Discord Annihilation Theory (Magical Burst RP)

'Acting right under the noses of so many?' The Youma was either very brave or very stupid. Saki leaned against the railing, expecting the gathered magical girls to explode into action.

... any second now.


... any minute now.


Her fists clenched against the railing, knuckles bone white. 'Useless, all of them!' She'd just have to-

Get her killed? Like you were going to kill the rest?

'I can live with failing. Not...

Saki took a deep, steadying breath before grasping the pendant around her neck. Her world fell into darkness, magic consuming the light around her until she leapt free of the murk, uniform replaced by the red and black and white outfit of a harlequin. The bells on her hat rang as she threw herself down to the street in pursuit of the monster, any concerns hidden beneath a frowning white mask.
Saki's magical senses latch on to the youma's trail, a thick miasma invisible to the naked eye. The trail goes up and along the rooftops, stopping before starting again. Saki's pursuit is noticed by a few passerby, who gawk in disbelief at the costumed figure leaping from roof to roof. Before long, the youma notices as well.

The trail abruptly stops on top of a supermarket, the air rippling where it ends. Three monstrous forms emerge from the distortion, black scales shimmering in the light and vacant eyes locked on Saki. The creatures resemble remoras - but much, much bigger. They swim silently through the air, magic holding them aloft, and open mouths lined with far too many teeth as they prepare for combat.

It appears Saki has met the youma's minions.
Aiko put on her thinking pose (a goofy looking knuckle to forehead pose) and thought. If the problem was that the Youma would attack that drunk guy, they'd have to get him some protection. But, like, how exactly would they do that? They couldn't exactly pull him out of a bar for no reason, could they? But what sort of thing could draw a lone drunk man out-

Oh wait, he was drunk in a bar on a weekday. Alone. Not out with friends.

....yep, he had to be the sort of person who would drown their sorrows in a hobby. And she had to take a random guess, she'd guess it was close enough that he'd be familiar with idols.

Luckily there happened to be an idol, right here. Time to get to work! Aiko immediately set about transforming into idol mode, which basically just meant she stuck her tongue out and went pyun~♡, before putting a smile on her face.

"Hold these for me will you?" She shifted her guitar onto her other shoulder and started digging through the underbag. She took out a stack of CDs o her newest album, all autographed of course, and dumped them in Aoko's hands unceremoniously before picking one out. "I'll be right back."

With a cute idol look on her face she wandered over to the slightly drunk man.

"Hiyo!" she said brightly. "I'm Miyamoto Aiko of the band Daisy Cutters, and recently we've been going around to promote our upcoming event in Odaka City stadium. We've been giving away autographed CDs for anyone who hasn't heard our music before and would like to sample some. Would you be interested in hearing more?"
The man's eyes widen. "O-oh shit. You're from Daisy Cutters? Fuck, I love your songs. Where's the signing, I need that in my life."

He stumbles from the alley, pausing his music player. A faint breeze blows past him from the alley, and one of the singing men begins to rub his arms, shivering slightly.
The alley... Everything would happen there. They could transform there and the Youma was probably in there too.

Midori had no idea how this would go. It was the first time she would fight with others too. Would the monster fall quickly? Would it be able to endure multiple magical girls? Would it try to flee?

...Would their group be able to fight with each other to begin with?

Either way... They had to go in, didn't they?

"Right..." Midori let out, starting to wheel herself to the alley. "Let's be ready for anything then..."

Midori was ready. She had to be. She was ready to transform any second now, in the alley where none would notice.
"Well, that's..." Shana just stared for a long moment, lost in thought at the now nigh empty room, before turning her attention to Lakshmi. "What aren't you telling them? Surely you didn't need all of us for so few Youma. It's not like you to put all you eggs in one basket."

Lakshimi watches you two for a few seconds before she starts talking.

"Not just the Youma we know, but the ones we dont. You saw this too" She jumps down and walks through her office. "Things are getting really dangerous, The Youma are becoming more active and with it the people start panicking too. Giving birth to more Youma." She jumps back up on a globe that was in the center of the office.

"The Youma were already dangerous but something has emboldened them. It only takes for you to be unlucky one time for all of it to end, it is mere practicality to group you up. If you work together the risk of any of you falling to an ambush is...highly diminished."

"And the mists are of great concern, researching them has been met with failure again and again and whatever produced them is very good at evading detection."

It was subtle, anyone else wouldnt have noticed it. But there was something...off about how she expressed it so clinically.

Mana turned her back immediately. 'For if she can't see me and I can't see her; it becomes neither of our problems. Especially mine.' Strange how brazen this girl is, through, Mana noted idly. Best keep away from this area and her.

She then proceeded to march ever onwards towards her most cherished place: home.

