Dark Lady Quest

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Everything was going great you were just in the greatest battle for the Black Company leading...
A Lady's Return


A umbran summon
New York
Everything was going great you were just in the greatest battle for the Black Company leading your men to victory against the Lionguard. The smell of blood soaked the field and the corpses could be used to build something for taking down the capital. You were halfway through the pass when the sky opened in the biggest magical anything you'd ever seen in your life. You barely had time to warn the troops before they were descended upon by spirits of gold and sliver hungry for your lives.

You stood no chance.

But your soul did. Dark seals shrouded it from the descending spirits it protection keeping you hidden and bound to the earth waiting to be found. As a soul without a body to inhabit, you were left with nothing but your thoughts to measure the darkness. Eventually you start to move, where you have no clue but the journey does help you get a feel of your companions soul. It feels:

[]Tortured, their mind and body have been slowly warped by unending torture. They are now barely more that a beast of unending pain and rage
[]Corrupted, their body has been twisted by a outside force, using them as a puppet to further its own ends.
[] Driven, full of a inherent desire for power that has never been at risk of dimming
[]Tragic, they lost someone or something essential to them to the point the loss defines their existence,
[]Isolated, reaching out happily fueled on hopes of meeting another person, it was slowly succumbing to delusion

Long is the time it takes you to reach your destination, a familiar feeling tipping you off to your companions destination the Dark Tower a palace of knowledge for those that wanted to manipulate souls. Back when you were a general for the shadow empire you often came here to be brought up to date when you weren't doing your own personal research. A slight bitterness tinges the memories since its highly likely that like you everyone who had worked in the facility is dead. Dragged out of your thoughts, you felt your self being prepared to take over a new vessel and enter the land of the living, embracing the feel of your new mortal form...
Your new body is:
[] Human, A familiar nimble thing eager to return outside and explore.
[]Draconic, Something new and scaly adorned with large wings
[]Mutated, Twisted and unnatural designed to be better than the common man
[]Undead, You old one ravaged by the passage of time, a deep thirst fills it
[]Abomination, Dragged from the deeps of the black sea your limbs are different and many
[]Demonic, Exotic mix of man beast a with filled with a desire for elements of the earth

After taking your time to slowly examine your new body and getting used to the weight of everything you start to raise. Bones and muscles popping and creaking as you get up standing at full height before deciding that the first thing to do with your new body is

[] Talk to the one who gave you a second chance at life
-[]What do you say
[] Go to another part of the Tower
-[] Roof
-[] Kitchen
-[] Library
[] Try to perform some magic
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Character Sheet
Name: Dark Lady, Niña of the Eternal Seals
Race: Human

Current Abilities:

Weapon Proficiency:
Arming Sword(Talented)

Dimachaerus Style, a school on duel-wielding weapons filled with her soul that ignores all physical defenses to attack the only thing that matters the soul. She would not block deflecting their weak strikes and avoiding what came too close. Her attacks would go beyond the flesh cutting off the connection between body and soul.[Focus: Dueling]
Soul Arrow, allows the user swing their sword and have the soul energy collected in it fire off in a straight line.
Spirit Steps, allows the user to extend their soul out their body and pull their body foward to that location.
Aura Blade, Forge floating blades that mimic your movements
Deflect, makes the caster user more resistant to physical attacks and spells
Soul Arts:
Soul Anchor, A combination of Darkness and sealing that binds a soul to a location for extended periods of time, Soul anchor can be used on people with and without a body to make sure the don't leave a location forcing them to stay inside the limits of thier own soul
Soul String, Is a weaker variation o Soul anchor meant for battle with this when the user makes contact with a enemy they can send some of thier soul energy into them in the form of string. These strings move under their skin and can paralyze opponents by binding their muscles so that they can't move, or by tying them to a piece of the environment so they can avoid a attack.
Soul Spear, Is a art made from simialar principals as soul arrow, this version was modified to face closer opponents that keep moving just out of range. This art creates a solid shaft of energy that condenses and expands on the users command, the spear allows for powerful attacks due to exploding upon contact with solid objects.
Two rusty knight swords
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A Lady's Return 2
Upon gazing at the one who helped you find you way back to a living body your assessment of corruption was reinforced. A air of otherness clung to her being, her more unusual features easily catching your gaze, white skin with the color and glow of moonlight, hunters eyes shining brightly behind a veil two deep orange pools that spoke of more, many a piece of a endless whole.

Your inspection ended as you asked the thing that had been gnawing at you the entire trip "No offense meant or intent to sound ungrateful but why have you summoned me?"

