Dawn of Eras (Sci-Fi Civilization Builder Quest)

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The Beginning
This is my first time writing here so pls give constructive criticism if possible.

Select your start, all unselected races will still be in play as NPCs as well as four other un-selectable races.

[] (The Experimented)

Long ago, when others looked up and saw the stars, we only saw inky darkness without the many speckles of light. We thought ourselves alone for it was once thought that we were the centre of everything as the sun was orbiting us. We were wrong, for the event known as the cataclysm occurred when during twilight, the darkness gave way to the stars. We now know that our home was just a mere experiment of (???). Left with a package of knowledge fallen from the heavens we advanced rapidly. We now begin our first steps into the wider galaxy.

  • Isolated
    • Advanced warfare and cyber warfare are new to us for we never had a single war after the package arrived and are completely united towards progress.
    • +5 to all sabotage rolls against your civilization
    • -2 to all sabotage rolls from your civilization
    • -1 to all combat rolls
    • +1 additional AP
    • +1 to all diplomacy rolls
  • Starts with three random technologies
  • Has a mysterious benefactor

[] (The Fallen)

Once upon a time, we were a massive awakened empire that ruled over nearly half of our home galaxy. Stagnation occurred and eventually expansion stopped leading us to close in on ourselves never letting any enter our grand empire after all, it is natural to keep pests out, is it not? Then (???) came. We barely managed to escape our home galaxy with a single colony ship before (???) destroyed it with an Aetherophasic Engine. We know that (???) is still lurking somewhere in the vast unknown. Hopefully this new galaxy will be barren of life yet still hospitable for us.

  • Xenophobic
    • We are the greatest of all races. What is the point of dealing with mere worms for trash?
    • All diplomatic rolls are halved
    • All civilizations start unfriendly upon first contact
    • +2 to all combat rolls against other races
  • Starts with one random precursor technology
  • Has a mysterious enemy

[] (The Worshippers)

We must spread the knowledge of the great one among the stars for there are many that don't believe in their glory! They have blessed us with an omnipotent vessel to spread the belief for we shall teach the galaxy the religion of the great one. All must sacrifice their mortal possessions to the great one for they are our creators. Every heretic shall be purified shedding their souls to be judged by the great one for purity must be maintained.

  • Religious Fanatics
    • Hatred burns within us at the knowledge of the very idea that trillions of unlearned beings that coat the stars with their filth. We shall of course convert them, but not before we make them sacrifice for the great one!
    • Can not initiate diplomacy with any race that follows a different religion
    • Requires that a civilization must convert to The Great Ones Religion before initiating trade deals or peace treaties
    • +2 to all combat rolls against all races that follow different religions
    • If all races follow the Great Ones Religion, +10 to all rolls
  • Starts with a single fully armed Cruiser
    • The cruiser automatically gains most advanced technology researched
    • If this cruiser is destroyed, the entire race gains a permanent -1 to all rolls
  • Influenced by a mysterious race

[] (The Corporation)

Your world's government had begun to collapse far before when you made your Giga Corporation but its arrival completely replaced it. Everyone works for the corporation because you own almost everything in the solar system. You have decided that it is finally time to expand out into the wider galaxy for every world has been converted into a highly efficient factory, plantation, or mining operation leaving no space for the resort world that you wanted to have built for the board and yourself leaving no other options but to expand into the vast unknown.

  • Suppressed Population
    • Nearly 100% of your population is working 23 hour shifts. The new brain augments that allow them to work without sleep or water for 6 days. Of course, it is probably very painful for them but why would you care about some random person you never ever met?
    • - A new rebellion starts every third turn
      • All rebellions are constantly hostile and are not open to diplomacy
    • +Resource production is doubled
    • +1 additional AP
  • Start with a small forge world in your home solar system
    • Can produce a single unit of any type for free once every five turns
  • Influenced by a mysterious race

The name of your empire shall be: [Write In] (in case of tie a random name will be generated).
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When combat begins, both sides will compare speeds. Which ever side has a higher amount gets a pre-emptive strike.

