DBZ: Empire on Thin Ice (A Dragonball Z GSRP)
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The shadow of Frieza might have been snuffed out, with the Cold Family vanished without a trace seeking revenge in a backwater planet far from the borders of their immense empire but the Planetary Trade Organization still lingers on.

But in a interplanetary cartel of criminals, murderers and fiends, who has the strength, the cunning and the luck to rise above them all and replace the tyrannical Galactic Emperor of Evil?

Will a new evil rise from the chaos of the coming struggle for power or will Frieza's empire fail to outlive his death?
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Lost on the road of life

The shadow of Frieza might have been snuffed out, with the Cold Family vanished without a trace seeking revenge in a backwater planet far from the borders of their immense empire but the Planetary Trade Organization still lingers on.

But in a interplanetary cartel of criminals, murderers and fiends, who has the strength, the cunning and the luck to rise above them all and replace the tyrannical Galactic Emperor of Evil?

Will a new evil rise from the chaos of the coming struggle for power or will Frieza's empire fail to outlive his death?

Stay tuned for another exciting episode of

Hello and welcome, one and all, to DBZ: Empire on Thin Ice.

Set in the Universes of Dragonball, you will play as one of the many petty tyrants operating within the Planetary Trade Organization, also known as "The Frieza Force".

Once a regional powerhouse rampaging across their spiral arm with even the mighty Galactic Patrol, the closest thing to Interstellar Law enforcement this galaxy possesses, only able to do it's best to blunt it's advance, this cartel of warlords, gangsters and criminals acted without challenge under the rule of the mighty Cold Family, Cold, Cooler and of course, Frieza. For generations these mutant Arcosians of incredible power carved a bloody trail across the stars.

Entire planetary populations suffered, enslaved at best or butchered without mercy by the thugs of the PTO, with their homeworlds gifted to the highest bidder.

But now change is on the air. It is said that Frieza himself was defeated upon the distant world of Namek, His personal retinue of elite warriors eradicated but a single survivor. Frieza himself left at death's door by a creature straight from mythology. A Super Saiyan, a legend of the extinct Saiyan race, achieved the impossible left the Emperor overcome, crippled and utterly humiliated.

Seeking to inflict a terrible retribution it is said Frieza and his kin sought the warrior's planet, far beyond his Empire's borders. But 3 months have passed and now all three have vanished without a trace.

Leaving you, one of those that remained to rule in your Emperor's stead. Satraps and Governors. Under-bosses and Generals. You find yourself without the shadow of overwhelming power hanging over your every ambition. What power can you seize for yourself? And where will your ambitions take you?

Map of local space

Yellow - PTO Controlled Planet
Blue - Galactic Patrol
Orange Lines - Jump routes, required to travel from point to point (estimate travel time 1 week, unknown travel time without using them)

Character application Template:

Character Creation Spreadsheet - 1000 Starting Points, plus a maximum of an additional 1000 from Disadvantages.

Faction Name:
Character Name:
Species: Feel free to make up your own!
Power Level Bracket - Exact number to be assigned by GM after character creation
Combat Style: For flavor. Feel free to provide your own description.
Special Moves/Transformations:

Underling Power Levels:

General Combat Style Explanation:

Brawler - Your battle-style is one of physical ability. Though you may retain the ability to fire bolts of energy, for you, battle is fist against fist. The melee of close quarters combat.
Blaster - Fighting up close and personal is not your thing. You prefer to remain further from your opponent, peppering them with energy attacks.
Balanced - You may not be the master in melee or ranged, but you have few weaknesses in either, combining both equally into your style.

An Explanation on Planetbusting and why not everyone does it:

Contrary to popular opinion, the destruction of a planet requires more than merely raising your power level to a high number. To destroy a a planetary body requires the concentration of immense amounts of energy before enacting a sustained attack to punch through the planets crust and destabilize the molten core. Such a technique is otherwise useless outside of it's purpose and is why you don't have warriors accidentally blow up the planet they are fighting over with a stray energy blast. Only one purposely seeking such a technique would hold the knowledge required to conduct such an attack, comparable to the usage of a superweapon and such warriors and techniques are rare indeed. Commanding an organization founded on the principle of seizing intact planets to only be destroyed at his leisure, such weapons and techniques became increasingly rarer under Frieza's rule.

Unless of course, you are Roshi, in which case you develop such a technique on a backwater planet entirely by accident.

Even with the threat of Frieza's displeasure gone, to conduct such an attack, were it possible, would be wasteful of a valuable world, not to mention come with the risk of crossing a line that cannot be taken back.

Finally, there is already a god of destruction, jealous of challengers. And leaving the mortal plane cannot save you from his displeasure.

An Explanation on Power Levels and why they are subjective:

"Power Levels" are at best, a calculation of potential power based upon what a scouter device has managed to detect from the ki or military hardware of an opponent. Though some rare fighters have learnt to camouflage their ki energy, thereby producing a much lower power level to take their opponent by surprise, for the most part these produce accurate readings. However this does not immediate indicate an automatic victory to the highest number. These levels are an estimation of combat power of the individual warrior. And battle is rarely a one on one fight. Often the stronger opponent can become overwhelmed by numerous weaker fighters, overcome or exhausted by the fight, only to be slain through superior strategy, a surprise attack or sheer overwhelming firepower. After all, even Goku can be taken out of action by a lucky pistol shot.

It's why spaceships are still used. Individual powerful warriors might be capable of destroying them, but traveling in them conserves energy, gives you an armored kill box with heavy weapons to use and means you aren't choking in the vacuum of space when you get tired out.

State Stats

Stability: Terrible / Poor / Average / Good / Excellent
Note: How effective your "state" functions both on home front and war front.
Supply: Terrible / Poor / Average / Good / Excellent
Note: How well supplied your forces are. You can increase this by plundering, manufacturing them yourself or being given them by third parties.
Army size: Nonexistent / Tiny / Small / Medium / Large / Huge

Note: Effects number of army tokens available.
Army quality: Terrible / Poor / Average / Good / Excellent
Navy size: Nonexistent / Tiny / Small / Medium / Large / Huge

Note: Effects number of fleet tokens available.
Navy quality: Terrible / Poor / Average / Good / Excellent


  • Join the Discord! It's what it's there for after all!
  • Have fun! It's important to remember this is a game after all.
  • Don't travel to Earth unless you want to kill off your character in a humiliating fashion
  • Please bring up any issues with me. Discussion is fine. Heated arguments are not. Step away for 30 minutes and think things through. It's better than getting kicked.
  • Ask questions but remember, GM's word is final.
  • Don't wiki-dive. Dragonball canon is nonsensical at best and things are likely to be changed.
  • If you don't get a spot in the first wave of applications, feel free to ask players if you can take an underling slot.
  • Please provide turn orders on SV under the title "DBZ:Empire on Thin Ice (Character Name). Maximum word limit is 500 words for Warlords, 250 words for approved player controlled underlings. Turns will be roughly a month in time.
  • Be aware that the more you are trying to achieve, the thinner you are spreading yourself..

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Faction Name: Bil'Bdaz Force
Location: Yolk
Character Name: Bil'Bdaz
Species: Meatian
Age: 40
Power Level Bracket - 67'706
Biography: As a wise old master said, sometimes cowards do survive.

