Digimon World: Sins of Re:Birth


Sleepy Queen of Destruction
The Future.
Tomb of Sloth.

Ugg...what the hell was that? It felt like I was...dying. Where the hell am I? I want to take a nap....Shaking myself awake I pushed myself off the ground, ignoring the headache. Damnit, I can't read the digi-code...too dense. Though it's easier to read now then before I ended up here.

My gaze travelled across the door, and my heart stopped as the last vestiges of sleep vanished from me. My body looked diffent, with frizzeled and lush green hair, a sleepy expression, a rose themed head-band, a bigger chest and a wonderful outfit. But that wasn't what drew my attention. The symbol on the door had that, as well as the new..no.. oold memories in my head. The crest of Sloth, from digimon. MY crest.

"...Oh fuck. I'm Belphemon reborn..." That was all I had to say.
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Tomb of Gluttony

Welp, that was funny. Not. Let's not do that again, ok me?

Whatever that was, because I can't seem to remember... anything? Especially with this damned headache and the place. It's... a tomb? Something like that. Strange symbol on the walls, they seem familiar even if I can't remember any language that look like that. I think.

Well, no windows. On three walls. On the fourth... a door? With a mirror? No, the mirror IS the door.

Only question is... why I am not in my body? I'm pretty sure that Vanitas and me didn't share any kind of appearance. Also, what's with that symbol on the door? Yellow, in a circle... it reminds me of something, but I can't remember...

My head hurts.
Tomb of Greed
"Ow my freaking head. Where the hell am I?" I complain clutching my head. I look around the room. Digicode. Neat. When I look at the door I notice two things along with my resurfacing memories. First, my crest, the Crest of Greed, is on the door. Secondly, and much more importantly in my opinion though...

"Why do I look like Greedling from FMA!? The fuck!?" I exclaim as I look over my form.

"...actually, I'm good looking now. Maybe this is a blessing. Now, what's with these memories and Barbamon?" I ask as I look over my memories.
Tomb of Wrath

Ugh... What? Where am I... ? My bed isn't this hard... And why does my neck feel odd?


Quickly holding my breath, I want for my sats probe to go off. After a good minute or so, I realize that's not attached either as my chest starts burning from lack of oxygen. Starting to panic, I move my muscles like normal, hoping someone will see me twitching at least. But instead of simple twitches, my limbs moved exactly as I told them to. This was enough of a surprise that I let out a gasp. As I waited for all my air to escape, I instead took a big breath in. After a few more, cautious, breaths, I told my body to sit up...

... And it did!

"I... I can move... ?"
Tomb of Lust
Unknown Time

What was that? I whirl towards the source of that sound, that of breaking glass, but it's everywhere around me, even though I see no broken windows or such. Oh dear, why am I so lightheaded? Even blinking and shaking my head isn't clearing it up. Now my world is spinning around me, and I can feel myself about to faint, my vision turning dark. Ohhh, I'm not feeling so good...


My eyes flutter open. Ow, my head... huh? Where am I? All I see around me are... some kind of old stone things with... hieroglyphics? Wait... they... kinda look familiar... like... didn't Koushirou have to read these things before in the PSP game? He was at Andromon's factory; he was at Centaurumon's ruins; those are actually computer code, applied to a digital world-

But more importantly, why am I in a place like this? Why do the markings look more familiar to me than they were before?

I unsteadily get up, and oh, there's a door, which is also reflective enough to double as a mirror and-

Um... really? I've roleplayed being in other places and being turned into girls, but do I actually have to go through those? Like, come on, she even goes by the traditional pale skin-raven hair combo, a standard of beauty seen in Japan and around Asia. Wait, her face looks familiar, and that symbol on the door! It's green in color, and shows what looks like circuitry, of four nodes converging into two, then into one. On top is a crescent moon and a star, and below is text saying 'Caution Purgatory Level 7'. Isn't that right before the peak, the walls of flame assigned to those doing penance for lust while in Dante Alighieri's imagery of the Purgatorio? Twin circles surround the symbols, and between the circles is more text, reading as 'Code Lust Level 666 System Asmodeus'. The cardinal sin? The traditional number of the Beast, though I read somewhere before that it was referring to the Roman emperor Nero? Some demon's name? Somehow, I just know what it is, even if I haven't seen it before. The person I somehow look like, and that crest... they have the same name. They're called Lust-

Owww, my head aches again. I put my hand to the side of my forehead, feeling my rapid heartbeat. Ohhh, please slow down there; let me process those images, please...

