Discord Annihilation Theory (Magical Burst RP)

Just as Ruel was about to open the door, she stepped back at the last moment and came face to face with a rather intimidating young woman. Keeping a calm posture, Ruel blinked once before speaking, "Sorry about that. I was just about to get in myself."

Stepping aside, she then nodded to allow the other girl passage, "Happy hunting."
"I would advise against hunting the Youma on your lonesome Sukeban." Lakshimi pipes up from her perch, having been silent all this time and merely observing the girls trying to interact with each other awkwardly.

"You are aware but I will say it once more. Youma are dangerous. Too dangerous for just one magical girl to face alone. This is why I called all of you." She stands up and starts pacing.

"The Youma are becoming more and more dangerous. The anxiety and fear of the people are their most delectable morsels. They grow in accordance to the dark impulses of men. Only together you have a chance to defeat them"
"Then by all means, those who are concerned ought to tag along. Seekers of justice should rally together against common foes." She waved to the group as she left totally for reals this time I mean it guyz
"Then by all means, those who are concerned ought to tag along. Seekers of justice should rally together against common foes." She waved to the group as she left totally for reals this time I mean it guyz
Aoko's head snapped back and forth like a ping-pong ball, alternating between the bombastic underclass-man and the other Meguca.

'Ack! Oh no, what to do? what to do!?' she panicked internally.

On one hand she had actually started making conversation with another person! She could choose to stay and make a friend, but that would mean leaving the young girl to fight the youma without possible aid. The thought made her insides leaden. Taking a deep breathe, Aoko punched her hand up into the air vigorously (in reality it was pretty weak).

"Y-Yes! L-let's all go together and save people!" she yelped out, trying hard to smile.
"Ah, about that Lakshimi..." Midori said, piping up at the Tsukaima's words. "As I came here, I heard rumors about a mist taking people. It seems it's starting to really scare them... Do you know anything about it?"
"Investigations have been...inconclusive." You are certain that if her expressions actually alternated outside the range of "lazy" there would be a grimace on her face.

"It does not appear to be the work of a single Youma. But thats as far as we know about it. The Youma themselves are using it extensively to run wild but...there have been cases where individuals would disappear even without a Youma in the area and either turn out a few days later in a lethargic state or worse."

It was telling that she did not go into details about what worse entailed.

"Do believe me when I say I am looking deep into it, however the Youma activity keeps interrupting my investigations, for the moment just focus on the enemy we know of, I shall call upon you if I find something conclusive about the mist."
"Do believe me when I say I am looking deep into it, however the Youma activity keeps interrupting my investigations, for the moment just focus on the enemy we know of, I shall call upon you if I find something conclusive about the mist."
"Alright..." Midori muttered, not exactly happy about it. Letting go of a present problem was troubling, but if defeating others Youma would help the Tsukaima...

"Y-Yes! L-let's all go together and save people!" she yelped out, trying hard to smile.
Did she get enough sleep last night? She was trying way too hard to smile and her eyes were a bit scary. Well, she had one thing right however.

"Well, I suppose we should get going, should we?" Midori agreed, getting ready to turn her wheelchair to the door. "It's not like I can run there."
"Then by all means, those who are concerned ought to tag along. Seekers of justice should rally together against common foes." She waved to the group as she left totally for reals this time I mean it guyz

Raising an eyebrow at her statement, Ruel quickly thought that this person was quite odd. But then again Ueki didn't lack people who were odd so her thoughts were rendered moot and that she should be used to this by now. If anything this girl had the right idea, it seemed that the group had wasted quite a bit of time before she arrived.

"It does not appear to be the work of a single Youma. But thats as far as we know about it. The Youma themselves are using it extensively to run wild but...there have been cases where individuals would disappear even without a Youma in the area and either turn out a few days later in a lethargic state or worse."

Wandering inside the room, Ruel turned her gaze at the familiar at that moment. It seemed that she walked right into an interesting conversation just now.

"Lakshimi, do you have the data on the Youma?" she asked with a gentle smile before spotting the left over files by the table, "You don't mind if I take it with me, yes? I'll read it on the go."

Stopping, the young Belmondo turned and greeted the others present.

"Uh, apologies. I was a bit distracted but my name is Ruel," she greeted, "I'm also a Magical Girl but it seems that the situation requires us to make haste. Perhaps further introductions can wait later? It's nice to meet you though."
"Well, I suppose we should get going, should we?" Midori agreed, getting ready to turn her wheelchair to the door. "It's not like I can run there."
"I suppose." Aiko nodded. Yeah, they couldn't let that girl run off to fight a Youma all on her own no matter how thuggish.... or violent.... or scary she looked! It was their duty as magical girls as work together, even if one of them was really stand-offish.... and brusque..... and basically not very friendly. Yeah!