Maybe she'll bake some cookies today.
Unfortunately the singing never stopped. As she weaved through the crowds she could feel the presence of the girl looming from on high, mirages of her appearing always in the corner of her eyes.
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Observing the rocker girl's efforts to draw out the man in the alley. She proved to be successful as he noticed her announcement but there was something more strange at work.

"Music... Then if it's targeting that man... Ah!" It likes music. Then if it targets the man it must be because of music. But he only had his player...

But given he's the least focused member of his grouo would that make him a suitable target... Then it's possible to divert the Youma's attention...

Whispering to Kin she said, "I'll go instead. So I'll be relying on you if that's all right. Can you pick up the clues?"

He stumbles from the alley, pausing his music player. A faint breeze blows past him from the alley, and one of the singing men begins to rub his arms, shivering slightly
Yes, that's definitely not good.

They have to move now.

Glancing at Kin she said, "No time like the present."

With that, Ruel broke off from the group and walked towards the alley. If the Youma's going to get her, then so be it. Hopefully she'd survive long enough for the others to bail her. After all, Lakshimi did get them to help so why not make use of the time and live free.

She was ready to fight.

Taking out her phone, she played a song on it raised it into the air. Walking close to the alley.

"Right..." Midori let out, starting to wheel herself to the alley. "Let's be ready for anything then..."

But it seems she wasn't the only one ready to go. Well this would be lovely.

"Sporting day for a hunt," she hummed, "Say can you sing? We may get its attention away from civilians and lead it away. After all, girls make better target than drunk smelly old men."

She wondered if the fish would take the bait.
The man's eyes widen. "O-oh shit. You're from Daisy Cutters? Fuck, I love your songs. Where's the signing, I need that in my life."

He stumbles from the alley, pausing his music player. A faint breeze blows past him from the alley, and one of the singing men begins to rub his arms, shivering slightly.
Aiko laughed cheerily. "Ahaha, it's always nice to meet a fan! We're performing next week in Odaka Stadium. Um, the ticket site is up on our page- but if you wanted a premium slot with the handshaking and the signing we're sold out on those. But you can still get a regular ticket, though it will be kind of far back."

"Sorry." She apologizes. After a half-second of thought, she pushes one of the personally autographed CDs into his hands, bowling him over with force of personality. "In that case, have this one, on me! Always gotta look out for my fans, right?"

She's going full idol mode now. Getting worked up. "Is there any chance the your friends behind you are interested too? Hey, hey, do you think it's a good idea if I play a song for them all?"

She doesn't wait for an answer, moving too fast now, no time to slow down. She snaps her guitar out from behind her back, giving it a few cursory tuning tapes. Why not. Let's turns this into a promo.

What's that they're listening to on the radio over there? Rock? Pop? Seems like Blue Hearts from the sound of it. Punk-Rock. She waves over at them. "Hey, hey, are you guys interested in a upcoming music event taking place in Odaka City? I can play a cover for you guys if you like? You guys are listening to Blue Hearts, right?"
"Sporting day for a hunt," she hummed, "Say can you sing? We may get its attention away from civilians and lead it away. After all, girls make better target than drunk smelly old men."
"Ehhh, singing?!" Midori let out. "I mean, I can follow some songs at home, but I c-couldn't... I mean, can't we track it from here?"

Midori reddened at the idea. Singing out loud in an alley and inevitably bringing focus from others on her? She couldn't! She definitely couldn't do that!
"Sporting day for a hunt," she hummed, "Say can you sing? We may get its attention away from civilians and lead it away. After all, girls make better target than drunk smelly old men."
Erin shifted uncomfortably...Youma, she had found, were in her skillset to deal with. Same with assassins. Civilians? Not so much. She had been keeping to the back, letting her companions take the lead on their investigation...but she also rather disliked feeling useless. She could try Sorcery, of course, but...the others seemed so caught up in their conventional search that skipping over it seemed needlessly cruel. Besides, all of this interaction would help her get a better read on them.

Seeing Ruel and Midori walking off, she followed quietly.
"Sporting day for a hunt," she hummed, "Say can you sing? We may get its attention away from civilians and lead it away. After all, girls make better target than drunk smelly old men."
...and then they started talking about singing. She certainly knew how...her sister had always loved music, and Erin had always loved making her sister smile. It had been a while, though, and she didn't really know anything modern.

Memories of the old Gaelic songs her sister once sang echoed through her mind, and her lips parted momentarily...then tightened. Those songs weren't for anyone but her sister.

"You have something particular in mind, Ruel?"
Anju ultimately resigned herself to a follower role as she accompanied the other youma hunters, never imposing her will or demanding them to step in line and let her take the lead. These were not her people. They didn't fight, didn't bleed for the same beliefs as Anju and those she called her close companions. She tagged along and let things run their course smoothly, for pretending she had some semblance of leadership here would serve no purpose but cause unneeded friction between the hunters.