An angel was I, falling from heaven, falling from the light. Welcoming the night, the gentle, accepting darkness, letting it into my heart. Embracing my desires, without losing myself to them. Savoring the reflected, peaceful light of the Moon upon me. Feeling my form shifting, changing with my disposition. Lilithmon, they now called me, like the demon. Nothing bad, though. My desires aren't what is usually thought of when one thinks of Lust.

A great force, overwhelming my heart. My body, no longer mine. My mind, trapped in its cage. A most arrogant tune, moving me to its beat. An overriding lust for power, divine power, godly power. Something even I would consider insane. I resist, but it doesn't budge. Tears on the inside. Helplessly watching as my body commits horrors. No, don't make me do that! Please, I don't want to do that! Don't make me kill them...!

Archangels, heaven's light, finally resisting me, fighting me. Please, have mercy! Let my spirit go! I even offer my life, just get me out of these chains! I want to be free! Please, be stronger than me!

And so they were. As I faded away, I had the most relieved look on my face. "Thank you," I said...

It feels... so strong... like... I really lived that life before... Lilith? Oh come on, why me? Why her? And I so don't want to go through that again. She, I(?), suffered so much... Even now, I can feel myself trembling, a tear on my eye, the pain of reliving such terrible memories...

"Me? Lust? But... that doesn't sound like me?" My voice is different now, and to be honest, the best way to describe it would be... kinda low-pitched yet very much feminine? Sultry? Alluring? Something expected of someone named Lust? Anyway, that's not something I'd associate with myself. I tend to stay away from such matters. My only consolation is that her interpretation of it is based on desires and wants in general, something I can better relate to, not... the usual sort of lust.

I look over myself at the mirror. It's not only my body that has changed. My clothes are different, too, consisting of a purple, high-collar dress and red gloves. At least I'm not wearing her usual black dress... that would have been a bit too low-cut for my liking, even while I understand why she'd choose to wear that.

I sit down first, going through... everything. So much has changed... and this time, I try to read the hieroglyphics. Lilith-me knows the language, and may be able to understand. What does it say?

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Tomb of Envy

My head. Why does everything hurt? With a grimace I open my eyes and get up, and I'm immediately met with a somewhat familiar face. But he can't be here! He's a fictional character from a tv series. Wait, I raise my left arm, he raises his right. I tilt my head left, he tilts right. Either he's good at pretending to be a mirror, or this is an actual mirror and I just look like that. And on the mirror there's a weird symbol. 'Envy' I just sort of feel, there's some more writing in a circle around it, but I can't read that right from here. At least that rules out him actually being here, which I'm not sure is a good thing...

Blinking a bit as my head still aches, i look around the rest of the room. Walls covered in weird symbols that are packed to densely to even try to make out. There's nothing else here. It feels like a tomb. Why do I have to be stuck in a tomb when other people can probably go along with their lives just fine? I don't deserve this, they d-whoa. I grip my head. Where did that come from? That was way too envious for me. Wait! The symbol meant Envy, is it influencing me?

Argh, the headache gets worse. Then it gets a lot lighter, and I feel...different. I look at my Crest again, wait, 'my'? The Crest of Envy is mine. And I'm also...Leviamon? Ack, this doesn't make any sense, these memories are just confusing.
Tomb of Sloth-->Tomb of Sin.

With nothing else to do, I went to the door. Huh. It slides. I pulled it open with a loud scraping noise, and yawned. The main room I found myself faced with was a circular room, with six doors, including mine. A staircase led up to each door....huh. Each door has one of the Crests. Wrath and Lust are adjacent to my room, Gluttony is on the other side, with Envy and Greed being next to it....

