Destiny: The Never Ending Halo (Halo: Infinite / Destiny)

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What happens when one legend ends unexpectedly?
Another legend is sent to make sure destiny, even in a changed way; continues.

Premise- Destiny MC Guardian gets sent to the Haloverse during the opening of Halo: Infinite, but with one major AU element that changes everything.

Halo- Start of Infinite
Destiny- Season of the Lost, during the waiting period for the ritual to start.
Opening Trailer
Puerto Rico
Narrator: Legends across time and space have shown they are blessed with an insane luck that allows them to defy expectations and prevail over the odds.

But sometimes, their luck can end in the simplest ways.

A cracked HUD, with a view into outer space filled with debris, is seen as air is seen going out the crack due to a small piece of debris that hit the helmet.

MJOLNIR Warning System: "Warning. Warning. Life Support failing. Life Support failing."

A Flatline is then heard as the view changes to show that the person that flatlined was John-117, floating in space next to other dead humans.

Narrator: But just because one legend ends, it does not mean the end of the story. But rather, it just means that a new legend is required to fill the void.

A black and blue colored Hawk VTOL, Alpha Umi variant; spaceship is seen traveling through space. Then the cockpit is shown with its Guardian, a large Titan; piloting while talking to its Ghost.

Guardian: "Where exactly did you say the SOS is coming from and how old the signal is?"

Ghost: "It's coming from the moon Callisto and the signal, based on my analysis; is over 30 years old."

Guardian: "What do we know of Callisto?"

Ghost: "According to the records I got and from what Elsie told us; was a small orbital laboratory owned by the Clovis Bray Corporation, but she had no idea what they did there."

Guardian: "A Bray Lab. Huh. So, what can we expect to encounter there that is the cause of the SOS?"

Ghost: "Based on our past encounters, I calculate a 35% encounter with the Vex, 60% encounter with the Black Fleet, 5% encounter with the Fallen; and a 100% guaranteed of cleaning up one of Clovis' mess once again."

Guardian: "So same old same old."

Ghost: "Yep."

The ship is seen approaching a damaged Vex gate that once it got near it, began to light up.

Guardian/Ghost: "SHIT!! VEX GATE!!"

The gate activates and sucks in the ship.

The ship is then seen appearing in the space UNSC debris field.

Guardian: "Ghost, where the hell are we, what the hell are we surrounded by and what in the name of the Traveler is that giant hula hoop?"

Ghost: "All star maps I have don't match our current location, have no idea what the giant ring is, only that it appears to be 10,000 kilometers in diameter. We appear to be surrounded by debris of destroyed ships. A quick scan of the bodies revealed several xeno bodies, but I did get one match."

Guardian: "What did you match?"

Ghost: "The lone body scans that matched was that of humans. And they seem to compose most of this graveyard."

Inside a UNSC Pelican cockpit, lights turn green as the warning system goes off.

Pelican warning system: "Signal detected. Signal detected. Tag designation unknown. Tag designation unknown. Bio-scan detect human. Bio-scan detect human…."

The pilot runs to the cockpit and quickly flips a few switches and picks up a headset.

Pilot: "This is UNSC Pelican Echo 216. Can you hear me?"

Ghost: "I picked a living human life sign close to us."

Guardian: "At least that is one good piece of news."

Narrator: "With the arrival of the Guardian, mankind will receive what had lost sometime ago. Hope."

The Pilot arrives by a transmat to the cargo hull of the Guardian's ship. He is surprised at what just happened but upon looking at the tall Guardian, his surprise is turned into happiness as he begins to jump up and down in excitement.

Pilot: "Yes! Yes! Yes! We're going home! Ha-ha! Oh man, I never though I would see a SPARTAN ever again. Though your armor seems to be different than before."

Guardian: "I don't know what a SPARTAN is."

The Guardian says as he takes off his helmet to show his human face to Pilot.

Guardian: "But I am glad to see a fellow human. I am a Guardian of the Vanguard. My name is …"

Narrator: "And while the Guardian has already someone on his shoulder to stand with him, there is nothing wrong with not only acquire more help but also teach them how to be more than an object."

The Guardian talking to his Ghost and the Weapon, who was being projected in her holographic form from the Ghost's shell.

Ghost: "Okay, whoever named you Weapon was just being insensitive. You are a free-thinking machine and thus deserve your own name."

Weapon: "Um, I don't know what to choose."

Guardian: "How about…."

Narrator: "Even though they are in a new universe, the same struggles mankind suffers under are still the same. With some unintentional coincidences."

