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In fearful day

A small white corgi lies in a bald sickly seven year old girls hospital bed...
Chapter 1


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In fearful day

A small white corgi lies in a bald sickly seven year old girls hospital bed. Normally such a thing wouldn't be allowed but the word "Terminal" buys a lot of leeway in regards to children. Her corgi has been by her side since her birth which was only shortly after his own. To him she is the world. He knows she is sick, he also knows there is nothing he can do but lay ever so gently against her side and give the occasional small lick to her cheek, she pets him in return at least until the effort is too much for her.

He loves her in the most pure and simple of ways. He has never needed to say it with words. Unlike you or I he has never had to convince himself or anyone else. It is a simple pure fact that he loves her with all he is. He loves her in the way only dogs can truly love. He loves her with the same confidence and assurance that we would say two and two is four. It simply is. So he is afraid for her, sad at her condition and wishing for nothing more than her health once more. He tries not to whine or cry, it upsets her and that isn't what he wants, even if it is what he feels.

In raging night

Her parents came back soon. She can see it in their eyes, only bad news. He can feel it how she squeezes him. She is afraid and it is only getting worse. Her parents watch her with puffy eyes and forced smiles and move him off the bed so they can sit beside her and run their hands through her hair and talk with her. After a moment of seeing he will not be allowed back up on the bed he looks around curiously and sees the open door. The small white little dog trots outside the small hospital room to look for help. His pack needs help, his little human girl needs someone to make her better. "Why aren't any of these people making her better?" he wonders in his own simple puppy way.

What he sees he struggles to understand because the horror of it is too large for him to handle, too big to be true. He struggles to understand it the way you or I struggle to understand the vastness of the universe. What he sees is that his little girl isn't unique. This is St. Jude children's research hospital and the halls are lined with rooms filled with beds like hers and rooms that have the same smells. Numerous children are dying as parents look on powerless to help. What he sees is door after door, hallway after hallway are just like this. He breaks into a run down the halls, the vastness can't be true, this many children can't be sick like this, it's too terrible to be true. He hears a room louder than the others and follows it stepping off of the cold tile floor and onto a soft carpeted one.

With strong hearts full

The humans are on rows of dark wooden benches in this small softly lit room, small groups are huddling together, quietly talking to each other or crying. It is the chapel of the hospital and it has seen more sincere prayer than even the Vatican has. He goes to one group and gets pet a few times or hugged tightly but they cry even as they do so. He wanders to another group and they ignore him to focus on their quiet tear filled prayers. In his simple doggy mind he understands in a way, this is the place where you are allowed to cry just like how he can't bark inside but can at the park.

So he cries, standing in front of the altar, a 40 pound white corg starts with whimpers but quickly grows into loud cries, sharp mournful cries of a dog in pain. He cries for his little girl, he cries out for all the children dying, he cries out for the parents in pain. He cries out for all of them, but he cries because dogs cry when they are hurt and need the pack to help. So he cries as loud as he can because he just has to cry loud enough and someone will fix this. He just has to make enough noise so the right people can save everyone he cries for.

In a few moments the quiet groups that had been trying to hold it together in front of strangers break apart. Their grief stops being a personal thing, it breaks the walls they held between each other. It is a flood damn of everyone's tears and prayers shattering open and free. Quiet whimpers becoming true bawling cries of sorrow as strangers and family alike hold each other and cry together. They mourn together as prayers go from quiet whispers to shouts choked out between sobs.

Our souls ignite

The small white corgi starts to glow blue and a small blue ring appears on his tail. He throws back his small head and howls to the sky. He doesn't understand the glow, he doesn't understand the power, but it understands his hope for all the children and families in this hospital. So he howls with the suffering and sorrow of those standing and kneeling around him. He howls and grows brighter and brighter until the room shines brightly filled with his blue light. The hope they all feel and the hope this room holds is a temple of no trivial thing the light of hope, the blue light shines as together they mourn, cry and pray.

"Just the attempt will cost your life"
The message simply appears in his mind, sent over an immeasurably vast distance, and translated by the ring in a way that he can mostly understand.

Sending his response back the ring translates into the closest language can come to the emotional response of the small dog.

