Discord Annihilation Theory (Magical Burst RP)

Hey Crow, can I use the MG I made for Poe's RP? I liked her and her setup/backstory, but never got to really use her
Character: Shakespeare
The Student's Sutra of Perfection:
Once, there was a maiden

Who fancied herself an artist

She painted and painted many things

And eventually she looked at her painting and thought

This is my masterpiece, I will never make a painting greater than this

She burned it

"I do not need perfection" she said

The Elder Sutra of Perfection:
Once, there was a maiden

Who burnt the product of her life's work to ashes

The people looked and gasped

They did not understand how one could throw away so much work

But the maiden simply smiled

And with a smoky voice said

"Strive ever onwards"

Name: Kagurazaka Rina.
Magical Girl Name: None.
Age: 16.

What kind of girl are you?

It can be said that Rina is a 'big picture' type of person. She always seems to have a goal, or be working towards something. She is a painter, and is actually rather famous as a prodigy artist- and infamous for a certain incident wherein the gallery showcasing her work was burned down in mysterious circumstances.

It wasn't her fault.

She only wanted to burn the centerpiece, but apparently the fumes from the paint she used were significantly more flammable than she had believed, and the gallery's air conditioning wasn't working right, meaning they had a chance to build up.

What drove you to make a Pact?

How to put this... Curiosity. I wanted to know what it would be like, to fight monsters. I wanted to know how it would affect me, change me. It has often been said the necessity is the mother of invention, and what is invention if not a way of working for the better?

What is your wish?

It's a small thing, but... My wish is for things to keep moving, changing, growing.

Magical Element: Ash.

Magical Power: Painted World - Rina can create spectral images and vivid displays by simply touching a person or thing. She can decide how long they last, but a Magical Girl can use magic to try to get rid of it. The images can resemble anything she wants, and can glow, move, ect.


Weapon: A styled circle of blue-ish gray metal, engraved with strange symbols.

Normal Attributes:

Physical: 4
Finesse: 6
Social: 6

Magical Attributes:

Magic: 8
Heart: 6
Fury: 4


Painting (Major): A talented artist, Rina can help communicate with and sooth others by painting.

Eccentric Artist (Major): Due to certain stereotypes she may-or-may-not actually embody, Rina can hide her true feelings or thoughts on a a matter, or be hard to take seriously by acting the part of an eccentric.

High-School Famous (Minor): Due to the whole 'famous artist' thing, Rina is something of a celebrity in her school. People seem to think that makes her more important, and tend to give more thought to things she says or does.

Driven (Minor): Rina, contrary to her looks, is actually a really determined person. She can and will stubbornly refuse things that go against her principles.


Asahina Yuuki (Friend): 3
Classmate and long-time friend, seeks to match Rina in artistic talent but focuses on playing the violin. Rina has something of an interest in her, but for now she focuses on being friends.

Makaguri Jiyo (Mentor): 2
Rina's legal guardian, technically. He stops by to make sure she's got money and food, and pays the rent for her apartment. Vacant, but occasionally says astute things.

Yokugawa Jinoko (Friend) [BROKEN LINK]: 1
At one point, some weeks ago, Jinoko was Rina's agent. She managed her artwork and negotiated things like selling them and viewings in galleries and such. The... incident, saw her pack up and leave. Rina never even spoke directly to her, waking up in a hospital room from smoke inhalation to a letter on her bedside.


The supports. They get a +1 to Support challenges, which means an easier time of weaving spells in a fight. In addition, they can choose an extra Signature Attack at chargen and can use their Integrity Scan ability to check the condition of their opponents.

Magical Effects:

Healing Light
(Normal Action, 2/Battle, 1 Overcharge)

Restore 1d6+2 Resolve to an ally of your choice. A Magical Girl may only benefit from one use of Healing Light per round.

Power Seal
(Normal Action, 1/Battle, 1 Overcharge)

Activate this ability to apply the 'Power Seal' condition to an enemy. This reduces the total amount of extra dice due to Overcharge or Power Points that the enemy can gain on Attack challenges by 2 (almost always from 3 to 1). This also applies to any abilities the enemy uses that cause opposed Support challenges. Lasts until the end of the enemy's next turn.

Signature Attacks:

Disrupting Assault
Choking Gallery

Breathing in, Rina exhales a fog of ash and smoke that clings to her target. From within the smoke, she strikes from cover, targeting vulnerable points and leaving crippling wounds.

Extra d6 points of damage, and upon hitting the enemy, -2 penalty to next Magical Challenge with each Attribute.

Master Strike
Circlet Cutting Strike

With a moments pause to center herself, Rina throws a single chakram that seems to veer towards her target and around any obstructions.

+3 to hit chance, and an extra d6 points of damage.

Crisis: I'm kinda under a lot of pressure from various people. I live alone, and my livelihood is maintained mostly by my artwork.

