Vote tally - DoofQuest- a Disney Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest

Adhoc vote count started by argonlyzard on Feb 18, 2022 at 10:42 AM, finished with 165 posts and 31 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
DoofQuest- a Disney Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest
Post #52595
Post #52759


  • [X] Plan: All Or...Some.
    -[X] Mirage, time for a tactical retreat. Stay in the room, but get as far from the lightning-shooting sociopath as possible.
    -[X] Marco, Lizzie, Mez, team up on her. The National Guard is en route, so focus on defense and stopping her from killing anybody, especially Mirage, and if the opportunity provides itself, take her out. Be prepared to cover Hego or fight with him should it be useful. Lethal force is permitted, but only as a last resort. Use your best judgement.
    [X] Plan: All Or Nothing At All
    -[X] Mirage, time for a tactical retreat. Stay in the room, but get as far from the lightning-shooting sociopath as possible. Try and get Sinatron and/or Warren Peace('s bodies) out of the splash zone if possible without placing yourself in further danger or causing further harm to either. Not getting killed takes priority, though.
    -[X] Marco, Lizzie, Mez, team up on her. The National Guard is en route, so focus on defense and stopping her from killing anybody, especially Mirage, and if the opportunity provides itself, take her out. Lethal force is permitted, but only as a last resort. Use your best judgement.
    [X] Plan: I Can't Think Of A Clever Plan Name
    [X] Plan: Two for All or all for not
    -[X] have Hego, Marco, and lizzie face Evelyn while Mesmerella sets up a hypnotic finisher
    -[X] Mirage leads Edna and Winston away from the fray
    --[X] after the fight, collaborate with Winston on preparing the area for the national guard: Headcount, PMC first aid, locating people under rubble(maybe moving it if reliving the pressure doesn't make them bleed out, I ain't a doctor), ect.
    -[X] Offer to fix sinatron