Discord Annihilation Theory (Magical Burst RP)

On that note, is Depressed Clown up to snuff or should I take another swing at true Justice?
I mean it could work..but Clowns are scary and depressed ones are just saaaaaadddd.

Its up to you though.
Yes, we are using the Drunken Brawling edition.

I will note that, as mentioned under chargen rules, we are willing to allow combat oriented powers on a case by case basis so long as they are crucial to your character concept.
What he said!
Needs quite a few more things, Ill wait till its done and then Ill theadmark it.

I dont quite think the clone magical power works so well in combat, illusions of herself that might provide a passing distraction and be useful if clever could work but then again you already have illusions as your element.
Character: Tenth Seashell
Name: Deguchi Mayu

Magical Girl Name: Magical Girl Gangster
Age: 17

What kind of girl are you? Mayu was orphaned very, very young. Young to the point that she has practically no memory of her parents. As such her first memories are of growing up in one of the city orphanages. It was one of the more run-down, less tended to orphanages, but that was not ultimately why she left. Nor was it any form of mistreatment - the people in charge of the orphanage were nice enough, and the attitudes of the other children to her were about average. No, she eventually ran away because she got sick of the whole deal where the children had to "preform" to try to convince the various people who came in to adopt them.

Of course, being a very young child, Mayu didn't quite think the whole matter of "running away" through. But by the time it occurred to her that the orphanage wasn't all that bad, really, she'd managed to go and forget where the orphanage was.

Here her story intersects with that of Haru. He was a semiretired member of the city's criminal organization - far enough retired to not take as much of an active role in it's running, but still referred to by the organization's leadership for advice and occasionally asked for favors. The organization's members were becoming increasingly aware of the strange goings-on in town, and they were becoming frightened. And frightened people did stupid things, frightened people considered changing leadership to whoever might promise protection the most convincingly. To avoid the city's criminal underbelly fracturing in that way and causing chaos and open crime that the city hadn't seen in years, Haru began investigating the mysterious events to at least try to figure out what was going on.

Haru and Mayu ran into each other by pure chance in the street one day - Mayu enjoying a pear she had managed to lift from a shop, and Haru attempting to investigate a recent spate of disappearances in the area. After an awkward start - Mayu tried to kick Haru in the shins and run the other way, Haru made a lunge for Mayu on pure instinct - the two started to somewhat get along. Then the youma responsible for the disappearances that Haru had been investigating happened across both of them.

Haru was a very minor magical talent, but that was hardly enough for him to do much of anything. Mayu didn't even have that much. So when the Tsukaima came along and offered her a way to save both herself and the nice man she had just met, well, it was barely able to finish its pitch before she accepted.

Mayu was able to defeat the youma after her transformation - intimidating though it was for a normal person, on the scale of things it was really very weak. After that, Haru decided to take Mayu under his wing, as it was. A few days and called-in favours later, and Haru was listed as Mayu's legal guardian on the papers in city hall, and Mayu had moved into Haru's house.

Personality-wise, Mayu is a snarker. She has a tendency to go through most situations making dry observations and comparisons, arguably as a bit of a coping mechanism for the weirdness that's been injected into her life since she made her Pact. (The fact that Haru is a bit of a snarker as well doesn't hurt.) She does try to restrain herself when it comes to the possibility of her sense of humor hurting the feelings of others, though when given reason to cut loose her tongue can be quite sharp. She doesn't make many friends, being a bit stand-offish, but she is fiercely protective of the friends she does have.

What drove you to make a Pact? At the time it was either make a Pact or both her and Haru would die. Since then she's been doing her best to make a purpose of her own out of the situation, based in large part in killing youma, helping Haru with his continuing investigations, and maybe following in his footsteps one day.

What is your wish? Haru is fascinated by Mayu's magic, so much more powerful and versatile than his own. Mayu honestly doesn't want anything for herself out of the wish, when Haru took her in that was already more than she would've wished for herself, but for Haru to be able to have powers like her... that would be nice.

Magical Element: Shadow - Mayu can play with shadows beyond their normal physical capabilities. In particular she can pull them out beyond their usual bounds, use them to grab something and move it, make them darker, make them lighter, use them to trip someone or something, and so on. However, it must originate from a shadow already being cast naturally, and the smaller and lighter that shadow is to begin with, the harder it is for her to do anything with it. With great difficulty, she could even step into one shadow and step out of a different shadow.

Magical Power: Perfect Night Vision - it doesn't matter how dark it is, Mayu can see through it as clear as day.

Costume: She has short-cut brown hair and green eyes. When untransformed, she prefers relatively unremarkable t-shirts and pants. A pocket watch, her transformation trinket, is kept in her pocket at all times.

When transformed, she wears a charcoal back pinstripe suit with a yellow tie and a dark blue handkerchief tucked into the coat's breast pocket. She also wears formal shoes - always well-polished - and a fedora the same shade of black as the suit excepting a grey band that circles around it. Her hands are covered by a pair of white gloves, and the pocket watch is kept in one of her pants pockets.