Turns out burning down the gallery during a viewing doesn't earn you many friends, and less people who want to buy your stuff.

Some people just don't get art.
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Hey Crow, can I use the MG I made for Poe's RP? I liked her and her setup/backstory, but never got to really use her
I know not which one you speak of, so feel free to PM it to us.
The Student's Sutra of Perfection:
Once, there was a maiden

Who fancied herself an artist

She painted and painted many things

And eventually she looked at her painting and thought

This is my masterpiece, I will never make a painting greater than this

She burned it

"I do not need perfection" she said

The Elder Sutra of Perfection:
Once, there was a maiden

Who burnt the product of her life's work to ashes

The people looked and gasped

They did not understand how one could throw away so much work

But the maiden simply smiled

And with a smoky voice said

"Strive ever onwards"
May I just say I love these?

Because I'm paranoid about things like this; Did you see my entry near the bottom on the first page? The actual sheet was in a quote and spoilered for size.

Because I'm paranoid about things like this; Did you see my entry near the bottom on the first page? The actual sheet was in a quote and spoilered for size.
I did yes. its threadmarked.

Gonna have to think about that custom, compare it to some others and the like but at first glance everything else´s alright.

I encourage you all to try and see if you can have a relationship with some of the other players.
I may be interested, as I tried Burst in Harouki's RP before but it died before getting to something important.

I would be bringing out the character I made too.
Character: Miss Tepes
Tachibana Mana

Magical Girl Name: Scarlet

Age: 16

What kind of girl are you?

'What am I?', You say

What other answer could be more truthful, more hurtful, than this?

. . . I'm a monster.

I'm a vile, evil, little monster. . .
Plain. Simple. Final.

For what else could I possibly be?

Could there really be any other label more fitting then for such a black-hearted creature as I?

No, there is none. . . Truly.

Not after my cruelties; nor for sins committed in a distantly uncertain future.

I kill. . .

I kill. . .

I killed so many. . .

Too many.

It didn't matter to me. . .

Whenever they were young or old, weak or strong.

Even if they were the most saintly of saints or the most wretched of devils.

And yet, despite drowning in this seemingly endless sea of blood. . .

My only desire to this very day; Is whenever or not my thirst will be sated tonight.

I only wanted to indulge.

I only wanted to be greedy.

I wasn't even picky.

I could just barely force a pause of restraint, and yet, why is it that I can't feel so strongly against it?

Shouldn't I feel guilty?

Shouldn't I feel sad?

Shouldn't I be disgusted at myself?

Perhaps I have just grown jaded to misery.

To others. . .

. . . As well as my own.

Or maybe this is 'normal' for a girl such as I?

. . .

I wonder if a dream can be equally as rotten too.

What drove you to make a Pact?
What would do you do if you were offered a wish?

. . . Take it?

And have your heartfelt wish come true?

Or maybe reject it? As there's no such thing as a 'free' miracle?

As for myself?

I simply didn't want to die. It happened too suddenly; too quickly.

I was. . .

I was. . .

Wandering, wandering out late one night. I wanted to be 'refreshed' by an eve's outings, you know? I didn't expect there would be monsters prowling about. Alone and frightened - I desperately tried escaping from my seemingly inevitable demise.

I was cornered and trapped like a rat. . .

Desperation filled me, and, and. . .

. . . Bad deals were struck.

Yet, I'm alive.

Its a mockery, a hollow life, but, a life nonetheless.

What is your wish?
To return, again, to my heart's own idle dreams - a life without any fear, pain or regret - a life without drowning slowly within a sea of blood.

Magical Element: Blood

Magical Power: Blood Warping


Magical Weapon: Claws

Crisis: I've become something akin to a vampire.

And I'm beginning to totally lose 'it'. Worse, however, is how others are beginning to catch on. I don't want confrontation. I don't want to die, and yet, I can't stop this. . .

Normal Attributes:
- Physical: 6
- Finesse: 7
- Social: 3

Magical Attributes:
- Fury: 8
- Heart: 5
- Magic: 5

Liar, Liar (Major):
Deception is unfortunately a must for someone in 'my' situation. And besides, what's one more 'white' lie to the pile?

Survival Instincts (Major):
. . . I don't want to die. I'll do anything I have to. Anything. . .

Big Sister Instincts (Minor):
Sometimes you'll know the problem just by glancing at their faces. . . but I'm a rather terrible sister.

Running Away Bravely (Minor):
Its not worth it. . .

Fighting a loosing battle; I would rather book it, and hideaway somewhere safe.

Archetype: Tacticians:
The supports. They get a +1 to Support challenges, which means an easier time of weaving spells in a fight. In addition, they can choose an extra Signature Attack at chargen and can use their Integrity Scan ability to check the condition of their opponents.

