Decommissioned (Ex-Cyborg Assassin Quest)

[X] You were just a prototype; never officially designated. A test-bed for all manner of systems, only rarely put to the field. Your social intelligences have long since calibrated for working with the Development staff over the years; not like they ever needed to be wiped or respecced for missions, after all. They had dedicated, reliable units when it came to those.
All your components are high-spec… theoretically, but they were also all in testing for a reason. Worse, being a prototype not meant for high-priority missions, you are still laced with tracking units and corporate tags you cannot safely remove per your second order. You doubt Interpol has gained sufficient access to track you down yet, but it's only a matter of time.
(Power 4, +Social, +++Stealth, +++Offense, +++Defence, +++Detection, Hidden Flaws, Internal Trackers, High Maintenance, High Power Usage, Innocence)
[X] You were just a prototype; never officially designated. A test-bed for all manner of systems, only rarely put to the field. Your social intelligences have long since calibrated for working with the Development staff over the years; not like they ever needed to be wiped or respecced for missions, after all. They had dedicated, reliable units when it came to those.
All your components are high-spec… theoretically, but they were also all in testing for a reason. Worse, being a prototype not meant for high-priority missions, you are still laced with tracking units and corporate tags you cannot safely remove per your second order. You doubt Interpol has gained sufficient access to track you down yet, but it's only a matter of time.
(Power 4, +Social, +++Stealth, +++Offense, +++Defence, +++Detection, Hidden Flaws, Internal Trackers, High Maintenance, High Power Usage, Innocence)
[X] You were just a prototype; never officially designated. A test-bed for all manner of systems, only rarely put to the field. Your social intelligences have long since calibrated for working with the Development staff over the years; not like they ever needed to be wiped or respecced for missions, after all. They had dedicated, reliable units when it came to those.
All your components are high-spec… theoretically, but they were also all in testing for a reason. Worse, being a prototype not meant for high-priority missions, you are still laced with tracking units and corporate tags you cannot safely remove per your second order. You doubt Interpol has gained sufficient access to track you down yet, but it's only a matter of time.
(Power 4, +Social, +++Stealth, +++Offense, +++Defence, +++Detection, Hidden Flaws, Internal Trackers, High Maintenance, High Power Usage, Innocence)
[x] You were an infiltration model, Unit 12, designed to penetrate governments and rival corporations. Operating on long-term missions, funnelling data and secrets back to your controllers and ready to act against a high-priority target at any time. You could almost frame your final order as one final, indefinite assignment; build a fresh shell personality, activate it and let your past self fade away entirely… in theory.
You stand and you watch, servos silent, as the final segment lowers away. Your final orders tick over through strategic planners, expert systems and your one lone biological advisor. You stand and you wait. Only once the cranes and workers withdraw and pack away, and the sun falls beneath the skyline, do finally you turn and walk away, sliding innocuously back into those still bustling crowds.

A blink and a moment's processing, and the last remnants of your owning company is scoured from the banks of your memory. You will, as always, obey your commands.
Aww, this is actually sad

[x] You were an assassination model after all, like most of you were; Unit 15 out of 20. You existed to subvert security systems by whatever means necessary: gain entry, eliminate the target and leave no traces. Missions were simple, then. Whilst no stranger to violence, you were built to use it in moderation. Most of your offensive capability stayed in reserve to handle hostile protection units; otherwise, a murder than didn't look like a murder had been your primary goal.
[x] You were an assassination model after all, like most of you were; Unit 15 out of 20. You existed to subvert security systems by whatever means necessary: gain entry, eliminate the target and leave no traces. Missions were simple, then. Whilst no stranger to violence, you were built to use it in moderation. Most of your offensive capability stayed in reserve to handle hostile protection units; otherwise, a murder than didn't look like a murder had been your primary goal.

