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A day of mirth, of memory, of rejoicing, of flames dancing together. On this ancient Camien holiday, some plucky heroes young and old across assemblage including two organics come together to celebrate, and to face the struggles ahead, of transformer majority worlds approaching outright conflict over rejoining the largest treaty organization of the galaxy… All the while ancient conflicts and motives beyond their current understanding overshadow everything, rolled up in the origins of these transforming robots. Between intergenerational family, swords, gifts, and I love yous and more, the steadying of each other is enough, to have a little bit of joy and wisdom on this Day of Multiflame.
In this first chapter, linguist Greenlight sings with some of her loved ones and gathered festival-goers, before trying to figure out how to share time with partners outside of work some more, and then joining a multitude of families all related to the Titan Trypticon, to give gifts together. A galactic treaty and threats to it loom over Greenlight and everyone else's minds.
This story was originally posted by us to Archive of Our Own on January 22nd, 2022, and later edited there intermittently. It is part of an original continuity series we are writing called the Autosignet Cycle. We wanted to share it here as well! :3 The second story in the series is Wheels of Mutuality and Symbiosis.
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Day of Multiflame Chaper 1: Soulgiving


Errant Circuit CPUs
dreams of electric sheep
14/13/1,201,356 Allsparked Cycle (AC), Rallying Age. Myriday, 17:03 Hours Dialgem Local Time, Caminus.

"Singing on these solemn seas,

Of stars and souls,

Glowing together in the void.

May we find warmth in each other's arms,

In each other's words and actions!" we started to sing the Hymn of Havenforge together, the fifteen of us large metal transformers and two organic binary bond partners in total, out of many more in the crowd singing along under the night sky and symphony play from the Titan Trypticon laying behind us all on his front side, maw to the ground. From our group's number Chromia had a clasped hand with Windblade. Clumped together nearby was Rung, Road Rage, Velocity, Skids, and Nautica. The five's arms were around each other, Brainstorm, and Nightbeat. Inside Nightbeat's head his mentally linked gestalt nebulan partner Muzzle's body rested within.

In front of four of us mentors who cared for them, our two mentees dear to us voices rang on tune, Gauge, standing alongside Sideswipe. Around me specifically were those I had fallen in love with long ago, Aileron, Lancer, and Arcee. Aileron's right arm was around my lower back, Lancer's left arm sat snug around my shoulders. Behind us with arms wrapped around the Aileron and Lancer was Arcee, with the human Daniel tucked inside and joined with her head. The two's shared quartet of ankle and back stack wheels whirred quietly with our rhythm, as her voice rang with her characteristic softly roaring shimmer and depth, as if aflame, with our varied chosen sounds. Voices I had gotten to know, some over the last six hundred millennia.

Our verses continued, soaring and exuberant:

"Spark and hearth,

Entwined by all manner of matter and daily life,

Minds and souls,

Finding one another!

Shaping life in dance,

In curious splendor,

Thinking fires do hunger,

Not to be infernos,

But to balance heat of the worlds!

Find respite,

Dear souls,

In fires of welcome,

In hangars of reciprocity,

In thermal blades that will shield all that they can,

And would rather flower instead.

Find oneself again,

In the signatures of engines crossing the void,

In spark and hearth,

Keeping libraries warm,

In matter forged from dreams!

We sing this simple song,

Made from merry sustaining days,

For friendship to one another.

We hope, that if our fires ever waver and generate no longer,

Or if we threaten to burn all or unfairly,

To exit the cycle of life,

That you remind us of this tune,

And carry kindling, concrete, and water should we not listen,

But care for our fires who do

And keep our tomes of embraces.

Spark and hearth,

Entwined by all manner of matter and daily life,

Minds and souls,

Finding one another!

Shaping life in dance,

In curious splendor,

Thinking fires do hunger,

Not to be infernos,

But to balance heat of the worlds!

Find respite,

Dear souls,

In trust and love,

Warm and cold across the range of life.

So on this day of ritual,

Whether it be of the everyday,

Or the Festival of Fire,


For this love that we have gleaned larger than us knows no end!"

The music came to a stop with cheers of joy. People started to disperse towards the many long rectangular or small and circular orange low and high tables scattered around the grove of organic and metal trees bearing leaves and solar panels of green, pink and blue. A large patch of life by the open fields and runways of the spaceport situated to the south east of the polity of Dialgem, capital of the Caminusian Assembly. The first world transformers ever called home beyond the orbit of Cybertron's star.

The two youngsters turned around and ran towards the massive purple and blue Titan who also mentored Sideswipe, running into the hundred-fold mass of siblings the two had large and small, who hugged each other and started chattering, a nearly threefold number of co-mentors: tutors, standing and sitting nearby, all situated near Trytpicon's kilometers long left forearm, under the occasional gaze of his colossal yellow optic. The twelve of us older bots started to follow Gauge and Sideswipe at a stroll. I turned to look at the Temple of Flame past the trees and near the polityscape of softly lit low-lying buildings of painted and shaped in a wide myriad of form, like ourselves. The Temple was a blue, red, orange and yellow painted building of metal cubes and domes, glass windows lit by firelight of forges, pyres, and fireplaces inside. The first Temple of Flame I had ever been to, thanks to Aileron wanting us to take part in a day like this the first time Arcee, and I came to Caminus, a few months after we had started dating, long before we met Lancer.

"It's always nice to hear you all sing," tall and hardy purple and orange Lancer turned her bright blue monovisor band optic on her smirking lavender head towards me while our friends conversed. "We ought to do that more often." She gently grabbed my hand in hers.

"It's nice to hear you sing too, love, really revs my motors when you sing one of your love songs to us." The elastic fiber cybermatter metal above my optics drooped a little over them as I grinned, and she laughed. "You did want to start an amateur band of the four of us, didn't you?"

Lancer nodded, keeping optic contact with me for a while with wide open optics and a small grin.

"Certainly could be fun to pull out my old flute again. What do you two think?" I looked over at Aileron and Arcee, who had joined arms. "Do we have time for that sort of thing, between looking after youngsters, downtime, and attending to the work we do? I know I'll be all right, finally found a rhythm with the dialect archiving project, so I should be able to."

"I would like to," wide and oval shaped and cylinder rocket engine shouldered Aileron hummed. "Although my leave from overseeing joint instruction of the Wreckers and the Well Alliance Navy ends soon, so we might need to do it through online video or in digital space for a while."

I patted her low orange crest of her jet gray dome helm that was at my shoulder height, almost eight and a half tall. Her fingers passed over my trapezium armored rectangular forearm as it came back to my side, her hand joining mine shortly after.

"That's okay!" Lancer chirped. "I definitely don't mind. Doing creative stuff with you is joy enough."

"I certainly agree, and can make the time, teaching and writing still leaves some room, but not a lot, as you know," deep pink armored and white crest helmed Arcee chuckled. "There is always our poetry to sing too, should we be needing to look for material. Plus, I do like giving your brain module a break from ship engineering."

The other three of us followed up on her laughter, and my spark churned with joy inside my chest, feeling warmer, leaving my brain module feeling a little fuzzy with electric caresses of loving thoughts occurring inside it from my adoration for the three, and gladness of the time we all had together.

"A-ha-ha, I didn't realize that the Day of Multiflame is really about flirting with me," Lancer ran her free hand through one of the two low goldenrod crests on her helm, her two back wheels turning. "This'll be swell. I do hope you like the gifts I got you."

"Oh, I'm sure we will! Gift enough to spend time with you all though," Aileron let go of my hand and untangled from Arcee's arm, and I smiled in reply as we approached the multitude of bots. "You all are coming to the afterparty, yes?" Aileron raised her voice a little while looking over at our friends behind us.

"Oh yes, we'll be there, Tryp wants to have you all over at our place!" Nautica called back. "We'll have plenty of time to catch up more then, I know were about to get swarmed by youngsters and we've got all the rituals after."

"Haha, yes, that's true!" Aileron turned to face the mass of bots who were a handful of years, or as we transformers would say, orbit cycle's old, physically adults, socially still learning a great deal. She them waved at the group of mentees. "Hello pupils, who's ready for some gift giving?"

"Yes!" some of the mentees clamored, waving back, and six rushed over to embrace us, Gauge and Sideswipe stayed seated with some of their siblings for the moment. I was glad for that, to see them connecting with more people than just their smaller mentors like me.

I laughed merrily, embracing the first two who ended up near me eyebrowed and avian winged lanky orange and azure Eulogian and squarish treaded pink and gray Basalt, and in turn the tall and oval hull shaped scarlet and green Admira. The two moved to hug my three loves, and we each also embraced the pink gray circular three-wheeler Centrifuge, rectangular four pawed long snouted yellow blue striped Solidstate, and spry legged orb opticed viridian Lamander. When we all had, we started towards Trypticon's forearm, other pupils touching our arms, exchanging hellos, and following, some already talking with our friends, as other co-mentors also walked in that direction. Sideswipe and Gauge were already ahead of us.

"It's so good to see you all, tutors!" Centrifuge half sang. "It's been really nice to spend more time with you three who aren't around teaching as much or helping us find journeys like you used to."

"Yeah, I'm really glad for the last thirty days," I smiled back, a little sad about how difficult it was to balance the work I loved and time with family. "The big collaborative meeting for this orbit is over for me and I haven't been asked to do field research away, so I hope to be visiting more, but I might get pulled away for the upcoming treaty..." Gods, that's going to be a whole thing, interstellar drafting for implementation of the voted population measure to rejoin the Mutual Cosmopolities Alliance is supposed to start tomorrow… please, causality, I don't want another war when we're about to rejoin the largest galactic community… I'd really like to see Epsilon again without another damn war. And Oracle, Signet, Xyperia, and Berkin. Adaptus, I hope you'd be happy with what we've done with you gone.

"Lancer I'm sure will try to make her way out of the shipyards more often," I touched her shoulder and she nodded. "And Aileron-"

"I- I promise to keep writing, calling, and doing games online as much as I can, and I hope to retire for a while in an orbit cycle's time," Aileron spoke softly. "I'm very proud of you figuring out things you want to do and growing so much, how you care for each other."

"We're proud of you too, so our mentors, Velocity says so much about you," Basalt murmured alongside me, their back shovel arm nonetheless drooping a little. "Please be careful. I hear the Decepticons have only been getting more vicious and brazen, practically threatening to coup for their right by might stratocracy."

"Aileron will be all right if it comes to that," Lancer replied. "She's got plenty of experience from the Unicron and Anti-Functionist Wars, and I don't know anyone else whose spirit of battle is so close to Arcee's. No accident given all their deployments and commands together."

"To be perfectly honest, young ones," Arcee whispered, "we are in a tumultuous time, but even though large reactionary threats loom, so too does hope, strident and wise, that we can draw a line from back to our beginnings, and that has reimagined itself so much and so beautifully." She looked up to the sky. "There is much from our myriad ways of life Autobot or not that will rise to the challenge, strength in kindness and in organized knowledge. We're going to be all right, I know it in my frame." A small smile glimmered on her metal face.

Frank as always and no softening the worry, dear. I thought, watching the six bots stop walking, optics falling on Arcee and Aileron, and huddling around the two. Aileron would call this tough bot talk. The youngsters may love your honesty, but you tend to bring emotions out of them.

I didn't say any of that, because I understood the importance of saying the facts as they were, and I knew I was also worrying, myself, for the four of us and all of us. Vivid images flowed back to me in my mind of hundreds of hungry two-horned Unicronian metal moons tearing and torn in exchange with our galactic alliance's naval fleets, myself running point defense on one such vessel in that desperate orbit cycle. Of combating the Functionist menace that attempted to rise after, bloody and part shorn fighting street by street, mountain by mountain, landing by landing, body by body, wound by wound. My mind cycled on the weight of the autocannon and sword I took up when I could wait no longer in civilian work while Arcee and Aileron were in the thick of the war-step back, Greenlight. Easy there. You're not at arms right now, your family is safe, focus on the electric cycling of your circuits… my mind turned to feeling the electric nervousness coursing through me. Anchor in your love, let the intensity of feelings pass.

Alongside Aileron and Lancer, I joined the embrace. "Do we need to take some time to talk about this, dears?"

"No, it's okay," Admira looked over at me. "We read and hang around Gauge and Sideswipe enough to know that things are mostly better than a thousand orbits ago, but still not very easy, and we'll have to deal with that... I'm stuck between enlisting or trying my hand at polity mediation."

