Dark Space ~ A Sci-fi Horror RPG ~ REBOOT

I wonder what America looks like given an independent Cascadia and (probable) insurgent Quebec.
Carol's Chloe Aris

Biological Age: 39.
Nationality: French [Reims].
Rank: Lieutenant.

Specialty: Doctor of Science [with a focus on planetology].

The eldest child of relatively affluent researchers, Aris grew up not to the horrors of a dying world (with the Disunion Wars in Europe) but to the wonders of a limitless space. She learned to love it: the stars, the planets, the systems, and all. Even more than love, however, was her desire to explore that vast frontier -- she considered it mankind's destiny and only path towards salvation. With the backing of her family, she attended the prestigious Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. She left the institution at the top of the class, catching the attention of the Arc project: her dissertation on the habitation of foreign planets winning many admirers in it. Thereafter, Aris worked towards the goals of the project until its fateful launch to outer-space, heading the science department inside the vessel.
Disciples' Alex Zoric

Name: Dr. Alexis "Alex" Nikola Zoric (PhD)
Biological Age: 32
Nationality: German, Slovenian
Rank: Lieutenant, Chief Engineering Officer
Specialty: Computer Science (AI), Astrophysics, Quantum Mechanics
Bio: Orphaned at birth, Alex was adopted by a young German couple unable to have their own children. Raised in a home that balanced philosophy, religion, science, and more without complaint, Alex was a star pupil in his primary school, and entered university two years early. Learning under many decorated Jesuit teachers, he found himself equally enamored by the stars, the fundamental forces of the universe, and the computers that mankind used to map both. He found himself particularly gifted at working out the "building blocks" of a particular problem in his area of study, using that approach to rapidly analyze and resolve problems.
These skills, as well as Dr. Zoric's eagerness to learn and adapt to new situations, and his genial nature and willingness to admit lack of knowledge and delegate to those with more applicable skills, earned him a place on the Ark's senior staff.
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Crew Roster
ARK Flight Crew Roster


Captain A. Bischoff
Commander D. Sevchenko

Lt. Commander E. Hartman
Lt. A. Montague
Ensign B. Wallace
CPO E. Krishnoff
PO N. Garrett
Crwmn H. Baines

Lt. Dr. A. N. Zoric, Chief Engineering Officer
Lt. W. Abrhams
Ensgn B. Johnson
CWO J. Yivlov
Crwmn A. Juarez

Lt. Dr. C. Stone, Chief Security Officer
Lt. R. Longwell
Ensgn A. Walker - Female.
Ensgn Y. Yumato
PO B. Shaprio
PO H. Beechum
Crwmn J. Shariff

Lt. Dr. S. Hull-Smith, Chief Medical Officer
Lt. Dr. F. Dinabi
Ensgn J. Buchanen

Lt. Dr. C. Aris, Chief Science Officer
Ensgn M. Martinez - a young and eager male researcher.

Cmmst M. Amari
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Okay, folks! The final roster has been added above and the IC thread is now open. Your characters have awoke from cryosleep with much of the crew still trapped in their stasis pods. You'll need to figure out a way off of the flight deck to engineering in order to restore the ship's systems. You may ask mother questions and explore your surroundings in order to get your head around your predicament and begin coming up with solutions.

Good luck!
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@BlackBishop can correct how I'm approaching things, but I've been assuming Mother is currently operating at roughly Siri levels of "intelligence". So not truly responsive as a true AI, but able to process simple, pre-set commands. Log dumps, diagnostics, soft reboots, file transfer, that sort of thing.
So we have a tentative plan in place with orders issued by the XO. I wont be moving us forward however until everyone's introduced their characters and had an opportunity to advise the xo on the situation.
A lot has happened, but really only a few minutes have passed in game. Here's the skinny...

- Power, engines, comms and life support are down. Ark primary functionality must be restored in engineering.
- The blast door to the main lift, the most direct route to engineering, is malfunctioning and sealed shut.
- Zoric has pointed out maintenance access hatches would bypass the lift, yet the sealed door remains an obstacle.
- A team is assembled under Lt. Hartman, preparing to board the Nostra and survey the exterior of the Ark.
- Lt. Stone has assembled a security team and are headed toward the Bridge, with Cmdr Sevchenko and Dr. Dinabi to follow.
- Captain Bischoff is missing, his cryotube empty, and unresponsive on the short range comms.
- Commissariat Amari has been confined to quarters by order of Cmdr. Sevchenko.
- Ensgn Walker, a security officer, is suffering an apparent seizure in the cryo chamber.
A lot has happened, but really only a few minutes have passed in game. Here's the skinny...

- Power, engines, comms and life support are down. Ark primary functionality must be restored in engineering.
- The blast door to the main lift, the most direct route to engineering, is malfunctioning and sealed shut.
- Zoric has pointed out maintenance access hatches would bypass the lift, yet the sealed door remains an obstacle.
- A team is assembled under Lt. Hartman, preparing to board the Nostra and survey the exterior of the Ark.
- Lt. Stone has assembled a security team and are headed toward the Bridge, with Cmdr Sevchenko and Dr. Dinabi to follow.
- Captain Bischoff is missing, his cryotube empty, and unresponsive on the short range comms.
- Commissariat Amari has been confined to quarters by order of Cmdr. Sevchenko.
- Ensgn Walker, a security officer, is suffering an apparent seizure in the cryo chamber.
So I will admit that the "maintenance tunnel" bit was me kind of trying to keep things moving, and also the fact that we don't have a super-detailed layout of the ship. I was picturing something akin to the Jefferies Tubes of Star Trek, complete with separate access hatches. Are those hatches something we'd have to still get to via the main Lift tunnel/hatch? In my mind, the "ease" of access (not locked behind a giant armored door) is counter-balanced by being dark, narrow tubes we have to manually traverse and navigate (probably several decks of climbing ladders). And we're on the clock and all.

I'll try to get an IC post up either way, just trying to point out where I'm coming from.

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So I will admit that the "maintenance tunnel" bit was me kind of trying to keep things moving, and also the fact that we don't have a super-detailed layout of the ship. I was picturing something akin to the Jefferies Tubes of Star Trek, complete with separate access hatches. Are those hatches something we'd have to still get to via the main Lift tunnel/hatch? In my mind, the "ease" of access (not locked behind a giant armored door) is counter-balanced by being dark, narrow tubes we have to manually traverse and navigate (probably several decks of climbing ladders). And we're on the clock and all.

I'll try to get an IC post up either way, just trying to point out where I'm coming from.

Totally okay with that though I misunderstood your post, thinking the access way runs parallel down the lift on the other side of the door. You were actually so very close to what I envisioned as an alternate route - not a maintenance hatch, but a ventilation shaft. The ventilation would be a tight squeeze as well, though Zoric would be aware of intermittent fans that would have to be disabled and passed through in order to reach the lift shaft - from there they can take the maintenance hatches down to engineering.
Totally okay with that though I misunderstood your post, thinking the access way runs parallel down the lift on the other side of the door. You were actually so very close to what I envisioned as an alternate route - not a maintenance hatch, but a ventilation shaft. The ventilation would be a tight squeeze as well, though Zoric would be aware of intermittent fans that would have to be disabled and passed through in order to reach the lift shaft - from there they can take the maintenance hatches down to engineering.
That works for me! Either way, the goal is not climbing down an elevator shaft and risking a lift dropping onto us or slamming up from below.