"My lady
[] Name
-[] of the Eternal Seals
-[] of the Biting Blades
-[] of the Silent End
-[] Write-In

"We are Nero and would like your help in sealing the aspects of the 'bright ones' and forcing a wedge between them and the souls in there care"

"Bright ones?" you ask not remembering any race or species called that.

"They are a type of parasite from beyond the Maelstrom and what killed you and most of your men 40 years ago." She said simply "They Infest a host on this reality and modify them to take control off after they mature."

"I'm grateful for the clarification that the cause of my unexpected defeat" you say turning from her to face the rest of the room "but that doesn't explain why you just didn't walk inside the Tower I'm not sure why you need me yet."

"We actually tried that" the pale woman says with a positive tone "but the material we need is in one of the more restricted Archives and the guardians won't let us through without the kind of fight that would end with what we're looking for destroyed anyways"

"So I'm you basically revived me for a -"

"-retrieval job yes, though it was really the sudden influx of infected ones that made me want it in any kind of hurry"

"wait people are heading here?"

"Yeah a couple of knights from Lionguard their aspects are almost completely mature so they can easily fly over here in about two or three days or so."

Time to (Pick 2)
[] Practice your skills you haven't used any of them in a long time
-[] Get used to your new body
-[] Try and strengthen you soul
-[] Use Magic
[] Explore the Tower and See how it changed
[] Go into the Archives and look for Books
[] Have Nero teach you magic

[] Speak to Nero
-[] about what
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A Lady's Return 3
Your talk with Nero came temporarily to a close, as you headed to where you remember a arena to prepare for the challenges ahead. Forty years was a long time to be away from battle, away from soldiers, away from comrades. Starting over again would be difficult, even with the to tower to herself.

Minutes passed in silence, your steps kicking up dust as you walked down corridors and staircases that had been empty for decades. To fight as you remember, in harmony with your body you needed to know you limits and how you'd changed.

Making a final turn, you found the armory...or what was left of it with a coat of dust and rust over everything swords and spears, hammer and axes, shields and bows all lined up at the ready. Finding what she wants Nina grabs a

[] Pair of Gauntlets
[] Axe
[] Knife
[] Spear
[] Sword
[] Staff
[] Hammer

getting used to the weight, before going through some familiar motions as she imagined how she would face those hungry spirits, golden shades that wanted her soul. One plan after another flashing through her mind as she moved moved around the room attacking in the formations that came naturally. Her moves not as they should but close, quick attacks easily parting the air, while it wasn't the same it was familiar enough for her to settle into her old:

[] Dimachaerus Style, a school on duel-wielding weapons filled with her soul that ignores all physical defenses to attack the only thing that matters the soul. She would not block deflecting their weak strikes and avoiding what came too close. Her attacks would go beyond the flesh cutting off the connection between body and soul.[Focus: Dueling]
[] Andabata Style, a set of techniques designed for those that could read their opponents soul, all emotion and intent obvious to you making it easy to predict and redirect their attacks. Alone or against a group you are hard to surprise. Your movements are meant to lock down the enemy to the point all road leads to failure. [Focus: Crowd Fighting]
[] Thraex Style, It's not about winning its acquiring your opponents weakness so you don't lose, finding chinks in their armor, old and new wounds, things they would die defend. If it keeps you and your comrades alive you will find it. It doesn't matter if the opponent is a rival army or a raging beast all defenses will erode to nothing before your eyes.[Focus: Team fighting]

A simple joy came over Niña as she moved, setting her new body towards what she felt was right, each movement more effortless than the last, a haze motions that continued until Nero returned with food.

"Good quality ,no" Nero said setting up your meal "I promise you, Niña that body is of the highest quality possible"

"That's good to know but, I still have some things I'm curious about."

"Like what?"

"Well you said that the maelstrom only killed most of my men, so does that mean some of my compatriot are still alive?"

"Well kinda, most got caught up in the disaster and just got consumed or dragged away, a small band was able to escape about twenty or so. That's how I knew to get you actually they were able to recognize that you were doing some kind of mix of binding and soul sealing magic to not become a snack like the rest. But they couldn't really reach you to help out which is how I first got involved."

"So does that mean you work for whats left of the Black Company?"

"Less for and more with, I want to get rid of the sky ghosts and your the kind of person that can help with that. Plus even if that magic you cast was some kind of miracle, you would still be able to get information from the Tower and help against General Jubileus."