"Oh my," Lancer's head dipped a little low. "Shoring up the health and peace of people and communities is part of what enables us having a defensive force, as you know. Both are deeply important parts of the present and future, you could always try mediation first… it helps inform the awfulness that is war. Greenlight here has experience with that, and that's how she and I met, at arms in social tragedy."

"Ah, maybe I'll do that, then, thank you tutor Lancer!" Admira grin seemed fragile, as if it would disappear at a moment's notice. "I think I'm ready to head forward, now, maybe my siblings are-"

Deep creaking of metal rang in the distance, tsiche-tsiching sound coming from Trytpicon's forearm, a pair of hangar doors on it sliding open. Short, stubby, blue and gray Wipe-Out stood inside the massive halls within, waving at us, his red monovisor optic shining. We waved back and started walking again. Most of the younger bots picked up pace to rush inside. I looked over at Sideswipe and Gauge, who were standing with our friends, talking quietly. Gauge shifted footing and made optic contact with me briefly.

=Everything okay?= she messaged Lancer, Aileron, Arcee, and myself through internal neutrino comms that grew with each of us transformers as a matter of course, one more metallic organ among a vast number in and of our frames.

=Yeah, your siblings are just worried about Aileron and Arcee by extension, what with the treaty enactment coming so soon. How are you all doing?= I asked.

=We're fine! Talking about my rallying and repair work and Sideswipe's studies. They're all quite excited for both of us.=

=No surprise there, we're quite proud of you too.= Aileron chimed in as we walked into the hangar, while Arcee and Lancer talked with the youngsters about past travels across the stars. =Time to see what gifts we've gotten each other, yes?=

=Indeed! Though of course the best gift is time shared with all of you.= stout and boxy teal Gauge grinned, and I smiled back, then walked over and picked her up in my arms, feeling her boxy forearms encircle clasp my extended wheel-bearing back.

Our groups merged together following my lead, mentors joining mentees and I plopped a kiss on Gauge's forehead while Arcee sidled up to us, nuzzling her head against Gauge's large curving cheek guard.

"We love you and Sideswipe both very much," the big pink one whispered. "I wish Sideswipe could have met you…"

Arcee was of course referring to her long-time friend at arms whose name our younger mentee chose to take up for herself when she heard tales of the two. She had felt kindred fighting spirit to the quaint soldier who eventually met his end during a last stand with Arcee on Cybertron against the last of the drone swarms of the invading Unicron battle moons. In her, I saw a bit of him too, the simple devotion to the skein of deeply varied ways of life and lives at peace, even if its intricacies were not what his mind took to learning, the importance of collective free contentment was there in his spark, wherever it was now.

"I know him through you, and that makes me glad, in this life, perhaps after we shall meet," Gauge returned the nuzzling, and I set her down. We turned to face the open hangar, where bots were walking into parking bays beyond my sight, emerging once more, each with a colorful box in hand.

"Shall we?" short and thinly rounded orange and beige Rung grinned over at us. "The dancing will be in a while."

"Yes, let's!" squat and angular mostly black and red Sideswipe reached out and tugged at my hand, and I followed along spilling over with laughter.

We made our way in, and I hugged Wipe-Out on the inside, before we milled over to a bay on the right lined with shelves of boxes. Each one bore a name in Cybertronian glyphs and exdented lumps. Sideswipe let go of my hand then, heading towards a box, and I went in search of mine, slowly, patiently wading among the polite and eager movement around me. At my head's height in front of me I found a light blue box bearing red glyphs reading: For Greenlight Root of 4. I reached out and took the cube into my hands, and turned around, making my way to a clearing where seven of the eight youngsters were already seated, on the floor. I sat down next to Gauge, Sideswipe nestling next to her shortly after.

We waited, at peace in the noise, while one by one the rest of the non-Titan mentors of the eight made their way over, and we joined by a burly four-armed two headed drone of purple, one of Trypticon's networked drone bodies. We each hugged him in turn.

"Hi Tryp!" I caressed one of the graspers. "Glad you stopped by. Well, more like glad we stopped by inside you-"

"Haha, yes well, I could have visited you by drone like last orbit cycle. But this is nice," Trypticon's booming voice came out much smaller from the drone, whose fin crowned optic turned it's red gaze to me. "Go on, one of you open your boxes that we all helped to put together."

We sat down, and encouraged the mentees go first in digging out of their boxes. Eulogian's four fingered hands took the cover off of their green box. Hands sneaking in with their single optic shut, they pulled out a brown metal tome with the words Selected Olden Atlases of Bygone Millennia along the spine in bright violet.

Their optic opened, and they squealed with joy, and flipped through the metal sheets to the printing date page, "Oh wow, a 1st edition copy of old geographic records from around the galaxy! This thing is over 434,000 orbits old, where'd you-" they turned the pages towards a cyan bookmark that Lancer, Aileron, Arcee and myself had signed. Eulogian took a moment to read it. "Thank you, dear tutors, this is very sweet, I did ask for something like this. As I was saying, where'd you find this?"

"Oh well, we put our research skills together," Arcee reached out and rubbed Eulogians right shoulder. "Took four days of digging to find a non-library copy folks weren't using, we ended up at an old book exchange run by an archivist by the name of Orion Pax in Iacon. He was honestly excited someone was seeking out this old title for an eager youngster, and ended up asking us about our writing, so we talked all day."

"More like half of it was talking with you about your follow-up to Varied Transformations and their Harmonies," Aileron chortled, as did everyone else in our little group, and she pecked a kiss onto Arcee's cheek. "He said something pretty cute, 'everything in the universe transforms.'"

"A very perceptive quote," stout sky-blue and yellow Nightbeat leaned forward, elbows on his knees. "I surmise it was also building on your 'transformations of self can be found in every person regardless of their aesthetic assemblage?'"

"Yeah, he did say that it came from thinking on my book," Arcee nodded. "Part of why he was glad that the atlas collection was going to Eulogian, since it's effectively a still life compendium of geographies past, mid transformation. I asked if I could quote him for my upcoming book, and he happily agreed." Her back stacks drooped very slightly, and I suspected I knew why. Her current one had been much delayed by health troubles.

=You've done so much, dear, and we'd love and be proud of you anyways because you're you.= I messaged to her, Lancer, and Aileron.

=I- thank you, Greenlight. Love you all too.= Arcee's back stacks wiggled, and watching her love express itself through her mighty wheel and light bearing shapes reminded me of the graceful rush the four of us narrated our lives through, exhibited, shared, and loved.

"Aw, that's pretty cool," Eulogian's audio speaker shoulders let out a short high noted jingle. "I had thought along those lines, everybody in geography knows things aren't static, just changing at different paces, but to link it with transformation in that way, and iterative at that, well, that shows a certain magic I hadn't considered."

"I can see the gears in your brain module turning, sibling," Solidstate hugged eir box against eir torso. "You worry about making adequate contributions to your field, I assure you you'll find your way, because you listen to wisdom from other parts of the worlds of knowledge as well."

"That's very sweet of you, sibling," Eulogian rested their head on eir's squarish shoulder. "You go next in taking a gift out."

I smiled, and leaned over to Arcee, and whispered "modifying in use and exchange of preciousness is pretty magical huh? Not quite the same arcane magnificence that you have, though."

She hugged me close around the waist and whispered back. "I see we're not just hitting on Lancer this evening. No, it's not the same, but both magics involve souls giving in different directions, just like how it's nice to share trust and love with you three and all of you. I do like your magic too, you know-"

"Please-" I chuckled, while Solidstate dug into eir's box.

=I miss Epsilon= I messaged to Arcee, Lancer, and Aileron. =I really hope you get to meet him someday, Lancer, and his zarpeouan parents.=

=I hope so…= Lancer glanced at me. =I'm glad Anode and Lug are finally going to tell the mentees about him.=
Day of Multiflame Chapter 2: Casting Flames
Having gotten through our lovely largely simple gifts and put them away to pick up later, we were striding close to the Temple of Flame's doors, and I spotted six familiar visages approaching on foot around the path encircling the Temple walls, and the five waved at us. We ran over, breaking off the crowd, and I barreled into a hug with my twin brother, the purple and silver jutting torso and broad limbed Galvatron, red optics of his tri-crested face falling on me.

"Ah, you all made it back from your archaeology dig in time, I'm so glad!" I smooched his cheek before standing apart. "It's been a while, at least you write frequently."

"I have to encourage your freewriting somehow, don't I?" Galvatron laughed in between hugged greetings with Greenlight and Aileron. "Can't have you getting more writer's block than you already do."

"Har har, truly why, and not because you enjoy teasing her," light green, ochre, and beige lanky and curving dual back-winged seven and a half meter-tall Anode hugged and pecked with me after letting go of Nautica.

"It's good to see you, dear sunshine friend." Anode's hands grasped my back stacks for a moment, and I sighed, burrowing my head into her shoulder, of one of my oldest friends, one of my Amica Endura. She had been through so much together with me since we were five, and her Conjunx Lug, stout and boxy, standing at Anode's chest height, of mostly red and gray, currently with arms around me, who I had also made amicable vows with.

I missed these two, Daniel's thoughts broke from our joined narrative for a moment. Even though I've only known her for 195 less years than you.

Ha, I missed her too. If you want to step out and spend time just let me know- I thought back while mostly immersed in memories of Anode and Lug, of getting to know each other, sharing a full range of amicable emotions and of our lives, spending so much time supporting and in mirth, able to let our stories drift apart while keeping in touch, finding patient eagerness in missing each other. My mental counterpart was having similar thoughts, having been with me since I was 200 and she was 54, Daniel was very familiar with the two.

No, it's okay for now, I like feeling it through you, with you. I'll probably need to step out during the after party though, when feelings have levelled out a bit- xeir thoughts rejoined mine, and we brimmed with assuredness, trust, and love.

I eventually parted from Anode, "It's good to see you both, starlights," And picked up Lug to kiss her face as she did mine, before I set her down. "How's Glyph holding up?"

"She's in the hospital right now, they're trying to treat her circuit overcharge so she can sleep," Lug grimaced. "Poor zoomdare didn't get any recharge cycle at all after boarding, we don't know what caused it, if it isn't internal origin insomnia, maybe some radiation effect we couldn't find or a cybernucleic pathogen, but that means we missed something during the dig on Aleithia... Tap-Out is with her right now."

"We'll be sure to visit tomorrow as she asked," Lancer stated as she embraced Anode. "We'll continue celebrations in her honor, yes?"

"Yeah, it's what she would want," a robust motor-tricycle bot of red and gray barely half my height leaped onto me, and as I grasped her back her two tricrest helm crowned yellow optics met my own, closing only to leave a glancing touch on my face.

Then she slipped out of my grip, landing on her ankle wheeled feet, back mounted wheel purring in a spin. "Actually, she expressly told me that we should have a good time, so we can tell her about it, so be prepared for chaos!" She winked.

Cackling poured out of me, "Oh Flamewar," I mused while Anode and Lug greeted Gauge and Sideswipe, a sight that made me glad. "Showing you care in your abrupt way, you rascal. Duly noted, we will book some more chaos for the evening. Grimlock says he'll make it to the after party, so I'm sure there will be plenty between the lot of us."

"Old Grim is going to make it, is he?" tall-shouldered and angularly slight orange, yellow, and red hued Hot Rod greeted me as her colleagues had, and then clonked her elbow against that of her sibling Flamewar.

"Good, I miss the old gear, and hearing about adventures you two and your pals have gone on. You better invite me next time, so I can achieve something, for stars' sake!" Hot Rod stuck out her tongue for a moment, and I ended up laughing again.

"Oh, come on, as if you haven't achieved something," I faked a pout while crossing my arms. "Let's go through the list, shall we? Led multiple crews in surviving space phenomena disasters, fought and commanded admirably alongside yours truly in the last two wars and candidly helped Windblade prevent a war with the Orzax Republic that had just attained FTL and run into us-"

"All right, all right, you've sated my ego, old philosopher warrior," Hot Rod waved her pair of hands. "I understand you'll be dancing, yes? I don't want to hold us up from that."

"Heehee, yes, we're going to," Aileron grabbed my left hand. "We should go join the rest."

"Sure, love," I squeezed her hand and followed, turning the corner to the across color spectrum star painted lavender doors much taller and wider than me that were swung open inwards.

