Digimon World: Sins of Re:Birth

I rolled my eyes at Xal being Xal, but it did make me smile. "Come on. We're almost there." And then I yawned...damnit. I really am tired.
As the Demon Lords in human form walked to the village gate, they couldn't help but notice how calm the athmosphere felt. When they entered the village, a Patamon looked them over from his spot in a booth in the gate. "Hello! Welcome to Grass Town! My, you all look tired. The inn's to my left-" he gestured with a wing, to a building that seemed like a motel"-they'll let you stay for a night, just don't go out after dark unless you want to break curfew and get in trouble. And no-one wants THAT do we?" The patamon laughs at his dumb joke, before waving you all in. "Oh. And red-head. Put out your cigarette before you go inside."

...Lilliana seems to be half-awake at this point. She really wants to sleep.
@Jhin Lemon
Stopping, I blink as I do as he said. "Uh, ok... But any reason why?"
"How much will it cost?" I ask with a tired sigh.
The Patamon shook his head. "Nothing. It's against the Law for any place used to rest to charge for being allowed to room there for the first three days of rooming there."

Stopping, I blink as I do as he said. "Uh, ok... But any reason why?"
The Patamon shrugs. "Because it can smell horrible and is against the Law."

Both times the Patamon said Law, you were certain he was putting emphasis on it.
Nothing. It's against the Law for any place used to rest to charge
I open my mouth to comment on how stupid that was and ask how the locations keep running without charging money,
for being allowed to room there for the first three days of rooming there."
And promptly shut it at that part.
Both times the Patamon said Law, you were certain he was putting emphasis on it.
I narrow my eyes at that. "Law huh? Sounds important. Though I'm unsure on how to word this. Laws are important. But the way you talk about Law makes it sound different with an important distinction." I comment, putting emphasis on the first and last usage of Law.
Grass Town
Strict rules here

I slightly nod in acknowledgment as I accompany the others. Well, it seems that they're strict around here... well, that can be a good thing, unless it's totalitarian, but we'll see.

I don't say anything, though, at least until we're out of earshot, just to be on the safe side. We could use the rest at the inn, anyway.

Holy fuck, we were in a totalitarian society!

I really hope not.

"What's the name of this village?"
I open my mouth to comment on how stupid that was and ask how the locations keep running without charging money,

And promptly shut it at that part.

I narrow my eyes at that. "Law huh? Sounds important. Though I'm unsure on how to word this. Laws are important. But the way you talk about Law makes it sound different with an important distinction." I comment, putting emphasis on the first and last usage of Law.
The Patamon nods. "Yep. The Law of the Archangels. You all don't look to be from around here, so I'll give you the basics:

Don't go outside after dark unless you have a good reason, do not steal from or harm those who live in civilization, respect others, do not corrupt or violate the natural order, do not indulge in any of the Seven Deadly Sins, and respect the authority of the Archangels. There's more of course, but as long as you act with virtue and follow the basics you should be fine." The Patamon smiles.

Holy fuck, we were in a totalitarian society!

I really hope not.

"What's the name of this village?"
"Grass Town."
The Patamon nods. "Yep. The Law of the Archangels. You all don't look to be from around here, so I'll give you the basics:

Don't go outside after dark unless you have a good reason, do not steal from or harm those who live in civilization, respect others, do not corrupt or violate the natural order, do not indulge in any of the Seven Deadly Sins, and respect the authority of the Archangels. There's more of course, but as long as you act with virtue and follow the basics you should be fine." The Patamon smiles.

"Grass Town."
I snort in amusement. "Interesting set there." I comment, whilst mentally commenting how these laws contradict themselves at certain parts.

"Grass Town hm? Well, could ya do me one more favor and explain to me how currency works here? We're rather new." I tell the Patamon.
I snort in amusement. "Interesting set there." I comment, whilst mentally commenting how these laws contradict themselves at certain parts.

"Grass Town hm? Well, could ya do me one more favor and explain to me how currency works here? We're rather new." I tell the Patamon.
The digimon nodded. "It's measured in bits. One bit is enough to get a full one Pearson meal from most restaurants, or a nights sleep in the inn."
Grass Town

The Patamon nods. "Yep. The Law of the Archangels. You all don't look to be from around here, so I'll give you the basics:

Don't go outside after dark unless you have a good reason, do not steal from or harm those who live in civilization, respect others, do not corrupt or violate the natural order, do not indulge in any of the Seven Deadly Sins, and respect the authority of the Archangels. There's more of course, but as long as you act with virtue and follow the basics you should be fine." The Patamon smiles.