She grabbed... A.... A.... A- som- no wait, it was Aoko! Aiko was sure of it even though she had barely heard the other girl speak up. Remembering extremely shy people's names: one of the Idol's one hundred and eight secret skills!

She clutched the other girl's hand between hers and smiled brightly at her, ignoring how sweaty the other girl's hands were (seriously she didn't even know a human being could sweat that much in like what, two or three minutes?). "Let's go Aoko-chan!" And then she dragged her out the door, the other girl stumbling behind her with the force of her pull. She stopped at the doorway before she exited and called out to the strange black haired girl who had never given her name to anyone. "You too, Usagi-chan!"

Once they were past the door, she waved a hand out at the criminal delinquent girl who had already gotten a head start on them. "Hey~! Um, do you mind slowing down a bit? We're coming with you, and I think it would be great if we could get make a battle plan!"

@The Out Of World
Erin quietly stepped up to the documents and reviewed them briefly.

Her lips pursed as she considered the information, thinking softly aloud, "Hmm...interesting appetites. To seek out those experiencing an emotional high...or perhaps those seeking one? Is it an underlying misery that has drawn it, or perhaps the lust and gluttony that are so common among partygoers? I'll see soon enough, I suppose..."

Raising an eyebrow at her statement, Ruel quickly thought that this person was quite odd. But then again Ueki didn't lack people who were odd so her thoughts were rendered moot and that she should be used to this by now. If anything this girl had the right idea, it seemed that the group had wasted quite a bit of time before she arrived.

Wandering inside the room, Ruel turned her gaze at the familiar at that moment. It seemed that she walked right into an interesting conversation just now.

"Lakshimi, do you have the data on the Youma?" she asked with a gentle smile before spotting the left over files by the table, "You don't mind if I take it with me, yes? I'll read it on the go."

Stopping, the young Belmondo turned and greeted the others present.

"Uh, apologies. I was a bit distracted but my name is Ruel," she greeted, "I'm also a Magical Girl but it seems that the situation requires us to make haste. Perhaps further introductions can wait later? It's nice to meet you though."
Pleased to see someone else taking a practical approach, Erin gave her a respectful nod, "Wise. Let us get to hunting then, Ruel. I'm Erin."

With that, she strolled out, giving the other girl (and any others) ample time to follow.
She clutched the other girl's hand between hers and smiled brightly at her, ignoring how sweaty the other girl's hands were (seriously she didn't even know a human being could sweat that much in like what, two or three minutes?). "Let's go Aoko-chan!" And then she dragged her out the door, the other girl stumbling behind her with the force of her pull. She stopped at the doorway before she exited and called out to the strange black haired girl who had never given her name to anyone. "You too, Usagi-chan!"

Once they were past the door, she waved a hand out at the criminal delinquent girl who had already gotten a head start on them. "Hey~! Um, do you mind slowing down a bit? We're coming with you, and I think it would be great if we could get make a battle plan!"

"A taker!" Maho declared, ignoring the fact that not everyone was paying attention to her. "Perfect! Very well, you shall be the first vassal of the Demon King of Sixth Heaven!"

With that declaration, Maho marched out after the people who's name she didn't catch, moving at a pace that would have her overtake the two quickly. Spotting the other girl they were calling too, Maho shook her head.

Asking like that? With an obvious delinquent like this? No, no, that won't do. They needed to be more forceful.

"Oi!" She called. "Delinquent girl! It'll be obvious to rally against a common foe if you do it under my banner! Slow down so we can all hunt together!"
Pleased to see someone else taking a practical approach, Erin gave her a respectful nod, "Wise. Let us get to hunting then, Ruel. I'm Erin."

With that, she strolled out, giving the other girl (and any others) ample time to follow.
Smiling at Erin, Ruel then turned to the others as most of the girls have begun moving out already.


"We'll be off now... Would you girls care to join?" she asked graciously with a gentle smile. It's best to rally the others and not leave them out. Seeing that the others were already enthusiastic about this, perhaps the remnants would appreciate a little pick me up, "There's nothing better than a good hunt. Every help would be appreciated."


Turning to Lakshimi, she then said to the Tsukaima, "We'll talk later."