We walked in to the electric hearth, forge, and torch-lit interior, with only a single fireplace of actual flame at the end of it. Benches and tables sat on the sides near the large windows, while the metal floor itself was covered with bots from the singing crowd dancing with one another. In held closely held oscillations of steps, with tossing and turning of limbs, on scurrying wheels, legs, repulsors and treads. People moved either to or ignoring the tune of a retro-gear song full of meandering string notes and hummed chords, played by small speakers on the walls and a pink green transformer in their rectangular boombox case altmode, Trinome, who was in the arms of a slowly stepping and spinning deep blue and orange tank bot with back treads, Comparm.

=We found some friends to dance with for the moment, don't worry about us, we'll join you elders in three songs' time if that's all right= Sideswipe messaged to us elders and his siblings.

=Sure, have fun, see you soon!= Lancer messaged back.

The rest of us reacted to her message with emotes of an open bright blue spark that tallied up under the message that I perceived in my mind's optic, since I left receiving imagery from the bots I was currently talking to enabled.

=Hey, we can do a friendship dance after we've had a full song along our other relationships= Chromia messaged to just us older folks. =I figure people would like to get that out before the sparring comes up.=

=I agree! As usual, Chromia is a good barometer for conjunxic sentiment, very smelted,= Anode quipped/

I footnoted her message with a gesture emote of a car rolling in circles- doing energots, or as many humans and some other organic persons call it, doing donuts. My friends and loved ones replied the same along with messages of concurring, to which Chromia replied with a looping image of her waving hands and smiling, bashfully with her nearly shut optics. I smirked and stowed the messaging system imagery away in my databanks.

=Will you three be okay, single siblings?= Windblade asked.

=We'll be fine-- = Flamewar conveyed back. =Hot Rod already asked Firestar if she'd want to dance and I'm in the middle of catching up with Discharge, Galvatron's talking with Dynobot, you know, Nautica's diplomat friends. Don't worry.=

=Arcee, we three will get in a dance later, maybe at dawn or in the morning, if you'd like that= Lug wrote to me and Anode specifically.

=I would like that, very much, Amicas of my spark= my circuits shot off with warmth.

Broad and blocky shades of green and white Greenlight advanced towards a more sparsely populated spot, and I went along, Aileron holding on to me, Lancer on my right side, and we stopped short of our beloved linguist, who had started to step about in a triangular pattern, arms extended to us. Aileron and Lancer each grabbed a hand, and I grabbed on to the engineer's other hand, and we joined Greenlight's three-lined tide of leg pairs.

"How do you feel about some snug and close dancing on the next song?" She asked. "I messaged Trinome asking for Wisdom's Huddled Respite, and they said they'd be happy to play that next."

"Oh, I'd love that!" My spark burgeoned in smitten strength, and my module processed that Daniel's heartbeat had accelerated as well. "That's a good choice for today. Should we try doing a delta passage dance?" I closed my optics and swayed afoot while Aileron and Lancer affirmed that they were enthusiastic about the idea.

"I'm glad, dears, and I concur" Greenlight whispered, and we were quiet for the next two minutes. We had said so much to each other even in the last thousand orbit cycles when Lancer joined us, that the appreciated time together without needing to fill it with verbal communication had some frequency. So, I enjoyed it as much as I loved our thoughtfulness expressed in a free and outspoken manner. Simply attuned to the steps, the handholding, feeling poised and calm, consciously diving into our melody. Thoughts would rise of missing my dear friend Sideswipe, of my human siblings, mother, and father all from Daniel's side of the family long gone, of wars and intellectual disputes over whether to live embracing who we are or attempt to suppress it. I let the thoughts come and go pass, for now, by acknowledging they were there, and focusing on the love in the present, which for the part of deceased loved ones, I knew they would want.

Then the song ended, and Wisdom's Huddled Respite started with high fluted notes and slowly dilating and echoed synth strings, slower than my favorite genre of music, but still fiery and warm in a different way. Lyrics broke out from a single singer whose pitch changed with each verse, waxing and waning about holding each other gently with all our might, of dancing paths meeting for a time, sharing fuel, passing thoughts, and care for one another.

In that methodically slow beat, our triangular pattern stopped. I opened my optics, and let go of Aileron's hand. We four started to step as our pairs around the other pair, turning in a full circle, and then Greenlight and I raised Aileron and Lancer's held hands, gently moving our own holding palms in a circle to let the two spin around. Lancer clasped arms around me and Aileron around Greenlight, before stepping back to sway with us, hips and swinging widely side to side at a moderate pace kept with a flurry of sidesteps. Aileron and I matched the two seamlessly, but I nonetheless felt a bit flustered by all of it by the time Lancer grabbed my left hand on her waist and raised it to spin me around, and then I stepped towards Aileron, and we repeated the moves; circle stepping, spinning, holding one another while swinging together, and spinning once more.

By the time I got back to Lancer, having felt Aileron and Greenlight around and with me, the four of us so assuring and attentive to each other, my circuits and nerves were abuzz with excitement, and my mind was aflutter and revving with how deeply I loved them, feeling the self-reinforcing buildup of such feelings lived out over and over between us. I would have tried to make out with them right then and there were I not self-conscious only because I was not enthusiastic about my mentees and pupils seeing me doing so.

Instead, as the song reached its last lines of notes, I leaned over to smooch Greenlight's lips but once, briefly, and put my arms around Aileron's shoulders and Lancer's back, leaving my head leaning forwards.

The three joined me in a hug, and we merely danced very slowly, inclining our frames as we stepped around. My mind reminded me there was an upcoming treaty for the kind of cause Sideswipe had died for, and for me, and I knew us four would do the same for each other, to live and die for each other and our loved ones, for our world or merely a single life.

"I love you all so much, so, so- very much, I-, I-" stammering poured out of me, not very typical, but I felt the weight of future ahead. "I just wanted to say I'm so glad, for our time together. I want to hold onto it as long as I can."

"We feel the same," Aileron rubbed my lower back. "You're all counterparts of my soul. I ring and rocket so merrily, because of you, and am bolstered by you when sorrow overshadows me."

"We'll be together through all that is ahead," Lancer murmured. "No matter how far apart. We will be, our family, for all the time we can. I may not be as experienced, but if I must take up the blade, I will, for our and the worlds' sake, just as we all strive to build peace instead."

"That sounds like a good note to suggest that maybe we should finally do Conjunxship commitment vows," Greenlight chuckled. "It would seem appropriate to do so soon, to declare how we feel in a ritualistic way."

"I agree," Aileron, Lancer, and I responded simultaneously, and the four of us had wry grins after.

One kiss ended up exchanged between each of us, merely lips meeting lips, not nestling around each other in opening and closing motions, and then we stood apart, a few moments of the song left.

Velocity sidled up to us, our friends behind her, along with gold and brown claw limbed and blue faced Dynobot, short, angular and thick limbed Discharge of red, teal and silver, and rounded in bulkiness wheel-bearing Firestar of red, light gray, and yellow.

Our teal doctor pal's mouth was turned upwards at its edges, and she opened it to ask: "You all ready for a band turning? That's we had in mind."

"That'd be lovely," Aileron stepped out of our clump, hand extended, and I found her and Lancer's hands once more, as Greenlight grabbed onto Lancer and strode towards Lug, who reached out and held with her. A long oval of joined hands formed, and we stepped back and forth in alternation with each turn, at first clockwise in tune to current song that rang with classical symphonies of a grand host of instruments through from chimes to harps. On each full pause between notes, we would change directions, and slowly picked up pace as we got used to each other's movements, reaching a near jog before beginning to slow down again.

Tides of speeding frames, back and forth, knowing and opensouled.

When the song came to a clanging stop, we let go, laughing in joyousness, looking fondly at each other, and were joined by our mentees. Gauge and Sideswipe came up to me and whispered in my right audial bun, and I nodded, and messaged the bots around me asking if they could make room while Gauge told the rest of us what she had in mind while horns began to sound with a quartet singing about a highway of tomorrows.

The other dancing bots stepped back more than a bit, with murmurings about familial gestures. What family I had gathered here transformed, all of us running, rolling, or hovering about in a circular pattern, save for two; Lug, who sat in her backpack form atop of Anode's jet biplane mode, and Rung whose long energon-forge anvil shape lay across Velocity's heavy automobile mode. Slowly, the circle became a swirl, all of us moving at the lowest possible speeds, Windblade, Anode, and Nautica's turbines roaring, and then we reversed the swirl into a near mobius strip shape, the head of us, Gauge, overshooting the middle so to instead move past Hot Rod. When the cycle was about to repeat, we transformed once more, dancing in pairs and one group of three, moving around each other in the manner of wayward comets or electrons. By this point, a larger circle had formed around us of people who had been dancing, looking on with cheers and whispers.

I had ended up holding robust purple and turbine finned Nautica and Trypticon's drone body around their waists whilst we sashayed, and inclined my head to the left side a little. "So, tell me, If I had told you two your lives would turn out this way back when you were a 100,000 each, would you have believed me?"

The two guffawed at my statement.

"Oh no, I don't think I would have," Nautica shook her head. "Some of this was beyond my wildest dreams, honestly. All the questing and interpolity service official work, the lovely best friends who ended up in my life, raising bots with dear Trypticon here, no, this wasn't expected, but I sought out doing what my spark dreamed, that much I hoped for, to do a little good in this life."

She really is very attuned to the existential, huh? It just radiates in a fabulous way off of her, Daniel thought to me.

Among the many things some of you humans somewhat inaccurately called queer on first contact with us, yes? I laughed internally. Nice job avoiding the word, though it's a wonder you didn't say plasmemic because of me.

Yes well, I do have some sort of vocabulary that isn't just categorical classification, thank you very much, both because of you and my life on Gliese Exiom in the 2800s before I met you, but knowing you has been something amazing. Daniel returned the glee before his thoughts rejoined mine.

"Eloquent, very eloquent, Nautica -[negotiator of mirth and hope]-," Trypticon's drone snout yammered. "No, Arcee -[ancient vanguard of closure and reimagining]- , I did not expect -[calculated route gamma 40b ingot]- to be my future, for better and worse. Better, at least, in that my journey through the stars and hosting delegations has been a beautiful one, and I did not fully comprehend that -[found family]- would be so large for me, and you have all added to it in ways I will never forget. Did you expect this would happen?"

"No, no I didn't. There's so much I didn't expect…" my laughter became vocal. "I thought faunology and teaching would suffice, but no, my life had to change, and that was just the start of everything that led here, to this moment. I'm glad for it, for you." I stood apart as the music began to slow. "Now, if you'll excuse me dears, I have a spar coming up with Geckobot and Trans-Mutate, and need to make sure my practice swords are set to not be sharp."

"Hey, of course!" Nautica winked. "You've got this, love."

I pressed two my yellow-orange solid light front guarded straight sabers against a block of metal on the table in front of me under the window one more time. I could feel the pressure from the blades up against the block, rather than cutting through. On some occasions, such as mourning someone's death, very careful training with another person or myself, or when I intended to hurt someone rather badly, I actually preferred to use my fierier thermal sabers, but solid light was fine for an occasion where only a bludgeoning wound could be caused. Which we would try to avoid anyway.

Gripping the hilts in hand, I turned around, and walked to the front of the solid metal plate aluminum fireplace that growled and murmured with magnesium-lit flames. Once I got there, getting through the crowd across this wide hall, I saluted my fellow fighters, by raising my right blade over my left arm, in my case, having the blade sit past it and beside my left back stack. In front of me stood Trans-Mutate, a teal and beige red optic three crested motorcycle bot barely taller than my legs. She, a historian, was gripping two forearm blades that also were solid light projectors, hers being blue, one across the chest returning the gesture I gave. At six meters in height was Geckobot, a dark aquamarine sturdily broad soldier with deep pink leg fins and back wings, green optics meeting me, their arming swords deep pink, one past the shoulder as I had done.

The festival goers sat and stood around us, still save for little murmurings. The day had been full of celebrant artmaking and peaceful activities prior. Now came the violent thing that I knew so well both because I loved the practice of it in trust and care, because I did not like the idea of someone hateful being more prepared for it than myself or the myriad cause of goodness in mutual reciprocity I grew up in and had done so much for, having taught, learned, healed, fought, led, loved, and written for.

One other stood amongst us not in the crowd, a very curvaceous, white and gold layer plate armored forge-anvil transformer who stood much taller than me the, holding an almost as tall hammer staff, a red metal thread cape flowing under shoulder-back slope ridged with triangular rods. Ember, one of this Temple's Sage of Flame.

