Discord Annihilation Theory (Magical Burst RP)


". . ."

Sighing quietly to herself; Mana tried to steel her nerves and discomfort at being touch by a total stranger. Even then, she flinched from the heat emnating from that bothersome woman's hand.

Sniffling again, "I'm fine. Totally fine."

Perphaps, if she were to play ball and give her something appeasing, she could finally be agreeable enough to leave her alone?

". . . If a bit dehydrated."

Mana's eyes were locked towards the infirmary's floor, all the while.
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The files themselves outlined a series of incidents with a MO in common. Reports suggest that the Youma in question is one with an affinity for wind.
'This youma...how awful.' Aoko thought morosely, nipping her thumbnail as she read through the rest of the file.

She already knew she was going to hate this youma. How dare this thing attack people during their enjoyment of song! Hm, she could actually use its MO to bait it, she already had the things necessary on her. Aoko's face blanked when she read where the youma's usual haunts were.

'C-clubs? Bars? Are you kidding me!?' she mentally screeched, eye starting to twitch, 'Why does it have to be places where crowds are tightly packed!?'

Aoko groaned, head feeling dizzy from the thought of encountering that many people at once. Honestly though, why couldn't it have been a nice quiet open area, like a park? Didn't normal people plug in their earphones and stroll through the park, immersing themselves in music?
"Hello everyone." She greeted, politeness taking over. "I understand I may not look like it, but I'll also fight."
Aoko snapped out of her fugue and looked to the new entrant. The first thing that stood out was the wheelchair. She wondered how the girl would be able to fight like that, but shrugged it off. Meguca had powers after all. An eerie grin spreading across her face as an idea flitted through her head.

'Second chance! I won't fail this time!' Aoko clenched her first, hugging the file to her chest in determination before making her way to the wheelchair-bound girl.

"H-here. You can take it..!" Aoko thrust the folder out in front of her, awkward smile plastered on. Surely she couldn't fail this time!
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Sighing quietly to herself; Mana tried to steel her nerves and discomfort at being touch by a total stranger. Even then, she flinched from the heat emnating from that bothersome woman's hand.
"Hmm" She takes your pulse with a frown on her face and murmurs just loud enough for you to hear. "Pulse is...well considering height and circumstances it could turn out like that yes. Hopefully its not a hypothension.."
Sniffling again, "I'm fine. Totally fine."

Perphaps, if she were to play ball and give her something appeasing, she could finally be agreeable enough to leave her alone?

". . . If a bit dehydrated."
"Ah of course you would be." She crosses the office and bends down to pick something off to the side before returning quickly.

"Here" A cartoonishly cute character winking with glinting fangs was at the forefront of a red package. "Tomato Juice, it should help you. lay down for a bit and let it do its work." Her voice booked no argument despite the level tone she used.
"H-here. You can take it..!" Aoko thrust the folder out in front of her, awkward smile plastered on. Surely she couldn't fail this time!
Midori had seen some people become really awkward when she was around, but what she had in front of her was on another level entirely. Was the girl just naturally nervous?

...Oh! She had to answer!

"A-Ah, yes, thank you." Midori replied with a smile, trying to get past that slight pause and taking the folder from the trembling girl.

She quickly leafed through it, taking notes of the details. A quick glance seemed to tell its affinity was wind, which didn't really match what she had heard. Something to ask Lakshimi after?

...Attacking people who were listening ot music? Miyamoto was probably not going to be happy about it.

"A-alright." Mana murmured.

Without voicing another plea to be unheard and unheeded, she sat her rump on a rather uncomfortable cot.

Giving the tomato juice a curious glance or two; she took a plaintive sip. The juice tasted awful but Mana finish it off with little fuss.

Then she laid back and stretched, eyes quickly affixing to the ceiling. Something came to mind then. . .

"You never told me your name?"
She nods delicately murmuring something too low for you to hear before looking up at you.

And immediately averting her eyes as a rosy tint graces her face.

