De3ta Reads...On The Gallian Front: The Gallian-Germanian War (Valkyria Chronicles Crossover Fic)

Suddenly Nazi's


The hellish pit known as New Jersey
Hello erybody! It's D-Dog! Here to bring you the tales and sufferings of everyone favorite DD and her murderhobo taskmaster-*Muffled speech*-....whatdya mean this ain't Ambiance?! Are we doing another one of these things?!? (Yes)

Well fuck my free time I guess! *Flips papers*

Hello All, De3ta here with another Fanfiction.....experience I wanna share with you! Valkyria Chronicles, the Third person *Googles* "Tactical role-playing game, Third-person shooter," that not all of us know, but those who do love. Mostly. I expect some of you to have only read KonamiKode's Crossover quest with Metal Gear a few months back honestly, we don't have much of a Fanfic community right now aside from that and @Sushi -Wait Sushi wrote that?!?!?!

Huh, small world.

I digress (it's practically my middle name) and i'm sure you all have one question. How shitty this? The answer may surprise yo-not very, it's not that bad a read from the little I've gone through.

Sitting at 289k+ words, On The Gallian front is the longest VC Fic on The story's summery is as follows:

March 15, 1935 The Imperial Germanian Reich invades Gallia. What follows shows that a tiny nation could best a military giant. These events will tell a story hidden in the mists of time. A story of friendship and trust, of persecution and hate, and of love blooming even in the flames of war. What follows is a record of this conflict and of those who fought, lived and died. -Jack L.

No idea who the fuck Jack L is? Good, i'm 99% sure he's an OC-PUT DOWN THE TORCHES-He's an OC, that ain't necessarily a bad thing! I mean the change of the Empire to Not!Germany shows this is, to a certain extent, an AU story.

Now if you've read my Ambiance Let's Read (Plug) you should know that the main reason I kept through that was an intense hatred/ desire to see ho far the rabbithole goes, same thing here. How could it be worthy of me tackling it alongside a 2 million word piece of bildge?


a radical group who would be later known throughout the world and the years as the Nazis


Expect the first chapter soon-ish. :D
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Oh come one, De3ta, another again? Please, we don't want you to fall behind in sanity department.

But still, it's VC. So it's much safer, i guess. Godspeed.
In which De3ta reads a History textbook while intoxicated. (if only)
Oh come one, De3ta, another again? Please, we don't want you to fall behind in sanity department.

But still, it's VC. So it's much safer, i guess. Godspeed.

Allow me to quote myself:

Oh my dear reader, we're already mad in here. Hhehehehehehehe~

Well, knock back a pint and get comfortable everyone. It's one of those summery chapters about this world's history to begin with.

Fanfic: On The Gallian Front: The Gallian-Germanian War Ch 1, Valkyria Chronicles | FanFiction

Read along if you wish, I'm not going to explain all the stuff entailed within, We might be here all day.

Chapter 1: Story Info: Must Read Before Story

Authors Note

(Note: I do not own anything. This is purely for entertainment purposes.)

This is my retelling of Valkyria Chronicles but with a few added twists. I'll have it in a different setting, add a few events, and maybe a few new characters. I also might add a few things from other franchises and series, but no promises. Other than that I'll be writing it following the story line of both the game and the anime combined. The following information below you'll need to read in order to fully understand the story that I'm writing. Use this if you need help understanding what I'll be writing. (Note: This is my first fanfic so do mind that.) I don't own any of the characters, games, and such. This is purely for entertainment purposes.) Please Review. I'd like to know your opinions as to the story.

Okay so first off, good on him for posting his first Fic! Welcome to hell, leave your sanity at the door. (This was published February 2015.)

Now fun fact when I read it the first time, I either didn't notice or didn't care to read the bit that mentions "a few other things from other series," and let me tell you, he does indeed do that.

But i'm getting ahead of myself, tell me the history of Europa.

I should mention, VC takes place in Fantasy Not!Europe during WW 2. In the bastard child of Switzerland and Saudi Arabia that is Galia. They have a lot of this magic blue rock that heals people, fuels shit, and explodes. So it's the Oil equivalent in setting.

Five thousand years before the date of this story, the Darcsen Calamity supposedly happened where the native Darcsen tribes of Europa ravaged the continent as well as much of the known world. Only by the arrival of the Valkyrur, a mysterious race of warriors bathed in cobalt blue flames and wielding a spiral lance and shields, waged "The War of the Valkyrur". By the end of the conflict the Darcsens were finally defeated and the Valkyrur were hailed as heroes throughout the continent.

Accurate enough so far, this is basically the game canon. Darcsen are just people with Blue-ish urple-ish hair that get treated like shit by basically everyone. Think a combo of Gypsys and the Jewish.