Her large yellow optics of red and gold helmed face fell on me, Geckobot, and Trans-Mutate in turn before she addressed the crowd, "Tonight, gathered celebrants and observers, on this Solar Cycle of Multiflame, I humbly sanction a bout of ritually declared combat. May flames keep you warm and guide you, fighting flames, in using your skill without causing permanent harm. To the first blow landed on the frame, no more, no less, to remove one from the bout. I leave the rest of cindering words to you, you know your part and history that precedes you, dear flames, hearths of the AllSpark."

She tapped the small end of her hammer staff to the floor, and backed away into the audience, facing us, including with her central yellow-gold circular light on rounded chest, that housed behind light not just the rare capacity to not just shape and forge energon into cybermatter but also to project a fusion beam that easily rivalled our military's smaller artillery pieces. A beam that had overwatched for me in the last war, whose user I had shared many a drink with and huddled alongside when exhausted on the field. A trusted friend, who like Aileron had some different ideas about spirituality than my atheist self.

I saluted her with my sabers, and she bumped her hammer wielding fist to her chest. Now it was my turn. The only nice thing about my brain module having returned to blurry difficulties is that it was easy not to think about them.

Part me wanted to curl up and cry at having so many pieces of the puzzle for our next steps for happiness together, but didn't know what to make them, even though I would have before the war. But I let that slide away with ease by focusing on the now that shapes the future- that's part of it. Remember that for later.

"I, as a sage flame," I declared.

"I, as a defending flame," Geckobot uttered.

"And I, as a chronicling flame," Trans-Mutate stated.

"On this Day of Multiflame," we three said as one. "We celebrate the spirit of Flame, we of different metaethical views regarding or beside the Flame, of different roaring fires of life, join together to meet our strengths, and learn, to dance in thick of vigor and wisdom of knowing what we do not know and our own reluctant flames of violence, that we may avoid as much as we can without sacrificing pluralistic cause and simple protecting of life drawing on the latter." Our voices were loud, and solemn, no shouting, merely enunciating. "Flames meet here today, not to consume one another, but to enrich one each other with the warmth of knowing, and dedication of trust. Such is our warriors vow, back to the end of our ninth millennium of our life on Cybertron, when cause errant was needed against the first eruptions of all-consuming flame. In the name of Manyforge, we from indeterminist, to atheist, to theist do in this spirit join in common cause to spar for our admiration for one another!"

And we fell silent, except for our steps ten meters apart, and blades angled forward. Geckobot had theirs in front of them, while I angled myself sideways, right blade over my head and the other jutting in front, while Trans-Mutate brought her forearm knives up to her face in a front stance. The three of us began to circle one another with slight steps and hops.

I knew Trans-Mutate's choice of weapons would require her to join distance the most of the three of us, and I knew from teaching her ways of the blade over the last twenty-three thousand orbit cycles that she was fast, very fast, and extremely agile. Geckobot could afford to keep more distance, and had a reputation for being sly, not relying on any single martial form, easily moving between them like myself and our mutual opponent. All of us including myself were students of the branching strength alternation, a meta-theoretical view of combat and life at large I had helped found almost eight hundred millennia ago. It proposed drawing on and reassembling many different practices or 'tools' with commonality or symbiosis as one as contextually needed, letting our approach transform with us and us in turn.

So, I considered my opening, not by cluttering myself with prominent bodyless thoughts, but feeling, assessing, moving, and eventually committing, while having a variety of responses and considerations on the edge of my mind, at the ready. Practice and study of Durathia's breakthrough, Solus's balance, avante-garde klissvrax jabberost, slice compendium, and hundreds more and my own unique combat experience across my long life were poised.

I leapt forward to the right, aiming to feint towards Trans-Mutate. I swung downward with my right saber, bringing my left saber closer to my head.

Trans-Mutate dodged into the false blow, sliding underneath, while I quickly changed the swing's direction from left to right, and simultaneously brought my left sword to bear towards her in a lunge.

Cut off, she blocked the blow with my stabbing and slashing sabers, with one arm blade each, and was knocked back by the force, landing in a kneel on the floor.

I mirrored her fall deliberately, for Geckobot had wasted no time in advancing, and struck at me with both cutlasses towards where my left arm had been barely a second ago. Geckobot now was in the middle.

They attempted to scamper back as Trans-Mutate and I leapt forwards. I used a button press on my left saber's hilt to lower the blade length to that of a knife, while cutting rightwards towards Geckobot's right arm, my right blade striking overhead towards their right shoulder. Trans-Mutate dived down aiming both of her knives at Geckobot's left leg.

Geckobot soared up and backwards, using their wings to fly, bringing both of their blades to meet mine while tucking their legs in- and then stepped down onto the floor after a resounding thud from Trans-Mutate tossing their right arm-blade at Geckobot's legs. Geckobot nodded, and stepped back, sitting down, waiting to see how the rest of the match would play out.

Trans-Mutate and I stood perfectly still. She was in swiping range, but had the choice to slash at me next or run for her blade that sat on the floor. Or-

Trans-Mutate instead ran in the direction that was least perceived threat, to the right of and away from me, and I barreled after her, bringing my left blade back to saber length.

I skidded across the floor, ducking down to reduce my target profile and swing distance, and slashed with right blade in her direction upwards from the side, my left blade swiping downward.

The most emulative and inventive student of war I had had outside of my loved ones transformed and rolled away under my blades, heading for her fallen arm-blade, as I had expected.

My downward slash with my left blade became a sideswept toss, the yellow-orange solid light blade spinning towards her back wheel- and parried mid-transformation while I ran after her, diving to grab my fallen sword while keeping my right saber in front of me- and experiencing a flurry upwards punches bringing her knives to bear on me, that I hastily blocked with all my speed while backing away.

Until an opening in her attacks was spotted, and I swiped around and hitting her left leg, in the same instant that she brought turned a knife around in her hand, brought it to sword length, and struck my right arm.

We both stepped apart.

Hearing Geckobot clapping, and seeing Transmutate's wide grin while cheers broke out, I laughed. "Well done, both of you." I inclined my head and then roared "And so in these last two blows landed the sage flame is succeeded by her students, a victory for all in one! 'Till all are one!" It was a tie, but the less experienced having advantage on ties was my rule. Of course, landing a blow without getting hit oneself was better.

"'Till all are one!" We yelled, and she deactivated and tucked her blades onto my hips to leap up and hug me, and I deactivated mine, letting the hilts magnetically couple to my outer thigh armor plating, and held her in one arm, while Geckobot walked over and joined the embrace.

After a moment, I let the two go. "You two make me so proud; you know that?" I felt a little droplet of energon byproduct fall from my right optic, streaming down my face. "You both handled yourselves admirably, and I know you don't have to lecture you on anything."

"Well, of the three of us, Trans-Mutate did the best with improvising and being unexpected," Geckobot's short-beaked green optic face chattered. "We still can't best your form, though."

"Form isn't everything, dear Geckobot," I smiled. "But you are right, Trans-Mutate branched iteratively extremely well."

"Yeah, I just, moved with the needs, I saw openings and took them when it felt right, I dunno how to phrase it," Trans-Mutate's shoulder armor flapped excitedly. "Gods, I've been doing this for nearly twenty-five thousand orbit cycles, and still left a loss for words at times…"

"That'll stay with you, trust me, I know," I patted her head with my hand, landing behind her tallest crest. "It's saved my life a lot, as I know it has for both of you."

"You know that is an 'I'm genuinely proud of you even though I'm pretty frank so when I say I'm proud of you I almost always mean it,' from Arcee when she says that you did something that in her wheels saved her life when she did it," Geckobot nuzzled their face up on Trans-Mutate's and lightly nibbled on their crest. The darlings of the stories and sword, we called the two.

"Aw, beloved Conjunx, you're right," Trans-Mutate scritch-scratched under Geckobot's chin, and she chuckled when they squawked from such. "It's time to celebrate the passed on, right?"

"It is, dears, stay if you like," I stretched out my hand as I walked away to sit by the fireplace, criss-crossed. "Or join ones you love you came with."

"It's just us this orbit, we'll join you," Geckobot stood up and found Trans-Mutate's hand in theirs, and walked up towards me, while Gauge and Sideswipe sat down by my left thigh, and Aileron, Lancer and Greenlight sat around them after embracing me and nuzzling heads. Our friends gathered around this fire, among the many hearths about that people gathered around.

Ha, hearths about, there are many two-fold here tonight. There always are, by definition, unless the place only has a few people or is empty. Daniel mused.

True enough, dear gal, I sent some thoughts of embraces his way, and felt her battle tensed body relax. I'm really glad you enjoy this kind of language as much as I do. Thanks for watching my back in there.

Yeah of course! We're both peaceful teachers and students of war, Arcee. One of the larger paradoxes of our lives. We'll think on that more soon, way this night is going…

"Arcee, you start, dear." Rung sat opposite of me, Admira in his arms, spectacles put away, electric blue optics with reflections of dancing flames upon them. "It's your orbit cycle to start this."

"Right…" I closed my optics for a moment. "There is much that I miss but have accepted the passing of, I miss Gallium and Feldspar, the two construction and repair laborer trans zoomdare mentors who raised me, I miss the Witwicky's I knew, Carly, Spike, and his parents Sparkplug and Cathode, who I was raised by. I miss Buster, Butch, and Nancy, my human siblings… And I miss Llyra, who I fell in love with and share so much with, and I miss Galen and Olin, who we adopted and looked after, who I'm so proud of, and so many more... It's been over seven hundred thousand years since I saw any of my first organic family I spent my first few millennia with," I started to shiver. "Without Arcee, without her, it's hard for me to remember-" I buried my head in my hands, and sobbed. This was hurting more than usual, and I knew why. "-to even remember what they look like, how they sounded, how they felt!"

My sensors finally let loose for the day as they had every day for the last megacycle, my shoulders and ankles seared with stinging pain, erroneous tactile sensor readings feeding my brain module conflicting data of cruising with my wheels to the ground, falling from the sky, running sword and dagger in hand, plasma rounds tearing through my waist, the rounded chest, helm, and back stacks I loved so much ached as if melting. All the while I clung desperately to the thought and vague sense that…

Gauge was holding my hand, squeezing in a dot dash pattern, saying I love you. I love you both. So very much. I wouldn't be who I am so happily were it not for you. Sideswipe's right hand sat on my knee, Galvatron laid one of his hands on my shoulder, Anode and Lug one each on my quaking back stacks, and my beloved Conjunxes to be curled around me, heads dipped on my frame.

"Thank you, dears, I love you all, so very much…" I gulped, and listened to my cycling circuits and my heartbeat, letting both slow. "I miss them. I wish, I wish they could have met you, Gauge and Sideswipe, and you six, Admira, Eulogian, Centrifuge, Solidstate, Lamander, and Basalt. And I, I miss the older Sideswipe, too…"

An intense recollection cropped up, of plasma bolts volleying back and forth in the ruins of Iacon, of holding a big silver white and mostly red bulky and boxy body in my arms bleeding bright pink blood all over my sprinting legs out of a gaping hole right through to the spine. Of a two stub-horned single crest black helmed white face looking up at me from the end of the spine, smiling somehow, bright blue optics slowly burning out as he coughed out, all those years ago "Your complexities and those that we fight for might be beyond me, but I know they are good, good enough to die and live for beyond just life safeguarding life, Amica Endura—Give, give my regards to Anode and Lug—urk—tell they need to take care of- yu…"

Daniel tugged my mind away in present from my actions that bordered on slaughter, that had occurred immediately after I set Sideswipe down in the hands of an orange white van medic by the name of Ratchet. Of me leading the offensive personally through a small mountain ranges' worth in mass of drones pouring out of and guarding the tunnels to the megapolis sized brain module of a crashed Unicron. A Unicron who was trying to tear our beloved Cybertron apart with point blank capital ship scale mass bombardment that dwarfed our largest fleet's capacity to belch out, a bombardment my battalion ended by riveting the brain with railgun rounds. Flowing into that kind of rage was not a place I wanted to be right now.

"I… think this all hurts so much right now because… humanity and their Anarchaeum of Stars have grown so much and been a fast friend to both the Nebulan Federation and to our Planetwell Polity Alliance… I was so sad when the Cosmopolity eschewed the PPA from its number, but the human and nebulan originated countries have been among those who argued so valiantly for our return… and that is so near, yet, it feels so far. I've done this dance before. Been in a dozen wars, five times that amount of peace and friendship talks. This doesn't feel like it'll be over, and so, I miss… I miss when we mostly had peace for such a long time… But, I have hope, and that's enough besides the love we share." I looked over at everyone, one by one, and squeezed Gauge's hand back saying I am so proud of you and Sideswipe, you shine so brightly in my life, which I also conveyed to Sideswipe by comms messaging, and his hand relaxed on my knee.