Combat then takes place over "Combat steps" in which both sides open fire at the same time. After both sides have attacked, multiple dice are rolled

Turn 0 - Pre-emptive strike
10 x Destroyer (20D10 Atk 500 Hp 20 Shield, Light Speed)


1 x Frigate (1D4 Atk 35Hp, Sub-light speed) and 1 x Cruiser (5D20 Atk 150 Hp 20 Shield, Sub-light speed)

Destroyers get first strike dealing 36 damage to Frigate and 84 damage to Cruiser
Turn 1
10 x Destroyer (20D10 Atk 500 Hp 20 Shield, Light speed)


1 x Cruiser (5D20 Atk 86 Hp 0 Shield, Sub-light speed)

Cruiser attacks for 43 damage
Destroyers attack for 30 damage
Turn 2
10 x Destroyer (20D10 Atk 477 Hp 0 Shield, Light Speed)


1 x Cruiser (5D20 Atk 56 Hp 0 Shield, Sub Light Speed)

Cruiser attacks for 85 damage
Destroyers attack for 190 damage
Turn 3 - Results
Faction 1 Wins combat

-Losses: 2 Destroyers
-Damaged: 1 Destroyer

Damaged units always enter combat with half-health and deal 50% less damage.

Damage does not overflow and units will always attempt to target the unit with the lowest amount of health unless tactics are modified.

All damage rolls will be made by me.
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Species Select
Choose a species:

[] Igneous Sapiens
  • Tough: Allows colony building on chthonian worlds
  • Uncreative: Decreased science production
  • Rock based physiology: All captured planets have double food consumption and slower assimilation rate due to incompatible foods and culture

[] Hardlight Entities
  • Energy Manipulation: Every building that consumes energy requires 20% less
  • Biological Wonder: Adds the option to research about own species (+1 Research point generation for the duration of the project)
  • Bubble like physiology: Can't colonize any toxic, electromagnetic storm, ice, or rock planets

[] Humanoid
  • Average: No negatives or bonuses

Select a name for your species:

[] Zoltan

[] Quanta

[] Solarian

[] (write in: )

AN: Next major update on Sunday
Empire Status
Current Empire:
Race Type: Hardlight Entities
Race Name: Quanta

  • +5 to all sabotage rolls against your civilization
  • -2 to all sabotage rolls your civilization makes
  • -1 to all combat rolls
  • +1 additional AP
  • +1 to all diplomacy rolls
Energy Manipulation
  • All energy consumption from buildings reduced by 20%
Biological Wonder
  • Can research own species to gain +1 research point generation for duration of project
Bubble like physiology
  • Can't colonize any planets that are toxic, have electromagnetic storms, are ice, or are rock planets.

  • AP: 2
  • Research points: +2/Turn
  • Food status: 3, 2/Turn
  • Engineering points: 12
  • Energy Points: 1
  • Combat: -1
  • Diplomacy: +1
  • Sabotage: -2
  • Security: -5
  • Population: 1 (+1 Every 10th turn)
    • (x1.00 to all research, food, energy, and engineering point generation)

  • 1x Corvette (At homeworld)

  • No contact with any other civilizations

Morale Bar

[=====================] 95%
If this falls to 20% or lower, every turn a rebellion starts until you fix the problem at which point all rebellions will cease

  • Having a negative amount of food generation will decrease morale by 10% every turn until the problem is fixed.
  • Having no food generation will decrease morale by 5% every turn until the problem is fixed.
  • Losing a battle decreases morale by 5%
  • Having a planet annihilated decreases morale by 10%
  • Winning a battle increases morale by 5%
  • Conquering an empire increases morale by 40%
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Military Department

You look upon the newly built starship with pride. It was the first thing created with the knowledge of the box but it would be far from the last. The new astrology centre had already plotted a couple routes for it towards the two almost equidistant solar systems. Given the readings, one of the systems had two stars as well as a couple mineral planets while the other held something that was creating an electromagnetic disturbance. With only a single ship however, you will have to choose one to explore first.

[] System Dareel (Has something)
  • Takes 1 turn to arrive

[] System Stravid (Has minerals)
  • Takes 1 turn to arrive

Science Department

With the new information on engineering, basic alloys, and researching stations, our scientists are now working around the clock to implement these new technologies in society. However, there are always a few researchers that want to invent rather than copy. With the advent of new technology, many new pathways have opened up for them to pursue. (You can research two things simultaneously)

[] Biological Wonder
  • Research own species
    • Improves Research Point generation by 1 for duration of project
    • Repeatable
  • Takes 3 turns to research
[] Advanced Nucleics
  • Improves all nuclear weapon damage by 1
  • Unlocks Fusion Nukes
    • Deal 1D6+1 damage
  • Takes 2 turns to research
[] Matter Research
  • Unlocks titanium armour
    • All ships take 1 less damage
  • Takes 2 turns to research

[] Government Programs
  • Increases morale by 10
  • Increases AP by 1 on even numbered turns
  • Takes 3 turns to research

[] Matter Research
  • Unlocks Titanium Plating
    • Reduces damage taken by 1
  • Unlocks food fabricators
    • Reduces the food consumption of a planet by 1
  • Takes 2 turns to research

[] Robotics
  • All production buildings are more efficient
    • +1 engineering points from all sources
  • All farming buildings are more efficient
    • +1 food generation from all sources
  • Takes 5 turns to research

Engineering Department

The engineering department has recently received many more building requests and requires your input on what should be prioritized. The welfare department requests more large scale plantations given that our homeworld is undergoing an all time low on food due to the recent population boom. Despite this, the majority of the military department is almost demanding the creation of more colony ships and corvettes. Both sides will yield to your decision but if the food problem grows too large, a rebellion may occur.

