Do Ghosts Not Rest!? (A post-Bleach AU) [Reboot]

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July 27th 2008 | Squad 12 Barracks, Seireitei | 12:00 PM

"Huh? Where did the Captain vanish...


Armed and Ready
July 27th 2008 | Squad 12 Barracks, Seireitei | 12:00 PM

"Huh? Where did the Captain vanish off to?" Wondered Akon, Lieutenant of the Twelfth Division, before remembering. "Ah...That's right, today's that thing for the new captain."

Hiyosu turned and stared at the Vice-President in utter disbelief "Ummm...I hate to break it to you, but I think he went to investigate the reconstructed sectors."

Hearing this, Akon sighed in exasperation at his socially incapable superior. "Geh...fine...I guess I'll go call him back here myself."

Sensing the tension in the other's posture, the mutated researcher asked worriedly. "Did something happen?"

Turning to inspect one of the myriad of consols arrayed behind the odd pair, Akon murmured. "Not sure yet, but we're getting very strange readings on our sensors..." lifting a finger to point at a tight and sudden cluster of spikes on the displayed graph. "...that look nearly identical to the ones Yhwach's reiatsu emitted 5 years ago."

July 27th 2008 | West 55th block, Seireitei | 12:15 PM

As Captain Byakuya Kuchiki of Squad 6 and Captain Soi Fon of Squad 2 arrived on the scene and interrogated Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi of Squad 12, a house-sized orb of pure white was throbbing amidst a wellspring of pitch black ink-like reiatsu.

"But dad! Don't you always tell me it's bad to withhold vital data?" Interrupted a 5-year-old Nemuri Hachigo.

Whirling around in panic, Mayuri frantically tried to shush his young daughter/creation before either of his fellow captains heard her. "What did I tell you about calling me that in public Nemuri!?"

Looking up at the mad scientist with the most innocent face, the girl-like experiment replied cheerily. "Not to! But Uncle Akon told me that it's ok to share secrets with friends, they are your friends right dad?"

Whipping his head back to assess the damage Nemuri's last question did to his reputation, Mayuri found a seemingly-focused Byakuya looking out the corner of his eye with a slight upward-slant to his lips.

Luckily before any more damage could be done by the little false soul, Soi Fon stepped forward pointing at the pulsating sphere. "It's cracking, get ready."

Indeed, the egg, for what else could it be now? Was starting to show breaks, from within which only a deep rolling abyss could be seen. Until suddenly the white carapace shattered and the oily pool evaporated leaving behind a white, winged humanoid figure with black veins sprouting from an equally dark obsidian orb placed directly where a normal person's heart would be. clutching a similarly colored German-styled rapier in its right hand that took design cues from both Yhwach Bach's Reishi Sword and Sosuke Aizen's infamous Zanpakuto, Kyoka Suigetsu.

".KuRo… sA… kI...KuRosAkI...KUroSAKi….KUROSAKI!!!" upon finally managing to roar out that single word, the being vanished.

Hearing the creature's scream for what it was, Byakuya rounded on one of the Squad 2 members in the area and barked in a tone befitting a Noble Lord forged in not one, but two great wars. "You! Find the New Thirteenth Captain at once! Tell her that a strange being is after her guest and for them both to be careful!" Nodding once, the Shinigami leapt away to fulfil its task.

July 27th 2008 | Living Room Kurosaki Clinic/House, Karakura Town | 12:35 PM JST

After eating lunch the Kurosaki family minus Ichigo were sprawled across the living room in satisfaction. But before anyone could break the silence The White Being appeared out of thin air and immediately demanded in its odd distorted voice. "….Where is Kurosaki… Ichigo Kurosaki?"

Sitting up properly, Isshin replied. "Why'd you think we'd tell you? You just barged into my home in our off-duty time & demanded to know where my eldest child is?...and by the way you said his name, you don't want to just chat with him."

Repeating its question, The White Being insisted. "Where is Kurosaki?"

Narrowing his eyes and standing up, the ex-Shiba advanced on the intruder. "Listen pal, I don't know what your obsession with Ichigo is, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Not getting the answer it desired, the being used its left wing and pimp-slapped Isshin into the wall on the opposite side of the room, knocking over everything not nailed down from the shockwave and sending the two girls flying. Leaping forward only to teleport, The otherworldly warrior appeared over…

[] Yuzu; Although less spiritually-aware than her siblings initially, Yuzu now has a Reiryoku well deep enough to match a 3rd-seated Shinigami with enough control to completely hide herself from all but the best reiatsu sensors.

[] Karin: Like Ichigo, Karin could sense spirits from a young age & frequently meeting with so many spiritual powerhouses including both Captains of Squad 10 has caused her spiritual pressure to skyrocket even higher at the cost of control.

...with its sword raised yelling. "WHERE IS KUROSAKI!?"

The poor girl was terrified, never having faced a foe alone before, but oddly enough there was one other thing on her mind as her death drew near.

An object…

[]...A Sword: Paper-thin and beautifully decorated, but you can tell this masterpiece wasn't forged for showmanship or ceremony alone, no, this blade was made to be the ultimate Judge of Life & Death and now its verdict against this Death.

[]...A Five-Pointed Cross: In days past, humans carved idols and emblems honouring many so called Gods hoping they'd protect them from the enemies beyond, yet none answered, until now, May The Prince of Souls smite down those who march against his chosen.

[]...A Mask: Carved from bone and adorned with ferocious markings, man tires of being hunted by things they cannot see, beware enemies of man, donning the faces of their demons, mankind is back on the prowl and they will carve out the throats of any who stand in their way.

GM Notes: Why am I doing this again?...Oh yeah, because the last chapter of Bleach, 686, was SHIT! So I'm ignoring that, moving 685 back 5 years, making Ichigo attend Rukia's promotion, & NO before you even ask; he isn't going out with Orihime, and let one of the twins have their adventures.

Now, people may notice; I tried to run this before, but it didn't get past the OP, it was over a year old and I'd like to think my writing has improved since then. So we're starting again, hopefully this time it'll work.
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