Oh dear god I just remembered the Nazis.

See, it was Anime WWII, but it's also one of the few games I've seen that cover the Holocaust.

I am uncomfortable already, because Vaguely-german bad guys putting NotJewypsys into work camps was bad. Making them actually be called Nazi's help in no way.

One paragraph in and I already see the unfortunate implications stemming from this story.....even though the act that they're called Nazi's would be in the follow paragraph.

Basically, the Targaryens rule Europa for years upon years until until some schmuck named Anri kicked them to the curb and took over.

A little over three thousand years before the year 1935, a radical group who would be later known throughout the world and the years as the Nazis, rose up against the Kingdom of Archanea and overthrew them, killing most of the Royal Family in the process and taking control over most of Central Europa.

Okay first of all, Nazi's *Ding*, and that sounds very.....Romanov with that last bit. Because having them be German wasn't enough, we gotta get that Russian eviiiiiiiiiil mojo in there as well. A stew of historical anachronisms and events. Sprinkles of anime here and there to "Spice" things up.

Also i think Archanea was a kingdom in Fire Emblem at one point, not that it's referring to that or not I just felt it needed a DRINK! *Ding*

The Nazis soon established a new nation known as the Imperial Germanian Reich.

So far this is a lot more......I do not feel pain or rage like i do Ambiance, and that's not because I like this setting anymore so far than that. It just seems a more innocent faliure, it's not as painful to read just...embarrassing and Face-palm worthy.

. The Nazi Reich soon spread out and expanded to the East, North, and South, conquering many smaller nations and kingdoms throughout the next three millenniums of it's existence


Gah, oh god what the fuck.

Overreaction aside, The fuck made them last so long as an Empire? The Roman Empire fell in 457 (Fuck off Byzantium) and for the sake of brevity, formed in 37 BCE with the Dictatorship of Julius Cesar so that gives them a good 494 years (FUCK OFF BYZANTIUM). So this was the equivalent to six f**king Romes.

the Nazis maintained a strained yet somewhat calm relationship with the Roman Empire until the ill fated empire dissolved in the 5th century A.D

*Sobs and laughter*


......why? Can I just get a reason why! You could have had the Nazi Reich be the Rome equivalent, they already fit the fucking bill! You could have given that a s a contributing factor to the mistreatment of the Darcsens! Instead Rome!

What the fuck next, the god damn colonization of America! Was Queen Elizabeth a Valkyur! Napoleon a Darcsen! The god forsaken possibilities are endless and terrifying my liver!

Out of the Roman empire came the Principality of Gallia, which was formed in the 3rd century. The nation remained free until an invasion by the Reich in the early 17th century began a two hundred year reign of the country when Gallia's Princess at the time was wedded in a political marriage with the ruling Archduke.


Archduke? 20 bucks it's Franz Ferdinand, not even kidding. *Grabs wallet*

Things in Europa remained relatively unchanged throughout the centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire. Nations like France, England, and Spain started heading out throughout the world and started establishing colonies throughout the new world.


One of those colonies, the United States of America,

.........*Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*.........Fuck it. FUCK IT!

*One AMERICA party later*

. One of those colonies, the United States of America, managed to gain it's independence from Great Britain and established a government based on the principles of freedom and equality. It made it's first mark on the world where they and nations such as Great Britain, France, Spain, and others helped Gallia achieve their independence from the Imperial Germanian Reich in the early 19th century. This event, as well as America's values which were the polar opposite of the Nazis, earned the United States the ire and hatred of the Nazi Empire and ever since then the two nations have been natural enemies.

Take it aaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.

When the Napoleonic Wars started,

Well he did exist! *Ding*

A series of alliances were formed in an attempt to halt the expansion and aggression of the Germans. The nations of Western Europa formed the Atlantic Federation while those of the Balkan Peninsula formed the Balkan Confederacy.

Wait wut.

Balkan Confederacy.[

Huh, good on you Balkans. Slightly less fucked in the lead-up to WW 1.

The Scramble for Africa occurred, if you've taken any history class ever then you know how this goes. it's basically that but with different names.

Tensions in Europa soon reached into a violent era when in the summer of 1914, a prominent German official named Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in the city of Sarajevo, the capital of the Germanian province of Bosnia, by a Serbian anarchist and extremist named Gavrillo Princip.

GOD DAMMIT! *Throws wallet to the ground*

I don't need to say shit! Open up a fucking textbook and you'll know what happens! So we've got the Soviets in on this shit as well, I can break out the Stalin memes.

The only real major conflict that occurred since the Great War wasn't in Europa but in America. In January of 1932, the Soviet Union launched an invasion of the United States by coming through Alaska.