"There are happier things that have passed on that I wish to celebrate today… Even though it has been with me for so long as a part of my life, I am deeply glad to know my transness and to live it, to have left behind the idea that I was launch. To actuate past the initial launching per se, to do away with the notion of woosh-how being a good name for my actual assembled gend- sparktion for me, or as Camiens say, one's hearth. To have figured out being zoomdare with Anode and Lug in our second century, to try signifiers like pronouns and play with our sounds as our ancestors did… To have talked with each other and drawn and designed until we were ready to ask some metallurgists and surgeons to make the exterior frame, superstructure, and parts we wanted, with the primary surgeon being my grand-mentor Solus. To go offline surrounded by friends and family, waking up aching all over hours later for weeks. Aching, but so so glad, and to journey through life thereafter, leaving that previous part of our life behind… I am so glad."

My wet face chuckled when Anode and Lug laid their heads on my left shoulder and between my back stacks respectively to plop a kiss each while rubbing my back, drawing me back into the cruising curiosity and hope in myself, of sensors and mind rejoicing from movement and touch. Of feeling whole, in the present moment, the vastness of past and present lives known to me and future imagined ones dancing about under starlight where I felt at home. To not have to always ask why about myself, anymore, knowing I could not answer all of it, and happy with answers I had, but nonetheless still curious, happily finding answers when I had not expected more. A journey made so special by all of you, and the gestalt of myself.

"And… Daniel. Daniel, like me, found a new self, but she did that through me- I think xey want to speak on this a bit-" I closed my optics, feeling Daniel trying to find words.

"I um, as some of you know, when I agreed to binary bond with Arcee, neither of us quite expected what was going to happen. Sure, it was beautiful and amazing to share knowledge and thoughts, but it was also harder than we had thought it would be, since it turned out what I thought was my gender and her realized sparktuation did not jive very well, it was dysphoric for her, and for me… Well- being constantly connected to the battle wizened, vivacious, and intrepid sleek behemoth that is Arcee… Well, she or as she has chosen in Wrexvari, a descendant language of my human tongue, <xey>-" for just the pronoun, I switched to the language, and then went back to Eclipse Cybex. "-Um, dragged some femmeness and xenogender realizations out of me, that accompanied my maleness in a trigender fashion. Really, to think that it took an ancient alien robot for me to figure this out," I laughed, and so did those dear to me sitting around, listening.

"The xenogender bit though is from the unique position that I was in by being her to also know what being a zoomdare was like, and the femmeness from connecting across aesthetic systems with her without treating her assemblage and mine as synonymous or replaceable, merely with some commonalities. So… I too said goodbye, to a smaller view of the world by joining the vast library that is her mind, and my single gender that was once so lonely, now happily at home with four; two more mine, and one sparktion hers. Needless to say, when we're joined most of what I feel is hers, not mine…" almost bleating laughter erupted around us.

"We made some mental space of subconscious thought, she has her circuit for those things, and I have mine, but unlike her with mine, I have no problems spending months at a time in her aesthetic narrative." The older folks knew all this save for those three who I didn't know so well, Dynobot, Discharge, and Firestar. The young ones, who I hadn't explained how difficult my binary bonding had been, only the happy results, stared with optics almost perfectly round.

Spark's sake, how did you figure out I was so easy to cheer up, with this?

Arcee sweetie, I kind of knew after you wrote that book about the significance of aesthetic transformation to transformer life and that of the Cosmopolity, you dork. I mean come on, the title, Varied Transformations and their Harmonies. It's full of wordplay. More than meets the eye to that…

Ugh. You're not wrong, dork. You helped me write that, you know.

Happily so!

"Who'd like to go next?" I asked. "I'm all out for tonight, between Daniel and I, I think. And I went overtime…" I held off from talking about Adaptus, because then I'd have to explain Epsilon, Signet, Oracle, Xyperia, and Berkin, and we'd decided to let Anode and Lug do that. But it didn't change that I missed those five terribly.

"I'd like to," Sideswipe spoke up. "Don't have as much to say, but I haven't lived quite so long and it's been mostly peaceful. Also, that was really lovely to hear, I will be happily late to anything today just to hear that."

I patted her rounded helm after leaning to kiss her there. "Go on, dear, that's very sweet of you to say."

"I want to celebrate… when I left my first attempt at work behind and went back to studying. It hadn't been the right thing yet, however long whatever the first right thing is ends up lasting for me, but fusion engineering just wasn't something spark was in. But, metallurgy and blacksmithing, I do like a lot, and am very glad for tutor Anode teaching me all she can about it when she's home…"

And so, this part of the night went on, laughing, crying, holding, assuring, speaking to parts of our stories, casting our flames, celebrating the past, for the present and future. I was content. I had a place, a job, a family, an alliance of ways of life that had survived so many travesties, with only the future and the strength of opposition in question, along with hanging questions about our origins.
Day of Multiflame Chapter 3: Wacky Mirth and Absurd Adoration
My mouth chomped down on some deliciously bitter iron and bronze gear bits coated in sweetly zinc spiced pink energon above my plate of more such food. "Mmhmm," I murmured.

"Mm-hmm." Lug looked up at me while chewing, and I tried not to laugh at how hilarious it was to make optic contact while she did so, so delighted by her meal that she gnashed with her jaw excitedly. My optics took in the seated visage of her, of her ridged red helm, her stubby rectangular chest both with biolights – gods my conjunx is so shaped – my circuits pulsed with passion, as I remembered her my touches across and by my frame over the millennia.

She was holding two sporkifes to eat, and I was content to see her with plenty of food for herself. My back wings flapped unconsciously, as I mused over my feelings and recollections of her caressing, kissing, and cuddling my wings.

My torso speakers fired off at a whispering tone to talk to her sitting to right of me instead of trying to use my mouth again. "You look so cute, darling," I leaned on her left shoulder, the one that had lines of golden squares of solar panel outer plating, unlike the rest of her body.

"Ulp-" she swallowed. "-Could say the same about you, you head over wings starlight you. I know that look-" =and I like it, beloved.=

My grin grew to reach the lower ends of my helm, and she looked over at the people we had been talking to during dinner. Gauge, Sideswipe, and Basalt sat opposite of us, Flamewar to my left, Nightbeat to Lug's right. Ember had stopped by to curl up next to us for the moment as a break from her busy Temple duties, bringing her down to my seated head height, peering over. I appreciated when she got cozy, it was nice to see her that way, sipping on a mug of some sweet hot beryllium energon through a straw, the brown-orange liquid covered in iron whipped cream. We had all grabbed various different meals, Gauge had helped prepare some iron filing casserole with full gear circles and yellow-brown burnt iron mix with some zig-zagged energon reduction on top, a very fibrous meal that was quite tasty, to no surprise she was having some herself, and Basalt had grabbed some. Lug and Sideswipe had grabbed the same energon gear jelly I had, while Flamewar had merely grabbed a full tankard of low grade red engex, all heated spice and no circuit or module slowing. Nightbeat was musing over some copper wire noodles mixed in with seasoned green energon, a medical requirement for binary bonded bots, the healing properties of green energon helping to soothe the strain on the cyborg binary bonded body of their non-robot companions from being folded up inside the frame of their robotic ones. All cyborgs in a unique sense, from binary bonding involved being retrofitted with transformer circuitry.

=How you doing, Muzzle?= I asked Nightbeat, or rather, I asked Nightbeat bonded with Muzzle.

=Good, good, food's tasty, back is feeling better. Going to stretch soon though once we get home. It'll be nice to hug you that way!= Nightbeat nodded, before engulfing his mouth with more noodles from his bowl, one dexterous hand having grabbed a bunch with chopsticks.

=Aw, I'd like to do that too!=

"Sideswipe, I am sure you'll find you way, it took me a while and I've done different jobs, geology, sociology, errant questing, elected delegation, took up the sword when it was necessary, and now archaeology in a less adventurous way," Lug scratched the cap of her helm while referring to our previous discussion. "You have plenty ahead of you, and I wake up most days with excitement over not knowing what tomorrow will bring, regardless of if I have a structured schedule or not."

"That's some wizard advice, Lug," Sideswipe's face brimmed with admiration. "I'll keep that in mind. You almost sound like the wizened old sage character Basalt is writing for their first attempt at a screenplay."

"Do I now?" Lug chuckled. "Basalt, you've been working on film ideas? That's wonderful. Tell us a bit about it."

"Ah, I dunno if it'll be something that I actually try to release with getting a lot of production resources behind it, it's my first go. But at least there's some studier actors from the nearest education arcology who are interested, so it'll be a small local title." Basalt finished chomping on their casserole. "Er, it's a mystery, an absurdist one. The main characters are looking for knowledge about a secret engineering recipe, but the information leaves people as soon as they track down a source, so they're trying to find a record. It's a little dark, and sad, in that way, because they won't ever retain the knowledge, but there is an absurd hopefulness to make it happen by building a machine that merely processes information to build what they want. It's about inventiveness, in that way, that not all knowledges can be had, but acknowledging that can bring to life new possibilities."

"That's really sweet, at least to me," I scarfed down some more jelly. "How does the old sage fit in?"

"Oh, zaey are someone who's been playing out the structure they end up using, a subconscious automatist artist, who designs machines without really consciously thinking about it," Basalt seemed to perk up, glimmer practically coming into the white pupils of their optics. "I really like that old stuff that still has significance today, and frankly was kind of inspired by Flamewar's acting career."

"Oh me?" Flamewar chortled. "Aw sweetie, I'm glad I made that impression. You've seen my techno-realist films and reassembled shows?"

"Yeah, I've seen all of them!" Basalt kept going while eating. "Gauge and I have. Our favorite's Zooming Stardust, Anchored Forests, Rocketing Words of Yestermorrow. The whole bit of your character Flangehold cutting through eir own time with a sword and putting it back together with gentle humming and hugging into non-linear progression to find emself and their loved ones in the entropic ramp-room of life was very moving. The train scene moving through space near the end… I definitely cried a little."

"Ah," Flamewar leaned on me, taking in the last of her drink. "I'm glad you two liked it. Some of that came out of my own story. I had to kind of reassemble my life to find myself, to make sense of it without altering the history, looking at the pieces the way a quest investigator does, Nightbeat knows. Finding family after or reconnecting with them again was also true for me. The director threw in the extra stuff and other plot things, I'm really more of an axe person when it comes to melee weapons, but well, like many but certainly not all other societies and species, swords occupy a unique part of our symbology," she threw hands up to her shoulders, a gesture that was her exaggerated shrug, which I had been familiar with in our friendship of the last thousand orbit cycles.

"But not because of status, more the plasmemic contextualization. People like it for its parrying properties among other things, how you can get up close in ways usually awkward for an axe to do. In a sparring context, it's rather sensualized, conjunxed, and amicaed in that way and its fluid movements, in a way very different from the axe, which relatively speaking brings to bear a weight behind it's blows a sword cannot, so, people like to draw on it for protectiveness, ironically, because of threat component, and for challenging the consciously informed mainstream appreciation of the sword."

=Ah yes, the sword.= Lug messaged to me. =I may have long been a longsword holddare myself, but I still admire your oval shield and arming sword style when you aren't using your quarterstaff.=

=Admire is putting it mildly, Lug, you love it.= I locked optics with her for a moment, watching hers kindle with a grin, before turning our attention back to Flamewar in the two second that had past. What a lovely thing, to love each other on our commonalities that overlap in word, body, and experience, dearest Lug.

Flamewar reached behind her back and pulled out a firefighting axe, with a small red bladed head and silver trim, on a yellow handle: "But, axes are also beautiful in their own right in civilian work, where you'll find a non-integrated weapon sword less often, so even though we never had nobility from which a warrior sword class would appear, the axe is still seen as more the weapon of the common bot, desperate to defend their world, unlike a professional warrior. Both it and the sword pair well with a shield or knife, though, allowing for some extra protection, which is often shown as more measured. Frankly, the only reason a melee weapon was in the movie was to explore using it for a purpose that wasn't fighting whatsoever, so the sword was in a way deconstructed."

