Digimon World: Sins of Re:Birth

Outside the Village

"Glut-ton-y." I intone with a smirk.
"A snack wouldn't hurt. Just don't overeat, okay?" I answer with a small smile, that last part being a lighthearted reference to his crest.

Now then, I wonder what we'll find in the village...

"Ah. Ah. Ah." I answered, deadpan, before returning serious.

"No, I meant, have you felt hunger from when you woke up? It has been a bit of time and usually someone would have had breakfast already. But, beyond a little craving, I don't feel particularly hungry."

I was starting to ramble, so I cut the chase.

"My point is, what if the feeling sleepy is a way to conserve energy because we don't have the fuel to produce more?"
Outside the Village

"Ah. Ah. Ah." I answered, deadpan, before returning serious.

"No, I meant, have you felt hunger from when you woke up? It has been a bit of time and usually someone would have had breakfast already. But, beyond a little craving, I don't feel particularly hungry."

I was starting to ramble, so I cut the chase.

"My point is, what if the feeling sleepy is a way to conserve energy because we don't have the fuel to produce more?"
"Maybe? I feel a bit hungry, but nothing major. And if so we should get something to eat ASAP. And again, I'm always sleepy." I yawned.
Outside the Village

"Ah. Ah. Ah." I answered, deadpan, before returning serious.

"No, I meant, have you felt hunger from when you woke up? It has been a bit of time and usually someone would have had breakfast already. But, beyond a little craving, I don't feel particularly hungry."

I was starting to ramble, so I cut the chase.

"My point is, what if the feeling sleepy is a way to conserve energy because we don't have the fuel to produce more?"
Leaning against a nearby wall, I shake my head. "Nah I haven't, but I wouldn't put much stock in my condition being indicative of anything though since I rarely got tired or hungry IRL so..."
Leaning against a nearby wall, I shake my head. "Nah I haven't, but I wouldn't put much stock in my condition being indicative of anything though since I rarely got tired or hungry IRL so..."
"I may not be Envy but damn that makes me jealous." I comment. "I never feel like I get a good restful sleep."
Leaning against a nearby wall, I shake my head. "Nah I haven't, but I wouldn't put much stock in my condition being indicative of anything though since I rarely got tired or hungry IRL so..."

"I may not be Envy but damn that makes me jealous." I comment. "I never feel like I get a good restful sleep."
I glared at Greed. "..Knoiwng the context of why that's a thing for Xal... It's nothing to be jealous of."

I turned to him. "Least we're here now."
"I may not be Envy but damn that makes me jealous." I comment. "I never feel like I get a good restful sleep."
I glared at Greed. "..Knoiwng the context of why that's a thing for Xal... It's nothing to be jealous of."

I turned to him. "Least we're here now."
Smiling sadly, I continue walking without looking back. "Don't be, I didn't have time to be hungry or tired when every day was a 24-hour gamble between life and death."
Outside the Village

Poor Xal...on the, er, plus side: I don't have any reason to be envious of his situation. 'Cause yeah, who'd be envious of not getting tired or sleep- Are you kidding me me? I get that I'm Envy now, but seriously, you heard the downside right?!

"Uh, getting off that topic and back on the other, I'm not really that hungry, but a snack wouldn't be a bad idea. So, let's get going I guess?" I say hesitantly.
Approaching the Village

"Well, we are almost there."

It looked far away, but it wasn't that far. Some sort of optical illusion, I guess. Also, wow. Xal must have it rough.

I looked at the village from my position at the top of the group, trying to see if there was something particularly distinctive about it: buildings, digimons...
Approaching the Village

"Well, we are almost there."

It looked far away, but it wasn't that far. Some sort of optical illusion, I guess. Also, wow. Xal must have it rough.

I looked at the village from my position at the top of the group, trying to see if there was something particularly distinctive about it: buildings, digimons...
Besides the statue of Cherubimon, the town seems normal. Though you notice that Virus Type digimon and "dark" digimon like Impmon or DemiDevimon are rare.
Approaching the Village

Besides the statue of Cherubimon, the town seems normal. Though you notice that Virus Type digimon and "dark" digimon like Impmon or DemiDevimon are rare.