The Soviets managed to gain ground in the first months of the conflict but soon America revved into gear, turning the tides of the war with the U.S. victory at the Siege of Anchorage. The American managed to push the Russians out of Alaska and invaded Eastern Russia, seizing the key port of Vladivostok. The war ended in July of 1934 with the Soviet Union surrendering to the United States. The borders remained unchanged when the peace treaty was signed between the two nations.

......then what the flying fuck was the point of that? Well so far this fic has been a rather silly repeat of history. Well the game takes places in 1935 so were on the eve of the war! Good new, we can get out of textbook vision!

Another event that occurred in Europa happened in 1928.

........Then why wasn't it before the Commie invasio? *Slides back into chair* Ughhhhhhhhh, what do you want to tell us now Professor!

On one fateful night in the Imperial Palace in the Germanian capital of New Berlin, terrorists breached the security perimeter and fired into the palace. Germania's 98th Kaiser Charles and 98th Kaiserina Marianne were killed in the resulting hail of bullets with another member of the Royal Family being blinded and crippled by the resulting attack.

Okay big whoop! Assassinated Emperor......shit that is a big whoop, and it's some Althistory we can dig our teeth into! Oh ho ho this may be a dumbass backstory, but we have a hook!


Emperor Charles......and Marianne......member of the royal family left blind a crippled........oh my god he isn't.

The oldest child of Kaiser Charles, Byzantium zi Britannia, soon took the throne as Germania's 99th Kaiser with his wife Hrist zi Britannia taking the position as the 99th Kaiserina alongside him. Under their rule, the Imperial Germanian Reich soon becomes much more powerful than it had previously been. And on March 15, 1935...the opening shots of the Gallian-Germanian War occurred. And this is where their story begins.



Well i'm hooked, this shit has gone so far off the deep end by doing so fucking little to history that I can't not read it. He changed one big thing that actually mattered and by god was it the right fucking thing to change!

Notice how this is a crossover fic? Well you'd never know that from the summery! It was and is still in the normal Valkyria Chronicles section and not in the crossovers!

On the Gallian Front is a cross with Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.

Now I'm not sure if I've ever Told gushed about this show and how my I love every single part of it, but I have now! This could be awful going foreword, the dialogue could be shite, the characters idiotic, hell those could still be decent and this is all just a fusion of world history VC and Code geass!

I don't care, I give a fuck now. A small, minuscule, damn near nonexistent little fuck. Now I've got to read this whole thing, not out of a sense of needing closure for the shitty ride I've got on, but out of a fanboy love and closure for the stupid ride I've got on.

(Royal Family)

For the Nazi Royal Family I decided to use the royal family from the Code Geass series.

And there it is, that is where I leave off.

Sure there's stuff he explains, but fuck we've gotten enough. Story will live or die by how it explains things in the text.


That was "Chapter one", next time we get into the story proper, and have things to comment on.
This is sounding more like a bad Civ let's play than a story.
I can't drink enough alcohol for this story to make sense. Well, so far, it looks like a fun slide down the rabbit hole of In Spite Of A Nail. I'll drink some mead.
This is sounding more like a bad Civ let's play than a story.
Actually, I almost wonder if there's a Valkyria Chronicles mod for Civ 5 now.

Overreaction aside, The fuck made them last so long as an Empire? The Roman Empire fell in 457 (Fuck off Byzantium) and for the sake of brevity, formed in 37 BCE with the Dictatorship of Julius Cesar so that gives them a good 494 years (FUCK OFF BYZANTIUM). So this was the equivalent to six f**king Romes.
*Shanks @De3ta.*

"That was for Constantinople (not Istanbul)."
Chapter One: Yep, Still Nazi's
Hello everyone! Sorry it took so long, but we finally begin chapter one of this…..*interesting* fic.

Why am I here again?

Daze no, add the initials this color breaks on copy-pasting. And you're here for mythe reader's amusement!

I have a feeling this is going to end terribly.

Italics break to.

*What, your computer can't copy and paste the format?*

Bold also breaks. Not sure if it's the computer or SV, I just went with the initials thing because it works and it made editing simple.

Well it worked for me, the format copying thing.

Then we can fix this later and see which of us is right, anyway don't worry yourself with adding the color! I can do that in post!

Anywho, Onto chapter one! But first, a word from the author.

Just a reminder for if anyone here is confused about Germania. In this universe, the Nazis have ruled Germania since the day it was founded over three thousand years ago. They along with the Gestapo, the SS and the Nazi royal family were also established at this point. So by the time of this story, they all still exist and have been around for three thousand years. That's all, enjoy the story.

……..So Daze, what's your reaction.



Seriously,read the preamble reading I did for this it'll (Poorly)explain.

You gave us a link with the words Daze plz.


Because I wanted to see how you reacted to suddenly Nazi's.