"Yes. I am very sorry for this Ruel-Sempai. I was just..." She considers her words before backtracking. "My mind was otherwise occupied and my attention was not at its best" She clearly did not want to use the word "Distracted" for herself
Ruel nodded with an understanding look before replying, "Alright then. Just be careful next time. We wouldn't want others to get hurt now. I'll see you around then, Miss. I've got places to be. Have a nice day."

Saying her farewell to the girl, Ruel continued her way past the last hall and reached the school's elevator. She was fortunate it wasn't jam packed with students this time and quickly entered and heading down to the ground floor.

Today has been quite busy indeed and with the standards of the school, it couldn't be helped of students were a bit off themselves. She honestly had no trouble keeping up with the class' pace but the her fellow schoolmates' oppressive auras were contagious. It was hard to focus on her books with the constant doom and gloom around everyone.

Migraines weren't fun to have at all...

Perhaps a trip to the nurse would help out. Fortuntely the infirmary was just a few steps away and Ruel decided to drop by then.

Knocking on the door,the girl then grabbed the knob and entered.

"Excuse me for a bit," she called out, "Good afternoon. I was wondering if anyone has some medication for headaches."

@Murderhobo of Nod

Her eyes traveled from the nurse to the other girl in the room as she spoke.

"Oh, did I come at a bad time?" She asked as something began to whine at the back of her mind.

Like an alarm bell...
As you advance towards your destination, the chit-chatting of the students around you catches your attention. News of disappearances, of strange incidents, and the standard rumors were thrown back and forth all around.
"Hey hey. Did you hear about the Ueki? Apparently a bastard from Mikado-sama appeared at the doorstep and now the family's in an uproar!"
"Its the third day she's absent...I hope the mists didnt get her"
"Damnit. My sister's missing and we can't contact her. Did something happen to her? Damnit damnit!"
"H-hey calm down. People go missing and sometimes appear right back up, that's happened too. That mist things is just.."
"I heard those that disappear in the mist and come back start acting really weird you know; spacing out and-"
"Cmon thats not funny. Cut it out."

Repeated, disorted and retold again and again. A sign of the palpable anxiety hanging over everyone's heads. Many superstitions sprung up as the strange incidents began to pile up. The mist specially was one favored topic for occultist aficionados and gossipers alike.
Ai slowed to a crawl, listening to all the rumors. This... was probably why Lakshimi was calling everyone. It sounded a lot bigger than the Youma she'd dealt with before, too small to even drop an Oblivion Seed. This was what a full-fledged Youma could do, capture and 'Disappear' enough people to get half the school talking about it.

One thing was for sure: It made Ai feel rather positive regarding her life choices. With all this, someone needed to kill the Youma, and she'd be there to at least help. She hurried up, hoping not to get to the meeting room too late.

When she actually got there, though, there were a lot of people already there in the room, a mark of how long she'd dilly-dallied with the rumors around. Okay, Ai. You're probably late, and these are new people, but that just means you need to put your best foot forward! Stepping through the door, Ai put on the biggest smile she could that wasn't overdone. "Hello! Did I miss everyone introducing themselves?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lakshimi lying on top of a desk. Her hands may have twitched, but that was all. Petting the Tsukaima could come later, when she's finally meeting the other Magical Girls now. After that, though, then petting would happen. Hopefully she wouldn't get any new clawmarks.

"No. You didn't." Mana responded softly.

Scooting herself up to be upright seated; Mana still refused to meet anyone's gaze.

It was the end of the school day, yet, this girl wants to linger, here, longer? Wouldn't it be better if she went off, and excused herself during class period?

Then again, to each their own. Her concerns weren't Mana's. She even went here of all places, voluntarily too. And, hopefully, by the time the nurse gives her response; she'll let Mana loose.

In that case. . .

Would it be better to head straight home or do some risky business with some rather unsavory characters?
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Oh boy, there were so many other magical girls! Aiko's eyes widened with excitement. When she had accepted Lakshmi's offer she hadn't expected to like see that many other people. Lakshmi had made it sound very lonely and depressing, but with this many girls around, it couldn't be that bad, right? It was just like a big afterschool club, except instead of doing track and sports they risked their lives fighting monsters.

So, basically the same.

