Dollhouse (Worm)

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"I should have called ahead."

In Brockton Bay there is a store. A clothing store...


Title Incoming. Please Hold.
Somewhere else.

"I should have called ahead."

In Brockton Bay there is a store. A clothing store, to be precise. Quite a special store, in fact. What truly makes it special isn't its aesthetic or the high quality of its products, but the fact that it was run by a parahuman. The Dollhouse and its proprietor, Parian, were not household names yet, but to those who kept track of such things, both the movements of parahumans and the movements of the fashion industry, Parian and her store were well known. However, while the Dollhouse and Parian will both have large parts in this little story, we don't start with them, not quite.

"I really should have called ahead."

Instead, we start in an alley across the street from the Dollhouse, where a young girl was pacing and talking to herself. This was Taylor Hebert, and she had a plan, a plan that she now doubted. Dressed in a threadbare black hoodie and frayed jeans, Taylor hardly looked like someone that had business at the Dollhouse. But that was her destination, if she could only work up the courage to walk through the door.

"She must be super busy, right? And this isn't exactly the sort of thing you just spring on someone out of the blue. She might panic. I should go home, call first and set up an actual appointment." Taylor stopped pacing and ran a hand through her short, ragged black hair. "Ugh, I'm just chickening out, aren't I? Am I? Damn it! Why is this so hard? That's it, I can't think like this!"

After briefly looking over her shoulder, Taylor closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was no longer flesh and blood. Her skin was porcelain, her eyes were glass and her silken hair was long and flowing once more. Taylor looked down at her articulated hands and once again took a moment to marvel at her powers. She was now a living doll, able to move with power and precision than a human being could never hope for. Her face was frozen, her eyelids the only things that could move, but that was fine. She was frozen in beauty, after all.

Taylor sighed in relief, despite being unable to move her mouth, and lacking the ability to breathe. She could always think clearly in this form. It wasn't that her emotions disappeared, or were even dulled. She simply kept the ability to think rationally no matter what she might be feeling at the moment. Self-control was what this form offered, which was strange. Dolls were solely under the control of others. Turning into a puppet shouldn't make you free.

Taylor looked back to the Dollhouse, and made her choice. Yes, she should have called ahead when she had the chance, but she was here now. Yes, Parian might react badly, but that risk was fairly minimal as far as Taylor knew. So long as she remained polite and non-threatening, there shouldn't be any issues.

Flipping her hood up to hide her porcelain face, Taylor walked out of the alleyway and across the street. Pushing open the door, Taylor heard the tinkle of a bell and the soft call of "Coming!" from further into the store. However, what caught her attention was the style at work in the store. The inside matched the name it seemed, with light pastel tone dresses and suits on mannequins, dolls and other toys on the shelves and a giant stuffed teddy bear in the corner.

"Hello there. Sorry for the wait, I was just organizing the back. Now then, how can I…" Taylor turned to face Parian, the one who was talking. It was easy to tell who she was, what with the elaborate dress and porcelain mask. "Help… you…" Taylor couldn't see Parian's expression, but she could tell from the way she trailed off that she was at least somewhat stunned by Taylor's appearance.

"Sorry," Taylor said instantly. "Sorry, I should have called ahead or something. I was hoping you could help me."

"Um, okay…" Parian still sounded hesitant but at least she wasn't attacking Taylor or freaking out. "I'm not sure what I can do to help you exactly. Especially if you're with the gangs…"

"No!" Taylor shook her head violently. "No, god no. I was just hoping I could get your advice, that's all. See, I'm new to the whole superpowers thing and, well…"

"Okay..." Parian didn't say anything for a bit.Taylor supposed she was thinking about what to do. Maybe she was trying to figure out if Taylor was lying, but that would be tough without facial expressions to judge. "Well," Parian said, "I guess I can talk to you at the very least. I don't know how much help I can be though. Would you like to sit down?"

"If you'd like. I have no issue standing if that would make you more comfortable, though. It's your store," Taylor said, trying her best to be polite.