When the Saiyans came for Planet Meat Bil'Bdaz, a gifted if somewhat lazy and unambitious young man at the time, used his natural talents to suppress his battle power, and fled for the caves instead of fighting off the invaders. Even then, he barely survived, for while the Saiyans did not sense him they were not at all afraid to throw their weight around in the mass slaughter. And Bil'Bdaz, possessing at the time a measly battle power not worth speaking of, could not bring himself to face them. By the time the slaughter was done Bil'Bdaz was a haunted survivor feasting on scraps; a far cry from the proud, pleasant young man he was but days ago. When he was spotted by teams belonging to the warlord that had purchased the world, he was deemed potentially useful, and conscripted instead of killed. It is a tale as old as Cold's Empire, of every last drop of blood wrung out and twisted into something useful for the Frost Demon rulers.

Since that day Bil'Bdaz has chased power, lusted after it like one would mates, obsessed over its every aspect. His life is devoted to it, to the idea of never being that weak again. His battle power has grown in response to this drive, tapping into some of his innate potential to become a practical warlord in his own right, shooting up the ranks of Freiza's Empire. For those who serve, willingly or unwillingly, know that the numbers that pop up on a scouter are often the most valuable in the universe.

And Bil'Bdaz will keep reaching for more, even until he is reduced to a bloody smear.

Combat Style: Blaster
Special Moves/Transformations:

Spiral Buster: Bil'Bdaz's ultimate charged attack, a mighty beam to sweep away his foes.

Star Bombard: Rapid fire energy ball blasts, aimed at causing mass destruction of an area.

Wreathed Sun: Energy focused around his arms, turning them into the ultimate cutting force. Rarely used, in large part because it mean's Bil'Bdaz is actually close enough to stab someone.

Power Level: Elite (-750)
Advantages: Throneworld, flagship, machines of war, account holder (-750)
Disadvantages: Coward, enemy, obsession: power, galactic patrols most wanted (+900)
Department Army Size: Small (-100)
Space Fleet: Medium (-200)

Underlings: x2 (-100)


Underling Power Level: Minion (-200) -- 6'776
Underling Roles: Admiral, diplomat (-500)
Underling Advantages: Indomitable, charismatic, liked (-600)
Underling Disadvantages: Ambitious, lacking (+300)


Underling Power Level: Flunkey (-500) -- 37'657
Underling Roles: Tactician (-300)
Underling Advantages: Elite unit, indomitable (-600)
Underling Disadvantages: Disliked, fanatic (+400)

Meteor Squadron

Hocus: 12,983
Pesto: 11,239
Laka: 12,520
Gook: 12,364
Om: 16,013
Fennel: 11,134
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Location: Kanassa

Character Name: Mootanzops
Species: Ribsian
Age: 45
Power Level Bracket - Legendary/Monster
Biography: TBC
Combat Style: TBC
Special Moves/Transformations:
BARBACUE BLAST: A powerful AeE assault that explodes around Mootanzops in an orb of destruction and fries all enemies.
SPEAR RIBS: A concentration of ki on a brutal upper-punch meant to tear through the enemy's body.
SMOKE-EM-OUT: A barrage of power blasts over a medium-sized area used to destroy a number of enemies, corral them, or force them out of hiding.
BRAZEN BURST: The concentration of full ranged power in a single twho-handed overpowering blast.


The Harvest Force
San Berry Ann
Faerest, 90​
Power Level Bracket - Monster
Biography: TBC
Combat Style: TBC
Special Moves/Transformations: TBC

Minor - 0Minor - 0 None - 0
DisadvantagesAdvantagesPower Level
Vegeta holds a grudge - +1000Galactic Patrol Snitch - 100
Magician - 400
Hard to Kill - 500
Monster - 1000
Faction Name: Celestial Kingdom of Mardokk
Location: Polaris
Character Name: Mardokk
Species: Some kind of sentient rock, claims to be the only specimen.
Age: 20
Power Level Bracket - Elite
Biography: Some beings spend their entire lives seeking a purpose, their lives aimless and uncertain. Mardokk, however, knew what his purpose was the second he attained awareness. Mardokk's goal was nothing less than to become the wealthiest being in existence. Everything would one day be his.

Of course, the reality is often trickier. It turns out engaging in rampant theft is a great way to earn the annoyed attention of whoever owns what it is you're smashing, and soon Mardokk found himself on the wrong side of the PTO. Luckily, it turns out the one thing the PTO always needs more of is extremely powerful megalomaniacs with no moral compass. Once Mardokk demonstrated his strength and his willingness to work with them, he became another addition to the team.

Mardokk himself learned much from Frieza-for example, people hate it when you steal from them, but if you call your stealing "taxes" or "tariffs" and have other people collect it for you, suddenly it becomes legal! Even better, you can say the taxes are really someone else's fault and then people will blame them instead! Such wisdom has aided Mardokk greatly in his quest, allowing him to style himself as an able and wise protector. Now with Frieza gone, Mardokk is free to bring his enlightened avarice to the rest of the galaxy.

Combat Style: Brawler/Tank - a literal giant rock, Mardokk delights in shrugging off the best his enemies can throw at them and then returning the favor and crushing them into the, well, dirt. This is, however, predicated on them not knowing where his 'brain' is actually located on his body.
Special Moves/Transformations:
Uppercrust -
A quick and powerful one handed uppercut that demolishes everything in its path, an old favorite.
Rock and Roll - A slow but remorseless charge where he swaps from running to actually tumbling along the ground to crush the enemy with his body.
Dirty Deeds - He tosses a chunk of himself at the enemy, throwing up a massive cloud of dust, debris, and gravel that acts as distraction and attack all at once.

Power Level Elite (-750)
Medium Army (-200)
Medium Fleet (-200)
Good PR (-100)
Underworld Contacts (-100)
Flagship Owner (-100)
Critical Weakness (+400)
Obsession (+200)
Battle Junkie (+100)

Zom Dart
Underling (1) (-50)
Assassin (-200)
Flunkey (-500)
Coward (+200)
New Hire (+300)
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Faction Name: The Heavenly Kingdom
Location: Shikk
Character Name: Gashima "Gash" Bolt
Species: Raijin
Age: 29
Power Level Bracket: Monster


Gashima was born a slave.

They did not call it like that, of course. His people, reduced to mere hundreds and without a home after the destruction of their planet, swore fealty to Freeza like many others. They were slaves of the PTO, attack dogs to be thrown at the Emperor's enemies. While Gash has always enjoyed fighting like cattle, doing another man's bidding, even one as strong as Freeza, had never sat right with him. Thus, with the last remnants of his people, he built up his strength gathered the fiercest warriors he could get his hands on, and prepared.

But no matter how much he trained, neither Gash nor his generals reached the level in which they could topple the Cold family. The overwhelming power of the arcosians presented a unbreakable barrier which his hard work could never surpass.

Until they foolishly got themselves killed on a backwater planet in the edge of the galaxy. Now, with no barriers blocking his way, he is free. Free to carve a kingdom of blood and battle for himself among the stars. Everything under the night sky shall belong to him.

Combat Style:
Gash is a balanced fighter who uses both Ki and Physical attacks. The electric nature of his blows makes them rather difficult to defend conventionally, either at close range or from afar.

Special Moves/Transformations:

Thunder God Mode:

A select transformation only a few Raijin can unlock, improving their power level and physical attributes, including his Ki Absorption.

Ki/Electricity Absorption
Gash can absorb Ki and convert it into electricity and vice versa. However, there is a limit on how much he can absorb and convert without incurring damage to his body. Naturally, he can manipulate the electric energy for a variety of purposes.