Weapon: Knives, about four inches long and with moderately ornate handles. She is able to produce more of them from various areas on her person in the event that she loses one. That is to say, if she is holding two knifes and loses one, she can flick her wrist to have another knife slide out into her hand despite no such knife being stored there beforehand.

Normal Attributes:
Physical - 5
Finesse - 7
Social - 4

Magical Attributes:
Magic - 7
Heart - 5
Fury - 6


-Like The Back of My Hand (Major) -
Having lived on the streets of Odaka for a significant portion of her life, Mayu is intimately familiar with the streets and back alleys of the city. Shady corners, decrepit and abandoned buildings that can provide shelter from the elements for a night or two - all the places that the reputable citizenry tries to ignore. For every nook and cranny in the city, odds are she knows about it.

-Knows A Guy (Major) - Since her adoption by Haru, she's been becoming increasingly familiar with the criminal underbelly, it's workings, and it's members - and they've been becoming increasingly familiar with her. As such, she is perfectly capable of asking them for favours, be it asking for the latest rumors or getting ahold of items that may not be legal in the strictest sense. All she needs is time to find one of the people she knows and ask them.

-Razor Tongue (Minor) - She doesn't usually like to, but when aggravated she is capable of taking a person's worldview and attitude and tearing them apart verbally - provided, of course, that she knows their worldview and attitude. It's somewhat stunted by her relative lack of human interaction, but she is still decent at it.

-It Takes A Soft Touch (Minor) - You don't tend to get much money for being a street rat, not through normal means anyways. As such, Mayu has picked up on the skills of pickpocketing and palming items surreptitiously as a simple matter of survival.


The supports. They get a +1 to Support challenges, which means an easier time of weaving spells in a fight. In addition, they can choose an extra Signature Attack at chargen and can use their Integrity Scan ability to check the condition of their opponents.

Magical Effects:


Primary: (1/Battle, Normal Action)

You may perform the Assassinate attack action. Roll an attack with a +1 bonus to hit. Your enemies may not use Reactions or Special Actions to defend against this attack or the damage dealt by it.

Secondary: (Passive)
Your first Normal or Multiple Target attack per battle gains a +2 bonus to hit and a +1 bonus to damage.


Primary: (Free Action, 2/Battle)

Activate this ability to change what Magical Attributes are assigned to either your or an ally's Attack, Defense and Support as a free action. You may do this even while resolving a Magical Challenge, as long as you have not yet accumulated any Overcharge during that challenge. If you have accumulated Overcharge during that challenge, you may instead move one point of that Overcharge to a different attribute.

Secondary: (Free Action, 1/Battle)
While you are declaring your magical attributes for the round, you may activate this ability to raise any of your Magical Attributes by 2. This increase lasts until the end of the round. However, any Signature Attacks performed that round instead use your original attribute.

Signature Attacks:

A Professional Doesn't Miss <Sundering Blow>
Mayu commits to an attack completely, with shadows wrapping around her knives and extending the blades while briefly taking on physical presence. These shadowy extensions see to it that even if the enemy dodges it will be cut. <attacks can't be stopped - if it's a clean hit, they do an extra d6 points of damage, but even if they miss they do half the damage of a normal attack.>

Can't Hit The Shadows <Riposte> Mayu very briefly becomes as insubstantial as the shadows she controls usually are. Attacks that hit her while she's like this will still hurt - but not as much as they usually would, and it leaves the enemy in an excellent spot for her to hit them. <attacks are activated in response to an enemy's attack - they use the enemy's attack roll as the DC, and upon success halve the damage taken and deal 2 points of damage to the enemy. For every point you beat the DC by, up to 3, reduce damage taken by one and deal another point of damage to the enemy.>

Crisis: It's time. Haru has tested Mayu quite a bit recently and deemed her skills sufficient. There's no more putting it off. It's time for Mayu...

...to go to school.

She's never been before in her life. And this is on top of helping Haru with his investigation, and killing youma, and most of the criminal organization is still getting more and more scared.

She has no clue what she's in for.


-Deguchi Haru (Mentor, Parental Figure) [3]:
Haru took Mayu in not long after meeting her and her making a Pact, and since then he's done his level best to raise her. He's provided food, clothes, and shelter for her, he's taught her necessary skills like reading and writing, he's helped her experiment with her magic as best he can, and once he learned of her goal to follow in his footsteps he's been going through the process of teaching her everything he knows and introducing her to everyone he knows. He's her "old man", and she's his "little brat". No more and no less.

Shimizu Miu (Friend) [3]: Miu is the daughter of one of the criminal organization's leaders, and was one of the first people Haru introduced Mayu to. After a bumpy start the two got along swimmingly. She's going to school with Mayu, so at least that's something. Miu is aware of what her father does for a living, but she is not yet aware of the supernatural side of affairs. Mayu would rather it stayed that way as long as possible.

Another hat is thrown into the ring.
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Name: Deguchi Mayu

Magical Girl Name: Magical Girl Gangster
Age: 17

What kind of girl are you? Mayu was orphaned very, very young. Young to the point that she has practically no memory of her parents. As such her first memories are of growing up in one of the city orphanages. It was one of the more run-down, less tended to orphanages, but that was not ultimately why she left. Nor was it any form of mistreatment - the people in charge of the orphanage were nice enough, and the attitudes of the other children to her were about average. No, she eventually ran away because she got sick of the whole deal where the children had to "preform" to try to convince the various people who came in to adopt them.

