DIASPORA: Thus Spoke Belisarius (Hard SF Roleplaying with FATE)

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It is 100,000 years in the future.

It is approximately 98,000,000 light years from Earth.

With the discovery of the slipdrive and the connections between disparate solar systems, humanity has undergone a great Diaspora. But there will be no vast, eternal Empire, ruled from ancient Earth. Over time, slipknot connections fade and fail. They shift and recombine. This has created an infinite number of Clusters - five or ten star systems, connected to one another...and no one else.

This is the story of the Belisarius Cluster.

This is your story.


DISAPORA: Hard SF Roleplaying with FATE is a very old, very poorly known FATE game where you roleplay in a, as you may guess, hard SF universe! it's fun! Lets try it!

  1. Write ins are not only allowed but ENCOURAGED!
  2. It will be mature content! Sex will be spoildered, as always.

Lets do this...
PROLOGUE: Marie Celeste
Marie Celeste had been named by a mother with far, far, far too much appreciation for ancient legends and...unknown to Marie...historical irony.

She had been four years old when the Brazilians had lit off the torch on the Brasilia and the Rio De Janeiro and begun their thirty year long acceleration phase to push them from the orbit of Saturn to the interstellar space between the SOL system and Tau Ceti. She had, as a child, watched their burning streamers of thrust exhaust through telescopes as science projects - while, at the same time, the solar system began to burn down around her. She hadn't known it at the time. The cascade effects of the breakdowns of the Antarctic Treaty, the arming of the asteroids, the destruction of Ceres on Bloody Thursday, the massive naval arms race between the United Nations and the Kingdom of Barsoom...all of it had been pointing towards war and she had been too young, too wrapped up in her own life, to recognize it.

Now that the UN and the Soomies were shooting each other to shit across the solar system, Marie Celeste, now Dr. Marie Helmut-Celest, was watching five billion UN dollars and six years of her husband's work...go up in smoke.

"What do you mean gone?" she asked, for what had to be the third time. The spin-gravity of the imaginatively named Stellar Observatory L1 Satellite kept her glued to the deck, while the anti-nausea drugs she had to chow down at a constant rate kept her inner ear from telling her she was on a merry-go-round whipping around at a preposterous rate. She still felt sick, looking at the curved screen that served as the main information feed for the Rama Probe's telemetry.

"Uh, that's just what I said, gone." the comtech who was bringing in data from the Rama Probe through the amount of jamming and signal pings that filled the system looked as harried as Marie felt. "We turned on the gravity wave detector and it just...it's gone."

"Shit. Find out who shot the probe. I don't care if there's a war going on, civilian ships are off limits," Marie said, her lips turning down in a scowl.

"No, it's not gone as in someone put a railgun shot through it, it's gone as in...gone." The comtech gulped.

Marie walked to his console, leaned over. "A five ton probe doesn't..."

She paused.

The telescope showed nothing. She spooled back the footage.

There was the Rama Probe, situated in the gravitational barycenter of the SOL system, ready to switch on what Dr. Eugene Helmut-Celeste's math said would be the worlds first gravity wave detector. Humanity had been trying to actually pick up whatever it was that made gravity happen for more than two centuries - and despite refinements here and there, despite breakthroughs in related fields that had led to better computers and faster engines and (sadly) more effective guns...they'd never quite managed it.

But Gene wasn't just any human.

Marie frowned.

She ran the clock back.

She ran the clock forward.

She ran the clock back again.

At exactly the moment the signal to switch on the gravity-wave detector hit the probe...

It vanished.

"...well I'll be a son of a bitch," Marie Helmet-Celeste, nee Celest, named after a ship that vanished into legend and myth, said as she looked at the probe that would be lost to legend and myth.

Five years later, after the peace treaty promised a mixed crew hand picked by both governments, the first ship with the first slipdrive humanity had ever built approached the Barycenter of the SOL system. It was a five AU trip, to hit a point in space where the sun's radiation and gravitational pull didn't cause the slipdrive to go nowhere in particular. Which was what the first tests, back on Earth, had proved. What the original team had thought was interference in a gravity-wave detector had, in fact, been a slipdrive trying and failing to drop through a specific, stable point of space-time and into another stable point of space-time. The math didn't say, exactly, where this other point was. Or, more accurately, 90% of the math said one thing and 10% of the math said the other.