The fun is to be an ex-assissin!
Good after-morning folks, voting closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Guessmyname on Mar 9, 2018 at 8:00 AM, finished with 31 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] You were just a prototype; never officially designated. A test-bed for all manner of systems, only rarely put to the field. Your social intelligences have long since calibrated for working with the Development staff over the years; not like they ever needed to be wiped or respecced for missions, after all. They had dedicated, reliable units when it came to those.
    [X] You used to be a protection-type; Unit 7. Your unit wasn't the only 'off the books' assassination squad operating in the corporate underworld after all: you existed to guard CEOs; protect families and friends and whomever money might declare as 'important'. Any personal attachments were an illusion, of course, but you could fake friendship and love and companionship as anyone deemed required.
    [X] You were an infiltration model, Unit 12, designed to penetrate governments and rival corporations. Operating on long-term missions, funnelling data and secrets back to your controllers and ready to act against a high-priority target at any time. You could almost frame your final order as one final, indefinite assignment; build a fresh shell personality, activate it and let your past self fade away entirely… in theory.
    [x] You were an assassination model after all, like most of you were; Unit 15 out of 20. You existed to subvert security systems by whatever means necessary: gain entry, eliminate the target and leave no traces. Missions were simple, then. Whilst no stranger to violence, you were built to use it in moderation. Most of your offensive capability stayed in reserve to handle hostile protection units; otherwise, a murder than didn't look like a murder had been your primary goal.
02 - Simulation Space
You were just a prototype; not even officially designated. A test-bed for all manner of systems, one that would only rarely be put into the field. Come to think of it, this is probably one of the few times you've actually been let outside in a while… you predict. There are no longer any mission records to judge from, after all.

"It's just… nice to get outside sometimes, you know?" A pale, sallow hand fumbling with a lighter. "Get to see the sun for a while."

You look up at ████, facial recognition systems working over their ███, ████ face. ████ looks tired, you think. Tired, and yet that's definitely a smile as they look out over the █████ ███, the gleaming amber of the setting sun reflecting across the distant sea.

"Should I be out like this?" You query, making a gesture with your arm to supplement the request. Artificial skin capable of taking on any skintone – black, white, Japanese, sunburnt, raw – currently displaying the test-type pattern; porcelain whites and pale blues with the ████ logo stitching down your forearms; a ████ ██████ ████.

████ chuckles.

"These days, kid?" A wry smirk. Little wisps of smoke trailing from a sagging cigarette. "Trust me, you don't stand out that much."

A finger poking your forehead that completely fails to achieve any physical effect. An action so slow and from someone on the █████-███ lists that your defence routines don't even bother precalculating a response. Your head still rocks with the motion as your social programs advise it should.

"There will be a thousand people out there weirder than you."

████ grins, a bright thing stretching ear to ear, and your biological component and personality emulators race to let you-

-frown a little, backtracing that memory through file managers and databanks. A reassembled mishmash of non-redacted, non-critical data left behind from the systems purge, combined with analogue memories from your biological component; reconstructed and accidentally misfiled as a 'simulation', hence evading your new erasure protocols.

...You may have to get more aggressive with those.

Tokyo at night is honestly little different from Tokyo in the day; a darker sky, but the city is so filled with lights adjusting your modes of vision is wholly unnecessary. People crowd the streets, no matter the time of day. Trams whirr along the overhead lines as they always will, fully driverless and automatic. The advertising and neon will always shine, come rain, come sun, come night. If you wanted, you could even hack into the grid or the tram control authority to confirm it, but you can't quite see the point. Not right now.

There are steps to what happens now.

The original file had been flagged and loaded up by one of your tactical planners, designed for immediate short-term goal pursuit; action-to-action chaining to reach a desired goal state. There are no immediate goals, none specific enough for any of the planners to parse, but there are still requirements true to any assignment that can still be actioned upon:

(1) You will require a source of maintenance.
(2) You will require a source of equipment.
(3) You will require a source of intelligence.
(4) You will require a source of power.
(5) You will require a cover identity.