(he's an evil bastard when he feels like it)


It's always the Nazi's isn't it? Why can't we have a new villain, like the Soviet's or the Socialists?!

Oh the Soviets are here to. They invaded Alaska in the 30's.


Seriously go read that first LR post i did in the thread, it will show you what is to come in way I cannot express.

I did. All I got was NAZI.

Who existed from the time of, and surpassing the Roman Empire. Like, a good three Rome's worth of time.

So, what do ya think?

Can't see shit captain.

Of the let's read so far ya dummy! *Boop*

….You gave me the authors note. That is literally all I got.

The SV thread Daze, the SV thread. Also your Chrome name is AnonRabbit and that is hilarious.


The rabbit, or you forgot to read it? (Maybe Both)

We caught up.

And by that we mean we skimmed over you screaming like a manchild.

That's what All of this is really. Now, ONTO THE CHAPTER FOR REALS!

"Before I start this I must apologize for my crass if not somewhat blunt way of storytelling. You see, I'm more used to handling a rifle then I am with a pen. But I feel that this is a story that you must know. One...that should not be forgotten.

On March 15, 1935, the Imperial Germanian Reich began its assault on the nation of Gallia in earnest. A formal declaration of war was made on Gallia. Though it was a small conflict by modern standards, what follows would show that a tiny nation, and a handful of brave heroes could best a military empire. These events would tell a story hidden in the mists of time. A story of friendship and trust, of persecution and hate, and of love blooming, even in the flames of war. What follows is a record of this conflict. And of those who fought, lived, and died. My name is Jack Lawrence, and this is their story.

A story...of resistance."

Oh joy, start's off with an OC Narration in the style of the in-game book "On The Gallian Front", Said book being the way that the story is told from, done by one Irene Elliot, and not this schmuck.

Well I quite like it.

And we don't care.

Moving on?

New Berlin. The capital of the Imperial Germanian Reich. Located inside the main province of Germania, where the Reich was founded ling ago, this city stands as a message of German power and prestige under the Nazi government, which has ruled the nation since it's founding. Its population is full of supporters for the Reich.

On this warm and sunny day, New Berlin is holding one its annual military parades. In the center of the city, in a massive open boulevard that led to the Brandenburg Gate, citizens stood in the massive stands on each side behind rifle wielding soldiers just itching to catch a glimpse of the Reich's finest soldiers that would come down the massively wide road right in front of them.

Well first off, It's been awhile and I need a minute to process the whole NAZI thing again, also "Founded ing". *Ding*

So a question occurs, do these Nazi's actually believe in the Nazi belief of Saber Face Superiority or are they just Nazi's for the sake of "NAZIS!"?

Well in this fuster cluck of a universe, these Nazi's are also the Brittanians from code geass. So expect social Darwinism up the wazoo *and* Nazi level genocide against the NotJews of the setting, the Darcsen. Yeah it's things like this that almost make me wish for Ambiance.

Directly opposite of the Brandenburg gate, overlooking the boulevard stood a tall government building that sported a large balcony that sat directly above the road. This balcony could seat over several dozen government officials, military officers, or members of the Germanian Royal Family. In the middle of this balcony, sitting in an elaborate chair, sat Byzantium zi Britannia, the current Kaiser of Germania.

A man of only thirty-five years, he could fill a room just by his mere presence alone. His body is covered in dark silvered armored plating from head to toe, with the exception that you can see part of his face through his helmet. His cold red eyes peered through the openings of his mask, eyeing the crowd before him. Rumor had it that a single gaze from his eyes made hardened men tremble in fear. In addition, his black cape that he wore that day gave him a more intimidating appearance. It was expected however. As the Kaiser of the Germanian Reich, he was expected to be seen as a strong and powerful leader. One that could defeat any enemy that stood against him and quell any threat to his rule. And Byzantium knew in his mind that there was no one else in the Reich who could inspire the same amount of fear as he did.

Here we meet our main (?) antagonist, a motherfucker named Byzantium. Unnecessary outfit description sighted as well. *Ding*

Show not tell people.

Why do I always get drawn to the wordy fics?

e stepped into the position after his father, Kaiser Charles zi Britannia, and the Kaiserina Marianne vi Britannia, one of Charles consorts and later wife was killed in an assassination by terrorists seven years ago. When he took power, he immediately made a series of changes. He disbanded the old Royal Guard and replaced them with the Teutonic Knights, an elite organization that became the Royal Families private army as well as they protectors. The SS, long known for being the most elite units of the German military, also became the security force for the German government. For them, alongside military service they would become the protectors of the Reich's noble regime. He also expanded the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police force, and placed them under the supervision of theInquisition, Germania's Intelligence agency. With them, no enemy of the Reich was safe if they chose to hide inside of their own borders.

