Digimon Warrior: Remnants of Shadow Quest

Wherever I feel like being
So, I'm rolling around the idea of a fusion quest with Dragon Quest/Warrior being the basis of the setting, and Digimon added in. I'm just having some trouble fitting together how parts of the world would work, how close a relationship digimon in general have with humans, and how to handle the BBEG.

One thing I've already determined is that the Royal Knights are, so far as everyone knows, dead and dust. The Spirit Warriors which predated even them are gone as well, probably have one or two of the spirits as the national treasures of different kingdoms.

Another issue is how to handle the Big Three Angels, and the Seven Demon Lords; with them ascending or descending to certain planes/hidden spaces, or being locked away in pocket dimensions by ancient sages.

Mega digimon as a whole would have to be exceptionally rare as a matter of course; while Ultiamtes would have to stand as the known pinacle of power for various kingdoms and other groups.

And yes, I'm tempted to put Morrie in here just because he's awesome.

But anyway, my biggest stumbling block is probably finding a system that I can use for this that's not so crunch heavy as to bog things down completely, unless I receive help from someone that enjoys crunching numbers.

Here's the three core ideas I've nailed down so far.

  1. Mon are either wild (monsters the party has to fight), Partners (partnered to PCs and certain NPCs), or Corrupted (Partner mon that have been afflicted by a great Evil, in some cases rampaging, in others taking less... direct approaches to applying their new mindsets).
  2. Spirits and Armors exist, but only as "equipment" that can be worn by compatible mon.
  3. The Royal Knights are beings of ancient legend that have not been seen in centuries. The Spirit Warriors predate even them.
Stats, Type and Attributes

So, I've managed to get a very basic system ironed out. I'm cribbing from Dragon Quest 8 here for the mechanics. Stats are the same for humans and digimon. The stats are as follows:
  • HP - amount of damage a character can take during battle.
  • MP - the amount of magical power a character can draw on before they exhaust their reserves of mental power.
  • Strength - the power of your force of arms in combat.
  • Agility - your swiftness of foot and reflexes.
  • Resilience - your ability to shrug off the blows and spells of your enemies.
  • Wisdom - your mental acumen and agility of thought, allowing you to focus magical energies.
As characters level up these stats increase, and there are mystic seeds that supposedly fell from the boughs of Yggdrasil itself that can further enhance a creatures stats beyond the norm.



Type advantage gives a 1.5 multiplier against opponents. Humans are considered null types.


Light< - >Dark

Attribute advantage also grants a 1.5 advantage against opponents.

If you have both Attribute and Type advantage against an opponent, you gain a x2 multiplier for damage.

Conversely if you have disadvantage your own damage takes a x.5 malus, and having both type and attribute disadvantage gives you a x.25 malus to your damage.
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I've also nailed down the selection of the MC's partner. It will be a KH-based setup, where the MC will face a short series of tests before he gains his partner. Each test will have a solution related to one of the 4 stats aside from HP/MP, and whichever stat the MC's choices are most weighted towards will provide a selection of three partners related to that stat. You'll be able to chose a Data, Virus, or Vaccine type; though I will not be spelling out which choices are related to which stats; nor will the final selection be explicitly spelled out; instead there'll be hints as to which partners you can pick.

From there the Quest will focus on the relationship with your partner, who was sealed away eons ago and whose memory of why he was sealed away has degraded significantly. But there has been a large increase in the number and power of "feral" digimon attacking towns and kingdoms, and some traders are bringing news of guardians and rulers acting in odd manners. Your partner is convinced that he was a weapon of last resort that was sealed away to be unleashed in the event of a major Evil uprising, and convinces the MC to head out in order to fight the great evil he's convinced is starting to stir.
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Okay, so I think I've got a proper stat system set up. Cribbing slightly from DQ 8, but I've made some modifications to simplify it.

Stats and Combat
  • HP/MP = stat x 3
  • Attack = 1d100+Strength/Agility [whichever is higher] x Attribute bonus/malus vs enemy Agility or Resilience, whichever is higher.
  • Damage = Strength + Attack bonuses from any equipment (x attribute or element bonus/mauls) - enemy defense (Resilience +1/4 Strength rounded down + any defense bonuses from equipment or skills) = final damage.
  • Spell damage = (Wisdom x1.5)x(Element bonus/malus) – enemy defense (Resilience + 1/4 Wisdom rounded down + any defense bonuses from equipment or skills).
  • Attack order = Agility
  • Critical hits (Nat 90 - 100) double the base damage before applying defense.

Upon reaching a new level, the MC is given 4 stats, to be distributed according to a plan voted upon by the quest participants.

Stat range = 1 - 100
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