I've always just lurked around these boards for a little while but I've finally decided to try my own quest. Please be patient as I am still getting used to the "quest" system and how it works. All criticism is welcomed. The setting of this story takes place in a medieval fantasy world called Oz, where magic exists. ~~~~~
"Money isn't everything."
What a stupid quote. At least your new boss would think so. He was about to use his riches to take over the world.
You see the world of Oz is made up of 7 different kingdoms, all of them containing their own lords, knights, kings, peasants, and more. And out of all these individuals your boss, Lord Isaac Melchior is the wealthiest man in existence. It's rumored that he possesses more money than all of the 7 kingdoms combined.
Lord Melchior was born into an already wealthy family but he had made several smart business moves that took him from insanely wealthy to it's-borderline-impossible-for-you-to-have-this-much-money wealthy. You would assume someone with that much money would be content to relax and enjoy their life but apparently being able to purchase everything in existence isn't good enough.
Lord Melchior was enamored by the idea of ruling over his own kingdom. He made offers of ludicrous amounts of money to all of the kings of Oz to buy their kingdoms. Unfortunately, the kings weren't ready to give up all of their land, buildings, and control over the subjects that lived in their territories. Melchior was promptly declined by all 7 of the kings who would not negotiate a price with him. He gave them one last ultimatum to reach an agreement for the kingdoms or he would take them by force. An ultimatum that the kings did not take seriously as they dismissed him.
And all of that led you to today. You'd just reached the outside of Melchior's estate, where you saw about 1,000 or so other mercenaries waiting to get into his gates. Melchior spent a fortune hiring the best mercenaries in the world to serve as soldiers in his own personal army. You assumed that he would get you acquainted with his estate today, spend the next few weeks organizing you into an actual military unit, declare war on one of the seven kingdoms, conquer said kingdom, and then move on to the next one until he eventually ruled over all of Oz.
It must be nice to be rich.
You yawned as you moved up a step in line. You'd been waiting on line to get into Melchior's estate for about 5 or 6 hours now. You'd heard stories about it before but seeing it in person completely shattered all of the myths.
Melchior's castle was the biggest castle you'd ever seen in your life. It was a gigantic dark blue castle about the size of a large village, surrounded by an imperial steel gate, and acres of fertile land.
At the gate entrance stood a young woman. As you got closer to the gates you recognized her as Lady Beatrix Melchior, Lord Melchiors only daughter. She was stunningly beautiful, with olive skin, long soft brown hair, and piercing emerald green eyes. She was dressed in an elegant white dress that certainly helped to accentuate her slim but curvy figure. Beatrix was handing sheets of paper to the mercenaries as they entered the estate, most likely a copy of the contractual agreement between them and Lord Melchior.
You were about 5 people away from the gates when you heard some people behind you arguing about their reasons for becoming a mercenary. It sounded pretty pointless to you. Mercenary work was pretty brutal, you essentially killed people for a living. You obviously had to have a strong enough conviction for this line of work. Nevertheless, their argument reminded you of the reason you became a mercenary, your favorite indulgence and your ultimate vice....
[] For the thrill of battle! There was nothing like the rush you get from fighting to the death with your life on the line! (Story: Path of Violence)
[] For your love of women. You loved women and women loved money, which indirectly made you a lover of money, at any cost. (Story: Path of Lust)
[] For the alcohol. It was safe to say you've completely transcended alcoholism by being drunk every waking moment of the day. You needed this income in order to support your addiction. (Story: Path of Intoxication)
[] For the fame. In Oz, if you weren't born into wealth, then you were a nobody. The only way you could make a name for yourself was by becoming an accomplished knight or mercenary. (Story: Path of Vanity)
[] For the dreams of early retirement. You were an extremely lazy individual. Any other career field that you could get would have you working until the day you died. Hopefully after you helped Mercier take over the world, you would have enough money to retire and not do a damn thing for the rest of your life. (Story: Path of Apathy)
[] Write-in. Just try to follow the examples above.
A/N: If you have any questions or concerns feel free to let me know.
All stats in this quest are out of 100 which represents mastery over a stat.