Of course, being a very young child, Mayu didn't quite think the whole matter of "running away" through. But by the time it occurred to her that the orphanage wasn't all that bad, really, she'd managed to go and forget where the orphanage was.

Here her story intersects with that of Haru. He was a semiretired member of the city's criminal organization - far enough retired to not take as much of an active role in it's running, but still referred to by the organization's leadership for advice and occasionally asked for favors. The organization's members were becoming increasingly aware of the strange goings-on in town, and they were becoming frightened. And frightened people did stupid things, frightened people considered changing leadership to whoever might promise protection the most convincingly. To avoid the city's criminal underbelly fracturing in that way and causing chaos and open crime that the city hadn't seen in years, Haru began investigating the mysterious events to at least try to figure out what was going on.

Haru and Mayu ran into each other by pure chance in the street one day, - Mayu enjoying a pear she had managed to lift from a shop, and Haru attempting to investigate a recent spate of disappearances in the area. After an awkward start - Mayu tried to kick Haru in the shins and run the other way, Haru made a lunge for Mayu on pure instinct - the two started to somewhat get along. Then the youma responsible for the disappearances that Haru had been investigating happened across both of them.

Haru was a very minor magical talent, but that was hardly enough for him to do much of anything. Mayu didn't even have that much. So when the Tsukaima came along and offered her a way to save both herself and the nice man she had just met, well, it was barely able to finish its pitch before she accepted.

Mayu was able to defeat the youma after her transformation - intimidating though it was for a normal person, on the scale of things it was really very weak. After that, Haru decided to take Mayu under his wing, as it was. A few days and called-in favours later, and Haru was listed as Mayu's legal guardian on the papers in city hall, and Mayu had moved into Haru's house.

Personality-wise, Mayu is a snarker. She has a tendency to go through most situations making dry observations and comparisons, arguably as a bit of a coping mechanism for the weirdness that's been injected into her life since she made her Pact. (The fact that Haru is a bit of a snarker as well doesn't hurt.) She does try to restrain herself when it comes to the possibility of her sense of humor hurting the feelings of others, though when given reason to cut loose her tongue can be quite sharp. She doesn't make many friends, being a bit stand-offish, but she is fiercely protective of the friends she does have.

What drove you to make a Pact? At the time it was either make a Pact or both her and Haru would die. After that she's been doing her best to make a purpose of her own out of the situation, based in large part in killing youma, helping Haru with his continuing investigations, and maybe following in his footsteps one day.

What is your wish? Haru is fascinated by Mayu's magic, so much more powerful and versatile than his own. Mayu honestly doesn't want anything for herself out of the wish, when Haru took her in that was already more than she would've wished for herself, but for Haru to be able to have powers like her... that would be nice.

Magical Element: Shadow - Mayu can play with shadows beyond their normal physical capabilities. In particular she can pull them out beyond their usual bounds, use them to grab something and move it, make them darker, make them lighter, use them to trip someone or something, and so on. However, it must originate from a shadow already being cast naturally, and the smaller and lighter that shadow is to begin with, the harder it is for her to do anything with it. With great difficulty, she could even step into one shadow and step out of a different shadow.

Magical Power: Perfect Night Vision - it doesn't matter how dark it is, Mayu can see through it as clear as day.

Costume: She has short-cut brown hair and green eyes. When untransformed, she prefers relatively unremarkable t-shirts and pants. A pocket watch, her transformation trinket, is kept in her pocket at all times.

When transformed, she wears a charcoal back pinstripe suit with a yellow tie and a dark blue handkerchief tucked into the coat's breast pocket. She also wears formal shoes - always well-polished - and a fedora the same shade of black as the suit excepting a grey band that circles around it. Her hands are covered by a pair of white gloves, and the pocket watch is kept in one of her pants pockets.

Weapon: Knives, about four inches long and with moderately ornate handles. She is able to produce more of them from various areas on her person in the event that she loses one. That is to say, if she is holding two knifes and loses one, she can flick her wrist to have another knife slide out into her hand despite no such knife being stored there beforehand.

Normal Attributes:
Physical - 5
Finesse - 7
Social - 4

Magical Attributes:
Magic - 7
Heart - 5
Fury - 6


-Like The Back of My Hand (Major) -
Having lived on the streets of Odaka for a significant portion of her life, Mayu is intimately familiar with the streets and back alleys of the city. Shady corners, decrepit and abandoned buildings that can provide shelter from the elements for a night or two - all the places that the reputable citizenry tries to ignore. For every nook and cranny in the city, odds are she knows about it.

-Knows A Guy (Major) - Since her adoption by Haru, she's been becoming increasingly familiar with the criminal underbelly, it's workings, and it's members - and they've been becoming increasingly familiar with her. As such, she is perfectly capable of asking them for favours, be it asking for the latest rumors or getting ahold of items that may not be legal in the strictest sense. All she needs is time to find one of the people she knows and ask them.