Gash Impact
Gash surrounds himself with electricity and dashes at the enemy in a straight shot

Gash Spear
Gash forms a lightning spear in his hands which can either be used as a melee weapon or thrown as a projectile.

For both Gash and the underlings.


Gashima Gashima Bolt,Power Level: Monster (-1000),Army: Minor (-0) Navy: Minor (-0) Perks,Cost,Disadvantages,Gain 5 Underlings ,[-250],Battle Junkie,[+100] Transformation ,[-250],Berserker,[+300] Exotic Power: ,[-500],Critical Weakness,[+400] Most Wanted,[+200]
Gashima's most distinguished generals and elite warriors, the pride of the Raijin people. Each of them commands a rather powerful crew of elite warriors from multiple races. To be assigned under the command of one of the generals is an explicit acknowledgment of one's power, as none of them has ever taken a weak warrior under their wing.

Amongst these fearsome fighters, Nebline stands as an oddity. A cunning woman from top to bottom, skilled and experienced in many disciplines, she is the only one of the Five Generals who is unable to fight. Her power level is abysmally low, and she is lacking both a leg and an eye as a consequence of her days as a slave before being rescued by Gash.

What makes Nebline so valuable to the cause of Gash is her domain of magic. Nebline specializes in teleportation spells and telepathy, both tremendously useful in military operations. That, combined with her planning skills, makes Nebline the true brain running the Raijin Empire.

The only trait she shares with her fellow Generals and her King simple--a stalwart determination to make a Kingdom of their own from the corpse of Freeza's Empire.
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Faction Name: Iron Legion
Location: Zalt
Character Name: Glacies
Species: Frost Demons/Freiza Race
Age: 135
Power Level Bracket: Flunky (500 Points)
Biography: Some would think that for Glacies, being a member of the race of Freiza himself would be a benefit. It wasn't. Since he wasn't a mutant like his fellow, he lacked the power of his overlords Cooler, Cold and Freiza to really make an impact. Sure he was somewhat strong, but it was like comparing a paper airplane and a jet fighter. Both can fly, but their so far apart its not funny. Probably didn't help him that Glacies had always found the more controlled Cooler a better leader than Freiza. Although he never said this publicly of course.

Still, Glacies ego about his race did lead to him almost dying. But hey, turns out he is hard to kill. And after being made into a cyborg, Glacies saw some potential. Sure that Berserker rage, born from the constant disrespect he got, and his honorable nature, his attempts to rise above his slum-born nature and emulate Cooler, are still in him, and sure he was left as governor over Zalt and its armoury of war machines and equipment, but those benefits rapidly disappear once you realize his department is scraping the barrel over anyone to join his so-called Iron Legion (a joke on his cyborg nature) and his men have no respect for him. Heck his bodyguard will ignore him if it means killing more on the battlefield.

Now though, things have changed. The entire family running the PTO is missing and leadership is collapsing overnight. And while Glacies peers and troops might not respect him, he's got enough arms and the desire that for once in his life, someone will actually respect him. That or a new leader will come along. Or Freiza or Cooler might return. Anythings possible in this galaxy. Also really helps Glacies never interacted with Vegeta. Might of helped his life expectancy in the long run.

Combat Style: Balanced - You may not be the master in melee or ranged, but you have few weaknesses in either, combining both equally into your style.
Special Moves/Transformations:

  • Death Beam - Considered a signature move among his race. Glacies moved to learn the technique for himself. While his is no where comparable to Freiza or Cooler, it still works.
  • Death Chaser - Despite barely serving Cooler, Glacies did work out the latters Death Chaser physical attack. Even if his is weaker than the original, due to lacking Cooler's power.
  • Death Storm - Considered a powerful version of their races exploding wave, Glacies learned how to do the technique. While weaker than Freiza's version, it can still hit hard.
  • Minor Nova - Seeking to have the full power of his race, Glacies would use all of his training, and new cyborg body, to replicate the Death Ball and its more powerful version, Supernova. What he got was a technique he decided to call it Minor Nova as while his most powerful technique, at best it can cause a very big hole or blast away a mountain. So its nowhere near the power the original techniques possess.

Kaitso (Race: Ikonda-seijin); Background: Kaitso was born for war, at least that's what Glacies bodyguard says anyways. Whatever war saw him transformed into a cyborg gave him a lust for combat that exceeds even his bosses needs. This fanatical nature to war makes Kaitso an unpleasant person for everyone else in the Iron Legion to work with. But considering he is the second strongest member, most don't question him that much. Their's also the obvious weakpoint on him, but no one is willing to tell him about it in fear he will kill them. Glacies himself wonders why life left him like this, but its just another problem for him.

Borgor (Race: Burter's Race); Background: Cousin to Ginyu Force Member Burter. Borgor uses this, and his charming ways, to get the rest of the Iron Legion to like him. Glacies is aware Borgor is always running his mouth as the newly hired bounty hunter is a coward, long ago reached the limit of his skills, and generally was lacking in all skills. But Borgor's charisma has convinced enough of Glacies men to keep the bounty hunter around. Plus Glacies got enough troubles than lose another soldier.

Army: Minor (0)
Space Fleet: Minor (0)
Cybernetics (400)
Skilled (400)
Machines of War (200)
Hard to Kill (500)
Keys to the Armoury (200)
Battle Junkie (-100)
No Respect (-200)
Scraping the Barrel (-200)
Berserker (-300)

Underlings: 2 (100)
Underling 1 Role: Bodyguard (200), Power Level: Minion (200)
Underling 1 Advantages and Disdvantages:
Critical Weakness (-400)
Fanatic (-100)
Unpleasant (-200)
Cybernetics (400)
Hard to Kill (500)
Indomitable (100)

Underling 2 Role: Bounty Hunter (200), Power Level: Pathetic (0)
Underling 2 Advantages and Disadvantage:
New Hire (-300)
Coward (-200)
Lacking (-100)
Limits Reached (-600)
Mistrusted (-200)
Charismatic (200)
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Faction Name: Kreul's Kingdom
Location: Ikonda
Species: Core Person
Age: 185
Power Level Bracket -
Biography: When you have the planet deconstrucor, know how to use it.

Mister Kreul was once the head of Emergency Collections. You see, on rare and unfortunate occasions, a planet ends up so far behind on its payments that the principal and accrued interest exceed the value of the world itself. It's so unfortunate. The PTO was forced into booking a loss, which never looks good. Nevertheless, Kruel had an obligation to make the best out of a bad situation. When the PTO was set up to take a haircut, his forces would smash into the offending system, and deploy a S.E.E.D.

The Structured Economic Enforcement Device worked fast, tearing a planet apart for its precious resources, feeding its base materials to black holes to extract the energy. Time was of the essence. Money was burning. Nothing survived. Only a gravitational anomaly remembered the dead world.

King Kruel has one such SEED rig left in his possession (not to say he does not seek to build another.) It is the key to his capricious, lethal, greedy, and fearsome foreign and domestic policies. He will be obeyed. He will be respected. He will be paid off. The first one to awaken his wrath will die, and their planet with them, and damn the cost that Kruel himself will pay for enacting this interplanetary murder-suicide.

