Right you are, luv." She laughed. "Of course, there's a lot more to it if 'ja to move beyond simples. A lot of the best reagents are also poison if you mix them wrong, and like I said the best alchemists do infuse their own magic to strengthen the potion." She removed her hands, and wiped them clean on a towel. "And done. What do 'ja think?" She offered Daenerys a mirror.

Daenerys looked at her hair and ignored that it was wet and tangled. "It's brown." Even her eyebrows were brown. She didn't like it. Despite the reputation of her House, she was proud of her hair because it was a mark of her Targaryen heritage, but as a disguise it worked. "It's does change my appearance."

"That it does, luv. Now, let's see if we can do something about your eyes."

Daenerys didn't see how they could change the color of her eyes without another potion, but Senna had another idea, facepaint. She painted a horizontal stripe of red across her eyes. Daenerys was surprised by the result. The red of the facepaint made her eyes look grey instead of purple. Not completely, but she could hardly recognize herself in the mirror.

"Thank you, Senna. This will help me avoid being noticed, but… You said that you avoid facepaint when you venture into Markarth, so you look like a Breton instead of a Reachman. Reachwoman?"

"Reachman, Reacherwoman, or just Reachers. It's just a little paint. Reachers mostly wear more elaborate facepaint and usually with an animal theme. I can take it off, but I think it helps hide your eyes."

"It does, and with the Thalmor in Markarth that is more important. I need to hide. Speaking of which…" She glanced at where her amulet of Talos lay upon the table. The priestesses of Dibella had already known who she was. Flaunting her amulet of Talos had been a statement. Wearing out of the temple and into the streets in a city where the Thalmor had free reign would be stupid. "I know that I arrived naked, and I appreciate having something to wear, but do you have another dress? Preferably something with a high neck and a kirtle?"

Most Nord women wore dresses that consisted of three pieces: a smock underneath, a kirtle over it, and optionally a corset over that to narrow the waist and emphasize the bust. The dress she was wearing now was just a smock supported by two straps it didn't even have sleeves. It showed a lot of cleavage. Too much, in fact. She hadn't worried about it before, because… she hadn't really thought it through. She'd been playing catch up ever since she awoke. In Essos the dress she was wearing would be considered tame, but in Skyrim it was daring. It was the dress that a tavern wench or a whore would wear. There was a fine line between the two. When she'd been working at the Sleeping Giant Inn, she'd covered up with a cloak outside the tavern.

Senna sighed. "I'm sorry, luv. You're lucky we even had the dress you're wearing now. We're not a merchant's shop. This was all we could scrounge up unless 'ja fancy wearing a pair of men's breeches."

"No, I don't fancy a pair of men's breeches." It was difficult not to snap at Senna. Maybe the dress she was now wearing had been all they had on hand, but sending someone to buy a cheap dress would be trivial. The temple could obviously afford it. Or, they could let her wear an acolyte's dress like Senna. This dress was obviously another part of her trial. She was beginning to wonder if Dibella was trying to teach her some kind of lesson in humility. "If you don't have a dress, could I at least have a beltpouch or a purse? I don't think it is a good idea to flaunt my amulet of Talos outside the temple."

"Oh?" she asked with fake innocence. "It didn't bother 'ja to wear it in front of the priestess."

"They already knew, and I wasn't hiding from them. I will need to hide my amulet from the Thalmor and maybe the Markarth guards as well."

"Oh, for certain from the guards as well. Your amulet and your not-a-wedding ring both. I'll give 'ja my own beltpouch. I can always buy another, but 'ja shouldn't take them with you. Not looking like 'ja do now. Don't forget 'ja look like a Breton now with your height and your hair. The way you're dressed 'ja look like, well… a whore. The Markarth guards won't hesitate to stop and search you just because. If they find that amulet or that ring they'll send 'ja to the mines at best. They might turn 'ja over to the Thalmor. I hear they like to make examples of Talos worshipers."

Daenerys sighed. She had expected as much, which was why she asked for a proper Nord dress with a kirtle. "Can I leave my amulet with you? I plan to be in the city for a few days. I don't know what the priestesses were thinking, but I'm not leaving Markarth without at least a weapon and some armor."

"That's probably wise of 'ja. Just the amulet? If they catch 'ja with that ring, they'll call you a thief."

"The ring too, I suppose." Daenerys removed her necklace and handed the amulet and her ring to Senna. "The amulet was given to me by someone dear to my heart. Take care of it for me."

"Oh-ho, the amulet came from someone dear, but what about that ring?" Senna tucked them away in her beltpouch before holding up her hand. "I was just funning wit 'ja. As Dibella is my witness, I will keep them safe until you return to reclaim them."