The sinister killing intent that leaked from the alley was not hard to notice. She nodded her head in approval at Kin's plan; drawing the youma away from targeting civilians and instead toward those who could shoulder its assault was their chief priority. Potentially making a performance of this, however, ran the risk of attracting a crowd and inflating the problem instead of resolving it.

She voiced her concerns faintly so as to not draw the monster's notice, "Aiko, keep the showmanship to a minimum. Once you're done drawing those drunkards out of the alley like the Pied Piper, the rest of us will go in and make a louder racket to become a priority target for the youma while you tone your own performance down. During that step, I will blow some snow into the alley so we can track wind-based attacks it might use to err on the side of caution." The thing with wind is that it was invisible, pure motion. Without a point of reference, an ambush on the youma's behalf derived from the wind could catch them off guard and inflict non-negligible injuries.

"Which one of us would you prefer stay guard outside the alley to choke off that avenue of escape?"
"You have something particular in mind, Ruel?"

"Upon further reflection," Ruel began.

She voiced her concerns faintly so as to not draw the monster's notice, "Aiko, keep the showmanship to a minimum. Once you're done drawing those drunkards out of the alley like the Pied Piper, the rest of us will go in and make a louder racket to become a priority target for the youma while you tone your own performance down. During that step, I will blow some snow into the alley so we can track wind-based attacks it might use to err on the side of caution

"I'd go with her idea," continued the young Belmondo wirh a nod of approval, "At the very least won't let ourselves be eaten or dragged off."
"Upon further reflection," Ruel began.

"I'd go with her idea," continued the young Belmondo wirh a nod of approval, "At the very least won't let ourselves be eaten or dragged off."
Erin nodded, "Caution is wise. Hmm...I should prepare us for combat."

Erin draws her tome, flicking through the pages until finding the right spot: A brief story of a group of knights slaying a dragon. She'd found it useful in the past for situations such as this.

Laying her hand upon the text, she called up her Contract-born Magic and spoke a word in Gaelic, triggering the invocation of her Sorcery.
'What's even going on anymore, I'm so confused~' Aoko silently wailed.

A bead of sweat rolling down her brow as she gave herself whiplash, looking back and forth between the two concurrent plans being put into action. This, this was a mess! Couldn't the other Meguca see? They were splitting up the party! Even as a loner gamer Aoko knew; you never split the party! She had to speak up, they all needed to be on the same page.

Aoko opened her mouth-
"Which one of us would you prefer stay guard outside the alley to choke off that avenue of escape?"
only to close it as she realized that the delinquent sempai had already gone planning full steam ahead while she was trying to psych herself up to speak. Sighing in dejection, Aoko raised her hand meekly and shook it back and forth to volunteer for the action.
Shining white text poured from Erin's tome, spiraling around her before scattering into individual characters. These characters, in turn, sought out Erin's allies, flickering against their skin briefly before fading away...they would serve their purpose, when the time came.

Mana bit her finger in impotent rage. What did she ever do to deserve a god damn magical stalker?

Hissing, she weaved her way through the crowd of mesmerized gawkers. If only she could get to a more secluded far-removed place, this threat would've been dealt with already.

Instead, Mana found herself caged by potential witnesses, but not for long. If she can lure her to a lonely alleyway or roof, things will get so much easier.

Maybe she'll reason. Maybe Mana would to have to break a few bones.
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Suddenly, from the rooftops, a laugh rang out, flowing through the alleyway a split second before a song started blaring.

On the rooftops, Maho grinned. It had taken her a while, but she'd managed to get up! Now for the important part: Making sure the Youma didn't think she was luring it into a trap.

Should be easy. All Maho had to do was distract it, and wait for her fellow Magical Girls to fire upon it when it moved on her. Which it obviously was. She'd gone out and borrowed the most ridiculously looking rainbow poncho to be in the bright colours, she was playing the loudest music, she was looking like she wasn't paying attention by playing around with a basketball she had, uh, "Borrowed" off of a guy on the way here, and she was standing on the roof of a nightclub.

That was everything the Youma wanted in a victim, right? She was obvious bait! Great bait! The fact that the Youma had not noticed how great bait she was already was actually kind of insulting!

She'd have to shoot it in the face for that.

Adjusting the hat that was part of her Magical Girl costume, Maho grinned, as she kept an eye on the alley out of the corner of her eye. Couldn't exactly leave herself vulnerable, but she couldn't look like she was looking!
Maybe she'll reason. Maybe Mana would to have to break a few bones.
You weave in and out of the crowds, watching and trying to get the strange girl to follow you into a more desolate place, yet the singing never stops and she always seems to be too high up for you to reach her.

Its annoying really, just when you think you have her in the perfect place you feel the singing reaching a crescendo that leaves you numb.

Before it stops altogether. No sign the girl was ever there. Left alone on a rooftop of a familiar area you hear some struggles on the alleyway below.