Surrounding him were some of the most important people in the upper echelons of Germanian high society. On his left were members of his family and the top officers of Germania's military. And on his right were members of the nobility and various government officials.

So Daze, have you ever watched Code Geass?

We've seen the abridged.

Ah, that's how I got into it myself! I'll have to get you to watch it sometime, great show, especially season one. So this may not have the same…..effect on you as It does on me.

(His Favorite anime being Code Geass)

Yeah so, that's why I bothered giving this fic a chance even with all the weirdass Nazi stuff.

The people on his left were divided into three rows. In the back row sat his military commanders and some of his loyal supporters. They were all seating as followed: Grand Marshal Erwin Rommel, Commander-in-Chief of the Germanian military. Next was Grand Admiral Karl Donitz, head of the Germanian navy called the Kriegsmarine. Field Marshal Baron Manfred von Richthofen, head of their air force, the Luftwaffe, came next alongside his second-in-command General Herman Goring. Finally, there was Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, and Joseph Goebbels, head of the Gestapo.

Oh my god…….

I find we do not care about these names and are more likely to forget them than to actually give a fuck.

These are actually fucking members of the Nazi military,

Well…. Yeah. Still don't care.

Like, In real life! Except for Richthofen, that'd be the Red Baron.

Look boyo. If we were reading about a fic taking place in WW2? Yeah, okay, some shit's would be given. But here? In an alternate universe written by some guy on the internet? They're probably just going to be INOs.

In my defence, i may seem offended but I am really not. This I treat as a comedy of errors more than anything. By god am i getting a chuckle out of it.

In the next row sat members of the royal family and some of their knights. All of them were clothed in elaborate suits or dresses or military uniforms. From left to right sat as followed: First Prince Odysseus eu Britannia, First Princess Guinevere su Britannia, Second Prince Schneizel el Britannia, Second Princess Cornelia li Britannia and her knight Guilford, Third Prince Clovis la Britannia, and finally Fifth Princess Carine ne Britannia.

Finally in the front row sat as follows: Third Princess Euphemia li Britannia and her knight Suzaku Kurururgi, Colonel Alexander Isaac, Eleventh Prince Lelouch vi Britannia and his knight Lightning, Fourth Princess Nunnally vi Britannia, and Twelfth Prince Rolo vi Britannia.

Everyone sat anxiously waiting for the parade to start, but that's not all that they were waiting for. Byzantium had told them that he had a speech prepared for the event that he wanted to show them.

Noticing something was off, Alexander surveyed those that were seated around them and noticed that someone was missing: Prince Maximillian. Normally he would be present at events like these, him and his Valkyrian bodyguard Selvaria Bles. He quietly whispered to Lelouch "Where's Maximillian? Shouldn't he be here?"

Lelouch took his amethyst eyes off of the square and calmly answered back "I noticed. This isn't like him."

Lightning noticed their conversation and added "He, Byzantium, and Maximilian's Triumvirate have been in a lot of closed door meetings recently. Maybe his speech for the parade will tell us why."

"The Triumvirate?" questioned Alexander "What the hell are these guys up to?"

"I don't know." replied Lelouch "And I don't like it. We need-'

Suddenly from behind the three of them hear "Be quiet you three."

They turn around to see Cornelia with a scolding look on her face. "Someone's coming. Hush up and pay attention."

Out of the building came a uniformed officer who approached Byzantium, got down on one knee, bowed his head and spoke in English "We are ready to proceed with the parade mein Kaiser."

Byzantium let out a sigh and replied "Very well then. Begin at once."

The officer got back up and proceeded back inside the building. Not a moment later, the speakers began filling the air with the sound of patriotic Germanian music. Then one of the speakers began to announce to the crowd.

Well, first thing of note. It seems that Lelouch is still in is home country despite the death of his mother. I suppose Charles getting knocked off had something to do with that, maybe it occurred when they were older and I forgot. Anywho, i'm expecting a "Reform and subvert from within," sthick coming from that.

This is like Ambiance. If Ambiance decided to go with Code Geass instead of Fallout and didn't slap his overpowered protagonist in the face. Oh, and of course actually did some fucking research.

Bravo on the author for that.

Small mercies! Hell at this point if it weren't for the absurdity of the premise and a few typo's I'd have no issue.

Proud citizens of the Imperial Germanian Reich. Welcome to the parade which on this day marks the 3000th anniversary of the formation of our glorious Reich. Today we shall display to you and the world once again why Germania's military is the greatest above all others. Now behold as you look to your left, as we greet the soldiers of the 15th Armored Infantry Division. Commonly nicknamed as the 'Black Knights', they serve directly under the command of our great prince Lelouch vi Britannia."

On the other hand, he greatly underestimates just how long three THOUSAND years really is.

Well I mean, if the empire really did live three thousand years then they must be of some worth.