"Grass Town."

Mhhhhh.... makes perfect sense.

I want out of this horror setting of a peaceful village yesterday.

I snort in amusement. "Interesting set there." I comment, whilst mentally commenting how these laws contradict themselves at certain parts.

"Grass Town hm? Well, could ya do me one more favor and explain to me how currency works here? We're rather new." I tell the Patamon.
The digimon nodded. "It's measured in bits. One bit is enough to get a full one Pearson meal from most restaurants, or a nights sleep in the inn."
I pull out the coin. "I found this in a random location just laying around. How much is this worth?" I ask.

I'm pretty sure that that one is just one bit. Still, I interjected.

"And if there is any place for us to gain some bits."
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Grass Town

People said:
Er, this place is pretty strict on obeying that Law of the Archangels. But it might be a bit hard for us not to indulge in the Sins when we are the sins. Especially for me considering the others don't seem to be at odds with their sins, how very lucky for them, too bad I di- no. No. Nope. I don't want to do that anyway, but especially not now.

I decide to hold off on asking any questions, mostly because I don't trust my Envious side to not start being able to make me say stuff instead of just making me think things.
I pull out the coin. "I found this in a random location just laying around. How much is this worth?" I ask.
"It's worth five bits."
Grass Town

Mhhhhh.... makes perfect sense.

I want out of this horror setting of a peaceful village yesterday.

I'm pretty sure that that one is just one bit. Still, I interjected.

"And if there is any place for us to gain some bits."
"Not sure. You'll have to ask around." The Patamon is still smiling.
Grass Town

"Not sure. You'll have to ask around." The Patamon is still smiling.

"Ok, thank you. I can make pastries, cakes and such, if it helps..."

"Come on sleepyhead lets get that hotel room!" I say to Lilliana.
I nod. "Okay..... I feel like I have been waiting all day to rest." I start to walk towards the Inn.
I follow her, making sure she doesn't fall over.

"I'm kind of hungry, if I have to be sincere, so it's good to me. Thank you for your help."
Grass Town
Yeah, strict

The Patamon nods. "Yep. The Law of the Archangels. You all don't look to be from around here, so I'll give you the basics:

Don't go outside after dark unless you have a good reason, do not steal from or harm those who live in civilization, respect others, do not corrupt or violate the natural order, do not indulge in any of the Seven Deadly Sins, and respect the authority of the Archangels. There's more of course, but as long as you act with virtue and follow the basics you should be fine." The Patamon smiles.

...No wonder a Cherubimon statue was seen. They're under archangel authority! Some of those rules seem a bit reasonable, at least at first glance, though having a curfew in effect is usually not a good sign. Places under martial law, authoritarian governments and such tend to be the ones with such a policy.

I don't think that targeted law towards our crests would be a problem for me, but I don't know with the others who are with me. I just look ahead and accompany them, however.
Grass Town

"Ok, thank you. I can make pastries, cakes and such, if it helps..."

"I'm kind of hungry, if I have to be sincere, so it's good to me. Thank you for your help."
Grass Town
Yeah, strict

...No wonder a Cherubimon statue was seen. They're under archangel authority! Some of those rules seem a bit reasonable, at least at first glance, though having a curfew in effect is usually not a good sign. Places under martial law, authoritarian governments and such tend to be the ones with such a policy.

I don't think that targeted law towards our crests would be a problem for me, but I don't know with the others who are with me. I just look ahead and accompany them, however.
Eventually the entire group made it inside the inn. Which did gave a 6 person room, in the basement. The Gatomon inkeeper showed everyone their rooms, and then left.

There where six beds. Two near the door, two at the back wall, and two inbetween the other pairs. Each bed was across from another.
I yawned. "Soo. How's everyone doing?" I asked, my sleepy voice bouncing off the the thick stone walls of the basement room, as I got up onto the bed on the far left.
Grass Town, Inn Room

Eventually the entire group made it inside the inn. Which did gave a 6 person room, in the basement. The Gatomon inkeeper showed everyone their rooms, and then left.

There where six beds. Two near the door, two at the back wall, and two inbetween the other pairs. Each bed was across from another.
I yawned. "Soo. How's everyone doing?" I asked, my sleepy voice bouncing off the the thick stone walls of the basement room, as I got up onto the bed on the far left.