Current engineering points 10

[] Build large scale plantations.
  • Increases food generation by 2
  • Uses 5 points to build

[] Build automated factories.
  • Increases available engineering points at round start by 2
  • Generates 0.5 wealth
  • Uses 4 points to build

[] Build Laboratory.
  • Increases science generation by 1
  • Consumes 0.5 wealth
  • Uses 4 points to build

[] Build scout ships
  • Allows the scanning of an additional nearby system
  • Health: 3
  • Unarmed
  • Fission Drive (Super Sound speed)
  • Uses 7 points to build

[] Build corvettes
  • Health: 10
  • Armed:
    • Nuclear space missiles
    • Damage: 1D4
  • Fission Drive (Super Sound speed)
  • Uses 10 points to build

[] Build a colony ship
  • Health: 1
  • Unarmed
  • Fission Drive (Faster Than Sound speed)
  • Uses 25 points to build

[] Don't build anything
  • Saves a small portion of your engineering points for next turn

Policy Department

From the information received, it appears that there are, in fact, other beings in space so thus it is important to prepare a first contact protocol and what to do in the case of hostilities. Currently three proposals have been drafted up and it is up to you to decide on which one to follow.

[] Big stick diplomacy
  • In the event of contacting another civilization that is around the same level as ours, bring a quarter of our home fleet into the system immediately to potentially intimidate the other civilization into signing an unequal treaty. If that fails proceed to attempt to acquire an equal treaty. If they turn out to be hostile, immediately declare war.
  • In the event of contacting a far stronger civilization, do not attempt to intimidate, instead immediately bring an equal treaty to the table.
  • In the event of contacting a far weaker civilization, force the civilization into an unequal treaty or declare war on them.

[] Pacifistic diplomacy
  • Always attempt to create an equal treaty. If hostilities are certain to occur, retreat and regroup.

[] Quiet Observation diplomacy
  • Do not contact civilizations on first contact, instead, observe until more information has been acquired on the civilization. Then create a treaty or declare war based on the information found.

[] Write In

You only have 2 APs so you can only select two of the four major departments to focus on.
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Military Department (Major)

The all new corvette is beginning to gather a bit of dust, perhaps it is time for us to send it to one of the two systems that are within its range? A few signals were detected heading towards our planet. So far the signals appear to be sending some kind of message that we can't decipher yet.

[] System Dareel (Has something)
  • Takes 1 turn to arrive

[] System Stravid (Has minerals)
  • Takes 1 turn to arrive

[] Signals en route (???)
  • Takes 0.5 turns to arrive

Science Department (Major)

The small projects that the researchers were working on originally quickly caught the attention of the science department head and now most of the think tank is being focussed on them to accelerate progress towards the projects completion. (All research slots full) (You can spend an AP to decrease research time required by 1 turn)

[] Government Programs
  • Increases morale by 10
  • Increases AP by 1 on even numbered turns
  • Takes 2 turns to research

[] Robotics
  • All production buildings are more efficient
    • +1 to engineering
  • All farming buildings are more efficient
    • +1 to food generation
  • Takes 4 turns to research

Engineering Department (Major)

The engineering department has recently received many more building requests and requires your input on what should be prioritized. The welfare department requests more large scale plantations given that our homeworld is undergoing an all time low on food due to the recent population boom. Despite this, the majority of the military department is almost demanding the creation of more colony ships and corvettes. Both sides will yield to your decision but if the food problem grows too large, a rebellion may occur.

