Defiant: World of Warcraft Classic Quest

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Westfall. It's not much, but it's yours. If you can keep it, that is.
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Rise From The Dust
25 A.D.P (617 by the King's Calendar)


Saphira Avonly has had better days.

"This sucks," she grumbles to her friend, tugging at her red silk bandana. It was going to get stained with sweat and she was running out of spares. Ugh. "This sucks."

Ellery nods.

They both stare up in silence at Klaven's Tower, the towering stonework too shoddy in design to be Stonemason work. Van Cleef would've ordered her to pull the place down rock by rock if anyone thought he had had a hand in it's creation.

That thought drags her back into her job for the day, and she scowls. The only thing Van Cleef had told her was that he thought Klaven Mortwake, who was in charge of magic research deemed not important enough for the Deadmines, was getting a little big in his britches. Typical. All the new Defias blood didn't understand the heart and soul of the operation, just looking for a shield to hide their petty crimes behind. If she were in charge of recruitment--

But that's a thought for another day.

Saphira bangs on the front door, her casual knocks hopeful disguising the careful code behind it. Then she waits, arms crossed in front of her.

Time stretches by without any response.

Her impatience getting the better of her, Saphira turns to Ellery.

"A hand, please?" Opening their mouth into a silent chuckle, Ellery clenches their hand into a fist and punches through the wood, then neatly grabs a hold of the other side of the door knob and pulls it open.

"Very funny."

Ellery winks at her, then slips away into the shadows as she steps into the tower. She knows they're still with her, always one knife away. However, that reassurance fades away almost immediately as she hears a sound that chills her to the bone. That slow shuffle, that low groan...

Undead. In Westfall.

Undead, in a Defias tower!?

Hatred for the Scourge bubbles beneath her skin, as it has ever since her family's village fell. She'll bury every light damned shambler in this tower. She'll bury them for good.

Wooden Rage: 1d100: 51+8= 59
Death Meets Death: 1d100: 98+14= 112

Swinging with her quarterstaff, Saphira hits the solid middle of the first monster, slamming it back into a nearby wall. It would have cracked the ribs of a normal man, but its kind feels no such pain. It's jaws crack open into an empty grin as it pushes towards her, grasping arms reaching out--

Only to smash back into the wall, a gleaming dagger protruding from one of it's eye sockets. It twitches there, helpless, as Saphira turns to see a second undead suffering the same fate, the red rags around its throat showing what had happened to the Defias that previously occupied this tower.

Saphira's eyes narrow as she stares up at the floors above them.

"I hate mages," she says, almost conversational. "Every single one of them, absolutely convinced that when they dabble in necromancy, it's going to be different."

Ellery's fingers fly as they respond, though not to the conversation she was having.

SI: 7 sniper outside just left. Highly suspicious.

"Every day. Every day, people test me. They walk right up to me in the street and they say 'Saphira! I think we can fix the Defias budget by transmuting lead into gold!' and I say, I can transmute things too, you know."

We need to kill the sorcerer, then head back to Moonbrook. I think something's wrong.

"I can transmute blood into wool, that's how good I am."

She climbs up the tower as she complains, her constant chatter a hopeful disguise for the fact that Ellery isn't with her. When she gets there, she pauses just outside the door, arms crossed.

Contested Roll.
The Budding Necromancer: 11+ 11= 22
The Defias Assassin: 67 + 19= 86

The door silently opens, and Ellery steps out, Defias lockbox in their arms. Behind them, the corpse of the late Klaven Mortwake is already cooling.

It seems like this isn't such a bad day after all.

They run into a young defias bandit on the road to Moonbrook, his eyes wild with fear and panic.

"You--" He stops, gasping for air. "You can't go there! We all have to run, have to hide! They killed..."

For a moment, Saphira feels as if she's gone deaf.

"They killed...the boss. Edwin Van Cleef! They got 'im."

Hi! Please excuse the lack of character creation, for my first quest I wanted to start with a quest character that I was certain I could write. This is a Defias Brotherhood Quest, set during Classic Wow. Turn 1 and various character sheets and housekeeping will go up shortly. Im figuring things out.
Character Sheet
Date of Birth: 585 King's Calendar
Description: A tired looking woman with black hair and deep crows feet around her eyes. Wears a red bandana covering the lower half of her face.