...I wonder if anyone I know from the discord is behind those doors... Now what does Belphemon!me remem-PAIN! I felt a massive headache strike for a berief moment as Belphemon's memories become a bit clearer. I was sleeping...dreaming...then something vile came. It...did something...and the rest just devolves into a mess I don't feel like de-coding without sleeping.
Tomb of Lust
Unknown Time

What was that? I whirl towards the source of that sound, that of breaking glass, but it's everywhere around me, even though I see no broken windows or such. Oh dear, why am I so lightheaded? Even blinking and shaking my head isn't clearing it up. Now my world is spinning around me, and I can feel myself about to faint, my vision turning dark. Ohhh, I'm not feeling so good...


My eyes flutter open. Ow, my head... huh? Where am I? All I see around me are... some kind of old stone things with... hieroglyphics? Wait... they... kinda look familiar... like... didn't Koushirou have to read these things before in the PSP game? He was at Andromon's factory; he was at Centaurumon's ruins; those are actually computer code, applied to a digital world-

But more importantly, why am I in a place like this? Why do the markings look more familiar to me than they were before?

I unsteadily get up, and oh, there's a door, which is also reflective enough to double as a mirror and-

Um... really? I've roleplayed being in other places and being turned into girls, but do I actually have to go through those? Like, come on, she even goes by the traditional pale skin-raven hair combo, a standard of beauty seen in Japan and around Asia. Wait, her face looks familiar, and that symbol on the door! It's green in color, and shows what looks like circuitry, of four nodes converging into two, then into one. On top is a crescent moon and a star, and below is text saying 'Caution Purgatory Level 7'. Isn't that right before the peak, the pillars of flame assigned to those doing penance for lust while in Dante Alighieri's imagery of the Purgatorio? Twin circles surround the symbols, and between the circle is more text, reading as 'Code Lust Level 666 System Asmodeus'. The cardinal sin? The traditional number of the Beast, though I read somewhere before that it was referring to the Roman emperor Nero? Some demon's name? Somehow, I just know what it is, even if I haven't seen it before. The person I somehow look like, and that crest... they have the same name. They're called Lust-

Owww, my head aches again. I put my hand to the side of my forehead, feeling my rapid heartbeat. Ohhh, please slow down there; let me process those images, please...

An angel was I, falling from heaven, falling from the light. Welcoming the night, the gentle, accepting darkness, letting it into my heart. Embracing my desires, without losing myself to them. Savoring the reflected, peaceful light of the Moon upon me. Feeling my form shifting, changing with my disposition. Lilithmon, they now called me, like the demon. Nothing bad, though. My desires aren't what is usually thought of when one thinks of Lust.

A great force, overwhelming my heart. My body, no longer mine. My mind, trapped in its cage. A most arrogant tune, moving me to its beat. An overriding lust for power, divine power, godly power. Something even I would consider insane. I resist, but it doesn't budge. Tears on the inside. Helplessly watching as my body commits horrors. No, don't make me do that! Please, I don't want to do that! Don't make me kill them...!

Archangels, heaven's light, finally resisting me, fighting me. Please, have mercy! Let my spirit go! I even offer my life, just get me out of these chains! I want to be free! Please, be stronger than me!

And so they were. As I faded away, I had the most relieved look on my face. "Thank you," I said...

It feels... so strong... like... I really lived that life before... Lilith? Oh come on, why me? Why her? And I so don't want to go through that again. She, I(?) suffered so much... Even now, I can feel myself trembling, a tear on my eye, the pain of reliving such terrible memories...

"Me? Lust? But... that doesn't sound like me?" My voice is different now, and to be honest, the best way to describe it would be... kinda low-pitched yet very much feminine? Sultry? Alluring? Something expected of someone named Lust? Anyway, that's not something I'd associate with myself. I tend to stay away from such matters. My only consolation is that her interpretation of it is based on desires and wants in general, something I more readily relate to, not... the usual sort of lust.

I look over myself at the mirror. It's not only my body that has changed. My clothes are different, too, consisting of a purple, high-collar dress and red gloves. At least I'm not wearing her usual black dress... that would have been a bit too low-cut for my liking, even while I understand why she'd choose to wear that.

