[X] Go with Fu. She's small and has tiny arms without claws. So not nearly as frightening as Gnaw. Plus finding plants could be....interesting you guess? Honestly, the idea of trying something new does make you a bit nervous.
[X] Flamemon & Gnaws: While you're wary of being around the Blackgabumon, having Flamemon around will make his presence worth it. Plus you'ver never tired using your drill against a tree before. It could be fun!
[X] Attempt to suggest that maybe you could do something with Auger. Despite his claws, the rookie is not scary in the least. Spending time with him could just mean simple digging.
[X] Attempt to suggest that maybe you could do something with Auger. Despite his claws, the rookie is not scary in the least. Spending time with him could just mean simple digging.