Escharum: "Hope. It makes you weak. Humanity clings to the belief that a savior will come. That a hero will rise. Shrouded in armor to save you. It won't. Armor can be broken, bodies shattered. You humans might have gotten a new demon on your side, but it's just a delay. When you look back on these last days you will realize that all you built... was a tomb. A place where hope dies."

Ghost: "Oh great, we just solved one mystery. The Darkness somehow not only kidnapped him; but also turned that gold plated narcissistic turtle into a grey battle obsessed gorilla that apparently not only likes to get his hands dirty but also likes to fight directly."

Guardian: "This just means we can finally put a bullet in his head and get away with it. And no planet size whale to protect him."

Weapon: "I don't know about you guys, but the simulated image of Escharum in gold armor and drinking wine seems more horrifying than his current form."

Narrator: "The thing about legends, is that sometimes what they do have the capacity to bring what it's said about them to life and more importantly, reignite the fires of hope and bring those that are scattered and broken to be whole once more."

The Guardian, in his Arc Super Mode; decimates an entire platoon of Banished forces in record time with captured UNSC forces watching in awe. After clearing out the enemy forces, the Guardian approaches the human forces.

UNSC Soldier: "Who are you?"

Guardian: "A friend."

Narrator: "The opposing side might be made of new players, but the themes of them almost remain the same even across realities."

Guardian is seen fighting hordes of enemies composed of Banished, Prometheans and the Flood.

Ghost: "I am seriously starting to wonder if mankind across the multiverse seen to be fated to fight against groups that act and/or look familiar."

Weapon: "You mean the fact that the Banished look like a fusion of your Fallen with the Cabal; the Prometheans looking like the fully mech form of your Vex with a hint of the Taken due to how they are created and the Hive looking like the Flood would be if it was a twisted religion?"

Guardian: "Yep."

Narrator: "Mankind's original destiny might have been changed, but as long as one person challenges the twists of fate, that final destiny can still be one that allows mankind to shine against the night. Welcome to the new Destiny of Halo."

The Guardian is seen talking to his Ghost and the Weapon on the cargo hull of his ship while Pilot was on the controls of the ship.

The Pilot: "Is everyone trying to kill us?"

The Weapon: "It kinda seems like it..."

Ghost: "Sadly, this is a Tuesday for us."

Guardian: "And the same could be applied to all the other days of the week."

We see Ghost and Weapon having a private talk while the Guardian was sleeping in a UNSC camp with other survivors.

Weapon: "You know, I was examining the fragmented data on that SOS you two were following and the only thing I have been able to find was the name of the person who sent it on a loop but that's it."

Ghost: "Oh, and what name did you come up with? I swear if you say Clovis Bray, I will find a way to blow a gasket."

Weapon: "No, it was not Clovis. The name was Nuhtavas Anohtas."

Hi. So, between trying to write up the next entries of my two main quests (blasted Black Dice), this idea came to mind and decided to write it. With the upcoming H: I and the Bungie 30th​ Anniversary, decided to at least do this type of trailer for my possible Halo/Destiny crossover.

Decided to use the transcript format in the Halopedia for the trailers to write it since it seemed easier to do. Obviously until H:I comes out, this will remain an idea. Since this is not a serious thing, sorry for the quality of it, specially the title card.

As for the inclusion of Prometheans and Flood, until we get more info on the new enemies, specially whatever the hell is Harbinger; I am going with AU on that they are the ring for now.

Hope you like it and welcome any thoughts about it. Any questions, I will be glad to answer as long as it's not spoiler for my story.
If anybody wants to take this later on and do their own story, you are more than welcomed.

Decided to post this here besides on SB to get more viewers.

And like I explained over at SB, yes Chief died.
I was debating on either having Chief and my Guardian team up since the beginning but that would mean more work since with my Guardian I can come up with any personality I want, Chief's personality is established and I don't know if I am good enough to write him.

So I decided to settle with this a simple dice roll to decide.
It rolled a NAT 1.
I had the 'For want a Nail' trope page opened when I did the roll and the idea that Chief's suit was breached by any of the large amount of debris he was floating next to came to mind. He is in space for months, this is something that could easily happen.


Class- Titan, 7.1 feet tall


Gender- Male

Helmet- Kerak Type 2

Gauntlets- Pathfinder's Gauntlets

Chest- Severance Enclosure

Leg- Lightkin Greaves

Mark- Mark of the Unassailable

Main Kinetic- Seventh Seraph Carbine

Main Energy- Trinity Ghoul

Main Power- Royal Entry

Ghost- Rimed Shell, Name- FOR LATER

Note- All Armors use Solstice 2021 Ornaments. For the sake of the story, this also includes the one for the Exotic Chest also.