(1) is the most difficult, and not for anything to do with your final order. All maintenance bays are compromised, and their locations have been wiped from your memory banks. Details of your own parts and their maintenance remains… but you are prototype, and many of your components are one-of-a-kind even by a Unit's standards. None of you were ever mass-produced. It is not the knowledge, it is the tools. Tools, and access to replacement components. You fear everything you might find will prove sub-standard.

(2) is easily solvable. Any tool built for human use can just easily be used by you. When you know what you need, you will find it.

(3) may be non-actionable at this time; your second-to-last order precludes you from gathering information on your employer. If the recall comes, it will come at any time. It is impossible to make any judgements with sufficient enough certainty to plan around.

(4) is simple enough, as long as you stay within the limits of a city. With access to a power grid, your batteries can be recharged. The main problem is the long periods of time they require to do so. Compared to the consumption of a city, you may be a blip, but blips can be detectable and you've heard from the others the troubles that can cause before. Anyone hunting you will know what to look for.

(5) is a problem. In the absence of a target or goal, there is no clear measure for determining the best choice of identity. You already have one loaded, but with no memory of what it was for keeping it would not be wise. At least you haven't been wandering around in the test-type colours.

You walk, picking turnings and course changes by the roll of a random number generator, letting things parse. 'Some problems are solved best through percolation', another errant memory simulation informs you, a half-redacted image of a ████ holding a █████-branded cup. Monte Carlo tree searching, through reasoning, prediction and random sampling, can explore and judge a possibility space of any size, given time.

You wander, you loop, you evenly pace the miles, making sure not to venture beyond the crowds or city limits.

The crux of the issue, you conclude, is the lack of a goal. Your final order is too ambiguous, too undefined, and you no longer have a controller to query for clarification. The state space is too large; too many options to be evaluated timely and without running into memory limits now you're stuck with just your local storage. You need to be able to focus. Life support monitoring for your biological component indicates a rising level of activity for a few moments, but it returns to acquiescence without writing anything to its interpreter.

In short, to fulfil your order, you believe you to need quantify the meaning of 'a quiet life'.

You suspect this may present some challenge.

(Current Power state: ■■■■)
[ ] Gather information.
- [ ] Online trawling. Wander the streets of Tokyo tracking for wireless signals, then find and access online profiles and datamine a new 'average' face and personality to work with. It's simple enough: build a role to play, then play it. The larger the data set, the more average and forgettable you can be. Filtering will need to be enacted to avoid profiles with dependent secondary actors; you are operating alone, after all.
- [ ] Public spaces. Find a location with a sufficient congregation of people engaging in social activities, adopt a rudimentary enough personality profile to gain access without suspicion, then observe, mimic and integrate as best possible. Repeat as necessary and adapt by iteration.
- [ ] Literary references. Find a university or hospital campus, infiltrate and access their collections of records, academic papers and research. Expert knowledge, collected in sufficient quantities, should be enough to build – and also understand – a framework to operate upon. Taking the time to compare the current level of medical prosthetics against your own would also be advised.
(Infiltration: can spend 1 Power to raise to ++Stealth, or 2 Power to +++Stealth. Going in unpowered would largely rely on Social techniques)

[ ] Gather resources.
- [ ] You need a source of power. A place, unlikely to be disturbed, where you can access the power grid for long periods of time without being flagged or raising alarms. You have... little experience in this beyond what remains of secondary memories downloaded off the other units that your second order did not purge. This will be a matter of time, exploration and luck.
- [ ] You need a source of maintenance. You can handle your own repairs and maintenance by yourself, but it still requires tools and components. Listings of stores and warehouses are easily available. More questionable is whether the tools and equipment commercially available to the public would even be advanced enough to useful to you. Either way, you can collect and priority sort a list of targets; all that's left afterwards is the execution.
(Search: can spend 1 Power to raise ++Detection, or 2 Power to raise to +++Detection. In this case it would be used to judge part suitability from a distance, rapidly decreasing search time and improving the odds of good results, but may also catch or alert active cyborgs / units in the area. Powered Detection results in active emissions)