Durability: Basically HP. The amount of physical damage you can take before dying or falling unconscious. Also effects your ability to fight through pain. (Fighting with a broken arm etc.) Mana: Your reserve for using spells. The more mana you have the more spells you can use before exhausting yourself. Spellcasting: Affects your skill in using spells. (Shooting a single fireball that flies straight vs five different fireballs that hone in on your target), ability and speed in learning and creating new spells, and ability to improve already existing spells. Strength: Physical strength in terms of striking others, lifting objects, etc. Speed: Physical speed and reflexes. Intelligence: Your "book smarts", perceptiveness, your ability to detect lies, make plans, etc Combat: Your combat IQ and your hand to hand combat skill. Weapon Skill: How skilled you are with a specific weapon. Stamina: Your endurance for physical activities before getting fatigued and passing out. Dexterity: Your accuracy and evasion tied into one.
Fighters are ranked on a scale of the grand total of their stats.
E (0 - 100) A regular human being.
D+ (100 - 199) A regular human with minimal combat experience.
D (200 - 299) Rookie footsoldiers. Somewhat trained in the magical and combat arts, otherwise average compared to regular humans.
C (300 - 399) Common soldiers. Competent with their magic/combat skills.
C+ (400 - 499) Experienced soldiers. Veterans in physical and magical combat.
B (500 - 599) Elite soldiers. Standouts among warriors, highly skilled in combat and/or magic.
B+ (600 - 699) The gifted and the talented. Warriors who have reached near reached the level of mastery on the battlefield.
A (700 - 849) The pinnacle of humanity. These fighters are the peak of human ability.
A+ (850 - 999) Individuals who are beyond the brink of humanity in terms of power.
S (1000+) Near god-like in power, these are the strongest individuals in existence. A single S rank has the potential to bring an entire kingdom to its knees.
Mana Cost
The mana cost of a spell can vary from; Minimal, Low, Medium, High, Massive, and Colossal.
For a good barometer Minimal are spells you can spam nonstop with no impact. Low costs are spells you can spam but slowly drain your mana. Medium costs are spells you can cast repeatedly by take a toll on you, High costs are spells you can typically use 3-4 times, maybe more depending on your mana size. Massive costs are spells you can use generally once or twice max. Colossal costs represents spells that completely use all of your mana and have the ability to render you unconscious, injured, or even kill you.
You can train and spend the points upgrading your spells and choosing the effects. (Requiring less mana, less time to start, increasing strength and size of spell, altering effects of spell, etc.)
All social interactions Jim has with other characters can either increase or decrease his reputation with them. Rep in this quest is out of 50, so the max you can have is 50 rep and the lowest you can have is -50. For a barometer -50 is hate, -25 strong dislike, -10 dislike, 0 indifference, 10 like, 25 friendship, and 50 is love. You can increase rep either through quest rewards or through social interactions with other characters. The amount of rep gained or lost is equivalent to either the dice roll or the action that caused the change in rep. (Ex; Telling a girl she looks pretty will get you less rep than saving her life.)
Monetary System
Money in this quest is based on a bronze, silver, and gold system so it works like this.
100 Bronze = 1 Silver
100 Silver = 1 Gold
You will get a better feeling for how much weight gold carries as you read the quest but for a general barometer, the average man makes about 4-5 gold a year.
Life and Death
So as far lives go in this game, every chapter you start off with 3 lives. If you use up all of those lives, the MC dies for good and you guys must pick from a selection of characters you've interacted with to continue the quest. There are opportunities to earn extra lives for the harder chapters in the quest.
Personality: Confident, Observant, Persistent, Impulsive
Hobbies: Hair Care (men's and women's), Blues Harmonica, Love Making
Pet Peeves: Unkempt Dress, Obnoxious Attention Seekers, Sub-Par Bathing Facilities
Ladies Man (Lv 3): MC gains +20 to all social rolls involving women. +1 Bonus Rep gained whenever you gain rep with women.
Lover Boy: MC loses -30 to all rolls involving fighting women or women attempting to persuade/seduce him.