"I never thought about it that way, but you're totally right, that scans," Gauge leaned on her right hand, her plate empty. "Nightbeat, you favor the halberd like Chromia does, how does that fit into all this?"

"Ha, well, young one," Nightbeat leaned in over his empty bowl. "The halberd, is a polearm, but sometimes a staff, depending on whether there's a weapon tip on the tail end or not. I don't have one, Chromia does. Staffs of course are great for walking, and if you take the weapon head off you are left with something that is both a tool, a symbol of accessible emergent wisdom, and a bludgeoning weapon that also gives shorter weapons a hard time. With the weapon head… halberds can perform both the piercing job of a spear, more range and momentum of an axe, and the hook on the back is great for grappling, and lends itself to formation combat. It holds many applications in its own right, but mostly for fighting, like the sword. I like it personally because taking the head off is a gesture of peaceful intentions that doesn't leave me completely disarmed."

"It's a wonder that you didn't work in diplomacy sooner, Nightbeat," Ember toned with her deep melodious voice. "You speak like someone who understands all too well the need to have a military even though most FTL societies are peaceful and non-FTL societies are not much of a threat to us, for those rare occasions the universe reminds us that not all is well and good, and to allow minimal defensiveness when acting for another to mediate a dispute. Of course, to some species, a staff is meaningless or it's bludgeoning properties far more threatening than a blade."

"Aye, here's to that aspect of Multiflame thought, there are no universals except the benefit of autonomous myriad comradery of singularity and commonality, even if species are too different to communicate directly, no reason we can't avoid harm!" Nightbeat raised the small energon glass he had.

"To singularity and commonality!" I raised my glass, my plate at last cleaned of all fueling minerals.

The other five repeated that refrain and raised their own glasses and we clinked our cups of cyan liquid together with Flamewar's tankard and Ember's mug, and drank them down bit by bit, whilst our loved ones nearby chattered away across from us.

"Anode and Lug dears, the Lore Luminosity is soon, you two ready?" Ember asked us.

"Ah, yes, we are, I think?" Lug looked up at me.

"Yeah, we are," I stood, taking my plate, cutlery, and glass with me to wash. "Be by the fire in five?"

"Fine by me." Ember yawned, stretching her arms, and began to stand.

Sitting in two armrest bearing metal chairs we had helped drag over, Anode and I sat by the magnesium burning fireplace, close enough for one of our hands to hold another. Around us, seated on the floor, on chairs, benches, and each other, were the festival goers who had spent this part of the evening with us so far. Our loved ones and their friends sat near the middle of the audience, a bit back from the front.

"You all ready for a wholesome story? We'll warn that this one had some mental intrusion, but no lasting damage or loss of agency." Anode asked.

"Yes!" the mentees exclaimed, and there were softer statements of agreement from older folks.

"We didn't always do this kind of thing," I started, twiddling my thumb on Anode's hand.

"But, since pupils were introduced into our lives, the urge to tell tales has grown a lot," Anode almost sang. "So, we were very excited that our request to tell a tale from our past was accepted for the Day of Multiflame. This one we're about to tell happened 154,037 orbit cycles ago, or 154.037 mega cycles, for those of you who use cycle-time standardization." She returned the thumb twiddle.

"Older folks here will know the names, since we live so long you tend to get to know most folks eventually, but to you younger folks, there is one person in this tale who you may not have met yet, his name is Grimlock. A former Dynamobot soldier in days of yore of the mid-Golden Age, who in that time of course almost never had a need to deploy for anything," and he's Amica Endura with dear old Arcee, but I don't need to say that. "and took to taking up errant quests after with people you do know, Arcee, Greenlight, Aileron, Anode, and myself."

Anode and I had rehearsed adlibbing, we weren't following a script, be we had spent some of the last few solar cycles deciding who would say what bits.

"On a fateful local-spacecraft time Graviday, as we puttered about in quantum space aboard our little long range survey craft, Bulwark, on our way back to Cybertron for a soiree, we picked up an urgent aid request by the Engram Anomocracy. Their request detailed that they'd lost their original creation artifact, a historic travesty, and just wanted more bodies and minds to help with looking, not because we knew better than them, we weren't locals. So, were the first to stop by before more formal galactic support besides embassies, and the executive coordinator council of the Anomocracy teamed us up with a zarpeouan robot team."

"Still in touch with them; sweet and tall Oracle, historian, cautious and burrowing Xyperia, geologist, unassuming and rounded Berkin, archaeologist, brave and flying Signet, geographer," Anode picked up where I left off. "We were assigned to work with the larger research conglomerate in Xeshen continent, the most northern of the planet Anachron, their home. It was very cold, but we warmed each other by sharing stories, much as we are doing now, and some large heater vehicles we sledded around in. We didn't really expect to find anything, the origin point of the zarpeouans was in the south east archipelago, but there was no explanation for why the first lithoforge complex had simply left retirement and disappeared."

"There was a concern," my voice grew harder with seriousness. "that the unknown metallic precursors who created them may have had something to do with it. You know, the ones we theorize might have created transformers as well, if atechnogenesis or some other creators weren't responsible."

Fire crackled, as did my soul. I had spent much of the last millennium searching for answers as to our galaxy's pre-AllSpark history, that is, before transformers, the longest known sapients to have FTL, were brought online by the AllSpark in Cybertron's planetary well and hot spots without explanation. We didn't think we'd ever get an answer until the Unicrons showed up on the galactic rim one awful afternoon, while Anode and I were revisiting family in Crystal City on Cybertron. The Unicrons declared on FTL quantum channels a death accelerationist mandate to eliminate threats to 'Chaos' and claimed us and various other robotic species the spawn of the Primus Biotects, whoever they were.

We had yet to substantiate that claim of origin, despite finding in dead Unicron brain modules scraps of not fully deleted information on past life that had been scoured in the galaxy by prototype Unicrons, before they left, for unknown reasons. It gnawed at me on spare, bored hours. Something was missing from the puzzle. Where could Admiral Urhedron have gone? What secrets did he declare war on? What could that awful scraplet of a bot possibly have known when he could not even understand our recorded history and made war on it? At least, at least whatever it was, it tore him apart. I still remembered, 5.6 centuries ago, finally catching up with and standing in front of his crushed overengineered golden and blue corpse and those of his remnant followers and their ships on a barren gray windless moon, thereafter named Watcher of the Deep, at the galaxy's edge. All we knew is that they had been crushed by their own mass based on the forensics. Something or someone very powerful was out there, and had done us a big favor without signing their name or leaving a trace to track. Kept me up at night, but in a somewhat comforting way.

"So, we provided everything we could. Ended up working with an old Prime, the late Adaptus, the one whose memory was linked with the AllSpark, who saw things we still can't explain. Ay had been asked by the Anomocracy, what with their love of paradoxes and mysteries, to help, because during an AllSpark energy imbued vision ay saw the lithoforge joining a larger structure, but felt it was still on the planet." Anode squeezed my hand. "We dug and scanned for weeks, months, working with other teams. Finally, Adaptus awoke with a start, and ay started drawing glyphs on a glacier wall that we couldn't recognize, and in ayrs dying moments ay could not tell anyone what it meant, but all of a sudden.."

"Two questions filled our minds, the first of many." I continued. "Each one of us was asked: 'Why do you live as you do? Are you happy?'"

"We'd be here all night if we explained the shared vison quest we went on," Anode capstoned my statement. "You can read about it in the logs we wrote after the fact. Suffice to say that… we spent a whole day as a gestalt, trying to dig through an odd series of queries given form and agency in our imaginations. They didn't interfere with our daily life, with caring for each other, and left us alone when it was too much for us."

"For me, they came in the form of Anode's mentors," my grip on Anode's hand tightened. "Intertia, Deciduoa, and Avast, people I hadn't seen in millennia. It was strange, I don't think they meant to, the vision entities could only draw on our memories for a form to talk with us. When we had answered all their questions, they left, and" and I was thoroughly exhausted and turning to Arcee for advice on finding strength, "the lithograph dug itself out of the ground, from deep beneath the Earth, and for the first time, he had his own thoughts and feelings, and we all ended up raising the gargantuan entity who imprinted from us. Our first child, between all of us. We lived there, for a century, and eventually the transformers among us departed, but we visited nearly every year until recently, and still talk a lot. He likes to write, and studies astronomy, the name he chose is Epsilon."

Awwws were coming out of the crowd, cries and sobs at the touching end to our strange tale.

"So, let it be known, that growing flames of life embrace in common cause, and truth is stranger than fiction, but in both loving wisdom in absurd free hope prevails at least in comfort among the vast mysteries of the universe." Anode leaned over and kissed my helm.

"Will we get to see him sometime?" SolidState asked. "I know we're cut off because of the Tragic Movement Regulation Treaty that's supposed to go away soon."

"Yes, I think so," I looked over at her. "We could arrange for a videocall sometime, how does that sound?"

There was a clamor of assent, which brought out that sly mischievous grin on Anode's face that I so loved. "Wonderful, we'll talk to him about it!" she stood. "Now, who'd like to help Ember clean up the Temple and then we all head off on our journeys for the night?"

While we getting the seating back in order and cleaning up what few food messes there were, Gauge came over and touched my forearm, swallowed for a moment, and then spoke: "You- you spoke with the precursors, didn't you? That's your working speculation?"

"Yes," I whispered back. "That's what we hope, anyway. Other answers would be even more disturbing than what we went through, at least to me."

"I've been thinking… you've probably thought this too," Gauge looked out into the stars. "But with all the community work I do, just as part of a small island in a vast archipelago of life, solving disputes, easing pains, nurturing hope, helping people find their way, bouncing ideas around… I can't help but wonder if the Unicrons were made by these same people, or even are them. Vicious factional war between hope and hate both from generations of previously well-intentioned folk is something we know as a historical mostly cyclical fact regardless of post-scarcity. Maybe slowed or stopped by things we haven't figured out yet, and only have pieces of, of dreaming. So maybe time ran out for them, and they are in the middle of a war we can't even begin to understand, because our prehistory is lost to us?"

I laid my broom on the wall and hugged her tightly. "We'll find out. I promise." Unfathomable loneliness creeped up on me, and I tried very to hold onto the sea of love I knew, to the people I knew and did not who make so much beauty from themselves and together. To not fall into despair. "I dare to dream that, and you can too."
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Day of Multiflame Chapter 4: Adjacent Cause
"Really, Grim? I had no idea you and Galvatron were dueling partners," my turbine fins flapped behind me excitedly, and I poured him another glass of sweet orange-pink engex from the teal plasteel bottle we had.

"Why yes? Indubitably so, sparring with Galvatron was always quite splendid," towering Grimlock, of yellow contrasted with red and gray gently took the glass from my hand over the kitchen counter of my light lavender and bright green habsuite inside Trypticon. Grim's missile launcher shoulder turrets whirred as he sipped the glass, staring idly at a smirking Galvatron sitting beside me.

"Do you miss it, delegate Grimmy?" Galvatron gulped down a swig.

"I do, very much," Grimlock laid a thick-set hand across the table. "How about we fight tomorrow, before I get dragged off to another Cosmopolity - Planetwell bilateral meeting?"

"Some combat between an old wooshhow and stompread huh-" Hot Rod gurgled sitting to my right. "Galvatron's out of practice Grim, you'll have it easy."

Hot Rod was stared flatly at by Galvatron as he spoke: "I hang out with my sibling's living Amica Endurae. They would let me give up knowledge of combat if I wanted, but it'd be very hard not to pursue that desire to trust each other with the art of it and be ready to defend one another." Then he smirked at Grimlock, bearing fangs. "Don't listen to Hot Rod, she's just trying to lower your guard. I don't need that advantage."

"Aw Galvs, I was just trying to haelp," Hot Rod murmured. "Wanted to give you a winning chance!"

"Calcifer Stave, duly elected captain," Galvatron sneered. "I do not need-" he stopped when Hot Rod started giggling. "help."

"Roddie," Flamewar crossed her arms. "You're slowed on high grade. Take it easy."

"I'mm not slowed," Hot Rod belched. "Just seein' things different. How's Parsec doin' in thar Nautica?"

"We're fine, thanks for asking," smooth Nautica, smooth. My turbine fins fluttered, realizing I had answered for the plural counterpart in my head and psyche.