Martial: 7 +1 (8)
Diplomacy: 11
Stewardship: 15 +2 (17)
Intrigue: 8
Piety: 13
Learning: 14 +1 (15)

  • Hate the Living Dead: Saphira's family was from the town of Corrin's Crossing, and not one of them survived the Scourge. +10 attack rolls against undead, necromancers, etc
  • Defias: An original member of the Defias, at one point in her life Saphira worked as the quartermaster of the Stonemason's Guild. +2 to Stewardship. -3 to diplomacy with Nobility
  • Old Hand: She's been around the block enough to know a little something about a lot of some things. +1 Martial, +1 Learning
  • Last One Standing: Saphira is currently the highest ranking non-dead Defias member she knows of. It kind of pisses her off. Diplomacy with other Defias +3

Silver Elite Units
Elite Units can be added to an action in order to bolster the result.​

Ellery Blythe (Defias Assassin)
Saphira's odd friend of over 10 years, Ellery's reputation amongst the defias is one of silence and blood. Tasked with detecting and killing any SI:7 moles, they attend their duty with amused efficiency.

Martial: 14
Diplomacy: 5 (2)
Stewardship: 4+1 (5)
Intrigue: 17 +2 (19)
Piety: 7
Learning: 12

Traits Revealed:
  • Defias: A long standing member of the Brotherhood. +1 to Stewardship. -3 diplomacy with Nobility.
  • Knife in the Dark: There are some people who would hesitate before following orders. Ellery isn't one of them. +2 to Intrigue.

Morgan the Collector (Defias Leader: Elwynn Forest Branch)
One of Van Cleef's staunchest supporters for over twenty years, Morgan's belief in the Defias cause runs deep and true.

Martial: 13 +1 +2 (16)
Diplomacy: 9 (6)
Stewardship: 10 +1 (11)
Intrigue: 8
Piety: 10
Learning: 11 +1 (12)

Traits Revealed:
  • Defias: A long standing member of the Brotherhood. +1 to Stewardship. -3 diplomacy with Nobility.
  • Old Hand: He's been around the block enough to know a little something about a lot of some things. +1 Martial, +1 Learning
  • Iron Fist: Morgan thinks actions speak louder than words. +2 to Martial.
Gold Elite Units
You don't have any of these, and you possibly never will. Gold Elite Units are unlikely to be free agents, and generally have their own agendas. Should one deign to work for you, they will come with a free action above the restriction of the turn allowance. Just because an npc is designated as a gold elite within WoW means nothing to me, and they will be determined gold or silver according to what I feel like fits the story.
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For the first few turns, each one will take 2 weeks. This might then change to 1 month by turn three. I wanted to have each one be longer, but the amount of stuff that happens in year 25 is insane, even if not a lot of it happens in Westfall. I won't be rolling for everything that happens in Warcraft this year, just things that I feel fall under the butterfly effect.

Each action will have a DC that needs to be rolled over for that action to be successful. Silver Elite Units can be added to a specific action, in which case it will be Base roll + relevant stat.

Reputation: Reputation has no assigned numerical value: instead it will increase (or decrease) as you take Actions related to the faction in question. Starting with Friendly and up, factions will offer better deals, be more willing to agree with your ideas, and will reduce DCs of various actions related to their cause and goals.
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Defias Holdings
Defias Holdings (unfinished)
The Dagger Hills
-A series of hilly ridges behind Moonbrook that conceal a second entrance into the Deadmines. Defias Territory.

The Dust Plains
-Gnoll occupied, Klaven's Tower on the eastern edge. Klaven's Tower is part of the Redridge/Duskwood smuggling route.
-Jango Spothide is the second in command of the Riverpaws below Hogger; he controlls the area.

Klaven's Tower (Mortwake Tower)
-Current headquarters of the Defias under the control of Saphira Avonly

Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm
-Defias Controlled, Harvest Golems.