Combat Style: Brawler
Special Moves:
Blink-Dash--Kreul punches you. Its what he does. To get there, he has perfected a lateral sideways dash that can bridge vast distances instantaneously.
Planet-Lock--Kruel usually doesn't need to kill his foes personally. They die with their planets. With this technique, he will bury his target underneath the planetary crust and then seal it tightly. Through active effort, he can keep his enemies locked below as if holding a door shut against them.
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Faction Name: The Ketha Force
Location: Imecka
Character Name: General Ketha
Species: Nyaren
Age: Totally not old, but don't you know better than to ask a girl this!?
Power Level Bracket: Elite

Biography: When Sira, an Earthling, was young, her home village was destroyed by the Great Demon King's army, leaving her as the only survivor, she grew desperate. In her desperation, she prayed to an ancient statue of some long-forgotten Earthling deity. Her prayers were answered, but the being she freed from the statue was no deity, but a demon, sealed away long ago.

This demon, Ketha, upon awakening, realized that some time had passed since she was sealed away. She also realized that her memories were spotty at best, However, she did recall that Earth's Guardian wasn't exactly fond of her, and that the you woman who'd freed her seemed to be anywhere other than the burned-out village they were in. Thus, she used most of her remaining power to teleport the pair to somewhere in space. Given that neither could breathe in vacuum, it's lucky that her randomly chosen destination happened to be a planet.

From there, the two traveled the cosmos, freely, going where they wished, for roughly four months. That is when word got to Frieza's forces that a pair of teenage girls, one of whom displayed great skill as a warrior, were gallivanting around planets that Lord Frieza rightly owned. The pair were brought into Frieza's service, where they were quite happy to serve him rather than die. They even picked up a new companion, Worstor the Destroyer, Destroyer of Worlds, an older warrior who decided that training a promising young warrior was a good use of his retirement.

Now, with Frieza dead, Ketha faces a difficult choice. Does she listen to Sira, who thinks that they should use their position of power to do good for the galaxy, or does she indulge her all-consuming bloodlust and feast on the flesh of weeping innocents? Only time will tell.

Combat Style: Brawler

Special Moves/Transformations:

Holy Lance of Power! -
Ketha fashions her Ki into a lance of crackling energy, which she can use to give herself an edge in melee.
Unbreaking Shield! - What spear-wielding warrior is complete without a cool shield to go with her Lance of Power!?
Great Lance Strike of Destiny!! - Using her Ki,
Eternal Offense!!! - Throw yourself into the crucible of battle, with no thought for ought else, and you can only become more tempered by the flames. Ketha can enhance her own strength and speed at the cost of defense.

Goddess of War. - Passion has its place, and the world is a fascinating place full of fun and great battles, but now is the time for a cold, calculating, ruthless, warrior. Now is the time for the dispassionate demon-goddess of war who Sira may have expected. The one who earned her place sealed within a statue. Let that world tremble at her feet, for her power is great, and her wrath, cold and terrible as winter, is greater.

Minor - 0Minor - 0Two - 100
DisadvantagesAdvantagesPower Level
Vegeta holds a grudge - +1000A Cut Above the Rest - 200
Not Actually an Alien - 300
Skilled - 400
Transformation - 250
Elite - 750

Worstor the Destroyer
DisadvantagesAdvantagesPower Level
Limits Reached - +600
Fanatic - +100
Bodyguard - 200
Champion - 200
Feared - 300
Monster - 1000

DisadvantagesAdvantagesPower Level
Coward - +200Diplomat - 200
Tactician - 300
Intelligent - 200
Charismatic - 200
Liked - 300
Pathetic - 0
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Boiger Gunn, Lord of Meat​

Faction Name: Boiger's Brawlers
Location: Meat
Species: Smthinwesn
Age: 45
Power Level Bracket - Elite
Biography: When Lord Freiza had the population of Planet Meat nearly wiped out in a violent campaign that also served as a trap for Saiyan warriors , he choose in the aftermath to leave behind a garrison of that 'Meteor incident" to keep an eye on nearby Namek by leaving a garrison. Just in case anyone asked any questions or tried to revive the race. In charge of this force would be a tolerably elite subordinate (thought not one whose name he remembered or anyhing) Boiger Gunn, Four Feet and Five Inches of pure napoleon complex, Boiger is a powerful warrior who gets utterly no respect as he is, like all of his race, utterly dependent on his special weaponry to channel Ki and energy. His adamant determination to prove his strength and get the respect he feels he deserves means that he will allow his opponents to charge and transform at their leisure so he can prove he won "clean" a habit that may have killed a man not too stubborn and ornery to die like Lord Gunn.
Combat Style: Listen brother, Boiger Gun has magic guns, and brother he's going to shoot you, a lot, probably in the face. Yessiree its a full philharmonic orchestra of pain he's got cooking and brother you've got season tickets to the front row.


Zubsolv, The Father of Necromancy, Sculptor of Unwilling Clay, The Lord Beyond Death, and Bane of Divine Law. But more simply known in legend as The Lich.

Faction Name: Eternal Kingdom of The Unending Sea
Location: Rygol
Species: Undead Kalmari (Secret)
Age: Millions of years before Age
Power Level Bracket - Exact number to be assigned by GM after character creation​

Biography: The secrets of immortality have long been coveted by mortal kind. Not just eternal youth but complete and utter invulnerability. Where no force in the universe, large or small, could destroy them. Many seekers of knowledge and power have desired to find their own way to immortality. But in legends long past, millions upon millions of years before the age, there was once a mere mortal known as Zubsolv. And Zubsolv, well he was of the Kalmari. The Kalmari are an unremarkable species on all accounts. Average power levels with no great mutant abilities. But what they did possess, was an unparalleled intellect and ability to multitask.

Zubsolv put this skill to use in the study of the forbidden arts. Of the arcane. He peered deep into the endless abyss of magic until it stared back at him, and he peered in ever deeper for it. He saw in the well of magic something untapped and uncontrolled and he took it to study. Zubsolv mastered the arcane, and with it he believed there was no foe to great. No being could stand in his way with his powers, except of course…death itself. He sought ways to extend his life and in order to do that he needed to know how to affect the body.

Zubsolv innovated, designed knew spells and incantations. He cared not for the costs, there was always an excess of bodies after all. He made necromancy, to raise the corpses of the dead to do your bidding. He found ways to manipulate the soul, to create simulacrums or clones of yourself that you could transfer your power and soul to if you die. Fleshcrafting, decaying of flesh, speaking to the dead, the title of Father of Necromancy is no mere jest. And in it he found it, no mere life extension, but true and complete immortality. By binding his soul to an object he had created a phylacterty, turning himself into an intelligent undead. At the cost of any possible use of Ki, but of course he has no need for such things. So long as his phylactery was kept safe and hidden, even if he were to be completely obliterated, he will come back.

Immortality achieved, at the small price of a continuous supply of souls for his phylactery to sustain itself, he has existed for eons. Seeing empires rise and fall, meeting and bartering with great wizards and warriors, and always keeping a watchful eye on those who would seek to undo his immortality. The gods would not take kindly to the mortal who has cheated death so utterly. Indeed Zubsolv has been felled many times, back when he was overconfident. But his phylactery remained. And over the ages Zubsolv has grown…bored.

He had begun to wonder why he should not be in charge of the universe. The Kais were nearly wiped out after all. Beerus sleeps for millennia at a time and destroys based off whims of good food or flight of fancy. Perhaps the Lich of ancient legends should rule in their stead.