The first possibility was that the Rama-1, 2 and 3 probes had arrived in the same solar system, an unknown distance from the SOL system.

The second was that they had each been shunted randomly into a different region of space/time. Maybe even ripped into atoms and scattered to the winds.

There was a definite note of uncertainty - attempts to build probes that could auto-return had failed mysteriously. They had gone through, then never come back. The decision had been that, until humanity finally cracked artificial general intelligence, there was only one way to figure it out.

Send humans through.

See if they came back.

All those thoughts rushed through Marie's head as she sat in the acceleration couch. Being one of the few people who actually knew how the damn slipdrives were supposed to work, she was required in case it broke and one of the backups needed to be started up and hooked to the rest of the ship. That didn't make her any less nervous. The rest of the crew - a mixture of tall and spindly Soomies and the increasingly diverse ethnoforms of Earth - worked at their consoles. The Earthers were fine with the 1G acceleration. The Soomies refused to show any discomfort.

"Deceleration complete in five...four...three..." the captain, a UNN man named Anderson Michaelson, said. His XO, a Soomie named Theisa, nodded to him.

The gravity went away. The subtle roar of the fusion torch cut off.

"So, who wants to bet the Brazilians are pissed?" the navigator, an Earther civilian named Joseph Kliner, said.

"They can always turn around," Thesia muttered.

That was actually not true. The two generation ships had been built to turn their antimatter revivors on, then turn them on again only when they were ready to decelerate. And the deceleration would be just that: A stop. It wouldn't bring them back. If they stopped now, they'd be drifting out at the edge of heliopause. Doomed. Marie tried to not think about the people on those ships. Instead, she spoke: "Slipdrive ready when you are."

Captain Michaelson nodded.

"Hit it."

Marie flicked the switch.

There was no flash. There was no buzz. There was nothing...but a wink in reality. One second, they were one place. The next, they were somewhere else. But the stars were different. Looking through the screen, Marie could see them change - one moment, familiar. The next, alien. She grinned, slowly - while excitement exploded across the rest of the ship.

The funniest thing?

They even found the probes.

But, as each had emerged from the slipknot at a wildly erratic vector, winging off into space without anyone to guide them...they found them well after they found the verdant, blue green world that sat 1.2 AU from the star. A glittering jewel. A promise of a new age.

Future generations called it Eden.

But Marie named it better, when she watched the Soomies and UNN Earthers glancing at one another and then at the readouts of the world they were observing.

"Great," she whispered. "A poison apple."











[T0 | E3 | R0]
"Cold War Between Colonies"
"This system can't be natural"

[T-1 | E0 | R-1]
"Magnetic Tape For Everything."
"Green Power Only."

[T3 | E1 | RO]
"Space Hippies"
"Heavy Biopunk"

[T-3 | E4 | R0]
"Hot Hydrogen Holistically Historic Home"
"World of a Thousand Mountain-top Kingdoms"

[T-2 | E-3 | R-2]
"Heat like Hate: Burning and Devouring"
"Elegy for a Dying World"

[T-1 | E0 | R-1]

"Solarpunk because we don't have the gas for dieselpunk"
"Big Hungry Sun"

[T2 | E-3 | R3]
"The Nomad Traders"
"Family First"

[T0 | E-4 | R-3]
"Deep in the Black"
"Ancient Shipyards and Stations but failing hydroponics"

Here's how it works.

Roll 4dF (for those who have not played FATE, that's a d6, where 1-2 = -1, 3-4 = 0 and 5-6 = +1. 4dF produces a result between -4 and +4) three times. The first roll is Technology (T) the second is Ecology (E) and the third is Resources (R). Each system them has two Aspects (short, declarative sentences that refer to an element of the culture, environment, technology, what have you.)

Here are the tables for when you roll.