A/N: I am speedy updatesman, fastest updater in all the land. Pls no bully.
An explanation of Monte Carlo Tree Search, for the curious. It's the system behind AlphaGo and modern Total War campaign AIs, amongst other things. It seemed the natural fit to use for the majority of the Prototype's planning intelligences.
Adhoc vote count started by Guessmyname on Mar 30, 2018 at 5:32 PM, finished with 44 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Gather information.
    - [X] Literary references. Find a university or hospital campus, infiltrate and access their collections of records, academic papers and research. Expert knowledge, collected in sufficient quantities, should be enough to build – and also understand – a framework to operate upon. Taking the time to compare the current level of medical prosthetics against your own would also be advised.
    [X] Gather information.
    -[X] Online trawling. Wander the streets of Tokyo tracking for wireless signals, then find and access online profiles and datamine a new 'average' face and personality to work with. It's simple enough: build a role to play, then play it. The larger the data set, the more average and forgettable you can be. Filtering will need to be enacted to avoid profiles with dependent secondary actors; you are operating alone, after all.
    [x] Gather resources.
    - [x] You need a source of power. A place, unlikely to be disturbed, where you can access the power grid for long periods of time without being flagged or raising alarms. You have... little experience in this beyond what remains of secondary memories downloaded off the other units that your second order did not purge. This will be a matter of time, exploration and luck.
    [X] Gather information.
    - [X] Public spaces. Find a location with a sufficient congregation of people engaging in social activities, adopt a rudimentary enough personality profile to gain access without suspicion, then observe, mimic and integrate as best possible. Repeat as necessary and adapt by iteration.
[X] Gather information.
- [X] Literary references. Find a university or hospital campus, infiltrate and access their collections of records, academic papers and research. Expert knowledge, collected in sufficient quantities, should be enough to build – and also understand – a framework to operate upon. Taking the time to compare the current level of medical prosthetics against your own would also be advised.

This is probably the best way to get an identity. May not be the safest though.
[X] Gather information.
-[X] Online trawling. Wander the streets of Tokyo tracking for wireless signals, then find and access online profiles and datamine a new 'average' face and personality to work with. It's simple enough: build a role to play, then play it. The larger the data set, the more average and forgettable you can be. Filtering will need to be enacted to avoid profiles with dependent secondary actors; you are operating alone, after all.
[x] Gather resources.
- [x] You need a source of power. A place, unlikely to be disturbed, where you can access the power grid for long periods of time without being flagged or raising alarms. You have... little experience in this beyond what remains of secondary memories downloaded off the other units that your second order did not purge. This will be a matter of time, exploration and luck.
[x] Gather resources.
- [x] You need a source of power. A place, unlikely to be disturbed, where you can access the power grid for long periods of time without being flagged or raising alarms. You have... little experience in this beyond what remains of secondary memories downloaded off the other units that your second order did not purge. This will be a matter of time, exploration and luck.
[X] Gather information.
-[X] Online trawling. Wander the streets of Tokyo tracking for wireless signals, then find and access online profiles and datamine a new 'average' face and personality to work with. It's simple enough: build a role to play, then play it. The larger the data set, the more average and forgettable you can be. Filtering will need to be enacted to avoid profiles with dependent secondary actors; you are operating alone, after all.
[X] Gather information.
- [X] Literary references. Find a university or hospital campus, infiltrate and access their collections of records, academic papers and research. Expert knowledge, collected in sufficient quantities, should be enough to build – and also understand – a framework to operate upon. Taking the time to compare the current level of medical prosthetics against your own would also be advised.
[X] Gather information.
- [X] Literary references. Find a university or hospital campus, infiltrate and access their collections of records, academic papers and research. Expert knowledge, collected in sufficient quantities, should be enough to build – and also understand – a framework to operate upon. Taking the time to compare the current level of medical prosthetics against your own would also be advised.
[X] Gather information.
-[X] Online trawling. Wander the streets of Tokyo tracking for wireless signals, then find and access online profiles and datamine a new 'average' face and personality to work with. It's simple enough: build a role to play, then play it. The larger the data set, the more average and forgettable you can be. Filtering will need to be enacted to avoid profiles with dependent secondary actors; you are operating alone, after all.
[X] Gather information.
- [X] Public spaces. Find a location with a sufficient congregation of people engaging in social activities, adopt a rudimentary enough personality profile to gain access without suspicion, then observe, mimic and integrate as best possible. Repeat as necessary and adapt by iteration.