"In that case, I'd like to sit and talk like civilized people." Parian answered. "Follow me. There's a table in one of the back rooms."

As it turned out, there wasn't just a table back there, but a full tea set, a small fridge on the floor and some armchairs in the corners. It was a fully furnished break room.

"I'd offer you tea," Parian said as soon as they sat down, Taylor putting her hood down at the same time, "But I'm not sure you can drink like that. Is that okay?"

"That's fine," Taylor answered. "I'd have to change back first to drink, but I don't have a mask, so I hope you don't think I'm impolite to decline."

"You can change back?" Parian asked, clearly surprised. Taylor nodded. "Oh, that's good. I'm afraid I had assumed you were one of those poor monstrous capes that were stuck looking they way they do. That or you were a tinker creation."

"No, my power allows me to change into this doll-form and back," Taylor explained. "Um, I am a tinker though. Or, at least, I think I am. I have all these ideas for how to upgrade this body…"

"Really? What sort of upgrades? Have you done anything yet?"

"Well, I could build in a taser, and launchable and retractable limbs, and flight packs, and wall crawling…" Taylor realized she was rambling and probably would have blushed if she had actual blood in her cheeks. "I haven't done anything yet. The materials would be… expensive."

"Right." Parian nodded. "Well, you seem to have a good grasp of your capabilities. I'm not sure exactly what you need my help with."

Taylor somehow made a sound like she was taking a deep breath. "I was hoping I could talk to someone relatively unbiased about what it means to be a cape and what my options are. I already looked up everything the PRT had to say on their website, but I was hoping to get a second opinion and you seemed like a better option than the gangs."

"Relatively?" Parian questioned.

"Nobody is completely unbiased," Taylor said. "I know, for example, that I'm slightly biased against established authority. It's probably why I'm looking for a second opinion in the first place."

"All right then…" Parian slowly nodded. "Was there anything in particular you wanted to start with?"

"Could you tell me about being a rogue?" Taylor asked. "Not that I don't want to be a hero or anything, but my fa- my family doesn't have that much income in the first place, and as I said, tinker supplies are expensive."

"Well, you're right that going rogue is the way to go if you want some income. The PRT does pay, but if you're a Ward – I'm not guessing your age here, just covering my bases – if you're a Ward, then all the money they pay you goes into a trust fund," Parian said. "However, in my experience, if you do go rogue, you need to get yourself established quickly or else the horror stories the PRT puts on their website will come true and you'll become part of their statistics. And even then, that won't stop the gangs from bothering you."

"You still have trouble with them?" Taylor asked. "Even with your store and everything?"

"Mhm." Parian nodded and didn't elaborate.

"And… do you think joining up with someone already established would help with that?"

"Probably. Why, did you have someone in mind? You mentioned you were a tinker, so Toybox might be an option—"

"Actually, I was wondering if you might hire me."

Parian didn't say anything in response. She may have been a little bit stunned by what Taylor suggested. Seizing the initiative, Taylor talked quickly.

"I was thinking that maybe I could act as a mannequin or something since we have a similar look and if anybody caused trouble for you, I could take care of them."

Parian titled her head to the side. "A bodyguard? No offense, but you seem a little delicate…"

"I can lift a car and punch through steel."

"Really?" Her surprise was easy to hear. "You're not just saying that so I'll hire you, right?"

"I can show you if you like," Taylor answered confidently.

"Well…" Whatever Parian was going to say, she was interrupted by the bell on her front door ringing. "Oh, I'm sorry! I completely forgot that I had an earlier appointment. Please, wait here and I'll see if they can reschedule."

"Don't worry, I can come back later," Taylor said. It wasn't like she had anything else to do. "Or I could just wait. I don't mind."

"Well, this hopefully won't take too long," Parian said. "If you don't mind, would you please wait?"

"No problem."

Parian sighed in relief. "Thank you for being so understanding. It shouldn't take long for me to deal with Miss Barnes."

