[x] Plan Go Fast
[X] Sparks, because of the little *Sparks* of fire he keeps leaving around.
[X] 5th Afternoon
-[X] Agility Focus
[X] 6th Afternoon
-[X] Agility Focus
[X] 7nth Afternoon
-[X] Agility Focus
[X] 8th Afternoon
-[X] Agility Focus
[x] Pure Wrath overtakes the terror in your core. You rise up and snarl at the would-be torturer, anger pushing you to do something you'd never thought of before. Stand up to Gnaw.
[X] You prefer to get a nice mixed dish with equal amounts of every ingredient. Gramps told you before that balance is important. (Small bonus to all stats)
[x] You decide to circumvent Gramps' order somewhat. He never said that you couldn't bring Flamemon chow! So you'll grab a bowl of stew and make sure Flamemon gets something to eat tonight. He's your friend after all, and more importantly he saved you from being deleted twice (Devotion)
[X] Your conflicted. You hope Gnaw only did what he thought was best for the village, as you don't want to him to be a bad. But you can't help compare what he did and how he acted to that Goblimon and that terrifies you. Because if Gnaw can "delete" so easily, does that mean your other friends can or have done so too? Does that mean you are expected to be able to do the same when you grow older too?
-[x] You need to talk with Gramp's.
[X] No (Verge goes to rest)
-[X] "I just... Want to Talk. Later."
[X] Gramps wishes to speak with you about recent events, both to make sure you're okay and to ask about....something else.
-[X] Speak with Flaremon about it as well. It's a bit uncomfortable, but having someone brave throw his opinion over your experience, may give you ideas on how to handle those events, better.