T4: edge of collapse - this system is nearing a singularity event that is indistinguishable from an extinction event
T3: slipstream mastery - advanced and able to dominate a cluster if unopposed
T2: slipstream use - able to build and operate slipstream capable ships
T1: Exploiting the system - able to colonize and exploit the system (if you've seen the Expanse, they're here)
T0: Exploring the system - that's us, baby
T-1: Atomic Power - 1950s-1980s
T-2: Industrialization - 1800s
T-3: Metallurgy - 1600s>
T-4: Stone Age - Prehistory

E4: Multiple Garden Worlds - this is equal to 4-5 earths, maybe more. Ringworlds are possible, as well as other megastructures. Unnaturally good.
E3: Some Garden Worlds - this is 2-3 Earths. A very odd system
E2: One garden world and one "survivable" world - if Naboo and Tattooine were both in the same solar system, this would be a E2 system.
E1: One Garden World, several hostile worlds - this is us (Mars is hostile)
E0: One Garden World, some barren worlds - nothing better than Mercury beyond the habitable planet
E-1: One survivable world - this is not a place you want to live
E-2: Hostile environment - the only "habitable" planet in this system is Mars or on par
E-3: Barren World - this system is desolate and sparse, barely habitable with T2+ tech.
E-4: Desolation - no gravity, no atmosphere, no nothing. Gravel. May be a black hole or neutron star system. May be unnatural.

R4: All you can want - this system could sustain overconsumptive populations in the tens of billions for centuries. This is unnatural and unusual in the extreme.
R3: Multiple exports - this system can sustain itself and sell the excess for profit (or have it taken by others.)
R2: One significant export - this system is known for a singular thing it can put out. Lithium, maybe. You always need lithium.
R1: Rich - this system can sustain and grow itself, sell the excess for a bit of profit.
R0: Sustainable - this system isn't really producing a surplus, but it doesn't need to bring resoruces in
R-1: Almost viable - this system can ALMOST sustain a high tech civilization (imagine Earth without, like, uranium or petroleum)
R-2: Needs imports - this system is resource starved and needs one or two resources to keep tech levels up.
R-3: Multiple dependencies - like R-2, but more desperate
R-4: No resources at all. That seems unlikely...what caused this?

Some guidleines

The SOL system, right now would be T0, E1, R1 (we can explore the system, have robust computers, and could do even more if we got our asses together, and we have a lot of resources in the Belt and the gas giants to exploit.) Our Aspects might be "Ecological Catastrophe Ongoing" and "Heavily Balkanized."

Resist the urge to give lengthy descriptions. Just...go with your gut and leave holes for everyone to fill in.

If a system seems impossible (T-4, E-4, R4), come up with a fun reason! Collapse, recolonization, and collapse again are a part of the Diaspora.

Once six systems have been generated (seven counting New Chancellorsville) then we move to the next stage...

Oh, also, if no one gets T2+, then the system with the highest combined values gets T2 and then the system with the lowest combined values...also gets T2. You know.

For fun!
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[T0 | E3 | R0]
"Cold War Between Colonies"
"This system can't be natural"
"Offworld Artifact Hunters"

[T-1 | E0 | R-1]
"Magnetic Tape For Everything."
"Green Power Only."
"The Southland Quagmire is Their Shopping Center"

[T3 | E1 | RO]
"Space Hippies"
"Heavy Biopunk"
"We Act For Their Own Good"

[T-3 | E4 | R0]
"Hot Hydrogen Holistically Historic Home"
"World of a Thousand Mountain-top Kingdoms"
"Proxy Conflicts"

[T-2 | E-3 | R-2]
"Heat like Hate: Burning and Devouring"
"Elegy for a Dying World"
"Spies Everywhere"

[T-1 | E0 | R-1]
"Solarpunk because we don't have the gas for dieselpunk"
"Big Hungry Sun"
"The Backwater of Backwaters"

[T2 | E-3 | R3]
"The Nomad Traders"
"Family First"
"Arrogant Upstarts"

