[X] Plan Full Frontal Assault: You have no idea if this champion is waiting for you or not, so cautiously go inside with Beat and get ready to fight it two on one from the get go.
[X] Plan Blackout
-[X] Verge summons up a Crusher Bone bone, and once we enter the tunnel he begins using one paw to produce intermittent screeching sounds on it in order to disorient the Pipismon.
-[X] Beat uses the disorientation to web up its eyes as best he can, as well as gumming up its mouth.
--[X] From there Beat focuses on tying it down and re-applying any webbing to its eyes and mouth that he can. His task right now is to ensure that it's in no position to react well while we actually attack it.
-[X] With the Pipismon disoriented and hopefully flying blind, Verge summons up Crusher Bones to swat it out of the air, and if possible bring down parts of the cave wall and ceiling in order to ground it and injure it further. If Verge manages to ground it, go for a killing strike as fast as possible, either aiming for the eyes or the mouth.
[X] Plan Ambush: Beat will stay at the entrance making webs with his silk, Verge will get its attention and lead it out to the entrance where Beat will net it. From there they'll both attack it with full force while it's incapacitated
[X] Plan Stuck between a web and a hard place: Verge will attempt to collapse the roof of the cave onto the Pipismon using his drilles to weaken it's foundation. Simultaneously, Beat will create a strong web over the main entrance of the cave and hide nearby, behind cover, to act as sentry in an ambush stance should the Pipismon decide to investigate the source of the noise. Both Beat and Verge will also ensure to check on each other at regular intervals to guard against unexpected attack/ambush. Either the roof collapses and the Pipismon will be mildy immobilised/injured where Verge and Beat can then bum-rush the Champion. Or the bat will entangle itself in Beat's web where Beat and Verge can then unload their attacks into the Pipismon.