Woo! Yet another Alt!Power Taylor fic! Hopefully this one will stand out a bit from the crowd. I don't think anyone's tried the direction I'm taking this before.

Anyway, I'd like to thank @Cailin and @BeaconHill being my beta readers for this story. You two are great.
Emma Barnes had stars in her eyes as she stepped out of the car. Of course she had seen pictures of the Dollhouse before – the cape run business was showing up in all the fashion magazines these days – but this was the first time Emma had ever been there in person, and the store was even better than she expected. The storefront was bright, colorful, and attention grabbing, just what you would expect from anything associated with capes, but the colors worked perfectly together and the sign naming the store "Dollhouse" flowed in elegant cursive, turning something potentially garish into a work of art.

And that was just the façade of the building. Just by looking through the windows, Emma fell in love with the place all over again, just like when she had seen the pictures of the interior while checking her favorite fashion websites. The Victorian style dresses, the way they were adjusted for modern times, the dolls and stuffed animals, it all just combined to create a look that was equal parts cute and elegant. Sure, Sophia had said that the place looked stupid, even childish, but there were some things that Sophia just didn't get. Madison had agreed with Emma on how beautiful the look was, even if she did say that the porcelain dolls freaked her out a little.

She heard a car door open behind her, and turned around to see her manager step out. Michael Grammer was an average looking fellow, brown hair with flecks of grey, brown eyes, average height and build. The suit he wore was professional but plain, a simple black two-piece. In this way, he did his job marvelously. A proper manager was supposed to step back and let his client shine while he worked in the background to make sure everything went smoothly. That was Mr. Grammer's philosophy, and he followed through in many little ways, like holding the door open so Emma could enter the shop first.

As Emma walked in, a delightful bell chime announced her presence, but Emma ignored that in favor of looking around like a child in a candy store. Everything was so pretty that Emma couldn't pick what to look at first.

Then Parian herself stepped out of a back room and everything else seemed to fade into the background. The cloth-controlling cape wore an elaborate baby-blue dress in a Victorian style. A porcelain mask sat on her face, framed by flowing blond locks of hair, making the cape look like a living doll. She moved gracefully through the store and when she spoke, it was with a slight British accent. "Miss Barnes and Mr. Grammer, I presume? Welcome to my shop. I hope you find the experience pleasant."

Emma felt like she had just stepped into a fairy tale, and for a moment she forgot to speak. A subtle bump from her manager brought her back and she put on her most charming expression. "I'm sure we will. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, Ms. Parian."

"It's just Parian, my dear."

"Then, please, call me Emma," she replied, earning a subtle nod from her manager.

"Very well then, Emma. Shall we get down to business?" Parian waved them toward the counter that served as her front desk. As they sat on the stools in front of the counter, Parian glided behind it with unbelievable grace and sat down on a high-backed chair, gently arranging her skirt as she did so.

As Emma and Mr. Grammer made themselves comfortable, Parian placed her hands on the table and folded them together. "To get right to the point, Emma, I've seen your previous work and I believe that you have quite the talent for modeling. I would be very willing to give you a chance and see how things go."

"Thank you very much," Emma replied eagerly. It wasn't the greatest compliment she'd ever heard, but hearing it from a cape who was quickly taking over the fashion world made it special.

"We're very happy to hear you say that," Mr. Grammer said, speaking up for the first time since they had entered the shop. "However, there are still some details to work out."

"Of course." Parian agreed and the two quickly dove into the technicalities of a contract, something Emma had no interest in. She quickly found her attention waning, but thankfully Parian noticed and came to her rescue before she found herself bored to tears.

"Emma? You may take a look around the shop if you wish," Parian said.

Emma nodded enthusiastically. Hopping off her stool, she started to examine the dresses and ornaments around the shop, getting close and taking in the details. What she saw was truly amazing, with a level of workmanship that likely wouldn't be possible without powers. As she explored, Emma slowly worked her way toward the back of the shop, where she saw the door that Parian had entered though. Emma found herself curious as to what Parian had been doing back there, and since Parian had invited her to explore, she decided it was okay to go through.