[T0 | E-4 | R-3]
"Deep in the Black"
"Ancient Shipyards and Stations but failing hydroponics"
"Vassalized-Uplifters of the Canths"
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Discovery of quasi-sentient self-propagating codesystems in deep bases of New C's pre-collapse computer enviroment by programmer-archeologists has begun a massive treasure hunt by everyone with a degree and a slipdrive.
The Southland Quagmire (land war between self-selecting economic polities in equatorial region of Sangalia's tertiary continent) has created three generations of highly competent soldiers on both sides, providing an excellent source of mercenaries and soldiers to other powers across the Cluster. Both Southlands and the FTSO disavow such deals, and yet, both sides have T3 and T2 energy weapons.
Onedia Expeditionary Service shows remarkable 900% shipbuilding increase in recent years.
Ozymandias remains frustrating for Cluster journalists - if anything is happening there, it is also far too easy to hide, due to the scale of habitable space. However, the Slip Buoys have noted a 24% increase in ships that arrive, accelerate to the Dockpoint, and never return.
Traffic hit Cluster History Highs on A. Secundus. Both the OES and VNTU have constructed multiple orbital facilities. Shocking everyone, the FTSO from Sangalia have managed to purchase space aboard a Vulcanthis slipship and deployed their own habitat for long-ranged diplomacy. Bold, foolhardy, and very Felician.
With the emergence of the Oz-Sec-Void triangle route as a dominant biologics/resource shipping lane, the system designated "Shortstick" (local name unknown) has become least trafficked system in the Cluster
The formation of the Vulcanthis Nomad Traders Union has finally cemented the dominance of the former colony of the Omegas in the resource rich Vulcanthis system. Reports from neutral sources say that 15% of all Nyx-Omega slipways are currently in the process of building "merchant escort ships."
Nyx-Omega Voidyards total ecological cascade failure being held at bay by constant imports. Current predictions from ecotechs in Oneria and New C. estimate that a stoppage of supplies for a mere month could lead to a total collapse of all food production in Nyx-Omega.
The S2S Belisarius from New C. has gone missing in an attempt to chart unstable slipjumps along the Nyx-Omega boarder. Rumors of a new slipknot connection have yet to be confirmed by any governance.
Where are you from? (2 options per system, listed in order of system)
[ ] New C-University (NCU), on Brightstar
[ ] Farmland, on Shalerock
[ ] The Felician Technocratic-Socialist Organization
[ ] The Southlands
[ ] Lung City
[ ] The Sun Ring
[ ] The Kingdom of San Re, the Mountaintop Priesthood
[ ] Dockpoint Slums
[ ] Akna Polar City
[ ] The Akna Tribes
[ ] Solar Field #9081, Habitat Zone
[ ] Junkyard City
[ ] The VTS Typhon
[ ] The Voidhome
[ ] Slipyard 401
[ ] Starshatter Station
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First, your childhood...

This provides the basis, the central pillar that your life emerges from. Your earliest skills are born here. When a character is complete, they will have 10 aspects, 15 skills, and 3 stunts.

Choose One.

[ ] Growing up on Shatterstar Station, you always knew you were a cut above the rest of the Nyxers. Your station had the largest, most robust hydroponics operations, it had the majority of governance, it had the old comtech that was still used to administer and manage movement of material from station to station. You never wanted for anything - save for a moment of free time away from the requirements of being in the Shatterstar, a responsibility to the rest of the Voidworks. Even as a child, you had your noblesse oblige...
ASPECTS: "Nobility does as Nobility does", "Childhood of Ancient Miracles"​
SKILLS: Archeology 1, Bureaucracy 1, Communication 1, Computer 1, Microgravity 1​

[ ] Growing up on Shatterstar Station, your earliest memories were of constant battle. Gunfire in the corridors, parents who went out to deal with the Autocthons. Sometimes, they didn't come back. Sometimes, they came back with burn scars and holes in them. Sometimes, they came back and went right into the recyclers. Sometimes, they came back screaming 'move move move!' and 'seal it' and you had to throw the latch, to cut off the parents that weren't quite fast enough and the Thons behind them...
ASPECTS: "I've seen worse." "Many Parents and Many Orphans"​
SKILLS: Charm 1, Medical 1, Repair 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1​
[ ] Growing up on Shatterstar Station, your parents were in linguistics, so you met outsiders more than anyone else in Nyx. You saw them - from the shrouded Secs to the way, way, way too chatty strangers from a planet your parents called 'Cassetteworld' - from your place as a linguistic apprentice. Still...it was a better childhood than most. Your parents never went EVA, never risked radbursts, and always had plenty of time to dote on you. Compared to many in Nyx, you were lucky...
ASPECTS: "My Parents Have My Back", "Speaks Every Language"​
SKILLS: Alertness 1, Assets 1, Computer 1, Oratory 1, Microgravity 1​