Magical Effects:
Vampiric Weapon:
You deal +2 damage with all Magical Attacks. However, your weapon thirsts for blood and yours will suffice if it can't claim the enemy's. Every time you miss on a Magical Attack, you lose 1 Resolve.

(Reaction, 1/Battle)
Activate this ability after you succeed or fail on a non-Signature attack (or successful Clash). That attack was merely an elaborate distraction. Reduce the Overcharge taken on the attack by 1. You are now considered free to act, as if you had not attacked. However, pulling off such a move does not leave you with enough time to execute a Signature Attack that turn. If the attack was successful, it deals half final damage (rounded up), but you may force your target into a disadvantageous position, giving it a -2 penalty to attack one ally of your choice until the beginning of your next turn.

Signature Attacks:
Grand Barrage (Red Flood): attacks can target a group or be focused on a single individual. Simple, effective, and hard to defend against.

Sundering Blow (Heartbreaker):
attacks can't be stopped - if it's a clean hit, they do an extra d6 points of damage, but even if they miss they do half the damage of a normal attack.

Tachibana Family (4)
I hate this. . .

I hate this so much.

They don't know anything; they shouldn't know anything. But I suspect mom and dad are becoming increasingly suspicious. Even my little sister, Ai is growing worried.

I don't want them to be involved. . .
I don't want them to die. . .

(Daisuke is Mana's father; a local and rather vocal detective with particularly strong distaste (hatred) for murderers. Her Mother is Chika, a loving housewife that's obsessed with anything remotely adorable, and finally, Ai, Mana's little sister who's a elementary student. She likes being an adventuring tomboy so to speak.)

Tachibana Ai (4):
She's beginning to grow too wild and carefree.

What if she accidentally bumps into a rampaging youma? What if she pacts? What if she sees me. . .
What if I rip open her neck and drain her dry. . .

No. . .

No. . . . . .

It won't happen.

. . . I won't let it happen.

Everything will be fine.

Everything has to be fine. . .


*World's smallest violin plays in the distance.*
Edit: I'll fix formatting, later.
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If you mean a punch frilly meguca then yes.
If you mean something more please specify and I would like to remind you to take the rp at least a little seriously.
A burly Tuxedo Mask expy who throws bird feathers instead of rose petals.

The nudism is gone, of course. Have to keep it pg and all. Though I'm going to have to take a hard stance on the spontaneous and unexplained generation of wings.
Okay, you know what? I'm going to post the sheet now.

Name: Jolyne Kujo.

Magical Girl Name: Fate-Binding Star Free
Age: 16

What kind of girl are you? Jolyne is... kind of a delinquent. Flighty, abrupt, and snappy with her elders, she is considered a lost cause by her teachers at school.

However, to her few friends and her mother and father(who is loving, yet distant), she is a courageous and confidant young woman who is somewhat dependent on the affection and approval of those around her. This causes her to act up a lot, and gets her into trouble all the time.

What drove you to make a Pact? When my dad fell into a coma, he left behind a medallion and a note with instructions. I followed them and I encountered a little creature, which told me that something had stolen his memories of... something. After it proved itself, I accepted its contract, and got my powers.

What is your wish? : I want my dad back, and I want the person who put hm into a coma captured/killed!

Magical Element: String.

Magical Power: Super-hearing. She hears things very well. She can even use the vibrations in the string she creates to listen into places she shouldn't be able to.

Basically, think this with the midriff covered and the jacket longer.

Weapon: The only thing she uses as a weapon is her fists. So, she wears durable studded gloves to protect her hands and serve as a weapon.

Normal Attributes:
-Physical: 7
-Finesse: 5
-Social: 4

Magical Attributes:
-Heart: 6
-Fury: 7
-Magic: 5

Major: Imaginative(Jolyne is known for coming up with interesting uses for random, everyday objects. Surprisingly, those uses usually solve the problems she gets confronted with.), Athletic
Minor: Stitching(Her mom made her learn how to sew, and she's actually got talent at that.), Speed-Reading(Jolyne can pick up a book as long as the Lord of the Rings and be done with it in less than two hours.)

Archetype: Striker

Magical Effects: Resilience, Follow Up

Signature Attacks: 20-Meter String Cocoon: Bind - Jolyne sets up a network of String around an area. Anyone who touches a string in there causes the entire network to converge upon them and tie them up. Counts as an Arcane Prison.

That Being and its Servant who stole my Father's memories and left him in a coma... according to that little creature, they're somewhere in the city. I need to find him and defeat him!

*Stone Ocean intensifies*
On the other hand, I remembered learning I do not play well with dark themes that much and Fallout... I fear I would not be able to deal with it well.

I guess I'll pass.
Mort´s Spooky Shack
Fuck it, multiple submissions.

No relationships segment yet because I've been working on this for a while and want to know what the GM's think of them before I put more effort in.