Some of the girls here didn't look that friendly, but Aiko was sure they'd warm up with time. Everyone was a good person down inside. That said... some people were quicker to extend the hand of friendship than others.
"Hello everyone." She greeted, politeness taking over. "I understand I may not look like it, but I'll also fight."
Like her! Aiko smiled broadly back at the other girl. The girl who looked like a delinquent was kind of a punk ignored everyone, and the others were sort of... un-talkative people who prefered to converse directly with Lakshmi but it was nice to know that someone out here already had an interest in making some friends.
"H-here. You can take it..!" Aoko thrust the folder out in front of her, awkward smile plastered on. Surely she couldn't fail this time!
They were already talking together! Gureito! Aiko skipped over to the two and cheerfully joined in their conversation.

"Don't I get a file, too?" She teased, fake pouting. She offered an outstretched palm for a handshake. "Hi! I'm Miyamoto Aiko, newly made magical girl! My hobbies are music and performing music, which I guess is still music." She chuckled sheepishly. "Wanna team up?"
"No. You didn't." Mana responded softly
The bells inside Ruel's head refused to cease as she turned her gaze towards the other girl in the room. She looked deathly pale, as if she was very sick but this was Ruel's first time seeing someone like her at school. Perhaps a student recently admitted because of a condition? That wasn't an all too uncommon story.

Nevertheless the ringing never stopped.

Ruel spared the girl a smile before replying, "I'll just wait until you folks are done. I just need something to deal with this ringing in my head..."

Scooting herself up to be upright seated; Mana still refused to meet anyone's gaze.

It doesn't seem like this girl was comfortable with others just yet. It wasn't Ruel's problem but whenever she looked at this girl, the constant ringing and whining at the back of her head intensified. She tried ignoring the feeling but soon enough her curiosity won out. After all, this was a feeling she had felt before and she hoped she was wrong.

She wouldn't be surprised if that Magical Girl had finally found her and begun attacking others once more. However Ruel would know the instant something like that would happen. Therefore this girl came as strange to her.

"Sorry but have we met somewhere before?" she asked the girl with a raised eyebrow, "You look awfully familiar."
Waiting a moment to look over her fellow Magical Girls, Maho took a moment to try and remember the speech she prepared.

...Welp, nope, forgot it. Welp, just rip off Mulan for the opening then improvise wildly, that tends to work.

"Let's get down to business!" Maho declared, moving into the centre of the room. "To defeat the Youma!"

Reaching out to grab a file and give it a quick read, Maho quickly threw together a plan.

"We have a monster attacking people who wear bright clothes and listen to music." She explained. "And it's up to us to defeat it! I do not wish to delay. I want to seize victory!"

Fluttering her cape in the breeze, Maho continued.

"Red is sorta bright." She began. "So I demand one of you lend me a music player of some sort. I will lure the beast out with an apparent easy target, at which point, I will ask for you to take the stage!"

Pacing around the room and watching her fellow Magical Girl, Maho continued. "Before me, I see many Magical Girls. Each of us are expected to fight monsters! With all of us together, we can't possibly fail to take it down once I lure it into the open! Follow me, and together, we shall grasp victory with both hands, and triumph!"

Stopping in the centre of the room once more, Maho quickly posed for effect.

"For Love, Justice, and those delicious rainbow strip candies that you can buy for ten cents at the movie store, we will stop this Youma! Who is with me?!"
"Have we, now?" Mana pretended to entertain the thought.

"No. I quite doubt it. Maybe you were thinking of someone else?"
"My mistake," Ruel chuckled apologetically, "Perhaps it's the headache getting to me."

She's lying.

The insistent ringing refused to stop. She was sure of it, there was something odd about this gi-.

Tomato juice.

Ruel's eyes focused back on the girl for a split second before turning away, "Well I'll leave you to rest then. You'll need the strength to get back home . Better not stay out too late. It's Halloween of course so who knows what goes bump in the night. Isn't that right, Miss Nurse? Miss Nurse?"