[ ] Growing up on Shatterstar Station, you...were always alone. The gestation pods, remote activated by the latest Nyx archeologist e-pedition, brought you out of 15,000 year old clonestock, gestated you, and educated you in a language no one spoke, for a history no one knew, to serve a ship that was now a drifting derelict that kept itself perpetually 51,000 kilometers from the slipknot through a means that remained a mystery to the rest of the system. You only figured out who else was out there by hacking the automatic tutor programs, breaking rules you'd been taught your whole life, and finding a functional escape pod...
ASPECTS: "A Stranger In A Strange Cluster", "Ancient Secrets"​
SKILLS: Agility 1, Alertness 1, Brawling 1, Stamina 1, Resolve 1​
After childhood, your true talent was found, noticed...and nurtured. Before, your weakest skills were picked. Now, the path that carved your future was laid bare...

This will determine two aspects and your "apex skill" - a skill that is, hands down, the best skill in the sector. No one else will be better at you than this skill. Becuase it matters more, the skill will be expanded upon.

[ ] Being picked up by the rest of the Voidyards, you were immediately studied, interrogated, and examined. Your early youth proved to have primed you outstandingly well for operations in microgravity - in fact, you had spent more of your life at null-G than in a centrifuge, and your tutor-programs and surrounding environment had left you not merely good at mobility...but at combat. In the greater Nyx-Omega, you proved yourself among other teens when some bullies that thought the 'freak' was easy picking by maneuvering from the ring-section to the spine, then putting five of them in the hospital. This got you picked out almost immediately by mercantile interests that wanted these abilities put to their own security and infiltration purposes.
ASPECTS: "This Kid's A Freak", "Shadowy Corporate Interests"​
SKILL: MicroG 5​
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: MicroG is a combat skill that replaces Agility, Brawling, Close Combat and Kinetic Weapons in microgravity enviroments (so long as you are trained in them.) Thus, so long as there's no gravity, you have an effective 5 on dodging and hurting people. It also is used for applying fun aspects like "spinning wildly out of control" and "tangled in safety line" to enemies!​
[ ] You were examined by the rest of the Voidyards for years, your knowledge and memories studied for any advantages. While you lacked actual historical knowledge of the cluster, your mind had been trained, from the day you were born to now, to understand and utilize combat situations in a wide range of possible environments. MicroG. Aquatic. Jungle. Areal. Combined Arms Operations. Orbital Assault. Station Assault. Logistics, strategy, field leadership, everything from managing a bronze-tech army fighting high grade energy weapons to putting down a mid-tech insurgency without undue loss of life (on your side, of course.) Your tactics did tend towards...an oblique approach.
ASPECTS: "An Oblique Approach", "Historian of Warfare'
SKILL: Tactics 5​
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: Your character is the best general and combat leader in the entire cluster. Hands down. Flat out. This ability is rolled, primarily, to apply aspects to a scene ("fog rolling in") or onto people ("he's in the open!") - it is less that you make these things true and more that your character is able to rapidly take advantage of it and bring down the hammer.​