Name: Tsukiko Mizuki

Magical Girl Name: Phantasamoon

Age: Biologically, 15.

What kind of girl are you?: Mizuki is a very whimsical girl, acting on her desires. Which is not to say that she is not a serious person. When it is needed of her, she will take things seriously. It just happens that she acts on her whims most the time, and even at times when most people would be serious, Mizuki would still act somewhat silly.

She's also a time traveler. Born thousands of years ago, she keeps phasing in and out of time every few months, with centuries passing with each time she reappears. As a result of this, she is good at reacting.

What drove you to make a Pact?: Her whimsical nature meant that, once she saw a magical girl anime...

What is your wish?: To find out why she keeps uncontrollably time travelling.

Magical Element: Moonlight

Magical Power: Mystic Eyes of Enchantment. Mizuki can look you in the eye and use this power to influence your thoughts.

Magical Costume:

Magical Weapon: Chains.

Normal Attributes:
Physical: 4
Finesse: 5
Social: 7

Magical Attributes:
Magic: 8
Heart: 7
Fury: 3

Major: Adapting to Strange Circumstances
Mizuki has had a lot of practice with this, due to being thrown through time every few months.
Major: Acting
Mizuki has gotten quick good at this, to make it look like she understands what's going on, and that she belongs.
Minor: Begging
Having a stable source of food and income is hard when you're not always in the same era. Mizuki is quite good at getting people to give her food.
Minor: Pickpocketing
Sometimes, though, begging doesn't really work. Pickpocketing is a form of stealing, which is a crime, but when you're starving, it doesn't seem all that bad...

Archetype: Tactician

Magical Effects: Regeneration, Adaptability

Signature Attacks:
Marble Phantasm- An Arcane Prison attack. Moonlight shines from the sky, no matter the weather, time of day or location. This moonlight slowly constricts around a chosen target, before turning into chains and binding them in place. As these chains are made from moonlight, they cannot be damaged.
The Beautiful Moon- Will of the Protector. Moonlight shines across the battlefield. Those who are bathed in this moonlight shall find their Resolve strengthened, restoring them back to health.

Crisis: Mizuki just got to this new time period. She needs to adapt. It would be a shame if someone- Such as a random criminal- Took advantage of her and fed her misinformation.

Name: Akuma Maho

Magical Girl Name: The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven

Age: 12

What kind of girl are you? Maho is a girl to which the term 'Chuunibyou' fits perfectly. She is an ambitious one, seeking for her name to be known and for all to respect it, and if she sees something she doesn't like, she declares that she will fix it. Alas, she has little patience with tradition, which is usually her first target for 'Fixing.' At some point, she became determined to be the person in charge of everything, and brushes off failures with a comment that it 'Could not be helped.'

Additionally, the girl has an odd fixation for western culture, and is a fan of sweets. Bribing her with her favourite delicacies is an easy way to keep her in line, presuming she hasn't set her heart on going against you.

What drove you to make a Pact? To one such as Maho, who would proclaim herself a Demon King while trying to make her classmates kneel to her? Actual magic to feed her acts was something she couldn't deny.

What is your wish? World domination! Or maybe some nice sweets...

Magical Element: Fire

Magical Power: Body manipulation. Want to appear as an adult? Want to appear as a chibi version of herself? A giant skeleton? Maho can do it all!


Guns. Multiple matchlock rifles which, due to her fighting style, are usually fired and discarded for another in a heartbeat.

Normal Attributes:
Physical: 4
Finesse: 6
Social: 6

Magical Attributes:
Magic: 4
Heart: 8
Fury: 6

Major Talent: Centre of Attention
Ahaha, of course! All eyes should be focused on her at all times! Maho is quiet skilled at getting people's attention, and keeping their attention! Useful for a minor ego boost, or to keep her mother off-guard while her older brother raids the cookie jar for her...

Major Talent: Cheerful Child
Rather excited herself, Maho is quiet skilled at acting in a way that others can find amusing. Useful for making people less sad.

Minor Talent: Slight of Hand
A lot of children try and sneak lollies away from their parents' cupboard to eat in secret. It's just that Maho, who has something of a fixation with candy, has gotten really good at making it look like she's not putting anything into her pockets...

Minor Talent: Actually Speaks English
Okay, it's not perfect, but Maho can surprise people with how well she speaks English for her age. Perhaps something good has come from her fixation with western culture?

However, there are a few rules that you need to follow when thinking of a Talent. The first is that a Talent can't always add to any specific Normal Action. 'Reading people' is too broad of a talent (as it would always apply to Read a Person), but something more specific like 'Comforting friends' could be appropriate. The second rule is that talents should be useful. If you can't think of any situation where you'd make a roll using that Talent, you probably shouldn't take it. It might even be worth it to think about the kind of situations you could use that talent in. The final rule is that Talents have to be something you can do without magic.