Gold Coast Quarry
-Defias Controlled

Jangolode Mine
-Kobold occupied, Defias controlled

-The Deadmines extend under most of Southern Westfall and into Northern Stranglethorn. Main entrance in Moonbrook, there's an exit in Western Dagger Hills.
-Whitestone oak lumber (special product)
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Goldwhisker: Neutral
The Goldwhisker kobolds are the faction of kobolds that occupy territory in Elwynn Forest and Westfall. They are lead by the kobold known as Goldtooth.

Riverpaw Gnolls: Friendly
The Riverpaw Gnolls are a band of knolls that, as their name suggests, hold territory on both the Elwynn Forest and Westfall sides of the Nefiriti River. Lead by Hogger, they answer to Jango Spothide until the day that Hogger is freed from the Stockades.
- Friendly Reputation Bonus: Lowered DCs on all Stockade related actions.

Sentinel Hill: Hostile
The people of Sentinel Hill have been through a lot, most of it unpleasant. A lot of it was, in fact, your fault-- or rather, the fault of the Stormwind nobility under Varian Wrynn. Their fields razed, their trade routes attacked, they have few things left to them. But they do have their pride. They are led by Gryan Stoutmantle, a paladin of the light who left the Stormwind army to return home in the aftermath of the Third War.
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Turn 1
Still silent from shock, you and Ellery returned to Klaven's Tower to plot your next steps from on high. There's so much you need to do--- you need to keep the smuggling chain that the Defias run from collapsing in on itself, you need to call in members from outside of Westfall and make sure they are still alive, you need to prevent Shaw from using this shakeup to get his own infiltrators inside of the Brotherhood..

Oh. And you need to find the traitor that revealed the Deadmines. And you need to make. Them. Pay.

You are Saphira Avonly, one of the highest ranking members of the Defias to survive the Crown-funded purge of the Deadmines. You will gather the threads left to fray by the death of Edwin Van Cleef. You will hold fast against the machinations of Stormwind.

And you will never rest until the Defias receive every single copper that they're owed.

Martial: (1 Action)
The Defias are scattered and fearful, and you barely know where they've gone to ground, let alone what they're doing. That needs to change, fast.

[] Return to Moonbrook: What better way to let everyone know this isn't over than to show it? Shaw will know, but concealing things from Shaw is for when you have better options. The Defias will claim Moonbrook openly, relying on enough of the Brotherhood gathering in one place to protect them. DC: 50 Time: 1 Turn

[] The Dead Acre: After the Defias burnt the fields to the ground and left the Harvest Golems to go berserk, no one wants to go there. As your first step towards re-declaring Defias territory, it would at least be easy, if not useful. DC: 0 Time: 1 Turn

[] The Dagger Hills: The Deadmine's have a secret exit that leads out over here, letting it be a perfect place to claim in order to get access and information on what, exactly, happened down there. But declaring claim to the Dagger Hills is largely performative, as there's no place to claim aside from some abandoned camps. DC: 15 Time: 1 Turn

[] Gold Coast Quarry: The Gold Coast Quarry used to be a valuable mineral and gold mine in Westfall for the Alliance until the Defias took it over. Now it's a valuable mineral and gold mine for the Defias. Or at least, it should be. Best to make sure no one feels like contesting that claim. DC: 30 Time: 1 Turn

Diplomacy: (1 Action)
Klaven's Tower is a key part of the Defias smuggling route, which is something you'd like to keep running far into the future. The first step is reassuring all of your trading partners that this isn't the end.

[] The Riverpaw Knolls: Ever since Hogger was taken to the stockades, Jango Spothide has stepped up as leader of the Riverpaw Band, running deliveries from Jerod's Landing all the way to the Tower. Make sure they know that you're the one to talk to. DC: 10 Time: 1 Turn

[] Venture Co.: They've been an important source of tinkers and engineers for Van Cleef's deadmine's projects for years, but... you glance over at the lockbox you'd found in Klaven's Tower. The one that confirms they'd sent a potion-- Zanzil's Mixture-- that could turn someone undead. Do you really need to keep working with them? Time: 2 Turns. DC: 0/10/30

[] Morgan the Collector: The Defias leader of the Elwyn branch, you don't know him that well-- usually he'd talk to Van Cleef directly. But now, you and him need to talk. Time: 1 Turn DC: 15/25

Stewardship: (1 Action)
Westfall has lain fallow since the end of the Second War, about 18 years ago. It's a good thing you're not a farmer, or this would be your problem. Instead, your problem is the same as it's always been: Keeping the gold flowing.