The girl tapped the dazed looking woman on the shoulder and called for her, "Um excuse me? My head's sort of killing me here so um... hello?"
"Don't I get a file, too?" She teased, fake pouting. She offered an outstretched palm for a handshake. "Hi! I'm Miyamoto Aiko, newly made magical girl! My hobbies are music and performing music, which I guess is still music." She chuckled sheepishly. "Wanna team up?"
"Ah, Maruyuma Midori." Midori replied as Miyamoto went to address her. "My hobbies are less on the active side, but I don't mind teaming up. I mean, we all want to stop that monster, ri-"

"For Love, Justice, and those delicious rainbow strip candies that you can buy for ten cents at the movie store, we will stop this Youma! Who is with me?!"
Midori stopped as someone decided to interrupt her, loudly making her proclamations and... Posing? Wasn't she embarrassed at all? Maybe she was just way more into this deal than her...

"Well, huh..." Midori tried to say, not sure how to break the silence that followed. "I believe we all came here to stop the Youma, yes..."
The girl tapped the dazed looking woman on the shoulder and called for her, "Um excuse me? My head's sort of killing me here so um... hello?"
The Nurse gave a little start, consciousness returning to her eyes as she suppressed a yawn.

"Yes yes migraine right?" She fishes a bottle out of one of the pockets in her lab coat. "Here. as a special deal Ill give you some of mine. They work wonders."
She blinks slowly before imperceptibly stretching her shoulders. Standing up suddenly she walks to exit the infirmary. "Excuse me, Coffee needs me."

She goes out the door.

A few seconds pass.

Before she peeks her head back in again.

"You never told me your name?"
"Ah right right I forgot. Name´s Murasame. Reine Murasame. Nice to meet you Mana."

She disappears again. Her soft footsteps echoing through the hallway.

Most students should be in their clubs right now and this side of the building was sparsely populated most of the time. The silent was unusual in the normally chaotic campus.
Shana just raised a eyebrow from the doorway as she walked in.

"Does the Youma actually need this many people, or are we competing with each other?"

The last time that happened hadn't ended well for anyone involved, after all.
The files themselves outlined a series of incidents with a MO in common. Reports suggest that the youma in question is one with an affinity for wind.

Its preferred target appear to be brightly dressed people and in various occasions the victims have been playing or listening to music. Street performers and young students being prime targets for the Youma.

Outlining the suspected area of operations with photos and a map by triangulating the reports. Lakshimi believes its favored hunting grounds are where there are an abundance of nightclubs or bars and there´s a high chance of its nightmare being on the vicinity.

"Just in time really. Not all that I summoned have answered but that was a possibility I took into account" Lakshimi takes a sweet and crunches on it with little care for the drama unfolding.

"As many as its needed~" She gives a non-answer like the other times before sighing.

"Dont worry. you´ll meet most of them in due time. Some of them just desire for their affiliation to be kept a secret and I am contractually obligated to protect their secrecy."

She nods delicately murmuring something too low for you to hear before looking up at you.

And immediately averting her eyes as a rosy tint graces her face.

"Yes. I am very sorry for this Ruel-Sempai. I was just..." She considers her words before backtracking. "My mind was otherwise occupied and my attention was not at its best" She clearly did not want to use the word "Distracted" for herself.

"No." She answers bluntly before bringing a hand to your forehead. "Hn. not a fever-rather you´re pretty cold to the touch. Yet you´re perspiration a lot. Any nausea? need a bucket?" She lists off various symptoms while performing some basic check-ups.

You see her grabbing a stethoscope from her table.
Anju continued to scan the files in silence, taking time to pour over the smaller details and ensure no important information on this case escaped her notice. Even though she cared not for wasting time on the others' little ice cream social, she would devote every ounce of her attention to her duty. She would not allow herself to become slipshod in her pursuit of justice.

'Bright clothes and young students? It seems fortune is in my favor tonight.' All that pink hair dye of hers would prove helpful on her latest hunt, as would her seldom-touched school uniform, loathe as she was to put the thing on again.
Shana just raised a eyebrow from the doorway as she walked in.

"Does the Youma actually need this many people, or are we competing with each other?"