Current engineering points 12

[] Build large scale plantations.
  • Increases food generation by 2
  • Uses 5 points to build

[] Build automated factories.
  • Increases available engineering points at round start by 2
  • Generates 0.5 wealth
  • Uses 4 points to build

[] Build Laboratory.
  • Increases science generation by 1
  • Consumes 0.5 wealth
  • Uses 4 points to build

[] Build scout ships
  • Allows the scanning of an additional nearby system
  • Health: 3
  • Unarmed
  • Fission Drive (Faster Than Sound speed)
  • Uses 7 points to build

[] Build corvettes
  • Health: 10
  • Armed:
    • Nuclear space missiles
    • Damage: 1D4
  • Fission Drive (Faster Than Sound speed)
  • Uses 10 points to build

[] Build a colony ship
  • Health: 1
  • Unarmed
  • Fission Drive (Faster Than Sound speed)
  • Uses 25 points to build

[] Don't build anything
  • Saves a small portion of your engineering points for next turn

Policy Department (Major)

From the information received, it appears that there are, in fact, other beings in space so thus it is important to prepare a first contact protocol and what to do in the case of hostilities. Currently three proposals have been drafted up and it is up to you to decide on which one to follow.

[] Big stick diplomacy
  • In the event of contacting another civilization that is around the same level as ours, bring a quarter of our home fleet into the system immediately to potentially intimidate the other civilization into signing an unequal treaty. If that fails proceed to attempt to acquire an equal treaty. If they turn out to be hostile, immediately declare war.
  • In the event of contacting a far stronger civilization, do not attempt to intimidate, instead immediately bring an equal treaty to the table.
  • In the event of contacting a far weaker civilization, force the civilization into an unequal treaty or declare war on them.

[] Pacifistic diplomacy
  • Always attempt to create an equal treaty. If hostilities are certain to occur, retreat and regroup.

[] Quiet Observation diplomacy
  • Do not contact civilizations on first contact, instead, observe until more information has been acquired on the civilization. Then create a treaty or declare war based on the information found.

[] Write In

Public Relations Department (Minor)

The welfare department is one of the newer departments formed and it is in charge of trying to keep the population happy. With the current food crisis solved, the next problem will be the lack of space because the current world doesn't have enough space for one trillion Quanta. (Since this is a minor department, it only requires 0.5 AP)

[] PR: Explain that we will be colonizing planets soon
  • Morale + 30%
  • Must colonize a planet within the next two turns otherwise Morale - 40%

[] PR: Blame the aliens for everything
  • Morale + 25%
  • Must declare war on the next alien race encountered otherwise Morale - 50%

[] PR: Push for efficiency regarding everything
  • Morale - 10%
  • Chance to gain a new trait Efficient (1D20 rolling a 15 or above)
    • All buildings and ships now require 20% fewer engineering points to build
    • All food consumption reduced by 10%
    • All ships have 20% less health
    • +1 to all harvest rolls made

Education Department (Minor)

Currently, the educational materials are outdated meaning that we should most likely update them to explain more about the latest technology. This means that many of our scientists and engineers have to perform on the job learning about the new technologies making them less efficient than a fully trained one.

[] Update the Education materials
  • Increases chance of free hero creation by 5%
  • Science and production point generation increased by 5%

[] Instill additional belief of the government in the youth
  • Increase Max Morale by 10%
  • Science and production point generation decreased by 5%

Recruitment Department (Minor)

With the population increase, the recruitment department has managed to find a few very talented quanta to potentially hire. However, multiple other companies are also competing to hire the talented but if more resources are used, the chance of successfully hiring a talented person will be higher. (Every additional AP used decreases difficulty by 10)

[] Hire Zun (Difficulty: 95)
  • Science production x 20%
  • Consumes 1 wealth
  • Adds an additional action ( Research Mania )
    • All Engineering Points, 10% of all excess Energy Points, and Excess resource generation is converted into Research points
    • Action will be performed after all other actions are completed
    • Action requires 2 AP
    • Action has a two turn cooldown

[] Hire Qolia (Difficulty: 95)
  • Population efficiency increased by 50% (Each population now multiplies all production by 1.15)
  • Consumes 1 wealth
  • Add an additional action ( Global Work Order )
    • Doubled # of engineering points at the start of next round
    • Morale -20%
    • Action will be performed after all other actions are completed
    • Action requires 1 AP
    • Action has a one turn cooldown

[] Hire Yuvnot (Difficulty:75)
  • All starships require 10% fewer engineering points to create
  • Consumes 0.5 wealth
  • Adds an additional action ( Specialized Combat Tactics )
    • In the next combat that occurs
      • All damage rolls are doubled
      • Tiebreak all speed ties
    • If no combat occurs in the next round, morale -10%
    • Action will be performed before all other actions are completed
    • Action requires 1 AP
    • Action has a three turn cooldown

You only have 2 APs currently.
MarsCatInSpace threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: 1 For TheSwarm 2 For BlankMask Total: 2
2 2
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