She nodded at the remaining girls and urged them to follow while she went after Erin.
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She clutched the other girl's hand between hers and smiled brightly at her, ignoring how sweaty the other girl's hands were (seriously she didn't even know a human being could sweat that much in like what, two or three minutes?). "Let's go Aoko-chan!"
Aoko was able to muster only a high-pitched squeak as Aiko blinded her with her radiant smile before pulling her outside to follow the under-classman. Her head was racing, her face was burning, what was going on all of sudden? Wait, what did Miyamoto-san say?

"Let's go Aoko-chan!"
'D-did she add CHAN to my name?' Aoko pinched herself in disbelief, stumbling to keep in step with the hit idol, 'Please, if this is a dream, never make it stop!'

Aoko was in heaven, God was definitely on her side today, friends get! Shaking herself out of her stupor, she was able to grin without pressure at Aiko.

"Yes, Let's go save people Aiko-san!"

Oh that reminded her, "A-ah, Midori-san...you're coming too right? H-hurry, hurry."

She craned her head to look at the wheelchair-bound girl, shooting a hopeful look while waving with her free hand.
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Smiling at Erin, Ruel then turned to the others as most of the girls have begun moving out already.


"We'll be off now... Would you girls care to join?" she asked graciously with a gentle smile. It's best to rally the others and not leave them out. Seeing that the others were already enthusiastic about this, perhaps the remnants would appreciate a little pick me up, "There's nothing better than a good hunt. Every help would be appreciated."


Turning to Lakshimi, she then said to the Tsukaima, "We'll talk later."

She nodded at the remaining girls and urged them to follow while she went after Erin.
'Ignored...' It was one thing for the various girls around her, but the one she had directly spoken to hadn't seemed to hear her either.

SIghing, Kin simply walked out of the room, trailing along behind the 'Ruel' girl.

Well, regardless, now came the part she was actually good at. Finding the things.
It took a while to reach the district the dossier pointed at. Luckily, the bus that arrived first was adapted for wheelchairs and thus, getting in did not take too long.

Arriving at the district, there was now only the matter of finding bright and loud spots to start investigating. Which wasn't that hard to find given those two conditions.

"I suppose we should start investigating then?" Midori asked, looking around. "I wonder what would be a good clue."
To be honest, she shouldn't even be here but duty called to her that she had a job to do. She should've really just skipped this hunt to help with the Drama Club but alas, she wasn't so fortunate. A high school girl in the club district like this was quite the prey for the wandering groups of men and perhaps women but Ruel's group must have been a shocker for many.

Perhaps it was a bad idea to have gone to search as a group, they're bound to gather some unnecessary attention and some of her companions didn't actually pass as high school girls. This may become problematic.

So far she hasn't sensed the Youma's presence just yet or perhaps it simply eluded her.

"Can't simply walk in Clubs and start snooping around. The bouncers may ask questions... What to do," she hummed in deep thought.

Mana turned her back immediately. 'For if she can't see me and I can't see her; it becomes neither of our problems. Especially mine.' Strange how brazen this girl is, through, Mana noted idly. Best keep away from this area and her.

She then proceeded to march ever onwards towards her most cherished place: home.

Maybe she'll bake some cookies today.
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Upon further reflection, the young Belmondo felt a tug at her core. She looked around and considered the most likely place the Youma would attack. But there's no set pattern to it, no clues that would likely lead her gut feeling to be true but that's how it's always been with her. There were certain individuals it would attack so that information was a plus.

She could narrow these individuals down by the dozen walking around but there has to be something else. Or perhaps it's not lone individuals but could it be groups too? Just how would the Youma be attracted? Would it be more attracted by the noises inside the clubs or would it simply go for music in an open space?

The information on the folder helped but not by much.

The district was loud for sure but so far... there's not much people... No, maybe she was thinking this wrongly.

Monsters wouldn't attack people exactly near the bright lights, would they? If it was attacking for awhile now, people may have noticed that others were disappearing. If she were the monster...

Her eyes turned to a certain alleyway where the tug at her innermost being was telling her to go. And then... the insistent ringing in her head appeared once more.

As if in trance, she narrowed her gaze and began walking towards it.

"It seems there are things we'll have to face in dark alleys," she murmured as she walked. She stopped and turned to her compatriots, "Perhaps we should check this way?"

She jerked her thumb towards the alley once before walking towards it.
As they set out, Kin took a moment to allow her costume to dissipate into motes of light. As useful as the magical enhancements granted by the outfit were, it didn't exactly allow for much subtlety.