"Hungry. Kind of tired but not really. Terrified and certain that we are in a Big Brother situation and almost certainly sure that we will have to escape the city before they can either kill us or convert us."

I plopped myself down on the bed farthest from the door, back to the wall.

"Also, we need money and that's just another problem to tackle."
I walk over to the bed against the wall on the right.

"Night all." I say before taking off my jacket and putting it over me more like a blanket as I lay myself down on the bed on my side, facing the wall.
Grass Town, Inn Room

"Hungry. Kind of tired but not really. Terrified and certain that we are in a Big Brother situation and almost certainly sure that we will have to escape the city before they can either kill us or convert us."

I plopped myself down on the bed farthest from the door, back to the wall.

"Also, we need money and that's just another problem to tackle."
I rolled my eyes. "It's a town...if something bad happens. It won't be that hard to get away from it." I yawned. "As for money... well maybe we can come up with something later?"

I slipped my shoes off before wrapping myself in the soft blanket. "Anyways... I didn't get any good sleep last night..." I rested my head down on the pillows, and started to try to go to sleep.
Inn, Grass Town
To sleep I go

Eventually the entire group made it inside the inn. Which did gave a 6 person room, in the basement. The Gatomon inkeeper showed everyone their rooms, and then left.

There where six beds. Two near the door, two at the back wall, and two inbetween the other pairs. Each bed was across from another.
I yawned. "Soo. How's everyone doing?" I asked, my sleepy voice bouncing off the the thick stone walls of the basement room, as I got up onto the bed on the far left.

A somewhat boar-like Patamon at first, followed by a mouse-like Tailmon... how appropriate. Both have those holy rings with them after all.

Also, how can it be dark and nighttime already? That was really fast. Is a day here less than 24 hours or something?

I sit down on one of the vacant beds, the one across Lilli's.

Grass Town, Inn Room

"Hungry. Kind of tired but not really. Terrified and certain that we are in a Big Brother situation and almost certainly sure that we will have to escape the city before they can either kill us or convert us."

I plopped myself down on the bed farthest from the door, back to the wall.

"Also, we need money and that's just another problem to tackle."

Well, those are valid concerns. This isn't exactly the safest of places, but we'll have to make do...

I walk over to the bed against the wall on the right.

"Night all." I say before taking off my jacket and putting it over me more like a blanket as I lay myself down on the bed on my side, facing the wall.

I rolled my eyes. "It's a town...if something bad happens. It won't be that hard to get away from it." I yawned. "As for money... well maybe we can come up with something later?"

I slipped my shoes off before wrapping myself in the soft blanket. "Anyways... I didn't get any good sleep last night..." I rested my head down on the pillows, and started to try to go to sleep.

"Good night, guys," I say, standing up and walking over to the switch for the basement lights. Turning off said lights, figuring that the bedside lamps are enough for those who need them, I head towards my bed afterwards.

I take off my footwear and socks before lying down on the bed, on my side, with my head on a pillow, and with the blanket covering just my legs, since I like the coolness of the room. Wrapping an arm around another pillow, my sleepiness takes me to the comforting realm of darkness as I close my eyes.

Unknown to me, a tear falls from my closed eye as I remember that I'm far from home, in a place and situation that's full of uncertainty...
Inn, Grass Town

Eventually the entire group made it inside the inn. Which did gave a 6 person room, in the basement. The Gatomon inkeeper showed everyone their rooms, and then left.

There where six beds. Two near the door, two at the back wall, and two inbetween the other pairs. Each bed was across from another.
I yawned. "Soo. How's everyone doing?" I asked, my sleepy voice bouncing off the the thick stone walls of the basement room, as I got up onto the bed on the far left.
Almost everyone said:
I take the remaining free bed on the right just before Ube turns out the light. Removing my boots I lie down on the bed, trying to get some sleep like everyone else. That fails. I'm just not especially tired right now. Great that everyone else can get to sleep just fine except m-I make a fist with my right hand and tap my head. Bad.

My eyes get wet as I lie in the bed. I'm trapped here, in a world filled with monsters, and I'm going to be fighting being envious the entire time...that isn't something I can do forever though. I put my hands on my face. Why? Why am I even bothering here? Why do I want to keep fighting a losing battle for my head in a world where most things probably want me dead?

I lift up my head, wipe my eyes, and look around the room. Oh right. Well, it's not like I'd just let myself abandon these five, even if it would be easier...

Despite the weighty thoughts, drowsiness overtakes me. And so, with heavy emotions, I fall asleep.