Digivolution Tutorial said:
Digivolution is a standard part of the lifespan of a digimon, it can occur through natural aging or through experiencing combat or even through emotional stress, the loss of aloved one or an incredibly strong drive such as the need to survive.
Digivolution typically elevates the digimon one step higher from where they currently are (Rookie-in-Training>Rookie>Champion>Ultimate>Mega) Some digivolutions have requirements that you must achieve or a catalyst to the digivolution, additionally if you want to gain certain traits through digivolution you can use certain evolution catalysts to gain those traits. For example utilizing a type of Chromo Digizoid will grant the form you digivolve into chrome digizoid of that type. Similarly equipment from certain digimon can be used to digivolve to gain traits from that digimon, for example let's say you came across Imperialdramon Paladin mode's Omega sword somehow... utilizing that as an evolution catalyst would destroy the sword in the process but unlock an 'Omega' or an 'Paladin' form, gaining traits associated with either Imperialdramon or Omnimon and hybridizing their abilities with your own as well as taking on some physical traits of that digimon.
Similarly the Legendary Digi-eggs can be used as evolution catalysts to gain forms empowered by the crests, The Digi-Egg of Courage = Crest of Courage, etc.
Of course just by being a certain digimon you gain access to various digivolution routes, you can for example assume that an Agumon has access to various Tyrannomon and Greymon variants from the start due to their close relations.
Every digimon additionally has a passive ability and an inherited ability. Until you meet these digimon these abilities will be hidden from your view, you may still digivolve into the digimon if you meet the requirements but you won't be able to see what their abilities are until it's possibly too late.
You will always be able to see the abilities of digimon in your primary evolution lines however, even if you've never seen or been them. An Agumon knows the abilities of Greymon and Greymon variants and the same goes for Greymon with Metal greymon, etc. However you can only see one step up, Champions can see ultimates but not megas.
It is important to know what an inherited ability is as that may inform your decision on what digimon you want to be. An inherited ability is an ability which is unlocked after digivolving away from that form, For example Alpha Kuwagamon's is:
Inherited Ability: (Unlocked after digivolution to Champion) Gain damage resistance to Frost damage (reduces damage resistance by 1d6+digicore modifier)
These Inhereited abilities stack with each other, meaning by the time you're a mega you'll have Three in total, possibly four whenever your rookie in training form is decided upon and these affects will either combine to become a stronger one or stack.
De-digivolving from a form will lose inherited abilities, however gain options for new ones which you may not have had whenever you initially digivolved. You can also be forced to de-digivolve by being defeated and deleted in a fight... this process will regress you to your rookie-in-training form and you will benefit from being able to grow much faster the second time than the first but also lose all inherited abilities. However on the bright side you'll also be able to choose new forms with greater clarity, likewise you'll always have an affinity for your starting element, in this case that's ice and even if you take a form which doesn't have ice traits, such as Flare Lizardmon you will still have the ability to unlock Ice abilities in the Memory store.
Known Choices for Champion:
Kuwagamon - Qualified
Attribute: Virus
Damage type: Piercing, Crushing
Field: Nature Spirits, Wind Guardians
Type: Insect
Passive Ability: Crushing Grip: Kuwagamon deals +4 Crushing damage in addition to physical attacks.
Inherited Ability: Eternal Fury - This digimon is unaffected by attempts to enrage or confuse it.
Natural Trait: Ravenous - Gain +10% memory from all sources
A physically strong and sturdy digimon, found commonly in forests and jungles where its bright red colouration can blend in with local flora. Kuwagamon is known for being aggressive toward just about anything that moves but especially with its rival; Kabuterimon. The two insect digimon have a rivalry where only conflict exists between them, this rivalry continues through each of their levels.
Kuwagamon is known for gripping prey in its powerful claws and crushing the life out of them.
Snow Kuwagamon - Qualified
Attribute: Virus
Damage type: Piercing, Frost
Field: Nature Spirits, Deep Savers, Nightmare Soldier
Type: Insect, Snow-Ice
Passive Ability: Tundra Warrior - Snow Kuwagamon gains 1d4 frost damage resistance.
Inherited Ability: Frozen Chitin - increase the health, strength and digicore stats by 15 points each.
Natural Trait: Jagged - attempts to attack Snow Kuwagamon come with the risk of damage one's self in melee (Whenever a dice rolls one of the three lowest results to attack Snow Kabuterimon in melee they take 1d6 piercing damage)
The champion form of Alpha Kuwagamon (Ice) this digimon's size has increased to be larger than even an ordinary Kuwagamon, mostly bolstered by Ice plating which now covers much of its body. Two of the four arms of this digimon end in large spikes which can be driven through tough armour with relative ease and the ice surrounding Snow Kuwagamon's mandibles and claws has grown Jagged.
