[X] Idea 1
[X] Talk to…
-[X] Claude
[X] Lindon Cadence, a student from House Rowe. (credit to Salaris)
[X] Talk to…
-[X] The guy on the horse who seems to wish he was drunk
[X] Idea 2
[X] Lindon Cadence, a student from House Rowe. (credit to Salaris)
[X] Idea 1
[X] Talk to…
-[X] Edelgard
[X] Lindon Cadence, a student from House Rowe. (credit to Salaris)

1 Vote

[X] Idea 2
[X] Lindon Cadence, a student from House Rowe. (credit to Salaris)

1 Vote

[X] Idea 1
[X] Talk to…
-[X] Claude
[X] Lindon Cadence, a student from House Rowe. (credit to Salaris)

1 Vote

[X] Talk to…
-[X] The guy on the horse who seems to wish he was drunk
[X] Idea 2
[X] Lindon Cadence, a student from House Rowe. (credit to Salaris)

1 Vote

Just need a tiebreaker vote before I write. It's almost scary how identical the votes are.
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[X] Talk to…
-[X] The guy on the horse who seems to wish he was drunk
[X] Idea 2

Darn. Not having a 1 vote for Dimitri or Alois as well.

You're going to want to rehost that image too. I don't have an imgur account so it'll get auto-deleted in a couple months or something.
Great Tree Moon: Pungeon Master
[X] Talk to…
-[X] The guy on the horse who seems to wish he was drunk
[X] Idea 2

"Of all the knights, it had to be…" Jeralt comments.

Well. This is awkward. "Uh…" you begin, glancing around the clearing. "You know him, Jeralt?"

"Unfortunately," Jeralt grumbles with a roll of his eyes. Yep, that was his 'this is gonna suck' voice. "And it's times like these that I wish I didn't." He massages his temples. "What do you want, Alois."

"I just was looking for those three students—I didn't expect to see my old right-hand man to be here! Hello, Jeralt!" the loud knight exclaims. "It's been twenty years, and you're still the same."

"And you're just as loud as ever, Alois," Jeralt drawls, pinching his nose. "Now we have somewhere to be, so can you kindly go away?"

"Sure, sure- wait, that's not how it's supposed to go! I insist you come back to the monastery with me! Everything will be thrilled to see you again!" Wait, what? Then Alois looks at you. "And who is this—your daughter?"

"Nope, I'm a bandit," you deadpan, rubbing your ears. He could probably be heard all the way up in Derdriu. "I was attacking him. Fear me."

"GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR!" Alois laughs, smiling. "Clearly, you're cut from the same cloth! Probably of the same fabric his cloth was made of!" That was painful. Really painful. Dimitri lets out a long sigh.

I concur.

Wait, what? Was that Sothis?

"Are you feeling all right?" you hear Alois ask.

"Yeah! I'm fine, I'm fine." Though "fine" will probably last until he does another bad pun.

Alois hums. "All right!" he says. "Let me talk with Jeralt for a bit."
"Well, I guess this would've eventually happened," Jeralt mutters.

First order of business: Sothis's voice. You're sure you heard it.

Do not be so shocked. You did.

"Wait, where are you?" you quietly ask her. "Are you in my head or something?"

In a sense. In truth, I am not aware how I got here myself.

"Maybe it'll come back to you if you remember more?" you suggest. She did seem to have amnesia, after all. "Though I have no idea how. I guess we can play it by ear?"

I do not understand the term, but maybe my memories could come back with time…

However, you're pretty much snapped out of your thoughts when you see a tan hand wave in front of you.

"Hey, you were kinda spacing out while muttering stuff to yourself," Claude says. He flinches, then follows up with, "Not trying to put my nose into it, just wondering if something's wrong."

"You know that may come off as prying to begin with," Edelgard admonishes, strolling over to the two of you. "I must say, your lack of self-awareness can be stunning sometimes." She then turns her attention to you. "As for you, thank you for your assistance back there."

"No problem," you respond. "I was happy to help." You can hear Sothis snickering.

"I was especially impressed by your knowledge of magic," she continues. "It's unexpected for mercenaries to be skilled in those."

Okay, that sounded more like she was flattering you. "I'm still starting out," you confess with a chuckle. "Just a few wind spells. Chose the tome at random."

Edelgard stifles a laugh. "At least you hadn't chosen ice, what with how it can be less reliable."

"We were actually gonna head back to Garreg Mach with Alois," Claude cuts in. "You feel like coming with us? I'd love to bend your ear on the way."

You try not to flinch again by how sudden that question was, but try and compose yourself. "Can I think on it?"

Claude shrugs. "Sure thing. Just offering as students from the school there."

"Then what were you doing out here?" you ask.