What she saw wasn't what she had expected. Emma thought she'd just be walking into a storeroom, filled with bolts of fabric or something like that, but what she found was a small kitchen, complete with a small, delicate table set for a tea party. And sitting at the table was a doll.

The doll was, undoubtedly, the most wonderful thing Emma had ever seen. If Parian was a human that looked like a doll, this was a doll that looked human, which made it all the stranger that it was dressed in a ragged hoodie and jeans that Emma found vaguely familiar. But she didn't pay attention to the doll's clothes, instead walking around the doll and taking in the details: the jet black hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall made from the night sky, the smooth, flawless shape of her perfectly proportioned face, the green eyes that seemed so alive that they almost shined. When Emma came to a stop beside the doll, she could only say one word: "Beautiful."

The doll turned its head, and looked Emma right in the eyes. "Thank you."

Emma screamed.

Once again, I'd like to thank @Cailin and @BeaconHill for being my beta readers. You're still great.
When Taylor heard Parian say "Miss Barnes," she froze. Her mind began to race. Her first thought was that Emma was there, but it only took a moment to dismiss that as ridiculous. There were probably dozens of Miss Barneses in the city. At the very least, it might be Emma's mom or sister, either of which would be infinitely preferable. The chances of Emma showing up in the exact place Taylor had gone in order to escape from her were insane. It couldn't possibly be her.

But even as Taylor tried to reassure herself, Emma's voice rang out loud and clear through the open door, and crushed her hopes. It wasn't even intentional this time. Taylor could hear perfectly as Parian greeted her former best friend. If Taylor's mind had been racing before, now it was breaking the sound barrier. What if Parian was somehow connected to Emma? Or somehow Emma had learned that Taylor had powers?

The self-control her doll-form gave her let Taylor push aside those possibilities. Paranoia and panic brought useless thoughts. Logic said that Emma's presence was probably just a coincidence, and listening in on the conversation in the other room proved it so. Still, Taylor couldn't believe how unlucky she was. Did some god somewhere hate her? Was the universe itself conspiring against her?

While a maelstrom of confusion and panic raged in Taylor's head, her body kept unnaturally still, even when Emma stepped into the back room. Once again, Taylor was glad she had powers now.

At first Taylor had thought that Emma would recognize her, but instead Emma just stared. She looked Taylor over from every angle, a look of childlike wonder in her eyes. And then a word that Taylor had never expected Emma to say about her slipped past her lips with whispered reverence.


Oh, this was just too perfect.

She turned her head, looked Emma in the eyes, and said two words: "Thank you."

Taylor was thankful that her face was frozen as a doll for probably the first time. Otherwise, when Emma screamed, the huge grin that Taylor felt in her soul would have given her away.

Even as Parian and Emma's agent rushed into the room, Taylor didn't regret her little impulse. It would be worth it to pull one over on Emma for once, even if she got caught. And Taylor was already thinking up a plan so that she didn't get caught.

Before anybody else could say anything, Taylor bowed a little while remaining seating and spoke. "I apologize for frightening you, Miss Barnes. Are you at all injured?"

Taylor tried to talk differently in the hopes that Emma wouldn't recognize her. She spoke clearly and enunciated her words carefully, using a more formal vocabulary. She tried to keep her voice light and cheerful as well, almost innocent. This, along with a natural distortion to her voice that Taylor had noticed in her doll-form, did the job and Emma didn't react with the shock and confusion of realizing that her former best friend had somehow turned into a giant porcelain doll.

Instead she just reacted with the surprise and shock of seeing a giant porcelain doll come to life and start talking to her.

"Wha— What?"

"My name is Doll." Taylor said, continuing her innocently polite robot routine. "My master sent me to Parian in order to negotiate renting me to provide bodyguard services. I apologize for arriving at the same time as yourselves. If I had known Parian had a prior appointment, I would have waited."