Snow Kuwagamon are known for using their superior strength and toughness to brawl with even powerful opponents, utilizing Lacerating abilities to weaken them and out sustain enemies with a combination of special abilities and brute force.
Wave Kuwagamon - Qualified
Attribute: Vaccine
Damage type: Piercing, Force
Field: Nature Spirit, Deep Savers, Unknown
Type: Insect
Passive Ability: Water Manipulator - Wave Kuwagamon gains +2 all damage resistance except piercing and electric whilst in water.
Inherited: Water Magic - This digimon has gained access to the Water spellbook in the Memory shop and in addition has gained a link to Witchelny.
Natural Trait: Hidden Potential - Due to an innate ability to sense the movement of nearby water this digimon cannot be ambushed.
The champion form of Alpha Kuwagamon (Water) this digimon's body is physically weaker than its kin and it doesn't tend to use its claws or mandibles for much of anything, instead using its heightened power and special finesse stats to control water in the local environment to become its weapon or its armour.
Wave Kuwagamon are known for living in snowy locations or at the side of bodies of water, due to their nature they often form beneficial alliances with water digimon like Seadramon.
Shock Kuwagamon - Qualified
Attribute: Data
Damage type: Piercing, Electric
Field: Nature Spirit, Wind Guardian, Jungle Troopers
Type: Insect
Passive Ability: Chain-link - Electric attacks deal half damage to any additional enemies within melee range of the first enemy hit.
Inherited: lightning reflexes - Increase Agility and Nimbleness by 20 points each.
Natural Trait: Carried Momentum - Physical attacks from this digimon deal X additional Force damage where X is your Agility modifier.
The champion form Alpha Kuwagamon (Electric) This digimon's body physically weaker than its kin, being the second weakest of Kuwagamon forms however its speed and power stats have drastically increased, gaining the ability to fire lightning from its claws and/or mandibles or create a large static wave with its wings, causing rookie level digimon to freeze as their data is shocked and Champion level digimon to lose 10% of their maximum health per attack up to 30%.
Shock Kuwagamon are known for launching surprise attacks from the sky, using their superior speed to slam their full body weight into a digimon's head before using their confusion to shock them furthere.
Kabuterimon - Unqualified
Requirements: 10 Skill, 10 Special Finesse, Wind Guardian Field.
Attribute: Vaccine
Damage type: Piercing, Electric
Field: Nature Spirit, Wind Guardian, Jungle Troopers
Type: Insect
Passive Ability: Icon - Allied digimon of a lower level (Rookie or below) gain +10 to all stats whenever fighting alongside Kabuterimon
Inherited: Lightning Rod - gain damage resistance to electric damage (reduces damage by 1d6+digicore modifier)
Natural Trait: One of many - for each Kabuterimon family digimon nearby gain +1 to all rolls (Applies to Tentomon, Kabuterimon, Mega Kabuterimon Blue & Red, Hercules Kabuterimon and the X-Antibody of all prior mentioned.)
The champion form of Tentomon; Kabuterimon is a beacon of justice in the digital world, always standing up for the weak and its personal ideals. This digimon is powerful but contrary to Kuwagamon (Its rival) has a more powerful ranged attack than physical, staying at range and using its wings to keep out of reach whilst shooting lightning, only using its great physical strength whenever it feels save to do so.
Ebidramon - Unqualified
Requirements: 50 Strength, 50 Power, Deep Savers Field.
Attribute: Data
Damage type: Crushing, Force
Field: Deep Savers
Type: Aquatic
Passive Ability: ???
Inherited: ???
Natural Trait: Regeneration - Ebidramon regenerates twice as much health from all sources.
An aquatic digimon with a body much like a shrimp or lobster Ebidramon is the exception to what dramon digimon are supposed to look like, a trait which many mistake as a reason misjudge or underestimate these digimon, This is often a fatal mistake as whilst Ebidramon is physically different from other dramon digimon it is still an offensively orientated digimon, and as such capable of dealing great damage.
Yuki Greymon - Unqualified
Requirements: 250 memory Cost, 75 Strength, 75 Power, Deep Savers Field.
Attribute: Vaccine
Damage type: Bludgeoning, Slashing, Frost, Fire
Field: Nature Spirit, Machine Empire, Deep Savers,
Type: Dinosaur
Passive Ability: ???
Inherited: ???
Natural Trait: Greater Ambush - Whenever engaging an enemy which doesn't see you. Your first attack is assumed to deal maximum damage.
Although rare Yuki Greymon are ambush predators of the tall mountains and deep forests, partially mechanical in nature they use this alongside their ice themes to cool their bodies and reduce energy output, laying in wait for days or weeks until prey wanders past before, in less time that it often takes for the prey to know they're prey dispatching their foes with one of their two powerful special abilities.