Magic Type: Pillar of the Cosmos
- Dimensional Magic
- Metamagic
- Shapeshifting Magic
You've had this conversation many times with people who asked what made you become a mercenary in the first place. Oftentimes they were disappointed when you didn't give them responses like "Hurrr I want to bring honor to my family name." or "Durrr I want to provide for my loved ones that I hold dear.". Those pitiful excuses could never compare to your drive. You were a mercenary for one reason and one reason only, because you loved women.
"What man doesn't love women, that's no real reason!" This is what most fools would say in response.
That's until they get to know you and realize that compared to your love for women their love is nothing more than a preadolescent crush. You see, most men were only interested in a select "type" of women that they found attractive which completely baffled you. That's like a cheese connoisseur saying they only eat Swiss cheese (disgusting). You on the other hand were a true connoisseur of women. You didn't care if they were skinny, fat, blonde, red-haired, green-haired, pale, tan, freckled, pretty, or ugly. The only thing that mattered to you was that they were women! That is why your love could not be compared! Your love for the queen would be just as strong for the queen's mother or her grandma, or her great grandma if she were still alive, or even-
You realized you working up a sweat as a result of your frenzied thoughts. You fanned yourself off to cool down and regain your composure.
Bottom line, you really love women.
Trait Gained!
Ladies Man: MC gains +20 to all social rolls involving women. +1 Bonus Rep gained whenever you gain rep with women.
Lover Boy: MC loses -30 to all rolls involving fighting women or women attempting to persuade/seduce him.
In the world of Oz the most powerful warriors were usually magic users, with a select few just being physical freaks of nature, or having other advantages.
You wish you could say that you were one of those freaks of nature but alas you were just another magic user.
Choose your magical abilities!
(Whatever pillar you choose, you can only pick magic from that pillar. Ex; If you pick the Pillar of Life and summoning magic, you can't select fire magic as well. Also you can pick up to 3 types of magic from any pillar although the more types you pick the less concentrated your specialization will be. Ex; choosing only fire magic will make you an expert/master of fire magic while picking fire, water, and earth magic would make you competent at all 3.)
[] Pillar of the Elements:
-[] Fire Magic
-[] Water Magic
-[] Earth Magic
-[] Wind Magic
-[] Lightning Magic
[] Pillar of the Cosmos
-[] Enchantment Magic
-[] Energy Magic
-[] Dimensional Magic
-[] Metamagic
-[] Shapeshifting Magic
[] Pillar of the Mind
-[] Illusion Magic
-[] Clairvoyance Magic
-[] Telekinetic Magic
-[] Emotion Magic
A/N: I might as well go over the more ambiguous types of magic down here. The ones I didn't include should be pretty self-explanatory but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Animation Magic: The ability to breathe life into inanimate objects. (Animating your backpack to warn you about enemies sneaking up from behind etc.)
Enchantment Magic: Empowering weapons or yourself and allies with tattoos. (Boosting your allies speed, strength, or increasing the cutting power of a sword, etc)
Energy Magic: Converting magic into raw energy and using it. (Creating bombs of energy, shooting energy beams, etc)
Dimensional Magic: Creating portals and teleportation, some gravitational magic.
Metamagic: Buffing/Debuffing/Affecting existing magic. (Increasing the power of an allies fireball or creating a shield that reflects magic spells back at the user)
Clairyovance Magic: Visions of the future, reading minds, etc.
Emotion Magic: Using magic to manipulate the emotions of others. (Making an enemy feel love towards you or hate towards their allies, etc.)
Eventually you reached the front of the line, where Lady Beatrix was awaiting you. She was even more beautiful up close. Her hair and skin were absolutely flawless and her green eyes were hypnotizing.
However, you couldn't shake off the dangerous aura that was emitting from her. You've encountered countless cold-blooded killers, rapists, and criminals and none of them gave off the bone-chilling vibe you were getting from Lady Beatrix.
You tried to shrug it off as nerves as you approached her.
"Hello my dear." You greeted as you grabbed her left hand and planted a soft kiss on it. "What is a beautiful lady like yourself doing handing out flyers?"
