[X] You'll accept his wishes, on allowing the two to have an honorable fight. However, make it clear that you'll intervene if he's about to get deleted. Beat is your ally. Perhaps even a friend (despite his hate of the word) and his nemesis is a legendary warrior. Beat's strength and speed have grown immensely since their last encounter, perhaps enough to tip the balance in his favour.
[x] Go up and challenge this Legendary Warrior to one on one combat. The potential for an honorable duel aside, it should also open up the rest of the Host to trying to break through the blockade. This could be your chance to earn renown.
[X] Attempt to make a coordinated push with your squad. Using Frame Reinforce should allow you to withstand the concentrated fire being poured out from the tunnel. With your body acting as his shield, Sparks will return fire, to hopefully defeat the defenders and minimize loss of life.
[X] Attempt to make a coordinated push with your squad. Using Frame Reinforce should allow you to withstand the concentrated fire being poured out from the tunnel. With your body acting as his shield, Sparks will return fire, to hopefully defeat the defenders and minimize loss of life.