"Good to know I wouldn't be consider useless If I had nothing for the 'bright ones' by the way, what exactly are you looking for insider there anyways."

"Anything you could find on Soul Anatomy, Binding, Spell theory and Soul incompatibility, stuff like that should help since we're basically building a new spell ourselves" Nero exclaimed cheerfully.
Pick 2
[] Practice your skills
-[] Practice using your style
-[] Try and strengthen you soul
-[] Practice some Magic
[] Explore the Tower and See how it changed
[] Find a place to Sleep
[] Go into the Archives and look for Books
[] Have a spar with Nero
[] Have Nero teach you magic
[] Try and Find the Tower Guardians

[] Speak to Nero
-[] about what
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A Lady's Return 4
Trying to fall asleep was awkward after forty years of constant thought. While Niña knew her body needed sleep It didn't really connect for her, she didn't feel any different that when she woke up. Looking down at the rusted swords her only real signs the world had changed, the moon and stars just as she remembered.

The night passed slowly Niña mind going over the thing Nero told her, her organization gone while LionGuard had thrived and expanded. She wathced the spotted blackness slowly shifted into blue as the first rays of the sun peaked over the Black Sea.

"Sleep well" your employer yells from down in the streets waving before tossing a small bag

"Not really" you reply taking out some fruit and jerky to chow on, "spent most of the night thinking"

"Good means your in awake enough to not mind a spar"

You nod quickly eating before descending from your perch, breathing in to relax making sure your stance is free of tension, as you raise your swords and shift into form.

"So this is more of a exhibition match so that you can show off and let me know what you can do. So you go first" she says reaching behind her back and pulling out a stone hammer.

How do you approach
[] Attack with
-[] Pure Swordsmanship
-[] Aura Blade
-[] Spirit steps
-[] Soul String
[] Tactics
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A Lady's Return 5
You take her offer gathering energy before running to close the distance, your blades start glowing as you prepare the first art you ever learned Soul Arrow, twin shards of blue fire off at as swing of your blades, bait to see if she was the type to take the hit or jump and avoid it entirely.

"Good start!" cheers Nero fixing her stance eyes brightening before raising the hammer to the sky and a slab of earth with it. Most of the slab turns to dust on impact your attacks going with it, lips curled the robbed woman stands on the remains of the slab before flicking the hammer at you the stone head flying towards your face.

Trusting her new reflexes, a bright blue sword appears before Niña as she raises her hand easily cutting through the stone. Niña placed her energy into forging another copy of her swords, she willed another Aura Blade into existence its blazing form piercing through Neros attacks. Seeing her advancing quickly Nero starts using the remains of the hammer like a wand ordering rocks to streak through the air like comets, and stalagmites to erupting from below like geysers.

The volley of attacks while intense was nothing to Niña her blades shining as they cut through Stalagmites as they formed, and brushing of the comets that came too close. She was in her element fighting the kind of battle that could easily butcher her normal men. Projectiles the size of her head falling from the sky, spikes raising from the ground it was so soothing. Taking the final step to get closer Niña took a breath and escaped soul stepping out of her new container positioning herself in what she hoped was a blind spot.

As she waited for her new body to rush after her, and snap into space. Nero used the slight reprieve to switch spells dropping the handle and dissolved the stone under her, reshaping the dust into a new form.

The Dust above her formed into a mass of shifting snakes, that writhed around before focusing all of there blank eyes on Niña. Unready for the shift you can barely block as they launch a sand twister pushing you off the ground and through a weakend wall.

Damnit, you think as you land, chiding yourself for being off guard

How do you use to attack this time?
Pick 2
[] Swordsmanship
[] Aura Blade
[] Spirit Steps
[] Soul String

[] Tactics
A Lady's Return 6
Displeased you look around before standing up rotted wood bending under your feet as you stand. Leaping over the pile of rubble and through the hole you made crashing in. Tracing her path to where you last saw the cloaked girl Niña only to find a statue pointing up. Furring her brow as she tried to follow the path Niña almost didn't hear the rustling coming from beside her.

Before it can catch you a second time you dodged, diving out the way as one of the snake heads crashed into the ground like a hammer. Rushing back you sliced what remained into rubble, killing some of the wind before Soul Stepping up to a roof your body mimicking your path up. Shielding your eyes from the sun your eyes dart around looking for your partner.

It quickly pays off as a two more heads pop out of the a nearby window, twisting and coiling through the air like their namesakes trying to limit movement. Chunks form in their mouths ripping holes in the remains of the roof. Not wasting time you Soul Step jumping from one snake head to another swinging your arms in a way you want you body to follow as you catch up.