I sit down first, going through... everything. So much has changed... and this time, I try to read the hieroglyphics. Lilith-me knows the language, and may be able to understand. What does it say?

You cannot read the vast majority of the code, has layer upon layer of it has been inscribed on the wall. Then suddenly, you hear a scraping noise, and the coding pulses a dark blue.
@Yuki no Yue, @Xalgeon, @DarkKing98, and @Jhin Lemon. Suddenly, you hear a scraping noise, and the coding on the wall pulses a dark blue.
Tomb of Gluttony

Wait, wait, wait...

There is something familiar on these symbols, it's something that simply remain on the tip of my tongue. I find myself unable to say it or even able to think it coherently. And yet, I know what the symbol means, even if they look like a mess.

Let's think of something else, like the door. And the crest on it. Let's see....

Level: 666 System: Beelzebub code: Gluttony. Purgatory Level 6.

And that strange square symbol in the center... why I know what it is? And what is this sound? It sounds like stone on stone.

Suddenly, you hear a scraping noise, and the coding on the wall pulses a dark blue.

And now the symbols are glowing. Awesome.

I always wanted to enter in a magical realm, but I always thought that it would come with an exposition fairy or something like that. Whatever, let's see if I can manage to open this door....
"Well, that can't be good. Maybe it's telling me ta leave?" I wonder out loud, having been dragged out of my annoyingly vague memories. I know the needed general gist though, and I have to shame the previous Greed...

"Hahaha! Oh that's rich with this appearance!" I laugh with amusement as I get over to the door.

"Now, how to open this? Push?" I push against it with no success.

"Nope. Nowhere to pull either. So I either break it or slide it. I don't feel like being impaled by glass soooo..." I try to slide the door to the left and it opens to some kind of chamber.

"Huh, neat." I comment looking around. Symbols of other sins, some busty girl with green hair and a tired look on her face.

"Yo. Nice dress!" I comment to her.
Tomb of Lust
Unknown Time
A surprise

You cannot read the vast majority of the code, has layer upon layer of it has been inscribed on the wall. Then suddenly, you hear a scraping noise, and the coding pulses a dark blue.

I can't. I just can't read this. I want to understand, but this is mind-boggling. My head starts to ache again-

"Eeep!" I flinch. A noise, of solid grinding on solid, like stone and metal, breaking the silence. The text, glowing all blue. I quickly stand and back away towards the door, ready to open it and run should something try to hurt me. I don't know what is going on, but please let it not be dangerous! So much has already happened to me...!

Tomb of Envy -> Tomb of Sin

Okay, well, complaining won't help anyone, especially not me. The writing might be important, but at the same time it's hard to read. Alright. let's take a look a the writing on my Crest. It's a little unsettling to see that face in the background while I do this, but still.

Level: 666
System: Leviathan
Code: Envy
Purgatory Level 2

That tells me almost nothing. I don't even know what Purgatory Level means!
Suddenly, you hear a scraping noise, and the coding on the wall pulses a dark blue.
I raise my head and look towards the source of the noise, it's not coming from in here, but now the symbols are blue and glowing. I get the feeling that might be a bad thing. This mirror, it's actually also a door, I notice. I try to push, nothing. I try to pull, nothing. I try to slide it, nothing. How do you ope-wait, maybe I slid in the wrong direction. I slide it the other way and lo and behold, it opens. Good job me, almost missed that by thinking too hard.

As soon as I step through the door I notice two other people. And they got out earlier, because of cou- no, we're not doing this.

"Hi," I greet them, "Either of you know what's going on?"

Everything is fine, stay calm.
Tomb of Sin

"Well, that can't be good. Maybe it's telling me ta leave?" I wonder out loud, having been dragged out of my annoyingly vague memories. I know the needed general gist though, and I have to shame the previous Greed...

"Hahaha! Oh that's rich with this appearance!" I laugh with amusement as I get over to the door.

"Now, how to open this? Push?" I push against it with no success.

"Nope. Nowhere to pull either. So I either break it or slide it. I don't feel like being impaled by glass soooo..." I try to slide the door to the left and it opens to some kind of chamber.