"It would be a bargain at twice the price"

When all seems lost in the war of light

The light spreads throughout the hospital, white fluorescent lights turn blue as it spreads like a tidal wave through the halls. In moments people outside are taking pictures and videos on their phones of the strange phenomenon. Doctors and nurses rush to patients to check what is happening and try to help them if they need it. Technicians and repairmen alike run through the building trying to figure out what is happening. No one thinks to check the chapel even though it glows the brightest.

The dog stands proudly howling that all will be okay, demanding it in a way. Giving everything that he is and has into the ring, pulling all the power of hope this place can give him and feeding off the hope of all the parents who have come to pray. It wears on him though. His muzzle starts to gray, in moments his joints become stiff and it hurts to continue to stand. His eyes become a little less bright and a little more foggy. His fur becomes less glossy and he can feel himself losing weight. Through it all he continues to howl anyway refusing to quit.

His voice lowers, bit by bit. He goes from standing to sitting, from sitting to lying down. His howl becomes quieter and quieter turning into soft whimpers. His heartbeat and breathing slows bit by bit, and yet still he glows blue, and still it spreads through the hospital, filling patient rooms and touching them.

It isn't enough, he is but one lantern and a brand new one at that, miracles do not come that easy. Cancers do not get batted away because one small dog had hope and a ring.
As he slowly dies, he thinks one last thought to himself and the ring.
"All will be well, I hope I was a good boy"

Look to the stars for hope burns bright.

The sky above the hospital turns blue and the stars themselves part as from a great blue ray of light a gargantuan blue bird appears in the shape of a phoenix. It is made of solid blue energy and it looks down upon the hospital just before the dogs last breath it sends a message back.

"All will be well, You were the best boy"

It is not often a lantern of hope dies, yet alone one in such a manner seconds after getting their ring. Adara, the universe's very embodiment of hope came to see the small unusual lantern that died to summon it. It came to finish what the blue lantern had chosen to be it's life and death's work. It cries out in sorrow joining the humans as it perches on the roof. It sings of sorrow of losing one so young, so noble so true. It cries out for the suffering the lantern had to see, it cries out for the pain and suffering of the children and their families. It glows it's blue light and the hospital itself becomes so bright and blue those outside can not even bear to look at it. Then in a flash, a split second like thunder, the light is gone along with Adara.

Tests are run on the children to see what this did to their health, to make sure they are okay. The results cause many more tears, but they are happy ones. The cancer is gone, not just in his little girl, but in every child. The blue lantern summoned the embodiment of all hope in the universe to save the children, and it may have cost his little puppy life. It was however a price he was all too willing to pay.

In fearful day

He is a small white corgi and he is laying in a bald sickly seven year old girls hospital bed. Normally such a thing wouldn't be allowed but the word "Terminal" buys a lot of leeway in regards to children. Her corgi has been by her side since her birth which was only shortly after his own. To him she is the world. He knows she is sick, he also knows there is nothing he can do but lay ever so gently against her side and give the occasional small lick to her cheek, she pets him in return at least until the effort is to much for her.

He loves her in the most pure and simple of ways. He has never needed to say it with words. Unlike you or I he has never had to convince himself or anyone else. It is a simple pure fact that he loves her with all he is. He loves her in the way only dogs can truly love. He loves her with the same confidence and assurance that we would say two and two is four. It simply is. So he is afraid for her, sad at her condition and wishing for nothing more than her health once more. He tries not to whine or cry, it upsets her and that isn't what he wants, even if it is what he feels.

In raging night

Her parents come back soon. She can see it in their eyes, only bad news. He can feel it how she squeezes him she is afraid and it is only getting worse. Her parents with puffy eyes and forced smiles move him off the bed to sit beside her and run their hands through her hair and talk with her. After a moment of seeing he will not be allowed back up he looks around and sees the open door. The small white little dog trots outside the small hospital room to look for help. His pack needs help, his little human girl needs someone to make her better. Why aren't all these people making her better, he wonders in his own simple way.

