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Hello all and welcome to Dictations of a Mad Scientist, and the madness of my mind. enjoy...
Chappy one. Madness ending and beginning.


Purveyor of Fine Hats
Hello all and welcome to Dictations of a Mad Scientist, and the madness of my mind. enjoy. maybe.

The recording starts out with a heavy German accent. "December First nineteen forty, I have finally successfully created." Voice in the recording breaks off for several minutes of mad cackling, followed by a coughing fit and wheezing. "I have successfully created the world's first transformica." The voice pauses again to take a drink of something. "With it our wonderful Furer we will be able to turn the entire world Aryan, the perfect idea of a human being. Which without further delay I shall test it on myself to prove it works." A large whining electrical sound breaks out in the background, followed immediately by screams of agony and an explosion which causes the recording to cut out suddenly.

"Archaeology report number one. May Twenty Second, Twenty-Sixteen. The discovery of Doctor Hansel's lab and its 'Final Solution', is a magnificent find for recent history we hope to find his notes and records of this 'Final Solution' in the coming months." The sound of tools being unloaded is heard in the background. "It will take some time to get through the bunker wall, as for the front door is unreachable due to half the mountain falling on it." Sounds of shouting in the distance the clang of chisels and hammers. "With the use of explosives we hope to be through the bunker wall by the end of the week." Recording cuts off.

The Click and Clatter of a badly damaged recording device activating as a scratchy, but youthful voice breaks through the static. "I-I Ha- --En- -ne H-n--ed da-s -ence t-e in-ede-t. Q+ra-n=ine in +fe-t" The badly damaged recording repeats endlessly, degrading further. The sound of pounding is heard in the chamber…
The quiet click of a digital recorder as it snaps on. "Archeology Report number twelve. June Seventh, Twenty Sixteen. Digging has gone well..." there is a pause and a tired sigh, and the clatter of a teacup and saucer. "Until today…" another sigh "apparently Doctor Hansel's lab was better armored than we had thought. We busted through the outer layer of bunker only to encounter something straight out of science fiction, an energy field that encompasses the entirety of the bunker and puts out high levels of cherenkov radiation. The damn thing will take some time to figure out how to bypass." Another clatter of teacup and saucer, followed by a noisy slurp. "I have contacted a few friends to bring onto the dig. Doctors Singe, a nuclear physicist friend of mine and his wife Delia, a quantum physicist. It is my hope that with their help that we may be able to create a device to either bypass or remove this barrier." A tired sigh escapes his lips and the recording cuts off.

"Scientific Journal day one, June Tenth, Twenty-Sixteen. Doctor Maxon was rather insistent that my wife and I come down to his dig site in the German Highlands near Hitler's Eagle's Nest." The beautiful voice of an Indian woman cuts in, "oh darling are you not glad for the coming here? I know he would not tell us why," the deep Baritone of Doctor Singe cuts back in. "oh and the better he did not. The Military would swarm this dig and we would not be able to work on it any more if he had told us over the phone." At this point the excitement in his voice now mirrors his wives as they say together "shields the bunker has shields!" joint laughter from the happy pair before the recording starts artifacting and cuts out.

Deep within the Bunker a mad, youthful cackle sounds, filling the chamber. "25740 days. I have been here so long. I need to mark another. Hahahahah hmahahma!" scratching is heard on the walls of the darkened chamber "so Hungrey!" then almost inaudible pounding from somewhere. "Diig!"​
I like it. Watched.
i am honestly surprised this has gotten the attention it did. updating soon. hope you all enjoy the next bit... once i figure out what that bit is.