Emma's agent still seemed to be in shock but Emma recovered slightly. "Really?" She asked, looking between Taylor and Parian.

Thankfully, it only took Parian a moment to catch on. "Oh! Um, yes. Doll here dropped by rather unexpectedly and was polite enough to wait while I talked to you."

Now that the surprise was wearing off, Taylor could judge the reactions of Emma and her agent. Emma was looking at her with undisguised interest, but her agent seemed uncomfortable and a bit out of his depth.

"So you're a Tinker construct?" Emma asked "Your Master, is he new in town? What—"

Before Emma could finish asking her questions, and well before Taylor could begin answering them, Emma's agent cleared his throat. "Yes, well. We'll let you two get back to your business. Parian, I'll be calling you to finish with our agreement."

It looked like Emma was about to protest but her agent practically pushed her out of the room before she could say anything. A moment later the bell rang as they walked through the front door. Taylor would have breathed a sigh of relief if she weren't made of porcelain.

Sagging a little in her chair, a conscious decision she made to relax, Taylor looked up at Parian. She wished she could give the older cape a grateful smile. "Thanks for going along with that."

"No problem." Parian sat down again at the tea table. "But do you mind explaining to me exactly why you lied? Why not just say you were a regular cape instead of saying you were made by a Tinker?"

"I never actually said that. I just used ambiguous language and let Emma come to her own conclusions."

"You said you had a Master." Parian accused.

"And my master is me. I am in control of myself, that makes me my own master," Taylor explained with a shrug. "I guess that's kind of a thin excuse, but I panicked a bit when Emma showed up. I was kind of making it up as I went along."

"I'm guessing you know Miss Barnes?" Parian's voice wasn't as angry now, but she still seemed a bit suspicious. Taylor didn't really mind, considering she had just dragged Parian into a lie without telling her anything.

"Yeah, I know Emma," Taylor admitted. Suddenly, she felt tired. "It's a bit of a long story though."

Parian didn't say anything for a moment. Reaching out, she took Taylor's hand and gave the cold material a gentle squeeze. It wasn't quite the same as with flesh and blood, but Taylor appreciated the gesture just the same. "I know that it's probably hard to trust me, but… Do you want to talk about it?"

Taylor shook her head a little bit. It wasn't hard to trust Parian. She was calm, kind, gentle and had given Taylor her trust when she went along with Taylor's Doll act. It was all too easy to trust Parian and that was what scared Taylor.

But she had been afraid for so long…

Parian was surprised when she felt cold glass turn to warm skin under her fingers. She was even more surprised when she recognized the face of the girl sitting in front of her. "Wait, you're…"

"Yeah," Taylor said bitterly. "I'm Taylor Hebert. But whatever you saw on the news or read online, a lot of it is wrong. Mind if I start at the beginning?"

Once again, my thanks go to @Cailin and @BeaconHill for beta reading. Still great people, you two.
Oh hey, this has its own thread now, cool. Does this mean we can expect more in the immediate future?
Good to know. I'm excited, because this seemed (and seems still) to be going interesting places.
Interesting story so far. I'd suggest either adding an index, or creating a second Thread solely for the story, so that readers aren't having to try and find the next chapter in a sea of comments.
Hmmm, other than the lack of Threadmarking this seems to be going in an interesting direction, certainly a wholly unique and never before seen one anyway.
And threadmarks are added. Don't create threads at 1 in the morning, kids. You tend to forget important stuff.
Delighted to see this back again, and definitely watched. Looking forward to seeing it develop, given what you've said about your plans for it. I think you're right; I've never seen anything that went in the direction you discussed in your idea thread.
Definitely watched, this looks novel and interesting.
Parian was surprised when she felt cold glass turn to warm skin under her fingers. She was even more surprised when she recognized the face of the girl sitting in front of her. "Wait, you're…"

"Yeah," Taylor said bitterly. "I'm Taylor Hebert. But whatever you saw on the news or read online, a lot of it is wrong.
Apparently Taylor's trigger event made local news, unless there's some other explanation for why Parian would recognize her. A different trigger event?
Same here and her power set so far is fairly good altho it lacks a bit of a QA vibe to it. Hopefully that will be addressed ones Taylor/doll gets more used to her powers.