Walking through the streets towards a district of town definitely not intended for girls their age, Kin stoically ignored the occasional odd look she received. As long as no one tried to stop them, she wasn't terribly concerned.

As she walked, she ran what she knew through her head. Diving down to the deepest parts of her brain, through rationality and logic and into the eerie depths of her most instinctual, animalistic mind, she considered the matter.

Where was her prey?

Where it finds food.


Allowing the instincts of a hunter that lurked in the dark, primal parts of her mind to take over, Kin moved in step with Ruel. It appeared that more than one of them could think like a beast stalking prey.

However, there was one slight difference.

Ruel didn't have help.

"It seems there are things we'll have to face in dark alleys," she murmured as she walked. She stopped and turned to her compatriots, "Perhaps we should check this way?"

She jerked her thumb towards the alley once before walking towards it.
"Hmm. Hold one moment, I have something to add." Kin spoke up, waiting for Ruel to pause and look at her before continuing, "As Lakshimi discovered, this creature is one of wind. Fleeting, transient... fleeing. Loners and strays, picked off and vanished into the wind." She mumbled, slightly incoherently.

Shaking herself, she spoke in more plain terms, "It won't go after groups, it will likely run if threatened, and it is sneaky and cunning. Perhaps we would be wise to not charge in expecting a dumb beast to meet us in open combat."

After a moment, she adds one last thing.

"I don't suppose you know how to kill a potentially invisible and intangible creature? I would wager magic is effective even if a normal person couldn't touch it, but that still leaves the question of how we see wind."
"I suppose we should start investigating then?" Midori asked, looking around. "I wonder what would be a good clue."
Aiko stepped daintily around the allyway. She could hear the faint croony tunes of a radio somewhere nearby, but she wasn't about to go into a bar! Instead, she fiddled with the guitar strap on her shoulder. "You mentioned the Youma was attracted to music, right? Should I play a song?"
"Hmm. Hold one moment, I have something to add." Kin spoke up, waiting for Ruel to pause and look at her before continuing, "As Lakshimi discovered, this creature is one of wind. Fleeting, transient... fleeing. Loners and strays, picked off and vanished into the wind." She mumbled, slightly incoherently.

Shaking herself, she spoke in more plain terms, "It won't go after groups, it will likely run if threatened, and it is sneaky and cunning. Perhaps we would be wise to not charge in expecting a dumb beast to meet us in open combat."

Raising an eyebrow, Ruel came to a halt as she listened to Kin's explanation. So it was the type to pick off people that are all alone? A creature of the wind was it? That may be troublesome. And their little group of Magical Girls may just scare it away if you all dispersed or focused on one area. Therefore how would one approach it?

Well, the young Belmondo had an idea. Insane it may have been but it's something.

For all she knew it could lead to a one way trip.

"Well, I had an idea," Ruel admitted with a shrug, "Honestly, it's a bad idea but an idea nevertheless. We have to approach it somehow and this may be our only chance. Finding it again may take some time and who knows how many more victims it could make then. I don't know but I figured that approaching it one by one and letting it take us but it's as stupid as it sounds. Perhaps we could do something to force it to change the playing field? Maybe send us into its lair where we could fight it?"

After a moment, she adds one last thing.

"I don't suppose you know how to kill a potentially invisible and intangible creature? I would wager magic is effective even if a normal person couldn't touch it, but that still leaves the question of how we see wind."

Ruel blinked before nodding, "Well, if we can't see it, we could simply listen to it, yes? Magic attacks would definitely be useful. But then again, we have to approach it first which leads me back to my first problem."
"Well, that's..." Shana just stared for a long moment, lost in thought at the now nigh empty room, before turning her attention to Lakshmi. "What aren't you telling them? Surely you didn't need all of us for so few Youma. It's not like you to put all you eggs in one basket."

Shaking her head, she glanced about.

"Well, want ice cream? I'm not in a hurry." Unfortunately, she technically was, but she certainly wasn't going to tell anyone that she really did have a Doctor's appointment. It's not like they wouldn't tell her something she already knew, anyway.
Aiko stepped daintily around the allyway. She could hear the faint croony tunes of a radio somewhere nearby, but she wasn't about to go into a bar! Instead, she fiddled with the guitar strap on her shoulder. "You mentioned the Youma was attracted to music, right? Should I play a song?"
MIdori was startled as Aiko spoke to her, before realizing what she asked.

...Oh no! This kind of area was so new to her, she completely missed trying to get a feel for the Youma and lost herserf in the noises and the colors around her!