[ ] You were a bit unlucky. Your escape pod was picked up by pirates - hard bitten scavvers that ran at the edges of the system and hit unarmed and unmanned drone ships, as well as people emerging from the slipknot - people like you. You were immediately thrust into their crew...and fortunately, you had been trained by the tutor programs and the education software in how to use even their primitive, scrappy ships. Your adroit handling of fusion torches and teakettle starships let you end fights without shots even needing to be fired and, ironically, saved many lives. However, even your piloting skill met its match when a pair of high tech A/M torchships from the OES arrived and, working together, ran you down. But hey. At least it got you out of the system - even if it was into an Onedia correctional facility.
ASPECTS: "Gentleman/woman/enby Pirate", "I've got a goddamn Court Mandated Onedia psychtech"​
SKILL: Pilot 5​
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: You are the finest pilot in the cluster. If it flies, you're the best at it. Note, piloting uses V-Shift, and augments it. So, if your ship is a V-shift 3, then your piloting being above it adds +1. However, if your ship is V-shift +5 (which is the cap in the system), you can take full advantage of it. An average pilot (Pilot 2) in V-shift +5 ship would only roll +2. You can make the crappy ships push harder and can use the finest to their best.​

[ ] You were taught, your entire life, the history of the Belisarius Sector. So, when you emerged and were scooped up and asked about it...you could give answers. Up until about a thousand years ago, which is when you think the data-banks ran out. Give or take five or six hundred years. That information is now one of the most wanted commodities in the Cluster, and catapulted you from the Nyx-Omega system to your choice of the Academies of New C and Onedia, not to mention the trade-fleets of the Vulcathines. But it left you feeling dislocated and out of place - and looking for a reason. Why did the Cluster Fall? What caused it? ...might it happen again?
ASPECTS: "Haunted by the Future", "Most Wanted Brain In the System"​
SKILL: Archeology 5​
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: You know where most of the shit's buried, it makes it a LOT easier. You can use this skill to narrate truths about areas, to discover secrets that I, the GM, have created, and more. It can also be used creatively to apply aspects to areas like "That ceiling is about to collapse" or "that's a booby trap" which you can use on enemies!​
You had everything set up - as an outsystem immigrant from the Nyx-Omega to the best academies on your choice of New C and Onedia, it looked like your life was going to be a life of easy academics and applied archeology of every breed - industrial, cultural, programming.

That wasn't how it shook out at all.

[ ] You went the Abigail University, on Brightstar, the better (in your opinion) of the two garden worlds in the New C. System. There, you were fasttracked into the expeditionary archeology services and made a lot of friends. Expeditions were mostly to the unexplored parts of Brightstar and Shalerock, but you always had a theory that the true history of New C. had to be somewhere in the ecliptic. Combining your archeological knowledge with applied navigational, piloting and some probe-wrangling, you found a coal black mirror that hid...not an Ancient ruin but, instead, Shalerock Black Ops Listening Post. There, you met Captain Isabella Swan and only thanks to her deciding you and your archeo-nerds were too harmless to be anything but legit did you avoid the next twenty years being in a Shalerock high security facility.
ASPECTS: "Bad Luck On Every Outing", "Probe Wrangler"​
SKILLS: 4 Navigation, 4 Gunnery | 3 Piloting, 3 Charm, 3 EVA​

[ ] You settled on Onedia's primary university in Lung City, LCU. While living inside of an engineered house made of bone and breathing flesh took a bit of getting used to, you had to admit, the grub was better than most places. The Expeditionary Service hounded you through your entire academic career, and you worked the pressure off by throwing yourself into longsword practice - and to your shock, you actually got damn good at it. What was even more shocking was when, after graduation, you signed up for the OES and were put onto an expedition to Ozymandias - only to go down when the repair-grub that was supposed to check for faults in the fusion reactor caught a bug and died, and the technician for the ship missed the containment issues. Crashing into an Ozymandias fiefdom and needing to survive until the OES could pick you up, you made an eternal enemy of High Priest Azola and his cabal of astrologers. The Longsword sure as fuck came in handy.
ASPECTS: "My Trusty Longsword", "More Bronze Age Expertise Than You'd Think"​
SKILLS: 4 Close Combat, 4 Survival | 3 Stealth, 3 Charm, 3 Intimidation​