Archetype: Striker

Magical Effects: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained and Lightning Strike

Signature Attacks: Three Thousand Worlds- A Grand Barrage of matchlock rifles appear to strike the target. Maho would claim that she calls upon three thousand guns, but this may be exaggerated...

Crisis: Maho's brother has been rather depressed lately. It's not like him, and nothing she can do can cheer him up! It's almost like he's not himself...

Name: Nensho Masako

Magical Girl Name: Breathtaking Brawler Beautiful Bishamon

Age: 18

What kind of girl are you? When one lives a life of poverty and misery, you need to find something to believe in. In the case of Masako, that 'Something' was the idea that 'Everyone will get what is coming to them.' In other words, those who suffer and do no wrong will find themselves, in the end, living happily, while those who do wrong and make others suffer will, in the end, be made to suffer in turn.

As she grew older, and her outlook bleaker, Masako's worldview around this topic changed, somewhat. The world wasn't fair enough for this to happen- But it should. And if it would not happen otherwise, she would force it to happen. Shortly after this, rumours started to abound that, when a crime was committed, a masked girl with iron fists would appear to punish the criminal.

Of course, this is mostly past now. With the recent death of her mother, Masako has been adopted by her grandmother, and moved to Odako, with a much lower crime rate. If it weren't for a certain contract of hers, it would seem as if the days of the vigilante girl were over...

What drove you to make a Pact? The desire to better bring justice! She was doing alright on her own, but her mother was starting to wonder why she kept coming home covered in bruises...

What is your wish? To bring Justice to the whole world.

Magical Element: Magnetism.

Magical Power: Justice Sight. By focusing hard enough, Masako can see people in 'Colours'- White for those who are innocent, and red for those who she needs to apply her Justice to.


Metal gloves

Normal Attributes:
Physical: 7
Finesse: 6
Social: 3

Magical Attributes:
Magic: 6
Heart: 6
Fury: 6

Major Talent: Walk It Off
Given her vigilante habits and the fact that she tends to go around covered in bruises, Masako eventually developed the ability to ignore any pain she is in, at least outwardly, to avoid giving off any signs that something is wrong.

Major Talent: Hide and Seek
The police in her old city weren't exactly happy with a vigilante running around, and in order to avoid being found and prevented from continuing her habits, Masako got real good at losing people in back alleys and blending into crowds.

Minor Talent: Intimidation
Masako can sound tough when she needs to. Under the right circumstances, it can even be enough to scare someone off.

Minor Talent: Brawling
Not a real fighting style, Masako is really good at hitting people until they stop hitting back.

Archetype: Guardian

Magical Effects: Taunt, I Shall Never Fall

Signature Attacks: Retribution- When struck with an attack, Masako responds with a Riposte, a punch to the stomach with as much poer behind it as she can manage.

Crisis: It may be entirely possible that, upon making her pact and getting her Justice Sight, Masako learnt that her mother wasn't a paragon or morality. And it may be possible that Masako overreacted, struck out, and accidentally pushed her out a window. All that has been proven is that something happened to Masako's mother that made her fall out a window, and she landed in a way that broke her neck. ...Oops?
A burly Tuxedo Mask expy who throws bird feathers instead of rose petals.

The nudism is gone, of course. Have to keep it pg and all. Though I'm going to have to take a hard stance on the spontaneous and unexplained generation of wings.

You know, I joke, but I'm actually thinking of a way I could pull this off.

It would probably never get in as a matter of principle, of course. But if nothing else, it'd be fun to do as an intellectual exercise and get me a bit of experience with chargen before making a less killed out the gate submission. :V
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Fuck it, multiple submissions.

No relationships segment yet because I've been working on this for a while and want to know what the GM's think of them before I put more effort in.

Name: Tsukiko Mizuki

Magical Girl Name: Phantasamoon

Age: Biologically, 15.

What kind of girl are you?: Mizuki is a very whimsical girl, acting on her desires. Which is not to say that she is not a serious person. When it is needed of her, she will take things seriously. It just happens that she acts on her whims most the time, and even at times when most people would be serious, Mizuki would still act somewhat silly.

She's also a time traveler. Born thousands of years ago, she keeps phasing in and out of time every few months, with centuries passing with each time she reappears. As a result of this, she is good at reacting.

What drove you to make a Pact?: Her whimsical nature meant that, once she saw a magical girl anime...

What is your wish?: To find out why she keeps uncontrollably time travelling.

Magical Element: Moonlight

Magical Power: Mystic Eyes of Enchantment. Mizuki can look you in the eye and use this power to influence your thoughts.

Magical Costume:

Magical Weapon: Chains.