"Huh, neat." I comment looking around. Symbols of other sins, some busty girl with green hair and a tired look on her face.

"Yo. Nice dress!" I comment to her.
And then Greed's door opened...huh. "Thanks....what's your name? Mine's Lilliana."
Tomb of Envy -> Tomb of Sin

Okay, well, complaining won't help anyone, especially not me. The writing might be important, but at the same time it's hard to read. Alright. let's take a look a the writing on my Crest. It's a little unsettling to see that face in the background while I do this, but still.

Level: 666
System: Leviathan
Code: Envy
Purgatory Level 2

That tells me almost nothing. I don't even know what Purgatory Level means!

I raise my head and look towards the source of the noise, it's not coming from in here, but now the symbols are blue and glowing. I get the feeling that might be a bad thing. This mirror, it's actually also a door, I notice. I try to push, nothing. I try to pull, nothing. I try to slide it, nothing. How do you ope-wait, maybe I slid in the wrong direction. I slide it the other way and lo and behold, it opens. Good job me, almost missed that by thinking too hard.

As soon as I step through the door I notice two other people. And they got out earlier, because of cou- no, we're not doing this.

"Hi," I greet them, "Either of you know what's going on?"

Everything is fine, stay calm.
I waved to the guy who came out of Leviamon's door. "I may have a idea...but I want to wait and see if there is anyone else.." I yawned. Hmm. Where the hell is the crest of pride? I shuddered with another flash of pain as a memory showed itself.

A vile eclipse of light and shadow, being bound to the moon above with chains of pure power. I could barely stand, and once the eclipse was gone, four lights decended, and I knew no more.

Tomb of Gluttony

Wait, wait, wait...

There is something familiar on these symbols, it's something that simply remain on the tip of my tongue. I find myself unable to say it or even able to think it coherently. And yet, I know what the symbol means, even if they look like a mess.

Let's think of something else, like the door. And the crest on it. Let's see....

Level: 666 System: Beelzebub code: Gluttony. Purgatory Level 6.

And that strange square symbol in the center... why I know what it is? And what is this sound? It sounds like stone on stone.

And now the symbols are glowing. Awesome.

I always wanted to enter in a magical realm, but I always thought that it would come with an exposition fairy or something like that. Whatever, let's see if I can manage to open this door....
You managed to slide the door open, slowl but carefully, You heard someone introduce herself.
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Tomb of Sin

Tomb of Sin

And then Greed's door opened...huh. "Thanks....what's your name? Mine's Lilliana."

I waved to the guy who came out of Leviamon's door. "I may have a idea...but I want to wait and see if there is anyone else.." I yawned. Hmm. Where the hell is the crest of pride? I shuddered with another flash of pain as a memory showed itself.

A vile eclipse of light and shadow, being bound to the moon above with chains of pure power. I could barely stand, and once the eclipse was gone, four lights decended, and I knew no more.
"Hi," I greet them, "Either of you know what's going on?"
"The name is Roy." I tell the girl, Lilliana. I then look over at the guy who stepped out of Envy's doorway.

"I think I have the general gist of it. Typical Isekai bullshit, with the twist of being the big bad's little puppets." I say with a shrug. "But that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is finding some food or something."
Tomb of Sin

Tomb of Sin

"The name is Roy." I tell the girl, Lilliana. I then look over at the guy who stepped out of Envy's doorway.

"I think I have the general gist of it. Typical Isekai bullshit, with the twist of being the big bad's little puppets." I say with a shrug. "But that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is finding some food or something."
"Well Roy, yhat would be Lucemon...from what I've gotten from my memories he's sealed away somewhere else...I have no desire to free him." I yawned. A nap is sounding really good right now.
Tomb of Gluttony -> Tomb of Sin

You managed to slide the door open, slowl but carefully, You heard someone introduce herself.
"I think I have the general gist of it. Typical Isekai bullshit, with the twist of being the big bad's little puppets." I say with a shrug. "But that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is finding some food or something."
"Well Roy, yhat would be Lucemon...from what I've gotten from my memories he's sealed away somewhere else...I have no desire to free him." I yawned. A nap is sounding really good right now.