"I appreciate the compliment." She politely smiled, her emerald eyes sparkling. "These aren't flyers however, they're copies of the contract of employment between you and my father."
Ah boring paperwork as always, you never really bothered reading them anyway. You tucked the contract away in your back pocket.
"You must be pretty bold to approach me like this." She flipped her hair. "Most of my fathers employees are too scared to consider the thought of openly flirting with me."
"What a bunch of little boys." You scoffed. "If there's a clause in this contract that prevents me from appreciating beautiful women I'll tear it up right now and be on my way."
The Lady just giggled and blushed slightly.
"If I may ask, what's your name?" She coyly asked, tilting her head. "I don't think we've had a proper introduction."
[] Write in.
"Well nice to meet you, I'm-"
"You're already quite well-known Lady Beatrix."
"I was going to say you can call me Bea. That's what my friends call me at least."
"Are you saying that you consider us friends?" You asked, scratching your chin.
"No, I wouldn't want to be friends with you." She answered with a twinkle in her eye.
"Good, so we're on the same page." You smiled.
As innocent as she seemed you could see the mischief in her eyes. She was definitely a troublemaker.
"So um, Bea, what do I do now that I have this oh-so-important contract?"
"You're free to roam around the outside of the castle until everyone else is checked in."
"And then what?"
"Father is having some sort of mandatory examination of the recruited mercenaries today." She answered as she twirled a strand of hair. "Something about picking out the diamonds in the rough."
"Sounds irritating." You sighed. "I guess I'll see you later then."
"You most certainly will." She muttered as she eyed you down, much like a lioness would look at a gazelle.
(+1 Rep with Lady Beatrix + Ladies Man Bonus = +2 Rep with Lady Beatrix)
Why are the gorgeous ones always crazy?
All of the other soldiers were spread out in the backyard of the castle, though you're not sure backyard was the right term. There were acres and acres of land behind Melchior's castle. Looking around you spotted a couple of well-known mercenaries in the area.
Pacing back and forth in front of an apple tree was a pale, tall man with long, wild, red hair, resembling a lion's mane. He was walking around shirtless, showing off his ridiculous muscular physique. His chest was decorated with a generous amount of battle scars.
This man was Reinhald the Undefeated, one of the most powerful warriors in Oz. He had gotten his nickname from.... well... being undefeated. Rumor has it that he's never lost a battle in his 28 years of living, which is saying a lot for a mercenary as accomplished and experienced as he is.
Across him food stood a tanned blondie with shortish hair and a slender build. She was wearing leather armor that covered up everything except for her beautiful face.
She was Alice the Dragonslayer. The first female mercenary to... I mean these nicknames are pretty self-explanatory aren't they? Alice was another highly- regarded warrior, although not quite as famous as Reinhald. She was known for her stoic personality and rarely showing emotion.
Other than that there wasn't anyone else that you could say you recognized. Although there were one or two individuals that caught your attention.
You still had a bit of time before everyone was checked in for these "examinations", maybe you should go speak to one of them?
[] Reinhald, perhaps you could learn something from a man as powerful as him.
[] Alice, a complete babe and dragon-slayer all in one. What isn't there to like?
[] There was a young man with light blue hair sleeping on the grass. The weird thing was there was nobody within 50 feet of him. It was almost like everyone else was avoiding him...
[] That chick over there wants you to talk to her whether she knows it or not...
[] You don't feel like talking to anyone. Just sit down somewhere and wait for these stupid "examinations" to begin.
Adhoc vote count started by Sweet Sorrow on May 31, 2019 at 12:48 PM, finished with 16 posts and 12 votes.
[X] That chick over there wants you to talk to her whether she knows it or not...
[x] There was a young man with light blue hair sleeping on the grass. The weird thing was there was nobody within 50 feet him. It was almost like everyone else was avoiding him...
There was a young lady leaning against a tree who caught your attention. Your body moved on it's own and before you knew it you were already halfway towards her.
She was a young woman, probably in her early 20s, with pale skin, raven-black hair, and glasses. You couldn't tell if she had a good figure because she was wearing a purple cloak that covered everything up. What a shame.
She briefly glanced at you before returning her attention to the book she was holding.