What he sees he struggles to understand because the horror of it is to large for him to handle, to big to be true. He struggles to understand it the way you or I struggle to understand the vastness of the universe. What he sees is that his little girl isn't unique. This is St. Jude children research hospital and the halls are lined with rooms filled with beds like hers.Numerous children dying as parents look on powerless. What he sees is door after door, hallway after hallway like this. He breaks into a run down the halls, the vastness can't be true, this many children can't be sick like this. He hears a room louder than the others and follows it stepping off of the cold tile floor and onto a carpet one.

With strong hearts full

The humans are on rows of dark wooden benches in this small dimly lit room, small groups are huddling together, quietly talking to each other or crying. It is the chapel of the hospital and it has seen more sincere prayers than even the Vatican. He goes to one group and gets pet a few times and a few hugs but they cry even as they do so. He wanders to another group and they ignore him to focused on their quiet tear filled prayers. In his simple doggy mind he understands in a way, this is the place where you are allowed to cry.

So he cries, standing in front of the alter, a 40 pound white corgi cries loud, sharp mournful cries. He cries for his little girl, he cries out for all the children dying he cries out for the parents in pain. He cries out for all of them, but he cries because dogs cry when they are hurt and need the pack to help. So he cries as loud as he can because he just has to cry loud enough and someone will fix this. He just has to make enough noise so the right people can save everyone he cries for.

In a few moments the quiet groups trying to hold it together in front of strangers break. Their grief stops being a personal thing, it breaks the walls they hold between each other. It is a flood damn shattering for everyone's tears and prayers. Quiet whimpers becoming true bawling cries of sorrow as strangers and family alike hold each other and cry together. They mourn together as prayers go from quite whispers to shouts choked out between sobs.

Our souls ignite

The small white corgi glows blue and a small blue ring appears on his tail. He throws back his small head and howls. He doesn't understand the glow, he doesn't understand the power, but it understands his hope. So he howls with the suffering and sorrow of those standing and kneeling around him. He howls and grows brighter and brighter until the room shines, filled with blue light. The hope they all feel and the hope this room is a temple of is no trivial thing the light of hope, the blue light shines as together they mourn, cry and pray.

"What you are attempting will cost your life"
The message simply appears in his mind, sent over a vast distance, and translated by the ring in a way that he can mostly understand.

Sending his response back the ring translates into the closest language can come to the emotional response of the small dog.
"It would be a bargain at twice the price"

When all seems lost in the war of light

The light spreads through the hospital, white florescent lights turn blue as it spreads like a tidal wave. In moments people outside are taking pictures and videos on their phone. Doctors and nurses rush to patients to check what is happening and try to protect them. Technicians and repairmen alike run through the building trying to figure out what is happening. No one checks the chapel even though it glows the brightest.

The dog stands proudly howling that all will be okay, demanding it in a way. Giving everything that he is and has into the ring, pulling all the power of hope this place can give him and feeding off the hope of all the parents who have come to pray. It wears on him though. His muzzle starts to gray, in moments his joins become stiff and hurt to continue to stand. His eyes become a little less bright a little more foggy. His fur becomes less glossy and he can feel himself lose weight. Through it all he continues to howl anyway.

His voice lowers, bit by bit. He goes from standing to sitting, to laying down. His howl becomes quieter and quieter. His heart beat and breathing slows bit by bit, and yet still he glows blue, and still it spreads through the hospital, filling patient rooms and touching them.

It isn't enough, he is but one lantern, miracles do not come that easy. Cancers do not get batted away because one small dog had hope.
As he slowly dies, he thinks to himself and the ring. "All will be well, I hope I was a good boy"

Look to the stars for hope burns bright.

The sky above the hospital turns blue and the stars themselves seem to part as from a great blue light a gargantuan blue bird appears, made of solid blue energy it looks down upon the hospital just before the dogs last breath it sends a message back.
"All will be well, You were the best boy"

It is not often a lantern of hope dies, yet alone one in such a manner. Adara, the universes embodiment of hope came to see the small unusual lantern that died to summon it. It came to finish what the blue lantern had chosen to be it's life's work. It cries out in sorrow joining the humans as it perches on the roof It sings of sorrow of losing one so young, so noble so true. It cries out for the suffering the lantern had to see, it cries out for all of it. It glows it's blue light and the hospital itself becomes so bright and blue those outside can not even bare to look at it. Then in a flash, a split second like thunder, the light is gone along with Adara.