[] You No Take My Gold Mine: The Goldtooth kobolds have been mining in the Jangolode mine for years, giving the ore to the Defias in exchange for being otherwise protected and left alone. You need to head over there, make sure they're still working, and divert the gold from Moonbrook back to Klaven's Tower. DC: 5; Time: 1 Turn

[] Lord of All She Surveys: You need to take stock of all of the Defias holdings and what has happened to them. It's not going to be easy, but how much you don't know is really starting to scare you. DC: 0; Time: 3 Turns
Note: every turn you'll receive more information until this completes.

[] Pumpkins: You don't know why the Defias run Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm, but they do. You should probably.. Look into that. DC: 0; Time: 1 Turn

Intrigue: (1 Action)
The shadow games played by Van Cleef and Matthias Shaw were those of Defias legend, but you'd have been very happy to leave that to other people's legends. You don't think you've ever hated someone the way you hate Shaw for what he's done to you and your Brothers.

[] The Defias Traitor: Someone squealed. Find out who. DC: ?? Turn: Until It Works

[] Counter- espionage: The minute you start making moves, Van Cleef's target will appear squarely on your back, right along with the glaring red sights of a sniper rifle. You should probably up your defenses. DC: 0; Time: 1 Turn
Note: Will increase the needed dc of an assassination roll taken against Saphira.

[] One of Van Cleef's top lieutenants wasn't in the Deadmines. You know, because he's long since been taken to the Stockades. It's not going to be easy to get a message to him, but you need the help. DC: 40/60; Time: 1 Turn

[] Hope: Van Cleef had a daughter. You don't know what she looked like or where she is, but you desperately hope she's okay. Part of you wants to go looking, but the other half wonders if even the act of looking will alert Shaw's hounds. You don't want a child's blood on your hands. Please. DC: 80/??? Turn: Until It Works

Piety: (1 Action)
Light help you.

[] You haven't even seen Van Cleef's body yet, but what's the use of burying a body when you're sure the adventurer's have taken his head. What's the use... but the same thing that drives you to oppose the undead also makes you unable to give in here. Van Cleef will have a funeral. A proper funeral, with a priest and a gathering and everything. So first thing first: Finding a priest willing to give it. DC: ??

Learning: (1 Action)
You're not a bad hand with the books, if you say so yourself. But.. what the hell is this?

[] Zanzil's Mixture: You don't want anything to do with it. What you really want is to figure out how to safely get rid of it, because just pouring it out into the nearby river strikes you as.. A singularly terrible idea. DC: 50/70; Time: Turn: 1

[] Cyphered Receipts: You'd thought you'd know about every stop on the Red Silk Road, but some of the notes you've been finding in Klaven's Tower are making you think otherwise. But other than the Gnolls, the goblins, and the kobolds, who else was there to be trading with? You really need to know. DC: 40; Time: Turn 1

Personal Life: (Optional. Choose one from here or take another action from any category above. Be Careful: doing that too much will result in negative traits such as Burnout.)
You just feel... tired.

[] I Feel Fine: How are you doing after learning that most of your longest time friends and acquaintances are dead? Fine. You're doing fine. In fact, you feel so fine that you're going to go fishing, like someone who is fine and not experiencing issues would do.

[] Stonework: A long, long time ago, Van Cleef took you on as an apprentice because of how good you were at working with stone. It's been years, but... you could try working on a little project. Maybe. Where were your old tools, again?