Daenerys nodded in approval. She couldn't ask for a stronger oath from a priestess. "Thank you. I appreciate all you've done for me."

"It's not much. It was even fun to put my beauty skills to work at something different. I can't give 'ja any more direct help, but I could offer a few suggestions about Markarth."

Daenerys nodded. "I'm listening."

"You're right about it not being safe to wander the Reaches unarmed. The Forsworn are becoming more and more bold. So, when 'ja was studying at the College of Winterhold did 'ja learn any spells? Or can you only Shout?"

"I have reached apprentice level Destruction magic: Firebolt, Ice Spike, and Lightning Bolt. Plus, I can heal. I'm not sure where I stand at Restoration magic any longer. I was at novice level when I left the College of Winterhold, but since I embraced Talos my healing has improved."

"Oh, that's good. That's better than I thought. Well, I hear a lot working at the temple. I know two people who might want to hire a mage. There is a Vigilant of Stendarr in Markarth. He was here at the temple yesterday asking for help rooting out daedric influences. He might be willing to pay you. He's staying at the Silver Blood Inn near the main gate."

"I will certainly consider him." Stendarr was the god of mercy, justice, and many other things. She had heard of the order of Vigilants of Stendarr. They were basically wandering knights who sought and destroyed daedra, vampires, witches, and other evil creatures. They were one of the reasons she tried to keep her dealings with Daedric Princes quiet. While they might oppose her if they knew of her deals, she supported their mission. She understood they did a lot of good. Given how far Markarth was from the Rift, this Vigilant had no way of knowing about her deal with Barbas. "What was the second suggestion?"

"His name is Eltrys. He's Breton and he's fed up with all the murders. He thinks there is more to it than just the Forsworn. He has been running around the city poking his nose into things. He might want a bodyguard and he could afford it. Of course, he might attract attention doing it." She shrugged. "Maybe that isn't a good lead, but I'd like to have answers as well because of my family."

"Of course, you would," agreed Daenerys. Although she agreed poking her nose into things sounded like a way to draw the wrong sort of attention. That would make him her second choice. "Where can I find him?"

"You can find him at the smelters. He works there as an overseer. You can just follow the rivers down to the smelter. He shouldn't be hard to find. At the very least he could probably help 'ja get a place to sleep in the Warrens. That's where the men who work the smelter sleep. It's falling down, but it's cheap and better than getting swept up by the guard for vagrancy."

"I'll keep that in mind." If things weren't bad enough, she also had to find a place to sleep before nightfall, and she had no money. She wanted to protest the fairness of this trial again. Even with the little help that Senna was providing, she was starting from nothing. She kept a reign on her frustration and politely asked, "Is there a purpose to this trial? To stripping me down to nothing?"

Senna grasped her amulet and closed her eyes. After a moment she opened them again. "There is, not that I understand it any longer. Not since I stepped down."

Stepped down? Did that mean what she thought it did? "Senna? Did you used to be the Sybil?"

Senna's smile vanished and was replaced by a wistful look. "I was, once, but now I am not any longer." She sighed and shrugged. "I was long overdue to step down. Sybils are chosen as children, while we're pure and innocent, but Dibella is the goddess of sex. There is only so long you can remain a child. There are compensations…" She gave a saucy wink. "Still, it was nice. I don't know what all Dibella has planned for 'ja. I wasn't even certain 'ja were the one at first, but after talking to 'ja, I was certain."

"I see… No, actually I don't. I'm not even sure what a Sybil is to be honest. I'm an outlander and I never heard the word before today."

Senna laughed. "Most gods have prophets of some sort of another. Dibella always chooses young girls, and they are called Sybils. Not every temple has one, but Markarth has for several generations. Being a Sybil, is like having an imaginary friend who happens to be a goddess. However, this isn't about me. It's partly about 'ja, but it's also about a little girl. I think you are wise to acquire weapons and armor before setting forth, but don't lose sight of the goal. The Sybil is just a little girl. She'll be remarkably innocent of the ways of the world, and I fear she will be in some danger. This is your trial, but she needs to be brought back here, to the temple. We will keep her safe and care for her."

Daenerys nodded formally. "I understand. I was a lost little girl once."

Senna smiled. "Perhaps, that's why Dibella chose 'ja. I'll pray for 'ja. Go in peace, Lady Targaryen. May Dibella, Talos, and the rest of the Nine watch over 'ja."
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You've certainly managed to capture how unhelpful the dibbelans are.
Although in game they have a little more justification of the player being a thief and maybe not recognising the dragonborn.
Enjoying Senna, and like the little expansion you've given on Sybils.