The last time that happened hadn't ended well for anyone involved, after all.
The new arrival, however, succeeded in catching Sakamoto's attention where the other gawkers had failed. With the Ueki Sponsored Academy uniform and her arm set in a sling like that, it could only be the replacement the kendo club filled the void left in her absence just as quickly as they had expelled her. How touching, that people she believed were her friends had tossed her out like an outdated appliance and bought the newest model on the double.

Her eye twitched as she regarded the other Magical Girl with her usual steely gaze. Anju approached the latest arrival and pressed the folder pertaining to the youma case in her hand - her good one.

"Competition or not, all that matters is putting more hands on the street to crush this monster." She spoke to the current captain of the kendo club with an unbidden trickle of scorn in her voice. Having said her piece, the former kendo club captain stepped around her 'successor' and walked out the door.

Justice would not deliver itself, nor would Evil wait for someone to slay it.
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She's a chatty one isn't she? Too bad Mana didn't feel very obligated to engage the conversation any further.

"Well I'll leave you to rest then. You'll need the strength to get back home . Better not stay out too late. It's Halloween of course so who knows what goes bump in the night. Isn't that right, Miss Nurse? Miss Nurse?"

It could've been paranoia on her part; but there was something awfully threatening about that statement. If she is threat, Mana certainly wouldn't pretend to be coy.

Raising her head at the girl, who, apparently decided to leave her back expose was rather darkly comical to Mana. If the nurse wasn't there. . .


'If the nurse wasn't there. . ."

Right. Mana sighed deeply. She is clearly getting to deep into this. Threat or not; Mana shouldn't let the reptilian part of her mind get to her.

And of course, not at school, now, or ever.

Mana got up, threw away the empty juice carton and headed towards the door.


"Likewise. Don't go running to trouble."

Two can play that game and Mana's no amateur in art of violence.

With the threat given, Mana coolly leaves the room and the school itself. It is time to finally head home.

Ai is still waiting for her after all.
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The files themselves outlined a series of incidents with a MO in common. Reports suggest that the Youma in question is one with an affinity for wind.

Its preferred target appear to be brightly dressed people and in various occasions the victims have been playing or listening to music. Street performers and young students being prime targets for the Youma.

Outlining the suspected area of operations with photos and a map by triangulating the reports. Lakshimi believes its favored hunting grounds are where there are an abundance of nightclubs or bars and there´s a high chance of its nightmare being on the vicinity.
'A songbird...?' Kin idly speculated, leafing through scant pages. Hmm.

Knowing the Youma penchant for twisted mockeries, obsessions, and all manner of negative emotions, her running hypothesis would be some manner of singer or musician who cannot play music, and thus lashed out at sources of such.

Of course, she was working off of essentially no information, so she didn't expect to be terribly close to the mark.
"As many as its needed~" She gives a non-answer like the other times before sighing.

"Dont worry. you´ll meet most of them in due time. Some of them just desire for their affiliation to be kept a secret and I am contractually obligated to protect their secrecy."
"How bothersome." Kin replied, a hint of resignation in her voice. She was used to this answer.

"I am very curious though. Do you know the western saying? Translated, it would be something like 'curiosity killed the cat.'" As she finished speaking, Kin smiled mischievously at the cat-fox hybrid. She wasn't using the saying correctly, but that was because she was making a joke.
"Hello everyone." She greeted, politeness taking over. "I understand I may not look like it, but I'll also fight."
At this point, Kin let her eyes run over the other Magical Girls who had gathered in the room, passing around the folders and occasionally actually speaking to one another.

She noticed the girl in the wheelchair, but said nothing. In fact, her eyes looked her over and moved on the same way they did everyone else.

Internally, she had marginally more of a reaction.

'Hmm, I wonder what happened to her. Birth condition, accident? Maybe she was stabbed in the spine by a serial killer, or perhaps she had survived an encounter with a Youma while out of costume?'