"What do you want?" She asked, still not looking at you.
"I was just wondering what you're reading."
"Do you really care?"
"No, not really." You admitted. "I just zoned in on a beautiful women and needed an excuse to come talk to her."
She rolled her eyes in response.
"That's nice and all but I have a boyfriend back home."
"That's good. It will give you something to do when I'm busy." You nonchalantly replied.
77 Social Roll + (20 Ladies Man Bonus) = 97 Critical Success
(Any roll, unless explicitly stated follows a scale of 45 and above being a success and 44 and lower being a failure)
She didn't say anything but she attempted to stifle a smile, obviously amused by your response.
"The name's Jim Borne."
"Braya Hawthorne."
"So Braya, what brings you here? You don't have the typical disposition of a merc."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Not too sure myself, but I've always been good at reading the energy of a person." You said. "You give off the aura of someone who's never taken a life before, which is extremely rare in this line of work."
"Wow, I mean you're not entirely wrong." She sighed. "This would be my first job working as a muscle-for-hire."
"Hmmm." You mused. "I assumed Melchior was only hiring the best of the best. I'm a little bit disappointed."
"Don't let this hurt your ego. I was only asked to come here on the strength of my magical abilities, I use a rather rare line of magic."
"Eh, makes sense I guess." You said, scratching your head. "But what would push a young lady like yourself to switch career paths into mercenary work?"
"I mean it pays well, really well." Braya answered. "I have a sick little brother at home that I have to take care of, and my parents are.... they're pretty much fucking useless. So I have to take care of him myself."
"That was a real touching story." You replied with mock enthusiasm.
"And what about you Prince Charming?" She retorted. "Don't you have any family back home that you look after?"
I mean your parents.... weren't an option so you would have to say....
[] Your overprotective older sister. A scholar back in your hometown, your sister was the helicopter parent you never wanted. Even though you were grown now she still kept monitoring you daily like you were a kid.
[] Your kid sister. Your innocent little sister knew nothing of the horrible world surrounding her. You always tried to protect her innocence above all, even if you did have to make up some pretty ridiculous explanations.
[] Your douchebag older brother. A self-righteous knight of your hometown, your brother pretty much cut off ties when you decided to become a mercenary, claiming your profession had no pride. The two of you rarely interacted when you were home and when you did those interactions usually turned into arguments.
[] Your kid brother. Your stupid kid brother was rather ignorant of the world of women. You usually spent your time with him educating his naive mind on the information you wished you learned when you were his age.
[] Your best friends, twin merchants from your hometown. They were the only ones you can say have had your back unconditionally and you considered them family. They were a pair of hustlers who were able to get anything you might need for sale whether it be legal or illegal.
A/N: Apologies for the delay, unforeseen things came up. After this there should be two more character creation-ish updates and then story can finally begin. Bear with me.
Adhoc vote count started by Sweet Sorrow on Jun 3, 2019 at 8:55 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Your overprotective older sister. A scholar back in your hometown, your sister was the helicopter parent you never wanted. Even though you were grown now she still kept monitoring you daily like you were a kid.
[x] Your douchebag older brother. A self-righteous knight of your home kingdom, your brother pretty much cut off ties when you decided to become a mercenary, claiming your profession had no pride. The two of you rarely interacted when you were home and when you did those interactions usually turned into arguments.
[X] Your best friends, twin merchants from your hometown. They were the only ones you can say have had your back unconditionally and you considered them family. They were a pair of hustlers who were able to get anything you might need for sale whether it be legal or illegal.
[X] Your kid brother. Your stupid kid brother was rather ignorant of the world of women. You usually spent your time with him educating his naive mind on the information you wished you learned when you were his age.
[X] Your douchebag older brother. A self-righteous knight of your hometown, your brother pretty much cut off ties when you decided to become a mercenary, claiming your profession had no pride. The two of you rarely interacted when you were home and when you did those interactions usually turned into arguments.
[X] Your kid sister. Your innocent little sister knew nothing of the horrible world surrounding her. You always tried to protect her innocence above all, even if you did have to make up some pretty ridiculous explanations.