-Razor Tongue (Minor) - She doesn't usually like to, but when aggravated she is capable of taking a person's worldview and attitude and tearing them apart verbally - provided, of course, that she knows their worldview and attitude. It's somewhat stunted by her relative lack of human interaction, but she is still decent at it.

-It Takes A Soft Touch (Minor) - You don't tend to get much money for being a street rat, not through normal means anyways. As such, Mayu has picked up on the skills of pickpocketing and palming items surreptitiously as a simple matter of survival.


The supports. They get a +1 to Support challenges, which means an easier time of weaving spells in a fight. In addition, they can choose an extra Signature Attack at chargen and can use their Integrity Scan ability to check the condition of their opponents.

Magical Effects:


Primary: (1/Battle, Normal Action)

You may perform the Assassinate attack action. Roll an attack with a +1 bonus to hit. Your enemies may not use Reactions or Special Actions to defend against this attack or the damage dealt by it.

Secondary: (Passive)
Your first Normal or Multiple Target attack per battle gains a +2 bonus to hit and a +1 bonus to damage.


Primary: (Free Action, 2/Battle)

Activate this ability to change what Magical Attributes are assigned to either your or an ally's Attack, Defense and Support as a free action. You may do this even while resolving a Magical Challenge, as long as you have not yet accumulated any Overcharge during that challenge. If you have accumulated Overcharge during that challenge, you may instead move one point of that Overcharge to a different attribute.

Secondary: (Free Action, 1/Battle)
While you are declaring your magical attributes for the round, you may activate this ability to raise any of your Magical Attributes by 2. This increase lasts until the end of the round. However, any Signature Attacks performed that round instead use your original attribute.

Signature Attacks:

A Professional Doesn't Miss <Sundering Blow>
Mayu commits to an attack completely, with shadows wrapping around her knives and extending the blades while briefly taking on physical presence. These shadowy extensions see to it that even if the enemy dodges it will be cut. <attacks can't be stopped - if it's a clean hit, they do an extra d6 points of damage, but even if they miss they do half the damage of a normal attack.>

Can't Hit The Shadows <Riposte> Mayu very briefly becomes as insubstantial as the shadows she controls usually are. Attacks that hit her while she's like this will still hurt - but not as much as they usually would, and it leaves the enemy in an excellent spot for her to hit them. <attacks are activated in response to an enemy's attack - they use the enemy's attack roll as the DC, and upon success halve the damage taken and deal 2 points of damage to the enemy. For every point you beat the DC by, up to 3, reduce damage taken by one and deal another point of damage to the enemy.>

Crisis: It's time. Haru has tested Mayu quite a bit recently and deemed her skills sufficient. There's no more putting it off. It's time for Mayu...

...to go to school.

She's never been before in her life. And this is on top of helping Haru with his investigation, and killing youma, and most of the criminal organization is still getting more and more scared.

She has no clue what she's in for.


-Deguchi Haru (Mentor, Parental Figure) [3]:
Haru took Mayu in not long after meeting her and her making a Pact, and since then he's done his level best to raise her. He's provided food, clothes, and shelter for her, he's taught her necessary skills like reading and writing, he's helped her experiment with her magic as best he can, and once he learned of her goal to follow in his footsteps he's been going through the process of teaching her everything he knows and introducing her to everyone he knows. He's her "old man", and she's his "little brat". No more and no less.

Shimizu Miu (Friend) [3]: Miu is the daughter of one of the criminal organization's leaders, and was one of the first people Haru introduced Mayu to. After a bumpy start the two got along swimmingly. She's going to school with Mayu, so at least that's something. Miu is aware of what her father does for a living, but she is not yet aware of the supernatural side of affairs. Mayu would rather it stayed that way as long as possible.

Another hat is thrown into the ring.

Two Meguca Enter, One Mahou Shoujo Leaves! Two Meguca Enter, One Mahou Shoujo Leaves! Two Meguca Enter, One Mahou Shoujo Leaves!
Yes, a number of us are going to be left out in the cold once this thing gets going. Ah well, better to have made a sheet and then not make the cut than to not make a sheet at all, right?
Yes, a number of us are going to be left out in the cold once this thing gets going. Ah well, better to have made a sheet and then not make the cut than to not make a sheet at all, right?
Now yer making me feel baaaaaaaddddd

...If I had another GM to help me I might be able to accept more players but we´re stretching ourselves thin here..
Character: Red Dead Redemption
Ok, Here's an attempt at a something.

Age: 14
Magical Girl Name: Beat-Down Princess

Aka is an exchange student moving back to Japan after spending two years in America and she plays it for all it's worth. She acts cool and composed only to hide the fact she's naturally nervous and prone to silly outbursts. When by herself or in the company of a trusted friend she lets her inner dork slip out via posing, or spontaneously singing at the slightest provocation. At least until she realizes what she's done and tries to deny it ever happened.

Keeps various songs she's written stuffed under her mattress.

Aka made a pact because being a magical girl is great! It let's her have cool powers and a costume and she can go out without worrying about people realizing she's a geek.