Again, if only they weren't called Nazi's.

And true to his word, out came the soldiers, all in their dress uniforms, helmets and boots shined to perfection, their Kar98k bolt-action rifles presented over their right shoulder, and marching in formation. They came out marching in squares ten men wide and ten men deep. The Germanian military allowed both men and women to enlist. As such, the women wore the same kind of uniform as the men did. But even so, they wore that uniform with pride.

Woah Author dude! Chill it with the guns talk, that's a slippery slope to Hackyuu turf.

The crowd immediately burst into cheers and shouts as the people jubilantly cheered for the soldiers. Dozens of people in the crowd waved small replicas of their national flag as the soldiers marched on by.

From up on the balcony, Lelouch eyed the crowd. From what he could see, there weren't many in the crowd who were not cheering. Inside his thoughts he summarized 'It appears that New Berlin is completely populated with Byzantium's supporters. This is most troublesome.'

Lelouch was brought out of his thoughts by Lightning nudging his shoulder. "What's the 'Black Prince' thinking about now?" she asked.

"Oh nothing. Just about some unforeseen circumstances is all," Lelouch said with a smirk appearing on his face. He then returned his gaze back to the parade.

As each group of soldiers passed by the balcony, they turned their heads towards those seated, and continue marching onward until they were out of view. After ten squares of men had passed by and out of sight, the speakers once again came back to life.

"And how was that ladies and gentlemen? Those troops sure looked intimidating right? Well you've seen nothing yet. Up next, are the men and women who serve in our Panzer Divisions. The strongest tank divisions on the continent, these tanks make up the core of our fighting forces. With them at the lead, our victory in any war is assured."

…...who the fuck is "Lightning"! I only know one Lightning and if she's here I will be very much concerned.

De3ta's real thoughts: Lightning would be considered a Cardboard box of a character but they're more three dimensional than her.

Hehehehehehhehehe-Pretty much, yeah. I'm not too concerned pissing of the five Final Fantasy Thirteen fans in the (Nonexistent) audience.

"And how was that ladies and gentlemen? Those troops sure looked intimidating right?"

Now I may be mistaken and that Isn't* Byzantium on the mic, in which case a 30's radio guy would sound like that. But if it is, what kind of emperor would address their subjects like that?

Suddenly the rumbling of tanks began to come from the end of the street. Then out came a line of ten King Tiger tanks, one of the largest tanks fielded by the Germanian military. They were massive in size, with thick sloped frontal armor, a large long barreled 88 millimeter cannon, and two MG42 machine guns; one in the main turret next to the cannon in a coaxial position, the second in a fixed yet traverseable position in the hull at the front of the tank, there was also a single MG42 machine gun mounted next the turret hatch. All of this while covered in forest camouflage added to the tanks appearance.

The commanders of each tank stood outside their turret hatch from the waist up. They appeared wearing their distinctive black uniforms, radio headsets around their necks, and their black side caps. They faced towards the crowd, giving the crowd a salute as they passed on by.

The parade continued on like this for another hour as various units from the Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Teutonic Knights, SS, Colonial units from Germania's colonies, and several other notable units marched on by the crowd. By the time it was over the cheers from the crowd had died down a little bit as their vocal cords had been strained from the constant cheering. And once again, the speakers began to broadcast to the crowd as members of the crowd joined in for the singing of the Germanian national anthem "Sieg Heil Germania"

This has quickly descended into wanking the life out of anything vaguely German and Military related. The Teutonic order was a Christian knight order so is Christianity a thing in this world? Is this group similar in name only? Am i asking stupid questions?


Moving on!

Truth and Hope in our Fatherland

And Death to Every Foe!

Our Soldiers Shall Not Pause To Rest

We Vow Our Loyalty!

Old Traditions They Will Abide

Arise Young Heroes!

Our Past Inspires Noble Deeds

Sieg Heil Germania!

Immortal Beacon Shows Our Way

Step Forth And Seek Glory!

Hoist Your Swords High Into the Clouds

Sieg Heil Germania!

Our Kaiser Stands astride this World

He'll Vanquish Every Foe!

His Truth and Justice Shine So Bright

Sieg Heil His Brilliant Light!

Never will He Be Overthrown

Like Mountains and Sea!

His Bloodline Immortal and Pure

Sieg Heil Germania!

So Let His Wisdom Guide Our Way

Go Forth And Seek Glory!

Hoist Your Swords High Into the Clouds

Sieg Heil Germania!


At least make it rhyme.

"Sieg Heil Germania! Sieg Heil Germania!" came from the crowd as they shouted it to the high heavens above. Then the soldier who had appeared before the parade walked up to a podium that had been set up on the balcony before the events started. He looked onto the crowd and spoke confidently into the microphone "And now ladies and gentlemen, to end this day's momentous event, we have a special treat for you. Give a warm round of applause for a speech about to be given to you by none other than the Kaiser himself."