I don't know if such a young quest needs a moratorium, but I'm putting one in anyway. Wait an hour to start voting, please.
[X] Plan: Need more Minerals!
[X] Gold Coast Quarry: The Gold Coast Quarry used to be a valuable mineral and gold mine in Westfall for the Alliance until the Defias took it over. Now it's a valuable mineral and gold mine for the Defias. Or at least, it should be. Best to make sure no one feels like contesting that claim. DC: 30 Time: 1 Turn

[X] The Riverpaw Knolls: Ever since Hogger was taken to the stockades, Jango Spothide has stepped up as leader of the Riverpaw Band, running deliveries from Jerod's Landing all the way to the Tower. Make sure they know that you're the one to talk to. DC: 10 Time: 1 Turn

[X] You No Take My Gold Mine: The Goldtooth kobolds have been mining in the Jangolode mine for years, giving the ore to the Defias in exchange for being otherwise protected and left alone. You need to head over there, make sure they're still working, and divert the gold from Moonbrook back to Klaven's Tower. DC: 5; Time: 1 Turn

[X] Counter- espionage: The minute you start making moves, Van Cleef's target will appear squarely on your back, right along with the glaring red sights of a sniper rifle. You should probably up your defenses. DC: 0; Time: 1 Turn
Note: Will increase the needed dc of an assassination roll taken against Saphira.
-[X] Assign Ellery Blythe
[X] You haven't even seen Van Cleef's body yet, but what's the use of burying a body when you're sure the adventurer's have taken his head. What's the use... but the same thing that drives you to oppose the undead also makes you unable to give in here. Van Cleef will have a funeral. A proper funeral, with a priest and a gathering and everything. So first thing first: Finding a priest willing to give it. DC: ??

[X] Stonework: A long, long time ago, Van Cleef took you on as an apprentice because of how good you were at working with stone. It's been years, but... you could try working on a little project. Maybe. Where were your old tools, again?

[X] Cyphered Receipts: You'd thought you'd know about every stop on the Red Silk Road, but some of the notes you've been finding in Klaven's Tower are making you think otherwise. But other than the Gnolls, the goblins, and the kobolds, who else was there to be trading with? You really need to know. DC: 40; Time: Turn 1

So! The basis of this plan is pretty straightforward xD. Secure the best possible foothold early on for wealth and material income, secure the simplest trade outlet, make it harder to kill us, and take up an old hobby that has a lot of potential practical applications as well for us :p
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I'll be closing the vote later tonight, but i need to clarify a mechanic: the current plan doesn't have what action Ellery will be attached to. I'm assuming the Intrigue one, but I'd like if the plan stated that. Silver Units like Ellery can be added to an action in order to increase the likelihood and magnitude of success.
I'll be closing the vote later tonight, but i need to clarify a mechanic: the current plan doesn't have what action Ellery will be attached to. I'm assuming the Intrigue one, but I'd like if the plan stated that. Silver Units like Ellery can be added to an action in order to increase the likelihood and magnitude of success.

Sorry I just chucked a plan together last night so that there'd be a positive response and interaction c: I'll edit it.