Of course, at this age the Cold Clan have reigned. The Planet Trade Organization ruled with the mighty King Cold, Cooler, and especially the temperamental Lord Frieza at the helm. Now…Zubsolv could try and kill them. But he is immortal, unchanging, eternal. No…he would wait for Frieza to die, just like all the rest. Zubsolv would bide his time, go under the guise of a simply mortal worker, caught up in the domain of the Planet Trade Organization. Gather connections in all the right places, shore up his own public perception to the people of the galaxy, and gather resources and money. And then when Frieza finally dies, he shall find his body and raise him. And then the mighty lord Frieiza shall serve him.

Minor hiccup…he can't find the body.

Combat Style: Zubsolv is a necromancer first and foremost. His greatest strengths lie not in combat his combative abilities but instead his ability to raise the dead with a wave of his hand. But even so, he is a millennia old Lich who has long time to study. He should not be underestimated, even if caught unprepared. As one of the greatest practitioners of magic, he is more than capable of throwing down in combat. Manipulating the elements, flying at high speeds, magical barriers to defend against powerful physical and ki attacks, long distance teleportation, pure magical attacks, or just plain speaking a word and causing his foe to Fall.

Zubsolv however is best suited for fighting at a distance, even if he can compensate for his frailty with magic one solid strike past his defenses will shatter his body. If he does decide to go into combat himself, he is best suited as the aggressor. Preparing before hand a whole host of spells to buff himself up, creating contingency to go off, and always having looking for a plan to escape. And of course, death is merely a setback and he will be better prepared next time. Still something he is keen to avoid for the loss of his physical form, even for a moment, will shatter his connection to his undead minions.

Special Moves/Transformations:
Touch of Decay: A spell developed by Zubsolv very early on in his development of Necromancy. Imbuing his own flesh with magic, he can make anything he touches waste away unto nothing. Especially living matter that, upon contact, will rapidly decompose and suffer necrosis. Obviously requires physical contact, but it has proven to be an excellent trump-card if Zubsolv can grab onto his target.

Disintegrate: A favorite spell of Zubsolv. He points at a target and a thin ray springs forth and disintegrates, usually, whatever it comes into contact with. Simple, effective, and gets rid of any evidence.

Anti-Life Flood: When Zubsolv casts this spell it causes waves of necrotic magic to burst forth. Life withers and dies around him, only for it to be infused with magic and raise once more under his command. Life killed by this spell raising as his undead servants.

Negative Impact Shield: A greater shield spell. This spell creates a brief but intense barrier that reflects what comes into contact with it. Good for deflecting both physical and energy attacks, also works as an impromptu bludgeoning spell when cast in close quarters as he slams the barrier into whatever is close to him, blasting whatever it was away.

Mirage: In order to maintain his cover, Zubsolv has become very adept in the use of illusion magics. With this spell Zubsolv can alter the environment around him by creating physical illusions. He can alter his appearance and make it indistinguishable from living form, make himself undetectable, or even change entire environments to his liking. Altering them to such extremes that he can even make it seem like they have moved to an entirely different world, different gravity and all.

Flesh and Soul Sorcery: Zubsolv has many spells in his spell book, offensive and defensive. But he is at his most dangerous when surrounded by bodies. Living or dead. And it's not just raising the dead that he can do, his abilities able him to manipulate the bodies and the the soul of those still living or dead. Grabbing onto and using the life-force as fuel for his most powerful of magics. Appearing in the form of whitish-blue fiery waves that he can freely manipulate for both offensive and defensive purpose. A spell he can continuously use until the soul(s) run out of energy.

Medium - 200Large - 3004 - 200
DisadvantagesAdvantagesPower Level
Critical weakness - + 400
Lacking in energy - + 600
Good PR - 100
Underworld Contacts - 100
Galactic Patrol Snitch - 100
Account Holder - 200
Magician - 400
Hard to Kill - 500
Pathetic - 0

Character Names: Thorcis
Species: Homunculus/Flesh Golem
Age: Millions of years before Age
Bodyguard - 200

Biography: Zubsolv had many avenues of research in his development of necromancy and later Lichdom. Keenly among them was the manipulation of life and flesh. Before the development of the clone spell, Zubsolv had dabbled in the art of making life. Homunculi, or Flesh Golems. Much like undead, they were unable grow beyond the parameters of their creations on account of not truly having a soul. But they could serve admirably as disposable servants, doppelgängers, or, in the case of Thorcis, a master bodyguard.

Eternally bound to Zubsolv like all of his creations, meaning that if Zubsolv were to die so too would they, Thorcis is a cut above the rest of his creations due to his nature as a Homonculus. While Zubsolv can easily resurrect his fallen subordinates, that takes time and effort. Time that is critical when his purpose is bodyguard duty. That is why at Thorcis creation, he was made of the cells of beings with regenerative properties. And with no actual bodily functions required for Thorcis to live, he is nigh-on impossible to even put down in the first place. Regenerating incredibly quickly with no fear of death. His only purpose to protect his master if he is in danger and give Zubsolv time to escape. With Thorcis being able to be recovered later.

DisadvantagesAdvantagesPower Level
Critical weakness - + 400
Limits Reached - + 600
Indomitable - 100
Hard to kill - 500
Master: Bodyguard - 600
Flunkey - 500

Character Names: The Vinculum
Species: Undead Wraiths (All of the Vinculum were once various alien races but have been turned into cloaked specters)
Age: 500 Years since creation
Champion - 200

DisadvantagesAdvantagesPower Level
Critical weakness - + 400
Limits Reached - + 600
Indomitable - 100
Intelligent - 200
Elite Unit - 500
Monster - 1000

Character Names: Pollex
Species: Living Shadow
Age: Millions of years before age
Bounty Hunter - 200
Assassin - 200
Magic User - 400

DisadvantagesAdvantagesPower Level
Critical weakness - + 400
Limits Reached - + 600
Intelligent - 200
Expert: Magic User - 400
Master: Assassin - 600
Pathetic - 0

Minion 4 (Taken up by @Fancy Face)
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Diver Reign, the Legendary Warrior

Faction Name - Chorus Orchestra PMC (a shell private military corporation meant solely to give Diver more money)
Location - Nikochan
Species - ??? (Human)
Age - 33
Combat Style - Blaster
Power Level Bracket - Legendary

Five years before the Saiyan runt known as Kakarot escaped the destruction of Planet Vegeta at the hands of Freiza, a small group of space pirates came to the backwater planet of Earth. There they would abduct a number of Earth natives in secret, intending to sell them at slave markets on long-dead planets. So pitiful was the human race in terms of power that the pirates were able to go about their business with impunity, cutting off entire towns from the outside world before kidnapping their populace. Among those taken was a young child, the sickly runt of a family of five.

They were never seen again.

Thirty-seven years later, the legendary mercenary known as Diver Reign is both feared and respected across the galaxy. Feared for her innate desire for conflict and the trail of devastation she leaves in her wake when hired for a job, and respected for her incredibly high degree of power and skill. Entire worlds have been crushed under the force of her will, and only the richest members of the galaxy could even consider purchasing her services; at least, that was until the Planetary Trade Organization under the Cold family offered her an excessively lucrative contract in return for her service. Diver, seeking a more... legal means of satiating her bloodlust, accepted with glee.

Now, as the PTO begins to slide into the abyss, Diver has a choice to make. She holds no loyalty for any ideology or faction. Not even money can truly satisfy her. Only the heat of battle, the only thing she's ever known since her youth, draws her in. All she wants to do is kill. But although she could go off and carve out her own fiefdom... no. That would be boring, and she had always been the adventurous type. She would throw in with whatever faction would have her, as long as they were able to pay her high entrance fees and offered her numerous opportunities to become even stronger.