I turned to the others, stopping for a moment.

"Well, it seems we made the right choice in appearing as humans. It seems like there aren't many dark or virus digimons, so... Yeah."
Approaching the Village

I turned to the others, stopping for a moment.

"Well, it seems we made the right choice in appearing as humans. It seems like there aren't many dark or virus digimons, so... Yeah."
"Wonder why. Anyways. Hopefully they won't suspect anything." I sighed.

"So what's the plan?" I ask in a whisper.
"Well we want to go home right? Or at least back to the real world." I whispered.
Approaching the Village

"Well we want to go home right? Or at least back to the real world." I whispered.
I remain silent for a moment before turning to face Wrath.

"...maybe not all of us."

Home. Yeah, it would be...

Oh fuck.

I hate when I am the one to realize bad news.

"Guys? Not to be the only one who bring bad news - and maybe I'm wrong - but... did you look like this before? Because I sure didn't." I said, gesturing to the whole of my Vanitas self. Yellow eyes included.
Village Outskirts
Just one little problem

"Well we want to go home right? Or at least back to the real world." I whispered.
I remain silent for a moment before turning to face Wrath.

"...maybe not all of us."
"I do want to go home, but I don't know if I'll be recognized while..."
Approaching the Village

Home. Yeah, it would be...

Oh fuck.

I hate when I am the one to realize bad news.

"Guys? Not to be the only one who bring bad news - and maybe I'm wrong - but... did you look like this before? Because I sure didn't." I said, gesturing to the whole of my Vanitas self. Yellow eyes included.
"...While I'm like this..."

That... would be a problem. I look so different from my old self. I don't know if I would be welcome at home like this...

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Approaching the Village

Home. Yeah, it would be...

Oh fuck.

I hate when I am the one to realize bad news.

"Guys? Not to be the only one who bring bad news - and maybe I'm wrong - but... did you look like this before? Because I sure didn't." I said, gesturing to the whole of my Vanitas self. Yellow eyes included.
"Ah fuck. I didn't think about that. And yeah, I didn't look like this before." I sighed.
Approaching the Village

Home. Yeah, it would be...

Oh fuck.

I hate when I am the one to realize bad news.

"Guys? Not to be the only one who bring bad news - and maybe I'm wrong - but... did you look like this before? Because I sure didn't." I said, gesturing to the whole of my Vanitas self. Yellow eyes included.
Shrugging, I light a new cigarette. "Well no, but it's pretty common to get a new look when you're SIed, you get used to it after about the third time."
Approaching the Village

Shrugging, I light a new cigarette. "Well no, but it's pretty common to get a new look when you're SIed, you get used to it after about the third time."

"You got SIed already? Really?" I was pretty skeptical about that. It was way too much convenient for one of us to have been in this situation before.
Approaching the Village

"You got SIed already? Really?" I was pretty skeptical about that. It was way too much convenient for one of us to have been in this situation before.
Chuckling, I shrug. "Yep, this is my 12th actual ride, the rest were just games."
Approaching the Village

"You got SIed already? Really?" I was pretty skeptical about that. It was way too much convenient for one of us to have been in this situation before.
Chuckling, I shrug. "Yep, this is my 12th actual ride, the rest were just games."
I rolled my eyes at Xal being Xal, but it did make me smile. "Come on. We're almost there." And then I yawned...damnit. I really am tired.
As the Demon Lords in human form walked to the village gate, they couldn't help but notice how calm the athmosphere felt. When they entered the village, a Patamon looked them over from his spot in a booth in the gate. "Hello! Welcome to Grass Town! My, you all look tired. The inn's to my left-" he gestured with a wing, to a building that seemed like a motel"-they'll let you stay for a night, just don't go out after dark unless you want to break curfew and get in trouble. And no-one wants THAT do we?" The patamon laughs at his dumb joke, before waving you all in. "Oh. And red-head. Put out your cigarette before you go inside."

...Lilliana seems to be half-awake at this point. She really wants to sleep.
@Jhin Lemon