Adhoc vote count started by Sweet Sorrow on Jun 4, 2019 at 2:38 AM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.
[X] Your kid brother. Your stupid kid brother was rather ignorant of the world of women. You usually spent your time with him educating his naive mind on the information you wished you learned when you were his age.
[X] Your overprotective older sister. A scholar back in your hometown, your sister was the helicopter parent you never wanted. Even though you were grown now she still kept monitoring you daily like you were a kid.
[x] Your douchebag older brother. A self-righteous knight of your home kingdom, your brother pretty much cut off ties when you decided to become a mercenary, claiming your profession had no pride. The two of you rarely interacted when you were home and when you did those interactions usually turned into arguments.
[X] Your best friends, twin merchants from your hometown. They were the only ones you can say have had your back unconditionally and you considered them family. They were a pair of hustlers who were able to get anything you might need for sale whether it be legal or illegal.
[X] Your douchebag older brother. A self-righteous knight of your hometown, your brother pretty much cut off ties when you decided to become a mercenary, claiming your profession had no pride. The two of you rarely interacted when you were home and when you did those interactions usually turned into arguments.
[X] Your kid sister. Your innocent little sister knew nothing of the horrible world surrounding her. You always tried to protect her innocence above all, even if you did have to make up some pretty ridiculous explanations.
"I have a little brother as well." You answered. "And unfortunately because my parents... aren't around I have to personally educate him on everything."
"Is he a ladies man like you then?"
"It's too early to tell but he looks pretty hopeless right now." You sighed. "Maybe one day he might make sense of everything I'm teaching him."
Braya just laughed and shook her head.
"By the way, I was lying when I said I had a boyfriend. I just throw that out there to put off guys I'm not interested in."
"So I'm guessing you're interested now?"
(+5 Rep with Braya Hawthorne + Ladies Man Bonus = +6 Rep with Braya Hawthorne)
"How long have you been working as a mercenary?" She asked, ignoring your question.
"About 6 years now, I started when I was 16."
"Oh so you started young. What advice do you have for a beginner like me?"
"Hmmmm." You pondered as you scratched your chin. "A profession like this isn't for everyone. When you take your first life... you'll know whether you made the right decision."
"I mean that's not a whole lot to--"
Your conversation was interrupted by the ringing of the castle bell. Everyone began walking back towards the entrance of the castle.
"Wait, what's going on?"
"Weren't you paying attention? At the sound of the bell we're to gather around the front of the castle for Lord Melchior's announcement." Braya stated before turning to follow to the crowd.
Let's get this over with then...
Name: Jim Borne
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Nuclear Family: Alexander Borne, Age 8.
Fill in the rest of Jim's bio. The choices in personality and hobbies/pet peeves will determine the next two traits Jim gets.
[] Appearance
-[] Write in, could be a picture as well.
[] Personality in 4 words.
-[] Write in.
[] Hobbies and Pet peeves. (3 of each)
-[] Write in.
A/N: One more character creation vote after this T_T
Lord Isaac Melchior was a lot less... impressive looking than you had imagined. He was a tiny man with long gray hair that went passed his shoulders. You had to admit though, his choice in attire was top notch. He was wearing a crimson and gold robe that probably cost a fortune.
You and the others gathered in a circle around him waiting for his announcement. To one side of him stood the lovely Lady Beatrix. On the other side was an elderly and bald man of average height dressed in a suit.
"I would like to formally thank you all for gathering here." Melchior began, breaking the silence. His voice itself was regal and immaculate. You were certain he was using magic somehow to amplify his voice as it seemed to echo throughout the area.
"I would like to ask you all to follow me as I go over todays events." He said before he started walking towards the backyard of castle. Beatrix and the bald man trailed behind him with everyone else following after them. In the mob of people you realized that at some point you had lost Braya.
Tsk. How unfortunate.
"I'd rather not beat around the bush. You are some exceptional soldiers, but you are not here for noble purposes. You're here for the fortune I have promised you for a job well-done." He said, venturing further into the backyard.