And soon, she would become the greatest warrior of them all.

Special Moves/Transformations

Although Diver is a extremely powerful warrior, her physical strength in comparison to other fighters leaves something to be desired, and while she can hold up well in a physical brawling match she much rather prefers blasting her enemy from afar. This has resulted in Diver developing a number of Ki-based techniques to boost her fighting ability in combat.

Breakdown: Diver's self-developed version of the Kaio-ken attack. Breakdown allows for the sudden exponential multiplication of Diver's physical ability, Ki, and power level for a short period of time. Additionally, the effects of Breakdown can be stacked on top of each other, giving Diver a massive advantage in fights. This technique however puts critical strain on Diver's body (to the point of destroying muscles) if used too long, and so Diver usually only pulls it out in critical situations.

Hyperhowl: An energy wave attack, or more accurately an energy bomb. Diver first concentrates immense amounts of Ki into a single point the size of a marble in the palm of her hand, before throwing it at her opponent. When it makes contact with its target or is intercepted, the energy bomb detonates.

Death March: A Ki technique that temporarily enhances Diver's durability and stamina to the point where she is nigh-invulnerable, allowing her to simply walk through a barrage of Ki blasts. However, the technique consumes incredible amounts of energy and mental concentration to the point where Death March is even less used than Breakdown.

Octave Displacement: Area of Effect attack. Ki explodes all around Diver, breaking the earth and burning away flesh and bone. Think of it as Diver's version of Godzilla's nuclear pulse attack.

Hyperhowl Cannon: An exponentially more powerful version of Diver's Hyperhowl move. The explosion radius is much bigger than usual, and if intercepted in a beam clash Diver can simply throw weaker Hyperhowls at the Hyperhowl Cannon's energy orb until it overwhelms her opponent.

Vegeta holds a grudge (-1000)

Legendary (120,001 - 240,000) Power Level

Army: Minor [-0]
Navy: Minor [-0]
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As with the Cold Family, the origin of Barbeck is unclear. But there appear to be similarities between Barbek's species and the Frost Demons. Regardless of origin, it is known that Barbeck served under King Cold and then Frieza. Although he never ranked among their top servants, Barbeck was a reliable soldier for the Empire and the PTO.

Like most Frieza's underlings, Barbeck sought to build his influence and military power. These efforts were hampered mainly by the small jobs that were sent his way. His lack of importance in the hierarchy of the PTO meant he was never given assignments to conquer and sell valuable planets, only backwaters.

So, Barbeck did what any enterprising warlord would do and found a new income source. Namely piracy and mercenary work. He secretly took jobs outside the PTO and raided far and wide across the galaxy. His crimes earned him a particularly infamous reputation across the galaxy and made him a target of the Galactic Patrol.

Barbeck ignored the weak Patrol, and soon, he'd built up his military with his crew of powerful minions. He built a headquarters on the desert planet called Beppa and was well on his way to becoming a major player in galactic politics. That was, of course, until Lord Frieza arrived at Beppal.

Lord Frieza had caught wind of Barbeck's double-dealing or was merely trying to cut back Barbeck's power. His displeasure was evident when he used his powerful telepathy to push the Barbeck Force's space fleet onto the planet's surface. He then declared that the planet would be destroyed in five minutes, shot it with a death ball, and left with his fleet.

Strangely enough for the trapped Barbeck Force, after the five minutes were up the planet didn't explode. Confusion turned into hope as it became clear that Lord Frieza must have miscalculated how long it would take for the planet to die. It didn't change the fact their fleet was all damaged and needed significant repairs, but Barbeck was adamant they'd not abandon their fleet.

To say his forces were uncomfortable with staying on the planet was an understatement. Especially a planet that was supposed to explode months ago and had eruptions and tectonic disruptions all of over the place. However, they didn't have much option if they all wanted to escape the planet.

In time Barbeck had secured enough materials to repair the fleet back to full strength. All while the planet that was supposed to be destroyed continued to look like it was going to fall apart in any minute. As Barbeck's force pulled away from the doomed planet, he finally received word of the disappearance of the Cold Family. Now Barbeck, who's taken to calling himself Lord Barbeck, plots his next moves over the doomed world of Beppal with most of his forces intact and ready to get back to business.


While the Frost Family is known for its sarcastic aloofness and superior gentile attitude, Barbeck has always been considered more "common." He is known for his short temper and lack of decorum. Frieza was once overheard describing him as "fit for the frontier" and "not the same class." Barbeck is brash and rude and has always acted more like a warrior than a noble.


Balanced Fighter

Technique 1: Heavy Rain - A barrage of energy blasts meant to overwhelm the enemy and soften them up.

Technique 2: Infinite Shock - A rush attack where Barbeck energizes themselves, closes with the enemy rapidly, and then engages them with heavy strikes.

Technique 3: Four Halos - Barbeck forms four rounded energy discs and hurls them at the enemy.

Technique 4: Hellrider (aka Retribution) Cannon - Barbek's finishing move where he overwhelms the enemy with an intense energy beam.


Admiral Spatu

Spatu is the commander of the Barbek Force's navy and is responsible for all technical/medical efforts within the army. He was once a top military commander in his race's fleet who resisted an invasion from Barbek. Ultimately, they lost, and Spatu rapidly surrendered to Barbeck, offering to share his technical expertise in exchange for his life. Barbeck had been impressed with his skill at leading ships and was even more impressed with his scientific pursuits. Spatu, despite his turncoat nature, is primarily kept in line out of his fear of being killed by Barbeck.

Spatu's race is partially slug-like. He usually moves within a bubble car of his design to prevent his slime from getting on the floor of the command ship, but it often leaks out a little from the bottom.


Captain Tongs is a veteran leader of the elite force known as the Tong Team within the Barbeck force. He is a veteran of many campaigns under Barbeck, and while powerful, he's always been in the shadow of the likes of Captain Ginyu or Prince Vegeta, even Cui. This has left him with a massive chip on his shoulder and causes him to lash out at anyone for a perceived slight. This petulant and ultimately impotent attitude has made Tongs extremely unpopular with the force. Many think he's a bit of a joke, always preening around, trying to look more important than they are. That is until they take to the battlefield and remind everyone how much of a threat they are.

Tong's race has blue skin with white horns that protrude straight from the top of their heads. They are narrower at the bottom and round out at the top. They're essentially even distance.


Koal is the bodyguard and primary enforcer of Barbek. She is a simple brute fanatically obsessed with making displays of strength or cruelty over the people they count as their lessers. This can sometimes get them into trouble with Barbek when they go too far and neglect their responsibilities to do so.

Koal has natural stone-like armor for skin and appears to be smoking with heat.