Aka was going to wish that she'd be cool but decided against that on account of aesops. Instead she will wish that everyone can learn magic. No point in having magic if you can't show it off right?


Aka's ability let's her navigate any door or passage. Locks open, passwords appear, that book that triggers the secret passage pulls itself off the shelf, etc.. if she can focus on it, nothing will block her passing.

In her magical girl form she summons a pair of gauntlets playing music to the beat of her magic

Physical: 6
Finesse: 3
Social: 7

Magic: 6
Heart: 8
Rage: 4

Major Talents:
Foreigner Extraordinaire: Aka has learned to levy her status of new-girl/foreigner to get people to like her, open up about things or even forgive her for blatant transgressions.

Stay on Target!: Aka has an unusual ability to ignore distractions to her current goal in the face of such obstacles as cute things, ice cream or cat videos and any other sort of stimuli that would confuse, confound or annoy her.
Minor Talents:
American Girl: Aka has lived in America. If it's American, was made there, or is a stereotype there of she probably knows it, has it, or is it.
Keen ears: Aka has an unusually good sense of hearing and all that entails. Lies are more easily heard and she generally hears people sneaking up on her.

Karen Banks(Friend Rank 3)
: Karen is Aka's closest friend, the blue to her red, and the chief of police to her reckless cowboy cop who doesn't play by the rules. Ultimately Karen serves as a symbol of what Aka wishes to be. Refined, cultured, and distinctly not single. For her part Karen is trying to help Aka come into her own and be herself a bit more. Or at least be less extreme in switching between being explosively excited and cool/cold.

Yoko RaI(Mentor Rank 3):
Your (former) Music teacher and a gifted pianist she serves as your part time tutor and unofficial life saver at school. If you need a test bumped back a day? Yoko Rai. If you desperately need to do homework in homeroom? She'll turn the blind eye. She's honestly the best person at life that you know. Able to dispense immaculate wisdom, prepare a meal and do it to a snazzy tune. Was supposed to teach you the secret of boys but keeps saying "not until you're ready". Weird.

Striker: +1 damage with any Magical Attack, and can use their Overwhelm ability to reroll 1s on Overcharge dice incurred by an attack.

Primary: (1/Battle, Normal Action)
You may perform the Assassinate attack action. Roll an attack with a +1 bonus to hit. Your enemies may not use Reactions or Special Actions to defend against this attack or the damage dealt by it.

Secondary: (Passive)
Your first Normal or Multiple Target attack per battle gains a +2 bonus to hit and a +1 bonus to damage.

Final Strike
Primary: (Passive)
Whenever you use a Signature Attack, it gains a free voluntary Overcharge die. This die may not generate Involuntary Overcharge by rolling a '6'.

Flaring her magic Beat-Down Princess summons forth a giant record onto the battlefield playing out the Primordial beat, the song of the universe itself.. As the enemy attack lands the Record turns back and the song changes. Turning back time and changing what should have been a deadly defeat into a triumphant turnabout.

Aka isn't quite so new in town and people aren't as impressed by her being American Girl. Combined with her own indecision about just who she 'really' is between all her varying personas and she's on the verge of her first identity crisis.
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Now yer making me feel baaaaaaaddddd

...If I had another GM to help me I might be able to accept more players but we´re stretching ourselves thin here..
Nah~ don't feel bad, it's just the nature of how these things work out. It's completely understandable to impose a limit to keep things from spiraling down into chaos.
Character: NfN
fiat justitia ruat cælum

The Student's Sutra of Justice:
Once, there was a maiden,
Who judged criminals and felons.
One day she was attacked by those she judged,
And slept for many a while.
She awoke from the brink of death,
And finally knew true justice,
"This, too, is justice" said she.

The Elder Sutra of Justice:
Once, there was a maiden,
Who was renowned as a beacon of justice.
One day a man besot by crime threw himself at her feet,
He begged for her protection from the foes who were chasing him,
But the maiden only slew his foes after they had killed him
And to his corpse she said,
"Only the heavens can decide whose justice is most pure"

Name: Lucian Mikael Kalpernai

Magical Girl Name: Clockwork Maiden Justica

Age: 17

What kind of girl are you? Cold, aloof, cynical, righteous. This is Lucian. Or rather, this is Clockwork Maiden Justica, the girl monster that Lucian became.

Lucian was born to two Interpol agents famous for their high quality of work, her father a westerner, her mother Japanese. From her childhood, she was known to be a child prodigy in the field of law- fasttracked through Tokyo U's school of law at only the age of sixteen and looking forward to a successful career in Interpol. However, one day tragedy struck the family, a car bomb from those who her parents had wronged exploded the car. It took her parents lives, along with her legs, and her consciousness. When she awoke, gone was the broad smiled, cheerful girl that her parents had raised. She took the bar exam one month before her seventeenth birthday and set off as a prosecutor, working to put criminals away for the civil service.

What drove you to make a Pact? The world is corrupt. The government of Japan consorts with criminals in under the table deals and deals in corruption. They trade favors for votes and take gifts allow their fear of targeted killing to rule their minds. This is unacceptable. The law must reign above all.