"Err well, maybe?" Midori said. "But it's not going to just come out into the open, right? Or, even if it does, is it even a good thing?"
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Aoko nervously scanned the streets looking for one of the bars identified in Lakshimi's files. Her enthusiasm at having made acquaintances had waned slightly as her anxiety rose with the thickening crowd of people. Her eye caught a 'certain alleyway near a bar towards higher ground, where a group of men were singing along to a song playing from a radio'.

'Hm, that looks like a good place to start.' she thought to herself.

[Scan: Music App Streaming?] Aoko queried through her 'ability' communicating with nearby phones and music players in the alleyway. A lone mp3 player pinged back to 'a lone man, separate from the other group, listening to the music player with a faraway look in his eyes. He appears to be more than a little drunk'. As she focused on him, a ghostly sense of 'feeling' flitted through her, like a warning.

"U-um guys?" Aoko called out, subtly pointing at the drunk man, "I think found the y-youma's target. W-what should we do?"
"U-um guys?" Aoko called out, subtly pointing at the drunk man, "I think found the y-youma's target. W-what should we do?"
"Eh?" Midori muttered, turning to her. "Wait, we can't let that happen! The youma can't be too far from him! Where can it be hiding?"

Midori looked around, trying to focus. Not only that, they needed a place to transform too. They couldn't very well fight as they were after all.

Even more importantly, how were they gonna stop that guy? They couldn't very well just tell what apepared to be a drunk guy to just go away...
"Well, I had an idea," Ruel admitted with a shrug, "Honestly, it's a bad idea but an idea nevertheless. We have to approach it somehow and this may be our only chance. Finding it again may take some time and who knows how many more victims it could make then. I don't know but I figured that approaching it one by one and letting it take us but it's as stupid as it sounds. Perhaps we could do something to force it to change the playing field? Maybe send us into its lair where we could fight it?"
Kin considered the idea for a few moments, then replied.

"Well... I would be willing to act as bait, but trying to get us all taken wouldn't work. If you have a way to track me, I could be captured and you could follow me to it's lair. It would have to be magical though, my experience is that cellphones and other technology don't tend to function in a Youma's twisted domain."

She didn't mention it yet, but another idea was forming in the back of her mind. She knew of the twisted, confusing layout of Nightmares better than most. It was entirely possible that she could entrap the Youma within the domain of her own cold nightmares...
"Well... I would be willing to act as bait, but trying to get us all taken wouldn't work. If you have a way to track me, I could be captured and you could follow me to it's lair. It would have to be magical though, my experience is that cellphones and other technology don't tend to function in a Youma's twisted domain."

Shaking her head, it seemed that this was way out of Ruel's capabilities.

"I'm afraid I can't perform any magic to track you. At least not that I'm aware of. It's simply out of my skillset however," looking around at the others who seemed to have ideas of their own, "It seems that the others may be more suited for this. Either way, we don't have much time. I'll only agree to this if it guarantees your safety."

Perhaps she could ask around?
"U-um guys?" Aoko called out, subtly pointing at the drunk man, "I think found the y-youma's target. W-what should we do?"
"Eh?" Midori muttered, turning to her. "Wait, we can't let that happen! The youma can't be too far from him! Where can it be hiding?"
Aiko put on her thinking pose (a goofy looking knuckle to forehead pose) and thought. If the problem was that the Youma would attack that drunk guy, they'd have to get him some protection. But, like, how exactly would they do that? They couldn't exactly pull him out of a bar for no reason, could they? But what sort of thing could draw a lone drunk man out-

Oh wait, he was drunk in a bar on a weekday. Alone. Not out with friends.

....yep, he had to be the sort of person who would drown their sorrows in a hobby. And she had to take a random guess, she'd guess it was close enough that he'd be familiar with idols.

Luckily there happened to be an idol, right here. Time to get to work! Aiko immediately set about transforming into idol mode, which basically just meant she stuck her tongue out and went pyun~♡, before putting a smile on her face.

"Hold these for me will you?" She shifted her guitar onto her other shoulder and started digging through the underbag. She took out a stack of CDs o her newest album, all autographed of course, and dumped them in Aoko's hands unceremoniously before picking one out. "I'll be right back."

With a cute idol look on her face she wandered over to the slightly drunk man.

"Hiyo!" she said brightly. "I'm Miyamoto Aiko of the band Daisy Cutters, and recently we've been going around to promote our upcoming event in Odaka City stadium. We've been giving away autographed CDs for anyone who hasn't heard our music before and would like to sample some. Would you be interested in hearing more?"