  1. Power Level Monster - 1000
  2. Transformation - 250
  3. Flagship - 100
  4. A cut above the rest - 200
  5. Moderate fleet - 100
  6. Moderate army - 100
  7. 3x Underling - 150
  1. Most wanted - 200
  2. Enemy - 300
  3. Doomed Planet - 400
Underling 1 - Admiral Spatu
  1. Admiral- 300
  2. Tech Specialist - 400
  3. Medic - 300
  4. Intelligent - 200
  5. Power Level Minion - 200
  6. Coward + 400
Underling 2 - Captain Tongs
  1. Champion - 200
  2. Veteran - 300
  3. Elite Unit - 500
  4. Elite Power level - 750
  5. Indomitable - 100
  6. Disliked + 300
  7. Limits Reached + 600
Underling 3 - Koal
  1. Elite Power Level - 750
  2. Bodyguard - 200
  3. Indomitable - 100
  4. Fanatic + 100

Faction Name: The Knights of Zoon
Location: Zoon
Character Name: Sumac
Species: Makyan
Age: 24
Power Level Bracket - Elite

Sumac's story begins with getting unfathomably lost. His home world, the Makyo Star, is a rogue planet. It drifts through the void unmoored by a conventional orbit. Whether this due to a gravitic anomaly or a magical curse is unknown, especially to Sumac, who at 14 left to go and raid a planet with his parents. The raid went so well that Sumac was accidentally left behind before he could learn how to find the Makyo Star the way his people normally does. Trying to find his way back home regardless, Sumac soon discovered the myriad difficulties in doing so. The Makyo Star has no stable jump routes due to it's constantly moving position, and tracking the Makyo Star requires means more than just a telescope due to how fundamentally BIG space is.

Despite this however, Sumac wanted to find his people no matter the cost, and so spent 5 years of his life plundering Galactic Patrol outposts and labs for scouting and astrological technology. This particular individual giving the Galactic Patrol a black eye soon caught the eye of the Planet Trade Organization, who proceeded to give him an offer Sumac really couldn't refuse. He can't find his world if he's dead after all. After that, Sumac put his natural abilities and self-taught magic to work for the PTO, even bringing the planet of Zoon under the organization's heel and ruling it as Zoonking. A surprisingly benevolent reign.

In fact, Sumac's magical abilities and the PTO's technology have actually helped further the planet's advancement, the Zoon having previously been limited by the intense gravity, forcing them to live in retrofitted caves and squat buildings. Society as a result progressed to something approaching a feudalistic space age, using enchanted stone and pressurized steel to build mighty castles and humble villages. Though the Zoon underneath Sumac have also become rather bull-headed knights intent on serving their 'liege lord', and who just loooove to put on grand displays of chivalry and honor. Much to the annoyance of Suamc.

Combat Style: Sumac prefers a Balanced approach to combat.

Special Moves/Transformations:
Gigantification - Most Makyans have this form, a height changing transformation that makes them a foot taller and pumps up their ki. For someone naturally squat like Sumac, this change becomes especially dramatic.

Spellcraft - Sumac's magic tends to fall under utility and the defensive rather that the offensive. He also wields a potent magic word while using it. "Kebababa!"

Power Level: Elite - 750

Army: Moderate - 150

Space: Moderate - 150

Underlings: 2 - 100

Transformation - 250
Magician - 400
Good PR - 100

Internal Rivalries - +200
Obsession - +200
Galactic Patrol's Most Wanted - +200
Enemy - +300

Underling Name: Presto
Underling Power Level: Flunkey - 500

Role: Champion - 200

Hard To Kill - 500
Veteran - 300

Disliked - +300
Unpleasant - +200

Biography: Unlike many of the Zoon who have grown up underneath the rule of the Zoonking, Presto refuses to see war as anything noble or grand. Having been one of the first to rise up and challenge the Frieze Force as they arrived, Presto was beaten down and made to serve the conquerors of his homeland. Still, he can't deny the advancements that have been made underneath Sumac's (relatively) benevolent rule. He just dislikes the air of nobility and pretensions that his fellows have placed around the act of war. Presto is a loyal soldier, but one who will do whatever it takes to win a battle, and refuses to act the part of a knight while doing so.

Underling Name: Tada
Underling Power Level: Cannon Fodder - 100

Role: Scientist - 400

Hard To Kill - 500
Expert: Scientist - 400

Fanatic - +100
New Hire - +300

Biography: Prior to the PTO's arrival, Tada had been a simple herbalist, trying to create materials that could survive Zoon's harash climate and gravity. With that problem solved, Tada has devoured the knowledge the PTO possesses on other worlds and their technology. Like most of his fellows in the Knights of Zoon, Tada is someone who has taken up the ideals of chivalry in their neo-feudalistic age and has come to fawn over Sumac. Using his newfound understanding of technology to better the armaments and vehicles of the Knights whenever he can.
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Lord Drakath

Faction Name: The Stellar Protectorate
Location: Zalt
Character Name: Lord Drakath
Species: Hibirian (Actually Godling)
Age: 521
Power Level Bracket: Flunky (Effectively Thug due to flaw)
Combat Style: For flavor. Feel free to provide your own description.
Special Moves:

Underling Power Levels:
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Galactic Cooperative for Progress and Advancement (GCPA)

Species: Irrelevant (Robotized Kuei)
Age: 86
Power Level: 54,511 (91 without nanites)
Biography: The PTO was undoubtedly the vehicle for the galaxy's lowest: beasts concerned with stuffing their bank accounts with enslaved resources instead of pondering what advancements a galactic empire could bring to the rightful rules of the cosmos. After all, it was abundantly clear to Khrome that the galaxy's masses were ready test subjects for the future's gifts.

Of course, the nanite-clad technologist found the right place for his ambitions in Frieza's empire. Before the Emperor's glorious rise, Khrome was merely respected - albeit grudgingly. Something about "scientific ethics" and complaints about "sacrificing morality for progress" kept him from rising further. Of course, the Cold Dynasty couldn't care less about such trifles if results accompanied them.

Khrome had no scruples about performing for his lords.

Bloody as he was, Khrome built quite a reputation for success. He might have been an aging mortal, but his talents with technology were unparalleled. Even with the greediest warlords, Khrome could crack open accounts like peanuts. By the PTO's standards, he might not have been the wealthiest, but intelligence pays off without things like "reservations" interfering with lucrative work. Year after year, atrocity after atrocity - it all turned sunny-side up for Khrome's venerable services.

However, the scientist felt something was missing in his life. No, not a "conscience" - genuine advancement. There was a difference between being a handyman and a scientist, even if the former was undoubtedly prosperous. Khrome longed for a laboratory subject to mere conditions of fealty.

When the Saiyans faced glorious destruction, many promising sites opened up for Khrome.

Settling for Tazba, the scientist found his test subjects just in time. With a planet that was his, Khrome could make quite the scientific progress with his slaves. Finally, he filled that gaping void in his body - nanobots, war machines, and everything in between. Tazba, home of the GCPA, was a factory of the splendid and the vile - not to mention Khrome's new rarified body.

What self-respecting scientist shirks self-experimentation?

Of course, all good things must end - Frieza's disappearance has jeopardized the GCPA's greed. As warlords roam, Tazba presents quite the gift. If Khrome doesn't move his gears, he might end up a failed experiment himself.

Of course, he has no intention of lying still.
Personality: In Khrome's estimation, the galaxy is made up of two groups: steel and meat. The first group earns the respect allotted to it - which can quickly fade away it steel yields to meat. The latter are logs - fuel for the pyre of progress. Who cares about what they think?
Combat Style: Nanite Fusion Death Rain (Ranged)
  • Hyperwhip Hell Hail: Utilizing his impressive arsenal of nanite missiles (live tested, of course), Khrome attempts to overwhelm opponents through the shock of "how can that many projectiles come out of somebody?"
  • Point Penetration Projectile: When the HHH fails, the PPP targets foes with precision nanite fire meant to punch through the strongest armor - even if it is slower than the Hail's blistering barrage.
  • Arena Annihilation Assist: Sometimes, one has to discard carefully targeted techniques for the strength of sheer ordinance. Khrome packs such firepower in limited amounts - his nanomachines can only produce so much at once.
  • Combat Circumvention Cessation: If his opponent is a coward in the face of grand firepower, Khrome has tools to keep them in range. Using nanites to deploy disabling energy, Khrome can hem his foes into a firing range as needed.
  • [OVERCLOCK]: By disabling limiters on his nanobots, Khrome can increase the potency, speed, and quantity of his weaponry. Of course, this comes with immense strain on his body. If the enemy is still in the field at the end of [OVERCLOCK], Khrome will be very vulnerable.