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers once more, but louder than they had ever been all day. And this continued as Byzantium got out from his chair and walked to the podium, waving his arm to the crowd as he approach it. He then signaled with his hand for the cheering to stop and the crowd eventually died down. And with his booming voice he spoke into the microphone to deliver his rousing speech which had kept many people in suspense for a long time.

"My people. Soldiers and Citizens of Germania. Today marks a historic day. One that will be remembered for many years to come. This day is the day when our great Reich was built. You all know how this happened. During the Calamity thousands of years ago, the Darcsen people terrorized this continent and the people who lived in it. Only by the arrival of the mighty Valkyrur, were they finally driven into the holes that they now cower in. Many years later, it was my family's ancestors, our noble House of Britannia, who united many of these lands to form the Imperial Germanian Reich and have ruled it ever since that day. They envisioned a Europa, strong, prosperous, and united under one banner. A Europa that would never again bow before the Darcsens. Thousands of years later, we still continue to make great progress towards that goal. Much of Central, Northern, and Eastern Europa has been united under our rule. Here they live under the protection of our armed forces, who continually watch for threats both external and internal. Here they live free from a resurgent Darcsen threat. Here they live protected from our enemies. The Atlantic Federation, the Balkan Confederacy, the Soviet Union, and even the United States seek to destroy us and reverse all that we sought to build together. I solemnly vow as the 99th Kaiser, to continue to lead Germania on this righteous path and lead its defense and its efforts to military victory."

"And again with your brother's egotistical speeches. Why did we even bother to come here?" asked Alexander as Lelouch let out a slight chuckle at his remark.

"You all know how I came into this position. I did not ask to become Kaiser, it was forced upon me. Seven years ago, my father Kaiser Charles and his wife the Consort Kaiserina Marianne, were brutally murdered in an assassination years ago by terrorists which left one of my own siblings blinded and crippled in the attack."

Lelouch's blood began to boil upon hearing Byzantium mention his didn't tell anyone but to a few select people. But he had long suspected that Byzantium had orchestrated the assassination. He had always been hungry for power, and he desired to have the throne. So Lelouch believed that he found men to take them out so that he could inherit the throne and the country itself. For seven years he searched for proof, but every time he got close to a lead, it would slip through his fingers and it didn't matter right now. Right now he needed to know what this whole speech was about.

"Seven years ago, our nation was broken. We were forced by our enemies to sign a treaty at the end of the Great War that utterly humiliated our great nation. Seven years ago, I asked each of you for time. And you have given me that time. You. The strength of our nation, and the holders of its dreams. In the time you have given me, I have rebuilt our nation. I have rebuilt its armies. I have rebuilt our strength. And I have rebuilt our pride. Our enemies shudder at our return to strength. And those in our ranks that seek to weaken us from within have been reeducated. They have been given new insights into our cause. We have shown the world what our nation has always meant to be: a superpower like no other. But our work is far from over. For there is a grave injustice that must be rectified."

Suzaku's eyes widened with worry as he looked over to Lelouch and questioned "What the hell is he talking about?"

"Whatever this is, this isn't good," he replied with the same amount of worry.

Now everyone in the balcony looked over at Byzantium as many wondered now where his speech was going and what he was about to say next.

"A century ago, the nations of the Atlantic Federation along with the United States, stole Germanian lands and reformed the Principality of Gallia. Our traitorous blood relatives of House Randgriz, had conspired with our enemies, breaking a sacred trust we had held with them. When they took these lands from us, they took with them the lands bounty of Ragnite ore. These lands rightfully belong to the Reich. And they will once again. For the past several months, me and my adopted brother Maximillian, have built a massive army. One more powerful than any other we have built before. Armed to the teeth with the latest designs from our factories, and led by Maximillian himself along with his Generals of the Triumvirate, they shall annihilate my traitorous cousin Cordelia gi Randgriz's forces and reclaim what was once ours. And soon, the swastika will fly high above its capital as their people rejoice to be once again a part of our great Reich. But we are not the only ones who have our eyes on Gallia. The traitors have allied themselves with the United States. And the corrupt leaders of the Federation prepare to sink their fangs into Gallia. But they will never take it. Once Gallia is retaken, our work will soon bear fruit. We must prepare for a great war, the final war. And it will end with the triumph of our Reich. The mailed fist of Germania's legions will challenge our enemies. And if the jackals will not surrender Europa to us, then we shall take it by force. DEFENDERS OF GERMANIA'S DREAM, OUR TIME HAS COME AT LAST! SIEG HEIL!"

"Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!" chanted the crowd as they applauded Byzantium's speech. But even as the crowds cheered with happiness, Lelouch and his friend's faces were frozen with shock and disbelief with what they had just heard. The truth now appeared in front of them: Byzantium had just declared war on Gallia.

Well long story short, one discount hitler speech later Byzantium declared on Switzerland for their Oil.

Just pretend all the Code Geass characters are voice by their abridged counterparts and all will be fine.

And the Kaiser has a russian accent!

And the Kaiser has a russian accent yes.


Hours later, at nightfall, Byzantium was hosting a party at the royal palace in celebration of their soon-to-be invasion of Gallia. Members of the nobility, Generals, and other dignitaries mingled with each other on the ballroom floor. Byzantium was speaking to his family, all minus Lelouch.

"Excellent speech dear brother. I love how you invoked your little declaration of war," applauded

Guinevere as she took a sip of her glass of champagne. She always supported her brother's war efforts along with Carine. And she hoped that he would fulfill Germania's dream of a united Europe.

Carine chimed in and asked excitedly "When is the invasion scheduled to start? It'll happen soon right?"

Byzantium just let out a light laugh. He simply patted Carine on the head and answered "It was supposed to start today after my speech. But Maximillian still has to move some of his troops into position so it's been delayed until the fifteenth."

Okay so i know you had the big motivational speech, but don't you think declaring war before your troops are ready to begin moving out is a poor choice? I'm not advocating some Pear Harbor shit either, I mean "Are they ready to deploy as soon as possible?" Now all he's done is give any spies in the country ample time to report this.



The Germans are making their move! What do we do?!



Nothing. The plot says we'll do nothing so we'll do nothing.

Guinevere let out a light scoff of disgust over his statement. Byzantium was aware that not all of his siblings thought much of Maximillian. He didn't think much of him either. But one thing he couldn't deny is that he was a useful pawn in his future plans. So he had to defend him so that his usefulness could be extended.

"Is there something wrong dear sister?" he asked half-jokingly and half seriously.

After taking one last sip from her glass she spoke "To think that he has the gall to postpone an invasion. He should have attacked now, while we still had the element of surprise."

"You can't rush these kinds of things, they take planning, coordination, strategy. I would have done the same thing," defended Cornelia as she interrupted the conversation.

"Why should anyone do that? Gallia is weak. We could crush them with one swift blow, then move on to-" countered Carine.

"You underestimate them. Gallia may not have a military as powerful as ours or ant other nations, but they will put up a resistance. That nation won't fall without a fight," interrupted Schneizel explaining their situation.

"Don't you think that this decision was made too rashly? If we invade Gallia, it would prompt the Americans to declare war on us," inclined Odysseus.

"You worry too much. Maximillian has assured me that Gallia will fall within a month. And America won't risk a major war. Even if they would, it would take too long for them to mobilize a force to defend the Gallians. By that time the nation will already be ours. Everything will be fine," assured Byzantium.

They want to invade Gallia like it's Poland, when it's Saudi Switzerland. Yeah this is the "War'll be done by christmas," level wishful thinking.

Lelouch, Alexander, Suzaku, and Lightning watched from afar from the other side of the ballroom as Byzantium talking to his other siblings.

"Look at him. Acting all proud and confident," said Suzaku with a degree of anger in his voice.

"We always knew he would do something like this. I just thought that we would have our rebellion set and in place by that time," added Lightning making sure that only they could hear her.

They all knew what she was talking about. Byzantium's rule had made him many enemies among the people. His policies expanded and rebuilt the military at the cost of living conditions for millions. The four of them knew that the longer Byzantium was on the throne, the more Germania would suffer. So for the past two years the four of them had been secretly building a rebel army that would rise up and overthrow his brother. They had planned to put Lelouch on the throne as he was popular among the common people and they all knew that he could put the Reich on a better path. However, it seemed to be in vain for Germania was about to be dragged into another war. One which in the eyes of many people in the nation, was all but certain that it would end in a German victory.

"For all these Germans attending the party. None of them would now the sheer magnitude of the events that were set in motion. Nor the consequences of what these actions would bring upon the world." - Jack Lawrence CALLED IT! Two:

Oh dear god is this supposed to be the FATE Alexander? I might just be assuming there, but I kinda want it to be the FATE Alexander.

Hey De3ta! I think they know why they call her Lightning!


Because that's how long you'll care about her.

……..that has "De3ia" in the link….holy fuck.

And that was chapter one! Daze what did you think of it?


We were watching Nostalgia Critic in the background.

….Yeah we were...

Well I can't blame ya! The moment to moment was nowhere near as investingly bad as Ambiance, but that's kinda why i have this as my B-read. Something bad, but not painful.

Well that was alright, set up some plot points and raised…..many questions. PLAY US OUT BENNY!