[ ] You went to Maud-Witkowski Technical Institute, on Shalerock - the better (in your opinion) of the two garden worlds in the New C. System. Things went well. Until the Purity Party won a majority in the lower house and the Prime Minister's spot. With the Queen ailing and unable to reign them in, the Pukes (as most people sharing your background in genetic augmentation - be it clones, tweaks, or just taking the wrong hormone for the wrong reasons) started to enact more and more draconian procedures on both augmented individuals and just anyone they didn't like (a list that got longer with every day.) You never expected to make an alliance with Nugent Coriolis, one of the most hated terrorist leaders on Shalerock, let alone to lead him and the SDD-2 paramilitary into an Ancient's weapon cache. Turns out, the guns still fucking worked!
ASPECTS: "Unexpected Liberator of Shalerock", "Kill Mark On Four Systems, Paid for by the Purity Party"​
SKILLS: 4 Tactics, 4 Energy Weapons | 3 Oratory, 3 Stealth, 3 Intimidation​

[ ] Eschewing either of the main "academic" settings of the system, you chose the hands on fieldwork of an apprenticeships at the Dockpoints, the circular ring-city that has grown up around the polar entrance of Ozymandias' enderworld. It is a place where people who came to study the world and the people who want more than living under kings and astrologers flock together and, thanks to a string of mismanagement and poor planning, almost immediately became a stratified slums. While living here was dangerous, your apprenticeship under the brilliant (if eccentric) Dr. Lazarus led you to multiple archeological finds that pushed back the mysteries around the Belisarius Cluster in fascinating ways. It all went great! ...until the Akna mercenaries, hired by some Trade Baron with an idea for massive profit in his head, kidnapped you, the doctor, and stole all your notes. If you weren't so incredibly good with computers and hiding, you'd never have gotten away. Worst? The data was lost as well.
ASPECTS: "Protégé of THE Dr. Lazarus!?", "Hacked Tracking Implant, in the base of your neck"​
SKILLS: 4 Computers, 4 Stealth | 3 Kinetic Weapons, 3 Engineering, 3 Piloting​
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Feb 6, 2022 at 10:46 PM, finished with 12 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] You settled on Onedia's primary university in Lung City, LCU. While living inside of an engineered house made of bone and breathing flesh took a bit of getting used to, you had to admit, the grub was better than most places. The Expeditionary Service hounded you through your entire academic career, and you worked the pressure off by throwing yourself into longsword practice - and to your shock, you actually got damn good at it. What was even more shocking was when, after graduation, you signed up for the OES and were put onto an expedition to Ozymandias - only to go down when the repair-grub that was supposed to check for faults in the fusion reactor caught a bug and died, and the technician for the ship missed the containment issues. Crashing into an Ozymandias fiefdom and needing to survive until the OES could pick you up, you made an eternal enemy of High Priest Azola and his cabal of astrologers. The Longsword sure as fuck came in handy.
    [X] You went to Maud-Witkowski Technical Institute, on Shalerock - the better (in your opinion) of the two garden worlds in the New C. System. Things went well. Until the Purity Party won a majority in the lower house and the Prime Minister's spot. With the Queen ailing and unable to reign them in, the Pukes (as most people sharing your background in genetic augmentation - be it clones, tweaks, or just taking the wrong hormone for the wrong reasons) started to enact more and more draconian procedures on both augmented individuals and just anyone they didn't like (a list that got longer with every day.) You never expected to make an alliance with Nugent Coriolis, one of the most hated terrorist leaders on Shalerock, let alone to lead him and the SDD-2 paramilitary into an Ancient's weapon cache. Turns out, the guns still fucking worked!

Bronze age madness is in your past! However, this next stage is...in your hands. You wrote yourself into the story of the High Priest Azola - and like it or not, he's coming along. Or maybe she? Them? It's up to you! The details are in the air, not well defined. You get to write the next section from THEIR perspective - how did they interact with this sword-weilding star traveler, and how did the two of you leave Ozymandias together? This will produce two aspects for your character AND define Azola's character and your relationship with them.

Everyone gets to write one version of Sidetracked (which should be a short paragraph, roughly as long and detailed as the paragraphs I described in previous parts), then I will pick the one I like most, in a WILD INVERSION of normal play.

...this is me trying to adapt the chargen system of Diaspora to a single player quest, so it's weird, sorry if it's weird.