She has been assigned!
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I'm hyped to see what options we can get our hands on. Gnolls for example would make excellent muscle if we're willing to hire them as mercenaries as well, Golems are one of our best disposable chaff options, but that will require more infrastructure. Hoping we get set up nicely to begin reviving the Defias Cause.
voting is now closed. thank you all! I'll begin writing.
Scheduled vote count started by zarinthel on Dec 4, 2020 at 12:17 AM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Need more Minerals!
    [X] Gold Coast Quarry: The Gold Coast Quarry used to be a valuable mineral and gold mine in Westfall for the Alliance until the Defias took it over. Now it's a valuable mineral and gold mine for the Defias. Or at least, it should be. Best to make sure no one feels like contesting that claim. DC: 30 Time: 1 Turn
    [X] The Riverpaw Knolls: Ever since Hogger was taken to the stockades, Jango Spothide has stepped up as leader of the Riverpaw Band, running deliveries from Jerod's Landing all the way to the Tower. Make sure they know that you're the one to talk to. DC: 10 Time: 1 Turn
    [X] You No Take My Gold Mine: The Goldtooth kobolds have been mining in the Jangolode mine for years, giving the ore to the Defias in exchange for being otherwise protected and left alone. You need to head over there, make sure they're still working, and divert the gold from Moonbrook back to Klaven's Tower. DC: 5; Time: 1 Turn
    [X] Counter- espionage: The minute you start making moves, Van Cleef's target will appear squarely on your back, right along with the glaring red sights of a sniper rifle. You should probably up your defenses. DC: 0; Time: 1 Turn
    -[X] Assign Ellery Blythe
    [X] You haven't even seen Van Cleef's body yet, but what's the use of burying a body when you're sure the adventurer's have taken his head. What's the use... but the same thing that drives you to oppose the undead also makes you unable to give in here. Van Cleef will have a funeral. A proper funeral, with a priest and a gathering and everything. So first thing first: Finding a priest willing to give it. DC: ??
    [X] Stonework: A long, long time ago, Van Cleef took you on as an apprentice because of how good you were at working with stone. It's been years, but... you could try working on a little project. Maybe. Where were your old tools, again?
    [X] Cyphered Receipts: You'd thought you'd know about every stop on the Red Silk Road, but some of the notes you've been finding in Klaven's Tower are making you think otherwise. But other than the Gnolls, the goblins, and the kobolds, who else was there to be trading with? You really need to know. DC: 40; Time: Turn 1
Turn 1 Results
[X] Plan: Need more Minerals!
[X] Gold Coast Quarry: The Gold Coast Quarry used to be a valuable mineral and gold mine in Westfall for the Alliance until the Defias took it over. Now it's a valuable mineral and gold mine for the Defias. Or at least, it should be. Best to make sure no one feels like contesting that claim. DC: 30 Time: 1 Turn

[X] The Riverpaw Knolls: Ever since Hogger was taken to the stockades, Jango Spothide has stepped up as leader of the Riverpaw Band, running deliveries from Jerod's Landing all the way to the Tower. Make sure they know that you're the one to talk to. DC: 10 Time: 1 Turn

[X] You No Take My Gold Mine: The Goldtooth kobolds have been mining in the Jangolode mine for years, giving the ore to the Defias in exchange for being otherwise protected and left alone. You need to head over there, make sure they're still working, and divert the gold from Moonbrook back to Klaven's Tower. DC: 5; Time: 1 Turn

[X] Counter- espionage: The minute you start making moves, Van Cleef's target will appear squarely on your back, right along with the glaring red sights of a sniper rifle. You should probably up your defenses. DC: 0; Time: 1 Turn
Note: Will increase the needed dc of an assassination roll taken against Saphira.
-[X] Assign Ellery Blythe
[X] You haven't even seen Van Cleef's body yet, but what's the use of burying a body when you're sure the adventurer's have taken his head. What's the use... but the same thing that drives you to oppose the undead also makes you unable to give in here. Van Cleef will have a funeral. A proper funeral, with a priest and a gathering and everything. So first thing first: Finding a priest willing to give it. DC: ??

[X] Stonework: A long, long time ago, Van Cleef took you on as an apprentice because of how good you were at working with stone. It's been years, but... you could try working on a little project. Maybe. Where were your old tools, again?

[X] Cyphered Receipts: You'd thought you'd know about every stop on the Red Silk Road, but some of the notes you've been finding in Klaven's Tower are making you think otherwise. But other than the Gnolls, the goblins, and the kobolds, who else was there to be trading with? You really need to know. DC: 40; Time: Turn 1

Turn One Results

Martial: (1 Action)
The Defias are scattered and fearful, and you barely know where they've gone to ground, let alone what they're doing. That needs to change, fast.

Gold Coast Quarry: The Gold Coast Quarry used to be a valuable mineral and gold mine in Westfall for the Alliance until the Defias took it over. Now it's a valuable mineral and gold mine for the Defias. Or at least, it should be. Best to make sure no one feels like contesting that claim. DC: 30 Time: 1 Turn

Rolled: 76

-You were unsure what state you'd find the Gold Coast Quarry in when you got there. Completely deserted? For the People's Militia to have already taken the opportunity to set up their own patrols around the perimeter? Thankfully, none of that is true. A Defias patroller greets you with a nervous smile and sweat stained on his red bandana, and explains to you that they'd managed to scare off the inquisitive murloc or so, but it was just so reassuring that they were still on the payroll what with the rumours and all, and---
Reward: Gold Coast Quarry remains under Defias Control. Stewardship Action Unlocked.