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Player Selections
@triumph8w Bil'Bdaz of the Bil'Bdaz Force
@DanBaque Mootanzops of the SERIAL SLAYERS
@Another Amoeba King Kreul of Kreul's Kingdom
@Always Watching Sumac of the Knights of Zoon
@<o>U<o> Khrome of the GCPA
@JuliusNepos Boigor of Boiger's Brawlers
@Revan4221X Zubsolv of Eternal Kingdom of The Unending Sea
@GenTJ9 Barbeck of the Barbeck Force

Please PM me on Sufficient Velocity with what colour you'd like your faction to be on the map and I'll start providing your power levels.

To everyone that applied, thank you and I can only apologize that I'm not capable of having you all as players. Each of you has provided some excellent applications and it was harder than I wanted to pick warlords.

However, this does not mean you cannot join. Plenty of the selected warlords have underlings after all and should they allow it, I will allow for applications for players to cover those characters.
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Name: Vorkarth the Annihilator
Overlord: The Lich Zubsolv (@Revan4221X )

Advantages: Master Tactician - 600 Points
Magic User - 400 Points
Veteran - 300 Points
Intelligent - 200 Points
Power Level: Flunkey - 500 Points

Disadvantages: Critical Weakness + 400 Points
Limits Reached + 600 Points

Long ago, back when the current races of the world still had yet to emerge from their primordial ooze, Vorkarth was a powerful warlord who ruled as a god-king over a swathe of civilized space. Yet his vast wealth and power invited envious ambition, and he would be overthrown by his own son. Cast out, crippled, and marooned on a barren moon to die, Vorkarth would swear with his dying breath to pay any price for vengeance.

Unknown to him, his plea would be heard by the Lich Zubsolv, who would take him up on it. Reanimated, Varkarth would earn his first title-the Annihilator, for the absolute ruin who would visit upon his former subjects. In the shattered husks of what had once been a great empire, Varkarth would pledge eternal loyalty to his new master-a formality, as his soul had already been claimed.

Since then, Varkarth has served the Lich-whether it be as a supplier of souls for experiments, a brutal enforcer, or even a sacrificial distraction. Slain many times, he has always returned to plague the universe once more, amassing a litany of titles and immense infamy before inevitably the passage of time makes his memory fade. Until, of course, the cycle starts all over once again.

Varkarth has served Zubsolv without any complaint this entire time, and what would he have to complain about? He has lived countless lifetimes, many enjoyed to the fullest, handily eclipsing his past deeds as a mortal and exulting in the power granted to him. Now as Zubsolv prepares to enact a new, far more ambitious design, Varkarth is eager to get to work once more.

Name: Memu
Overlord: Sumac of the Knights of Zoon (@Always Watching )
Role: Tech Specialist 400

Power Level: Flunky 500
Cybernetics 400
Hard to Kill 500

Fanatic -100
Disliked -300
Critical Weakness -400

Biography: Memu was a strange sight to see amongst the PTO, Yardrat's as a people tended to avoid the wider galaxy and live in peace upon their own world, but in rare cases some had left their world to travel the stars. Memu's own excursion however was less his own choice and more the decision of his people banishing him from their world for his crimes.

Born as a Yardrat, Memu grew to hate his people's relative weakness in body compared to the other species in the galaxy and how the rest of his kin seemed content in remaining that way. True they were masters at manipulating their souls, but Memu sought a different path, one of technological might to substitute his weaker body. At first his experiments and creations were considered unusual, but harmless by his kindred, who were they to direct one's path to betterment, but they would soon discover how far Memu would go, desecrating bodies of the dead or kidnapping unwilling "Test Subjects". He would be banished from Yardrat for these monstrous actions, and he would find himself joining the PTO.

Memu's experiments and general lack of care towards others safety only grew as he worked under the PTO commanders, his own body becoming a test bed for many designs that he would either keep and refine, or dispose of and submit to the wider forces for their own use. In truth he did not care for the Cold Family and their desires, he only desired to work on his improvements and to one day gain revenge over Yardrat for their "Inability" to see his "Genius". Of course his technology was not without flaws, most of it's internal systems required massive amounts of focus of his spirit to operate at peak performance, limiting his use of one of his people's greatest techniques, the Instant Transmission, and despite his own advancements, his body is still a Yardrat, weaker physically then many other people.

His joining of the Knights of Zoon was more a matter of place and time, stationed with Sumac when it became clear that something had happened to King Cold and Lord Friza, he decided to join with the Zoonking rather then try to make it on his own as others had, despite his dislike by the wider Zoon side of the Knight's forces for his "Dishonorable" acts. But even with a large number of them considering the Yardrat an unchivalrous cur, his Tools and cybernetics allow for many to become stronger faster and serve their Zoonking better then they would without them, so he is tolerated.

Name: Memu
Overlord: Sumac of the Knights of Zoon (@Always Watching )
Role: Tech Specialist 400

Power Level: Flunky 500
Cybernetics 400
Hard to Kill 500

Fanatic -100
Disliked -300
Critical Weakness -400

Biography: Memu was a strange sight to see amongst the PTO, Yardrat's as a people tended to avoid the wider galaxy and live in peace upon their own world, but in rare cases some had left their world to travel the stars. Memu's own excursion however was less his own choice and more the decision of his people banishing him from their world for his crimes.

Born as a Yardrat, Memu grew to hate his people's relative weakness in body compared to the other species in the galaxy and how the rest of his kin seemed content in remaining that way. True they were masters at manipulating their souls, but Memu sought a different path, one of technological might to substitute his weaker body. At first his experiments and creations were considered unusual, but harmless by his kindred, who were they to direct one's path to betterment, but they would soon discover how far Memu would go, desecrating bodies of the dead or kidnapping unwilling "Test Subjects". He would be banished from Yardrat for these monstrous actions, and he would find himself joining the PTO.

Memu's experiments and general lack of care towards others safety only grew as he worked under the PTO commanders, his own body becoming a test bed for many designs that he would either keep and refine, or dispose of and submit to the wider forces for their own use. In truth he did not care for the Cold Family and their desires, he only desired to work on his improvements and to one day gain revenge over Yardrat for their "Inability" to see his "Genius". Of course his technology was not without flaws, most of it's internal systems required massive amounts of focus of his spirit to operate at peak performance, limiting his use of one of his people's greatest techniques, the Instant Transmission, and despite his own advancements, his body is still a Yardrat, weaker physically then many other people.

His joining of the Knights of Zoon was more a matter of place and time, stationed with Sumac when it became clear that something had happened to King Cold and Lord Friza, he decided to join with the Zoonking rather then try to make it on his own as others had, despite his dislike by the wider Zoon side of the Knight's forces for his "Dishonorable" acts. But even with a large number of them considering the Yardrat an unchivalrous cur, his Tools and cybernetics allow for many to become stronger faster and serve their Zoonking better then they would without them, so he is tolerated.
Out of curiosity are submissions for minion status still open @Dovahsith ? If I can't get in as a minion for the first turn I would be happy to join the game for the second or later.