Listen, elder sibling, there's some sort of poetic justice to speaking with you, having had no physical sibling, having struggled to contextualize socially with- our perception ended up elsewhere. My purple quantum wrench floated in front of me and purred in a deep pink space that stretched on as far as the optic could see. Weird- oh, oh no, displacement again, not again-

My mind, both Parsec and myself, found our way back to my apartment and Trypticon's frame, to the nexus of love I felt from the people within, out of practiced habit of these thoughts to return since childhood. On thoughts of hugs, conversations, head pats, and lives shared, I leapt away from wherever that pink space was back through a rush of stars and slowly returning to the room where my body sat. But not before the two of us panicked at hearing a soft spoken [WE SEE YOU, OUR XENOCHILD AND ACTUASIGIL].

I quaked, and let go of the bottle in my hands. Hot Rod touched my boxy shoulder, as did Galvatron.

"Bah?" Hot Rod asked. Our friendship circles' code phrase for when I had a little quantum displaced jaunt. I didn't like to talk about it with anyone except my therapist Fortcoze, and even then sometimes I avoided the topic.

"Bah," I bit my lower lip and swore in Penta-Nebulan and then made angry, sad, scared clanging dial up tones in Vaporbot style.

"Bah," Flamewar smiled at me.

"Bah," Grimlock winked at me.

"Bah, brave soul! If anyone gets Arcee's swords, if not her mentees, it should be you," Galvatron laughed, and I did too, at his absolutely off-bevor suggestion "You shine true, across multiplicity. Remember that. Your fire, your love, your hearth is very strong."

=<I compute terror decrease because of your humor and candor>= my torso speakers declared in Bould-Lodal while my side waist red biolights flashed, and hugged him, and did the customary flapping hand touch around his waist that I had learned while an interpolity service official stationed on the rocky world of Hillgem for a decade of the late Golden Age, long before becoming the Diplomacy Executive Councilor of the PPA.

He returned the gesture, which calmed my circuits immensely.

"So, to move on as you'd want, thid is really nice, pals, sibling, haben't been to a philo-sapphical partae like this in a while. Whad'ya think, Notica-crew? Something special?" Hot Rod smiled at me, optics bleary and dim but still full of mischievous innocence and compassion, to me.

I took away her glass, patted her head, nodding. Then my optics looked out to the living room, seeing my invited and cohabitating friends I had seen this evening sitting around chattering, nestled near each other on that part of the hab's two benches, four chairs, mats on the floor, along with the ten chairs from our fuel hub adjacent to the kitchen. I snapped a digital photo with my optics, nothing professional nor with dedicated camera equipment but nice all the same, of my dears under what few landscape and fictional paintings we had along with some abstract metal sculptures the size of my palm, and of course, the dozens of model spaceships we painted with Rung that he hadn't given away. I made sure to get it all in the shot besides the mirth and tiredness, the shelf of board games and books at the end of the room, where the bulky blue television and modular digital controllers sat silently. Really high up in the detail brain- definitely took a quantum leap.

I sighed, at the sight of people I cared about enjoying each other; Arcee teaching the youngsters the board game Wisdom's Gate laid out in between them on a low-lying table, the players' meeples slowly making their way through the planetary brain map. My Amica Endurae and Chromia and Windblade having a very gesticulated and biolight flashing conversation with chortles and glee. The rest not beside me seemed content to watch the board game playing out, whispering quietly and leaning on each other.

"Yeah, something special, about having these quiet moments, alone together in galactic strands of starlight and the passage of entropy," I whispered.

"That's- some deep stuff," Hot Rod yawned. "It sounds pretty, I don't my brain module is conscious enough to under-" her head descended towards the table, Flamewar caught her just before impact. Hot Rod's optics had shut off and she hung limp in Flamewar's arms.

"We'll get her to the guest room, watch over her," Flamewar smiled at me. "You go enjoy yourself, you have way too much datawork ahead tomorrow, you joiner of worlds."

"Hmm, that's a nice way to describe what I do," I stepped over and rubbed Flamewar's shoulder. "All right, I'll take it easy," I waved as I strolled away, Galvatron and Grim waving back, Flamewar blowing a kiss to me.

I crossed over towards those six I was closest too, and the two closest friends I had besides them, Windblade and Chromia, who I'd lived with here in Dialgem or neighboring Pinroot on and off since over 400 mega cycles ago early on in our lives. There was some movement from them that caught my optic, so I slowed my pace, taking it all in, in time for Rung to have repositioned himself and Muzzle to have clambered out of the back of Nightbeat's head.

"Nautica," Rung's eyebrowed optics bored into me with a lopsided smile, while he laid on his back on Skids, legs stretched across Nightbeat, whose shoulder blocky yellow armored Muzzle sat on while looking serene, her deep green face breathing deeply while running a hand through her long black hair. I struggled to not laugh my aft and bow off at the plasm weight of the whole situation added to by Road Rage, Velocity, and Brainstorm looking up at me from their conversation, and Chromia and Windblade occasionally smooching each other while whispering and hand holding after spotting me approach a little over a dozen seconds ago.

"Rung," I crossed my arms. "Ha-" I started to giggle. "hah- hahahaha!" I walked over and booped his nose with a finger before patting his head. "You're so endearing-" he warbled almost silently. "And so sensitive." I sat down on Road Rage's lap, right next to Rung's feet. "Maybe you'd- I don't know, want to hang out and paint model ships together? Over some teal engex, pal?" I made a waving gesture with my hands. "Chromia and Windblade can stay and keep smooching or whatever they want to do, obviously."

The nine listening took their turn to laugh merrily.

"Oh really?" robust twin propeller winged red and gray Windblade smirked at me, that savvy droopy opticed smirk she or Chromia would get when teasing or greeting each other. "You mean, if Chromia and I decide to spend the whole day decompressing by cuddling and making out, being excitedly loud over the drawn-out placement board games we like, dancing all over each other… Or getting deep into a discussion about any field we know or one we are learning, zoning out on a movie marathon, asking for silence for several hours to meditate, or sparring unarmed in the living room, you'll really pay us no mind or even enjoy it, dear friend?"

"Windblade," I reached over and touched her hand. "Truly, I lived with you for a good fifty millennia. I might not be interested in any sort of partnership beyond intimate best friends, but you two's sensual conjunxship really grew on me. Of course, I love that, it's you two being happy, and minus the sensual experiences you described, I've done all those other things with you. Or at least, that's what I would say if I wasn't already having you over." I tugged a little, and dipped my head to kiss her hand. "Your delegateness, I do profess, again, that I am quite amicably smitten for the two of you even if it's not an Amica Endura thing."

The Amica Endurae listening and Chromia awwwed, her deep blue bulky shoulders relaxed and loose.

"Hah, I like it when you do that, Nautica, Parsec," Windblade's other hand passed over my left audialbun, fingers tracing down the rim. I tensed a little, and we both laughed. She fell face first into my lap, so her back wings would be comfortable, and Chromia took up the space Windblade had been in, sitting by Brainstorm. I let a hand of mine rest on Windblade's upper back.

"Can someone remind me what we're doing tomorrow, again? I seem to have forgotten." Chromia pecked my right cheek.

"Ah, um-" Road Rage stammered.

Ah, awkward from attraction Road Rage, so cute.

"I- believe we have a meeting about the new treaty, actually. Cybertronian Senate is causing a ruckus over it, again. Decidedly not hot except when we call them out, encourage public pressure, or get one of sideliners to join the better side of history." Road Rage wrapped her arms around me.

"Someone has been watching too many political dramas, huh?" cyan and slimly jutting Brainstorm teased.

"Come on, our life is a political drama, have you not noticed?" Muzzle chuckled, neck gills flared and blue biolights of her armor fired off illumination. "If we wanted to go away from that we'd probably end up doing what Arcee, Daniel, and Lancer do. Everyone else old whom we know has a more tangible interaction with either the 'politics' or the 'drama' or both as it were, and even Gauge does."

"Pah, as if Arcee could actually walk away from politics," Rung's head antenna bobbed a little. "She makes it to every Dialgem community consensus talk, helps encourage people to communicate their thoughts and concerns there, and everyone really wants her to teach their mentees. She didn't quit the game. She's enabling the younger generations to think for themselves when we're not around. Mark my words, push comes to shove she'll take up leadership again."

"Heheh, yeah, this is why I don't watch political dramas," sturdy and mostly red Road Rage flustered, and we chortled along. She started rubbing my waist a little, back and forth, and nibbled at the back of my head crest with her lips. "Plus, you're all way more addictive than multi-media extravaganzas."

"Hmm, true," broad deep blue Skids grinned. "So then, has Lancer got it? Does one escape it all by working on building big adorable spacecraft and cute space stations?"

"Ha well, no," Nightbeat's voice dilated in pitch momentarily. "The PPA is having her team draft up a new interceptor cruiser AND a new mass passenger liner, so definitely not."

"Gods, so it's really true what they say, it's not so much that everything is political, it's that politics is related to everything," Chromia tossed her head back and started to softly sing. "What are we going to do…"

"To do about you!" the rest of us joined in.

"What are we going to do about the circumstances of life?

I just want hold you tight,

Acting directly with you,

Side by side,

Our home for now in the cosmos,

Just trying to be mirthful and free,

But no,

Everything's more complicated,

And I'm glad for it,

For the cosmic locality,

To not be alone,

But sometimes I feel so tired,

But I know I would,

I know I would,

If it was just us!

There's no such thing as an equal relationship,

The best we can do is be equitable,

To actively balance and work things out."

By this point, everyone else in the room along with the three watching over Hot Rod had joined in singing this classic song from the early Golden Age, from when Arcee, Anode, Lug, Galvatron, and Rung were young. Back in the early days of the galactic community joining narratives with one another. It was a favorite set of notes of mine, by the Requilution, a multigenerational band that largely made synth plasmcore.

"What are we going to do…

To do about you!

I just want to hold you tight,

Acting with the worlds and with you,

So maybe it's not that one way or another of connectedness tires me,

Maybe what it is,

Is the issues we have to handle every day,

And that existential edge beneath at all,

No matter how good things are,

So to you,

Strain and fear,

I say,

I embrace you,

And surround you with absurd love!

What are we going to do about the circumstances of life?

I just want hold you tight,

Acting directly with you,

Side by side…"

We cheered quietly, at the end of it. I nuzzled up against Road Rage, kissed her forehead, and Velocity and Brainstorm's in turn. Then I left my head resting between Velocity and Road Rage's shoulder wheels.

"Lotty, what're the chances we can hibernate like this?" I whispered.

"We could deliberately offline into stasis," Velocity smiled down at me. "But I think we'd probably get woken up shortly after by concerned neighbors and our friends. Very sweet thought, though, just resting together."

Lotty smooched my crest back, while Brainstorm pulled out a simple black rectangle with a red button on it, and handed it to me.

"Hey, belated Multiflame Day gift," Brainstorm looked over at me, golden-yellow faceplate stretching in excitement.

"Whaaaat?" I picked it up gently. "Oh come on, you didn't have to… What does it do?"

"Press the button, I think you'll like it."

"All right…" I booped the button with my thumb.

A recording played with the excited voices of my Amica Endurae along with Windblade and Chromia: "We love you with all sparks!"

"This so quaint," I chuckled, and felt tears of desaturated energon fall down my face. "I… I love this. I love you all too, with all my spark."

"In case you're lonely, we thought you'd want it," Skids pointed finger guns at me. "There's a dataslug in there with a photo album, too, of all of us. Chromia and Windblade supplied photos of you three from before we met you."

"Awww," I blew Skids a kiss. "Really, folks, what's got you worried?"

"Well, Skids, Nightbeat, Muzzle, and I had a hunch-" Rung started, and there was knocking on the door.

I linked up with the door voice comms immediately, Trypticon didn't interfere, but I was curious why he didn't tell me who was at my door. "Who is it?"

"Let's just say a parliament of alloyvens needs to talk," the unmistakable both ethereal and gravelly voice of Solus Prime carried over the door comms to me.

"Ah, be right there-" I got up, and messaged everyone in my habsuite =hey, seems like Solus Prime came by unless this is voice impersonation, don't know who she's with, going to ask Trypticon=

Everyone started whispering, and I saw Arcee sigh and walk over to join me.

=Tryp, who's Solus with, if that's her?=

=Nautica –[negotiat]- let me try to suppress my Titan-speech for a bit or you'll be reading for a while. Apparently, Solus, Alpha Trion, Elita One, Codexa, Termagax, Scrounge, and Override are here, sans guards. They asked me not to say anything, they're trying to stay low-key.=

=Thank you= as I reached the door, my head whirled to face Arcee. "Do you know something?"