Diplomacy: (1 Action)
Klaven's Tower is a key part of the Defias smuggling route, which is something you'd like to keep running far into the future. The first step is reassuring all of your trading partners that this isn't the end.

The Riverpaw Knolls: Ever since Hogger was taken to the stockades, Jango Spothide has stepped up as leader of the Riverpaw Band, running deliveries from Jerod's Landing all the way to the Tower. Make sure they know that you're the one to talk to. DC: 10 Time: 1 Turn

Rolled: 41

-Jango Spothide is a very distinctive gnoll, the cheetah spots on his hide making him easy to pick out from the crowd of Gnoll bodyguards that surround him. He nods along as you explain the situation, only relaxing when you clarify that you still have the means to pay his band for their continued services. But the true break comes when you bring up the fact that Hogger was taken to the Stockades-- eyes flaring with anger, Jango tells you that if you ever intend to break some of your own out of that slaughterhouse masquerading as a prison, he'll be pissed indeed if he doesn't get to come.
Reward: Diplomatic Ties with the Riverpaw Gnolls. Lowered DC on Stockade related actions.

Stewardship: (1 Action)
Westfall has lain fallow since the end of the Second War, about 18 years ago. It's a good thing you're not a farmer, or this would be your problem. Instead, your problem is the same as it's always been: Keeping the gold flowing.

You No Take My Gold Mine: The Goldtooth kobolds have been mining in the Jangolode mine for years, giving the ore to the Defias in exchange for being otherwise protected and left alone. You need to head over there, make sure they're still working, and divert the gold from Moonbrook back to Klaven's Tower. DC: 5; Time: 1 Turn

Rolled: 14

-The Kobolds aren't very happy with you. They're cowards, and they hate change. But none of the adventurers that rampaged through the Deadmines have touched the mine, which technically means the Defias upheld their end of the bargain. And on top of all that, you're pretty sure that there's something they aren't telling you. Extremely grudgingly, the gold resumes its natural flow into the Defias coffers.
Reward: Jangolode Mine (Productive)

Intrigue: (1 Action)
The shadow games played by Van Cleef and Matthias Shaw were those of Defias legend, but you'd have been very happy to leave that to other people's legends. You don't think you've ever hated someone the way you hate Shaw for what he's done to you and your Brothers.

Counter- espionage: The minute you start making moves, Van Cleef's target will appear squarely on your back, right along with the glaring red sights of a sniper rifle. You should probably up your defenses. DC: 0; Time: 1 Turn
Note: Will increase the needed dc of an assassination roll taken against Saphira.

Rolled: 49+19= 68

-Ellery gets to work. You operate out of Klaven's Tower now, so all the windows on the top floor are closed and shuttered. They trap the stairwell, they trap the walkways, and they leave chests with slightly incriminating evidence just out of reach of the careless adventurer on the crown's payroll. Just the sort of thing that (Rolling... 92) would make someone regret being born. Overall, you feel as safe as you can be-- though you don't think Ellery agrees.
Reward: DC raised. Traps set.

Piety: (1 Action)
Light help you.

You haven't even seen Van Cleef's body yet, but what's the use of burying a body when you're sure the adventurer's have taken his head. What's the use... but the same thing that drives you to oppose the undead also makes you unable to give in here. Van Cleef will have a funeral. A proper funeral, with a priest and a gathering and everything. So first thing first: Finding a priest willing to give it. DC: ??

Rolled: 27

-You'll just have to keep looking. DC revealed: 30/50/70

Learning: (1 Action)
You're not a bad hand with the books, if you say so yourself. But.. what the hell is this?

