[X] Your conflicted. You hope Gnaw only did what he thought was best for the village, as you don't want to him to be a bad. But you can't help compare what he did and how he acted to that Goblimon and that terrifies you. Because if Gnaw can "delete" so easily, does that mean your other friends can or have done so too? Does that mean you are expected to be able to do the same when you grow older too?
-[x] You need to talk with Gramp's.
[X] You feel...conflicted on what to think. To delete a Digimon so quickly, he could of at least talked to them first! But the Hawkmon did steal from the village...Maybe you should *gulp* talk to him about why he would delete them so easily?
-[X]"Why d-did you do that Gnaw?"