"I wish I didn't," Arcee nodded. "A colleague of mine in an intelligence service told me an hour ago that Decepticon courier networks are in a frenzy right now, a lot of people moving around, trying to not leave a footprint. I think you know why."

"The enactment…" My head dipped. "So that's how it's going to be, then. Let's get this over with." I opened the door, trying to smile, glad they were here, but worried deep in the fuel tank. "Come in! Please, make yourselves at home."

Before me stood flare shouldered, jagged framed, eighteen meters tall purple, pink-trimmed, and gray Solus Prime, her golden wide-headed Forge of Solus Prime hammer staff on her back. Beside her was Alpha Trion. Slopingly heavy armored Elita One shared the two's towering prominence, with thick burgundy wings behind her back. Besides those three Primes, stood Override Prime with arms crossed, squarish shield blaster tail hanging on her left forearm, behind the 'former Scrounge, Director of PPA Intelligence, triangular head with circular yellow optics looking up at me. Last of the group was Codexa, leg and back wheels audibly whirring while staring at Termagax.

"Sorry about not letting you know ahead of time that we'd drop in on a day of festivity," aurelium hued thin and polygonal Scrounge bleeped, and stepped in while I moved aside. "Things have come up. Have somewhere private to talk?"

"There is the berthroom, I suppose, only space big enough besides ones already occupied."

"Good," tall and squat deep red and purple Alpha Trion's alternating triangle mouthstache and rhombus cheek plates wiggled while a dyad of high and low voices spoke, accompanied by a chorus of voices that whispered and laughed, as they always did when he spoke.

"Good to see you, Arcee," silver and gold bulky Termagax grinned. "We miss your residency in the Philosophical Expanse," she embraced her, as did lanky vermillion Codexa.

"Oh come on, that was only a short tenure," Arcee laughed in a low and distant tone, as if sad. "I wrote two books and that was it except the one I've been working for forever that I hope to release this orbit. I'd rather be teaching outside of such a massively centralized font of knowledge, you know that. But yes, I do miss you both and the Primes."

The three stood apart, only for the mentees to rush over and hug their great grand mentor and tutor and clasp palms with her colleagues, but only exchanging quiet words of greeting and asking how they fared with them and Solus both, while everyone else approached quietly, comming welcomes in silence and biolight signals. Doubtlessly they are aware this is unusual. I saw that Rung had already gotten up to open the berth door, and headed over. Windblade got up to join us, and so did Anode, Lug, Greenlight, and Grimlock. Galvatron and Flamewar came over out of the guest room door, replaced by Road Rage and Velocity stepping inside. With Aileron joining us, we slowly started to pile in between brief waves by our visitors to my family, and then Arcee shut the door behind us.

Windblade I get, she's the Arch-Sage Cityspeaker and accepted endorsements for PPA Executive Councilor of Regeneration for the election next orbit cycle, and Aileron's military. Rung's one of the most knowledgeable of crypto-reactionary movements, and Arcee well, is Arcee, but Anode, Lug, Greenlight, Grimlock, and Galvatron haven't been anywhere near this stuff, unless… Parsec thought, my waist circuits comforting by projecting thoughts of her holding me around there.

Only means one thing. It's caught up in the archaeology work, I responded, and sat on the wide metal recharge berth of the simple light green room, furnished by a video screen window that was naturally hardwired with one of Trypticon's many visual sensors, specifically his upper back, so we had a perfect of the night sky, with flashing lights and winged rectangular shapes of spacecraft passing by among smaller and sleeker atmospheric flyers and spaceplanes. The Camien skyline, busy as always, no surprise given it being the capital of the PPA, bringing activity from across the galaxy here by non-Cosmopolity member worlds and societies who we had agreements with.

"Riddles have begun to have some answers," Alpha Trion sat on the floor. "We are certain that Megatron has begun to assemble an unallowed war fleet out of Unicron salvage. We speak for the rest of the Council, they're already busy with trying to handle the crisis, military action is already being taken. We didn't want to bother you all on this festival day, and you had taken leave, so Botanica is handling things for your office right now." The chiming laughter and murmuring stopped.

"No…" I put my head in my hands. "So we really have war ahead of us."

"Seems like it," stout red and white Override's motor revved while her red rimmed orange face frowned. "Unfortunately. That's where you all come in."

"Pardon, but how am I involved in this?" Anode raised her hand with only a single finger pointing upward. "Sure, I have horizontal clout, but I don't see why instead of someone else I would be needed."

"We need you all to speak before the enactment, and the Cosmopolity Executive Council has requested it too in the interest of galactic stability, among thousands of other speakers who will be on public feeds." Solus stated. "You, archaeologists and errants past and present have had the most experience with precursor interactions save for cases like Nautica's, and we need you to put forth your understanding that coming together to survive powers we don't understand is of the utmost importance."

"Oh," Lug's head drooped, and she put a hand to her grimaced face. "You need us to remind people we almost died during the last major contact from what we think but do not know are precursors. I see."

"Correct, it's unfortunate Hot Rod is unconscious for this but you can fill her in later," Scrounge's optics had a starry burn, crackling on the edges. "Rung and Arcee, breaking down the awful misuse of your ideas and of our history that the Decepticons do would help solidify this, and Windblade and Nautica… we need you to bring it all together in a hopeful outlook. And… all of you- to help edit the enactment process. You carry wisdom together…"

"Scrounge, we should be honest with them," Codexa leaned on the wall.

"Right, sorry, I just don't know if they'll believe me," Scrounge looked away.

"My Matrix spoke to me," Elita One whispered.

Those of us who hadn't just shown up at my door stared agape, jaws dropped.

"First time since Unicron contact, I know," Elita brought her hands together to hold them, while her five outcropped helm keeled with her head shivers. "Just for a moment, last night. Told me you all had to be there. Something about a singularity event involving billions."

Arcee's optics turned sharp, and she ended up sitting next to me. "Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?" She asked. "I'm sorry I didn't put all the pieces together or found everything to make the peace we wanted, my brain is a bit of blur intellectually sometimes lately, sensory feedback side effects acting up again as if I was only in the first week of my post-reforge… I know there are things out there that we are doing, like collective questing, psyche art, spark echoing… I hope the others have been able to connect the dots that I couldn't." she grimaced, holding herself.

My spark panged for her, this old zoomdare who had been through so much and already lived more than a full average voluntary lifespan by our transformer standards. From what I've read and contributed, I get the feeling we have some of the things we need, but there are some missing parts…

"I know, darling, grand-mentee of my spark," Solus hugged Arcee close, the Prime's long cyan metal cable hair on the back of her helm coiled around to lay on the old warrior-teacher. "I know, I remember, putting and reshaping your frame together on you how you wanted… it's okay that you're struggling now after so long, it's your circuits acting up with added trauma long after too, of course. You don't have to save the world yourself. Our numerous intergenerational colleagues have been working on this, bringing ideas together, dialoguing, we think we have some answers, about iterative questing and reciprocity… mechanisms both physical and social. Let me tell you all about it…"
Day of Multiflame Notes
The writers (ourselves), shares some thoughts about this story from beloved characters to alien gender, and personal and shared reflections with other people, among other things. Congrats if you made it this far! We originally wrote this in a format of singular self-referral because we weren't out as plural on Ao3 yet, we chose to keep the notes this way. That will be different in some future stories.

This story poured out of my soul with all my love and hope. It has grown out of writing I have been trying to put words to all my life through many different narrative attempts, that trans alien robots and people who love them have helped me to make sense of. This is one more, the most concise beginning I've made so far.

Some things to note:

Arcee here is very much based on multiple different canonical iterations rolled into one. My approach to gender is also very much me flying full-speed with alien robot gender structure ideas that came to mind because of learning about Anode and Lug, but that reading Magic of Cybertron #1 and people playing with alt-form sound neopronouns helped me put words to,* among many other queer scifi sources in and beyond Transformers. I'll eventually reveal why they also use the word trans in this fic (I'm sure some people can guess), some gender term histories and meanings unique to each person, and what other aliens use instead. Can't wait to write more Muzzle, honestly. The next book will definitely have a Muzzle/Nightbeat chapter, Muzzle's appearance and pronouns are due to me being enamored with how she and her personality were done in the fanfic Showdown at Sherman Dam by PrimeRadiant, and wanting to bring along the aesthetics of Muzzle as she is written in that.

Arcee's sensory feedback issues were me trying to play around with sensation weirdness and some phantom sensation stuff, but the brain being a blur bit honestly came out of frustrations with hormone replacement therapy that I have had beyond my own sensation issues that are not the same. Basically, the hormone blockers I'm on have a net result that my brain contextualizes as a dulling of some of my tactile senses and my experience of touch is left more reliant on how I am feeling psychologically than my nervous response.** This is sometimes disorienting and more than annoying, and extremely ironic since I actually pay more attention to how my body navigates the world because it no longer causes nearly as much dysphoria and living in it is rather euphoric. I have no regrets about doing HRT, for me it still made me so much more euphoric and able to engage in life. It's different for everyone, and frankly I was still much more dissatisfied with how my nervous system and my brain felt when my body was mostly running on testosterone regarding sex hormones. The brain blur stuff is something I've also heard some other people describe as an experience had when in the first few years of HRT (not necessarily just because of that, there can be other factors at play, like with me my prefrontal cortex is still trying to get up to full speed, and there's well... lived experience difficulties) while the post-surgery aching specifically is more a nod to how post-op is not just over and done when procedures like that are complete. It's also worth noting that a bit of how I describe the sensory experience some zoomdares touched on have is partially derived from the euphoria I have felt with my own nerves in experiencing the world and how my brain interprets that. And it comes from talking and reading with other folks about how they feel in their bodies after having reflected on it, of perceiving the world differently through their senses, as well as built from a framework of giving them their own words from their own history for experiences that more overlap with mine rather than replicate it, and to of course connect to embracing their alt-form. Lug's holddare aesthetic experience will be explored too as will that of some other characters of different sparktions and genders.

Gauge and Lancer are both characters I want to revisit with their own chapter narratives, to show the ground level stuff Gauge does, and Lancer's own lived complications with her work and the times ahead, and I do hope to write a team up of the four zoomdare mentors. The polyamory between Lancer, Greenlight, Aileron, and Arcee is of course a reference to how Aileron and Greenlight have dated Arcee canonically, and Lancer with Greenlight as well.

Nautica/Parsec's writing, along with Arcee/Daniel and Nightbeat/Muzzle, came from a place of myself being a plural person fascinated with and nourished by gestalt writing, but also Nautica clearly has some other things going on with her unique epistemic experience that I can't say anything about without spoilers. I will just say that talking with people about Nautica being so fabulously fantastic led to a joyous discussion of ways to write her and headcanons about her two IDW iterations.

Fluff is fun to write? I had another almost finished fanfic that this one drew a lot on among other sources, but it wasn't quite the right tone. There is more angst in the future, but now it at least feels like things don't start so sad, violent, or having a constant foreground of the fanfic's transformers' politics and that of fellow denizens of the universe. Just a heads up, there will be more fighting in this series, I very much intend to make use of the combat elements of the story that I decided not to release, so there are definitely some orange swords, naval fleet actions, railguns and mercy ahead.

Most of this actual prose got written in four days. But it built off of me spending over year and a half writing fanfic, and many more years of writing generally (relatively speaking) including running ttrpg campaigns, and well, so much reading and dialogue.

Of any lengthy fic I've written, I've never done one where the amount of distance covered by the characters in the present is so short. Part of me was unsure if this was right scope. I'm used to having travel as a key component of description narrative mode to show the world, but letting the characters tell it felt good.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more. Please feel free to share with me stories you think I might like or ask questions! 'Til all are one.

*The alt-form neopronoun stuff inspiring how I write gender in part, and other ideas like she/her Hot Rod was stuff I came across from talk on the Tfwiki discord server.

**We wrote this fic while on spironolactone as a hormone blocker, which had a number sensory and brain fog side-effects personally (its different for everybody), that were unpleasant but still better than not having HRT, we tried switching to finasteride, which was okay until we ended up really happy in our lives and the acute sadness and frantic anxiety finasteride causes for us just isn't maneageable, so we went back to spiro, the brain fog of which is manageable kinda while feeling good. we wanted to try bicalutimide for years, which is usually the blocker with the least side effects. our body is very sensitive to medication side effects, so no surprise that we relate to Arcee a lot among many other reasons that we do, and we're finally on bicalutimide and are side effect free regarding HRT woo!
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