Normal Attributes:
Physical: 4
Finesse: 5
Social: 7

Magical Attributes:
Magic: 8
Heart: 7
Fury: 3

Major: Adapting to Strange Circumstances
Mizuki has had a lot of practice with this, due to being thrown through time every few months.
Major: Acting
Mizuki has gotten quick good at this, to make it look like she understands what's going on, and that she belongs.
Minor: Begging
Having a stable source of food and income is hard when you're not always in the same era. Mizuki is quite good at getting people to give her food.
Minor: Pickpocketing
Sometimes, though, begging doesn't really work. Pickpocketing is a form of stealing, which is a crime, but when you're starving, it doesn't seem all that bad...

Archetype: Tactician

Magical Effects: Regeneration, Adaptability

Signature Attacks:
Marble Phantasm- An Arcane Prison attack. Moonlight shines from the sky, no matter the weather, time of day or location. This moonlight slowly constricts around a chosen target, before turning into chains and binding them in place. As these chains are made from moonlight, they cannot be damaged.
The Beautiful Moon- Will of the Protector. Moonlight shines across the battlefield. Those who are bathed in this moonlight shall find their Resolve strengthened, restoring them back to health.

Crisis: Mizuki just got to this new time period. She needs to adapt. It would be a shame if someone- Such as a random criminal- Took advantage of her and fed her misinformation.

Name: Akuma Maho

Magical Girl Name: The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven

Age: 12

What kind of girl are you? Maho is a girl to which the term 'Chuunibyou' fits perfectly. She is an ambitious one, seeking for her name to be known and for all to respect it, and if she sees something she doesn't like, she declares that she will fix it. Alas, she has little patience with tradition, which is usually her first target for 'Fixing.' At some point, she became determined to be the person in charge of everything, and brushes off failures with a comment that it 'Could not be helped.'

Additionally, the girl has an odd fixation for western culture, and is a fan of sweets. Bribing her with her favourite delicacies is an easy way to keep her in line, presuming she hasn't set her heart on going against you.

What drove you to make a Pact? To one such as Maho, who would proclaim herself a Demon King while trying to make her classmates kneel to her? Actual magic to feed her acts was something she couldn't deny.

What is your wish? World domination! Or maybe some nice sweets...

Magical Element: Fire

Magical Power: Body manipulation. Want to appear as an adult? Want to appear as a chibi version of herself? A giant skeleton? Maho can do it all!


Guns. Multiple matchlock rifles which, due to her fighting style, are usually fired and discarded for another in a heartbeat.

Normal Attributes:
Physical: 4
Finesse: 6
Social: 6

Magical Attributes:
Magic: 4
Heart: 8
Fury: 6

Major Talent: Centre of Attention
Ahaha, of course! All eyes should be focused on her at all times! Maho is quiet skilled at getting people's attention, and keeping their attention! Useful for a minor ego boost, or to keep her mother off-guard while her older brother raids the cookie jar for her...

Major Talent: Cheerful Child
Rather excited herself, Maho is quiet skilled at acting in a way that others can find amusing. Useful for making people less sad.

Minor Talent: Slight of Hand
A lot of children try and sneak lollies away from their parents' cupboard to eat in secret. It's just that Maho, who has something of a fixation with candy, has gotten really good at making it look like she's not putting anything into her pockets...

Minor Talent: Actually Speaks English
Okay, it's not perfect, but Maho can surprise people with how well she speaks English for her age. Perhaps something good has come from her fixation with western culture?

However, there are a few rules that you need to follow when thinking of a Talent. The first is that a Talent can't always add to any specific Normal Action. 'Reading people' is too broad of a talent (as it would always apply to Read a Person), but something more specific like 'Comforting friends' could be appropriate. The second rule is that talents should be useful. If you can't think of any situation where you'd make a roll using that Talent, you probably shouldn't take it. It might even be worth it to think about the kind of situations you could use that talent in. The final rule is that Talents have to be something you can do without magic.

Archetype: Striker

Magical Effects: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained and Lightning Strike

Signature Attacks: Three Thousand Worlds- A Grand Barrage of matchlock rifles appear to strike the target. Maho would claim that she calls upon three thousand guns, but this may be exaggerated...

Crisis: Maho's brother has been rather depressed lately. It's not like him, and nothing she can do can cheer him up! It's almost like he's not himself...

Name: Nensho Masako

Magical Girl Name: Breathtaking Brawler Beautiful Bishamon

Age: 18

What kind of girl are you? When one lives a life of poverty and misery, you need to find something to believe in. In the case of Masako, that 'Something' was the idea that 'Everyone will get what is coming to them.' In other words, those who suffer and do no wrong will find themselves, in the end, living happily, while those who do wrong and make others suffer will, in the end, be made to suffer in turn.

As she grew older, and her outlook bleaker, Masako's worldview around this topic changed, somewhat. The world wasn't fair enough for this to happen- But it should. And if it would not happen otherwise, she would force it to happen. Shortly after this, rumours started to abound that, when a crime was committed, a masked girl with iron fists would appear to punish the criminal.