Kin's idle speculation was nothing strange, for her. As far as she was concerned, the only inherently noteworthy thing about someone in a wheelchair was the question of why they were in it. She wondered it whenever she saw someone in one, which admittedly wasn't terribly often.
When she actually got there, though, there were a lot of people already there in the room, a mark of how long she'd dilly-dallied with the rumors around. Okay, Ai. You're probably late, and these are new people, but that just means you need to put your best foot forward! Stepping through the door, Ai put on the biggest smile she could that wasn't overdone. "Hello! Did I miss everyone introducing themselves?"
Seeing as the others did not seem inclined to answer, Kin spoke up in the interest of common courtesy.

"No, people have at most introduced themselves to people they directly spoke with." Looking around, Kin raised her voice slightly so that the others could hear her, "I may as well start though. If we find ourselves working together, we'll need something to call each other. My name is Iseya Kin."

At this, she paused to allow the others a chance to introduce themselves.
"Likewise. Don't go running to trouble."

Two can play that game and Mana's no amateur in art of violence.

With the threat given, Mana coolly leaves the room and the school itself. It is time to finally head home.

Ai is still waiting for her after all.

Watching the girl leave, Ruel simply stared after her and she knew that she was gone once the ringing had ceased. Vampire... Or possibly something similar. She didn't know when she got this ability but it's always been innate, something similar to a gut feeling that kept her away from dark spots on the city. Nevertheless, Ruel knew that that girl was trouble and she certainly didn't take the many baits and openings the Magical Girl had provided.

Was she a thrall or something else? Perhaps someone entirely unrelated. She had to watch out for that girl.

One thing was for sure was that the girl got the message and in return, she had given Ruel just the same. One of these days, she'll probably meet that girl again.

Now with the nurse and her headache gone, Ruel decided to pocket the medicine she was given and exit the infirmary.

The Drama Club could wait. She needed to vent. Hopefully Lakshimi hasn't sent out the kill order for the Youma just yet.

After leaving the school, Ruel headed for the building where the Tsukaima should be. And if she guessed right, there should be other Magical Girls already there. Ascending the building, Ruel went from corridor to corridor until she finally sensed Lakshimi's presence.

"Competition or not, all that matters is putting more hands on the street to crush this monster." She spoke to the current captain of the kendo club with an unbidden trickle of scorn in her voice. Having said her piece, the former kendo club captain stepped around her 'successor' and walked out the door.

Justice would not deliver itself, nor would Evil wait for someone to slay it.

Just as Ruel was about to open the door, she stepped back at the last moment and came face to face with a rather intimidating young woman. Keeping a calm posture, Ruel blinked once before speaking, "Sorry about that. I was just about to get in myself."

Stepping aside, she then nodded to allow the other girl passage, "Happy hunting."
"Don't I get a file, too?" She teased, fake pouting. She offered an outstretched palm for a handshake. "Hi! I'm Miyamoto Aiko, newly made magical girl! My hobbies are music and performing music, which I guess is still music." She chuckled sheepishly. "Wanna team up?"
Aoko nearly squawked when THE Miyamoto Aiko jumped into the conversation. Holy moly, the light rock hit musician was here! Wait, had she heard correctly? An introduction? T-team up!? Aoko discreetly pinched her thigh to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
"Ah, Maruyuma Midori." Midori replied as Miyamoto went to address her. "My hobbies are less on the active side, but I don't mind teaming up. I mean, we all want to stop that monster, ri-"
Nope, she wasn't dreaming. That meant...another chance to FRIEND GET!

"A-ah, I'm K-kuronuma Aoko. N-nice to mee-" Aoko's introduction was cut off by a boisterous interruption.
"Let's get down to business!" Maho declared, moving into the centre of the room. "To defeat the Youma!"
"For Love, Justice, and those delicious rainbow strip candies that you can buy for ten cents at the movie store, we will stop this Youma! Who is with me?!"
Aoko could only stare blankly at the young middle schooler who had taken charge before hanging her head in slight depression.

'Even a middle schooler has more courage and presence than I do...' she moped.
"Competition or not, all that matters is putting more hands on the street to crush this monster." She spoke to the current captain of the kendo club with an unbidden trickle of scorn in her voice. Having said her piece, the former kendo club captain stepped around her 'successor' and walked out the door.
"I would advise against hunting the Youma on your lonesome Sukeban." Lakshimi pipes up from her perch, having been silent all this time and merely observing the girls trying to interact with each other awkwardly.