(Like say for example being able to create and control extra autonomies doll bodies or to transfer her consciousness(and original human body) over in to a new doll body after the previous body is destroyed.)

(Like Sasori)

(or like Touko Aozaki)

and yes I use these videos before in the FHB forum ;p:tongue:

edit 2: (still think worm needs more eldritch abominations in suitcases):lol:rofl:
Last edited:
And the deranged bitch poisons yet another fic with her presence. Sighs. Am I the only one who thinks that authors need to start just leaving Emma out, or- at the very least- making her only a minor presence in the story? I mean, I get it. I really do. The trio is an element which it is hard to justify leaving out of the story. But they're also an element that most readers have no actual desire to read about. Chapters with the trio are, 90% of the time, both unpleasant and of meaningful contribution to the plot. We have, by this point, seen nearly every possible variation of presence they could have- from Taylor dating Sophia, to Taylor brutally murdering all three, to Sophia joining the Slaughterhouse 9. What this means is that not only are Trio appearances unpleasant, they are also tedious. By this point I, at least, frequently skip them over entirely. To be completely honest, I did not read 1.2 until after 1.3 intimated that Taylor's trigger event went down differently in this fic (for which I applaud you, by the way). Which brings us to another issue- this particular fic does look like it may be an exception to the rule that trio appearances are usually of minimal significance beyond making things miserable. But because so many writers include Trio chapters which have little to no impact on the plot, many readers might be inclined to simply skip over what they assume to be yet another boring, unpleasant interaction between a group of psychopaths and the protagonist, and consequently miss the times when it actually turns out to matter. Yes, Wildbow included Taylor's shitty school life. But that was necessary to demonstrate to us, the readers, what Taylor had had to deal with, what she was escaping from, and the strength of her personality. Now? Now we've already seen that. Those of us who read Worm saw it from the story itself, those of use who have only read fanfic have seen it from other fics. So there's no reason to add it to the story anymore, when all it does is make things unpleasant for the readers and- I assume- the writer.

TLDR: Trio chapters are usually boring and unpleasant, and may cause people to skip over them, even when they turn out to be important plot points.
TLDR: Trio chapters are usually boring and unpleasant, and may cause people to skip over them, even when they turn out to be important plot points.
Thing is, it's my understanding that RexHeller is planning to do something different with Emma. Something I don't think I've ever seen done in a Worm fic. Something that I, for one, really want to see go down.
TLDR: Trio chapters are usually boring and unpleasant, and may cause people to skip over them, even when they turn out to be important plot points.
You did read the same chapter I did, right? The one where Emma says a couple of lines, has virtually no relevance other than prompting Parian to talk to Taylor some more, and then leaves?

Because I'm not sure where your complaint is coming from.
And the deranged bitch poisons yet another fic with her presence. Sighs. Am I the only one who thinks that authors need to start just leaving Emma out, or- at the very least- making her only a minor presence in the story? I mean, I get it. I really do. The trio is an element which it is hard to justify leaving out of the story. But they're also an element that most readers have no actual desire to read about. Chapters with the trio are, 90% of the time, both unpleasant and of meaningful contribution to the plot. We have, by this point, seen nearly every possible variation of presence they could have- from Taylor dating Sophia, to Taylor brutally murdering all three, to Sophia joining the Slaughterhouse 9. What this means is that not only are Trio appearances unpleasant, they are also tedious. By this point I, at least, frequently skip them over entirely. To be completely honest, I did not read 1.2 until after 1.3 intimated that Taylor's trigger event went down differently in this fic (for which I applaud you, by the way). Which brings us to another issue- this particular fic does look like it may be an exception to the rule that trio appearances are usually of minimal significance beyond making things miserable. But because so many writers include Trio chapters which have little to no impact on the plot, many readers might be inclined to simply skip over what they assume to be yet another boring, unpleasant interaction between a group of psychopaths and the protagonist, and consequently miss the times when it actually turns out to matter. Yes, Wildbow included Taylor's shitty school life. But that was necessary to demonstrate to us, the readers, what Taylor had had to deal with, what she was escaping from, and the strength of her personality. Now? Now we've already seen that. Those of us who read Worm saw it from the story itself, those of use who have only read fanfic have seen it from other fics. So there's no reason to add it to the story anymore, when all it does is make things unpleasant for the readers and- I assume- the writer.