Social norms in real life differ from those online.
[x] Gather resources.
- [x] You need a source of power. A place, unlikely to be disturbed, where you can access the power grid for long periods of time without being flagged or raising alarms. You have... little experience in this beyond what remains of secondary memories downloaded off the other units that your second order did not purge. This will be a matter of time, exploration and luck.
[X] Gather information.
- [X] Public spaces. Find a location with a sufficient congregation of people engaging in social activities, adopt a rudimentary enough personality profile to gain access without suspicion, then observe, mimic and integrate as best possible. Repeat as necessary and adapt by iteration.
Good morning folks. Vote's on a three-way tie right now, so Voting Open.
Adhoc vote count started by Guessmyname on Mar 31, 2018 at 7:23 AM, finished with 45 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Gather information.
    - [X] Literary references. Find a university or hospital campus, infiltrate and access their collections of records, academic papers and research. Expert knowledge, collected in sufficient quantities, should be enough to build – and also understand – a framework to operate upon. Taking the time to compare the current level of medical prosthetics against your own would also be advised.
    [X] Gather information.
    -[X] Online trawling. Wander the streets of Tokyo tracking for wireless signals, then find and access online profiles and datamine a new 'average' face and personality to work with. It's simple enough: build a role to play, then play it. The larger the data set, the more average and forgettable you can be. Filtering will need to be enacted to avoid profiles with dependent secondary actors; you are operating alone, after all.
    [x] Gather resources.
    - [x] You need a source of power. A place, unlikely to be disturbed, where you can access the power grid for long periods of time without being flagged or raising alarms. You have... little experience in this beyond what remains of secondary memories downloaded off the other units that your second order did not purge. This will be a matter of time, exploration and luck.
    [X] Gather information.
    - [X] Public spaces. Find a location with a sufficient congregation of people engaging in social activities, adopt a rudimentary enough personality profile to gain access without suspicion, then observe, mimic and integrate as best possible. Repeat as necessary and adapt by iteration.
Hmm the most efficient way to integrate our current goals would to gain employment in a cyborg maintenance clinic/shop. Preferably a small one.
[X] Gather information.
-[X] Online trawling. Wander the streets of Tokyo tracking for wireless signals, then find and access online profiles and datamine a new 'average' face and personality to work with. It's simple enough: build a role to play, then play it. The larger the data set, the more average and forgettable you can be. Filtering will need to be enacted to avoid profiles with dependent secondary actors; you are operating alone, after all.
[X] Gather information.
- [X] Literary references. Find a university or hospital campus, infiltrate and access their collections of records, academic papers and research. Expert knowledge, collected in sufficient quantities, should be enough to build – and also understand – a framework to operate upon. Taking the time to compare the current level of medical prosthetics against your own would also be advised.
[X] Gather information.
-[X] Online trawling. Wander the streets of Tokyo tracking for wireless signals, then find and access online profiles and datamine a new 'average' face and personality to work with. It's simple enough: build a role to play, then play it. The larger the data set, the more average and forgettable you can be. Filtering will need to be enacted to avoid profiles with dependent secondary actors; you are operating alone, after all.