Test are run on the children to see what this did to their health, to make sure they are okay. The results cause many more tears, but they are happy ones. The cancer is gone, not just in his little girl, but in every child. The blue lantern summoned the embodiment of all hope in the universe to save the children, and it may have cost his little puppy life. It was however a price he was all to willing to pay.
https://www.stjude.org/donate/donate-to-st-jude.html?sc_dcm=201974625&sc_cid=kwp70519&ef_id=Cj0KCQjwz6PnBRCPARIsANOtCw3aVG5JyH4wLPWNmYbMkj0MpSjI0xez826BohEz0t6kpsWHvcP44NIaArTtEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!4519!3!336377235068!b!!g!!+saint +jude +hospital +donation&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz6PnBRCPARIsANOtCw3aVG5JyH4wLPWNmYbMkj0MpSjI0xez826BohEz0t6kpsWHvcP44NIaArTtEALw_wcB
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I rewrote this and am working on chapters 2 and 3 now.

it will be a 3 part series in total.
I always love Hope Corgi, 100% adorable, and their fics always tear jerking, which you did magnificently.

I mean, fluffy good boy powered by hope and dream, which they use to further enhance their goodness, what's not to love?
Mind if I ask who the main character of this will be? I had been under the impression this specific Hope-Corgi died?

I will admit, I reread this when I need a good cry.
This is DC where people got rez all the time, Death is chill af and also a goth babe, and Hope Corgi is THE Goodest Boy. She's gonna take good care of him, with treats and daily walks.
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Chapter 2
"So, I can't believe we are going to a funeral for a dog" The Flash says jokingly looking over to several other members of the justice league who are standing in a line waiting on the funeral to start.

"A lantern." John Stewart replies curtly a hard edge to his voice. "And one who sacrificed himself to summon the embodiment of hope in the universe to save a bunch of children" Silence reigns for a long moment after that.

The flash eager to change the subject responds. "Yeah... I've been meaning to ask about that, can you do that whole summoning a god thing?"

The green lantern looks down taking a small breath to think on it and responds quietly. "Maybe... Maybe If I was a better man."

"You are one of the best men I know" Superman says entering the conversation for the first time with a gentle smile and a lightly placed hand on the green lanterns shoulder.
"If the day comes when you must, I know you will". He says

"Yes he WILL" Barry Allen jokes to the immediate groaning of everyone present.

"That means a lot supes, but I like to think this old leather neck has a few more years left in it. It means a lot that you would say that though." John responds reaching up and giving superman's hand a small squeeze.

The speakers on and around the small stage set in the hospitals court yard start to boom. "Most of the parents and FORMER patients here" He stops for a moment because of roaring cheering and screams from the crowd drown out what he would of said. He gets a big smile on his face listening to them. "Yes, yes, it has quite something to have been witness to an actual miracle. We are all rightfully incredibly happy. However, however that happiness needs to be thankfulness, graciousness, because it came at a cost, and today we are gathered to pay our respects, and say thank you for the cost that was paid. Now, Superman has a few words that he would like to say. "

Superman walks up to the microphones slowly before starting to speak.

"I wish I had known fluffy. What I do know of him though speaks to a level of character befitting a lantern. He sacrificed his life for others with no hesitation and no remorse, something that no one knows if they are capable of until that time comes. I hope I am capable of such a sacrifice. However other than saving these children and giving them a life to enjoy he has inspired. Dogs, are the best of us, he acted with love, compassion and selflessness that is all too rare in mankind. So we honor his sacrifice not just because it is deserved but to inspire us and remind us what we can choose to be. We can choose to be a little bit more like a dog, we can choose to love a little easier, forgive a little faster and be a little kinder. Thank you all for having me today, it is a honor."