TLDR: Trio chapters are usually boring and unpleasant, and may cause people to skip over them, even when they turn out to be important plot points.
Sigh.... How do I respond to this?

Emma, for me at least, is a sympathetic villain at worst, a victim of the cruel world that Wildbow created at best. She underwent a traumatic event, something that would of course leave mental scars on a young girl like Emma. Many adults would have issues after something like that, let alone a child. But she never got treatment for her apparent PTSD. Hell, her parents didn't even help, they just left her alone. Yes, she demanded to be left alone but good parents wouldn't have listened to her, they would have do what was right for her. And her only real friend, who presumably would have helped Emma get over it like Emma help Taylor get over Annette's death, was out of town. That left Emma with only one option for support: Sophia, who was already turning into a sadistic sociopath, if she wasn't one already. As someone who has dealt with mental health issues in the past, I feel for Emma. To me, she's a cautionary tale about how untreated mental illness can ruin your life and twist you into something unrecognizable. And this story is diving right into that mess and exploring what that means.

Sophia is also somewhat sympathetic to me. She's actually pretty similar to Emma in some ways, just more vicious. All we know about her past and personal life is that she triggered due to her step-father in some way and that her home life isn't the best. Following those facts, we can assume that, like Emma, she under went a traumatic experience and then was left without support. Except for Sophia it was worse because it was somebody she knew and probably trusted that hurt her, she didn't have any support at all and she had a brain parasite with a conflict drive pushing her to deal with her problems with violence. It's little surprise that she turned out the way she did. In addition, we don't really know all that much about Sophia, just her worst moments because that's all that Taylor sees. It's of course possible that she was always an unrepentant sociopath but it's equally possible that when she was starting out, Sophia genuinely wanted to be a hero, albeit perhaps a violent one. But with no support, the conflict drive in the back of her head and then her own personal yes-woman in Emma feeding her bad habits and thought patterns, she likely got worse and worse. And then joining the Wards likely made things even worse. It could have helped, if the PRT actually did their job and got her proper counseling, but they didn't because PRT policy is to regularly switch counselors to maintain security, thus ruining any bond that a troubled parahuman might be making with their counselor and thereby making therapy completely pointless. So instead of receiving help, Sophia had to deal with Superiors that wanted to use and control her and teammates that quickly gave up on her as "That Bitch That Nobody Likes". Just like with Emma, if things had been a little different, if Wildbow had been a little less determined to make Worm the darkest timeline, things could have been better. Much better. And that's what fanfic is for.

Madison barely exists. She's an afterthought, both for Taylor and for Wildbow. For fanfic writers, that makes her a blank slate, able to become anything at all. And some people take advantage of that, like in Atonement, which I recommend everyone read because it's fantastic and probably better than the original. Or, if you enjoy porn, QQ takes the fanon that Madison has a Cape Fetish and runs with it, making her a super pervert. And then there's The Wolf Time, where Madison has a bit part but is still a complex, three-dimensional character. The opportunity is there for something interesting with Madison, people just need to take hold of it.

Anyway, that's my defense of the Trio as interesting characters that people should care about. Because seriously, people do more interesting things with them then any of the Undersiders other than Lisa. Seriously, when was the last time you saw anybody do anything interesting with Brian. Or Alec for god's sake. I mean, Lisa is fucking everywhere and I can at least name two fics where Rachel has a big part in it but the guys? Nope.