"That's a dangerous assumption to make. Both of them." I said, walking out from my personal room. Or whatever it was.

There were four people outside the doors, in the hallway: A busty girl with green hair that looked like she got out of a hentai anime, a man dressed all in black leather with a goatee and an easygoing-looking guy that reminded me of FMA.

"Name's Alex. And, honestly, we should learn to not assume anything. You know the saying, no?"
Tomb of Sin
Tomb of Gluttony -> Tomb of Sin

"That's a dangerous assumption to make. Both of them." I said, walking out from my personal room. Or whatever it was.

There were four people outside the doors, in the hallway: A busty girl with green hair that looked like she got out of a hentai anime, a man dressed all in black leather with a goatee and an easygoing-looking guy that reminded me of FMA.

"Name's Alex. And, honestly, we should learn to not assume anything. You know the saying, no?"
"Yep.. All we have are assumptions though, My name's Lilliana." I sat down on the staircase. Huh. Not too uncomfy.
Tomb of Sin

"Well Roy, yhat would be Lucemon...from what I've gotten from my memories he's sealed away somewhere else...I have no desire to free him." I yawned. A nap is sounding really good right now.
"I can't quite remember much about the bastard. But if he's sealed somewhere? I'm hoping it's his own personal hell." I reply darkly.
"Name's Alex. And, honestly, we should learn to not assume anything. You know the saying, no?"
I look over at the emo dressed dude with a bust window.

"Assumptions make an ass out of ya?" I ask with a smirk.
Tomb of Lust
Unknown Time
A surprise

I can't. I just can't read this. I want to understand, but this is mind-boggling. My head starts to ache again-

"Eeep!" I flinch. A noise, of solid grinding on solid, like stone and metal, breaking the silence. The text, glowing all blue. I quickly stand and back away towards the door, ready to open it and run should something try to hurt me. I don't know what is going on, but please let it not be dangerous! So much has already happened to me...!

The glow fades, followed by a purple pulse, a light blue pulse, and then a yellow pulse. The door has not moved a inch. At all.
Tomb of Sin

"Assumptions make an ass out of ya?" I ask with a smirk.

"And of you." I smiled, lips closed and eyes half lidded.

"Yep.. All we have are assumptions though, My name's Lilliana." I sat down on the staircase. Huh. Not too uncomfy.

"Nice to meet you."

After that, I looked around, especially at the other doors.

"Do we know if there is someone inside?"
Tomb of Lust -> Tomb of Sin
Unknown Time
I'm outta here

The glow fades, followed by a purple pulse, a light blue pulse, and then a yellow pulse. The door has not moved a inch. At all.

Nothing... happens... other than the text changing colors. Uh, this is a bit too freaky. I'll go before something bad happens.

I try to push, but it doesn't budge. Pulling doesn't work either. I nearly panic, before thinking of treating it as a sliding door, and... oh, goodie, it moved!

Before me is a set of stairs and a... circular room? Four seemingly calm people are already present below, a green-haired girl with a lolita-esque dress and a build reminiscent of Iris Heart or Yellow Heart, a guy with beard and mustache in a suit, a guy with spiky black hair wearing white and black, kinda like a black-haired Sora, another dark-haired guy, this time in black and also a familiar face...

Eh? Vanitas and Ling, the second Greed? One from KH and one from FMA? But my inherited memories, though they kinda feel incomplete, are that of Digimon... but then again, I now look like that homunculus, Lust. Fits the crest, really.

"Um, what's going on here?" I ask as I walk down the stairs. For some reason, doing so feels naturally graceful, as if I've had a lifetime of walking around in a form like this...

@Jhin Lemon
@Yuki no Yue
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Tomb of Lust -> Tomb of Sin
Unknown Time
I'm outta here

Nothing... happens... other than the text changing colors. Uh, this is a bit too freaky. I'll go before something bad happens.

I try to push, but it doesn't budge. Pulling doesn't work either. I nearly panic, before thinking of treating it as a sliding door, and... oh, goodie, it moved!

