[X] Think about reconciling with Roger.
[X] Gather some doonkleberries.

Doonkleberries are only found in this country and apparently they're very delicious, and the fact that we're having food problems at home I'm sure people would love to have to various Doonkleberries products to eat.
Plus I don't know what Silphium is for.
[X] Think about rubbing this in Roger's face.

I mean, if we're being honest here; this is the most in character thing. Also, are we gonna really pass the opportunity? Roger has always been a bit of a snob, if inadvertently, and not once did he stand up for us.

Also, just a thought: Whose stopping us from simply invading Drusselstein while were in the Neighborhood?
[X] Think about rubbing this in Roger's face.

I mean, if we're being honest here; this is the most in character thing. Also, are we gonna really pass the opportunity? Roger has always been a bit of a snob, if inadvertently, and not once did he stand up for us.

Also, just a thought: Whose stopping us from simply invading Drusselstein while were in the Neighborhood?

We're just three people, and none of us have a particularly high martial.
[X] Think about reconciling with Roger.
[X] Gather some Silphium

Some say that acting as the better person is an even higher form of gloating.
[X] Think about rubbing this in Roger's face.

I mean, if we're being honest here; this is the most in character thing. Also, are we gonna really pass the opportunity? Roger has always been a bit of a snob, if inadvertently, and not once did he stand up for us.

Also, just a thought: Whose stopping us from simply invading Drusselstein while were in the Neighborhood?
Well, invading a sovereign country, even one as trash as this one, will probably have consequences.
[X] Think about reconciling with Roger.
[X] Gather some doonkleberries.

So... I had a thought about Doonkleberries. Essentially, that they once went by another name. Gummiberries. Made has given "no comment."
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"If that failure could not even hold a position of power, then he is not worth my time. Now begone!" he slams the door in your face.

Wow. Mr Doofenshmirtz has rejected his favored son for not holding onto power, and probably didn't even recognize Heinz. That's some Filbrick Pines level parenting right there. Not quite Shadow Weaver tier (Yes I know She-Ra isn't Disney shut up), but the sheer amount abuse throughout Doof's childhood, topped off with this? Wow.
[X] Think about reconciling with Roger.
[X] Gather some doonkleberries.
[X] Think about reconciling with Roger.
[X] Gather some Silphium

Some say that acting as the better person is an even higher form of gloating.
It says a lot about Doof and his brother
That Doof(who is a supervillain) is willing to reconcile the the terrible treatment of his childhood with his brother, and his brother who never considered it even after his parents disowned him too.
[X] Think about reconciling with Roger. (Sure, Roger might've had it easy for most of his life, but in the end he had the same awful parents as you did. Maybe you can empathize over this?)
We do need help with Stewardship actions.

[X] Explore the forest
We can get the Pretzels and plants once we are about to leave, and I am curious on why this is an option to choose.
Guys, if my wild hunch is right, Doonkleberries are the key to Gummiberry Juice. Imagine having that on tap to give the Ghenghis. To Goofy.
[X] Think about reconciling with Roger. (Sure, Roger might've had it easy for most of his life, but in the end he had the same awful parents as you did. Maybe you can empathize over this?)
[X] Gather some Silphium
[X] Think about rubbing this in Roger's face. (Roger always has been a smug jerk, acting condescending to you nearly every time you interacted in the past. Now you can have the high ground for once!)
[X] Gather some silphium
Actually we might be able to get rid of Monogram's "Rubs me the wrong way" trait if we go into the forest and basically told him we were raised by ocelots because our parents kicked us out of the house.