"You are aware but I will say it once more. Youma are dangerous. Too dangerous for just one magical girl to face alone. This is why I called all of you." She stands up and starts pacing.

"The Youma are becoming more and more dangerous. The anxiety and fear of the people are their most delectable morsels. They grow in accordance to the dark impulses of men. Only together you have a chance to defeat them"
With the threat given, Mana coolly leaves the room and the school itself. It is time to finally head home.
You leave the school without much incident and go through the crowds carefully. It was not much but the slight break seemed to have at least cleared you head a little.

It is when you just passed an intersection in one of the most busy streets of Odaka that you hear it.

A beautiful song, A sad song.

A tragic lament of souls now gone. A rising aria of defiance. A hot bolero of passion.

All of this sublimated into the most haunting song possible. it speaks directly to your soul and makes you forget the common daylife. Emanating emotions long thought buried.

You cannot know. But few others stop in their tracks. You follow with your gaze to where the song comes from. Your sight turning up and up to the unbelievably high buildings all around you.

And you see her.

White. White and white.

Long flowing white hair, pale skin and a white outfit like some bizarre combination of a western and eastern style. The upper part having some similarities to an inmate´s straight-jacket with chains and long flowing sleeves. Yet still being able to evoke a graceful feeling.

The lower part was rougher. With long flowing cloth opened at the side leaving just a peek of the greaves hidden beneath.
"Ah, Maruyuma Midori." Midori replied as Miyamoto went to address her. "My hobbies are less on the active side, but I don't mind teaming up. I mean, we all want to stop that monster, ri-"
Aiko nodded along with Midori's speech. Yep- yep, this was going well, soon they'd form up into a super crime youma fighting team.They'd have cool theme music and tranfsformation scenes and-

"For Love, Justice, and those delicious rainbow strip candies that you can buy for ten cents at the movie store, we will stop this Youma! Who is with me?!"
Aiko's attention was drawn away by a particularly loud speech. She found herself nodding along with the strange black haired girl. Yeah! That was the spirit! Guts! Fighto!

There was some really soft sounding noise behind her but Aiko ignored it. Probably wasn't important anyways. She waved the other girl over. "Hell yeah. We're already making a team over here, though, so come over here and huddle up, would you?"
As the wind caresses Saki's hair, something catches her attention.

An alley, on the opposite road from the one leading towards the meeting point. It was like any other in the city, but for some reason her attention was brought towards that specific alley.

Coincidentally, on that same road, a lady wearing expensive golden jewelry was busily talking on her phone. Not paying much attention to anything as she argued with whoever was on the other end.

The air seemed to ripple, but oddly, that part of the road was near deserted. Once a shadow burst forward with the intent to take the woman, it was too late for her to even scream.

Nary a thing but a phone was left in its place as the Youma took her to its lair.
'Acting right under the noses of so many?' The Youma was either very brave or very stupid. Saki leaned against the railing, expecting the gathered magical girls to explode into action.

... any second now.


... any minute now.


Her fists clenched against the railing, knuckles bone white. 'Useless, all of them!' She'd just have to-

Get her killed? Like you were going to kill the rest?

'I can live with failing. Not...

Saki took a deep, steadying breath before grasping the pendant around her neck. Her world fell into darkness, magic consuming the light around her until she leapt free of the murk, uniform replaced by the red and black and white outfit of a harlequin. The bells on her hat rang as she threw herself down to the street in pursuit of the monster, any concerns hidden beneath a frowning white mask.
"The Youma are becoming more and more dangerous. The anxiety and fear of the people are their most delectable morsels. They grow in accordance to the dark impulses of men. Only together you have a chance to defeat them"
"Ah, about that Lakshimi..." Midori said, piping up at the Tsukaima's words. "As I came here, I heard rumors about a mist taking people. It seems it's starting to really scare them... Do you know anything about it?"

She didn't know about teams or all that, but now that she had a chance to talk about what she heard, she may as well ask now.