Before me is a set of stairs and a... circular room? Four seemingly calm people are already present below, a green-haired girl with a lolita-esque dress and a build reminiscent of Iris Heart or Yellow Heart, a guy with beard and mustache in a suit, a guy with spiky black hair wearing white and black, kinda like a black-haired Sora, another dark-haired guy, this time in black and also a familiar face...

Eh? Vanitas and Ling, the second Greed? One from KH and one from FMA? But my inherited memories, though they kinda feel incomplete, are that of Digimon... but then again, I now look like that homunculus, Lust. Fits the crest, really.

"Um, what's going on?" I ask as I walk down the stairs. For some reason, doing so feels naturally graceful, as if I've had a lifetime of walking around in a form like this...

@Jhin Lemon
@Yuki no Yue
And there's Lilithmon reborn...of course she looks like lust from FMA. "We might have some idea...though all I have for evidence is assumptions and some half-remembered memories from a past life, and what I knew of the digimon franchise before all...this...happened." I yawned again. "My name's Lilliana."
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Tomb of Sin

"Um, what's going on here?" I ask as I walk down the stairs. For some reason, doing so feels naturally graceful, as if I've had a lifetime of walking around in a form like this...
"I'm just working off of Isekai logic at the moment." Is what I reply with after Lilliana's explanation.
"And of you." I smiled, lips closed and eyes half lidded.
"Fair enough." I reply with a chuckle.
Tomb of Sin
Unknown Time
Not the only one

And there's Lilithmon reborn...of course she looks like lust from FMA. "We might have some idea...though all I have for evidence is assumptions and some half-remembered memories from a past life, and what I knew of the digimon franchise before all...this...happened." I yawned again. "My name's Lilliana."

Flashes of imagery come to mind. Lilith-me recognizes them as Belphemon, the sleepy one, Leviamon, the covetous one, Beelzebumon, the hedonistic one, and Barbamon, the avaricious one... they must be like me, having a past life too.

A franchise? Oh, so she must be even more like me, someone who got tossed into what was once supposedly fiction. Wait, her name is Lilliana?

"Yeah, this isn't fiction anymore... and your name reminds me of someone. Oh, and call me..." I take a moment to think of a name to go by, since my old one wouldn't apply to my... situation. Such a new name springs to mind, and for some reason, it feels oddly fitting, though ironic. "Call me Solaris."
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Tomb of Sin

People said:
Introductions and assumptions
While people spend time talking, I wonder what I should call myself now, my old name doesn't really fit, and Leviamon is silly as a name, that leaves...the name of the person I look like.

"And I'm Ba'al," I finally introduce myself as some more people come out of the doors, "So, just one door still occupied, right?" I gesture to the door with the Crest of Wrath. If they get temptations like I have, as Wrath, that'll be fun to deal with...[/quote][/quote]
Tomb of Sin
Unknown Time
Not the only one

Flashes of imagery come to mind. Lilith-me recognizes them as Belphemon, the sleepy one, Leviamon, the jealous one, Beelzebumon, the hedonistic one, and Barbamon, the avaricious one... they must be like me, having a past life too.

A franchise? Oh, so she must be even more like me, someone who got tossed into what was once supposedly fiction. Wait, her name is Lilliana?

"Yeah, this isn't fiction anymore... and your name reminds me of someone. Oh, and call me..." I take a moment to think of a name to go by, since my old one wouldn't apply to my... situation. Such a new name springs to mind, and for some reason, it feels oddly fitting, though ironic. "Call me Solaris."
I yawned. "Yep...Huh. Who do I remind you of?" I asked. Is this someone from the labryinth discord?
Tomb of Sin

While people spend time talking, I wonder what I should call myself now, my old name doesn't really fit, and Leviamon is silly as a name, that leaves...the name of the person I look like.

"And I'm Ba'al," I finally introduce myself as some more people come out of the doors, "So, just one door still occupied, right?" I gesture to the door with the Crest of Wrath. If they get temptations like I have, as Wrath, that'll be fun to deal with...
I snickered at Leviamon. "That is litterally the most chuuni name I could have thought of."
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