He steps away from the podium and a city official comes up to speak next.
For the members of the justice league the speeches largely blend into each other they have heard so many like them before and will probably do so again. John Stewart takes them more seriously than most but even the crowd is to excited to truly pay attention. It is with that in mind that is tactfully cut short and the an alien in a blue lantern suit is introduced. "Saint Walker" as he is introduced is a human except for supernaturally white skin, smooth facial features and one tentacle instead of hair on top of his head.

After Saint Walker is introduced as the head of the blue lanterns the crowd applauds and hollers for quite some time, for obvious reasons his organization is popular at the moment. He smiles and moves off the stage to pull a blue curtain for a great large statue. It is the white fluffy corgi known as fluffy immortalized as a six foot statue made out of crystal and blue L.E.D lights at the bottom so that the light reflects through him and he seems to always glow and radiate a soft blue light. At the bottom a small plaque reads

"If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto the mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
But for the love and hope of a dog we saw a miracle far greater than the moving of a mountain, we saw love triumph over death sacrifice defeated selfishness and one life was given to save hundreds of children. If I had half the love of a dog I would be twice the man I am. "

The proceedings don't last very long after that, the press takes pictures and get a few statements but families want to spend time together now that they can do so outside of a hospital room. Eventually the last family in the hospital garden is the very family who lost a four legged family member. Sarah-lilly is only seven years old her parents stand behind her as she talks to the monument quietly saying her goodbyes with little whispers as she cries big round tears into the grass.

Saint Walker stands a few feet back waiting until it is a little quieter before slowly approaching. "I wanted to make a request of you." He says as he drops to a knee so he may look the little girl in the eyes.

She sniffles back a response after wiping her noose with her sleeve. "Yes?"

He looks to the parents and they gave a small nod, having already discussed this. "We, the blue lanterns have a planet, a home. It is where we train, study and grow. It is also where we are buried, had I been given the chance it is where I would of taught him, or maybe he would of taught me. I would like to take his body back to lie in rest with the others who have died."

She lets out a little cry "YOU Want to take fluffy!" she chokes out from behind her tears.

Walker waits letting her cry for a moment before he continues. "No, fluffy is gone, he....he choose to save many but it cost him his life. I want to take his body, so that he may be honored and so that he may be a lesson for every future generation of blue lanterns, we are few we should remember and help each other."

She looks to the ground and her crying slows down. "He... he, would help people?" She asks him.

Walker nods as he responds. "I think he would help a great many people, who would go on to help a great many more."

Little Sarah-Lilly takes a deep gasping breath of air before sighing softly. "Then.. okay... It's, I think it's, I think it's what he would of wanted."

Walker nods and places a hand gently on her shoulder for a moment before he stands to his full height. "I will leave you with your family."

As Saint Walker leaves a large group of parents and bald children approach the little family. One of the men approaches Sarah-lilly's father. "Hey we are all going to go for pizza and games, and it just wouldn't be right without your family there." He says.

One of the women from the crowd comes up and speaks to her mom. "Come on I'll make introductions, many of us already moved or found work here,and we have to stay awhile for observation and testing anyway, so we figured the kids could use some time to be kids and make friends, you know make a community build a tribe, we have already went through so much together."

A crowd of several children rushes around Sarah-Lilly
"Come on we are getting PIZZA!"
"What type of pizza do you like?"
"What's your favorite dinosaur!"
"Who is your favorite superhero?"
"What was fluffy like"

It's the last question, maybe an insensitive one but an earnest one that stops the conversation after a brief pause Sarah-Lilly Sniffs lightly and looks up at the crowd of kids. "Okay, if we can go, I'll tell you all about him"

Her parents smile and nod. They all go off together strangers made family by a miracle in blue.
Missed Authors Note:

Sarah-Lilly is named after my sisters Sarah and Lillian.

They are strangers to me, when I left for the army they were 13-15 now they are in their early twenties. I missed them growing into people and don't really know them having missed the most formative years between child and adult hood.

Maybe one day I will, but I'm on the other side of the country doing my own thing, so only time will tell.
I still reread this story on occasion, because some days I need to be sad for a good reason. Not enough people have read this in my opinion, though I could understand why people would avoid it. Not sure how you'd recommend it to people though. 'Read this. It'll make you cry but in a good way' seems kinda...