Well. The Marcnificent Few would make a
superb black ops team. Marco, Kitsune, Janna and Lizzie actually covers martial, diplo, occult, intrigue and has passable stewardship. Khan can create it, and it'd be a pretty exceptional team really. Chance of success of 93% instead of 98% for supervillainy
30 is our unit cap and we're at 28, so unless we develop a better way to delegate (hero-balls or vassal-lords) we're not rebuilding Big Hero 6 anytime soon. I would like to hit the cap though, to see what happens. Necessity is the mother of invention, and I would like to invent heroballs
about LOVEMUFFIN . . the upside to them is that they're a free action basically. The downside is that they suck.
Now. We
could invest multiple personal actions from multiple people on making them better. That's an interesting solution to "they suck" and leaves us with a free action. However, they will still be pretty egoistic and petty and well. They're
lovemuffin you know?
I'm fine with attempting to "fix" them. They are, themselves, a heroball and restructuring these not so good heroballs (like OWCA) might contribute to our knowledge of
creating heroballs. In addition, LOVEMUFFIN still has the extra action and there are a lot of tech branches to cover. I think it's a good idea overall.
DoofOS is going to be assaulted, again, this turn by something with +119. The constant losses in this department are demoralizing, and it's the only part of the quest we cannot seem to have positive outcomes with no matter what we do. Another turn, another slow grind unto death.
I would reconsider Supervillainy for "Form Blackops Group"