Snapping into place you rend the heads into nothing as you land in the house they came from expecting another trap. Walking forward you cut through the door, seeing Nero on the other side as it falls sculpting a pair of kneeling statues. Turning as the wood drops to the floor the twin guards raise attacking you in tandem.

Spirit stepping back we snap just out of range before taking them both on, ducking under a swing from one while parrying a blow from the other. Letting each of them move as you chip away piece by piece sending fingers flying, gouging out bits of chest, as some of their strikes make it through the shallow hits leaving a dull ache on parts of your arm and chest. As you regain momentum she starts making the strikes deliberate eat strike landing somewhere fatal with the wounds leaking more and more magic as they tried to pull themselves together.

Not that you'd let that happen, you slice them thoroughly filling the air with magic as Nero gives up on the spell. Not waiting for her to come up with something new you Spirit Step towards Nero closing the distance snapping into place, your blades appearing before her neck.


"-passed!" says Nero congratulating me before taking a seat and turning to me "so what did you think? I made sure to stick to the basics, outside of environment stuff since I don't real know what you could do"

[] What did you think of you first fight since waking up?
[] What do you think of Nero's spells?
Nero noticed a boat coming to shore on the east coast after your fight.
[] Go meet them
[] Wait for them to wander by the village

Getting the fight out of your system made you feel nice and focused time to
Pick 2
[] Review Magic
-[] From memory
-[] Check out the remains of the town Library
[] Explore the Town, see if theirs anything of worth left behind
[] Go into the Archives and look for the Books
[] Have Nero teach you magic
[] Try and Locate the Tower Guardians
[] Explore the area around the Tower

[] Speak to Nero
-[] about what

Since I'm partially doing this to become a better writer, however long that takes. I'd like feedback if their's something you think I could improve on or a problem of mine that can be easily corrected.
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A Lady's Return 7
Looking back on the encounter and the back and forth that while difficult wasn't overwhelming "I think its great, I was on the back foot at points but won in the end, I enjoyed it" you admit.

"That's good" she said smiling as I take a seat next to her.

"Also, that was some amazing basics" you say remembering how ineffective your ranged attack was "I could hardly close the gap ,whenever you built something new"

"Its just construction mostly, shifting something from one form to another, its quite easy when you get familiar with it. The impressive stuff in would be repurposing a house into a living servant like I did earlier" she explains, pointing at the faded walls that surrounds us.

I could easily see it the ceiling crushing down compressing into as the whole place shifted into something like the stone Snakes a large pet that could potentially defeat her.

The conversation dies down naturally as you poke your arm and chest your impromptu inspection fueled by memories of sleeping off wounds and waking to them worse than before. You stop touching yourself when Nero turns and declares "we have visitors".

"The Lionguard?"

" No wrong direction, they came from one of the isles a little father out in the black sea."

Realizing where she's talking about you let out a slight oh as you decide to join her to meet them having enjoyed talking to travelers from there before. Walking what you think is east you follow Nero in peaceful silence enjoying the atmosphere of the land, the lack of distractions making it easy to focus as you examine some of the soul tricks and techniques you learned that weren't compatible with you fighting style:

[] Soul Memory, by pouring you soul into a object your familiar with you can easily etch every detail of it int your soul. Objects remembered like this can easily be remade using arts meaning a Artist could recreate a weapon they trained with for years, a loving pet that passed, a illusion of home or if especially scarring events from their past.
[] Soul Harmony, is a process that allows the user to temporarily adjust the characteristics of the energy naturally given off by their soul to match someone else's. The process lets them disguise themselves from people with tracking spells by appearing as someone else, while also serving as mild protection from soul Arts since by making the soul more similar to the casters, the invading of energy is less potent
[] Soul Spear, Is a art made from simialar principals as soul arrow, this version was modified to face closer opponents that keep moving just out of range. This art creates a solid shaft of energy that condenses and expands on the users command, the spear allows for powerful attacks due to exploding upon contact with solid objects.
[] Lock, a seal that was made to trap the targets soul inside their body, allowing for a varity of uses depending on the situation. It can save a allies life by keeping them in thier body while near death, cause a soul arts user to be unable to cast spells depending on the intensity, or help recover from illness by forcing the body and soul to work together.