What is your wish? Purge the world of all those commit sin.

Magical Element: Justice (Clockwork)

Magical Power: The ability to see all one's sins


Lucian before the accident


When transformed, Lucian becomes the head and torso of a girl entombed in a clockwork coffin. Her arms are wrapped in a silvery metal, unnatural to the touch, that flows like mercury if mercury was ever nontoxic. Clockwork automaton machinery replaces her lost legs, attacking seamlessly to her amputated stumps, allowing her freedom of motion. Clockwork wings made of gears and sharp scythe looking blades extend backwards from her shoulders to form raptor-like wings. (Somewhat like these). The same gears are everywhere over her body, most prominently around her arms, hips, and Achilles tendons. Sharp razor blades that loooked like they've been ripped from a guillotine can pop out from slots hidden in her arm armor. Above it all is a flowing victorian-era dress like this one.

Weapon: Embedded blades.

Normal Attributes:
Normal Attributes:
Attribute Score XP Bonus Total
Physical 3   3
Finesse 7   7
Social 6   6
Magical Attributes
Attribute Score XP Bonus Total Overcharge
Magic 8   8  
Heart 3   3  
Fury 7   7  

Prosecutor (Major): Lucian is a talented prosecutor. She is skilled at making people seem they're guilty- to any audience that's watching. The judge, the jury, the defendant's friends, or even family.

Interrogator (Major): Let's cross examine this witness. Lucian is capable of spotting out when someone is nervous or lying from when they're trying to give her explanations, and will brutally pursue such hints of truth.

Child Prodigy (Minor): Lucian is famous for her young age and the circumstances behind it. She's capable of leveraging this fame to get what she wants. If might seem questionable considering her ideals but anything is justifiable in the pursuit of justice.

Justice Above All (Minor): Nothing can push her from the path of justice.


The Kalpernai Couple (Mentor) [BROKEN LINK]: 3
Lucian's parents used to be people she could rely on, count on, confide in, and love. Now, they're not. (Because they're deaaaaaaaaaaad)

Tessai Mayumi (Mentor): 2
Mayumi was a friend of her parents, and her advisor in law school. She was the one who took care of affairs after they died, and she's technically Lucian's legal guardian, though she prefers not to treat it that way. She was a famous prosecutor herself, and the law firm she is head of is still very famous.

Shirogami Yuki (Friend): 1
A kouhai of Lucian's who looks up to her for some reason. She's honestly a bother, always asking Lucian for help but she puts up with her despite the annoyance factor. Lucian has no idea why.

Archetype: Tactician

Magical Effects:

Cleansing Light:
Primary: (Normal Action, 1 Overcharge, 1/Battle)

Remove one condition from an ally of your choice.
Secondary: (Normal Action, 1/Battle)
Make a Normal Attack or a Multiple Target Attack, using Support instead of Attack. If you hit, your enemy takes a 1 penalty to hit and damage until the end of its next turn.

Arcane Analysis:
Primary: (Free Action, 1/Battle)
Activate this ability to analyze all enemies on the battlefield. Treat this as the Read an Enemy action: roll once, choose what effects you wish and then apply them to every enemy in the current battle.
Secondary: (Passive)
Whenever you perform the Read an Enemy action (including via the above primary ability), you may choose an additional option. This applies even if you fail the challenge.

Signature Attacks:
The Heaven's Justice
Grand Barrage
Raising a hand to the heavens, Lucian brings down a withering barrage upon her enemies. Giant clockwork gears appear in the sky and immolates the enemy in a rain of justice.

Single unclashable attack with +4 to damage or an unclashable multiple target attack.

Heads Shall Roll
Master Strike

Lucian closes into close range and extends her bladed wings to the maximum to surround a singular enemy, before they close in, scythe blades out to decapitate them.

+3 to hit chance, and an extra d6 points of damage.

Crisis: Juggling too many balls at once- Lucian's been promoted without adequate field experience to manage the number of cases they're throwing at her and her off job as a magical girl isn't helping any. Maybe she should learn how to delegate.

Maybe she would if she got some decent subordinates (Yuki needs to stop asking for help).
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Justice is what you decide it is, of course. Your life is real, so whatever you decide to do with it is just.
fiat justitia ruat cælum

The Student's Sutra of Perfection:
Once, there was a maiden,
Who judged criminals and felons.
One day she was attacked by those she judged,
And slept for many a while.
She awoke from the brink of death,
And finally knew true justice,
"This, too, is justice" said she.

The Elder Sutra of Perfection:
Once, there was a maiden,
Who was renowned as a beacon of justice.
One day a man besot by crime threw himself at her feet,
He begged for her protection from the foes who were chasing him,
But the maiden only slew his foes after they had killed him
And to his corpse she said,
"Only the heavens can decide whose justice is most pure"

Name: Lucian Mikael Kalpernai

Magical Girl Name: Clockwork Maiden Justica

Age: 17

What kind of girl are you? Cold, aloof, cynical, righteous. This is Lucian. Or rather, this is Clockwork Maiden Justica, the girl monster that Lucian became.

