Designing the flag of a unified specieswide human government

Humanity united under a single government. Regardless of if it is desirable or even possible, it's a relatively common trope.

It's also not relevant to this thread aside from as a starting point for the sort of nitpicky question this site is famed for:

What's the flag going to be?

We're not reusing an existing nation's flag (none of the nations forming the hypothetical world union could agree on one) so we've got to design a new one. Any ideas?

(Courtesy of Reddit user thefrek)

Simple, to the point, and easy to draw. Perfect flag, really.
Go the Holy Roman Empire route.

Something like this, only with every single flag in the world.

The age of grotesquely tacky heraldry is long overdue for a comeback.:mad:
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UN flag is best for now, but to be frank, we're most likely going to have extraplanetary colonies before we have a unified Earth, at which point it will be outdated. Well unless the colonies go all Zeon on us, but if that happens, the map will also be outdated because it'll be missing the hole in Australia.
Realistically speaking I think this is most likely.

Just replace the Earth with something like the UN's design of earth and viola!
I like the UN flag.

This one is nice too, olympic like. Home
I think the UN flag without continents can maybe do better. No preferences, just the Earth or whatever new Earth we use by that time. Even a Sun can fit into that "globe with grids" image. The "change language" globe on the iOS is even better.

If it's a socialist government, I suppose the Italian national emblem on a white background is good enough if you change the text.
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UN flag or some variant on it is best for earthbound unified humanity. Once we progress beyond earth, I think we need something along the lines of Pale Wolf's suggestion, a gender neutral Vitruvian Person. Perhaps with Earth positioned over their heart, with lines spreading out. Or maybe it should go in the background, so that it doesn't get confused as being a part of a human or something.
UN flag is best for now, but to be frank, we're most likely going to have extraplanetary colonies before we have a unified Earth,
Glorified oil platform equivalents at best. Outposts, not real colonies.

On the other hand, as long as we don't encounter aliens against whom we need to articulate united interests, we also won't get a united Earth so... hm.
Go the Holy Roman Empire route.

Something like this, only with every single flag in the world.

The age of grotesquely tacky heraldry is long overdue for a comeback.:mad:

No, that isn't tacky. The arms follow the accepted heraldic rules, including for comination of elements. Every quarter of the shield is in fact the arms of a particular region the Holy Roman Emperor ruled (usually outside the HRE, like Hungary etc. , because it isn't actually the CoA of the Empire, but of the Emperor). Tacky are the pseudo-heraldic arms of so many American states:

Way too complicated, natural colours instead of heraldic colours, and yellow on yellow on the altar. Argh!

What kinda idiotic pseudo-quartering is that?

So I do agree, we need a return to the heraldic strictness of the HRE era.

However, what was asked about was a flag, and velixology and flag design follow completely different rules than heraldry and arms design :p

/E: Hrm. Unintentional double post. Can some mod merge them?
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