Darkspace ~ A Sci-fi Horror RPG (Full Roster)

From me saying 'let's move' this is all I got. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on, apart from 'this person is in a place, this person is in another place, there is a scary knife-man at this place'. Remember when I said that the email messages were helping immersion? This does not help immersion. Am I near the knife-man? Do I have a weapon of some variety? Does the area we are in have absolutely any interesting features?

I think I'll break from the format a bit just to include a brief blurb on exactly what's happening, as well as trying to add player locations to the map.
We need a 'the ship of the lowest bidder' tag. How are there no secondary entrances to such important areas?
I mean I am technically part of the security team since I am a combat medic, so is another person, but I'm stuck in the cryo area and the other person specializes in surveillance.

Our security lead is still in cryo, which we should bring out of cryo now considering we have confirmed hostiles onboard the ship along woth some other security officers.
That does it for episode one. Special shout out to Space Jawa who set himself apart with his OOC insights and his IC sacrifice, going out to repair the docking coupling knowing the risks involved. Honourable mention to Spectral Waltz who took charge of the away mission to engineering, and despite the fubar situation, was able to play a key role in getting the ship's systems back online.

With the close of the first episode, I'll need a day or two to set up the next one. We will be beginning soon after the events of the first episode, about 6 or 7 hours after the crew came out of cryo sleep. With Mother back online, the remaining crew has woken out of cryo and the ship's functions are restored. In the meantime, is it safe to assume that;

- All injured crew are receiving medical attention at the Medical Bay
- Juarez is still under quarantine
- The Nostra is remaining at the Engineering Airlock
- The rabid colonist is held being held in the brig
The new episode has begun - and a lot faster then I thought. Though I likely won't have detailed ship and system maps up until later.
Current objectives being carried out by the ARK crew...

- Cmdr. Adams autopsy by the Medical Team
- Colonist interrogation by Lt. S. Nielsen
- Run a systems diagnostic of the Ark systems by the Engineering Team
- Repair MOTHER's link to cryogenic systems.
- Recover the sidearm of Captain Bischoff, last seen on the Flight Deck bridge
- Produce a profile on the unknown colonist and the captain in order to identify predictive markings for aggressive behaviour.
- Begin analyzing XH-001
- Reach the Rogue Planet

Let me know if I'm missing anything. I'll try and have a SITREP up later today to inform you of your progress.