Lucian was born to two Interpol agents famous for their high quality of work, her father a westerner, her mother Japanese. From her childhood, she was known to be a child prodigy in the field of law- fasttracked through Tokyo U's school of law at only the age of sixteen and looking forward to a successful career in Interpol. However, one day tragedy struck the family, a car bomb from those who her parents had wronged exploded the car. It took her parents lives, along with her legs, and her consciousness. When she awoke, gone was the broad smiled, cheerful girl that her parents had raised. She took the bar exam one month before her seventeenth birthday and set off as a prosecutor, working to put criminals away for the civil service.

What drove you to make a Pact? The world is corrupt. The government of Japan consorts with criminals in under the table deals and deals in corruption. They trade favors for votes and take gifts allow their fear of targeted killing to rule their minds. This is unacceptable. The law must reign above all.

What is your wish? Purge the world of all those commit sin.

Magical Element: Justice (Clockwork)

Magical Power: The ability to see all one's sins


Lucian before the accident


When transformed, Lucian becomes the head and torso of a girl entombed in a clockwork coffin. Her arms are wrapped in a silvery metal, unnatural to the touch, that flows like mercury if mercury was ever nontoxic. Clockwork automaton machinery replaces her lost legs, attacking seamlessly to her amputated stumps, allowing her freedom of motion. Clockwork wings made of gears and sharp scythe looking blades extend backwards from her shoulders to form raptor-like wings. (Somewhat like these). The same gears are everywhere over her body, most prominently around her arms, hips, and Achilles tendons. Sharp razor blades that loooked like they've been ripped from a guillotine can pop out from slots hidden in her arm armor. Above it all is a flowing victorian-era dress like this one.

Weapon: Embedded blades.

Normal Attributes:
Normal Attributes:
Attribute Score XP Bonus Total
Physical 3   3
Finesse 7   7
Social 6   6
Magical Attributes
Attribute Score XP Bonus Total Overcharge
Magic 8   8  
Heart 3   3  
Fury 7   7  

Prosecutor (Major): Lucian is a talented prosecutor. She is skilled at making people seem they're guilty- to any audience that's watching. The judge, the jury, the defendant's friends, or even family.

Interrogator (Major): Let's cross examine this witness. Lucian is capable of spotting out when someone is nervous or lying from when they're trying to give her explanations, and will brutally pursue such hints of truth.

Child Prodigy (Minor): Lucian is famous for her young age and the circumstances behind it. She's capable of leveraging this fame to get what she wants. If might seem questionable considering her ideals but anything is justifiable in the pursuit of justice.

Justice Above All (Minor): Nothing can push her from the path of justice.


The Kalpernai Couple (Mentor) [BROKEN LINK]: 3
Lucian's parents used to be people she could rely on, count on, confide in, and love. Now, they're not. (Because they're deaaaaaaaaaaad)

Tessai Mayumi (Mentor): 2
Mayumi was a friend of her parents, and her advisor in law school. She was the one who took care of affairs after they died, and she's technically Lucian's legal guardian, though she prefers not to treat it that way. She was a famous prosecutor herself, and the law firm she is head of is still very famous.

Shirogami Yuki (Friend): 1
A kouhai of Lucian's who looks up to her for some reason. She's honestly a bother, always asking Lucian for help but she puts up with her despite the annoyance factor. Lucian has no idea why.

Archetype: Tactician

Magical Effects:

Cleansing Light:
Primary: (Normal Action, 1 Overcharge, 1/Battle)

Remove one condition from an ally of your choice.
Secondary: (Normal Action, 1/Battle)
Make a Normal Attack or a Multiple Target Attack, using Support instead of Attack. If you hit, your enemy takes a 1 penalty to hit and damage until the end of its next turn.

Arcane Analysis:
Primary: (Free Action, 1/Battle)
Activate this ability to analyze all enemies on the battlefield. Treat this as the Read an Enemy action: roll once, choose what effects you wish and then apply them to every enemy in the current battle.
Secondary: (Passive)
Whenever you perform the Read an Enemy action (including via the above primary ability), you may choose an additional option. This applies even if you fail the challenge.

Signature Attacks:
The Heaven's Justice
Grand Barrage
Raising a hand to the heavens, Lucian brings down a withering barrage upon her enemies. Giant clockwork gears appear in the sky and immolates the enemy in a rain of justice.

Single unclashable attack with +4 to damage or an unclashable multiple target attack.

Heads Shall Roll
Master Strike

Lucian closes into close range and extends her bladed wings to the maximum to surround a singular enemy, before they close in, scythe blades out to decapitate them.

+3 to hit chance, and an extra d6 points of damage.

Crisis: Juggling too many balls at once- Lucian's been promoted without adequate field experience to manage the number of cases they're throwing at her and her off job as a magical girl isn't helping any. Maybe she should learn how to delegate.

Maybe she would if she got some decent subordinates (Yuki needs to stop asking for help).
*Feathers Ruffled*

Hey, HEY.

Perfection was Rina's shtick. Call that the Sutra of Justice or something.