"Training exercises. Those thieves jumped us during that, though I got the worst of it."

"That would be because you ran off," Edelgard quips, shooting him a frown.

"Yep. It was a strategic retreat," Claude says with a smirk. "And it would've worked if these two hadn't followed me. They got the rest of the bandits after our asses."

"And I thought you were acting as a decoy," Dimitri retorts, shaking his head.

"His intentions were right in front of you." Edelgard scoffs. "You will prove a lacking ruler if resorting to something cowardly."

"And you will prove one if you are paranoid about every last word," the blond counters.

Claude puts his hands behind his head and laughs. "Another royal debate between their highnesses. Joy. Being predictable is just as bad. Really sounds kinda naïve."

"And as I said before and will say again—your lack of self-awareness is stunning," Edelgard replies dryly.

Dimitri shakes his head. "In any case, pardon our bickering," he tells you.

"It's cool," you say with a shrug. "I'm patient."

"Thank you." He bows. "Though I have to say, you certainly used your magic well against the bandits. It actually piques my interest."

"The Adrestian Empire is known for its magic," says Edelgard. "I must ask if you wish to consider lending your service there. I might as well tell you—I am no mere student. I am-"

"Halt, Edelgard. Allow me to finish my own proposition: the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus has one of the most esteemed schools of magic in all of Fódlan. Perhaps you would like to help us there? You have the potential to enroll there, after all." The Kingdom? Well, you do have history there.

"Whoa, you two are getting ahead of yourselves!" Claude exclaims. "You just met her—you can't judge how skilled someone is after one fight. So, I'm gonna be blunt: I was planning on trying to actually trying to know them as a person first." Once again, he shrugs. "So, which one sounds the most interesting to you?

[] What concept sounds the most appealing?
-[] Edelgard's
-[] Dimitri's
-[] Claude's
—[] Keep discussing things with them.

[] Go to Garreg Mach.
-[] If so, pick who you wish to interact with and what to say. You can pick up to three people.
[] Edelgard
—[] Dimitri
—[] Claude
—[] Jeralt
—[] Alois
—[] Sothis
—-[] For any: About what? Write-in.

[] Go and talk to Jeralt.
-[] About what? Write-in.

[] Write-in

Sothis: 3
Alois: 1
Claude: 1
Dimitri: 1
Edelgard: 1
Not too pleased with this post myself. Sorry if it seems rushed. The real fun starts after the house is chosen.
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[X] What concept sounds the most appealing?
-[X] Claude's

Cause he didn't make himself sound desperate or rude at least.

So... how/in what ways are we not Byleth?
So... how/in what ways are we not Byleth?
Well… I put it all in a spoiler tag.

For one, you're not actually related to Jeralt. I used an element from the House Rowe vote, with your biological father being a mage OC born in Rowe territory (namely, Arianrhod).

Whereas Byleth is stoic, you're a lot more emotional, nicer, dorky, and are more attuned towards magic than swordplay thanks to your upbringing. They're actually somewhere in Fódlan right now. It's part of why this character has a different personality. Plus, I honestly like a headcanon that Jeralt likes nurturing budding talents and how some of his fellow mercenaries are possibly runaways and criminals he didn't give up on.

There's a reason why Jeralt's gonna be a bit more bitter than in canon—and this one's not on Rhea's head. All I'll say? After the Tragedy of Duscur, Faerghus began to decline with a massive increase in crime and looter activity thanks to Rufus's negligent governing, but it's especially bad as of late. They needed the service of the Ashen Demon to help deal with the amount of looters and bandits. Byleth's alive, but not saying where, other than in Faerghus. Jeralt's mercenaries are hired for all sorts of things—this is one of them.

Alois was too caught up in the reunion to realize just what kind of mercenaries Jeralt's got. Or that you aren't related.

They're in Faerghus, where they have a Major Crest of Noa inherited from their mother. You were in Remire Village as a place to stop for the night after something the mercenaries were hired for down near Fort Merceus, and I actually have one Paralogue different from canon to also address Byleth.
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[X] What concept sounds the most appealing?
-[X] Claude's

Cause he didn't make himself sound desperate or rude at least.

So... how/in what ways are we not Byleth?

Really? The first time I played the game this scene gave me a pretty awful impression of him, casually admitting he deserted the others and fled.
All of them are pretty bad on that front honestly. Claude was at least measured in his response even if it was still pretty bad morally.
It does make sense in context though, Dimitri really needs anyone he can get with how badly things are going for Faergus.

While Edelgard needs to find subordinates who aren't connected to TWSITD, canonically Byleth is extremely impressive in combat so he'd definitely be a priority for recruitment.

Claude doesn't need fighters as much as he needs political power so Byleth isn't as important.