Cyphered Receipts: You'd thought you'd know about every stop on the Red Silk Road, but some of the notes you've been finding in Klaven's Tower are making you think otherwise. But other than the Gnolls, the goblins, and the kobolds, who else was there to be trading with? You really need to know. DC: 40; Time: Turn 1

Rolled: 27
Failure salvaged by Personal Critical Success (see below)

-It galls you that you couldn't break the code. It's not even that unfamiliar: you thought you'd known every variation that Van Cleef used! But not, apparently this one. It continues to bother you as you give up for the moment, turning your attention to a more personal project....
Continued in Interlude: We Built This City

Personal Life: (Optional. Choose one from here or take another action from any category above. Be Careful: doing that too much will result in negative traits such as Burnout.)

Stonework: A long, long time ago, Van Cleef took you on as an apprentice because of how good you were at working with stone. It's been years, but... you could try working on a little project. Maybe. Where were your old tools, again?

Rolled: 98
Critical Success!

Interlude: We Built This City
Saphira grimaced, staring down at the hammer and chisel she'd managed to find. They were shoddy work, not even fit for the journeyman she'd been when the Stormind nobility had disbanded the Stonemason's guild. She'd let her skills rust ever since, as Van Cleef had said: the Defias would be building nothing until they gained back every single copper coin they were owed.

But... she stares around her, the crooked stone of Klaven's Tower and the quality of her tool a gnawing, ever present reminder of the distance between Westfall's dusty plains and Stormwind's proud gate.

She built that city, damn it. She'd traveled as a young woman, taken the ship all the way down from Menethil Harbour so she could work for the Stonemasons. She was talented, driven, and promising. She would make her family proud.

Her family died five years ago. Could she have saved them from the plague of undeath had she been there? Of course not. But what would she know? She couldn't have been there. Defias don't abandon the cause.

Before she knows it, her hands have flown to work, hammer and chisel cracking over the loose quarry rubble until something.. Strange takes shape.

Van Cleef had had a terrible sense of humour. Sometimes he'd get to drinking, and he'd heft up a small rock.

"You see this?" He'd say, tossing it up and catching it. "This is the rock that killed Tiffin Wrynn."

It's not that rock. It's a different rock every time, but that's not the point.

"It's small," Van Cleef would continue. "Insignificant, really. But--" He'd throw it against the wall, shattering it into dust. "Someone threw it. They threw that rock, and in that moment they caused more harm to Stormwind than every. Single. Riot. We ever had."

She still remembers his smile.

"One day, I'm going to find whoever threw that rock," he'd said. "And even if it turns out they are a demon-- I'm going to shake that sinner's hand."

The symbol of light, inverted. That's the piece she was missing! That's what she didn't understand about the cypher! Tucking her work away into a lockbox, Saphira returns to her desk, eyes burning as she once more looks at the mysterious receipts and letters.


I'm glad we could come to an agreement. The stone will be shipped from Jerod's Landing to Stonewatch Keep. In return, I've provided several reassurances: Blacknails will oversee the Jangolode mine; the mithril and salt peter you've requested will be set at the drop off point in Three Corners to be picked up by a designate of your choosing.

Yours in Enmity,



Arrangements have been made with our mutual friends in Dustwallow Marsh. I've taken care of my side of things. Now it's your turn. There's only one way to earn a king's ransom, as you rogues know.

Yours in Enmity,


There are other messages and careful accountancy of the transference of stone, whiteoak, and saltpeter between Elwynn Forest, Redridge, and Westfall, but Saphira can find no other letters written from the mysterious O. And Blacknails? Who is that? She scowls down as the papers, confused and frustrated.

"Ellery?" She finally asks. "Did you know anything about.. Stonewatch Keep?"

The assassin shifts out of stealth, peering over her shoulder to stare down at the deciphered scrawl.

"Stonewatch Keep is black rock orc territory," Ellery says, clearly uninterested. "I didn't know we had deals over there."

Saphira has to fight down her urge to scream.

Rewards: New information on the Defias Smuggling Operations. New Diplomacy and Intrigue Actions. Saphira earns +1 Learning!

GM Note:
I decided to just tack the interlude to the results post because it wasn't very long. If you'd prefer it had a seperate post, I can change that.
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