(Also, magical girl... Lucian? Censor? Soul of Orabillis?
Character: Jellyfish
In other news, replacement for Rina.
The Student's Sutra of Enlightenment
Once there was a maiden

Who lived by the sea

Curious in nature, she went out on boats and dived into it

Seeking to learn its secrets

But as she came to learn more and more

She realized how little she knew

Returning to the sea again and again

She was pulled beneath the tides
I'll add the other one in a bit.
Name: Iseya Kin.
Magical Girl Name: Magical Golden Iseya.
Age: 12.

What kind of girl are you?

My parents tell me I was born on the sea. That is, my mother happened to give birth to me while on a sailing trip, and I've held a fascination with the sea ever since.

I could swim before I could walk, and my parents used to be more scared of me drowning than anything else a baby could get up to. We lived in a coastal town, in a beachfront property, and in my younger years they found my love of the ocean endearing.

As time went on and my attraction seemed to verge on obsession, they have since revised their opinions.

My father has recently been transferred to another branch of the company where he works, and so we have moved to Odaka for his work. My parents hope the change in scenery may spark other interests in me, but they waste their time.

I have more than impressive grades and a decent plan for the rest of my life. I don't know why they're so caught up on things like 'friends' and 'not spending every waking moment swimming, in a book, or otherwise not socializing'.

They seem to appreciate me being out of the house more, now that I have become a Magical Girl. Maybe they'll use the opportunity to try for another child?

What drove you to make a Pact?

The existence of Youma was something I had... discovered, a few years ago. They fascinate me, and at the same time present a threat I had no way to deal with.

The small raccoon-thing seemed surprised at my reasoning for becoming a Magical Girl, but it doesn't seem to have followed me after we moved.

What is your wish?

To learn more...

Magical Element: Depths.

Magical Power: Nightmare - Kin has the uncomfortable ability to project a twisted, alien space based on her own mindset, fears, and insecurities onto the world. Considered about as close to 'taboo' as is possible for Magical Girls, this power earns her little friends.


Weapon: Spectral claws that leave seawater where they strike.

Normal Attributes:

Physical: 6
Finesse: 6
Social: 4

Magical Attributes:

Magic: 8
Heart: 3
Fury: 7


Adorable (Major): Look at her! She seems the picture of childlike innocence, and people naturally want to coddle her.

Uncanny Insight (Major): For some reason, Kin just seems to get Youma on a level that many Magical Girls don't. She can easily find them or parse their alien ways to understand their goals or methods.

Strong Swimmer (Minor): Most of her life being spent in or near the water, as well as joining the swim team at school, means Kin is rather good at the whole 'swimming' thing.

Mini Martial Artist (Minor): Because of her small stature, Kin has been enrolled in Judo classes for a while now. Despite how she looks, she is well able to defend herself without transforming if she needs to.


Swim Team (Friend): 2
The other members of the school swim team, whom Kin has made an effort to befriend. It wouldn't do for her teammates to hate her after all.

The Ocean (Mentor): 4
Somehow Kin seems to... learn things, while pondering the nature of the sea. She doesn't tend to share this information with others, lest they think her strange...


Tanks. They get a +2 to base Resolve (HP), a +1 to all Resist challenges, and their passive defense is +6, not +4. They do what tanks do best; take hits and draw aggro.

Magical Effects:

Primary: (Passive)
At the start of each turn you regain one point of Resolve.

Secondary: (Free Action, 1/Battle)
Activate this ability when an enemy rolls damage against you. The enemy must roll an extra 1d6 and drop the highest die. This may be performed after seeing the damage roll.

Hero's Will
(Requires Physical 5+)
Primary: (Free Action, 1/Battle, Cost Special)

Activate this ability when you are rolling a Magical Challenge and are at least one point under the TN or enemy's roll. You may then choose to lose up to your Physical in Resolve, and add that much to your result. This ability may only bring you to one point above the TN or enemy's roll, no matter how much Resolve is sacrificed. If this ability is used to enhance a Signature Attack, the final cost in Resolve doubles. If this ability reduces you to 0 Resolve, you revert to normal form once the challenge is resolved.

Secondary: (Passive)
You gain a +2 bonus to your Base Resolve.

Signature Attacks:

Will of the Protector
Waters of Immortality

Raising her arms above her head, Kin calls upon the Primordial Sea to lend some of its might to her allies. Tendrils of brackish water extend from a ball above her head to her targets, invigorating them.

Activating this Signature Attack puts Overcharge on Support instead of Attack. Will of the Protector allows you to Revive another Magical Girl. The Physical challenge is automatically passed, you roll the Support challenge and take the Overcharge for them, and they revive with 3 additional Resolve. Alternately, you may cast your protective energy over all of your allies and yourself, which restores 4 Resolve to each ally, as well as grants them a +2 bonus on their next Defense challenge.

Crisis: ...To put this in simple terms, I am of a mercurial and ever-changing nature. I experience a new mutation or deformity every week, which is an exercise in keeping these oddities from my peers.

They do not seem to have any particular rhyme or reason, save that they tend to be altered to fit oceanic themes where possible. As of this moment, I have been cursed to speak in tongues at random intervals.