Of course, this is mostly past now. With the recent death of her mother, Masako has been adopted by her grandmother, and moved to Odako, with a much lower crime rate. If it weren't for a certain contract of hers, it would seem as if the days of the vigilante girl were over...

What drove you to make a Pact? The desire to better bring justice! She was doing alright on her own, but her mother was starting to wonder why she kept coming home covered in bruises...

What is your wish? To bring Justice to the whole world.

Magical Element: Magnetism.

Magical Power: Justice Sight. By focusing hard enough, Masako can see people in 'Colours'- White for those who are innocent, and red for those who she needs to apply her Justice to.


Metal gloves

Normal Attributes:
Physical: 7
Finesse: 6
Social: 3

Magical Attributes:
Magic: 6
Heart: 6
Fury: 6

Major Talent: Walk It Off
Given her vigilante habits and the fact that she tends to go around covered in bruises, Masako eventually developed the ability to ignore any pain she is in, at least outwardly, to avoid giving off any signs that something is wrong.

Major Talent: Hide and Seek
The police in her old city weren't exactly happy with a vigilante running around, and in order to avoid being found and prevented from continuing her habits, Masako got real good at losing people in back alleys and blending into crowds.

Minor Talent: Intimidation
Masako can sound tough when she needs to. Under the right circumstances, it can even be enough to scare someone off.

Minor Talent: Brawling
Not a real fighting style, Masako is really good at hitting people until they stop hitting back.

Archetype: Guardian

Magical Effects: Taunt, I Shall Never Fall

Signature Attacks: Retribution- When struck with an attack, Masako responds with a Riposte, a punch to the stomach with as much poer behind it as she can manage.

Crisis: It may be entirely possible that, upon making her pact and getting her Justice Sight, Masako learnt that her mother wasn't a paragon or morality. And it may be possible that Masako overreacted, struck out, and accidentally pushed her out a window. All that has been proven is that something happened to Masako's mother that made her fall out a window, and she landed in a way that broke her neck. ...Oops?
Phantasamoon's viability is @Crow's call, but I'm not seeing any problems with your other sheets. Hell of a crisis for justice girl though. But you should still open up a PM, if you do get in it will also double as a way for you to ask questions or so on privately.
Hell of a crisis for justice girl though.

Look, if I see an opportunity to turn the police against a vigilante and also open the way for a breakdown later when she uses Justice Sight on a mirror and sees herself as red, I'm taking it

But you should still open up a PM, if you do get in it will also double as a way for you to ask questions or so on privately.

Eh, don't really mind about being private. I'll open one if you insist, but it's not like this is a PvP game by default, nor am I planning on playing mindgames.
Character: Kuronuma Aoko
M-magic Girl RP!? <_< ..... >_> ..... *drops submission and runs* (Magitech Girl is best girl)
I'll also drop a convo with the GMs so they can PM me with any feedback.

Google Docs Version: MBR Char Sheet: Aoko "Collateral ★P"

Name: Kuronuma Aoko
Magical Girl Name: Mahou Senshi: Collateral ★P
Age: 15
There's no real polite way of saying it, Aoko is a complete shut-in. A hikikomori. A destined-to-be NEET.

Awkward and way too self-conscious, Aoko has always been shy when it comes to talking to new people, finding it hard to connect with others. This in combination with having to move schools frequently (due to parents' work) made for a lonely childhood for Aoko. She would always be labelled the "strange/snobby, silent new girl". To make things worse, her twin sister seemed to flourish where she could not, making new friends left and right whenever the family moved to the next house. In the end Aoko stopped trying, bitter and tired of hurt and disappointment.

The only solace for Aoko was her precious electronics and the internet. Her date-sim games would never betray her and through the anonymity of the web, she found the courage to actually strike up conversations on forum boards with other geek enthusiasts. In fact, Aoko was able to put her musical skills to great use, becoming a hit-underground digital song-writer/producer (under the handle Numa-P) using voice synth programs.
Aoko finally had what she wanted, people to talk to (sort of) and even followers! The virtual world had delivered where the physical world couldn't. Yet, deep down she was still unsatisfied. The one thing the virtual world couldn't give her was a flesh-and-blood companion. Someone to confide secrets with, big or small. Someone to have sleepovers with and eat together with. Someone to hug, a comforting shoulder to cry on. A normal friend...
Aoko's one wish is to make a real life friend. By becoming a Magical Girl, she hopes to get rid of her crippling social anxiety and gain the confidence and poise needed to make friends and function well in the real world. Barring that, eh might as well bring one (or more) of her date-sim characters to life. If you can't find a real friend, then MAKE one, literally!
As a Hikikomori, Aoko has always had troubles fitting in. Even at home, she can feel the disappointment her parents have for her and always compare her to her 'perfect' twin sister. The time she spends as a magic girl exacerbates the rift between family. It has even begun to encroach on her safe haven; less time interacting with netizens and working on her music means dwindling popularity. It's a conundrum: The more time and effort she spends trying to fulfill her wish of making theoretical real life friends, the less time she has for existing internet buddies.