"Once we have completed the task of conquering the 7 kingdoms, all of you will have enough money to retire and never work again. I can assure that. Furthermore, in addition to the riches, you are also writing your place in history as the greatest warriors to ever live! You will always be remembered as the Melchior Empire that conquered all of Oz!"
He might be laying it on a bit thick right now...
"Unfortunately..." He paused, taking a glance back at the crowd before turning around. "We have some complications."
You realized as you were walking that you were a significant distance away from the castle, it was getting smaller and smaller by the second.
"You see I had sent personal letters to some of you, inviting you to visit my estate today and join my empire. Those of you here today are only the first of many recruits but you will make up the first division of my army."
"And for what I envisioned for my empire, the first division is supposed to the heart and muscle of my army. The most powerful soldiers in the empire! A division that upon arrival inspires fear in the hearts of enemies due to their overwhelming power. You are supposed to be the creme of the crop."
"But like I said, I sent 400 letters to the lot of you to meet me here today. My lovely daughter Beatrix has reported that there are 1200 of you here now."
You were under the impression everyone here got a letter like you. You felt a little bit special now.
"I did expect a slightly higher turn out due to the price I was offering for my services but not to this extent. I'm aware mercenaries talk and word of my offer got around. That is why the majority of you are here today. If you all had come for the 2nd division or any division except the first it would be fine. Unfortunately for some of you, you have chosen to come today."
There was uncomfortable murmur spreading throughout the crowd as you followed Melchior deeper into the acres of his backyard. You could no longer see his castle in the distance.
"The first division!" He exclaimed out of nowhere. "A force that will strike fear into the hearts of every man, woman, and child! We cannot afford to have weaklings tarnishing that image."
"And for that reason I must eliminate some of you." He calmly stated as he stopped walking.
"I'm willing to concede that there may be some individuals who came here unannounced that are extremely talented. And there may be some people I recruited whose abilities I overestimated. So we will solve both of those problems now."
Melchior along with Beatrix and the bald man stepped through the crowd towards a large oak tree.
"None of you are to pass this oak tree. I wish to keep this as far away from my castle as possible. You are free to go in the opposite direction as far as your heart desires."
I don't like where this is going...
"As I said there are 1200 of you here. My assistant Atticus is very proficient in using sensory magic to detect the presence of living individuals around him."
"So, Atticus will alert me when 1200 has been brought down to 600 and then we can continue on with our testing."
There was a brief moment of silence to process what Melchior had asked of you before a random voice from the crowd screamed out, "What the hell!".
"Are you that deranged that you're asking us to kill each other for your entertainment?" The voice continued. "What kind of idiot kills his own potential soldiers for-"
"WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK KNAVE?" Melchior snapped, his voice booming across the land. His vein was popping out of his forehead and he was trembling in anger.
There was another brief moment of silence. Melchior gave a loud cough before regaining his composure.
"If you wish to run away, then feel free to do so now." He calmly said. "If not then what happens, happens. If you die here then you were never worthy to fight for my empire in the first place."
There were some murmurs and fidgeting from the crowd but no one left.
"Good. Now that we all understand each other, you have 5 minutes to spread yourself out across the fields. As I said before none of you are to pass this tree. In 5 minutes a bell will sound signaling for you to begin battle. When Atticus has informed me of the quota being reached, the bell will sound again signaling the end of battle. No one is to fight after the 2nd bell. Are we all understood?"
"Good. You have 5 minutes."
Choose your stats! The minimum for any given stat is 1 while the maximum is 100. You have 550 points to allocate between all of your stats.
You watched as complete pandemonium broke out on the fields. The were soldiers running in each and every direction trying to gain some separation from one another.
You quickly scanned the field as you tried to assess your options. It was pretty much open grass everywhere you looked. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted a grayish structure in the horizon. It looked like a boulder from here.
No more time to waste thinking. What am I gonna do?
[] Just stay where you are and get ready to defend yourself. There's no way you can avoid running into anyone with this many mercenaries in one area.
[] Look for the weakest looking soldiers and trail them. They should be easy enough to pick off once the test starts....
[] Hide behind the boulder and let these idiots kill each other. If you run for the boulder now you might be able to make it before the bell goes off...