Coming out of your thoughts you notice the ground shift from solid rock to dark grass, as you enter a small grove its canopy providing shade from the intense sun. Asking for a quick break, you sit down back against the rough back of a tree, the wind blowing hints of a sea breezing in your face. Glancing up at the sky you see something new near the edge of the Shadow Mountains, a active volcano lava trailing down it like blood from a fresh wound .

[] Talk to Nero
[] Comfortable silence
Nero says to expect
[] One
[] Two
[] Three
travelers from the boat

[] What do you plan to do when you meet whoever owns the boat

[]Practice your skills
-[] Practice using your style
-[] Try and strengthen you soul
-[] Practice some Magic
[] Have Nero teach you magic
[] Continue exploring the area around the Tower
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A Lady's Return 8
As you cool off under the old tree letting the sun sink and the heat lower, you go over the what you remember of that Soul Art. It wasn't hard or complicated just constructed in a way that would waste time on a battle field, a pale white surrounds you hand before extending out pulling in more of your aura as it did becoming more, and more solid. Raising to stand as it slowly reached the length of my body, holding the shaft of light, I pulled back slowly and let it loose.

Its was gone in a flash, a loud pop reaching your ears as it pierced its way through two trees, before detonating halfway through the second. Leaving a smoking hole through the first and a depression half the size of you chest in the second.

Appreciation for its effects came easy when you compared its power to that of a soul arrow, the projectiles speed and construction benefiting the heat of battle despite being quite weak. A clear case of situational focus.

"Done with your break" you hear Nero call behind you

"Yeah" you reply "Its time to go," Turning so you can follow her lead

Pacing a bit she starts heading deeper into the grove, life seemed more vibrant as you escaped the sun spotting more birds twisting through the air, mushrooms sticking to and beasts rushing to stay out of sight. As a true canopy formed above you blocking more and more light as Nero's feet followed some unknown path. Taking time to follow Nero's tracks you a start to get stronger and stronger waifs of sea air along with the sound of crashing waves.

As we step on the sun-soaked sand you see the pair your companion told you about before your break, the pairs were sitting away from each other one still in the boat is fishing, while the other is sitting under a tarp looking through a book.

"-south. I think I can make out the first of the three teeth. Which means what were looking for is further north"


"But fixing our, course would add another day of travel and I doubt we can navigate a forest"

"We could meet wolves if I'm lucky"


"Directions?" the fisherman says flipping the line through the air leaving the fish in a pile next to a book

"Can be given" Nero states slipping into there conversation

"Sounds great" they fisherman replays the navigator not really acknowledging the new person "we'll trade if you can tell us how to get to the Tower"

[] Talk to Fisherman or Navigator
-[] About what they want from the tower
-[] Where their from
-[] what their skills are
[]Agree to trade for
-[] A Book
-[] A weapon
-[] A future favor

[] Go home
[] Spend the rest of the day at the beach
-[] Go swimming
-[] Go fishing
-[] Go hunting

[]Practice your skills
-[] Experiment with your style
-[] Meditate
-[] Refine Soul Arts
[] Talk to Nero about magic
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A Lady's Return 9
"Before we tell you I have to ask, what do you guys want from the tower when you reach it anyways?"

"We'd like to retrieve a note journal, of master Nichrom."

"Nichrom, the Healer?" You ask the name having a sense of familiarity

"Yeah him" Fisher says looking back noticing you for the first time as she flipped another fish on top the pile "He stayed in our village back before we
were born and traded knowledge our elders."

"Your Village?"

"We are members of the Patch Tribe, its south of the New molten lake and Darcoven Village"

"Ah" you exclaim to yourself the directions making sense if you could get a map

"Alright" You hear Nero say as she starts to negotiate what you get for helping them out

Walking away from the others you reach down into the sand pulling on a stick before standing by the coast. Flipping it over as you think slowly filling and coating it blue, before letting loose with a swing the wave parting around the arrow you just shot. The wave was simple and it had mostly faded already just a couple meters out, it was basic to a fault.

Remembering how you learned it, you decided against changing the art but instead how you used it, from now on you would:

[] Start using it at close range
[] Learn how to perform it with Aura Blades
[] use the minimum amount of energy to use them faster
[] Write-In

To make up for the fact that the spell was weak.

Taking a moment you start getting ready to swim, adjusting and tightening your chest wrap, and slipping off your pants before wading into the warm water. Enjoying the feel on your skin, you dive dipping bellow the water letting the world turn blue as you let yourself be pulled by the current.

Sorry for the Delay work messed with my sleep scheduled for a bit so I was too awake to write. Sorry for the shortness of the scene I'm running a blank and want to try and post once a day.