Weapon: [Lyrical Boom Gauntlets] - Over-sized mechanical gauntlets that can attenuate or strengthen sounds and release them as shockwaves/vibrations from the palms. Can be used the old-fashioned way to bludgeon/crush enemies and block attacks.

Magical Element:

Magical Power: Technopathy - Aoko can telepathically connect to, commune with, and manipulate electronics. This allows her to use technology without the use of hardware peripherals and connect to the internet with her mind (using an internet capable device as an intermediary).

Normal Attributes:
Physical: 6
Finesse: 7
Social: 3

Magical Attributes:
Magic: 8
Heart: 6
Fury: 4

Tanks. They get a +2 to base Resolve (HP), a +1 to all Resist challenges, and their passive defense is +6, not +4. They do what tanks do best; take hits and draw aggro.

Magical Effects:
Primary: (Normal Action, 1/Battle)
Activate this ability to trick or otherwise force an enemy into attacking you. Pick an enemy and roll opposed Finesse or Support. If you succeed, the target must use its next available action to make an attack on you.

This attack may not include any targets other than you, but may otherwise be anything the target desires. If you succeed on the opposed challenge with at least 1 raise, you may use the secondary ability.

Secondary: (Reaction, Special)
Activate this ability as a reaction to a successfully taunted enemy attacking you. Gain a +2 bonus to Defense against that attack.
(Requires Physical 5+)
Primary: (Free Action, 1/Battle, Cost Special)

Activate this ability when you are rolling a Magical Challenge and are at least one point under the TN or enemy's roll. You may then choose to lose up to your Physical in Resolve, and add that much to your result. This ability may only bring you to one point above the TN or enemy's roll, no matter how much Resolve is sacrificed. If this ability is used to enhance a Signature Attack, the final cost in Resolve doubles. If this ability reduces you to 0 Resolve, you revert to normal form once the challenge is resolved.

Secondary: (Passive)
You gain a +2 bonus to your Base Resolve.

Signature Attacks:
-Disrupting Assault Type: hit for an extra d6 points of damage, and upon hitting the enemy, they weaken them temporarily.
Aoko spreads her arms out as far as she can before clapping her gauntlets together as hard and fast as possible. The ensuing wave of amplified sound hits the target with a furious thunderclap of impact, bowling/knocking them over and rupturing their eardrums, making them dizzy and deaf.

  • Tech-savvy (Major) - Aoko is very tech-savvy for a girl her age, always keeping up with the latest cutting-edge technology and internet trends. She's still a shut-in though, so it's hard for her to show off her skills to real people.
  • Shut-In Patience (Major) - As a Hikikomori, Aoko can go through long periods of sitting in one place without budging (as long as she has something to focus on) and can go long periods without sleep. Prone to crashing after a marathon of no sleep though.
  • Music Producer/Songwriter (Minor) - Aoko is a gifted songwriter. Caveat is, she can only make actual music when using electronic music/synth programs.
  • Random Trivia (Minor) - Since she spends almost all her waking time on the net, Aoko has gained through osmosis a myriad of random facts from random subjects. Not really useful when it comes to school, but great for trivia quizzes and game shows (if she could even get on stage).
Kuronuma Couple "Dad/Mom" (Mentor Lv. 2): Aoko's parents. Even though Aoko knows her parents love her, their relationship has gotten strained as her parents realize she isn't getting over her shut-in phase and badger her to be more like her sister.

Kuronuma Yuuko "Sis" (Friend Lv. 1): Aoko's "Perfect" older fraternal twin. Growing up the two were inseparable, but as time went on Yuuko began to flower into a popular all-around model student. The difference in personalities/circumstances compounded with the parental comparisons has muddied the sisterhood with growing resentment on Aoko's part.

Internet Followers "Fans" (Friend Lv. 1-2): The numerous followers of Aoko's Numa-P internet persona and the few that she can actually converse with through usage of forum boards and apps.
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Look, if I see an opportunity to turn the police against a vigilante and also open the way for a breakdown later when she uses Justice Sight on a mirror and sees herself as red, I'm taking it
On the one hand, you motherfucker how dare you beat me to my own Justice.

On the other, you've done me the favor of resolving my dilemma over whether to remake Justice or Aya. :V
On the one hand, you motherfucker how dare you beat me to my own Justice.

On the other, you've done me the favor of resolving my dilemma over whether to remake Justice or Aya. :V

It's not like we can't both be justice

Send both submissions and let the GM's decide